DR - B - R - Kerur, Dept - of Physics, GUG

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Dr. B.R. Kerur, Dept.


Department of P.G. Studies and Research in Physics
Dr. B.R. Kerur
Dept. of PG Studies and Research in Physics
Jnana Ganga, Gulbarga University
Gulbarga - 585 106
Karnataka, India Residence
H.No. 2-910/66/71,
Matr-Peetru Krupa,
Near Water Tank, Jayanagar,
Gulbarga - 585 105
Karnataka, India
E-mail: kerurbrk@hotmail.comTel No.: +91 8472-246639 (R)
Tel No.: +91 8472-263298 (O)+91 9448213160 (Cell)
+91 8472-263205/06 (Fax)Date of Birth: July 1st 1964
Academic Qualifications, Areas of Specialization | Teaching Experience |
Administrative Experience
Research Guidance | Research Publications | Membership of Professional
Seminars, Conferences and Workshops Attended
Academic Qualifications: M.Sc., Ph.D.�
M.Sc.Karnataka University, Dharwad198
Ph.D.Karnataka University, Dharwad
Topic : Studies in the interaction of low energy photons with
matterDecember 15, 1992
Areas of Specialization�
Nuclear and Energy Physics, Radiation Physics (Including Environmental
Teaching Experience�
1.Guest Lecturer: Department of Physics, KUD, 1992-1993
2.Lecturer : Department of Physics, GUG, Sept 1994- Sept 1999
3.Sr. Lecturer : Department of Physics, GUG Sept 1999 � Sept 2004
4.Reader : Department of Physics, GUG Sept 2004 � onwards
Administrative Experience�
1.Chairman, BOE, I and II semester 2005
2.Member, BOE, III and IV Semester 2008, 2003
3.Custodian, I and III Semester, October 2005
4.Deputy Custodian: II Semester 2004 and IV semester 2007
5.Chairman, Admission committee: Academic years 2005-06 and 2006-07,
2002-03 and 2003-04
Research Guidance�
● Doctor of Philosophy
Sl.No.Name of the studentTitle of the Thesis Year
1.Nagabushana, N MRadiation Studies of Environmental samples of North
Karnataka, India2008
● Master of Philosophy
Sl.No.Name of the studentTitle of the Thesis Year
1.Rajshekhar Y.PatilA novel method of determination of mass attenuation
coefficient using thin NaI(Tl) detector2000
2.Nagabhushan N MEnvironmental Radiation Measurements of Gulbarga and
Shahapur of North Karnataka, India2001
3.Yashoda Designing the storage ring for the synchrotron radiation2002
4.ChritralekhaX-ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients for Saccharides in the
Low Energy Region2003
5.ManjulaX-ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients for Saccharides 2004
6.GayatriA Novel Method of Determination of X-Ray Mass Attenuation
Coefficient Using Low Energy HPGe Detector2007
Research Projects�
On going
Sl.No.Title of the projectFunding AgencyDurationAmount sanctioned
1.Resonance Scattering of X-rays near absorption edgesBoard of Research in
Nuclear Sciences, DAE, Govt. of India36 months
(24th March 2005 � 23rd March 2009)Rs. 22.25 Lakhs
Sl.No.Title of the projectFunding AgencyDurationAmount sanctioned
1.Interactions of low energy photons with matterGulbarga University
GulbargaOne Year
(31st March 1997 � 31st March 1998)Rs.15,000=00
2.Anomalous Scattering of X-rays near absorption edgesUniversity Grants
Commission, New Delhi.36 months
(24th October 1997 � 24th October 2000)Rs. 5.00 Lakhs
3.Interaction of heavy ions with materials under going phase transitions
(Co- Investigator)University Grants Commission, New Delhi through Nuclear
Science Centre, New Delhi36 monthsRs. 4.00 Lakhs
Awards and honors received�
1.Young Scientist Awardee-1997 from the Karnataka Association for the
Advancement of Sciences, Bangalore
2.Junior Associate of the Abdus Salam � International Centre for
Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy for four years from January 1997 to
December 2000.
3.My bio-data has been published in the 15 �18th Issues of Marquis�s Who�s
Who in the World 1998
4.My bio-data has been published in the 27-29th edition of International
Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England 1999.
5.Elected Member of the Institute of Physics, London, 1990-2000.
6.Distinguished Teacher Awardee 2002 by C V Kapoor Education Foundation,
New Delhi.
Books Published�
Research Publications�
1.Identification of elements by x-ray interaction � A laboratory
experiment. B.R.Kerur, H.A.Jahagirdar, S.R.Thontadarya and B.Hanumaiah,
Americal Journal of Physics, Vol. 57(12), 1148, 1989
2.Attenuation of 6.46 keV photons in low z materials. S. R. Thontadarya,
B. R. Kerur and B. Hanumaiah, Presented at the Eight National symposium on
Radiation Physics, held at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay,
during January 17-19, 1990
3.A Novel method for the determination of x-ray mass attenuation
coefficients. B.R.Kerur, S. R. Thontadarya & B. Hanumaiah, Applied
Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 42, 571, 1991.
4.Non-validity of Bragg�s additivity law at 6.46 keV x-rays. S. R.
Thontadarya, B. R. Kerur , B. Hanumaiah and M. M. Naragund, Presented at
the Ninth National symposium on Radiation Physics, held at Osmania
University , Hyderabad, during November 27-29, 1991.
5.The effect of the photon intensity selected at various positions under
the photopeak on the mass attenuation coefficient of X-rays. B.R.Kerur, S.
R. Thontadarya & B. Hanumaiah, X-ray Spectrometry, Vol. 21, 133, 1992.
6.A study on the range of non-validity of the Bragg's additivity law for
compounds at photon energies below 10 keV. B.R.Kerur, S. R. Thontadarya &
B. Hanumaiah, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 43, 893, 1992.
7.X-ray attenuation coefficients at 6.46 keV and the validity of the
mixture rule for compounds. B. R. Kerur, S. R. Thontadarya & B. Hanumaiah,
X-ray Spectrometry, Vol. 22, 13, 1993
8.Corrections in the measurement of x-ray attenuation coefficients. B. R.
Kerur and S. R. Thontadarya, Presented at the conference cum workshop on
Radiation Physics, held at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay,
Bombay, during January 4-6, 1993
9.Measurement of X-ray mass attenuation coefficients using mixed radiation
emitters. B. R. Kerur, S. R. Thontadarya & B. Hanumaiah, Indian Journal
of Physics, Vol. 67A, 166, 1993.
10.Measurement of X-ray attenuation coefficients around K absorption edges
using Fe Ka X-rays. B. R. Kerur, S. R. Thontadarya & B. Hanumaiah, X-ray
Spectrometry, Vol. 22, 156, 1993.
11.Photon cross sections around K absorption edges. B. R. Kerur, S. R.
Thontadarya & B. Hanumaiah, Indian Journal of Physics, Vol. 67B, 565,
12.Corrections in the measurement of x-ray attenuation coefficients. B. R.
Kerur and S. R. Thontadarya, Proceeding of the workshop on Radiation
Physics, held at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay, during
January 4-6, 1993.
13.Derived photoelectric cross section at 6.400 and 8.041 keV. S. R.
Thontadarya and B. R. Kerur, Presented at the Tenth National symposium on
Radiation Physics, held at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
during August 17-19, 1993.
14. Derived Photoelectric cross section at 6.400 and 8.041 keV. S. R.
Thontadaray and B. R. Kerur, Proceedings of the Tenth National symposium
on Radiation Physics, Vol NSRP-10(I-3), 6, 1993.
15.Anomalous X-ray attenuation coefficients around the absorption edges
using Mn and Cu Ka X-rays. B. R. Kerur, S. R. Thontadarya & B. Hanumaiah,
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 45, 159, 1994
16.Measurement of K shell fluorescence yield of copper using 2p
geometrical configuration, S. R. Thontadarya, M. S. Yatnatti and B. R.
Kerur, Presented at the Eight National symposium on Radiation Photoscience
held at Rani Durvati Vishwavidalaya, Jabalpur, during February 16 � 18,
17.Measurement of Fluorescence yields of copper and nickel. M. S.
Yatnatti, B. R. Kerur and S. R. Thontadarya, Presented at the conference
cum workshop on Radiation Physics, held at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, Bombay, during March 16 � 18, 1995
18.Determination of Mass-Energy absorption coefficient through
fluorescence yield. S. R. Thontadarya, M. S. Yatnatti and B. R. Kerur,
Presented at the Eleventh National Symposium on Radiation Physics, held
at Punjabi University, Patiala during October 26 �29, 1995.
19.Photoelectric cross section: comparison between the experimental and
renormalized and unrenormalised theoretical values. B. R. Kerur, S. R.
Thontadarya and B. Hanumaiah, X-ray Spectrometry, Vol.26(1), 47 , 1997.
20.Power function relation between the mass attenuation coefficient and
the Incoherent cross section. B. R. Kerur and M. T. Lagare, Presented at
the European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer ( E D X R
F � 98 ), held at University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy during June 7 � 12
, 1998
21.PC-based temperature control system. Udaya Khadake, M.T.Lagare,
B.R.Kerur, S.M.Hanagodimath, R.D.Mathad and presented for the National
Seminar on Instrumentation Techniques held at Goa University, Goa,
during Feb. 27-30, 2000.
22.Synchrotron Radiation : A Review. B.R.Kerur, M.T.Lagare and
M.Alteralli, Vigynan vol.18, 303, 2000.
23.Determination of Mass-Energy Absorption coefficient for low energy
x-rays. K.Raghavendra Rao, B.R.Kerur and M.T.Lagare, National Seminar on
Land Marks of Physics in 20th Century held at Dept. of Physics, Gulbarga
Univeristy, Gulbarga on March 15, 2000.
24.Effective Atomic Number for Biological Substitute Materials, B. R.
Kerur, S. R. Thontadarya, B. Hanumaiah and M. T. Lagare, J. Medical
Physics, 26(3), 177, 2001.
25.X-ray mass attenuation coefficients for the geological samples of the
terminal proterozoic menga limestones, NE, Himalaya, India. B. R. Kerur
and V. C. Tewari, Proce. Of NSRP-14, pp166, held at AmrItsar during
Nov. 1-3, 2001
26.A New method of determination of x-ray mass attenuation coefficient
using NaI(Tl) x-ray detector. Rajeshkar patil, B. R. Kerur, M. T. Lagare,
S R. Thontadarya and B. Hanumaiah, Proce. Of NSRP-14, pp162, held at
Amritsar during Nov. 1-3, 2001.
27.The effect of temperature on the behavior of semiconductor silicon
surface barrier detector. Khadke Uday Kumar, B R Kerur, S M Hanagodimath,
M T Lagare, S K Srivastava, S V S Nageswara Rao, A Mandal and D K Awasthi,
International confernce on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, PP36, 2002
28.Techniques of the measuring the photon intensity for the determination
of mm in the low photon energy region. B.R.Kerur, M. T. Lagare
S.R.Thontadarya and B. Hanumaiah, proceedings of 27th National Symposium
on Instrumentation, PP 158, 2002
29.Radiation Pollution and Protection, B. R. Kerur, Proceedings of the
Environmental Management and Pollution Control PP.109, 2003
30.Study of radioactivity levels in granites of north Karnataka region of
India. B R Kerur, Anil Kumar, S Narayani, M T Lagare and M C Abani,
Radiation Protection and Environment, Vol. 26 (1-2), 446, 2003
31.The effect of temperature on the behavior of semiconductor silicon
surface barrier detector. Khadke Uday Kumar, B R Kerur, S M Hanagodimath,
M T Lagare, S K Srivastava, S V S Nageswara Rao, A Mandal and D K
Awasthi, Radiation Measurements Vol. 36, 625, 2003
32.Determination of Effective Atomic Numbers of Biological Substitutes for
Low Energy X-rays. B R Kerur, N M Nagabhushana, M T Lagare and B
Hanumaiah, J. Medical Physics 28(3), 210, 2003
33.Non-Validity of Bragg�s Additivity Law for Rare Earths compounds,
B.R.Kerur, M.T.Lagare, B.Hanumaiah, R. Nathuram, and M.C.Abani,
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Radiation Physics
(ISRP-9) held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-31 October 2003
34.Radioactivity Levels in Granites of Karnataka, India. B R Kerur, S Anil
Kumar*, Narayani*, M T Lagare and M C Abani, Proceedings of the 9th
International Symposium on Radiation Physics (ISRP-9) held in Cape Town,
South Africa from 27-31 October 2003
35.Technique for measurement of photon intensity for the determination of
mm in the low photon energy region. N. M. Nagabhushan , B. R. Kerur, M.T.
Lagare, R. Nathuram1, M. C. Abani, S. R. Thontadarya and B. Hanumaiah,
Journal of x-ray Science and Technology, Vol 12(3), 161, 2004
36.Natural Radioactivity Measurements of rock samples in Gulbarga,
Karnataka. N M Nagabhushan, B R Kerur, Anil Kumar S, Narayani K, M T
Lagare and D N Sharma, Proceedings of 15th National Symposium on Radiation
Physics, PP159-163, 2003.
37.Non-Validity of Bragg�s Additivity Law for Rare Earths Compounds. B R
Kerur, S R Thontadarya, B Hanumaiah,R Nathuram, and M C Abani,
Proceedings of 15th National Symposium on Radiation Physics, PP233-237,
38.Mass attenuation coefficients of Saccharides at 5.947 keV x-rays.
Chitralekha, N M Nagabhushan, B R Kerur, M T Lagare, R Nathuram and M C
Abani, Proceedings of 15th National Symposium on Radiation Physics,
PP229-232, 2003
39.Mass Attenuation Coefficients of Saccharides for Low-Energy x-rays.
Chitralekha, B R Kerur, M T Lagare, R Nathuram, D N Sharma, Radiation
Physics and Chemistry Vol. 72(1), 1, 2005
40.Temperature dependent energy loss of protons in Barium titanite single
crystals. Khadke Uday Kumar, B R Kerur, S M Hanagodimath, M T Lagare,
D K Awasthi and A Mandal, Ferroelectrics, 325, 65, 2005
41.Estimation of doses from natural radiation in granites of north
Karnataka, India. Proceedings of workshop on Accelerator and
environmental radiation safety held at Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi,
April 22-23, 2004.
42.Determination of Effective Atomic Numbers for Dosimetric Materials at
14.414 keV g-rays, B R Kerur, M T Lagare B Hanumaiah and R Nathuram, J
Medical Physics 29(3), 243, 2004
43.Photon attenuation coefficients for composite materials of dosimetrtic
applications. B R Kerur and R Nathuram, J Medical Physics 29(30), 215,
44.Mass Attenuation Coefficient of 8.112keV X-Rays in Saccharides.
Manjula, B R Kerur, M T Lagare and R Nathuram, Accepted for presentation
at the International conference on recent trends on radiation biology to
be held at BARC mumbai during December 1-3, 2004
45.Mass Attenuation Coefficient of X-Rays in Saccharides. Manjula, B R
Kerur, M T Lagare, B Hanumaiah and R Nathuram, Presented at the National
symposium on radiation and photochemistry held at Karnataka University
Dharwad during January 15-17, 2005
46.Natural Activity Measurements on Building Materials in and around
Gulbarga, Karnataka. N M Nagabhushana, B R Kerur, Anil Kumar S, Narayani
K, M T Lagare, Proceedings of NUCAR 2005 held Gurunank Dev University,
Amristar PP 332, 2005
47.Natural Radioactivity Measurements of Kudligi, Karnataka. Nagabhushan N
M, B R Kerur, Anil Kumar, S Narayani K, Rekha A K and M T Lagare,
Radiation Protection and Environment, Vol. 28(1-4), 314-316, 2005
48.Determination of Effective Atomic Numbers of Saccharides in the Low
Photon Energy Region. B.R.Kerur, Chitralekha, Rajeshwari Morbad, M.T.
Lagare and R Nathuram, Journal of Medical Physics, PP305, Vol. 30, 2005.
49.Non-Validity of Bragg�s Additivity Law for Rare Earth Compounds. B R
Kerur, M T Lagare and R Nathuram, Radiation Physics and Chemistry Vol.
75(1), 7, 2006.
50.Mass attenuation coefficient of X-rays in Medicinal Plants. Rajeshwari
B Morabad, B R Kerur, M T Lagare and S Anil Kumar, Proceedings of the
National Conference on Emerging Trends in Physics, Elctronics and
Engineering Sciences, Pp 175-178, 2006
51.Measurement of Mass attenuation coefficient in Ayurvedic Medicine.
Sheetal Priyadarshini, B R Kerur, M T Lagare and S Anil Kumar, Proceedings
of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Physics, Elctronics and
Engineering Sciences, Pp 195-198, 2006
52.Effective Atomic Numbers for Dosimetric Materials. B R Kerur, S B
Kaginelli, M T Lagare and Anil Kumar S, Journal of Medical Physics Vol
31(3), 176, 2006
53.Radioactivity Levels in Rocks of North Karnataka, India. B R Kerur,
Nagabhushan N M, Anilkumar S, Narayani K, Rekha A.K and M T Lagare,
Submitted to International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity: From
Measurements and Assessments to Regulation to be held during 23-27 April
2007 at Vienna, Austria
54.Radiation Studies of Environmental Samples, Raichur District,
Karnataka, India. N M Nagabhushana, B R Kerur, Anil Kumar S, Narayani K,
Rekha A K and M T Lagare, To be presented at the Nuclear and
Radiochemistry Symposium, to be held at Maharaja Sayajirao University of
Baroda, Vadodara, during February 14-17, 2007
Membership of Professional Organizations�
1.Indian Society for Radiation Physics, Mumbai - 1990
2.Indian Association of Physics Teachers, Kanpur - 1990
3.International Radiation Physics Society, USA - 1990
4.European Physical Society, Hungary - 1994
5.Instrument Society of India, Bangalore - 1997
6.Association of Medical Physicists of India, Mumbai - 1998
7.Solar Energy Society of Indian, New Delhi - 2001
8.Indian Physics Association, Mumbai - 2001
9.Indian Association for the Cultivation of Sciences, Kolkata - 2002
10.Indian Physical Society, Calcutta - 2002
11.Indian Association of Radiological Protection, Mumbai - 2002
12.Indian Society for Radiation Biology, New Delhi - 2002
13.Indian Nuclear Society, Mumbai - 2003
14.Youth Hostel Association of India, New Delhi - 2004

International School attended�

1.By the invitation of International Centre for Theoretical Physics,
Trieste, Italy I attended the Second school on the use of Synchrotron
Radiation in Science and Technology, held during October � November, 1993,
April-May 1999 and November-December 2000 under the Junior associateship
scheme of ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
1.Karnatak University Studentship for two years from 1985-1987.
2.Junior Research Fellow of UGC/DRS Project of Department of Physics,
Karnataka University, Dharwad for two years from October 1987 to March
3.Senior Research Fellow of CSIR, New Delhi for three years from June June
4.Research Assocaiteship of Defence Research Development Organization, New
Delhi for two years from February1994
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops/Training Organized�
National/International Workshops/Short term courses/Schools/College
1.A short term course on EXAFS and E S C A held at Inter-University
Consortium for D A E Facilities, Indore During January 6 � 18, 1992.
2.Second school on the use of Synchrotron Radiation in Science and
Technology : John Fuggle Memorial held at International Centre for
Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy during October 22, November 19, 1992.
3.School on the Science with Synchrotron Radiation and Indo-Japanese
meeting of Spring �8 held at Inter-University Consortium for D A E
Facilities, Indore During November 19 to 27, 1996.
4.Refresher Course in Physics held at Department of Physics, Gulbarga
University, Gulbarga during January 27, 1997 to February 19, 1997
5.Refresher Course in Physics held at Department of Physics, Gulbarga
University, Gulbarga during July 25 to August 14, 1998.
6.School on Synchrotron Radiation held at Adriatico Guest of Abdus
Salam-International Centre for Theoretical Physics Trieste, Italy during
April-May 1999
7.UNESCO regional training course in University Science teaching held at
Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi November 15-19, 1999.
8.41st orientation Course Programme held at Academic Staff College,
Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur during Sept. 7, 2000 to oct. 4, 2000.
9.School on synchrotron Radiation held at AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy during
Nov. 8, 2000 to Dec. 4, 2000.
1.A review article entitled X-ray attenuation coefficients : current state
of knowledge and availability, Gerward, Applied Radaition and Isotopes
Vol. C41, 783, 1993
2.Bibliography of x-ray attenuation coefficients for photon energy range
from 1 keV to 10 MeV, J.H.Hubbell and Berger, National Instute of
Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, USA, 1994
3.Measurement of total and photoelectric cross sections in the vicity of
absorption edges of heavier atoms, Nanak Bhattacharyya, N. Chaudhury and
S.C.Roy, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 46, 419, 1995
4.Comments on theoretical limitations for experimental values of
photoeffect cross sections at low energies, T.Kiran Kumar, S.Venkataratnam
and V.Venkata Reddy, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics, Vol.
B108(3), 267, 1996
5.X-ray Spectrometry, S.B.Torok, J.Labar, J.Injuk and R.E.Vangrieken,
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 68(12), 467, 1996
6.Atomic Spectrometry update : X-ray fluorescence Spectrometry, A.T.Ellis,
P.J.Potts, M.Holmes, G.J.Oliver, C. Streli and P.wobrauschek, Journal of
Analytical Atomic spectrometry, Vol. 21(11), 461, 1997
7.Photoelectric cross sections derived from measured total attenuation
coefficients of photon near absorption edge of heavier atoms, B.Roy,
B.K.Chatterjee, S.C.Roy,. N.Chattachraya and n.Choudhyury , Applied
Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 48(6), 785, 1997
8.Measurement of Kl and LM resonant Raman Scattering cross sections with a
proton induced Cr Ka x-ray beam, A.G.Karydas, T.Paradellis, Journal of
Physics B, vol. 30(8), 1893, 1997
9.Atomic photo effect below 100 keV � An overview and future scopy, V.R.K
Murthy and K.R.S. Devan, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 48(10-12),
1501, 1997
10.Optimization of x-ray fluorescence elemental analysis � An example from
Kenya, K.H.Angeyo, J.P.Patel, J.M.Mangala, D.G.S Narayana, Applied
Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 89(7), 885, 1998
11.Total photoelectric cross sections close to absorption edges,
V.K.R.Murthy, D.P.Winkoun and K.R.S. Devan, Radiation Physics and
Chemistry, Vol. 51(4-6), 361, 1998
12.Radioisotope photon excited energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence
technique for the analysis of organic matrices, K.H.Angeyo, J.P.Patel,
J.M. Mangala D.G.S. Narayana, x-ray spectrometry, Vol 27(3), 205, 1998.
13.X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis: State-of-the-Art and Trends of Development
Review C our FAQ, R Zone - Industrial Laboratory, 2000, X-RAY FLUORESCENCE
14.X-Ray attenuation coefficients at different energies and the validity
of the mixture rule for � U Turgut, O Simsek, E Buyukkasap, M Ertugrul �
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2002
15.Proton induced monochromatic X-ray beams: A versatile source for
resonant Raman scattering studies, AG Karydas, M Budnar, � �mit, C
Zarkadas, T, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, 2002
16.Direct measurement of total atomic photoelectric, total atomic
attenuation and total atomic, � S�ǧ�t � Journal of Quantitative
Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 73 (2002), 63�68
17.Ph.D. Thesis. Calicut University, Calicut. Kerala. 2003
18.Numerical description of photoelectric absorption coefficients for
fundamental parameter programs, H Ebel, R Svagera, MF Ebel, A Shaltout, JH
Hubbell, X-Ray Spectrom. 2003; 32: 442�451
19.Measurement of mass attenuation coefficients of some boron compounds
and the trommel sieve waste in... , O İ�elli, S Erzeneoğlu, R
Boncuk�uoğlu �Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer
20.A parameterization scheme for the x-ray linear attenuation coefficients
and energy dispersive, S M Midgle, Phys. Med. Biol. 49, 307-325, 2004
21.Experimental studies on measurements of mass attenuation coefficients
of boric acid at different � O İ�elli, S Erzeneoǧlu, R
Boncuk�uoǧlu -
Annals of Nuclear Energy 31 (2004) 97�106
22.X-ray attenuation coefficient measurements for photon energies
4.508�13.375 keV in Cu, Cr and their compounds and the validity of the
mixture rule, �. Turgut, �. �Sim�sek, E. B�y�kkasap, M. Ertu˘grul -
Analytica Chimica Acta 515 (2004) 349�352
23.The measurement of total mass attenuation coefficients of CoCuNi
alloys, S Seven, IH Karahan, � F Bakkaloglu � Journal of Quantitative
Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 83 (2004) 237�242
24.Accurate determination of the thicknes of mass per unit area of thin
foils and single-crystal wafers for x-ray attenuation measurements, C Q
Tran, C T Chantler, Z Barnea and M D De Jonge, Review of Scientific
Instruments, Vol 75(9), 2943, 2004.
23.A tunable monochromatic X-ray source for metrological studies in the
1-20 keV energy range: MC Lepy, L Ferreux, J Plagnard �Appl Radiat Isot.
2004 Feb-Apr;60(2-4):159-65.
26.Measurement of the x-ray mass attenuation coefficient of silver using
the x-ray extended range technique, C Q Tran, C T Chantler, Z Barnea, M D
De Jonge, B B Dhal, C T Y Chung, D Peterson and J Wang, Journal of Physics
B, vol. 38, 89-107, 2005
27.Measurements of Molecular Scattering Differential Cross Sections of
Some Ba Compounds - O I�elli, S Erzeneoglu - Physica Scripta. Vol. 71,
344�348, 2005
28.Photon Interaction studies using 241Am g-rays, N Ramchandran, k
Karunakaran Nair, K K Abdullah, and K M Varier, Pramana, Vol 67(3), 507,
29.X-ray attenuation coefficients of Fe compounds in the K-edge region at
different energies and the validity of mixture rule, U Turgut, E
B�y�kkasap, O Şimşek, M Ertuğrul � Journal of Quantitative
and Radiative Transfer, 2005 92, 143-151
30.Mass attenuation coefficients for n-type InSe, InSe: Gd, InSe: Ho and
InSe: Er single crystals, O İ�elli, S Erzeneoǧlu, B G�rbulak -
of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 90 (2005)399�407
31.Measurement of mass attenuation coefficients for YBaCuO superconductor
at different energies, U Cevik, H Baltas, S Celik, I karaka and A I Kopya,
Supercondctor Science and Technology, 18,101-106, 2005
32.Measurement of mass attenuation coefficients for holmium doped and
undoped layered semiconductors InSe at different energies and the validity
of mixture rule for crystals around the absorption edge, S. Erzeneog˘
O. I˙c- ellib,_, B. Gu� rbulaka, A. Ates - Journal of Quantitative
Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 102 (2006) 343�347

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pFad v4 Proxy