Fdi in Nepal
Fdi in Nepal
Fdi in Nepal
Published in Nepal Gazette - 12 Nov. 1992 (049/7/27) First Amendment Published in Nepal Gazette - 24 Jan. 1996(2052/10/10) Some Nepal Laws revision Act Published in Nepal Gazette - 10 Aug. 2000 (2057/4/26)
Preamble: In the process of industrialization of the country, it is expedient to promote foreign investment and technology
transfer for making the economy viable, dynamic and competitive through the maximum mobilization of the limited capital, human and the other natural resources. Be it enacted by Parliament in the twenty first year of the reign of His Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.
2. Definitions:
Unless the subject or context otherwise requires, in this Act, a) Industry means any industry as referred to in Section 3 of the Industrial Enterprises Act, 1992. b) Foreign Investment means the following investment made by a foreign investor in any industry: 1. Investment in Share (Equity) 2. Reinvestment of the earnings derived form the investment as referred to in sub-section (1) above,
3. Permission to be Obtained:
1) Permission of the Department shall be required to be obtained for foreign investment of technology transfer. 2) A person desiring to avail the foreign investment or technology transfer shall be required to make and application to the Department in the prescribed form along with the prescribed particulars for obtaining permission in that behalf.
*3) If an application is made pursuant to sub-section (2) above, the Department shall, in the case of an industry with fixed assets up to five hundred million rupees, itself, and in the case of an industry with fixed assets in excess thereof, in accordance with the decision of the Board, grant permission within thirty days from the date of application. The Department shall communicate the decision made in regard to such permission to the applicant. (*Amended by the First Amendment) *4) Not withstanding anything contained. In subsection (1) and (2) above, no permission shall be granted for making foreign investment in the industries set forth in the Annex. Provided that permission may be granted for the transfer or technology in such industries. (*Amended by the First Amendment)
7. Settlement of Disputes:
1) If any dispute arises between a foreign investor, national investor or the concerned industry, the concerned parties shall be required to settle the dispute by mutual consultations in the presence of the Department. 2) If the dispute could not be settled in the manner as referred to in sub-section (1) above, it shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the prevailing arbitration rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). 3) The arbitration shall be held in Katmandu, The laws of Nepal shall be application in the arbitration. @4) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsections (1),(2)and (3)above , disputes arising in regard to foreign investment made in the industries with investment as prescribed may be settled as mentioned in the foreign investment agreement. (@ Inserted by the First Amendment)
(Relating to sub-section (4) of section (3) Industries not to be granted permission for making foreign investment)
Part (A)
1. Cottage Industries. 2. Personal Service Business (Business such as Hair Cutting, Beauty Parlors, Tailoring, Driving Training. Etc.) 3. Arms and Ammunition Industries. 4. Explosives, Gunpowder. 5. Industries related to Radio- active Materials. 6. Real Estate Business (Excluding Construction Industries) 7. Motion Picture Business (produced in national languages and the language of the nation). 8. Security Printing. 9. Currencies and Coinage Business.
Part (B)
1. Retail Business. 2. Travel Agency. 3. Trekking Agency. 4. Water Rafting. 5. Pony Trekking. 6. Horse Riding. 7. Cigarette, Bidri (Tobacco), Alcohol (excluding those exporting more than 90%) 8. Internal Courier Service. 9. Atomic Energy. 10. Tourist Lodging. 11. Poultry Farming. 12. Fisheries. 13. Bee-Keeping. 14. Consultancy Services such as Management, Accounting, Engineering and Legal Services.