For example, if 0.1 ml of culture is used for a spread plate and 150 colonies are counted: C = 150 CFU/0.1 ml =1500 CFU/ml Where: C = the concentration of colony forming units (CFU) in the culture plated P = the number of CFU on the plate V = the volume plated
However, what if the aliquot plated was from a 1/10 dilution of the culture? It seems obvious that the concentration of CFU in the original culture would be 10X higher than the value calculated above, or 15,000 CFU/ml. How can this type of relationship be expressed mathematically, in order to simplify making dilutions and performing calculations later? If a suspension is diluted, the number of particles doesn't change: P1 = P2 but, since the volume increases, the concentration (P/V) decreases. Based on the equation for concentration above: P = CV and, C1V1 = C 2V2 That is, since the number of particles is the same in each sample, the concentration in each sample (expressed, for example as CFU/ml) times the volume (ml) would be the same.
To calculate dilutions:
For example, if a culture contains 1 x 109 cells/ml and 0.1 ml is added to 9.9 ml of a blank, Dilution = 0.1ml/(9.9 ml + 0.1 ml) = 0.1 ml/10 ml = 0.01 or 1/100 The Dilution Factor (DF) is the reciprocal of the dilution, or 1/dilution. The Total Dilution is the product of all dilutions:
Dtotal = D1 x D2 x D3 . . .
What does all this mean for spread plates and pour plates? The initial concentration, C1 (that is, the concentration of cells in the undiluted culture) is equal to C2 (the number of colonies/volume plated, or P2/V2) x DF, or:
C1 = initial concentration (or concentration in the stock culture) C2 = CFU/ml (or the concentration of CFU on the plate) P2 = CFU on the plate V2= Volume plated (ml) DF = Dilution Factor
Dilution Problems 1. If there are 2 x 1012 bacteria in 200 ml, what is the cell concentration? 2. If you have 175 ml of a crystal violet solution of 5 :g/ml, how much crystal violet do you have? 3. If you add 2 ml of a bacterial suspension with a concentration of 2 x 109 cells/ml to 13 ml of water, what is the new cell concentration? 4. Diagram a scheme to make a 1:10,000 dilution 5. Diagram a scheme to make a 1:7.2 dilution 6. You perform the following series of dilutions: 1:10, 1:3, 1:2. What is your total dilution? What is the DF? 7. After diluting your culture 1:5000, you have a cell concentration of 2.3 x 102 cells/ml. What was the initial concentration? 8. After diluting your culture 1:2500, you plate 0.1 ml and get 154 colonies. What was the initial concentration?
Dilution Problems (solutions) 1. If there are 2 x 1012 bacteria in 200 ml, what is the cell concentration?
2. If you have 175 ml of a crystal violet solution of 5 :g/ml, how much crystal violet do you have?
3. If you add 2 ml of a bacterial suspension with a concentration of 2 x 109 cells/ml to 13 ml of water, what is the new cell concentration?
6. You perform the following series of dilutions: 1:10, 1:3, 1:2. What is your total dilution? What is the DF?
7. After diluting your culture 1:5000, you have a cell concentration of 2.3 x 102 cells/ml. What was the initial concentration?
8. After diluting your culture 1:2500, you plate 0.1 ml and get 154 colonies. What was the initial concentration?
Dilution Problems (Set #2) 1. Diagram a scheme to make a 1:3500 dilution. (Just draw the dilutions, not the tubes.) 2. You dilute a culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1:100,000 and plate 0.2 ml. After incubation, you count 60 colonies. What was the concentration of cells in the original culture? 3. A spread plate inoculated with 0.2 ml from a 10-8 dilution contained 90 colonies. Calculate the cell concentration of the original culture. 4. Your spread plates contain 23, 191, and 643 CFU for your 10-6, 10-7, and 10-8 dilutions, respectively. What was the concentration of cells in the original culture? 5. Starting with a stock bacterial culture with a total cell count of 6.2 x 1010 cells/ml, outline an experiment for performing a viable count using pour plates. Assume that at least 10% of the culture is still viable. Provide: a. a dilution scheme for the stock culture, including the volumes of cells and diluent used b. the dilutions used and the volume plated c. the rationale for using the dilutions selected 6. You decide to assay a stock solution of bacteria that is supposed to have 3.7 x 10 8 cells/ml. In order to perform the assay, show: a. how you would dilute the stock (volumes of stock and diluent) b. the dilutions you would plate, as well as the volume plated c. the number of cfu expected
1. Diagram a scheme to make a 1:3500 dilution. (Just draw the dilutions, not the tubes.)
total dilution DF
10-1 10-2 10-3 2.86 x 10-4 (or 1/3500) 10 100 1000 3500
2. You dilute a culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1:100,000 and plate 0.2 ml. After incubation, you count 60 colonies. What was the concentration of cells in the original culture?
First, select the proper plate to use. We want between 30 and 300 colonies/plate, so that would be the one with 191 colonies, which was inoculated from the 10-7 dilution. Since the volume plated wasnt given, well assume it was 0.1 ml, since thats most common with spread plates. C1 = C2 x DF = (P/V) x DF = (191 cfu/0.1 ml) x 107 = 1.9 x 1010 cfu/ml
5. Starting with a stock bacterial culture with a total cell count of 6.2 x 1010 cells/ml, outline an experiment for performing a viable count using pour plates. Assume that at least 10% of the culture is still viable. Provide: a. a dilution scheme for the stock culture, including the volumes of cells and diluent used b. the dilutions used and the volume plated c. the rationale for using the dilutions selected
We want 30-300 colonies/plate. With the total cell concentration given, 62 colonies is a good target number. If all of the cells are alive, the dilution that gives us 62 cfu in a 0.1 ml inoculum will have a concentration of 620 cfu/ml, since C = P/V = (62 cfu/0.1 ml). C1 (stock culture concentration) = C2 (concentration in the dilution plated) x DF DF = C1/C2 = (6.2 x 1010 cfu/ml)/(620 cfu/ml) = 1 x 108 Total dilution = 1/DF = 10-8 a. A dilution scheme to give a total dilution of 10-8 could be 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:10 1:10. b. Plate 0.1 ml (as used in the calculation above) from the 10-8 and 10-7 dilutions. c. We use two dilutions as inocula because the cells may only be 10% viable. That is, if the cells are all alive, the 0.1 ml from the 10-8 dilution will contain 62 cfu. But, if its only 10% viable, it will contain only 1/10 as many cfu, or only about 6 cfu. If thats the case, we protect ourselves (since we wont know how many cells are viable for a couple of days) by plating from the next lower dilution. Since that dilution is 10x more concentrated (or less dilute) it will have 10x more viable cells, or 62 cfu/0.1 ml.
6. You decide to assay a stock solution of bacteria that is supposed to have 3.7 x 108 cells/ml. In order to perform the assay, show: a. how you would dilute the stock (volumes of stock and diluent) b. the dilutions you would plate, as well as the volume plated c. the number of cfu expected We want 30-300 colonies/plate. We could try for 37, but thats too close to 30, so well double it and aim for 74 colonies/plate. We could adjust for that in our dilution scheme, but its easier to just double our inoculum to the maximum permitted volume of 0.2 ml. That means C2 = (74 cfu/0.2 ml) = 370 cfu/ml. DF = C1/C2 = (3.7 x 108 cfu/ml)/(3.7 x 102 cfu/ml) = 1 x 106 ; Total dilution = 10-6 a. For a total dilution of 10-6 we could do serial 1/10 dilutions = 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 We do 1/10 dilutions (instead of some 1/100) because we have no idea how many cells are viable and will need to plate from lots of dilutions in case viablility is very low. (Remember, with 3.7 x 108 cells/ml if even 0.0001% are alive, thats still 3.7 x 102 cells/ml.) b. As indicated above, since we dont know the concentration of viable cells, we plate from a number of dilutions in order to cover a wide range of possibilities. I would probably use every dilution, just to be safe. That would cover me from viable cell concentrations of 370 cfu/ml up through 3.7 x 108 cfu/ml. c. Since I would be plating 0.2 ml, I would expect 74 cfu from the 10-6 dilution if all cells were viable. As viability dropped, each lower dilution would compensate for decreases of 10%. As I stated above, by plating 0.2 ml from each dilution, I would be covered for 100% viability, down to 0.0001%.