Kohinoor Mills Limited's vision is to achieve and then remain as the most Progressive and profitable textile organization in Pakistan. Incorporated in 1987 as a Small weaving mill, today Kohinoor Mills broadly undertakes three major Businesses, weaving, processing, and power generation. It has, and continues to Develop, a portfolio of businesses that are major players within their respective Industries. Bringing together outstanding knowledge of customer needs with Leading edge technology platforms your company undertakes to provide superior Products to its customers. With an annual turnover of over Rs. 5 billion, today Kohinoor Mills Limited employs over 1,500 employees. It aims to create superior value for Kohinoor's customers and stakeholders without compromising its commitment to safety, environment and health for the communities in which it operates. Its products range from Greige fabric to processed fabric.
Board of Directors
Mr. Amir Fayyaz Sheikh Mr. Asad Fayyaz Sheikh Mr. Ali Fayyaz Sheikh Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mr. Kamran Shahid Mr. Aamir Amin Mr. Tahir Bashir Solehria
(Chief Executive/Chairman) (Director) (Director) (Director) (Director) (Director) NIT Nominee (Director)
The Kohinoor Mills Limited's stated mission is to become and then remain as the most progressive and profitable company in Pakistan in terms of industry standards and stakeholders interest.
The Company shall achieve its mission through a Continuous process of having sourced, developed, Implemented and managed the best leading edge technology, Industry best practices, human resource and Innovative products and services and sold these To its customers, suppliers and stakeholders.
Dyeing Division
Weaving Division
Genertek Division
Kohinoor Mills
that all the process from the purchase of raw material to dispatch of good even after selling operations manager is responsible for all. So question arises how he can be responsible or how he can handle it? We further came to know different roles played by operational manager in the mill.
Conversion Process
Initially the customers requirements are received at Kohinoor and a contract is made with the customer through marketing department. The production planning and control (PPC) team makes a comprehensive plan that includes cost & time estimation, resource allocation and risk analysis.
Inbound Logistics For the purchase of raw material (Yarn) a fix budget is allocated within this all the raw material (Yarn) has to be purchased and managed so that no wastage can occur. Raw material is purchased from different sites of the country. The store department checks inventory level through K- Net to determine how much raw material is required for production.
Cost Handling Its the job of the Operation manager to handle all the cost related to the production process, expenses, Wages, salaries and all other operating expenses. As he is answerable to the CEO of the company for any kind of loss in operations or material.
Kohinoor use its internal network K-NET to best utilize its manufacturing resources. For this purpose production planning and control department directly linked with marketing department and store department. They can only see the information available on the links of departments and receive or send order specification manually.
Days 07 14
Days 30 45
Warping Winding machines takes required length of the yarn and wind them up to warpers bobbins then these bobbins are setup to hold the thread while it is rolled up to the warp bar of the loom.
Slasher sizing machine needed for strengthening the warp by adding starch to reduce breakage of the yarns.
After warping and sizing of the yarn now its time for the thread to be woven in the jet looms
After weaving
Complete tracking of product on production floor through barcode scanning system. Product traceability is available from finished product back to raw material & machine operator. Online stocks positions at each level of production. Defects and fault analysis reports at each stage of production ensuring best quality standards.
SA 8000 ISO 14001
(in process)
Labour Handling
Labour in Kohinoor is on permanent bases no contractual bases. Labour rights are given to the labour incentives are also given to the labour
Kohinoor uses latest technology with respect to their competitors. Kohinoor have the strength to take big orders from all around the world. Weaving is their Flagship division with powerful jet looms.
With the increase of their production level Kohinoor Energy cannot meet the need of Kohinoor Textile mills. They have no expert system to make effective decision in difficult situations. Hosiery and Apparel divisions were not up to the mark so they have to sell them.
Kohinoor have its own energy setup for their textile mills. Also they provide electricity to WAPDA. Kohinoor avail the opportunity of getting orders of Levis top brands banana republic and meet the needs of their standers.
hreats Kohinoor had a threat from international market like India, Bangladesh and Srilanka. The textile industry of these countries have a edge of low labor and material cost, and flexible Government policies thats why they offered low prices for the same products