The Township of Ewing County of Mercer, New Jersey ORDINANCE NO. #06-36
The Township of Ewing County of Mercer, New Jersey ORDINANCE NO. #06-36
The Township of Ewing County of Mercer, New Jersey ORDINANCE NO. #06-36
Effective Date:
First Reading
Second Reading
By Council _________________________________Override Vote YEA ______NAY _____
__________________________________ _________________________________
President of the Council Municipal Clerk
Section 1.
The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend Chapter 46, Affordable Housing, and Chapter 15,
Land Development, as follows:
B. Applicability.
(1) No change.
C. Exemptions.
(5) In the case of single-family development, any new residential construction, which
has been created as part of an on-site residential demolition permit, shall not be
counted towards the Borough’s growth share obligation, and is exempt from
development fees.
(a) Residential Development. For all residential development with nine (9) or
more units, an applicant shall satisfy its affordable housing production
obligation through on-site housing production in connection with the
residential project, which is one of the mechanisms permitted pursuant to
COAH’s regulations. By way of example, if a developer secures approval
for a nine (9) unit project, one of the units must be reserved as an
affordable unit.
(2) Full and complete satisfaction of compliance with the affordable housing
requirements of the development shall be a specific, automatic, essential, and non-
severable condition of all approvals. Pursuant to this condition, the applicant
must demonstrate that it has satisfied the Planning or Zoning Board’s affordable
housing condition of approval prior to obtaining the first building permit and
compliance with the affordable housing condition shall be a continuing condition
of all approvals for development.
(2) Permissible Manner of Satisfaction of Affordable Housing Obligation of Non-
residential Developers.
(a) For all Nonresidential Development, the applicant may, at its option, but
subject to the approval of the Township Planning Board, satisfy its
affordable housing production obligation through the various mechanisms
COAH regulations authorize including: (a) on-site housing production in
connection with a residential component of the project in all non-industrial
zones; (b) the purchase of an existing market-rate home at another location
in the community and its conversion to an affordable price-restricted home
in accordance with COAH’s criteria, regulations and policies for each unit
required by the project; and/or (c) participation in gut reconstruction
and/or buy-down/write-down, buy-down/rent-down programs.
(b) All non-residential development in any zone creating fewer than twenty-
five (25) jobs may provide one (1) low-income unit off-site or shall pay
the pro rata cost of producing one (1) low-income unit in the Township.
(c) For developments that result in a number of jobs not evenly divisible by
twenty-five (25) and where the developer elects to satisfy its obligation
through the construction of affordable housing, the developer may satisfy
its obligation as to the remainder by constructing an additional affordable
unit on or off site or by making payment in an amount equal to the pro rata
share represented by the remainder for the cost of producing one (1)
affordable unit in the Township.
(d) Full and complete satisfaction of compliance with the affordable housing
requirements of the development shall be a specific, automatic, essential,
and non-severable condition of all approvals. Pursuant to this condition,
the applicant must demonstrate that it has satisfied the Planning or Zoning
Board’s affordable housing condition of approval prior to obtaining the
first building permit and compliance with the affordable housing condition
shall be a continuing condition of all approvals for development.
(1) For all projects which include a combination of both residential and non-
residential development, the affordable housing obligation created by the
residential portion of the project is set forth in Section D(1) above. The
permissible manner of satisfaction of the affordable housing obligation for the
residential component is set forth in Section D(2) above.
(2) The affordable housing obligation created by the non-residential portion of the
project is set forth in Section E(1) above. The permissible manner of satisfaction
of the affordable housing obligation for the residential component is set forth in
Section E(2) above.
(5) Affordable housing deed restrictions, pricing and bedroom distributions must be
in accordance with Uniform Housing Affordability Controls (“UHAC”) as set
forth in N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq. Single-family attached buildings in the form of
semi-detached (side-by-side) units or duplex (over and under) units buildings
shall be deemed to be permitted uses in the underlying zone when created for the
purpose of meeting the growth share obligation on-site and shall conform to the
bulk standards set forth in the §15-17, RM – Residential Multifamily District and
§15-17A, RME – Residential Multifamily with Elevators District.
H. No change.
(1) No change.
(2) As to nonresidential developers, nothing herein shall affect the Township’s ability
to generate an increased fee in accordance with the Township’s Development Fee
Ordinance, Section 15-102 more affordable housing than the one (1) affordable
residential unit for every twenty-five (25) jobs standard set forth above in the
event that the developer does not secure secures an increased floor area ratio
(FAR) or other compensatory benefit through zoning or through a use variance.
(3) No change.
Section 2. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
If any section, subparagraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance shall be
held to be invalid, such decision shall not invalidate any remaining portion of this
Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage, publication according
to law and filing with the Mercer County Planning Board in accordance with
N.J.S.A. 40:55D-16.
This Ordinance amends the Revised General Municipal Ordinances of the Township of Ewing,
Chapter 15, Land Development, to amend the Ordinance facilitating affordable housing in
connection with residential and non-residential development in compliance with the New Jersey
Council on Affordable Housing Round 3 Rules approved December 20, 2004. This ordinance
supplements and amends the Affordable Housing Fees for the construction of new housing units
and new non-residential development.