Graduates Tracer Study
Graduates Tracer Study
Graduates Tracer Study
has been conducted since 1973. The bi-annual survey coincides with the convocation, which is usually scheduled in March (First Session) and October (Second Session, each year. From 2002 onward, the survey has been changed to Tracer Study on Graduates of UiTM, and the name has been adopted by all public and private institutions of higher learning, in line with the directive from the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) of the Prime Ministers Department, and the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). The tracer study on graduates of UiTM seeks to determine the status of graduates within four to six months following their graduation, and is deemed pertinent as a way of gauging graduates capability of securing employment. It is also a means of appraising graduates satisfaction level, encompassing various experiences throughout their studies in UiTM. Findings from the study can be used as input to enhance the effectiveness of UiTMs academic programmes and administrative system. In UiTM, the study is undertaken by the Centre for Strategic Planning (PPS), and is chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation. Objective of the Study The study primarily aims to determine: 1. The status of UiTM graduates within four to six months after completing their studies; 2. Graduates satisfaction level of the curriculum, career guidance, quality of lecturers, and infrastructure facilities; 3. The extent on which graduates utilise services provided by the Career Guidance and Counselling Unit; 4. Graduates interest in furthering their studies at higher level; 5. Graduates capability of securing employment; 6.What UiTM graduates are worth in the job market based on starting pay for first-time employees, according to field and qualifications; 7. Graduates experience in getting their first job; and 8. Graduatess capability in performing at their job. Besides the deliberations above, feedback from graduates concerning various issues related to teaching and learning is also taken into account. Such information is vital to assist the University management in planning and determining factors linked to student intake, curriculum design and improvement in services provided by UiTM. Scope of Study UiTMs Tracer Study 2006 covers graduates who completed their studies in November 2005 and April 2006, respectively. The period of study lasted between four and six months, that is, from the time graduates completed their studies until the date of their convocation. Its target respondents comprised graduates from all levels of studies, namely, certificate, diploma, bachelors degree, post-graduate diploma, professional, masters degree and doctor of philosophy.
Methodology of Study In previous years, data collection administered by UiTMs Centre for Strategic Planning, would be carried out by having the questionnaire attached to the invitation sent out to graduates to attend the convocation. Graduates were given the choice of returning the completed questionnaire either through the post, during the rehearsal or on the convocation day itself, after each respective session. Overall, feedback from graduates would not attain the 100 per cent mark as not all them, would be attending the convocation. Starting from 2006, the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has issued the directive that all institutions of higher learning carry out the study online through the Graduate Tracer Study Information System, developed by the MOHE. It is a web-based application system developed specially to acquire information on graduates, which also comprises a set of interactive questionnaire designed to facilitate feedback on the study online, by graduates. All graduates are required to complete their response to the study through the website:, which is open one month prior to the convocation and up to seven days after the end of the convocation ceremony. Valid samples for this study comprise those graduates who are attending the convocation. Graduates who have completed and sent in the print-out of the studys approval slip will be provided with a blue card as a form of endorsement. Only those who have acquired the blue card will be allowed to obtain their result transcript, to ensure the validity of the samples. The degree of reliability for graduate satisfaction is found to be quite high, with the Cronbachs Alpha value being equivalent to 0.950. The measurement of graduates satisfaction level towards numerous aspects under assessment, is based on the mean assessment score and the percentage of those who respond with a score of 3.0 (satisfactory) and above. Comparison in level of satisfaction involving different categories of graduates is carried out by employing suitable statistical methods, incorporating level of studies, gender, faculty, discipline cluster and campus, among others.