Silabus EFT
Silabus EFT
Silabus EFT
making reservation room and food, leading and guiding a tour, explaining a tour route and rules of the destination.
Basic Indicator Competence The learners 1. The learner acquire to can respond the introduce introduction, him/herself 1. greeting, and 2. leave taking 2. The learner can use greeting 3. The learner can respond greeting 4. The learners can use leave taking expression
Method 1. The learners introducing him/herself in front of the class. 2.The learners can introduce his/her friend in front of the class 3.The learners can respond greeting expression 4.The learner can use and respond the leave taking expression -Communication Practice: Expression for greeting Ex; good morning, good afternoon, how do you do, nice to meet you, etc. Expression for thanking
Source of material
Ex; Thank you sir, thank for coming sir, etc. Expression for leave taking Ex; See you later, see you again, goodbye, etc Dialogue that apply to ask and give information about making reservation: -Communication Practice: The form of W+H question Ex; How do I reserve a room please? The form of Yes/No question Ex; Which one do you like, a single or double
The learner 1.The learner Making can reserve a can reserve a reservation hotel and hotel food 2.The learner can order food
Flash card English for active and communication picture (Slamet Riyanto) series English for travelling (Drs.Fathuddin,SIP)
bed? The form of ordering food I want to order orange juice for room 118 The learner 1.The learner Leading a can lead and can lead the guest during guide a guest guest during travelling travelling 2.The learner can guide a guest during travelling - Communication Practice: The suggestion form, such as: I suggest you to I propose that you should The advice form, such as; If I were you, I would.. The request form with modal, such as: Could you please? Would you like to. Flash card English and travel(Ahmad picture Fanani) series for
The suggestion form, such as; You had better.. Its good to. Fine for..
The form of making a hotel reservation ,such as; I will reserve a room at ..
Using W+ question.
Explaining a 1.The learner tour route of explaining a tour the route in front of destination the class
Flash card English for tour and guide modul(Joe picture Kesaulya) series
it -Communication 2.The learner can explain the rules during travelling Practice The explanation route, such as;
We will turn left, then go straight from t-junction The explanation of rules during travelling Do not give the monkey banana!
. Introduction Travelers or guest have desirability to having a tour,they like to spent all times for coming or knowing a new space,a new culture,hhistorical and contemporary heritage and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other significant interest.These trevellers need a person to look after them,popularly discribed as a tour guide. A tour guide is someone who shows visitors around an area, with the guide using extensive local knowledge to share the area with visitors. Tour guides are hired to help people navigate unfamiliar areas, and to make trips special, as a good tour guide sets a positive tone for a trip and shows people things they would not have discovered otherwise. Using a tour guide while traveling can also be useful, because tour guides are very knowledgeable, and they can provide facts and information which help visitors interpret and understand the places they see. The existence of a tour guide for guest or traveler is very important; the traveler will be strange with an area. Here, a role of tour guide is needed. However, becomes a tour not only has eagerness but also must be supported by skill such as; mastering English well.
Need Analysis Target Group : A tour guide Responsibilities of the target group: 1. Fetch guests from airport 2. Make reservation room and food 3. Lead and guide a tour 4. Explain a tour route and rules of the destination
Translating the Communicative Needs into Competency/ skill and sub-skill; o How to welcome and leave taking a guest a. Can use greetings b. Can enquiry guest identity c. Can make question appropriately
o How to take reservation with room and food a. can reserve the room and food b. can enquiry a guest desirability c. Can offer any help efficiently
d. Can introduce special events and offers o How to lead and guide a guest a. Can lead and manage the guest b. Can giving opinion orally c. Can asking for excuse directly d. Can give any explanation briefly and correctly for any guest complain happen e. Can respond with a guest desirability f. Can give any advise wisely g. Can excuse for apologize orally h. Can intoduce special events and offers. o How to explain a tour route and rules of the destination a. Can set a route efficiently b. Can explain a tour route c. Can answer question and reason correctly d. Can explain the destination e. Can explain the middle rules of the society. f. Can explain safety of procedures. o How to take guest to airport a. Can use leave taking b. Can help for packing c. Can ask the guest for apologize about service d. Can give advice orally
From need analysis above, it can be concluded into three classifications; 1. The learned need to be able to use greeting and leave taking 2. The learner need to be able to reserve either hotel or food 3. The learner need to be able to explain a tour route and rules during having travelling
The method used here; significantly we use role play, because can give experiences and becomes joyful learning.
Media we use flash card and picture series, here, we give the learner card with instruction where they must practice in front of the class.