Ps 9221 Power System Protection
Ps 9221 Power System Protection
Ps 9221 Power System Protection
e Phase transformer-Equivalent circuit of transformer Types of faults in transformers- Over current protection Percentage Differential Protection of Transformers - Inrush phenomenon-High resistance Ground Faults in Transformers Inter-turn faults in transformers Incipient faults in transformers - Phenomenon of over-fluxing in transformers Transformer protection application chart .Electrical circuit of the generator Various faults and abnormal operating conditions-rotor fault Abnormal operating conditions; numerical examples for typical transformer and generator protection schemes UNIT II OVER CURRENT PROTECTION 9 Time Current characteristics-Current setting Time setting-Over current protective schemes Reverse power or directional relay - Protection of parallel feeders - Protection of ring feeders - Earth fault and phase fault protection - Combined Earth fault and phase fault protection scheme - Phase fault protective scheme directional earth fault relay - Static over current relays; numerical example for a radial feeder UNIT III DISTANCE AND CARRIER PROTECTION OF TRANSMISSION LINES 9
Braw back of over Current protection Introduction to distance relay Simple impedance relay Reactance relay mho relays comparison of distance relay Distance protection of a three Phase line-reasons for inaccuracy of distance relay reach - Three stepped distance protection - Trip contact configuration for the three - Stepped distance protection - Three-stepped protection of three-phase line against all ten shunt faults - Impedance seen from relay side - Three-stepped protection of double end fed lines-need for carrier Aided protection Various options for a carrier Coupling and trapping the carrier into the desired line section - Unit type carrier aided directional comparison relaying Carrier aided distance schemes for acceleration of zone .; numerical example for a typical distance protection scheme for a transmission line. UNIT IV BUSBAR R PROTECTION 9 Introduction Differential protection of busbars-external and internal fault Actual behaviors of a protective CT - Circuit model of a saturated CT - External fault with one CT saturation :need for high impedance Minimum internal fault that can be detected by the high Stability ratio of high mpedance busbar differential scheme Supervisory relay-protection of three Phase busbarsNumerical examples on design of high impedance busbar differential scheme. UNIT V NUMERICAL PROTECTION 9 Introduction Block diagram of numerical relay - Sampling theorem- Correlation with a reference wave Least error squared (LES) technique - Digital filtering-numerical over - Current protection Numerical transformer differential protection-Numerical distance protection of transmission line TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Y.G. Paithankar and S.R Bhide, Fundamentals of Power System Protection,Prentice-Hall of India, 2003 2 .P.Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-Hill, 1993. 3. Badri Ram and D.N. Vishwakarma, Power System Protection and Switchgear,Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company, 2002.
PS 9222 POWER SYSTEM DYNAMICS LTPC 3003 UNIT I SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE MODELLING 9 Schematic Diagram, Physical Description: armature and field structure, machines with multiple pole pairs, mmf waveforms, direct and quadrature axes, Mathematical Description of a Synchronous Machine: Basic equations of a synchronous machine: stator circuit equations, stator self, stator mutual and stator to rotor mutual inductances, dq0 Transformation: flux linkage and voltage equations for stator and rotor in dq0 coordinates, electrical power and torque, physical interpretation of dq0 transformation, Per Unit Representations: Lad-reciprocal per unit system and that from power-invariant form of Parks transformation; Equivalent Circuits for direct and quadrature axes, Steadystate Analysis: Voltage, current and flux-linkage relationships, Phasor representation,Rotor angle, Steady-state equivalent circuit, Computation of steady-state values, Equations of Motion: Swing Equation, calculation of inertia constant, Representation in system studies, Synchronous Machine representation in Stability Studies: Simplifications for large-scale studies : Neglect of stator p terms and speed variations, Simplified model with amortisseurs neglected: two-axis model with amortisseur windings neglected, classical model. UNIT II MODELLING OF EXCITATION AND SPEED GOVERNING SYSTEMS 9 Excitation System Requirements; Elements of an Excitation System; Types of Excitation System;Control and protective functions;IEEE (1992) block diagram for simulation of excitation systems. Turbine and Governing System Modelling: Functional Block Diagram of Power Generation and Control, Schematic of a hydroelectric plant, classical transfer function of a hydraulic turbine (no derivation), special characteristic of hydraulic turbine, electrical analogue of hydraulic turbine, Governor for Hydraulic Turbine: Requirement for a transient droop, Block diagram of governor with transient droop compensation, Steam turbine modelling: Single reheat tandem compounded type only and IEEE block diagram for dynamic simulation; generic speed-governing system model for normal speed/load control function. UNIT III SMALL-SIGNAL STABILITY ANALYSIS WITHOUT CONTROLLERS 9 Classification of Stability, Basic Concepts and Definitions: Rotor angle stability, The Stability Phenomena. Fundamental Concepts of Stability of Dynamic Systems: Statespace representation, stability of dynamic system, Linearisation, Eigen properties of the state matrix: Eigen values and eigenvectors, modal matrices, eigen value and stability, mode shape and participation factor. SingleMachine Infinite Bus (SMIB) Configuration: Classical Machine Model stability analysis with numerical example, Effects of Field Circuit Dynamics: synchronous machine, network and linearised system equations, block diagram representation with K-constants; expression for K-constants (no derivation), effect of field flux variation on system stability: analysis with numerical example. UNIT IV SMALL-SIGNAL STABILITY ANALYSIS WITH CONTROLLERS 9 Effects Of Excitation System: Equations with definitions of appropriate K-constants and simple thyristor excitation system and AVR, block diagram with the excitation system, analysis of effect of AVR on synchronizing and damping components using a numerical example, Power System Stabiliser: Block diagram with AVR and PSS, Illustration of principle of PSS application with numerical example, Block diagram of PSS with description, system state matrix including PSS, analysis of stability with numerical example. Multi-Machine Configuration: Equations in a common reference frame, equations in individual machine rotor coordinates, illustration of formation of system state matrix for a two-machine system with classical models for synchronous machines, illustration of stability analysis using a numerical example. Principle behind small-signal stability improvement methods: delta-omega and delta P-omega stabilizers.
UNIT V ENHANCEMENT OF SMALL SIGNAL STABILITY 9 Power System Stabilizer Stabilizer based on shaft speed signal (delta omega) Delta P-Omega stabilizer-Frequency-based stabilizers Digital Stabilizer Excitation control design Exciter gain Phase lead compensation Stabilizing signal washout stabilizer gain Stabilizer limits. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-Hill, 1993. 2. IEEE Committee Report, "Dynamic Models for Steam and Hydro Turbines in Power System Studies, IEEE Trans., Vol.PAS-92, pp 1904-1915, November/December, 1973. on Turbine-Governor Model. 3. P.M Anderson and A.A Fouad, Power System Control and Stability, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1978.
PS 9223 FLEXIBLE AC TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Reactive power control in electrical power transmission lines Uncompensated transmission line series compensation Basic concepts of static Var Compensator (SVC) Thyristor Switched Series capacitor (TCSC) Unified power flow controller (UPFC). UNIT II STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR (SVC) AND APPLICATIONS 9 Voltage control by SVC Advantages of slope in dynamic characteristics Influence of SVC on system voltage Design of SVC voltage regulator Modelling of svc for power flow and transient stability Applications: Enhancement of transient stability Steady state power transfer enhancement of power system damping Prevention of voltage instability. UNIT III THYRISTOR CONTROLLED SERIES CAPACITOR (TCSC) AND APPLICATIONS 9 Operation of the TCSC Different modes of operation Modelling of TCSC Variable reactance model Modelling for Power Flow and stability studies. Applications: Improvement of the system stability limit Enhancement of system damping-SSR Mitigation. UNIT IV VOLTAGE SOURCE CONVERTER BASED FACTS CONTROLLERS 9 Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) Principle of operation V-I Characteristics. Applications: Steady state power transfer-Enhancement of transient stability - Prevention of voltage instability. SSSC-operation of SSSC and the control of power flow Modelling of SSSC in load flow and transient stability studies. Applications: SSR Mitigation-UPFC and IPFC UNIT V CO-ORDINATION OF FACTS CONTROLLERS 9 Controller interactions SVC SVC interaction Co-ordination of multiple controllers using linear control techniques Control coordination using genetic algorithms. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. R.Mohan Mathur, Rajiv K.Varma, Thyristor Based Facts Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems, IEEE press and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2. Narain G. Hingorani, Understanding FACTS -Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi- 110 006 3. K.R.Padiyar, FACTS Controllers in Power Transmission and Distribution, New Age International(P) Limited, Publishers, New Delhi, 2008 4. A.T.John, Flexible A.C. Transmission Systems, Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 1999. 5. V.K.Sood,HVDC and FACTS controllers Applications of Static Converters in Power System, APRIL 2004 , Kluwer Academic Publishers.
PS 9224 RESTRUCTURED POWER SYSTEMS LTPC 3003 UNIT I OVERVIEW OF KEY ISSUES IN ELECTRIC UTILITIES RESTRUCTURING 9 Restructuring Models: PoolCo Model, Bilateral Contracts Model, Hybrid Model - Independent System Operator (ISO): The Role of ISO - Power Exchange(PX): Market Clearing Price(MCP) - Market operations: Day-ahead and Hour-Ahead Markets, Elastic and Inelastic Markets - Market Power Stranded costs - Transmission Pricing: Contract Path Method, The MW-Mile Method - Congestion Pricing: Congestion Pricing Methods, Transmission Rights - Management of Inter-Zonal/Intra Zonal Congestion: Solution procedure, Formulation of Inter-Zonal Congestion Sub problem, Formulation of Intra- Zonal Congestion Sub problem. UNIT II ELECTRIC UTILITY MARKETS IN THE UNITED STATES 9 California Markets: ISO, Generation, Power Exchange, Scheduling Co-coordinator, UDCs, Retailers and Customers, Day-ahead and Hour-Ahead Markets, Block forwards Market, Transmission Congestion Contracts(TCCs) - New York Market: Market operations - PJM interconnection - Ercot ISO - New England ISO - Midwest ISO: MISOs Functions, Transmission Management, Transmission System Security, Congestion Management, Ancillary Services Coordination, Maintenance Schedule Coordination - Summary of functions of U.S. ISOs. UNIT III OASIS: OPEN ACCESS SAME-TIME INFORMATION SYSTEM 9 FERC order 889 - Structure of OASIS: Functionality and Architecture of OASIS - Implementation of OASIS Phases: Phase 1, Phase 1-A, Phase 2 - Posting of information: Types of information available on OASIS, Information requirement of OASIS, Users of OASIS - Transfer Capability on OASIS: Definitions, Transfer Capability Issues, ATC Calculation, TTC Calculation, TRM Calculation, CBM Calculation - Transmission Services - Methodologies to Calculate ATC - Experiences with OASIS in some Restructuring Models: PJM OASIS, ERCOT OASIS. UNIT IV ELECTRIC ENERGY TRADING 9 Essence of Electric Energy Trading - Energy Trading Framework: The Qualifying factors - Derivative Instruments of Energy Trading: Forward Contracts, Futures Contracts, Options, Swaps, Applications of Derivatives in Electric Energy Trading - Portfolio Management: Effect of Positions on Risk management - Energy Trading Hubs - Brokers in Electricity Trading - Green Power Trading. UNIT V ELECTRICITY PRICING - VOLATILITY, RISK AND FORECASTING 9 Electricity Price Volatility: Factors in Volatility, Measuring Volatility - Electricity Price Indexes: Case Study for Volatility of Prices in California, Basis Risk - Challenges to Electricity Pricing: Pricing Models, Reliable Forward Curves - Construction of Forward Price Curves: Time frame for Price Curves, Types of Forward Price Curves Short-term Price Forecasting: Factors Impacting Electricity Price, Forecasting Methods, Analyzing Forecasting Errors, Practical Data Study. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Mohammad Shahidehpour and Muwaffaq Almoush, Restructured Electrical Power Systems Operation, Trading and Volatility, Marcel Dekkar, Inc, 2001. 2. G.Zaccour, Deregulation of Electric Utilities, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. 3. M.Illic, F.Galiana and L.Fink, Power Systems Restructuring : Engineering and Economics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. 4. Editor, Loi Lei Lai, Power System Restructuring and Deregulation : Trading,Performance and Information Technology, John Wiley and sons Ltd, 2001. 5. K.Bhattacharaya, M.H.J.Bollen and J.E.Daader, Operation of Restructured Power Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. 6. F.C.Schweppe, M.C.Caramanis, R.D.Tabors and R.E.Bohn, Spot Pricing of Electricity, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. 7. Editors: J.H.Chow F.F. Wu and J.A.Momoh, Applied Mathematics for Restructured Electric Power Systems: Optimization, Control and Computational Intelligence, Springer 2004.
PS 9225 POWER SYSTEM SIMULATION LABORATORY- II LTPC 0032 1. Small-signal stability analysis of single machine-infinite bus system using classical machine model 2. Small-signal stability analysis of multi-machine configuration with classical machine model 3 .Co-ordination of over-current and distance relays for radial line protection 4. Induction motor starting analysis 5. Load flow analysis of two-bus system with STATCOM 6 .Transient analysis of two-bus system with STATCOM 7 .Available Transfer Capability calculation using an existing load flow program 8. Computation of harmonic indices generated by a rectifier feeding a R-L load TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
PE9214 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD COMPUTATION AND MODELLING LTPC 3104 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 12 Review of basic field theory electric and magnetic fields Maxwells equations Laplace, Poisson and Helmoltz equations principle of energy conversion force/torque calculation Electro thermal formulation. UNIT II SOLUTION OF FIELD EQUATIONS I 12 Limitations of the conventional design procedure, need for the field analysis based design, problem definition , solution by analytical methods-direct integration method variable separable method method of images, solution by numerical methods- Finite Difference Method. UNIT III SOLUTION OF FIELD EQUATIONS II 12 Finite element method (FEM) Differential/ integral functions Variational method Energy minimization Discretisation Shape functions Stiffness matrix 1D and 2D planar and axial symmetry problem. UNIT IV FIELD COMPUTATION FOR BASIC CONFIGURATIONS 12 Computation of electric and magnetic field intensities Capacitance and Inductance Force, Torque, Energy for basic configurations. UNIT V DESIGN APPLICATIONS 12 Insulators- Bushings Cylindrical magnetic actuators Transformers Rotating machines. L=45: T=15, TOTAL : 60 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. K.J.Binns, P.J.Lawrenson, C.W Trowbridge, The analytical and numerical solution of Electric and magnetic fields, John Wiley & Sons, 1993. 2. Nathan Ida, Joao P.A.Bastos , Electromagnetics and calculation of fields, Springer- Verlage, 1992. 3. Nicola Biyanchi , Electrical Machine analysis using Finite Elements, Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Publishers, 2005. 4. S.J Salon, Finite Element Analysis of Electrical Machines. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, 1995, distributed by TBH Publishers & Distributors, Chennai, India 5. User manuals of MAGNET, MAXWELL & ANSYS software. 6. Silvester and Ferrari, Finite Elements for Electrical Engineers Cambridge University press, 1983.
PE 9211 ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES LTPC 3003 UNIT I PRINCIPLES OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY CONVERSION 9 General expression of stored magnetic energy, co-energy and force/ torque example using single and doubly excited system Calculation of air gap mmf and per phase machine inductance using physical machine data. UNIT II REFERENCE FRAME THEORY 9 Static and rotating reference frames transformation of variables reference frames transformation between reference frames transformation of a balanced set balanced steady state phasor and voltage equations variables observed from several frames of reference. UNIT III DC MACHINES 9 Voltage and toque equations dynamic characteristics of permanent magnet and shunt DC motors state equations - solution of dynamic characteristic by Laplace transformation. UNIT IV INDUCTION MACHINES 9 Voltage and toque equations transformation for rotor circuits voltage and toque equations in reference frame variables analysis of steady state operation free acceleration characteristics dynamic performance for load and torque variations dynamic performance for three phase fault computer simulation in arbitrary reference frame. UNIT V SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 9 Voltage and Torque Equation voltage Equation in arbitrary reference frame and rotor reference frame Park equations - rotor angle and angle between rotor steady state analysis dynamic performances for torque variations- dynamic performance for three phase fault transient stability limit critical clearing time computer simulation. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Paul C.Krause, OlegWasyzczuk, Scott S, Sudhoff, Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems, IEEE Press, Second Edition. 2. R.Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives, Modeling, Analysis and Control , Prentice Hall of India, 2002 REFERENCES 1. Samuel Seely, Eletomechanical Energy Conversion, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company. 2. A.E, Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Jr, and Stephan D, Umanx, Electric Machinery, Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 1992
PE 9213 ANALYSIS OF INVERTERS LTPC 3003 UNIT I SINGLE PHASE INVERTERS 12 Introduction to self commutated switches : MOSFET and IGBT - Principle of operation of half and full bridge inverters Performance parameters Voltage control of single phase inverters using various PWM techniques various harmonic elimination techniques forced commutated Thyristor inverters. UNIT II THREE PHASE VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTERS 9 180 degree and 120 degree conduction mode inverters with star and delta connected loads voltage control of three phase inverters: single, multi pulse, sinusoidal, space vector modulation techniques. UNIT III CURRENT SOURCE INVERTERS 9 Operation of six-step thyristor inverter inverter operation modes load commutated inverters Auto sequential current source inverter (ASCI) current pulsations comparison of current source inverter and voltage source inverters. UNIT IV MULTILEVEL INVERTERS 9 Multilevel concept diode clamped flying capacitor cascade type multilevel inverters - Comparison of multilevel inverters - application of multilevel inverters. UNIT V RESONANT INVERTERS 6 Series and parallel resonant inverters - voltage control of resonant inverters Class E resonant inverter resonant DC link inverters. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Rashid M.H., Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications ", Prentice Hall India, Third Edition, New Delhi, 2004. 2. Jai P.Agrawal, Power Electronics Systems, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2002. 3. Bimal K.Bose Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2003. 4. Ned Mohan,Undeland and Robbin, Power Electronics: converters, Application and design John Wiley and sons.Inc,Newyork,1995. 5. Philip T. krein, Elements of Power Electronics Oxford University Press -1998. REFERENCES 1. P.C. Sen, Modern Power Electronics, Wheeler Publishing Co, First Edition, New Delhi, 1998. 2. P.S.Bimbra, Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers, Eleventh Edition, 2003.
PS9261 EHV POWER TRANSMISSION LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Standard transmission voltages different configurations of EHV and UHV lines average values of line parameters power handling capacity and line loss costs of transmission lines and equipment mechanical considerations in line performance. UNIT II CALCULATION OF LINE PARAMETERS 9 Calculation of resistance, inductance and capacitance for multi-conductor lines calculation of sequence inductances and capacitances line parameters for different modes of propagation resistance and inductance of ground return, numerical example involving a typical 400/220kV line using line constant program. UNIT III VOLTAGE GRADIENTS OF CONDUCTORS 9 Charge-potential relations for multi-conductor lines surface voltage gradient on conductors gradient factors and their use distribution of voltage gradient on sub conductors of bundle - voltage gradients on conductors in the presence of ground wires on towers. UNIT IV CORONA EFFECTS 9 Power losses and audible losses: I2R loss and corona loss - audible noise generation and characteristics - limits for audible noise - Day-Night equivalent noise level- radio interference: corona pulse generation and properties - limits for radio interference fields. UNIT V ELECTROSTATIC FIELD OF EHV LINES 9 Effect of EHV line on heavy vehicles - calculation of electrostatic field of AC lines- effect of high field on humans, animals, and plants - measurement of electrostatic fields - electrostatic Induction in unenergised circuit of a D/C line - induced voltages in insulated ground wires - electromagnetic interference. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Rakosh Das Begamudre, Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering, Second Edition, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., 1990. 2. Power Engineers Handbook, Revised and Enlarged 6th Edition, TNEB Engineers Association, October 2002. 3. Microtran Power System Analysis Corporation, Microtran Reference Manual, Vancouver Canada. (Website:
PE9223 SPECIAL ELECTRICAL MACHINES LTPC 3003 UNIT I SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTORS 9 Constructional features: axial and radial air gap Motors. Operating principle, reluctance torque phasor diagram, motor characteristics Linear induction machines. UNIT II STEPPING MOTORS 9 Constructional features, principle of operation, modes of excitation torque production in Variable Reluctance (VR) stepping motor, Dynamic characteristics, Drive systems and circuit for open loop control, Closed loop control of stepping motor. UNIT III SWITCHED RELUTANCE MOTORS 9 Constructional features-principle of operation-Torque equation-Power Controllers- Characteristics and control Microprocessor based controller. UNIT IV PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS 9 Principle of operation, EMF, power input and torque expressions, Phasor diagram, Power controllers, Torque speed characteristics, Self control, Vector control, Current control schemes. UNIT V PERMANENT MAGNET BRUSHLESS DC MOTORS 9 Commutation in DC motors, Difference between mechanical and electronic commutators, Hall sensors, Optical sensors, Multiphase Brushless motor, Square wave permanent magnet brushless motor drives, Torque and emf equation, Torque-speed characteristics, Controllers-Microprocessor based controller. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Miller, T.J.E. Brushless permanent magnet and reluctance motor drives ", Clarendon Press, oxford, 1989. 2. Kenjo, T, Stepping motors and their microprocessor control ", Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989. 3. LIM REFERENCES 1. Kenjo, T and Naganori, S Permanent Magnet and brushless DC motors ", Clarendon Press,Oxford, 1989. 2. Kenjo, T. Power Electronics for the microprocessor Age, 1989. 3. B.K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics & AC drives 4. R.Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives Modeling, Analysis and Control, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003
PE9261 POWER QUALITY LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction Characterisation of Electric Power Quality: Transients, short duration and long duration voltage variations, Voltage imbalance, waveform distortion, Voltage fluctuations, Power frequency variation, Power acceptability curves power quality problems: poor load power factor, Non linear and unbalanced loads, DC offset in loads, Notching in load voltage, Disturbance in supply voltage Power quality standards. UNIT II NON-LINEAR LOADS 9 Single phase static and rotating AC/DC converters, Three phase static AC/DC converters, Battery chargers, Arc furnaces, Fluorescent lighting, pulse modulated devices, Adjustable speed drives. UNIT III MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS METHODS 9 Voltage, Current, Power and Energy measurements, power factor measurements and definitions, event recorders, Measurement Error Analysis: Analysis in the periodic steady state, Time domain methods, Frequency domain methods: Laplaces, Fourier and Hartley transform The Walsh Transform Wavelet Transform. UNIT IV ANALYSIS AND CONVENTIONAL MITIGATION METHODS 9 Analysis of power outages, Analysis of unbalance: Symmetrical components of phasor quantities, Instantaneous symmetrical components, Instantaneous real and reactive powers, Analysis of distortion: Online extraction of fundamental sequence components from measured samples Harmonic indices Analysis of voltage sag: Detorit Edison sag score, Voltage sag energy, Voltage Sag Lost Energy Index (VSLEI)- Analysis of voltage flicker, Reduced duration and customer impact of outages, Classical load balancing problem: Open loop balancing, Closed loop balancing, current balancing, Harmonic reduction, Voltage sag reduction. UNIT V POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 9 Utility-Customer interface Harmonic filters: passive, Active and hybrid filters Custom power devices: Network reconfiguring Devices, Load compensation using DSTATCOM, Voltage regulation using DSTATCOM, protecting sensitive loads using DVR, UPQC control strategies: P-Q theorySynchronous detection method Custom power park Status of application of custom power devices. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Arindam Ghosh Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002 2. G.T.Heydt, Electric Power Quality, Stars in a Circle Publications, 1994(2nd edition) 3. Power Quality - R.C. Duggan 4. Power system harmonics A.J. Arrillga 5. Power electronic converter harmonics Derek A. Paice
PS9262 POWER SYSTEM PLANNING AND RELIABILITY LTPC 3003 UNIT I LOAD FORECASTING 9 Objectives of forecasting - Load growth patterns and their importance in planning Load forecasting Based on discounted multiple regression technique-Weather sensitive load forecasting-Determination of annual forecasting-Use of AI in load forecasting. UNIT II GENERATION SYSTEM RELIABILITY ANALYSIS 9 Probabilistic generation and load models- Determination of LOLP and expected value of demand not served Determination of reliability of iso and interconnected generation systems. UNIT III TRANSMISSION SYSTEM RELIABILITY ANALYSIS 9 Deterministic contingency analysis-probabilistic load flow-Fuzzy load flow probabilistic transmission system reliability analysis-Determination of reliability indices like LOLP and expected value of demand not served. UNIT IV EXPANSION PLANNING 9 Basic concepts on expansion planning-procedure followed for integrate transmission system planning, current practice in India-Capacitor placer problem in transmission system and radial distributions system. UNIT V DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PLANNING OVERVIEW 9 Introduction, sub transmission lines and distribution substations-Design primary and secondary systems-distribution system protection and coordination of protective devices. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Proceeding of work shop on energy systems planning & manufacturing CI. 2. R.L .Sullivan, Power System Planning,. 3. Roy Billinton and Allan Ronald, Power System Reliability. 4. Turan Gonen, Electric power distribution system Engineering McGraw Hill,1986
ET9272 ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Mathematical description of change of sampling rate Interpolation and Decimation, Filter implementation for sampling rate conversion direct form FIR structures, DTFT, FFT, Wavelet transform and filter bank implementation of wavelet expansion of signals UNIT II ESTIMATION AND PREDICTION TECHNIQUES 9 Discrete Random Processes Ensemble averages, Stationary processes, Autocorrelation and Auto covariance matrices. Parsevals Theorem, Wiener-Khintchine Relation Power Spectral Density. AR, MA, ARMA model based spectral estimation. Parameter Estimation, Linear prediction Forward and backward predictions, Least mean squared error criterion Wiener filter for filtering and prediction, Discrete Kalman filter. UNIT III DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR 9 Basic Architecture Computational building blocks, MAC, Bus Architecture and memory, Data Addressing, Parallelism and pipelining, Parallel I/O interface, Memory Interface, Interrupt, DMA. UNIT IV APPLICATION OF DSP 9 Design of Decimation and Interpolation Filter, FFT Algorithm, PID Controller, Application for Serial Interfacing, DSP based Power Meter, Position control. UNIT V VLSI IMPLEMENTATION 9 Basics on DSP sytem architecture design using VHDL programming, Mapping of DSP algorithm onto hardware, Realisation of MAC & Filter structure. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Bernard Widrow, Samuel D. Stearns, Adaptive Signal Processing, Pearson Education, third edition, 2004. 2. Dionitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, Stepen M. Kogon,Statistical & Adaptive signal processing, spectral estimation, signal modeling, Adaptive filtering & Array processing, McGraw-Hill International edition 2000. 3. Monson H. Hayes, Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modelling, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 4. John G. Proaks, Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson Education 2002. 5. S. Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj and C. Gnanapriya Digital Signal Processing, TMH,2000. 6. Avatar Sing, S. Srinivasan, Digital Signal Processing- Implementation using DSP Microprocessors with Examples from TMS320C54xx, Thomson India, 2004. 7. Lars Wanhammer, DSP Integrated Circuits, Academic press, 1999,New York. 8. Ashok Ambardar,Digital Signal Processing: A Modern Introduction,Thomson India edition, 2007. 9. Lars Wanhammer, DSP Integrated Circuits, Academic press, 1999,New York.
PE9251 CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN LTPC 3003 UNIT I CONVENTIONAL DESIGN METHODS 9 Design specifications- PID controllers and compensators- Root locus based design- Bode based design-Design examples UNIT II DESIGN IN DISCRETE DOMAIN 9 Sample and Hold-Digital equivalents-Impulse and step invariant transformations- Methods of discretisation-Effect of sampling- Direct discrete design discrete root locus Design examples UNIT III OPTIMAL CONTROL 9 Formation of optimal control problems-results of Calculus of variations- Hamiltonian formulationsolution of optimal control problems- Evaluation of Riccatis equation State and output Regulator problems-Design examples UNIT IV DISCRETE STATE VARIABLE DESIGN 9 Discrete pole placement- state and output feedback-estimated state feedback-discrete optimal controldynamic programming-Design examples UNIT V STATE ESTIMATION 9 State Estimation Problem -State estimation- Luenbergers observer-noise characteristics- KalmanBucy filter-Separation Theorem-Controller Design-Wiener filter- Design examples. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. M. Gopal Modern control system Theory New Age International, 2005. 2. Benjamin C. Kuo Digital control systems, Oxford University Press, 2004. 3. G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell and A. E. Naeini Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, PHI Pearson), 2002. 4. Graham C. Goodwin, Stefan F. Graebe and Mario E. Salgado Control system Design, PHI (Pearson), 2003. 5. G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell and M Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, PHI (Pearson), 2002. 6. B.D.O. Anderson and J.B. Moore., Optimal Filtering, Prentice hall Inc., N.J., 1979. 7. Loan D. Landau, Gianluca Zito, Digital Control Systems, Design, Identification and Implementation, Springer, 2006.
PS 9271 OPTIMAL CONTROL AND FILTERING LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Statement of optimal control problem Problem formulation and forms of optimal Control Selection of performance measures. Necessary conditions for optimal control Pontryagins minimum principle State inequality constraints Minimum time problem. UNIT II LQ CONTROL PROBLEMS AND DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING 9 Linear optimal regulator problem Matrix Riccatti equation and solution method Choice of weighting matrices Steady state properties of optimal regulator Linear tracking problem LQG problem Computational procedure for solving optimal control problems Characteristics of dynamic programming solution Dynamic programming application to discrete and continuous systems Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation. UNIT III NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES FOR OPTIMAL CONTROL 9 Numerical solution of 2-point boundary value problem by steepest descent and Fletcher Powell method solution of Ricatti equation by negative exponential and interactive Methods UNIT IV FILTERING AND ESTIMATION 9 Filtering Linear system and estimation System noise smoothing and prediction Gauss Markov discrete time model Estimation criteria Minimum variance estimation Least square estimation Recursive estimation. UNIT V KALMAN FILTER AND PROPERTIES 9 Filter problem and properties Linear estimator property of Kalman Filter Time invariance and asymptotic stability of filters Time filtered estimates and signal to noise ratio improvement Extended Kalman filter. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Kirk D.E., Optimal Control Theory An introduction, Prentice hall, N.J., 1970. 2. Sage, A.P., Optimum System Control, Prentice Hall N.H., 1968. 3. Anderson, BD.O. and Moore J.B., Optimal Filtering, Prentice hall Inc., N.J., 1979. 4. S.M. Bozic, Digital and Kalman Filtering, Edward Arnould, London, 1979. 5. Astrom, K.J., Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory, Academic Press, Inc, N.Y.,1970.
PS 9272 ADVANCED POWER SYSTEM DYNAMICS LTPC 3003 UNIT I TRANSIENT STABILITY ANALYSIS [1,2,3] 9 Review of numerical integration methods: Euler and Fourth Order Runge-Kutta methods, Numerical stability and implicit methods, Simulation of Power System Dynamic response: Structure of Power system Model, Synchronous machine representation: equations of motion, rotor circuit equations, stator voltage equations, Thevenin's and Norton's equivalent circuits, Excitation system representation, Transmission network and load representation, Overall system equations and their solution: Partitioned Explicit and Simultaneous-implicit approaches, treatment of discontinuities, Simplified Transient Stability Simulation using implicit integration method. UNIT II SUBSYNCHRONOUS OSCILLATIONS [1] 9 Introduction Turbine Generator Torsional Characteristics: Shaft system model Examples of torsional characteristics Torsional Interaction with Power System Controls: Interaction with generator excitation controls Interaction with speed governors Interaction with nearby DC converters. UNIT III SUBSYSNCHRONOUS RESONANCE (SSR) [1,4] 9 Subsysnchronous Resonance (SSR): Characteristics of series Compensated transmission systems Self-excitation due to induction generator effect Torsional interaction resulting in SSR Analytical Methods Numerical examples illustrating instability of subsynchronous oscillations Impact of Network-Switching Disturbances: Steady-state switching Successive network-Switching disturbances Torsional Interaction Between Closely Coupled Units; time-domain simulation of subsynchronous resonance EMTP with detailed synchronous machine model. UNIT IV TRANSMISSION, GENERATION AND LOAD ASPECTS OF VOLTAGE STABILITY ANALYSIS [5] 9 Review of transmission aspects Generation Aspects: Review of synchronous machine theory Voltage and frequency controllers Limiting devices affecting voltage stability Voltage-reactive power characteristics of synchronous generators Capability curves Effect of machine limitation on deliverable power Load Aspects Voltage dependence of loads Load restoration dynamics Induction motors Load tap changers Thermostatic load recovery General aggregate load models. UNITV ENHANCEMENT OF TRANSIENT STABILITY AND COUNTER MEASURES FOR SUB SYNCHRONOUS RESONANCE [1] 9 Principle behind transient stability enhancement methods: high-speed fault clearing, reduction of transmission system reactance, regulated shunt compensation, dynamic braking, reactor switching, independent pole-operation of circuit-breakers, single-pole switching, fast-valving, high-speed excitation systems; NGH damper scheme. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-Hill, 1993. 2. H.W. Dommel and N.Sato, "Fast Transient Stability Solutions," IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-91, pp, 16431650, July/August 1972. 3. AU Power Lab Laboratory Manuals, Anna University, pp : 7-1 to 7-12, May 2004. 4. H. W. Dommel, EMTP THEORY BOOK, Microtran Power System Analysis Corporation, Second Edition, 1996. 5. T.V. Cutsem and C.Vournas, Voltage Stability of Electric Power Systems, Kluwer publishers,1998.
PE 9273 SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION AND ADAPTIVE CONTROL LTPC 3003 UNIT I MODELS FOR INDENTIFICATION 9 Models of LTI systems: Linear Models-State space Models-OE model- Model sets, Structures and Identifiability-Models for Time-varying and Non-linear systems: Models with Nonlinearities Non-linear state-space models-Black box models, Fuzzy models. UNIT II NON-PARAMETRIC AND PARAMETRIC IDENTIFICATON 9 Transient response and Correlation Analysis Frequency response analysis Spectral Analysis Least Square Recursive Least Square Forgetting factor- Maximum Likelihood Instrumental Variable methods. UNIT III NON-LINEAR IDENTIFICATION AND MODEL VALIDATION 9 Open and closed loop identification: Approaches Direct and indirect identification Joint input-output identification Non-linear system identification Wiener models Power series expansions - State estimation techniques Non linear identification using Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic. UNIT IV ADAPTIVE COTROL AND ADAPTATION TECHNIQUES 9 Introduction Uses Auto tuning Self Tuning Regulators (STR) Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) Types of STR and MRAC Different approaches to selftuning regulators Stochastic Adaptive control Gain Scheduling. UNIT V CASE STUDIES 9 Inverted Pendulum, Robot arm, process control application: heat exchanger, Distillation column, application to power system, Ship steering control. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Ljung, System Identification Theory for the User, PHI, 1987. 2. Torsten Soderstrom, Petre Stoica, System Identification, prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd,1989. 3. Astrom and Wittenmark, Adaptive Control , PHI 4. William S. Levine, Control Hand Book. 5. Narendra and Annasamy, Stable Adaptive Control Systems, Prentice Hall, 1989.
PS9274 INDUSTRIAL POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN LTPC 3003 UNIT I MOTOR STARTING STUDIES 9 Introduction-Evaluation Criteria-Starting Methods-System Data-Voltage Drop Calculations-Calculation of Acceleration time-Motor Starting with Limited-Capacity Generators-Computer-Aided AnalysisConclusions. UNIT II POWER FACTOR CORRECTION STUDIES 9 Introduction-System Description and Modeling-Acceptance Criteria-Frequency Scan Analysis-Voltage Magnification Analysis-Sustained Overvoltages-Switching Surge Analysis-Back-to-Back SwitchingSummary and Conclusions. UNIT III HARMONIC ANALYSIS 9
Harmonic Sources-System Response to Harmonics-System Model for Computer-Aided AnalysisAcceptance Criteria-Harmonic Filters-Harmonic Evaluation-Case Study- Summary and Conclusions. UNIT IV FLICKER ANALYSIS 9
Sources of Flicker-Flicker Analysis-Flicker Criteria-Data for Flicker analysis- Case Study- Arc Furnace Load-Minimizing the Flicker Effects-Summary. UNIT V GROUND GRID ANALYSIS 9 Introduction-Acceptance Criteria-Ground Grid Calculations-Computer-Aided Analysis - Improving the Performance of the Grounding Grids-Conclusions. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Ramasamy Natarajan, Computer-Aided Power System Analysis, Marcel Dekker Inc., 2002.
PS 9275 HIGH VOLTAGE DIRECT CURRENT TRANSMISSION LTPC 3003 UNIT I DC POWER TRANSMISSION TECHNOLOGY 6 Introduction - Comparison of AC and DC transmission Application of DC transmission Description of DC transmission system - Planning for HVDC transmission Modern trends in DC transmission DC breakers Cables, VSC based HVDC. UNIT II ANALYSIS OF HVDC CONVERTERS AND HVDC SYSTEM CONTROL 12 Pulse number, choice of converter configuration Simplified analysis of Graetz circuit - Converter bridge characteristics characteristics of a twelve pulse converterdetailed analysis of converters. General principles of DC link control Converter control characteristics System control hierarchy Firing angle control Current and extinction angle control Generation of harmonics and filtering power control Higher level controllers. UNIT III MULTITERMINAL DC SYSTEMS 9 Introduction Potential applications of MTDC systems - Types of MTDC systems - Control and protection of MTDC systems - Study of MTDC systems. UNIT IV POWER FLOW ANALYSIS IN AC/DC SYSTEMS 9 Per unit system for DC Quantities - Modelling of DC links - Solution of DC load flow - Solution of ACDC power flow - Case studies. UNIT V SIMULATION OF HVDC SYSTEMS 9 Introduction System simulation: Philosophy and tools HVDC system simulation Modeling of HVDC systems for digital dynamic simulation Dynamic intraction between DC and AC systems. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. K.R.Padiyar, , HVDC Power Transmission Systems, New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. 2. J.Arrillaga, , High Voltage Direct Current Transmission, Peter Pregrinus, London, 1983. 3. P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-Hill, 1993. 4. Erich Uhlmann, Power Transmission by Direct Current, BS Publications, 2004. 5. V.K.Sood,HVDC and FACTS controllers Applications of Static Converters in Power System, APRIL 2004 , Kluwer Academic Publishers.
PS 9276 WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Components of WECS-WECS schemes-Power obtained from wind-simple momentum theory-Power coefficient-Sabinins theory-Aerodynamics of Wind turbine UNIT II WIND TURBINES 9 HAWT-VAWT-Power developed-Thrust-Efficiency-Rotor selection-Rotor design considerations-Tip speed ratio-No. of Blades-Blade profile-Power Regulation-yaw control-Pitch angle control-stall controlSchemes for maximum power extraction. UNIT III FIXED SPEED SYSTEMS 9 Generating Systems- Constant speed constant frequency systems -Choice of Generators-Deciding factors-Synchronous Generator-Squirrel Cage Induction Generator- Model of Wind Speed- Model wind turbine rotor - Drive Train model-Generator model for Steady state and Transient stability analysis. UNIT IV VARIABLE SPEED SYSTEMS 9 Need of variable speed systems-Power-wind speed characteristics-Variable speed constant frequency systems synchronous generator- DFIG- PMSG -Variable speed generators modeling - Variable speed variable frequency schemes. UNIT V GRID CONNECTED SYSTEMS 9 Stand alone and Grid Connected WECS system-Grid connection Issues-Machine side & Grid side controllers-WECS in various countries TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. L.L.Freris Wind Energy conversion Systems, Prentice Hall, 1990 2. Ion Boldea, Variable speed generators, Taylor & Francis group, 2006. 3. E.W.Golding The generation of Electricity by wind power, Redwood burn Ltd., Trowbridge,1976. 4. S.Heir Grid Integration of WECS, Wiley 1998.
PE 9275 SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Approaches to intelligent control. Architecture for intelligent control. Symbolic reasoning system, rulebased systems, the AI approach. Knowledge representation. Expert systems. UNIT II ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS 9 Concept of Artificial Neural Networks and its basic mathematical model, McCulloch-Pitts neuron model, simple perceptron, Adaline and Madaline, Feed-forward Multilayer Perceptron. Learning and Training the neural network. Data Processing: Scaling, Fourier transformation, principal-component analysis and wavelet transformations. Hopfield network, Self-organizing network and Recurrent network. Neural Network based controller UNIT III FUZZY LOGIC SYSTEM 9 Introduction to crisp sets and fuzzy sets, basic fuzzy set operation and approximate reasoning. Introduction to fuzzy logic modeling and control. Fuzzification, inferencing and defuzzification. Fuzzy knowledge and rule bases. Fuzzy modeling and control schemes for nonlinear systems. Selforganizing fuzzy logic control. Fuzzy logic control for nonlinear time-delay system . UNIT IV GENETIC ALGORITHM 9 Basic concept of Genetic algorithm and detail algorithmic steps, adjustment of free parameters. Solution of typical control problems using genetic algorithm. Concept on some other search techniques like tabu search and anD-colony search techniques for solving optimization problems. UNIT V APPLICATIONS 9 GA application to power system optimisation problem, Case studies: Identification and control of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems using Matlab-Neural Network toolbox. Stability analysis of NeuralNetwork interconnection systems. Implementation of fuzzy logic controller using Matlab fuzzy-logic toolbox. Stability analysis of fuzzy control systems. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Jacek.M.Zurada, "Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems", Jaico Publishing House, 1999. 2. KOSKO,B. "Neural Networks And Fuzzy Systems", Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,1994. 3. KLIR G.J. & FOLGER T.A. "Fuzzy sets, uncertainty and Information", Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1993. 4. Zimmerman H.J. "Fuzzy set theory-and its Applications"-Kluwer Academic Publishers,1994. 5. Driankov, Hellendroon, "Introduction to Fuzzy Control", Narosa Publishers.
PE 9272 POWER ELECTRONICS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Environmental aspects of electric energy conversion: impacts of renewable energy generation on environment (cost-GHG Emission) - Qualitative study of different renewable energy resources: Solar, wind, ocean, Biomass, Fuel cell, Hydrogen energy systems and hybrid renewable energy systems. UNIT II ELECTRICAL MACHINES FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY CONVERSION 9 Review of reference theory fundamentals-principle of operation and analysis: IG, PMSG, SCIG and DFIG. UNIT III POWER CONVERTERS 9 Solar: Block diagram of solar photo voltaic system -Principle of operation: line commutated converters (inversion-mode) - Boost and buck-boost converters- selection Of inverter, battery sizing, array sizing Wind: three phase AC voltage controllers- AC-DC-AC converters: uncontrolled rectifiers, PWM Inverters, Grid Interactive Inverters-matrix converters. UNIT IV ANALYSIS OF WIND AND PV SYSTEMS 9 Stand alone operation of fixed and variable speed wind energy conversion systems and solar systemGrid connection Issues -Grid integrated PMSG and SCIG Based WECSGrid Integrated solar system UNIT V HYBRID RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS 9 Need for Hybrid Systems- Range and type of Hybrid systems- Case studies of Wind-PVMaximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Rashid .M. H power electronics Hand book, Academic press, 2001. 2. Rai. G.D, Non conventional energy sources, Khanna publishes, 1993. 3. Rai. G.D, Solar energy utilization, Khanna publishes, 1993. 4. Gray, L. Johnson, Wind energy system, prentice hall linc, 1995. 5. Non-conventional Energy sources B.H.Khan Tata McGraw-hill Publishing Company, New Delhi.
ET 9278 APPLICATIONS OF MEMS TECHNOLOGY LTPC 3003 UNIT I MEMS: MICRO-FABRICATION, MATERIALS AND ELECTROMECHANICAL CONCEPTS 9 Overview of micro fabrication Silicon and other material based fabrication processes Concepts: Conductivity of semiconductors-Crystal planes and orientation-stress and strain-flexural beam bending analysis-torsional deflections-Intrinsic stress- resonant frequency and quality factor. UNIT II ELECTROSTATIC SENSORS AND ACTUATION 9 Principle, material, design and fabrication of parallel plate capacitors as electrostatic sensors and actuators-Applications UNIT III THERMAL SENSING AND ACTUATION 9 Principle, material, design and fabrication of thermal couples, thermal bimorph sensors, thermal resistor sensors-Applications. UNIT IV PIEZOELECTRIC SENSING AND ACTUATION 9 Piezoelectric effect-cantilever piezo electric actuator model-properties of piezoelectric materialsApplications. UNIT V CASE STUDIES 9 Piezoresistive sensors, Magnetic actuation, Micro fluidics applications, Medical applications, Optical MEMS. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Chang Liu, Foundations of MEMS, Pearson International Edition, 2006. 2. Marc Madou , Fundamentals of microfabrication,CRC Press, 1997. 3. Boston , Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook,WCB McGraw Hill, 1998. 4. M.H.Bao Micromechanical transducers :Pressure sensors, accelerometers and gyroscopes, Elsevier, Newyork, 2000.