IMechE Members Guide
IMechE Members Guide
IMechE Members Guide
We are the fastest growing engineering Institution in the UK with members working at the heart of our most important and dynamic industries. Their contribution to the fields of energy, environment, transport, medicine and space will help us to meet the challenges ahead.
These challenges are real and complex but we have an understanding of what they are and a vision of what can be done about them: Energy Worldwide demand for energy is growing rapidly, our resources are finite and the environmental impact is increasingly apparent. How we produce and consume energy is one of the most important issues facing society today. Environment The worlds climate is changing the frequency of severe weather we experience is increasing. Our technology and infrastructure will need to adapt to cope with climate change and we need to minimise the pollution and waste that contributes to global warming. Transport Mass migration and the impact of a growth in transport demand means we need to make our transport easier, cleaner and safer. That means developing a better understanding of customer demand and capacity constraints and taking into account the total transport costs of different transportation methods. However daunting these issues are, there is one group of people uniquely equipped to help us meet the challenges ahead: ENGINEERS We have a proud 160 year-old heritage as the home for professionally registered mechanical engineers. Today we are a campaigning organisation working alongside leading companies, universities and think tanks to create and share knowledge and provide government, industry and the public with fresh thinking and authoritative, impartial advice. Not only are we doing our part to promote the profession and the valuable work done by our members, we are also striving to secure the future of the engineering profession by finding and nurturing new talent as well as helping existing engineers to develop and build their careers. Read on to find out how you can become a part of our Institution...
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers has designed its classes of membership and has levels of professional recognition to match an engineers development.
You can become a member from the start of a college or university course, through your professional development after graduation, eventually leading to full registration as a Corporate Member or even a Fellow. Engineering Technician (EngTech) EngTech membership is a level of professional registration for engineering technicians who use proven techniques and procedures to solve practical engineering problems. You dont need any formal qualifications but should be able to demonstrate knowledge and technical skills to around NVQ/SVQ level 3 or similar. Incorporated Engineer (IEng) Incorporated Engineers often work in operational roles, maintaining and managing applications of todays technology at the highest efficiency. As an Incorporated Engineer you need a thorough and detailed understanding of technology in order to exercise independent judgement and management on a professional basis. As well as having the necessary skills and experience, Incorporated Engineers should be able to demonstrate knowledge to Bachelor degree level. Chartered Engineer (CEng) Chartered Engineers are involved in developing solutions to engineering problems using new or existing technologies, either by innovation, creativity or change. In your role, you might work to develop new technologies, introduce new and more efficient production techniques or pioneer new engineering services and management methods. Chartered Engineers need to show learning to the equivalent of a Masters degree, in addition to having the appropriate skills and experience. Fellow Anyone who is eligible to or is already registered as EngTech, IEng or CEng can apply to become a Fellow, as long as you can demonstrate significant individual responsibility, sustained achievement and exceptional professionalism during your career.
What level of membershiP is riGht for You? Affiliate Anyone who is engaged in or has an interest in mechanical engineering, including undergraduate students and apprentices can become an affiliate member. Associate (AMIMechE) Associate membership is for any graduate with a suitable degree in engineering or an STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subject. To find out if your qualification is recognised, visit the membership section of our website:
WhY choose Professional reGistration? Professional registration is essential to achieving a successful engineering career. EngTech, Incorporated Engineer and Chartered Engineer status are an endorsement of our skills, competence and professionalism. They also demonstrate a serious long-term commitment to your career. The professional designation for our members, MIMechE, is recognised throughout the world as the quality mark of mechanical engineering excellence so you can be sure your colleagues will know you have reached the highest national and international standards. If you join as a Chartered Engineer (CEng) you also have the opportunity to apply for the European designation Eur Ing.
corPorate membershiP Each level of our corporate membership follows the requirements set out by the Engineering Council (UK). Engineers who can demonstrate the appropriate level of knowledge and skill can become a member, either as an Engineering Technician, Incorporated Engineer, or Chartered Engineer.
membershiP benefits
information As a leading professional engineering body, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers prides itself on the wealth of information it has at its disposal. This information comes in many forms and our members can access it for any purpose, be it as part of fact finding project relating to your work or just in a bid to keep up to date with the latest advancements in your industry. Library and information services All our members have access to a wide range of personalised information services which can help you with both personal and professional development. Our library staff can answer brief enquiries or carry out in-depth research free of charge, providing you with the information you need both quickly and cost effectively. The library catalogue with over 70,000 references to books, conferences, seminars, lectures, journals and abstracts for the Institutions technical papers is available online at: Postal loans are also available for all library items (EU only). A free virtual library means you can easily access a range of engineering literature and data services from your desktop. Access is available from our exclusive online member area at: Contact a member of the library team: T: 020 7973 1274 E: Or visit them at 1 Birdcage Walk, from 9.15am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. Professional Engineering Publishing Professional Engineering Publishing produces a range of magazines, journals and directories to meet the needs of industry, the academic community, researchers, government organisations, policy makers, libraries, consultants and individual engineers throughout the world. All our members receive Professional Engineering (PE) every fortnight. With a broad range of news, views and appointments PE is a must read magazine for engineers from all disciplines. Details of all journals and magazines and an online bookshop can be found at: Institution news Agenda, the Institutions news magazine is distributed to all Associates, Members and Fellows eight times a year. Full of news, members activities and with details on conferences as well as national and regional events, its the perfect way to keep up to date with what is going on. Mechs is an electronic newsletter, issued four times a year specifically for young members. It features new developments and promotes best practices in the world of engineering. It also reports on Regional and Young Member activities and pays tribute to outstanding achievers.
Regional and International activity IMechE has a worldwide network which delivers an exciting range of high quality activity for local members. Our Regions organise technical lectures, visits, professional skills training and social events so you can get more out of your membership, whether it is gaining specific knowledge related to your job, or having the opportunity to meet like minded engineering professionals. In the UK, these activities are arranged by active members based in 15 regions, with some more locally focussed areas. The Institution is active in more than 120 countries worldwide. International members are supported by a network of eight Branches, nine Joint Groups and 150 Corresponding Members. For more information, visit: Young Member Panels IMechE recognises that young engineers are our future and encourages the Institutions Young Members to become involved on a local and national level. Becoming involved will help you to work towards becoming a professional Incorporated or Chartered engineer. It also offers you the chance to network with other young engineers, find out about local companies and gives you access to many events relevant to your career. There are currently 30 Young Member Panels organising activities for young engineers, both in the UK and overseas. Nationally, the Young Members Board represents the views of young engineers that affect the Institution and the mechanical engineering profession. The Board provides the opportunity for young engineers to have their say and lobby for change.
For more information, visit: or email: Divisions and Groups The Institutions Divisions represent the primary industry sectors involved with mechanical engineering and can provide you with up-to-date information on all technical and engineering advancements. Some Divisions also have locally based centres around the UK organising a range of industry specific activities for members. IMechE Divisions are: Aerospace Industries Automobile Construction and Building Services Manufacturing Medical Engineering Power Industries Process Industries Railway Groups are the technical and scientific areas highlighted within the Institution and incorporate a wide range of industry sectors. IMechE Groups include: Combustion Engines & Fuels Energy Environment & Sustainability Fluid Machinery Thermofluids Management Mechatronics Informatics & Control Pressure Systems Safety and Reliability Structural Technology & Materials Tribology
IMechE Ambassador Programme The Institution has a wide variety of volunteering opportunities available for its members, from acting as a media spokesperson, to sitting on regional and industry sector committees, mentoring or helping to assess new registrants or supporting a wide range of school and university events. By becoming an Ambassador you can not only develop soft skills such as communication and leadership which can contribute towards getting a professional registration, but you will also have the chance to network with other engineers and with those from outside the profession. Our Ambassadors make an important contribution to the engineering profession by promoting it to others, providing intellectual leadership, and inspiring future engineers. Any one can become an Ambassador regardless of your skills or background, all you need to make a difference is enthusiasm, commitment and a passion for engineering. For more information visit: Presidents Apprentice Every year, the Presidents Apprentice scheme gives Young Members the chance to shadow the President and see how the Institution works at the highest level. Past Apprentices have been given the chance to meet senior engineers, enhance their communication skills and contribute to how the future of the Institution is shaped.
member suPPort