The Miracle of The Lemon

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The Miracle of the Lemon

The lemon is a wonderful source of vitamins and healing properties. Here are some ways to use it: SEASONING: Great on greens and salads: use instead of Vinegar (which can harm the liver) COUGHS & COLDS: Make hot lemonade with fresh lemon juice and a bit of honey (never use sugar as it feeds germs) add a pinch of ginger. Take 1 cup each hour or two. Regular use of lemon juice will prevent colds. Good for asthma also. SKIN BLEMISHES: apply pure fresh lemon juice to problem 2:3 times daily. SORE THROAT: Gargle with lemon with a bit of salt in hot water, every hour or two until relieved. SORE GUMS: rinse mouth with lemon and water and brush teeth with pure lemon juice and a bit of salt. CONSTIPATION OR SLUGGISHNESS: drink pint of warm water with juice of to 1 lemon upon arising. FEVER: Drink weak lemonade with honey 1-2 glasses per hour until relieved. HANGOVER OR HEADACHE: Strong unsweetened, lemonade with fresh lemon: 1-2 glasses per hour until relived. FATIGUE: Strong lemonade as above or just suck a lemon. STOP SMOKING: lemon juice takes the craving away for a smoke. Suck a lemon or squirt some juice into the mouth. Dieters can use a glass of water with lemon juice to satisfy cravings. Whatever ails you, you cant go wrong with using a big glass of water with a lemon squeezed into it several times daily!

The Miracle of the Lemon

The Miracle of the Lemon

In the mid-1960s, I was shown a copy of a very old natural remedies book. A small chapter at the back, entitled The Miracle of the Lemon, contained the information in this present tract. Although I never again found a copy of that book, several times since then I have seen small booklets, with the same title, which were reprints of that chapter. I have reprinted the information here. vf

What is the Lemon?

Each year new discoveries are being made about the wizard fruit, the Lemon. A new Vitamin Vitamin Phas been added to the valuable Vitamin C found in the fresh appetizer of the kitchen, the diet laboratory, and even the boudoir.

The Lemon Has Many Tricks

Like turning water into wine, the lemon with its citric acid quickly changes an acid constitution into an alkaline one. With its heavy fruit calcium it supplies bones, teeth and nervous system with basic nourishment. It contains phosphorous also, and one of its grandest properties is its ability to digest proteins when put on meats, fish, bones and eggs.

The Lemon a Healer, and Antiseptic

Dr. Gerald Stahl reports innumerable cases of cataract which have been eradicated by using drops of half lemon juice and half distilled water in the eye three (3) times daily. Athletes foot needs no high-priced ointments for its taming. Lemon juice combined with papaya juice is a socalled digestant in this condition. Several prominent dentists prescribe the juice of lemon and salt for stubborn pyorrhea. The lemon is one of the speediest acting enemies against germs. Industrial surgeons have used the lemon in cases of infection due to injury, with marked success. Harley Street specialists in London give the children of royalty lemon and honey for sore throat. Many people who have spent what amounts to fortunes on stubborn forms of eczema have been led to the homely lemon when all their money was gone, to find that the condition soon leaves them, and stays away, too.

Lemon Chases Away Halitosis

Not only is the lemon a local antiseptic for offensive breath, but as an internal alkalizer it protects the would-be fastidious mouth from giving offense. Screen and dramatic stars drink lemon juice drinks sweetened with a little honey, two (2) to three (3) times daily to guarantee sweetness of breath.

Why Have Asthma, When Lemons Are Plentiful?

Dr. Joseph H. Greer has no fear of asthma remaining with his patients. In addition to a general detoxifying diet, he gives then two (2) tablespoons of lemon juice before each meal, and before retiring. Health Secrets Resource Collection:

The Miracle of the Lemon

Coughs and Colds

Roasted Lemonsroasted until they crack openare given to cough and cold sufferers of all ages, and with marked success. When the lemon cracks open, the juice, with brown sugar and fresh pineapple juice, is given the patient, who feels immediate benefit. The pineapple juice adds its powerful digestive enzymes to those of the lemon, for disintegrating the mucous in the throat.

Chinese Use the Lemon for Medicine

When Chinese doctors reveal their remedies there is always something worthwhile to read. The clever cure of the felon [infection under the edge of the nail] is effected by them with this method: the top of the lemon is cut off, the finger is inserted in the lemon, and bound on. In the morning the felon is ready to be cleansed.

Biliousness and the Lemon

There are physicians who forbid all other medication in bilious cases, instructing their patients to avoid everything but lemon juice for at least one day.

The Lemon Is a Formidable Enemy in These Conditions:

How many people are terrified by the sight of infectious erysipelas! Poultices made from lemon juice have been producers of magic relief, after other powerful drugs had proved useless.

Scarlet Fever
Dr. George W. Wood makes this statement about Scarlet Fever: I can cure 49 out of every 50 cases of scarlet fever with lemon and gum arabic. At the beginning of attack place the child in bed, giving it to drink some lemonade with gum arabic one-half teaspoon of the gum to a glass of lemonade. Cover abdomen with dry flannel; then wrap child in a white woolen blanket wrung out of hot water: put a dry blanket on top; then add sufficient covering to cause perspiration. In some cases this is quickly induced by placing hot-water bags outside outer blanket. After one hour of perspiration, during which time lemonade and gum arabic has been given freely to drink, the child should be wiped dry and made comfortable as to amount of clothing. Lemon juice tends to remove deposits which form in the inner part of mouth.

In Diphtheria also, the lemon juice treatment still proves the power of the strong antiseptic and digestive qualities of the fruit. The throat should be gargled, says Dr. Wood, with the juice every hour or two, and at the same time, from a half to a full teaspoonful swallowed. This cuts loose the false membrane in the throat and permits it to come out. Dropsy: Remove skin from a lemon, cut the substance of the fruit into small slices, and cover with honey. To begin with, take juice of one lemon a day; increase gradually until juice of 8 or 10 lemons is taken daily. Health Secrets Resource Collection:

The Miracle of the Lemon Chills and fever may be due to a variety of causes; nevertheless the lemon is always a helpful remedy. Spanish physicians regard it as an infallible friend. Here is the Spanish method reported by Dr. Wood: The juice of one lemon is to be added to a teacup of coffee, and drunk at one draught without milk or sugar,twice daily. Instead of coffee, clover or alfalfa tea is recommended and found to be more potent and palatable.

Take juice of half a lemon before each meal, and before retiring each night. It may be diluted with distilled water before taking, or used in the form of a strong lemonade, and at the same time apply the juice twice dailyexternally. Most physicians who use this remedy state that after three (3) days the sure but slow power of the lemon shows its cleansing and pain-relieving qualities.

The world well knows today that the lemon-juice cure for scurvy is effective. There are many cases bordering on scurvy, however, showing a lack of the powerful lemon vitamins which give quick improvement in better bowel action, healing of mouth conditions, and a greater immunity to infectionwhen a diet very rich in Vitamin Cwhich abounds in lemonsis followed.

Lemon juice with a few teaspoons of hot tea (clover or alfalfa tea is better) added is the treatment of a sophisticated New York bartender, for those who suffer with hangover headachesand from headache due to many other causes. He converts his customers to this regime, and weans them away from drug remedies completely.

Tartar Remover
Lemon juice makes a delightful dentifrice all by itself. To keep the tooth brushes immersed in diluted lemon juice, helps to keep them clean, as well as the teeth.

The Lemon an Endurance-Maker

Many women, men and children who lack endurance are low in calcium supply. It is then that the lemon cocktail taken twice daily for 30 days changes the body chemistry, giving greater strength, improvement of memory and endurance, as well as complexion. The lemon cocktail consists of lemon juice, powdered milk and honey shaken in a cocktail shaker.

Lemon Peel a Great Delicacy

Great epicures insist on the free use of lemon peel, grated, in all cakes. It lends an indefinable something of luxury to the taste of any cake, or any flavor, and does not interfere with other flavors either in the frosting of the cake or in the body of the cake itself. No one who has not yet tasted Luxury Hamburger can realize what is in store for him. Ground onion with ground lemon peel added to beef before broiling or frying is a greater treat than the most expensive cuts of meat. Health Secrets Resource Collection: 4

The Miracle of the Lemon The costliest of chocolates in Paris contain finely ground lemon peel. Ground lemon peel is placed in the finest of European fruit and vegetable salads. In Berlin, Paris and throughout Italy their incomparable soups contain ground lemon peel. Lemon peel marmalade graces the breakfast tables of continental resorts. Many epicures are seen using ground lemon peel in their breakfast eggs.

Lemon a Good Seasoning

But as far as material for greens is concerned, you need have no concern. . . . I shall be able to obtain the leaves of the yellow dock, the young dandelion, and mustard . . . My thistle greens, nicely cooked, and seasoned with cream and lemon juice, are very appetizing.Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 324. Lemon, instead of vinegar, is much more palatable as a seasoning on all greens, particularly fresh, young beet tops. In making mayonnaise lemon is preferable to vinegar.

Lemon and Moth Preventatives

A charming French custom to keep closets free from moths is to take ripe lemons and stick them with cloves all over the skin. The heavily studded lemons slowly dry with their cloves, leaving a marvelous odor throughout closets and rooms.

Lemons and Fatigue

Long distance walkers and world travelers as well as explorers look upon the lemon as a Godsend. When fatigue begins a lemon is sucked through a hole in the top. Quick-acting medicine it is, giving almost unbelievable refreshment. Explorers use lemon for protection against many infections of the tropics. A small amount of lemon juice will quench thirst more effectively than many times the amount of water. Experienced travelers declare that when they add lemon juice to ordinary drinking water, in various localities, it acts as an antiseptic and prevents illness due to allergy towards different water supplies.

The Sophisticated Lemon

This trick was learned from important men of business and professional life, when they had to be on their toes in the morning after a night of feasting and celebration. A lemon is quartered. It is then sprinkled with salt, and all eaten except the rind, before breakfast. Public speakers say this trick is an important stimulant to them before going on the platform.

Vaginal Hygiene
Diluted lemon juice makes a safe and sane method of vaginal hygiene. Though it is a powerful antiseptic it is nevertheless free from irritating drugs in douches and suppositories.

London Health Authority Relies on Lemons

Reddie Mallett, a London health authority, has a complete therapeutic system based on the healing properties of the lemon, combined with various other natural aids. In his health home the patient is given his first treatment by being placed between two hearth fires on opposite Health Secrets Resource Collection:

The Miracle of the Lemon sides of the room. His body is rubbed all over with lemon juice and oil. The heated air in this combination causes quick assimilation and well-being of a lasting character. Ears, nose and throat have their particular care with lemon juice treatment. Dr. Mallett cares for stubborn catarrh cases in the following manner: A teaspoonful of olive oil with a teaspoon of lemon juice is graduallythrough a dropperallowed to trickle through each nostril. It is also put into the ears each week for cleansing and tonic properties. Tiny amounts of lemon juice and olive oil are added to baby food at weaning time, and increased with the age of the child. This method is said by Dr. Malletts patients to prevent ordinary childrens diseases, through its peculiar immunity-giving qualities. Constipation is treated with inner and outer supplies of lemon juice and olive oil. Four times daily, egg cups of olive oil and lemon juice are taken. The body is massaged three (3) times weekly with lemon juice and oil. Adenoids are treated with diluted lemon juice used in a nasal syringe in a gentle, trickling manner. In arthritis, lemon juice and oil are gently massaged into the joints after patient has been made warm in a hot bath, or a blanket bath in bed. Lemon pulp poultices are freely used for boils, abscesses and skin eruptions generally. Juice is of course used internally also. In bronchitis lemon and oil are used as a gargle, and also as an exterior massage for throat and chest. In cirrhosis of the liver, as many as a dozen lemons are used daily in Dr. Malletts home, with a starch-free diet, heavily supplied with fruits such as raisins, oranges, pineapples, etc. Striking results are said to be experienced by sufferers from colitis, with massage of abdomen twice daily (while lying down) with lemon juice and olive oil. In diarrhea, Dr. Mallett used apple pulp and lemon juice for both young and old. In eczema, lemon juice and raw pineapple juice are applied every hour, and with a starchless diet, until condition is cured. Influenza, headache, indigestion are treated with increasing amounts of lemon juice inwardly and outwardly. In treatment of jaundice, lemon juice is combined with carrot juice. Dr. Mallett has had unusual results in the treatment of neurasthenia with olive oil and lemon juice. The beneficial calcium, usually low in neurasthenia, is supplied with the nerve nourishing properties of olive oil, to give zest to patients diet. Daily massage of lemon juice and olive oil is rigidly adhered to. The treatment of piles in this lemon health home has been markedly successful. The diet is dry. No water is usedonly fruits and vegetables. At night a small teacup of warm olive oil and lemon juice, equal parts, is very gently inserted rectally (enema)and retained.

Cosmetics and Lemon

With arrival of the new dehydrated lemon juice in powder form, the woman interested in beauty can have a convenient jar of pure lemon before her for immediate use at all times, without the unsightly half-squeezed lemon on her boudoir table. Health Secrets Resource Collection:

The Miracle of the Lemon The lemon is a very valuable hand and nail bleach. The newer highlighting rinses for hair contain lemon. The pore-reducing treatment in the ultramodern beauty shop contains natural lemon juice, and one of the constituents in an effective breast-reduceris lemon juice. A new liquid powder designed for both treatment and beautification, contains natural juice of lemon for its ability to ward off facial and nose shinealso for its bleaching and freckleremoving qualities. Lemon strawberry toothpowder is a new bleaching agent for teeth darkened by film and alkaline deposits. A New York dancing teacher keeps her pupils feet and joints pliant with olive oil and lemon juice massage before and after all lessons, and physical culture experts are now using a remarkable massage cream made from egg yolk, lemon and olive oil. Paris actresses prevent dark-circled eyes by twice daily applications of lemon juice. It is used to prevent yellow appearance of the neck. One clever actress carries with her at all times the new cleansing pads for removing makeup during the day. She adds lemon juice to the jar of pads so that with each application she secured a bleaching as well as a cleansing treatment of her skin before applying more makeup. The Lemon has a host of uses for the hair and scalp. A lemon scalp massage may be given in ones own home by using the new dehydrated lemon powder, which is allowed to remain on during the night for its powerful tonic properties, as well as its ability to combat many scalp infections.

Lemon, a Good Cure for the Tobacco Habit

If one really wishes to stop the tobacco habit, in any form, it has been found that when the urge to either smoke or chew arises, then a mouthful of straight lemon juice takes away that desire. In approximately thirty (30) days of this treatment all desire for using tobacco will have disappeared. A convenient way of using the lemon is to carry one, with a hole in its top, wrapped in wax paper, and then suck a mouthful each time the craving occurs. It may require several lemons a day to accomplish the desired result. One must also stop using foods seasoned highly with pepper and salt, as the pepper and salt seems to increase the desire for tobacco.

Lemon Helps in Overcoming Alcoholism

The patients should be shown the evil of intoxicating liquor, and the blessing of total abstinence. They should be asked to discard the things that have ruined their health, and the place of these things should be supplied with an abundance of fruit. Oranges, lemons, prunes, peaches, and many other varieties can be obtained; for the Lords world is productive, if painstaking effort is put forth. Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 311. It has been found that the more fruit is included in the diet, particularly lemons, the less craving there is for alcoholic beverages. Health Secrets Resource Collection:

The Miracle of the Lemon


After you understand the potency of lemons you may run out and purchase a bag and include them every day in your life. In my opinion, there no place that the lemon can't go. It may need a little diluting to go everywhere but it is useful everywhere! I just want to share some highlights I learned from my class last year. May you be enlightened as we were. Lemon has many benefits. Like turning water into wine, the lemon with its citric acid quickly changes an acid constitution into an alkaline one. With its heavy fruit calcium it supplies the bones, teeth, and nervous system with basic nourishment. It contains phosphorous also, and one of its best properties is its ability to help digest proteins. One author writes; Lemons are high in vitamin C, supplying four times more than oranges. As the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body, vitamin C travels through your system, preventing cellular damage and cholesterol buildup by zapping any free radicals it meets. Recently, researchers discovered a substance in lemons called limonene. This essential oil has been shown to shrink cancerous tumors, detoxify carcinogens (look it up) in the body, and stimulate the healthy flow of lymph fluids Lemons assist in the digestive process by producing necessary enzymes, invigorating the gall bladder and liver, and promoting the absorption of protein and minerals from foods. Lemon juice also helps liquefy fat so that it can be flushed out of your system faster. And, as if that weren't enough, drinking lemon juice in hot water acts as a mild diuretic, ridding the body of retained water and toxin. It may also help to reduce cellulite by cleansing the Lymphatic system and stimulating Blood Flow to the skin. To top it off, lemons also provides small amounts of vitamin B6, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and folate. One doctor reports innumerable cases of cataract which have been eliminated by using drops of half lemon juice and half distilled water in the eye three times daily. In treating cataracts Bro Wilson has used one drop of lemon juice in the eye in the morning and one drop of honey in the eye in the evening. For how long you ask? How long do you want to see? Until they are gone! But it's going to sting you say. Yeah and...As you eyes heal the less stinging it will do. What the lemon does to the eye is trigger circulation. Where there is poor circulation there is death. By bringing more circulation and blood flow to the eyes you can rid yourself of cataracts. Cataracts are natures sun shades to cut down on the ultraviolet rays that are destroying the eye. It is natures attempt to protect us. That is what the body is designed to doprotect and to serve. And sometimes because of our abuse, nature over protects and we develop what we call disease. Disease is a friend not an enemy. It is simply nature's way of saying hey something is wrong here" and "I love you so much I will try to do something to assist you to aid you in recovery. Isn't the Creator good to us? BTW Where do these ultraviolet rays come from? One source is TV... it is high in ultraviolet rays and our eyes are abused by it. So you may need to reduce your TV time huh. Now back to lemons.... Health Secrets Resource Collection:

The Miracle of the Lemon Lemon is one of the fastest acting enemies against germs. Lemon and honey can be used for sore throats. It nourishes and gives the body what it needs to heal itself. Forms of eczema have been helped with lemon also. Lemon chases away bad breath. Not only is the lemon a local antiseptic for bad breath, but is an internal alkalizer and protects the would-be fastidious mouth from giving offense. 2 tablespoons of lemon juice before each meal and before bed has been known to help people who suffer with asthma. For cough and colds use roasted lemonsroast until they crack open. When the lemon cracks open, the juice and the fresh pineapple juice (equal parts) with a little honey is of quick benefit. The pineapple adds its powerful digestive enzymes to those of the lemon, for disintegrating the mucous in the throat. Many women and children who lack endurance are low in calcium supply. It is then that the lemon cocktail taken twice daily for 30 days changes the body chemistry, giving greater strength, improvement of memory and endurance as well as complexion. The lemon cocktail consists of lemon juice, powdered soy milk and honey shaken in a cocktail shaker or blender. When fatigue begins, a lemon is sucked through a hole in the top is quick acting medicine, giving almost unbelievable refreshment. Explorers use lemon for protection against many infections of the tropics. A small amount of lemon will quench thirst more effectively than many times the amount of water. Adding lemon to water acts as an antiseptic and prevents illness due to allergy towards different water supplies. So you want a quick pick me up? Quarter a lemon and sprinkle it with a little veggie salt or sea salt and eat it; some people report it acts as a stimulant to get them going in the morning. Not feeling so fresh down below...For Vaginal Hygiene, Diluted lemon juice makes a safe and sane method to keep it clean. Though it is a powerful antiseptic it is nevertheless free from irritating drugs in douches and suppositories. If one really wants to stop the tobacco habit in any form, it has been found that when the urge to either smoke or chew arises, then a mouthful of straight lemon juice takes away that desire. In about 30 days all desire for using tobacco will have disappeared. Lemon combined with water; stimulates the bowels. Just squeeze one lemon in a glass of water and drink 1/2 hour before breakfast. Constipation may be alleviated by drinking 2-4 cups of lemon water in the morning. Lemon has a wonderful effect on the skin. It cleanses the skin. It is also an antiseptic. You know that staph bacilli live on our skin but our immune system suppresses it. When the pH gets unbalanced, when the immune system gets low, the staph begins to grow. Lemon will aid in neutralizing most of the staph growing on the surface of the skin. At the same time it has some of the actual oils that will give the skin the fatty acids that it needs. It has a tremendous amount of melanin and other minerals that can be absorbed very fast into the skin. You can actually see the blood stream through the skin. Just rub the lemon on the skin, it gives a lovely smell. You can also use the peeling and massage it with much more force. Rub it into the skin as much as possible. It may take a couple of weeks Health Secrets Resource Collection:

The Miracle of the Lemon to notice the benefits but if you are consistent then the Creator will bless you will lovely complexion. Lemon is an astringent also. So what is an astringent? It is an agent that tightens everything up. It brings everything back to proper balance. If you keep your body clean, if you detoxify, your body will not produce odors that we normally experience and we will need very little deodorant. Health Secrets Resource Collection:


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