Dato' Ir Nurul Aiman Binti Ab Majid 4 MAHIR 2012: (To-Be)
Dato' Ir Nurul Aiman Binti Ab Majid 4 MAHIR 2012: (To-Be)
Dato' Ir Nurul Aiman Binti Ab Majid 4 MAHIR 2012: (To-Be)
Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah the Almighty because with His green light I have time and space for making this portfolio. Well, what is endangered ecosystem actually refers to? Well, as for me an endangered ecosystem is a natural environment that is threatened with collapse and disappearance due to human activity, pollution and species extinction or overpopulation among other factors. Living and non-living things interact from interdependent relationships and exchange energy and matter in ecosystems that can be as large as the planet or as small as a fishbowl. When the interdependence between an environments species and physical and chemical factors is disrupted, the ecosystem becomes endangered and can possibly disintegrate completely. The consequences of ecosystem collapse include mass extinction, species populations surging beyond control, disruption of human food supplies, erosion, flooding, acceleration of climate change and the disintegration of large regions of the natural environment. There are many natural and human causes of an endangered ecosystem, causes that often disrupt an ecosystems food chain and physical environment. Overfishing of a particular aquatic species such as sharks or blue-fin tuna can detrimentally impact a food chain by depleting large predators that keep smaller species populations from surging out of control. Without large predators, many species will breed beyond the immediate environments ability to support them thus resulting in resource and food diminution and an endangered ecosystem. When the resources of the current ecosystem are exhausted, an over bred species may then move to a new environment where it may become invasive and destructive. Species can also be introduced into an ecosystem by man in an effort to control the population of a native animal or insect but have a disruptive effect instead.
Soil erosion is a major ecological problem that doesn't receive adequate media coverage like this is the case with climate change and air pollution. It is very difficult to find the adequate definition for soil erosion, mostly because soil erosion is studied by different scientific fields like geomorphology, ecology, agricultural engineering, hydrology, and each of these disciplines has different priorities when defining soil erosion. The simplest soil erosion definition would be "a form of soil degradation that affects natural environment and agriculture". The thing you also need to know about the soil erosion is that this process is naturally occurring, and has been happening on our planet for more than 450 million years, ever since the time first plants on land formed the first soil structure. So soil erosion is natural process. But if soil erosion is natural process why so many environmentalists refer to it as one of the biggest environmental problems? This is because soil erosion process has been increased dramatically by human land use such as industrial agriculture, deforestation, and urban sprawl. Nature ensures that erosion is kept at acceptable levels while industrial agriculture causes much higher rate of erosion that results in reduction of vegetation cover on the surface of the soil and does great damage to soil structure and plant roots.
Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process on all land. The agents of soil erosion are water and wind. So both agents react in some ways to erode soil.
The rate and magnitude of soil erosion by water is controlled by rainfall intensity and runoff and vegetation. Both rainfall and runoff factors must be considered in assessing a water erosion problem. The impact of raindrops on the soil surface can break down soil aggregates and disperse the aggregate material. Lighter aggregate materials such as very fine sand, silt, clay and organic matter can be easily removed by the raindrop splash and runoff water; greater raindrop energy or runoff amounts might be required to move the larger sand and gravel particles. Soil movement by rainfall (raindrop splash) is usually greatest and most noticeable during short-duration, high-intensity thunderstorms. Although the erosion caused by long-lasting and less-intense storms is not as spectacular or noticeable as that produced during thunderstorms, the amount of soil loss can be significant, especially when compounded over time. Runoff can occur whenever there is excess water on a slope that cannot be absorbed into the soil or trapped on the surface. The amount of runoff can be increased if infiltration is reduced due to soil compaction, crusting or freezing. Runoff from the agricultural land may be greatest during spring months when the soils are usually saturated, snow is melting and vegetative cover is minimal. While in vegetation aspect, soil erosion potential is increased if the soil has no or very little vegetative cover of plants and/or crop residues. Plant and residue cover protects the soil from raindrop impact and splash, tends to slow down the movement of surface runoff and allows excess surface water to infiltrate.
The erosion-reducing effectiveness of plant and/or residue covers depends on the type, extent and quantity of cover. Vegetation and residue combinations that completely cover the soil, and which intercept all falling raindrops at and close to the surface and the most efficient in controlling soil (e.g. forests, permanent grasses ). Partially incorporated residues and residual roots are also important as these provide channels that allow surface water to move into the soil. The effectiveness of any crop, management system or protective cover also depends on how much protection is available at various periods during the year, relative to the amount of erosive rainfall that falls during these periods. In this respect, crops which provide a food, protective cover for a major portion of the year (for example, alfalfa or winter cover crops) can reduce erosion much more than can crops which leave the soil bare for a longer period of time (e.g. row crops) and particularly during periods of high erosive rainfall (spring and summer). However, most of the erosion on annual row crop land can be reduced by leaving a residue cover greater than 30% after harvest and over the winter months, or by interseeding a forage crop (e.g. red clover). Soil erosion potential is affected by tillage operations, depending on the depth, direction and timing of plowing, the type of tillage equipment and the number of passes. Generally, the less the disturbance of vegetation or residue cover at or near the surface, the more effective the tillage practice in reducing erosion. The rate and magnitude of soil erosion by wind is controlled soil surface roughness and climate. Soil surfaces that are not rough or ridged offer little resistance to the wind. However, over time, ridges can be filled in and the roughness broken down by abrasion to produce a smoother surface susceptible to the wind. Excess tillage can contribute to soil structure breakdown and increased erosion. While the speed and duration of the wind have a direct relationship to the extent of soil erosion. Soil moisture levels can be very low at the surface of excessively drained soils or
during periods of drought, thus releasing the particles for transport by wind. This effect also occurs in freeze drying of the surface during winter months.
As for soil erosion by water, they are two effects that can be listed. They are sheet and rill erosion and gully erosion. Sheet erosion is soil movement from raindrop splash resulting in the breakdown of soil surface structure and surface runoff; it occurs rather uniformly over the slope and may go unnoticed until most of the productive topsoil has been lost. Rill erosion results when surface runoff concentrates forming small yet well-defined channels. These channels are called rills when they are small enough to not interfere with field machinery operations. The same eroded channels are known as gullies when they become a nuisance factor in normal tillage. There are farms in Ontario that are losing large quantities of topsoil and subsoil each year due to fully erosion. Surface runoff, causing gull formation or the enlarging of existing gullies, is usually the result of improper outlet design for local surface and subsurface drainage systems. The soil instability of fully banks, usually associated with seepage of ground water, leads to sloughing and slumping (caving-in) of bank slopes. Such failures usually occur during spring months when the soil water conditions are most conducive to the problem.
Gully formations can be difficult to control if remedial measures are not designed and properly constructed. Control measures have to consider the cause of the increased flow of water across the landscape. This where the multitude of conservation measures come into play. Operations with farm machinery adjacent to gullies can be quite hazardous when cropping or attempting to reclaim lost land. While soil erosion by wind, it may create adverse operating conditions in the field. Crops can be totally ruined so that costly delay and reseeding is necessary - or the plants may be sandblasted and set back with a resulting decrease in yield, loss of quality, and market value. Soil drifting is a fertility-depleting process that can lead to poor crop growth and yield reductions in areas of fields where wind erosion is a recurring problem. Continual drifting of an area gradually causes a textural change in the soil. Loss of fine sand, silt, clay and organic particles from sandy soils serves to lower the moisture holding capacity of the soil. This, in turn, increases the erodibility of the soil and compounds the problem.
The removal of wind blown soils from fence rows, ditches, roads and from around buildings is a costly process.
They are three ways of preventing soil erosion. First, buffer strip. A buffer strip is an area of land maintained in permanent vegetation that helps to control air, soil, and water quality, along with other environmental problems, dealing primarily on land that is used in agriculture. Buffer strips trap sediment, and enhance filtration of nutrients and pesticides by slowing down runoff that could enter the local surface waters. The root systems of the planted vegetation in these buffers hold soil particles together which alleviate the soil of wind erosion and stabilize stream banks providing protection against substantial erosion and landslides. Farmers can also use buffer strips to square up existing crop fields to provide safety for equipment while also farming more efficiently. Buffer strips can have several different configurations of vegetation found on them varying from simply grass. Next, plasticulture. The term plasticulture refers to the practice of using plastic materials in agricultural applications. The plastic materials themselves are often and broadly referred to as "ag plastics." Plasticulture ag plastics include soil fumigation film, irrigation drip tape/tubing, nursery pots and silage bags, but the term is most often used to describe all kinds of plastic plant/soil coverings. Such coverings range from plastic mulch film, row coverings, high and low tunnels (polytunnels), to plastic greenhouses. Polyethylene (PE) is the plastic film used by the majority of growers because of its affordability, flexibility and easy manufacturing. It comes in a variety of thicknesses, such as a low density form (LDPE) as well as a linear low density form (LLDPE). These can be modified by addition of certain elements to the plastic that give it properties beneficial to plant growth such as reduced water loss, UV stabilization to cool soil and prevent
insects, elimination of Photosynthetically active radiation to prevent weed growth, IR opacity, antidrip/antifog, and florescent films. Lastly, terrace method in agriculture. Terraces are used in farming to cultivate sloped land. Graduated terrace steps are commonly used to farm on hilly or mountainous terrain. Terraced fields decrease erosion and surface runoff, and are effective for growing crops requiring much water, such as rice. to combinations of grass, trees, and shrubs. Areas with diverse vegetation provide more protection from nutrient and pesticide flow and at the same time provide better biodiversity amongst plants and animals. Terraced paddy fields are used widely in rice farming in east, south, and Southeast Asia, as well as other places. Drier-climate terrace farming is common throughout the Mediterranean Basin, e.g., in Macaques, Catalonia, where they were used for vineyards, olive trees, cork oak, etc., Cinque Terre, Italy.
Flash flood is a flood caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time, generally less than 6 hours. Flash floods are usually characterized by raging torrents after heavy rains that rip through river beds, urban streets, or mountain canyons sweeping everything before them. They can occur within minutes or a few hours of excessive rainfall. They can also occur even if no rain has fallen, for instance after a levee or dam has failed, or after a sudden release of water by a debris or ice jam.
Flash flooding occurs when precipitation falls too quickly on saturated soil or dry soil that has poor absorption ability. The runoff collects in low-lying areas and rapidly flows downhill. Flash floods most often occur in normally dry areas that have recently received precipitation, but may be seen anywhere downstream from the source of the precipitation, even many miles from the source. In areas on or near volcanoes, flash floods have also occurred after eruptions, when glaciers have been melted by the intense heat. Flash floods are known to occur in the highest mountain ranges of the United States and are also common in the arid plains of southwestern United States. Flash flooding can also be caused by extensive rainfall released by hurricanes and other tropical storms, as well as the sudden thawing effect of ice dams. Human activities can
Figure 1 volcano in Iceland flash flood from Eyjafjallajkull glacier
also cause flash floods to occur. When dams, constructed for hydro-
electricity, have failed, large quantities of water can be released and can destroy everything within its path.
Flash flood mainly affected the economy of the area hit by flash flood. This is called economic loss. The flooding in Jiangxi of China in 1998 caused great damage. The economic loss was HK$156 billion, 400 buildings surrounding the lake were inundated, leaving more than 1 million people homeless. After flooding, government has to input many resources for aiding or reconstruction, e.g., police force, fire control, aid worker, resources used for resisting flood, etc. This also brings loss to society. As for the environment, flooding will lead to the damages of roads, collapse of bridges or traffic congestion, which may affect the daily operation. Also, flash flood damages the farmland as this phenomenon brings too much water which will cause damage to farmland.
They are two main ways of preventing flash flood. Firstly, floodplains. This is perhaps the best prevention of suffering the impacts of flash floods is to prevent development in floodplains. The Great Flood of 1993 caused catastrophic damage in the Upper Mississippi River floodplain, causing over $20 billion damage. After the flood, the federal government recognized the failure of artificial structures such as dams and levees. Flood victims were relocated. However, in recent years, the lessons of 1993 have faded. Over 85 percent of post-relief money has been used to rebuild in these very same flood-prone areas. Next, Wetland restoration provides another flash flood prevention strategy. According to figures from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a single acre of wetlands can absorb 1 to 1.5 million gallons of flood waters. In addition, wetlands filter pollutants out of running waters, which drop into the sediment. Riparian or riverside habitat also needs protection and restoration. The EPA estimates that bottomland wetlands along the Mississippi River are able to retain flood waters for 12 days now versus the 60 days it is believed to have once stored.
Figure 2 floodplain plan
As for Wikipedia.com, it defines global warming as the rising average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the early 20th century, Earth's average surface temperature has increased by about 0.8 C (1.4 F), with about two thirds of the increase occurring since 1980. Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and scientists are more than 90% certain that most of it is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. These findings are recognized by the national science academies nations. of all major industrialized As for the University of Reading, UK, it defines global warming as certain gasses such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) absorb reflected infra-red radiation and trap it within the earths atmosphere. This heat which would normally be dissipated into space increases the 5temperature of the earth. An increase in the earths temperature would have profound effects on the worlds sea levels and climate. The control of these gasses is therefore seen as a major international priority.
They are many causes of global warming such as carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants and carbon dioxide emissions from burning gasoline for transportation. Our ever increasing addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 40% of U.S. CO2 emissions come from electricity production, and burning coal accounts for 93% of emissions from the electric utility industry. Every day, more electric gadgets flood the market, and without widespread alternative energy sources, we are highly dependent on burning coal for our personal and commercial electrical supply. While our modern car culture and appetite for globally sourced goods is responsible for about 33% of emissions in the U.S. With our population growing at an alarming rate, the demand for more cars and consumer goods means that we are increasing the use of fossil fuels for transportation and manufacturing. Our consumption is outpacing our discoveries of ways to mitigate the effects, with no end in sight to our massive consumer culture. Next, methane emissions from animals, agriculture such as rice paddies, and from Arctic seabeds. Methane is another extremely potent greenhouse gas, ranking right behind CO2. When organic matter is broken down by bacteria under oxygenstarved conditions (anaerobic decomposition) as in rice paddies, methane is produced. The process also takes place in the intestines of herbivorous animals, and with the increase in the amount of concentrated livestock production, the levels of methane released into the atmosphere is increasing. Another source of methane is methane clathrate, a compound containing large amounts of methane trapped in the crystal structure of ice. As methane escapes from the Arctic seabed, the rate of global warming will increase significantly.
Lastly, deforestation, especially tropical forests for wood, pulp, and farmland. The use of forests for fuel (both wood and for charcoal) is one cause of deforestation, but in the first world, our appetite for wood and paper products, our consumption of livestock grazed on former forest land, and the use of tropical forest lands for commodities like palm oil plantations contributes to the mass deforestation of our world. Forests remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and this deforestation releases large amounts of carbon, as well as reducing the amount of carbon capture on the planet.
The first effect of global warming is rise in sea levels worldwide. Scientists predict an increase in sea levels worldwide due to the melting of two massive ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland, especially on the East coast of the U.S. However, many nations around the world will experience the effects of rising sea levels, which could displace millions of people. One nation, the Maldives, is already looking for a new home, thanks to rising sea levels.
Figure 3 Greenland ice melting
Secondly, more killer storms occur. The severity of storms such as hurricanes and cyclones is increasing, and there is research sounds scientists have come up with the firmest evidence so far that global warming will significantly increase the intensity of the most extreme storms worldwide. The maximum wind speeds of the strongest tropical cyclones have increased significantly since 1981, according to the research. And the upward trend, thought to be driven by rising ocean temperatures, is unlikely to stop at any time soon. Lastly, disappearance of coral reefs. A report on coral reefs from WWF says that in a worst case scenario, coral populations will collapse by 2100 due to increased temperatures and ocean acidification. The bleaching of corals from small but prolonged rises in sea temperature is a severe danger for ocean ecosystems, and many other species in the oceans rely on coral reefs for their survival. Despite the oceanss immensity 71 per cent of the Earths surface with an average depth of almost 4km (2m) there are indications that it is approaching its tipping point. For reefs, Figure 4 who wants this beautiful Gods creation gone ? warming waters and acidification are closing in like a pair of jaws that threaten to make them the first global ecosystem to disappear.
They are many ways to prevent global warming. I would like to list down that all of us can do it, InshaAllah. First and foremost, reduce, reuse and recycle (3R). Do your part to reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Buying products with minimal packaging (including the economy size when that makes sense for you) will help to reduce waste. And whenever you can, recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and aluminum cans. If there isn't a recycling program at your workplace, school, or in your community, ask about starting one. By recycling half of your household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. Next, drive less and drive smart .Less driving means fewer emissions. Besides saving gasoline, walking and biking are great forms of exercise. Explore your community mass transit system, and check out options for carpooling to work or school. When you do drive, make sure your car is running efficiently. For example, keeping your tires properly inflated can improve your gas mileage by more than 3 percent. Every gallon of gas you save not only helps your budget; it also keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
We can also plant a tree. If you have the means to plant a tree, start digging. During photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. They are an integral part of the natural atmospheric exchange cycle here on Earth, but there are too few of them to fully counter the increases in carbon dioxide caused by automobile traffic, manufacturing and other human activities. A single tree will absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. Lastly and the most simple step, encourage others to conserve. Share information about recycling and energy conservation with your friends, neighbors and coworkers, and take opportunities to encourage public officials to establish programs and policies that are good for the environment.
Normally, greenhouse effect is define as trapping and build-up of heat in the atmosphere (troposphere) near the earths surface. Some of the heat flowing back toward space from the earth's surface is absorbed by water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, and several other gases in the atmosphere and then reradiated back toward the earths surface. If the atmospheric concentrations of these greenhouse gases rise, the average temperature of the lower atmosphere will gradually increase.
They are four major causes of greenhouse effect that are deforestation, burning of fossils, electrical appliances and population growth. Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Also, due to the disappearance of trees, photosynthesis cannot take place. Deforestation is rampant today due to the burden of our needs on land. The levels of deforestation have increased by about 9% in recent times. Also, the burning of wood causes it to decay, therefore releasing more carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere.
Next, greenhouse gases can also be released into the atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels, oil, coal and gas. These materials are used increasingly and rampantly in industries. Most factories also produce many gases which last for a longer time in the atmosphere. These gases contribute to the greenhouse effect and also increase the global warming on the planet. These gases are not naturally available in the atmosphere. Therefore industries are also a major cause of the greenhouse effect. Other man-made cause of the increase in the greenhouse effect is the emission of greenhouse gases by electrical appliances. Even the humble refrigerator in the house emits gases which contribute to the greenhouse effect. These gases are known as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and are used in refrigerators, aerosol cans, some foaming agents in the packaging industry, fire extinguisher chemicals, and cleaners used in the electronic industry. Some processes of the cement manufacturing industries also act as a cause towards the greenhouse effect. Population growth is an indirect contributor and one of the major causes of the greenhouse effect. With the increase in population, the needs and wants of people increase. This increases the manufacturing and the industry process. This results in the increase of the release of industrial gases which catalyze the greenhouse effect.
Some important consequences that we should know about greenhouse effect are drought and floods, the human price of climate change and rapid climate shifts. Ironically, changes in the climate due to excess greenhouse gases are causing both increased drought and increased flooding. Greenhouse effect causes faster evaporation on land. Many dry areas, including the American West, Southern Africa, and Australia are experiencing more severe droughts. The amount of land on the Earth suffering from drought conditions has doubled since 1970. This has occurred even as total global rainfall has increased by an estimated 10%. Drought is driving current increases in food prices around the world, in combination with increased use of grains for fuel. Globally, the number of malnourished people decreased up until the late 1990s. Now that number is increasing. Disease carriers will expand their territory, either by moving to higher elevations in mountainous areas or by expanding their territory further from the equator. This expansion will expose millions of humans to the often deadly infectious diseases that these animals transmit. 150,000 annual deaths worldwide have been tied to climate change already, according to a 2005 World Health Organization report. Climate related deaths are expected to double in 25 years. Industrialized countries may be sheltered from the current impacts of climate change, but others are not. Heat waves and droughts are responsible
for these deaths, as well as floods and more powerful storms linked to climate change. Scientists are becoming convinced that past cycles of climate change on the Earth have been anything but slow and incremental, ever since the idea that the Earth may warm over time as a result of human-created climate change has reached the public consciousness. Climate change happens suddenly and violently. Research indicates that the Earths climate exists in a stable state for many thousands of years. Then, pressure for change builds from increases or decreases in carbon levels as well as changes in solar radiation. At some point, the Earth reaches a tipping point where global climate systems and ocean currents are radically altered over the course of only a few years, or even months. Once that threshold is crossed, the Earths climate goes through a period of dramatic disequilibrium, finally settling down in a new stable state that is very different from the previous one.
How to prevent greenhouse effects? Well, typically the things just same as to prevent global warming. This is because both of them are closely related to each other. First, reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Walk, take public transportation or ride your bike instead of driving. Carpool with others whenever possible if you must travel by car. Buy locally grown or produced foods; doing so decreases energy use associated with transportation of these products. Second, plant trees; they contribute to the absorption of excess carbon dioxide. Providing shade and windbreaks, trees also contribute to creating even temperatures for buildings, thereby reducing the energy requirement for heating or cooling. Next, avoid buying heavily items, decreasing the amount garbage that you contribute. conducted by the U.S. Climate packaged of Research Change
Science Program suggests that garbage breakdown in landfills is the top source of human-induced methane emissions. Lastly, support international global warming legislation. Examples include the Montreal Protocol, which seeks to eliminate the production of CFCs, and the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to limit emissions of the other greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Even though the U.S. did not sign the treaty, much of what was ratified in it will help combat the greenhouse effect.
Alhamdulillah, done with my portfolio. One thing as the conclusion for me;
Lets work together to achieve this mission. Save the Earth from dying! For our future grandchildren.