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Preface IX
Chapter 1 Intelligent Systems in Technology
of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety 3
Vladimir M. Koleshko, Anatolij V. Gulay, Elena V. Polynkova,
Viacheslav A. Gulay and Yauhen A. Varabei
Chapter 2 Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 37
Kuodi Jian
Chapter 3 Efficiency of Knowledge Transfer by Hearing
a Conversation While Doing Something 67
Eiko Yamamoto and Hitoshi Isahara
Chapter 4 Algorithm Selection:
From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics 77
Laura Cruz-Reyes, Claudia Gmez-Santilln,
Joaqun Prez-Ortega, Vanesa Landero,
Marcela Quiroz and Alberto Ochoa
Chapter 5 Experiences and Obstacles in Industrial
Applications of Intelligent Systems 103
Leonardo M. Reyneri and Valentina Colla
Chapter 6 Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education:
Design Method and Applications 121
Nhon Van Do
Chapter 7 Logic of Integrity, Fuzzy Logic
and Knowledge Modeling for Machine Education 149
Fatma Khanum Bunyatova
Chapter 8 Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets
for Knowledge Management 167
Daniela Lpez De Luise
VI Contents

Chapter 9 Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 185
S. Stoyanov, H. Zedan, E. Doychev, V. Valkanov,
I. Popchev, G. Cholakov and M. Sandalski
Chapter 10 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 219
Beloslav Riean
Chapter 11 Recognition and Resolution
of Comprehension Uncertainty in AI 245
Sukanto Bhattacharya

and Kuldeep Kumar
Chapter 12 Intelligent Systems in Cartography 257
Zdena Dobesova and Jan Brus
Chapter 13 Intelligent Expert System for Protection Optimization
Purposes in Electric Power Distribution Systems 277
Ivan N. da Silva, Nerivaldo R. Santos, Lucca Zamboni,
Leandro N. Soares, Jos A. C. Ulson, Rogrio A. Flauzino,
Danilo H. Spatti, Ricardo A. S. Fernandes,
Marcos M. Otsuji and Edison A. Goes
Chapter 14 Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special
Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations 297
Majid Tolouei-Rad
Chapter 15 Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea
of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means 321
Pavel N. Prudkov
Chapter 16 Innovative Intelligent Services for Supporting Cognitively
Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers 343
Anelia Mitseva, Sofoklis Kyriazakos, Antonis Litke, Paolo Barone,
Alessandro Mamelli, Nikolaos Papadakis and Neeli R. Prasad


Human progress is characterized by passing through information innovation
intelligent society at present. Machines (systems) produced by the genius of man in the
near future will not only be smarter than a man, but will also exceed its intelligent
mind. Intelligent machines will be of different sizes, shapes and functionality,
equipped with an initial program (technogene), and their ability to learn and perform
operations will not only depend on the technogene, but also on what the machines will
be trained for. All of this is conditioned by the intellectualization of all systems and
technological processes that humankind realizes, using the paradigm of developing by
which everything must become sensory and motoric, with the ability to make
decisions. Smart machines help people to not only make use of their own intellect, but
to also grow smarter themselves. Intelligent systems are able to self-train, make their
own decisions to support management activities in financial institutions, economics,
energetics, logistics, industrial, commercial and social systems, remotely piloted
satellite monitoring systems of the broad-spectrum application and communication
systems with remote distribution of intelligence for improvement of reliability of an
intelligent system in whole. In addition to that, they can also be used for governing a
state, control of a holding company, a concern or a firm, as well as for early
recognition and prediction of sustainability and prolongation of life, for achieving the
maximum increase of functional creative and cognitive human life activity and
supporting personal and social safety.
Intelligent systems can be used as authoritative advisers/consultants for all sorts of
questions, but will also be able to solve a large number of incipient problems that are a
result of human interference, can acquire new knowledge operating with semantic,
pragmatic, heuristic and hyper-heuristic features of intelligent information in the
process of generating and approximating to a functional model of natural intelligence.
They can also produce adaptive, self-learning, self-organizing cognitive systems
making it possible to disclose new secrets of nature and produce even more intelligent
devices, machines, technologies and productions.
An intelligent system is an automatic or automated system with a possibility of
internal and external sensing, based on using artificial intelligence, and includes the
following features:
X Preface

Self-learning being able to not only execute underlying and designed-in
functions and programs, but also have the ability to adapt them according to the
task assigned
Self-organization an ability to change its structure and architecture according to
the task assigned, or for the purpose of improvement in the process of self-
learning, self-diagnostics and self-preservation
Capability of solving problems that standard methods and/or solution algorithms
can not solve or are unknown
For the first time, the research presented in this book is that of scientists from many
countries, like Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Denmark, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Greece, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, United
Kingdom, USA and Vietnam. It will be useful to a wide range of readers, especially
students, young scientists, engineers and businessmen/investors taking a great interest
in innovations in the future.

Prof. Vladimir Mikhailovich Koleshko
Belarussian National Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Faculty,
Department of Intelligent Systems,
The Republic of Belarus

Intelligent Systems in Technology
of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety
Vladimir M. Koleshko, Anatolij V. Gulay, Elena V. Polynkova,
Viacheslav A. Gulay and Yauhen A. Varabei
Belarusian National Technical University / Dept. of Intelligent Systems
1. Introduction
The XXI century is based on developments of up-to-date intelligent systems and self-
learning wireless distributed sensory networks for different purposes of the application to
make the whole of space surrounding us sensory and motoric but also for the health and
human life maintenance, the improvement of a production status, an output quality, and the
product biosafety. A bedrock principle underlying precision agriculture is a wide
application of intelligent systems for the control and the assistance of decision making in
technological operations of an agricultural production [1, 2]. Precise positioning of
agricultural machines using satellite systems gives an opportunity to produce an intelligent
system of the agrarian production with dosed applying fertilizers but also chemical weed
and pest killers depending on information patterns in a specific spot of the tillable field for
the sensory control. Microsensory intelligent systems on a chip electronic eye (e-eye) with
a LED technology of the data acquisition let form soil light-colour information patterns fast
to get a maximal quantity of quality products, foods or biomatters (blood, saliva, sweat,
urine, tears, etc.) for the ecological, personal and social biosafety as well as real-time
monitoring the human health. The LED technology represents an optical microtomography
of functional states of bioobjects on a chip of the type e-eye. The intelligent control in the
agro-industrial production offers an opportunity to generate information electronic maps,
e.g., the distribution of nutrients and organic fertilizers applied in soil, virtual maps of crop
yield taking into account the technological preparation of land for growing crops and
micronutrients carried-out from this one with early taken crops, electronic satellite maps of
field, electronic maps of the quality, the information-microbial biosafety of foodstuffs, the
human health, and ecological environmental conditions. The distributed wireless sensory
systems and networks with a self-learning software make for the development of intelligent
precision agriculture including the information pattern recognition of an agrotechnical
technology, agricultural products and external ecological conditions in a space of
multidimensional sensory data. The use of intelligent information CIMLS (Continuous
Intelligent Management and Life Cycle Support) technology with developed intelligent
systems of data superprotection maintains and controls the life cycle of all the agricultural

Intelligent Systems

2. Intelligent sensory systems and networks of precision agriculture
2.1 LED technology in precision agriculture
The main principle of intelligent precision agriculture is the high-precision dosed fertilizer
application in a specified small piece of the ground depending in a soil physical-chemical
status (colour, structure, organics content, moisture, temperature) for an equal distribution
of organic fertilizers and using controlled actuators, electronic, virtual and intellect-maps for
the agro-industrial production, the foodstuff biosafety and the human life maintenance. The
use of intelligent technologies in precision agriculture enables to achieve saving weed and
pest killers, fertilizers, energy resources, ecological sustainability, raising the level of crop
yield, the quality of fields, the biosafety of agricultural products, and the increased
efficiency of the agricultural production. The most effective method for monitoring and the
fast formation of soil information patterns consists in the estimation of its spectral
reflectance as a set of optical parameters in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared spectral
ranges. The LED technology presented by us is intended for taking soil brightness
coefficients in the broadband optical spectrum range (10

Hz) using a set of light-
emitting and light-sensitive microelements for the illumination of a controlled small piece of
soil and for recording the reflected optical signal. A wide application of intelligent sensory
systems for precision agriculture and the fast control of soil information patterns in every
spot of a cultivated agricultural field underlie the LED technology of precision agriculture
with the differentiated fertilization [1, 3].
2.2 Mobile microsensory system for precision agriculture
A mobile microsensory system ISSE developed by us with the LED technology for the
light-colour information pattern recognition can analyze a soil state from within and apply
fertilizers on different spots of a field just that dosage which is required in a defined soil
spot. The registration of soil optical characteristics is realized by means of light-emitting
microdiodes with the emission wavelength 405 nm (violet), 460 nm (blue), 505 nm (green),
530 nm (green), 570 nm (yellow), 620 nm (orange), 660 nm (red) but also in spectral points of
the sensory control of the infrared radiation (760-2400 nm) and white light (integrated
index) [3, 4]. Light-emitting microdiodes irradiate the given electromagnetic waves in the
broadband frequency range, but photosensitive microdiodes register a quantitative change
of the reflected radiation. The optimal spectrum width corresponds to the wavelength range
of 400-800 nm, so the oscillation spectrum effect of H
O molecules in soil begins to become
apparent at the greater wavelength, and complementary errors are introduced in results of
the diagnostics of a soil horizon. The multisensory system ISSE includes an electronic
optical module for the formation and the registration of optical impulses consisting of the
analog-digital transducer with a microcontroller and a pulse-shaping module (Fig. 1) but
also for the comparison of obtained information sensory patterns with soil experimental
characteristics on local field areas using a special self-learning software [3].
Light-emitting microdiodes are equispaced on a perimeter of circle in 20 mm over on the
angle about 10

relative to the vertical line, so the placing height of these ones over a
controlled surface is equal to 30 mm. Eight numbers in the binary-coded decimal notation in
the range of 01000 corresponding to reflectivity factors of the radiation for each of eight
spectrum lines are generated by the use of RS-232 or RS-485 interfaces. Then the value 1000

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety


Fig. 1. Function circuit of the electron-optical module ISSE for a sensory system CDOT:
1 microcontroller for the control and information processing; 2 - light-emitting
microdiodes control circuit; 3 - microphotodetector coupling; 4 temperature monitoring
circuit; 5 - secondary voltage source; 6 COM-port connector
characterizes a reflection coefficient from a reference surface used for the calibration of the
electronic optical module. The microprocessor-based device generating a soil sensory
information pattern processes the output signal of the microphotodetector [4]. Using ISSE
it is possible to analyze coefficients of absorption, refraction, light scattering, gradient
change, and polarization but also coefficients of variation (intensity, amplitude, and phase)
of the electromagnetic wave and a space-time field distribution. The obtained data of
spectroscopic analysis enable to produce an information pattern of soil, agricultural
products, foodstuff, and human biomatters. A gridded registrating unit periodic realizes the
real-time satellite navigation and the control of soil parameters. The specifically developed
software ISSE can be applied in an intelligent system CDOT (Control of Distribution of
Organics and Temperature) on a chip electronic eye which is of interest in precision
agriculture for the control of a soil humus-accumulative horizon at the depth of 20-30 to 180-
200 mm. A small intelligent sensory mole (CDOT) includes ISSE placed in the metal
sheathing with the stone and sunlight protection. The optical beam output to a controlled
soil surface is realized by the use of the sapphire transparent coating as the extra hard
material, so CDOT can be attached, e.g., to a mini-tractor or any other agricultural units.
ISSE explores the ground at the depth of 5-10 cm for the detection of organic substances,
moisture, temperature, colour, granulometric composition and for the analysis of the fertile
topsoil and using the GPS (Global Positioning System) navigation defines rapidly how
much exactly fertilizers have to be applied with the micromechatronic system in the specific
field place in process of optimal motion of the mini-tractor with an attached drawbar hitch
(Fig. 2) [1, 3, 4].
The given depth of penetration of the multisensory system CDOT for topsoil copying is
determined depending on structural features of the floor profile and on the location of the
humus-accumulative horizon. The hydralift system of the mini-tractor is intended for the
control of CDOT lifting and sinking actuators in soil. Positioning of the units is also based
on data from ultrasonic, microwave, electrostatic sensory modules at the same time. The
intelligent system CDOT fulfils data binding of a soil controlled information pattern to
ground control points from a GPS receiver and stores obtained data in its memory for

Intelligent Systems

postprocessing and the sensory information pattern recognition. Principal parameters of the
mobile multisensory system CDOT developed by us for the control of soil in precision
agriculture are presented in the table 1 [4].

Fig. 2. Multisensory system CDOT for the light-colour soil control: (a) intelligent
mechatronic system for precision agriculture; (b) block diagram of the intelligent sensory

Technical characteristics of CDOT Data description
controlled spectrum width 400-2400 nm
spatial resolution of agricultural unit location 2-5 m
spatial resolution
for the control of soil
0,5 m
maximal output current
of light-emitting microdiodes
40 mA
duration of information pattern generating 120 ms
space of time between impulses 5 ms
depth of taken measurements 8-15 cm
speed of the mini-tractor 2,83 m/s
control of organic matter content in the soil
humic-accumulative horizon
0,16 %
control of soil moisture 0-20 %
control of temperature 3-50
Table 1. Principal parameters of mobile multisensory system CDOT
Fundamental purposes of the developed intelligent multisensory system CDOT for
precision agriculture is to ensure the processing quality optimization, in particular, for the
control of the developed mechatronic mechanism of the agricultural unit and its positioning
mechatronic system. The intelligent system analyses sensory processing information, carries

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety

out the computation of optimal motion and changes a control criteria preliminary
programming a movement pattern and maintaining the power-saving engine behaviour.
Solar energy converters can be used as an auxiliary supply source or the alternative energy
one of the intelligent mobile system ISSE for the optical control of the soil quality. A soil
light-colour information pattern is taken into account in the process of dosing introduced
fertilizers and considered as a control parameter according to the model of the plants
inorganic nutrition:
where F
cumulative dose of introduced fertilizers, F plants nutrition level, F
fertility of soil.
Metering microdevices of the mechatronic module are intended for the fertilizer application
in soil or for the power feed of weed and pest killers with annular ultrasonic microactuators,
so that acoustic vibrations of ones put a diaphragm mechanism in motion for the control of
the metering microdevice-delivered material flow (Fig. 3) [1, 5].

Fig. 3. Metering microdevice of the free-flowing material and the nomogram for its
parameterization: 1 electroacoustic element; 2 diaphragm mechanism; 3 flow of the
dosed material
The intelligent system fulfils, e.g., dosing of introduced mineral fertilizers depending on the
organics content in a field specified point by controlling impulse characteristics of a high-
frequency generator which supplies the ultrasonic microactuator. The volumetric capacity
of the metering device with the presented design is equal to:
= (S

/2,3) V

where S
, V
flow area, diameter of granules, flow velocity of dosed materials; P
of the metering hole perimeter formed by fixed edges relative to the material flow. The form
of a hole produced by blades of the dosing unit is presented as an approximate circle, so P

can be written in this form:
, (3)

Intelligent Systems

where 1 0 coefficient characterizing the dosing performance degradation because of
the reduction of the flow area. A value of the coefficient P
is taken into consideration on
conditions that P
> 0,025S
and for the considered dosing unit:
, (4)
where =D
diameter of the metering hole.
Nomographic charts in the form of the S
relation for different values of granules sizes

and the coefficient were calculated for the metering device developed by us. The given
dependences have a linear character for relatively low values and
, but these ones take
the nonlinear form for > 0,5 and
> 0,5 mm especially in and around small values of the
sectional area of the metering hole. The increase in and
requires rising in flow velocity
of the dosed material to attain the same performance as for =0.
2.3 Recognition of soil light-colour information patterns
Every soil information pattern is characterized by inhomogeneous agrochemical and
agrophysical values. We investigated soil multicomponent information patterns using soil
reference patterns with contrast colour tones in accordance with a triangle of the soil
coloration. This one is produced from the assumption that soil humus colours in grey and
dark-grey tones, iron compounds in brown, reddish, yellowish ones, but many soil
components (silicon dioxide, quartz, carbonates, and calcium sulphates) have a white
colour. Light-colour information patterns were obtained as a set of values of brightness
coefficients in this form:
R = I / I

where I ,I
light intensity reflected from a soil controlled sample and a standard white
surface, respectively.
At the same time, a set of brightness coefficients in the soil humus-accumulative horizon
defines its information light-colour pattern (Fig. 4). Histograms of a size distribution of soil
particles and the soil microstructure registered by a method of scanning electron microscopy
supplement a soil information pattern. We developed a special software for the data
visualization of reflection indexes of the optical radiation, preprocessing, the data
transmission [3, 5].
The following conclusions result from undertaken experimental studies of the developed
intelligent multisensory system CDOT [1-5]:
- reflection coefficients increase in the examined broadband wavelength range if the
irradiation intensity goes up especially fast when the wavelength rises, but soil is
- the more soil fine particles, the higher the reflection coefficient which exponentially
increases when sizes of soil particles reduce from 2500 m to 25 m, so large particles
reflect less energy of the optical radiation because of a long space between ones;
- there are significant changes of the organics content for the mixture with light soil, and
there are especially more significant differences of information patterns in the range of
620-660 nm in contrast to the one of 460-505 nm;

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety

- there are a quite strong correlation dependence between the organics content in soil and
moisture of this one, so moisture is generally retained in organic components of soil,
but soil mineral ones dont absorb water (Fig. 5a);
- water makes changes in the reflection, and there is especially significant increased light
scattering by soil particles in the visible spectrum, so a brightness coefficient falls
slowly, but soil becomes darker if the water content increases (Fig. 5b);

Fig. 4. Soil information patterns in the form of the triangle of the soil coloration: BL-black;
W-white; R-red; reflected light: V-violet; B-blue; G-green; Y-yellow; O-orange; R-red; IR-
infrared radiation

Fig. 5. Correlation of soil information patterns with the soil composition and moisture
- the ferric oxide content in soil considerably influences on reflection coefficients, so that
there is the absorption with minimum energy in the range of 570-660 nm, but an
absorption effect goes up if the organics content is more than 2 % (Fig. 6a,b);

Intelligent Systems


Fig. 6. Correlation of the organics content in soil and its reflection of the optical radiation: (a)
well structured soil; (b) soil with a high content of sand
- using the self-learning intelligent system ISSE it is possible to determine the content
of phosphorus and potassium in soil which is varied directly as the reflection
coefficient, but the verification of an estimated model with experimental data of
network outputs shows a high linear dependence.
The calculation of predictive models and special developed evaluation indicators in
accordance with indexes of a soil physical state was used for the recognition of soil
information patterns and for the comparison of ones with reference patterns in precision
agriculture. Then algorithms of neural networks with the genetic optimization used by us
enable to detect a set of basis information patterns of soil. These ones characterize not only
the soil individual state (Fig. 7), but also its agrophysical state in general, increasing the level
of crop yield, the quality and the biosafety of raising crops, foods, and a soil information-
microbial state.

Fig. 7. Soil information patterns using CDOT
Sensory information processing and the control of agricultural operations in the intelligent
system CDOT for precision agriculture is based on the self-learning ability of expert
systems, e.g., by means of neural network modelling. Then the recognition of
multiparameter information patterns generated by the output data transformation of

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety

sensory modules occurs on the first network level. The experimental studies of the sensory
pattern recognition are fulfilled using CDOT for the presented light-colour technology of
the soil control underlying the operation of neural networks on the first level. A complex
control parameter for the technological production process of an agricultural field is formed
on the second level. The neural network on the third level enables to predict the value in a
spot of the field based on generalized parameter changes to a point of time when the
processing machine with its actuator is located at this one. To get reference colour patterns,
a special palette is developed composed of 1010 colour cells and primary polygraphic
colours of the standard CMYK (C - cyan, M - magenta, Y - yellow, K - black) system are
presented in corner palette cells, but all the other colour tones of ones can be got by primary
colour mixing. Advantages of the used model of reference colour patterns consists in the
precise identification of palette colours and soil colour tones, respectively, but also in the
application for matching colours, e.g., Pantone (R). Surfaces of reflection coefficients for
every colour of the optical radiation are produced using the developed palette (Fig. 8) [1, 5].
The minimum Euclidian distance is chosen as a decision rule for the nearest reference
pattern (soil colour) in accordance with soil reflection coefficients registered by the sensory
system ISSE, but soil evaluation information is stored in the database of the intelligent
system CDOT.

Fig. 8. Sensory modules and neural networks (NN) in precision agriculture with
dependences of reflection coefficients for different wavelengths on the reference colour:
1 dark-grey soil sample; 2 light-grey one
2.4 Electronic virtual maps in precision agriculture
Having generated soil light-colour information patterns, the intelligent microsensory system
CDOT can produce, e.g., electronic virtual maps of the fertility level of soil spots in some

Intelligent Systems

spectral ranges including soil electronic maps of the organics content, moisture,
temperature, granulometric composition, and colour. Forming electronic maps of a mineral
fertilizers distribution on fields or virtual maps of planned crop yield using imaging data to
estimate growth conditions and cropping are realized by dosed applying fertilizers in soil [1,
3, 5]. The optimal strategy of the agricultural production can be fast achieved by data
overlapping of electronic virtual maps but also on the basis of current information about
tillage, nutrients carry-over from soil with taken crops, characteristics of used agricultural
units. Then it is possible to control operations of the agricultural machinery, to keep track of
information how much fuel is consumed or whether fertilizers are applied. To produce
electronic maps, we used a point krinning method for the estimation of the distributed
random function in an arbitrary point as the linear combination of its values in initial ones.
A variogram defines a form of the optimal interpolated hypersurface in the space between
reference spots of the sensory control. According to the krinning method, the estimated
value of the soil quality in the known spot p from a set of k neighbouring spots is calculated
as weighed mean measured values in neighbouring spots in the form:


p i i
i 1
W ,

where W
weighting coefficient of an index i of the soil quality in relation to the estimated
spot p from a set of neighbouring spots.
The krinning method provides for solving a set of equations:

( ) + = ( )

j ij ip
j 1
i 1
W ,
W 1,
where (
i j
), (
i p
) semivariogram values for the distance
i p
between a points i
and estimated points j, p , = i 1, k ; Lagrange factor.
Unknown weighting coefficients W

are computed by solving a set of equations (7), but a
value of the controlled variable in the spot p is calculated using the formula (6). The
semivariogram on the area boundary of spots with the different agricultural background in
precision agriculture has the sharp difference in values; therefore, the considered
mathematical model shows the nugget-effect. Having estimated a value of the soil quality in
an agricultural spot q in accord with controlled values k
, k
of appropriate agricultural
backgrounds m, the set of krinning equations for models with the nugget-effect can be
presented as:

| | |
| | |
= = =
= = =
+ + + + =
+ + + =

1 2 m
1 2 m
k k k
1q 1j ij 2q 2j ij mq mj ij ip
j 1 j 1 j 1
k k k
1q 1i 2q 2i mq mi
i 1 i 1 i 1
W ( ) W ( ) W ( ) ( ),
W W W 1,

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety

where | =
iq i q
/ , = j 1, m , = j q ;
j q
, mean values of the soil quality in agricultural
spots j, q determining a semivariogram jump
on their area boundary o =
jq j q
( ) /2 .
A main advantage of modelling on the basis of the nugget-effect consists in its applicability
even if a number of experimental points are scarce, so it is conditioned, e.g., by small sizes of
an investigated spot of the agricultural field. Fig. 9 shows the process of generating soil
electronic maps by means of the developed software ISIDP for data processing of the
sensory control of soil and the realization of precision agriculture. The half-dispersion of
distances is determined in accordance with the accepted modelling algorithm and
interpolated curve fitting by the approximation of neighbouring values, bilinear, bicubic,
and cubic splines is realized using the developed application and for generating maps of
isolines of distributed initial data. If grid-point data are initial ones, then these ones can be
presented in the form of a matrix. The visualization of every contour curve for initial data is
realised after the introduction of a matrix of distributed values (Fig. 9a,b) [5]. To improve
visual perception of the electronic map, spot colour filling is fulfilled according to the
chosen colour legend (Fig. 9c). The isolines obtained at this stage are only precise in nodal
points, so the bivariate data interpolation is used (Fig. 9d).

Fig. 9. Modelling soil electronic maps
The developed microsensory system ISED can be used for farm enterprises, individual
entrepreneurs, agricultural holdings getting users exactly to know where fertilizers have to
be introduced and what crops should be produced in a defined spot. ISED includes a
multichannel sensor for the detection of organic substances in soil, a receiver of the satellite
navigation system, data processing and logging controller but also a special software for this
one (Fig. 10). The microsensory system ISED can send information automatically to a
home computer or mobile devices (smartphone, communicator, iPad, etc.) of farmers, and
satellite positioning enables ISED to be applied not with hectares, but with some hundred
square metres accurate to 5 cm.

Intelligent Systems


Fig. 10. (a) Structure chart of the laboratory portable multisensory system ISED and its
design (b) for farming and individual entrepreneurs
2.5 Electronic intellect-maps for the maintenance of the human health and biosafety
The top priorities of society in the XXI century are striving for a maximal prolongation of life
and the continuous maintenance of the human activity. An object of research of intelligent
systems in precision agriculture for a personal and social biosafety is information patterns of
farming cultures and foods produced from them. Genetic features, culture conditions, soil
contamination, and a tilling technology generally determine the biochemical composition of
food products during agrotechnical operations but also by the quality of crops for animals,
intensity of the fertilizer application in soil, radiation levels, environmental ecological states,
etc. However, fertilizers introduced in soil for raising the level of the crop yield contain a lot
of chemical toxic substances which can be accumulated with time in plant and animal foods
and cause the development of dangerous diseases and spreading of infectious ones exposing
to danger the human health. Organic microelements in soil are distributed nonuniformly
and accumulated in separate spots forming regions with active microbial communities. A
number of microbes in soil determine the synthesis of high-molecular compounds and the
storage of nutrients in soil but also the productive capacity of soil, an increase in
productivity, information-microbial maps, etc. An intelligent system ISMP developed by
us enables to generate electronic microbial maps of soil for intelligent precision agriculture
and maintaining the personal and social biosafety (Fig. 11).

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety


Fig. 11. Microbial maps of soil using the intelligent system ISMP

An increase in the number of microbial communities and their vitality in soil are
determined especially by the humus level in soils, pH values and distances from pollution
sources. There is a natural microbiological biosphere in soil which is not worked and used
for the agricultural application. The active pesticide use in precision agriculture leads to
the reduction of specified microbial communities in the next few years (Fig. 12). The
pesticide application makes for the accumulation of toxic and dangerous substances in
cultivated plants, animal and human organisms. There is need for using intelligent
systems for the protection of human health and the control of microbial biosafety of
consumed foods.
The developed intelligent system ISLB is intended for the control of the personal and
social biosafety and the prevention of long-term general toxic influences on the human
organism, e.g., of allergic, mutagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic factors. It is quite enough

Intelligent Systems

even very few toxins with the concentration which is below the level of the adopted
standard for the biosafety in order to bring to nonspecific changes in the human biosystem.
It is necessary to use the intelligent system ISLB for generating electronic intellect-maps of
the biosafety of farming cultures but also soil virtual information-microbial and food maps

Fig. 12. (a) Changes of the number of microbial communities during some years. (b)
Information patterns of soil carrying out agrotechnical methods

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety

Sod-podzolic soils predominate in a structure of agricultural ones in the Republic of Belarus.
The effective fertilizer application is possible only based on information patterns of fields
with the analysis of their agrochemical data and the soil acidity. There are some results for
the recognition of information patterns of soil in the Republic of Belarus in the figure 13. The
high humus concentration defines the productive capacity of soil, an increased microbial
amount and their enhanced vitality.

Fig. 13. (a) Information patterns of different types of soils using ISLB. (b) Presented
sensory patterns of sod-podzolic soils for main regions of the Republic of Belarus

Intelligent Systems

3. LED technology for the analysis of biological fluids
3.1 Optical microtomography for the pattern recognition of biomatters
Human biological fluids (blood, saliva, sweat, urine, tears, etc.) are very sensitive to any
external influences, but their information sensory pattern can be generated by means of our
developed intelligent system ISLB with wireless mobile retransmitters. Using received
sensory data of information patterns of biomatters it is possible to produce electronic virtual
and intellect-maps of the quality of alimentary products or environmental conditions for the
maintenance of the human health and the personal and social biosafety. The intelligent
system ISLB can define spectral-response characteristics of biomatters, e.g., absorption,
reflection, polarization factors, changes of intensity, phase, and amplitude of an
electromagnetic wave in the broadband frequency range of 10
Hz. ISLB is suited to
be used for the individual application, e.g., in wristwatches, watch and mobile phones,
smartphones, communicators, iPads, PDAs with an embedded software for the purpose of
the continuous maintenance and monitoring of the human health, the prolongation of life
and the improvement of the vital activity [6]. An important advantage of ISLB is the fast
recognition of information patterns of biomatters, so there is no need for special conditions
of its functioning and for a remote costly laboratory.
3.2 Blood
If using a mobile device (smartphone, communicator, iPad, PDA, wristwatch, watch or
mobile phone, etc.) with the microsensory system ISLB an electromagnetic wave emitted
by the microlight-emitting diode falls on the human skin surface, it is absorbed, scattered
and reflected by this one. (Fig. 14) [1, 6].
The absorption of the radiation arises from the photons interaction with different
chromophores, but scattering is because of changes of the reflection coefficient. There are
some disturbances of the human biosystem, functioning its separate organs and
biochemical processes because of the consumption of poor farming cultures, natural form
foods or food products. Biochemical and spectral characteristics of blood are changed a lot
and individually depending on cognitive and functional states of the human organism [6,
7]. The intelligent system ISLB with the developed software enables to maintain in a
real time the personal and social biosafety and the human health. It is known that the
hormone ghrelin is produced in stomach of a hunger man, at its maximum before eating,
and then this one is reduced gradual during a meal. The satiation hormone PPY3-36
affecting hypothalamus is at its highest point after eating, and then this one is decreased
in some following hours slowly [7]. The blood lipidic and carbohydrate composition is
varied because of the nutritive absorption from food after a meal. An increase in the
concentration of glucose in blood during eating results in ceasing neurons with sensing
membrane channels to send signals and generating the hormone orexin which forces the
human organism being awake, eating moderately and self-learning fast. It explains
essential differences of information patterns for a man being hungry and sated (Fig. 15),
excessive somnolence after a meal and the risk taking behaviour of a hunger man. In this
case changes of a level of leukocytes, glucose and whole protein are defined more clearly
in the table 2.

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety


Fig. 14. Intelligent system in the wristwatch or the smartphone for non-invasive measuring

Fig. 15. Non-invasive LED analysis of blood information patterns for the hungry man and
the sated one at rest and after physical activity

Intelligent Systems


Blood components
Healthy man
Hunger man Sated man
leukocytes, 10
/l 4-9 4,3-11,3 5,8-13,4
glucose, mmole/l 3,3-5,5 2,4-4,3 4,3-5,7
whole protein, g/l 65-85 56-74 68-80
Table 2. Some most variable parameters of human blood during everyday life
The intensive glycolysis in human blood and the formation of adenosine triphosphoric
acids are realized during a physical activity, so a man doesnt feel its being hungry, in
danger or a state of the strong mental agitation. A short-time physical activity brings
about the higher blood glucose level because of the amplifying glycogen mobilization, but
this one determines low glucose content in human blood over a long period of time [7].
The physical activity of subjects not going in for sports can increase the insulin activity
after eating and reduce the blood glucose level. The level of lactic acid rises from 1,1-1,5
mole/l to 5-20 mole/l, and the level of haemoglobin goes up from 7,5-10 mole/l to 13-15
mole/l (Table 3). Strong changes of blood information parameters are a result of intensive
physical activities, human emotional states, humoral mechanisms, nutrition, and other
factors therefore [8].

Values of blood
physical activity
physical activity
erythrocytes, 10
/l 4-5 4,7 4,4 4,8
haemoglobin, % 13,8-18 15,5 14,3 15,7
hematocrit, % 40-48 44,6 38,2 40,7
reticulocytes, % 2-10 6,7 3,6 8,1
mean cell
haemoglobin in
erythrocyte , 10
24-33 27,3 29,6 35,3
mean corpuscular
volume, m
75-95 83,2 83,7 88
Table 3. Results of the clinical blood analysis during the human physical activity
There are explicit changes of blood information patterns in the right hand and the left one at
rest and after clapping ones hands or stamping in the figures 16, 17.
It is connected with the variation of carbohydrate and protein metabolisms in blood, e.g.,
because of the increase of the lactic acid level, with the reduction of oxygen metabolism
(Table 4). The lactic acid content in blood takes also place for a state of complete fatigue or
unbalanced eating, for the lack of nourishment of animal proteins or vitamins. Then
handclaps and stamping make it possible to improve human cognitive and motor skills,
remove stress, influence positively on the blood hydrodynamic sanguimotion and enhance
metabolic processes in the human organism.

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety


Fig. 16. Non-invasive LED analysis of blood information patterns of the right and left
human hands of young men at a rest state and after making twenty handclaps

Fig. 17. Non-invasive LED analysis of blood information patterns of the right and left
human hands at a rest state and after stamping during 10 sec

Intelligent Systems


Values of blood parameters Norm At rest
After clapping ones hands
and stamping
lactic acid, mmole/l 0,35-0,78 0,75 0,8
glucose, mmole/l 3,3-5,5 5,6 5,4
kreatine, mg/l 1-4 3,1 3,3
rest nitrogen, mmole/l 14-28 25 27
blood urea, mmole/l 2,5-8,3 6,5 6,8
reatinine, mmole/l 0,09-0,17 0,11 0,12
indican, mmole/l 0,7-5,4 4,1 4,2
total lipids g/l 3,5-8 4,3 4,5
Table 4. Results of the biochemical blood analysis before/after clapping and stamping
3.3 Saliva
The intelligent system ISLB can also analyse high-informative patterns of saliva for
monitoring of the food, soil and human biosafety. Simplicity of saliva sampling gives an
opportunity to monitor the human health and biosafety in real-time, e.g., for the recognition
of physical and functional states of the human organism. There is a structure chart in the
figure 18 with presented saliva basic components for intelligent monitoring systems.

Fig. 18. Saliva structural pattern of a man
An information sensory pattern of saliva is changed under the influence of different
physical activities but also depending on the state of being sated during a meal (saliva of the
hungry man and the sated one) [8, 9]. Besides, a saliva pattern is changed considerable
during the daily variation and defined by characteristics of the physical activity of different
intensity as appears from the figure 19.

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety


Fig. 19. Non-invasive LED analysis of saliva information patterns during the day
Ferments of the serous secretion of salivary glands suppress a microflora determining an
antimicrobic function of covered coating produced by saliva of a hunger man. The saliva
pH level (8,5 pH after breakfast) of a sated man exceeds greatly the saliva pH value for
the hunger one (6,5-6,8 pH for awakening, 7 pH before a meal) and especially distinctly
after carbonaceous eating because of the acid-produced activity of an oral cavity
microflora changing saliva structural properties [9]. An information pattern after tooth
brushing of toothpaste (9,4 pH) is distinctly different from other conditions of saliva
taking and denotes the impossibility of immunorestoration as a result from a
carbohydrate food intake (Fig. 20).
Saliva structural properties are impaired, and the application of such toothpastes will
deteriorate biochemical saliva patterns in the future therefore. Toothpastes with a pH level
being close to an initial saliva pattern with the normal pH level about 6-7,5 promote the
recovery of saliva structural properties. Not only food, but also physical fatigue (5,5 pH)
produces changes of saliva information patterns. At the same time, the saliva acidity is
genetic individual for everyone and is varied according to the consumed nutrient
composition. States of nervous excitement, mental or emotional strains produce an effect on
saliva information patterns, so that there is the increase of a protein level in human saliva
until 5 mg/ml, but its level doesnt exceed 2 mg/ml at rest.
The physical activity specifies the enhanced consumption of adenosine triphosphates in
muscles, a strong oxygen need of human organism and an increase of lactic acid. A glycogen
level is mainly consumed at the beginning of a physical work, but its consumption by
organism is reduced during a continuous work. Saliva protein and enzymatic components
characterize a human functional state during the physical activity therefore. There is the

Intelligent Systems

decrease in a number of antibodies depending on the physical activity, e.g., the
immunoglobulin secretion (IgA) is reduced over a long period of time especially after coffee
and alcohol. A simultaneous exposure to different ecological factors is known to have direct
and indirect profound effects on the human organism.

Fig. 20. Non-invasive LED analysis of saliva information patterns cleaning teeth
A geomagnetic factor connected with the Earth's magnetic field variability because of the
increased solar activity has the strongest impact on the human health in particular [10].
The solar variability changes emotional and functional human states and brings to chronic
diseases of nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems. There is a significant increase of
the metal content (K, Mg, P, Pb, Cu, and Zn) and a reduced concentration of Na in saliva
of men and women under the influence of the solar radiation exposure (Fig. 21) [10]. It
means that the solar radiation taken during sunbathing enables to change saliva
information patterns but also these ones for other human biomatters (blood, sweat, urine,
tears, etc.).

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety


Fig. 21. Metal content in human saliva for low and disturbed geomagnetic activities
A self-learning intelligent system ISCR for monitoring and the recognition of a carcinoma
in the broadband spectral range is developed by us which makes it possible to predict
disturbances in the human organism caused by this one with the forecast precision about
80 % (Fig. 22) [8].

Fig. 22. Information patterns of a carcinoma using non-invasive LED eye with ISCR
At the same time, intelligent systems equipped with ISCR can transfer information to mobile
devices of users (mobile and watch phones, smartphones, communicators, wristwatches,

Intelligent Systems

PDAs, iPads, etc.), and after that these data are processed to produce an electronic information
map of diseases for an individual subject. The use of mobile systems with ISCR enables non-
invasive to monitor human personal and social activities therefore (Fig. 23).

Fig. 23. Non-invasive recognition of information patterns of cells using the smartphone with
LED eye
3.4 Sweat
The interest in sweat monitoring is increasing because of the sweat collection is convenient
and non-invasive in comparison with traditional specimens (blood, urine, tears, etc.). The
sweat chemical composition and the correlation of individual components depend on body
perspiration (Table 5), the metabolism intensity, and the human health, emotional and
functional states (Fig. 24) [11].

Values of sweat parameters
Biochemical information pattern of sweat
before taking a shower after taking a shower
whole protein, g/l 0,8 0,38
albumens, g/l 0,41 0,11
urea, mmole/l 16,3 16,5
creatinine, mole/l 52,5 35,9
ammonia, mmole/l

20,6 19,4
amino acids, mg/l 35 20,5
glucose, mmole/l 0,35 0,17
pH value 6,2 5,3
Table 5. Results of the sweat biochemical analysis in the morning

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety


Fig. 24. Non-invasive LED analysis of sweat information patterns depending on human
functional states
The intelligent system ISLB can analyse sweat sensory patterns to recognize harmful and
dangerous substances in the human organism. There are comparative estimating fluid
parameters for sweat, tap water and filtered one in the table 6 which makes clear
information patterns presented in the figure 24. It makes possible to use a sweat pattern for
real-time monitoring of human emotions and an improvement of the emotional self-
regulation. An emotion is worried feeling which motivates, regulates and orientates our
perception, thinking, activity, can be super intellectual and generates new innovative ideas.
ISLB controls, is trained in the host response to such and such but after that recognizes on
the state of health (wet skin, temperature, etc.) whether a man is in good spirits or
depressed. As soon as there is clammy sweat and temperature rises to 38,5

, it is indicative
of preinfarction angina or worse than this one [8]. The intelligent system ISLB is able to
predict the state of health and the quality of human life using sweat patterns.
Fluid parameters
(norm), mg
Tap water,
Filtered water,

pH 6,2 7,3 (7 pH - pure water) 7,1
Cu 0,006 0,006 not defined
Mn 0,006 0,1 0,1
Ca 8,7 56 1
Mg, 2,9 20,6 1,8
Fe 0,047 0,34 0,12
Na 134 120 12,72
Cl 161 0,7 0,2
K 39 180 53
Table 6. Comparison of a biochemical information pattern of sweat with some liquids

Intelligent Systems

3.5 Urine
Human urine is a complex component biomatter consisting of organic components.
Information patterns of urine describe general functional well-being, so urine passes through
the human organism many times. Any changes of urine information patterns are connected
with its pH level especially (Fig. 25). There is a low pH level (5-6,8 pH) of urine in the morning,
but urine is getting neutral two hours later after eating, then alkaline (7-8,5 pH).

Fig. 25. Non-invasive LED analysis of information patterns of urine during the day
The pH level of urine remains to be equal to 6,6-6,8 pH by day. Ketone bodies are produced
in the liver of a hunger man or after the long-term physical activity and characterize fat
oxidation. There is also no glucose in urine of a healthy man, but it can be present because of
the carbohydrate hypernutrition during a meal and physical activities [11, 12].
3.6 Tears
A lacrimal fluid is a multicomponent secreta which, e.g., total protein is a uniform
dysbolism identifier in. This one is varied considerable depending on functioning states of
the human health: there is total protein for a healthy man an average of 5,4 g/l but increases
in case of, e.g., cornea inflammation to 7,8 g/l. The glucose content in tears correlates with
its level in human blood, so that information lacrimal fluid enables to recognize patterns of
emotional and functional states of the human organism. Moreover, it is possible to diagnose
a human state and the health using for the analysis the alpha amylase activity in tears that
catalyzes hydrolysis of starch and glycogen [13]. The concentration of amylase in a lacrimal
fluid is in 4 times more than in blood. There is the amylase activity in tears of the healthy
men in the range of 130-250 unit/l, but, e.g., acute pancreatitis emerges if this one is more
300 unit/l [14].

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety

4. Intelligent systems in technology of biosafety
4.1 Intelligent system with virtual broadband polarized electronic eye
An intelligent mobile hardware and software microsensory system ISPB with a
broadband polarized electronic eye is developed by us to recognize information patterns,
e.g., of biomatters, soil, food products. The sensor intended for measuring the light
polarization consists of a send-emitting module and a virtual polarizer with a self-learning
software. If a polarized light penetrates, e.g., in a human biomatter (blood, saliva, sweat,
urine, tears), then the plane of polarization is turned through angle depending on the
concentration of individual components in a biological fluid. A refractive index of blood
components strongly depends on the polarizability of protein structures in particular. The
use of the virtual polarization also gives an opportunity to determine polluting and foreign
surface layers on an investigated matter, produce information patterns of objects, e.g., food
products for the personal and social biosafety (Fig. 26a) and for generating information
patterns of the human functional state. Fig. 26b,c,d,e shows obtained average reflection
factors of a scattered light and the polarized one for the investigated food products (soda,
salt, water, milk) with the rotation of the plane of polarization (0

, 30

, 60

, 90

) in a direction
to the plane of light incidence. If there are some surfaces with refractive indexes being
different from a refractive index of an investigated matter, then the part of light is thrown
back, but the rest of this one passes through the matter partially being reflected from it and
after that goes out again. The reflection coefficient differs from the reflection factor of the
investigated matter. Thus, the intelligent system ISPB makes it possible to determine
refraction and reflection indexes for any light angles and any degrees of its polarization but
also to carry out the research and the control of the quality of matters with impure
substances, surface foreign or polluting films. ISPB is especially very important for the
application in biotechnology, ecology, food industry, precision agriculture or for a personal
and social biosafety [1, 2, 8].

Fig. 26. Intelligent system ISPB with the virtual polarized electronic eye for the
calculation of reflection coefficients of polarized light and forming information patterns

Intelligent Systems

4.2 Recognition of food information patterns for the human biosafety
The developed intelligent system ISSE can be used for the recognition of information
patterns of foods to maintain and control the human health and biosafety. Their physical
and biochemical properties determine coefficients of the optical reflection and light
scattering particularly, the quality and the biosecurity of produced food substances. There
are optical reflection coefficients for light flour and dark one in the table 7. The flour is
lighter, the one is more qualitative, so the reflection from lighter flour in the visible spectral
range is higher for high quality one. The presented optical information patterns of different
berries and foodstuffs (bread, butter, curds, flour, etc) in the figures 27, 28 can be applied as
reference information for the detection of harmful or dangerous toxic components and the
content of heavy metals which are accumulated in soil especially because of the nonuniform
application of mineral fertilizers, microbial contamination and kept in harvested crops and
produced foods [1, 3-5].

Reflection coefficient
light flour dark flour
405 (violet) 0,18 0,16-0,17
460 nm (blue) 0,84 0,72-0,76
505, 530 nm (green) 0,92 0,81-0,83
570 nm (yellow) 0,78-0,82 0,7-0,6
620 nm (orange) 0,87-0,82 0,81
660 nm (red) 0,87-0,93 0,85
405-650 (white colour) 0,77-0,81 0,7
760-2400 nm
(infrared light)
0,89 0,86-0,87
Table 7. Comparison of reflection coefficients for different kinds of flour

Fig. 27. Noncontact LED e-eye for measuring information patterns of berries

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety


Fig. 28. Noncontact LED e-eye for measuring information patterns of foods
Up-to-date techniques for the recognition of information sensory patterns of foods are rather
labour-intensive, costly, extremely time-consuming and require highly skilled specialists.
The intelligent microsensory system ISLB represents an unique microlaboratory on a chip
of the type e-eye and is intended for solving important practical problems in intelligent
precision agriculture, e.g., for the control of raised farming cultures (maize) and with the
generation of sensory information patterns (Fig. 29).

Fig. 29. Information patterns of maize using ISLB
Distinctive features of ISLB consist in the capability to function with the navigation
satellite monitoring technology; therefore, ISLB can be presented as a mobile retransmitter
and applied local with the use of pilotless vehicles or satellite mobile devices (Fig. 30) [8].

Intelligent Systems


Fig. 30. (a) Design of the intelligent system ISLB with (b) the LED optical technology
After the registration of information patterns of biomatters (blood, saliva, sweat, urine, tears,
etc.), food products or sensory patterns of soil a packet is generated, encrypted,
cryptographic transformed, and antinoise encoded for the transfer to a server (Fig. 31). The
transmission is realized through a socket defined at the client software or the server. Then
information is conveyed to the server where the received data packet is decrypted and
decoded, but data preprocessing, self-learning of the intelligent system based on expert
judgements and previous obtained results are fulfilled. A high learning rate is achieved by
means of the intelligent self-learning software ISLB based on multicore programming
algorithms. Prediction results are transferred to the client software (watch and mobile
phone, smartphone, communicator, iPad, PDA, wristwatch, etc.). There is displayed
information on a screen with a full electronic intellect-map of functioning agricultural or
farm enterprises during production steps of precision agriculture, an electronic map of the
biosafety of raised cultures to control introduced fertilizers, toxic substances in soil or the
level of crop yield. Moreover, an electronic virtual map of the human health with sensory
information patterns of biomatters can be showed on the smartphone screen or other
portable mobile devices. Intelligent client applications of Visial Studio with .NET
Framework 3.5 ensure high adaptability and fast self-learning, but the data library Parallel
Extensions gives an opportunity to accelerate data-handling and self-training procedures
depending on a number of available system cores and SQL Server 2005 makes possible the
development of Web-applications.
Owing to on-the-fly computing information patterns it is possible effective self-learning of
the intelligent system ISLB, the better opportunity to prevent the onset of human diseases
at an early stage of their activity because of the consumption of poor food products or
hazardous to the human health farming cultures which are raised in soils contaminated by
dangerous viruses and bacteria. Thus, the scientific prognostication of the accumulation of

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety

chemical and toxigenic substances in natural plant and animal foods and food products
which endanger the human health and have harmful effects on human life is very important
for the recognition of offending foods and non-specific changes in a biosystem state [8, 12].

Fig. 31. Functional diagram of ISLB: 1 registration of information patterns;
2 information sensory patterns of biomatters (blood, saliva, sweat, urine, tears, etc.), food
products, crops or soil; 3 authentication and identification of biometric patterns;
4 generating biometric patterns (micro-nanostructure of investigated matters); 5 drivers
of sensory devices; 6 sensory data acquisition; 7 periodicity of the control; 8 forming
the data packet for the transfer to the server; 9 encoding and cryptography of the data
packet; 10 antinoise coding; 11 modulator; 12 data transfer using the socket determined
at the client software or the server; 13 transmission channel; 14 demodulator;
15 antinoise decoding; 16 deciphering the data packet transferred to the server;
17 expert evaluation (statistical analysis); 18 data pre-processing; 19 using optimization
criterions to define temporal information patterns on the basis of the minimization of
intercluster centroid distances; 20 database of stored reference patterns; 21 calculation of
distance functions in a multidimensional space; 22 self-learning the intelligent system;
23 multicore paralleling of data processing; 24 neural networks, genetic algorithms;
25 calculation of reference bioinformation patterns; 26 generating prediction results
(statistical probability, error of bioinformation pattern recognition); 27 intelligent system of
decision making for the transfer to the client software; 28 encoding and cryptography of
the data packet; 29 deciphering the data packet transferred to the server; 30 data
transmission of decisions taken by intelligent system

Intelligent Systems

4.3 E-eye with SAW retransmitter for wireless sensory networks
The hardware and software complex on a chip of the type electronic eye developed by us
can be technically improved using retransmitters on surface acoustic waves (SAWs) with the
RFID technology of real-time monitoring for the individual human biosafety (Fig. 32a,b) [1].

Fig. 32. (a) Wireless active (passive) SAW sensory micro-nanosystem with the LED
technology e-eye. (b) Intelligent wristwatch with the RFID technology and LED e-eye.
(c) Smartphone with the RFID technology for data processing from the wristwatch
The wireless SAW micro-nanosensory system consists of an antenna, interdigital
transducers (IDTs) and a set of reflecting electrodes located on a piezoelectric crystal. If the
antenna of the SAW sensor picks up a radio-frequency electromagnetic wave, then a
received electromagnetic signal is transmitted to IDTs which are in the form of plane
parallel electrodes on a substrate surface and are connected with each other through
common buses and after that to a special control unit starting the optical information read-
out. An outcoming time-lagged signal of spectral reflection characteristics enhances an
alternating electromagnetic field which has the significant impact on an anisotropic
dielectric and harmonic mechanical oscillations, tensions, strains caused by the inverse
piezoelectric effect and emerged in the SAW sensor substrate. Electric charges with unlike
signs are produced on the crystal surface which conditions the onset of an electric potential
between IDT electrodes and the electrostatic field. There is a field with the elliptically
polarized component determining an arising acoustic wave as a result of the superposition
of the source field and the complementary subfield. The acoustic wave after the reflection
effects on IDTs and brings to the distribution of electric charges due to the direct
piezoelectric effect between IDT electrodes and to the generation of an electromagnetic
signal. The SAW velocity and frequency this one are changed depending on different
conditions of the propagation medium. The SAW propagates from IDTs in the direction of

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety

reflectors but then backwards to IDTs where is transformed into an electromagnetic signal
emitted by the antenna to a rider. Thank to the low SAW velocity it is possible to get long
time delays and prevent echo signals, but the sampling time exceeds 10
s, so the system can
be used in driving objects (agriculture machines, portable devices of farmers, etc.). The
intelligent system enables to extract the initial signal containing spectral reflection
characteristics from the investigated biomatter. The principal advantages of the developed
system on a chip e-eye with wireless passive SAW retransmitters are low-power
consumption, high reliability and low cost and unlimited operation life. The intelligent LED
microsensory system with the wireless active SAW extra has an energy source and
semiconductor microcircuitries for the signal multiplication and the increase in operating
distances, but the working life of such devices decreases. The identification of active SAW
retransmitters can be realized by changing distances between two IDTs. The readout
distance of the active SAW retransmitter with the power source (10 W) can achieve up to 50
km therefore [1, 2, 15]. The basic future tendency of mobile technologies requires the
development of intelligent sensory systems and networks which are able to adapt to
different conditions of real-time monitoring of the individual human biosafety flexible. If
agrotechnical machines, farm enterprises with portable mobile analyzers and mobile devices
are equipped with CDOT developed by us, then agriculture will be more precise and
economic, but the food biosafety of countries will be improved (Fig. 33a,b). Information
patterns of soil are presented in the form of electronic and virtual maps, e.g., an electronic
map of applied nutrients and organic fertilizers, of the level of crop yield, of the yield of soil
for last years or an information-microbial state of soil. The human biosafety is better
controlled by intelligent systems using an electronic satellite map of field, electronic maps of
the biosafety of crops, plant and animal foods along with electronic intellect-maps for
precision agriculture [3, 4, 8].

Fig. 33. (a) Intellect-map and virtual electronic ones for precison agriculture and the human
biosafety. (b) Intelligent sensory system on a chip e-eye for the pattern recognition of soil

Intelligent Systems

4.4 Data security for precision agriculture and biosafety
To ensure the confidentiality of information and the data integrity during processing and
transferring in wireless self-learning intelligent sensory systems and networks, an antinoise
coding, the superencryption using a private key generated from biometric data, an
individual cryptographic data protection with an intelligent technique of the personal
authentication superprotection patented by us are used in the sensory systems CDOT and
ISLB for the recognition of the falsification, the imitation and an unauthorized use of
synthetic biometric data by means of the analysis of additional micro-nanoinformation
patterns of investigated biomatters (Fig. 34a,b,c) [1, 3-5, 16, 17].
A mobile application with a quick response (QR) encoding technique for mobile and watch
phones, smartphones, communicators, PDAs, iPads on the Android virtual platform is
developed to protect information patterns of bioobjects. A photo taken with the scanning
device, e.g., with an embedded microcamera is QR encoded parallel completely, stored in a
database including its QR code and divided into spectra (RGB) which are also QR encoded
in a transducer separately. More precise QR code can be generated by the analysis and the
comparison between the completely QR encoded pattern and the spectral ones. To read QR
code, the obtained QR codes of spectral images and the base QR code of the photo are
compared to produce the precise image pattern (Fig. 34).

Fig. 34. Android virtual platform with QR encoding information patterns of bioobjects and
the superprotection technology of biometric data: (a) nanostructure of the fingerprint;
(b) bivariate / three-dimensional () cross-correlation function between the fingerprint
and the imaged reference one
Intelligent precision agriculture requires a wide use of CIMLS-technologies for the
continuous information support with an information security system at all the life-cycle
stages of the agricultural production, services sectors and all the levels of personal and
social activities in the process of mathematical and software modelling of perspectives and
consequences of managerial and technological decision making [1, 18]. Then functioning
systems are equipped with an intelligent interface and integral sensory micro-nanosystems
for sensing and the adaptive control, with the wireless identification of objects, products,
managerial decisions, services, etc. These principles are realized in accordance with
International Standard requirements at the same time regulating an electronic data
interchange with the nanotechnological biosafety and the information security. The CIMLS-

Intelligent Systems in Technology of Precision Agriculture and Biosafety

technology presents distributed data storage in a network computer system including many
services and subdivisions of farm enterprises. There is a unified system of rules, the data
representation, storage, coding, and communication in the CIMLS-technology. A main
principle of CIMLS is the fact that information generated at any stages of the life cycle is
stored in CIMLS and is made accessible to every participant of this stage and other ones in
concordance with available access permissions to these data. It enables to avoid duplication,
unauthorized data substitution, falsification, imitation, changing, and errors of the control
system, to abridge the labour, cut time and finances. Actions of government officials are
opened to public scrutiny, so there is an integrated logistic control process with the
intelligent system of decision-, provision-, decree-, law making. Information in the CIMLS-
technology is generated, transformed, encoded, stored, and transmitted using intelligent
softwares, e.g., Agro, ADAMIS, ADMOS with a electronic description of all the life-cycle
objects, and human embellishment or information hiding is eliminated, minimized
completely and identified [18].
We developed mathematical models of a controlled process of the complex agricultural
production for intelligent precision agriculture, but also the intelligent system ISAG is
developed for the control of farm enterprises. One of the important directions of precision
agriculture is the improvement of control algorithms, the use of steering functions including
the nonlinear constraint, the acceleration of a controlled variable, information about
characteristics of the controllable system, actuators, sensors, etc.
5. Conclusion
The intelligent microsensory systems presented in this chapter are intended for the recognition
of optical information patterns of a technology, a product or environment external conditions
in the space of multidimensional sensory data on the basis of the LED technology e-eye. These
ones enable to solve important practical problems in an agro-industrial complex, e.g., in
intelligent precision agriculture and for the control of the biosafety of farm products, soils,
plant, and animal foods. The developed intelligent system ISLB can inform users about
probable homeostatic threats and recognize timely any changes in functioning the human
organism by means of self-learning on optical data of biomatters, e.g., using systems on a chip
of the type electronic eye. The application of the intelligent systems developed by us in
mobile retransmitters (smartphones, watch and mobile phones, communicators, iPads, PDAs,
wristwatches, etc.) enables the fast and individual monitoring of the human biosafety, to detect
whether there is the departure from the norm and quality standards in the production process,
give other important information about the quality of the agricultural production and
environmental conditions. At the same time, the developed microsensory systems can function
not only using satellite technologies, but also local in mobile retransmitters or in pilotless
vehicles. It makes possible to produce electronic and virtual maps of soil, crop yield, foods,
information-microbial patterns, intellect-maps for the maintenance of intelligent precision
agriculture with the CIMLS-technology. The intelligent systems with the LED e-eye can be
used in micro-nanoelectronics, biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, food industry, computer
and communication systems and networks.
6. References
[1] Koleshko V.M. (1979, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992). Certificate of
USSR Authorship for Invention 491824, 677586, 683475, 722449,

Intelligent Systems

780713, 950145, 1050511, 1122160, 1182939, 1262317, 1313292,
1366018, 1452423, 1499691, 1518985, 1722068, 1748575
[2] Koleshko V.M., Goidenko P.P. & Buiko L.D. (1979). Control in Technology of
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Diagnostics in Technology of Precision Agriculture, Proceedings of Scientific and
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Odessa, June, 2006
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the Making of Intelligent Systems for Precision Agriculture, Proceedings of 2

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Optical Analysis of Biomatters, Proceedings of Scientific and Practical Conference on
Progressive Technologies and Development Prospects, Russia, Tambov, November, 2010
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Leptin, Sports Science and Medicine, Vol. 10, pp. 283-291
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Pattern Recognition, Proceedings of International Conference on Perspective Technologies
and Methods in MEMS Design (MEMSTECH-2009), Ukraine, Lviv, April, 2010
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pp. 1599-1616
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Biotesting of Thoughts in Production Process. Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Special Edition), Russia, Samara, April 2-3, 2009
[17] Koleshko V.M., Varabei Y.A., Azizov P.M., Khudnitsky A.A. & Snigirev S.A. (2009).
Prospective techniques of biometrical authentication and identification, Belarusian
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control of electronic document management and flows of financial enterprises
funds, Informational systems and technologies, pp. 513-516
Knowledge Management in
Bio-Information Systems
Kuodi Jian
Metropolitan State University, Saint Paul, MN
1. Introduction
Knowledge management is a broad topic. For different people, it may mean different things.
For business people, this phrase means the accumulated procedures/processes and
experiences (organizational assets), and the way to facilitate the use, and to retain these
assets within an organization. The Wikipedia website has the following definition for the
knowledge management:
Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an
organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and
experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in
individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice. (Internet resource:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_management. Retrieved on 5/30/2011)
For computer science people, especially for those expert system developers, the term
knowledge management has different meaning. We, computer science scientists, are
concerned with the knowledge representation, data mining, and the knowledge structure
that facilitates knowledge storage and retrieval with computers in mind. Thus, we will
define the knowledge management as follows:
Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a wide range of methods/activities that extract
information/knowledge from a body of unstructured raw data; organize the extracted
information into structured form called knowledge; and design knowledge databases that
are able to store and retrieve knowledge in an efficient way using computers.
In the above definition, we mentioned several terms such as raw data, information, and
knowledge. What are the differences and the relationships among them? And the more
fundamental question: how do we reason when faced with these entities? In the following
sections, we will address these questions. First, we will outline the contributions of this
document in the next section.
2. Contributions
In this chapter, we will introduce a computer reasoning method called evidence theory
that is based on Bayes theorem. We will describe relationships among raw data, knowledge,
and information; we will implement a prototype of the evidence based reasoning software

Intelligent Systems 38
component in the context of the bio-information system framework. The prototype is
implemented with Java language and is applied to a medical case example: colorectal
cancer. The evidence based reasoning theory proposed in this chapter will have significant
impact on computer reasoning and artificial intelligence research.
With the increase of raw power in computer hardware, the search for better intelligent
systems never ends. The research topics cover a wide range of areas. For example, some
studies focus on the emotional aspect of an intelligent system (Fujita & et al., 2010), while
others use statistical reasoning method in classifying news articles (Asyarie, A. & Pribadi,
A., 2009). Compare to existing literatures and reasoning methods, our presentation on the
topic of computer reasoning (evidence based reasoning) is thorough. In addition, the
reasoning method we proposed is generic in nature, thus it can be used in any domain. One
key feature of our method is its simple calculation. Especially when number of evidence gets
large, this simplicity becomes more important. Of course, you do not get this for free. You
have to do the preparation by calculating degrees for evidences. But the saving you get is
well worth the effort.
3. Background for data, information, knowledge, and wisdom
We can view data, information, knowledge, and wisdom as hierarchical in the context of
knowledge management. With the data at the bottom and the wisdom at the top, we journey
through concrete to abstract, and through no relationship to strong relationship as we move
from left bottom to right top. This phenomenon is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Hierarchy of data to wisdom
Raw data are just meaningless points in data space. There are no references or relationships
among these points. Raw data are like a phrase out of context. By themselves, they mean
nothing. (referenced Bellinger, 2004)
no relationship
strong relationship

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 39
As human, we often want to make sense out of raw data. When encountered a piece of data,
we usually try to assign meaning to it, and try to find relationships for it. This is done by
associating it with other things (or other data points). For example, consider the shapes in
Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Data points in data space
When seeing the items in Figure 2, we will automatically assign an equal relationship to
item e and item b, assign the same relationship to item c and item d. We probably will
assign a similarity relationship to item b and item a.
Take another example, if seeing the digits 3 4 5 , most likely we will assign the meaning
of a sequence of positive integer numbers starting from 3 and extending to infinity. The
point is that when there is no context, these raw data have no meaning. When we try to
assign meanings to raw data, we are trying to create context for them. When raw data are
put into context, some new things will happen.
The new things are information. There are some differences and relationships between raw
data and information. First, information is not just a bunch of raw data piled together.
Second, information is the interaction between the raw data and something we called
knowledge. Information depends on the understanding of the person perceiving the data.
For example, the symbol means nothing to an English speaker (to him, it is just raw
data), but it conveys some information to a Chinese (to him, the same symbol is information
and means a web page). The point is that whether some raw data represent meaningful
information depends on the context. And the context is our prior experiences (often, we call
these prior experiences knowledge). There is no guarantee that the information we
extracted from raw data is correct. The correctness and usefulness of raw data depend on
the knowledge of the person receiving the data. Another thing to point out is that the

Intelligent Systems 40
experiences/knowledge will have influence on the interpretation of the data. The same
piece of data may carry different meanings under different contexts (knowledge).
Knowledge is our prior experience. In other words, knowledge is the accumulated
relationships and patterns that a person perceives among raw data. For example, if a layman
sees the blood glucose test result of 230 mg/dL, he may have no clue as what this means.
But for a trained doctors eye, it means the person had the test is diabetic. The only
difference here is the pattern. In the doctors mind, from his prior training, a series of
patterns such as:
Glucose level of 230 mg/dL -> diabetic
Diabetic -> risk of blindness
Diabetic -> risk of kidney failure
exist. On the other hand, there are no such patterns in the laymans mind. In essence,
knowledge is the factoring of patterns (this includes summarization, abstraction, and
crystallization of patterns). In the world of knowledge management in computer science, the
knowledge is accumulated and crystallized patterns and relationships; and the information
is the product of the interaction between data and knowledge. In other words, when
connecting the dots, you are producing information.
Wisdom is the highest form of deep patterns. Usually, we only attribute wisdom to
intelligent beings. Bellinger (2004) has the following description about wisdom:
Wisdom arises when one understands the foundational principles responsible for the
patterns representing knowledge being what they are. And wisdom, even more so than
knowledge, tends to create its own context. I have a preference for referring to these
foundational principles as eternal truths, yet I find people have a tendency to be somewhat
uncomfortable with this labeling. These foundational principles are universal and
completely context independent. Of course, this last statement is sort of a redundant word
game, for if the principle was context dependent, then it couldn't be universally true now
could it?
In this documentation, we will focus on data, information, and knowledge. We will leave
the topic of wisdom to philosophers. Particularly, we will deal with computer reasoning and
knowledge management using knowledge databases. Before presenting our methods for the
knowledge representation, reasoning, and knowledge management, we need to answer the
philosophical question: is there any difference between human reasoning and computer
reasoning? Our answer is Yes.
Computer reasoning and human reasoning are different. One of the biggest differences has
something to do with creative ideas. Often, we see someone with so called killer ideas.
Killer ideas refer to those ideas that are revolutionary, creative, and not conform to the
norms of the contemporary generation. For example, Sir Isaac Newtons law of gravity,
Albert Einsteins theory of relativity, and the idea of ten dimensional UNIVERSE are all
examples of killer ideas. How exactly these killer ideas are produced is still open for
debate. However, we do know computers are incapable of producing these ideas (at least for
the time being); because, we havent seen any computer that can produce any meaningful
killer ideas yet. Thus, we conclude that computers reasoning and human reasoning are

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 41
different. With current technology, we can delegate computers to reason with low level
entities (in the low-left of Figure 1) in the knowledge management hierarchy. This is because
at lower levels, reasoning is more objective and concrete. The theoretical foundations of the
reasoning at lower levels can be captured by the Bayes theorem.
4. Theoretical foundation of computer reasoning
The insight that we get from the above discussion on raw data, information, knowledge, and
wisdom tells us that reasoning at lower levels is easier than reasoning at the highest level.
Since at the lower levels, we only need to deal with knowledge finding (data mining) and
the application of the appropriate knowledge to some evidences. At the highest level (the
killer idea level), we even do not know the mechanism that produces creative ideas;
therefore, it will be much harder to reason at this level. As mentioned in the previous
section, the theoretical foundation of computer is Bayes theorem. Lets investigate what is
the Bayes theorem? Bayes theorem can be expressed as Formula 1:
P(A|X) =
(Formula 1)
The notation P(A|X) means the probability (or the chance) that the event A will happen
given the evidence (or the observation) of X. In probability theory, this is called conditional
probability. Depending on the quality of evidence X, the probability of event A happening
may be heavily affected by the presence of the evidence X.
The symbol ~ means complement, that is, the opposite of what follows it. For example, if
P(A) means the probability of event A will happen, then P(~A) means the probability of
event A will not happen. One thing to point out is that there are three pieces in Formula 1:
the reasoning about the occurrence of an event A (the left side of the equation), the evidence
(X), and the causality relationship between the evidence X and the event A (embodied by
P(X|A) and P(X|~A)).
In a nutshell, Formula 1 says that if we see a piece of evidence X, we can reason about the
chance of event As occurrence given that the evidence X and the event A has a causality
relationship. This is exactly the behavior that a rational person will display given a piece of
evidence related to the event. Formula 1 can be extended to include two, three, , and
many pieces of evidence. All we need to do is to apply the formula multiple times. For
example, if both X and Y contribute to the occurrence of event A, we can calculate the final
probability of event A by applying Formula 1 to get the probability of A given evidence X.
Then, we use the result to apply Formula 1 again. Only this time, we should use the result in
the first iteration to substitute the prior probability P(A), and P(~A). Actually, we can
repeatedly apply Formula 1 to reason any number of evidences.
To get a better handle on how the Bayes theorem works, lets work through a concrete
example. Suppose that we have the following problem statement:
Example 1: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States.
(Williams, 2003, p. 463) Suppose that about 0.2% of the population living in US with age
above 20 has lung cancer. When doing an annual check, suppose that 85% of the people with
lung cancer will show positive for the chest x-ray test. On the other hand, chest x-ray will
have false alarms: 6% of the people without lung cancer will also show positive for the chest

Intelligent Systems 42
x-ray test. If a person went through the annual check and had a positive chest x-ray, what is
the probability that he/she has the lung cancer? (For concreteness, you may assume that
there are 10,000 people participated the annual check)
Answer: Most people will give the wrong answer of the person will have 85% probability
of having the lung cancer.
To get the answer right, we must first understand several important facts in statistics. The
first thing is that
P(A|X) P(X|A)
The reason that most people will get the incorrect answer of 85% is the confusion caused by
the above inequality relationship.
The correct answer for Example 1 is 2.8%. The following is the analysis and steps showing
how we get the correct answer:
1. We start out by the basic probability definition:
P(cancer | positive x-ray) = number of people who have both cancer
and positive x-ray in the annual check / total number of people with
positive x-ray in the annual check (Formula 2)
According to the meaning of conditional probability, the left side of Formula 2 is the
answer we are looking for.
Note: the key of the above equation is to use the number of people who have both
cancer and positive x-ray as the numerator. If using people who have cancer as the
numerator, the result will be wrong since there are people who have cancer but have
negative x-ray test results.
2. We use concrete number. Without losing generality, we assume there are 10,000 people
of age 20 and over participated in the annual check. Thus, we have the following data:
The number of people who have lung cancer in the annual check group is 10,000*0.2% = 20.
The number of people who are healthy in the annual check group is 10,000*99.8% = 9980.
The number of people who have lung cancer and have positive x-ray is 20*85% = 17.
The number of people who have lung cancer and have negative x-ray is 20*15% = 3.
The number of people who have no lung cancer and have positive x-ray is 9980*6% = 599.
3. We use the data in step 2 and plug into the Formula 2 in step 1. We will get following
P(cancer | positive x-ray) = 17 / (17+599) = 17 / 616 = 0.028
Most people regard Bayes theorem as statistical formula and overlook its reasoning logic.
We want to point out that it is also a reasoning method that captures the essence of
reasoning logic that reasons at the lower-levels. Thus, it is the theoretical foundation that
underpins the computer reasoning.

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 43
5. Bayes reasoning
Example 1 in previous section can also be solved by Bayes theorem. One thing to remember
in understanding Bayes theorem is the following statistical formula:
P(A & B) = P(A | B) * P(B) (Formula 3)
Or equivalently,
P(A & B) = P(B | A) * P(A)
In the following, we will explain how Bayes reasoning works and the meaning of its
5.1 Bayes reasoning explained
Bayes theorem can be viewed as the bridge that connects the reasoning to physical
evidences: on the left of Formula 1 is the inference/reasoning, and on the right of Formula 1
is the physical evidence that supports the reasoning on the left. When estimating the prior
probabilities (prior probability includes: the baseline probability P(A), the two conditional
probabilities: P(positive x-ray | cancer) and P(positive x-ray | healthy)) on the right, we are
constructing a reasoning model; when applying the Bayes theorem, we are extracting
information using the constructed model. The process of applying the theorem is the process
of combining the raw data, the knowledge (context) to yield information. We can use the
Bayes theorem to solve Example 1 as follows:
1. Start with what we want to achieve: P(cancer | positive x-ray)
2. Rewrite it as following with the help of Formula 3:
P(cancer | positive x-ray) = P(cancer & positive x-ray) / P(positive x-ray)
3. P(positive x-ray) can be expanded to P(positive x-ray & cancer) + P(positive x-ray &
Note: this expansion captures the causality of the reasoning model. It says that the total
number of people with positive x-ray in the annual check group is coming from two groups:
the people with cancer and show the positive x-ray and the people with no cancer and show
the positive x-ray.
4. Plug in the result from step 3 to the equation in step 2, we get
P(conccr|positi:c x roy) =
P(canccr &postc x-u)
P(posItIvc x-ray &cuncc)+P(postc x-u&~cuncc)

5. The above equation can be rewritten as following with the help of Formula 3:
P(conccr|positi:c x roy)
P(positi:c x roy | conccr) P(conccr)
P(positi:c x roy | conccr) P(conccr) +P(positi:c x roy|~conccr) P(~conccr)

This is exactly the same formula as in the Bayes theorem (Formula 1). If we use the
following data implied by the problem statement in Example 1:

Intelligent Systems 44
P(cancer) = 0.2% (20 out of 10,000 have cancer) (1)
P(~cancer) = 99.8% (9980 out of 10,000 have no cancer) (2)
P(positive x-ray | cancer) = 85%
(85% of people with lung cancer have positive x-ray) (3)
P(positive x-ray | ~cancer) = 6%
(6% of people without lung cancer have positive x-ray) (4)
And plug in the above data into the above expression, we will get:
P(cancer | positive x-ray) = 85%* 0.2% / (85%*0.2%+6%*99.8%)
= 0.0017 / (0.0017+0.06)
= 0.0017 / 0.0617
= 0.028
This is exactly the same answer we got in the previous section.
Bayes reasoning needs three pieces of information (all appear on the right of the equation at
the beginning of step 5): the percentage of people with lung cancer, the percentage of people
without lung cancer who have false alarms, and the percentage of people with lung cancer
who show positive on the test. The first piece of information which is part of the priors is the
baseline knowledge. The second and third pieces of information which also belong to the
priors are the measurement of the quality of evidence. Bayes reasoning is to use the
evidence to change the belief/knowledge (shifting the baseline upwards with positive
evidence or downwards with negative evidence). We will use more examples to show how
this change of belief (the machine reasoning) happens. The left-side probability is the
posterior probability. It is the revised view of the world in the light of evidence which is on
the right-side of the equation.
To see how the first piece of information affects the Bayes result, lets assume that the batch
of people doing the annual check is high risk smokers. According to Williams (Williams,
2003, p. 464), smokers chance of getting lung cancer is 13 times higher than non-smokers.
Now, lets ask the same question: what is the probability of the person has lung cancer if
he/she has the positive x-ray test given that the cancer rate in this group is 2.6% (2.6% is
getting from 0.2* 13)? Sure enough, the final answer should be different. Actually, the new
answer is 27.4%. The following is the analysis and steps showing how we get the correct
1. We use the Bayes theorem:
P(conccr|positi:c x roy)
P(positi:c x roy | conccr) P(conccr)
P(positi:c x roy | conccr) P(conccr) +P(positi:c x roy|~conccr) P(~conccr)

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 45
2. And plug in the following data:
P(cancer) = 2.6% (260 out of 10,000 have cancer) (5)
P(~cancer) = 97.4% (9740 out of 10,000 have no cancer) (6)
P(positive x-ray | cancer) = 85%
(85% of people with lung cancer have positive x-ray) (7)
P(positive x-ray | ~cancer) = 6%
(6% of people without lung cancer have positive x-ray) (8)
3. And plug in the above data into the above Bayes theorem, we will get:
P(cancer | positive x-ray) = 85%* 2.6% / (85%*2.6%+6%*97.4%)
= 0.0221 / (0.0221+0.0584)
= 0.0221 / 0.0805
= 0.274
As you can see, comparing to the non-risky population (the probability of having cancer
0.028), the probability value of 0.274 of a person in the risky group is much higher. This makes
sense since the prior probability of getting lung cancer is higher in this high risk group. In this
new example, the quality of the x-ray equipment does not change. The only thing changed is
the prior cancer rate, from 0.2% to 2.6%. At first look to the new problem, most people will
give the same wrong answer of 85%. But Bayes reasoning gives us more objective and correct
answer. Here is an example that computer reasoning can be better than a human!
Bayes reasoning can be used in situations that have multiple evidences. Lets use Example
2, which is the extension of Example 1, to illustrate how this is done.
Example 2: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States.
(Williams, 2003, p. 463) Suppose that about 0.2% of the population living in US with age
above 20 has lung cancer. When doing an annual check, assume that 85% of the people with
lung cancer will show positive for the chest x-ray test. On the other hand, chest x-ray will
have false alarms: 6% of the people without lung cancer will also show positive for the chest
x-ray test. Suppose that a hospital will do two lung cancer screen tests for each annual check
patient (assume the two tests are independent). The second test called CT scan is done to
improve the accuracy of diagnosis. Suppose that the CT scan has the following
characteristics: it returns positive for 85% of the people with lung cancer; it has a lower false
rate than the x-ray test and will return false positive for one out of one thousand people
without lung cancer. If a person went through the annual check and had positives on both
the chest x-ray and the CT scan, what is the probability that he/she has the lung cancer?
Answer: We can solve this problem by using the Bayes theorem twice. We already know
that the probability of a person has cancer given that he has positive x-ray is 2.8%; the
probability of a person has no cancer given that he has positive x-ray is 97.2%. We can use
this result and continue to solve the problem as follows:

Intelligent Systems 46
1. We use the Bayes theorem:
P(conccrpositi:c x roy &positi:c CI scon)
P(positi:c CI scon | conccr) P(conccr ncw proir)
P(positi:c CI scon | conccr) P(conccr ncw prior) +P(positi:c CI scon|~conccr) P(~conccr ncw prior)

2. And plug in the following data:
P(cancer new prior) = 2.8% (the poster probability of ) (9)
P(~cancer new prior) = 97.2% (the complement of equation (9)) (10)
P(positive CT scan | cancer) = 85%
(85% of people with lung cancer have positive CT scan) (11)
P(positive CT scan | ~cancer) = 0.1%
(0.1% of people without lung cancer have positive CT scan) (12)
3. And plug in the above data into the above Bayes theorem, we will get:
P(cancer | positive x-ray & positive CT scan) =
85%* 2.8% / (85%*2.8%+0.1%*97.2%)
= 0.0238 / (0.0238+0.00097)
= 0.0238 / 0.02477
= 0.96
As you can see, the persons probability of having lung cancer is very high in this instance.
In this example, each application of the Bayes theorem can be viewed as a mapping from
one statistical sample space to another statistical sample space and there are two such
mappings as shown in Figure 3.
In Figure 3, P(xp&c) means the probability of a person who has lung cancer and is x-ray
positive; P(xp&CTp&c) means the probability of a person who has lung cancer and is both
x-ray positive and CT scan positive. Similarly, P(xp&CTp&h) means the probability of a
person who is healthy and is both x-ray positive and CT scan positive. To help our
understanding of whats going on, we list some calculated data below (assume total of
10,000 people):

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 47
As shown in Figure 3, the application of Bayes theorem is the mapping from one space to
another space. In the initial world, the probability of a person in the sample is healthy is
99.8% while the probability of having the lung cancer is 0.2%. The first application of the
Bayes theorem has two distortions: one distorts the probability of having cancer, P(cancer),
to the probability of both having cancer and being positive for x-ray test, P(positive x-ray &
cancer), (the distorting leverage/filter is the conditional probability P(positive x-ray |
cancer)), the other distorts the probability of being healthy, P(healthy), to the probability of
being positive for x-ray and being healthy, P(positive x-ray & healthy), (the distorting
leverage/filter is the conditional probability P(positive x-ray | healthy)). In the new
alternate universe, though the number of people who have cancer to be included is almost
the same as in the initial world (from 20 in the initial world to 17 in the first mapped world),
the number of people who are healthy to be included is greatly reduced (from 9980 in the
initial world to 599 in the first mapped world). Thus, when we try to answer the question of
the probability of a person having lung cancer given that he has a positive x-ray by
dividing the number of people with cancer by the total number of people with positive x-
ray, we will get a much higher probability. In other words, the mapping altered our
assessment. The mapping reflects the effect of the evidence positive x-ray in shifting our
judgment of deciding whether a person has lung cancer.

Fig. 3. We apply Bayes theorem twice for two tests; each application of Bayes theorem can
be viewed as a mapping
One thing to point out, the x-ray test will not affect the actual probability of a person has
cancer (otherwise no one will take the test). However, the test will affect our beliefs. A
positive x-ray is a membership test. If the test is positive, it will eliminate many more people
without lung cancer than people with the cancer. The number of people without cancer is
reduced by a factor of more than 16, from 9980 to 599, while the number of people with

Intelligent Systems 48
cancer is reduced only from 20 to 17. Thus, the proportion of 17 within 616 (the total number
of people with positive x-ray) is much larger than the proportion of 20 within 10,000.
5.2 Conditional probabilities play the role as shifters
From Example 2, you may have already seen the role played by the two conditional
probabilities: P(positive x-ray | cancer) and P(positive x-ray | healthy). They are the
shifters: P(positive x-ray | cancer) shifts our view positively and P(positive x-ray | healthy)
shifts our view negatively. In other words, large value of P(positive x-ray | cancer) will
increase our confidence in predicting a person has cancer given that he has a positive test.
On the other hand, small value of P(positive x-ray | healthy) will increase our confidence in
predicting a person has cancer given that he has a positive test. The quality measurement of
a test in altering our view to the world is the inter-play of these two conditional
probabilities. They map the number of cancerous people and the number of healthy people
in one world into another world. Their ratio can be used as a measurement of effectiveness
for a test to be evidence.
We will show later that for a test to be effective, its positive conditional probability cannot
have the same value as its negative conditional probability. Otherwise, the test will shift our
view to the same amount and the net effect is nil.
The second application of the Bayes theorem alters the ratio of number of healthy people to
the number of cancer people in the universe even further. In the second mapped world, the
number of people who have cancer to be included is 14, and the number of people who are
healthy to be included is 0.6. In the second new world, seeing both positive evidences (a
positive x-ray and a positive CT scan) is convincing evidence that the person has lung
cancer (96% probability).
Bayes theorem is important in understanding the basic statistical reasoning mechanism. In
its original form, it is not easy to use, especially in the face of multiple evidences. In the next
section, we will introduce a computer reasoning theory: evidence theory that is based on the
Bayes theory.
6. The evidence theory of computer reasoning
In this section, we are going to present a computer reasoning method called evidence theory
that is more convenient and easier to use than the Bayes theorem. To help our presentation,
we will define some terms and use some mathematical formulas along the way.
If we take an abstract view, the computer reasoning can be summarized as: capture the
causality relationships from raw data, build a knowledge database using these relationships,
and make a judgment (or inference) on pieces of evidence based on existing knowledge
database. The essence of the summary is shown in Figure 4.
The computer reasoning mechanism shown in Figure 4 can be explained as having two
stages: the knowledge/pattern building and the application of knowledge to the new
evidence. In the first stage (indicated by arrows from the Raw data to the Knowledge
database), knowledge is produced either by data mining from raw data or by direct human
insertion; in the second stage (indicated by arrows from the Knowledge database to the

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 49
Solution), the reasoning occurs by applying the knowledge from the Knowledge database to
the evidence.

Fig. 4. Abstract view on computer reasoning
One of the important components in Figure 4 is evidence. In computer reasoning, evidence
is the main factor that influences a computers judgment. One of the important
characteristics of evidence is its quality. In this abstract view, reasoning is persuaded by the
presence of evidence. For example, without any evidence, our view of the initial world
about the probability of a person with lung cancer is 0.2%, with the presence of first piece of
evidence, the positive result of x-ray test, our view of the modified world about the
probability of a person with lung cancer is 2.8%, with the presence of two pieces of evidence,
the positive result of x-ray and the positive result of CT scan, our view of the new world
about the probability of a person with lung cancer is changed again to 96%.
6.1 The properties and the definition of evidence (or a test)
The main role of a piece of evidence is its influence on a rational mind. To see how this
influence is realized, we need to investigate the properties about evidence. In this section,
we will give definition of evidence; and will describe properties of evidence. These
definition and properties are given in the following highlight box.
Raw data Knowledge database
Intelligent system
Model building
(data mining)
Inferencing (using
knowledgebase and
evidence theory)
HasLungCancer(positive x-ray, 0.028)
positive x-ray, 0.274)
Stage 1
Stage 2

Intelligent Systems 50
Evidence Theory and Evidence Properties
The Main Interest: Suppose that A represents an event of interest; E represents the a piece
of envidence. The main interest of the evidence theory is to calculate the probability:
P(A|E) (Formula 4)
Definition of Evidence: we define evidence (or a test) E as a piece of information that has the
ability to change the value of probability defined in Formula 4. The underlining reason for
this ability is the causality relationship existed between the event A and the evidence E.
Assumption about Event A: in the absence of any evidence, we will assume that the
probability of event A occurring is the same as the probability of its not occurring. That is,
P(A) = 50%.
Properties of Evidence: evidence has following three properties:
Property 1: if evidence E increases the probability of event A, then the evidence E is
positive evidence relative to event A.
Property 2: if evidence E decreases the probability of event A, then the evidence E is
negative evidence relative to event A.
Property 3: the quality of evidence E is measured in terms of evidence strength (which will
be defined in the next section).
6.2 The quality of evidence (evidence strength)
As mentioned before, one important function of a piece of evidence is its influence on a
rational mind. Thus, the quality measurement of a piece of evidence should also be based on
its ability to influence. For example, if evidence A convinced us an event (or goal
achievability) will happen with 80 percent certainty while evidence B convinced us the same
event will happen with 90 percent certainty, then we would say evidence B is better. We can
quantify the quality of evidence by introducing the concept of evidence strength. With this
measurement criterion in mind, try to answer the following question:
Question 1: With regard to the two tests mentioned in Example 2: the x-ray test, and the CT
scan test, which one is better in swaying us to believe that the person in question has lung
Here is the repeat of some statistics for the two evidences (a medical test can be regarded as
evidence from Bayes theorems point of view):
X-ray test: 85% of the people with lung cancer will show positive; 6% of the people
without lung cancer will also show positive.
CT scan test: 85% of the people with lung cancer will show positive; 0.1% of the people
without lung cancer will also show positive.
Before answering the above question, lets define some terms. In the following,
Posi|Cause means that the existence of Cause causes the evidence Posi to appear;
Posi|~Cause means that the absence of Cause causes the evidence Posi to appear.
Now, we will define the strength of evidence as follows:

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 51
Definition of evidence strength: we define strength of evidence (or a test) as the probability
that the evidence gives true positive divided by the probability that the evidence gives a
false positive. In other words, it can be represented as the following formula:
strength(evidence) = P(Posi|Cause) / P(Posi|~Cause) (Formula 5)
One thing to point out is that the summation of the probability of P(Posi|Cause) and the
probability of P(Posi|~Cause) is not necessarily 1. Once defined evidence strength, we can
divide evidence two categories: positive evidence and negative evidence. When the value of
strength is greater than 1, the evidence will shift our belief in the positive way, thus we
name it positive evidence; on the other hand, when the value of strength is smaller than 1,
the evidence has the effect of shift our belief in the negative way, thus we name it negative
The probability P(Posi | Cause) on the right side of Formula 5 captures the causality
relationship in the real world. It means the probability of something causes the evidence
(test) to be positive. In our Example 1, it will take the form: P(positive x-ray | cancer), and it
means that the probability of lung cancer causes the x-ray to be positive; and P(positive x-
ray | ~cancer) means the probability of a false alarm.
Now, lets give some observations about evidence. First, as mentioned before, to be effective
evidence, the value of a tests positive conditional probability cannot have the same value as
its negative conditional probability. Thus, in terms of strength, we have the following
Observation 1: when the evidence strength is 1, it is not good evidence. Using the above
definition, the effectiveness of a test (or a piece of evidence) is measured in terms of its
strength. If the value of strength is 1, then the test is useless as a piece of evidence (it is
neutral). When the value of strength is greater than 1, it is positive evidence (seeing the
evidence will shift our view regarding the trueness of the event Cause to the positive
side); when the value of strength is smaller than 1 and greater than 0, it is negative evidence
(diminishes our view about the trueness of the Cause).
For example, if we are asked whether flipping a fair coin is a good test for predicting a
person has lung cancer (assume that a head means the person has cancer and a tail means
the person has no cancer)? We can proceed like the following:
1. First, we calculate the strength of flipping a coin as a test and it will be:
strength(flipping a coin) = P(head | cancer) / P(head | ~cancer) = 0.5 / 0.5 = 1
Note: the reason that P(head | cancer) = 0.5 is the fact that the information of a patient has
cancer has nothing to do with the outcome of flipping a coin. The chance of getting a head is
still governed by its old chance of 50%. We will have the same argument for the probability
P(head | ~ cancer).
2. Based on our evidence theory, we know it shifts our belief to the same distance for
positive and negative direction. Thus, we conclude that its not a good test.
With regard to the cause of strong evidence, we have the following observation:

Intelligent Systems 52
Observation 2: strong evince is not caused by a very high probability of cause leads to the
positive test, rather it is caused by a very low probability of not-cause could have led to the
positive test.
For example, if it is raining, the grass in my front yard (there is no roof) is likely to be wet.
But seeing the grass wet does not necessarily mean that it is raining (maybe it is caused by
the sprinkler). In other words, when seeing the evidence of wet grass, we cannot reason that
it is raining with certainty. This is a case of high probability of cause-effect but week
On the hand, if we are watching an area there is no sprinkler. Then, seeing the wet grass
would always mean that it is raining, even though we assume that there is a weak causation
link such as the rain will cause the grass wet only 60% of times. This is a case of low
probability of cause-effect but strong evidence.
Now, lets answer the Question 1. We will use the evidence strength value to help us make
the conclusion. For x-ray test, we have the following:
strength(x-ray test) = P(positive x-ray | cancer) / P(positive x-ray | ~cancer)
= 0.85 / 0.06 = 14.17
For CT scan, we have:
strength(CT scan test) = P(positive CT scan | cancer) / P(positive CT scan | ~cancer)
= 0.85 / 0.001 = 850
Since the value 850 is greater than 14.17, we conclude that CT scan test is a better evidence in
convincing us that the patient in question has lung cancer.
6.3 The relationship between the evidence strength and its influence power
The discussion above gives us some insights about evidence. In this section, we will
investigate the relationship between the evidence strength and its power to influence the
outcome of an event. Specifically, we want to see how the existence of a piece of evidence
will shift our belief (its direction and its amount (may be rough estimation)). Based on the
intuition we have about the evidence, we make the following claim.
Claim 1: the influence power of a given piece of evidence is proportional to the value of
evidence strength. For positive evidence, the larger evidence strength value, the stronger the
influence power; for negative evidence, the smaller evidence strength value, the stronger the
influence power.
We will use the following example to give some insight about our Claim 1:
Example 3: Using the data in Example 2, calculate the strength for x-ray test and the
strength for the CT scan test. Then, calculate the distance that each test moves our belief
(including the direction) in terms of percentage change. We repeat the main points and data
in the following:
1. About 0.2% of the population living in US with age above 20 has lung cancer.

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 53
2. When doing an annual check, assume that 85% of the people with lung cancer will
show positive for the chest x-ray test. About 6% of the people without lung cancer will
also show positive for the chest x-ray test.
3. The second test called CT scan is done independently. It returns positive for 85% of the
people with lung cancer; its false rate is 0.1%.
Answer: For first part of the question, we can use the result in the previous section. Here is
the repeat: For x-ray test, we have the following:
strength(x-ray test) = P(positive x-ray | cancer) / P(positive x-ray | ~cancer)
= 0.85 / 0.06 = 14.17
For CT scan, we have:
strength(CT scan test) = P(positive CT scan | cancer) / P(positive CT scan | ~cancer)
= 0.85 / 0.001 = 850
For the second part of the problem (the distance each test sways our beliefs), we will
proceed as follows:
We started in the initial world with following probabilities:
P(cancer) = 0.2%, P(healthy) = 99.8%
For a person in this initial world, the probability of having lung cancer is 0.2% (pretty low).
If we use the x-ray as a membership test, then the probability become following (already
calculated in previous sections):
P(cancer | positive x-ray) = 2.8%, P(healthy | positive x-ray) = 97.2%
The x-ray test shifted our view from P(cancer) = 0.2% to P(cancer | positive x-ray) = 2.8%. It
is a positive evidence. The percentage increase is 2.6%.
Now, lets see how much the CT scan test will shift our view. Starting from the initial world,
if we use the CT scan as a membership test, then the probability can be calculated as
We use the Bayes theorem:
P(conccr|positi:c CI scon)
P(positi:c CI scon | conccr) P(conccr)
P(positi:c CI scon | conccr) P(conccr) +P(positi:c CI scon|~conccr) P(~conccr)

And plug in the following data:
P(cancer) = 0.2% (20 out of 10,000 have cancer)
P(~cancer) = 99.8% (9980 out of 10,000 have no cancer)
P(positive CT scan | cancer) = 85%

Intelligent Systems 54
(85% of people with lung cancer have positive CT scan)
P(positive CT scan | ~cancer) = 0.1%
(0.1% of people without lung cancer have positive CT scan)
And plug in the above data into the above Bayes theorem, we will get:
P(cancer | positive CT scan) = 85%* 0.2% / (85%*0.2%+0.1%*99.8%)
= 0.0017 / (0.0017+0.001)
= 0.0017 / 0.0027
= 0.63
This result tells use that the CT scan test will shift our belief in positive direction, The
percentage increase is 62.8%. These results support our claim 1.
Note that the x-ray test and CT scan test have the same positive cause-effect probability rate
but different false alarm rate. In x-ray test, the false alarm probability P(positive x-ray |
~cancer) is 6%, while in CT scan test, the false alarm probability P(positive CT scan |
~cancer) is only 0.1%. Here is an example that the low false alarm probability is the
dominate factor in deciding the strength of evidence.
6.4 The logarithmical representation of evidence degrees
In the previous section, we used the ratio of two conditional probabilities as the strength
measurement. Under our abstract view of reasoning model in Figure 4, evidences are used
to distort the world space. As indicated in that figure, reasoning is the process of make a
judgment using the knowledge (embedded in the conditionals) based on the evidence (the
right side of | on the left side of Formula 1) presented. One thing to point out is that our
abstract reasoning model can be applied to multiple evidences.
To capture the essence of the low-level reasoning in situations with multiple evidences, we
can use a tool in mathematics called ratio and the concept in statistics called odds. Also, the
use of these tools will make reasoning in situations that have multiple evidences easier.
Odds can capture the same information as probability. In statistics, odds are defined as the
ratio of the probability of an events occurring to the probability of its not occurring. The
reasoning of solving the problem in Example 2 using the odds concept will be like this: in
the initial world, the lung cancer rate is 0.2%. Thus, 2 out of 1000 people have lung cancer,
and 998 people out of 1000 people do not have lung cancer. Using odds, we define the event
of interest as a person has lung cancer vs. a person has no cancer. So the 0.2% cancer rate can
be expressed as the following odds:
And the evidence strengths of the two tests x-ray, and CT scan can be expressed in odds
notation as:
14.17:1 (get from 0.85/0.06)

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 55
850:1 (get from 0.85/0.001)
To get the answer for low level reasoning, we calculate the odds for a person with cancer
who score positive on the two tests, versus a person without cancer who score positive on
the two tests. Using the basic principles in algebra, the above odds can be calculated as
2*14.17*850:998*1*1 =
Once get the final odds, we can get probability of a person having lung cancer given that he
score both tests positive as following:
P(cancer | positive x-ray & positive CT scan) = 24089 / (24089+998)
= 24089 / 25087
= 96%
This is the same answer as we get using Bayes theorem in section 5.
As you can see, using the ratio and the odds tool is simpler than using the Bayes theorem
directly. We can simplify our calculation even further by using another tool called logarithm
in mathematics. Before we can take the advantage of logarithm, we need to give a new
definition on evidence called evidence degree.
Definition of evidence degree: we define evidence degree of a test as the as the following
degree(test) = 10 log
strength (test) (Formula 6)
To get the strength from the degree, we use the following formula:
strength(test) = 10
degree(test) / 10
(Formula 7)
Once represented in logarithmic format (degree of evidence), the aggregated effect of
evidence toward a goal can be obtained by simple adding instead of multiplying.
6.5 The evidence based reasoning
As mentioned before, at low-level reasoning, the logic employed by a human is the same as
the Bayes theorem. In this section, we will show how to reason using the evidence
expressed in the form of degree. As the topic suggested, the focus of our reasoning method
is on evidence. The reasoning method addresses the question of the following type:
Question Type: Given a set of evidences and prior probability of an event A, we want to
reason about the posterior probability of A (here, the event of interest can be anything, such
as the survival chance of a disease, the goal in a planning problem, etc.). In other words, we
want to figure out the left side of the following equation:
P(A | seen evidences x, y, z, ) = ?

Intelligent Systems 56
The assumption of this method is that each piece of evidence is independent. Because of the
strength of Bayes theorem, this assumption works even for evidences that are not
independent. Studies show that systems based on Bayes theorem with the same assumption
such as Hidden Nave Bayes (Jin & et al., 2007) are robust because of the model constructing
can accommodate minor factors easily. The reason for this robustness stems from the fact
that the model itself has already captured the main causality. Any other accuracy
consideration does not improve too much. In a sense, it only adds the complexity.
Our reasoning method can be represented as the following algorithm:
EvidenceBasedReasoning Algorithm: Inputs: raw data, input question of probability of
an event of interest; Output: posterior probability information (answer to the input
Step 1: constructing models (or knowledge) from raw data.
Step 2: calculate the quality of evidence related to the input question in terms of evidence
degree with the help of Formulas 6 and 7.
Step 3: calculate the overall evidence degree.
Step 4: interpret the information by converting the overall evidence degree back to the
probability (using Formulas 6 and 7 again).
We have the following comments about the degree of evidence:
1. The critical point for the degree of evidence is 0. 0 means the evidence is neutral; the
probability of positive conditional is equal to the probability of negative conditional. It
does not add anything in shifting our view to the world.
2. If the evidences degree is greater than 0, then it will shift our view toward believing
event A is true; if the evidences degree is less than 0, then it will shift our view toward
believing event A is not true;
3. Degree is measured in terms of order of degree. If evidence As degree is 10 and
evidence Bs degree is 20, then evidence B is ten order of magnitude (100 times)
stronger than evidence A in persuasion power.
Now, lets use an example to illustrate how our EvidenceBasedReasoning works.
Example 4: Solve the problem in Example 2 again using the EvidenceBasedReasoning
algorithm. We repeat the main points and assumptions in the following:
1. About 0.2% of the population living in US with age above 20 has lung cancer.
2. When doing an annual check, assume that 85% of the people with lung cancer will
show positive for the chest x-ray test. About 6% of the people without lung cancer will
also show positive for the chest x-ray test.
3. The second test called CT scan is done independently. It returns positive for 85% of the
people with lung cancer; its false rate is 0.1%.
4. If a person went through the annual check and had positives on both the chest x-ray
and the CT scan, what is the probability that he/she has the lung cancer?
Answer: We will solve this problem using the EvidenceBasedReasoning algorithm. Using
Bayes theorem, we already solved the problem and knew the correct answer for that
question is

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 57
P(cancer | positive x-ray & positive CT scan) = 0.96
Here, we are going to show you that our new framework of reasoning will help us to get the
result easier. The following is the analysis and steps of finding the answer:
First, we decide what is the question: after read the problem statement, we know the
question is: P(cancer | positive x-ray & positive CT scan) = ?
Second, we calculate the degree for the prior probability (having cancer in a population) and
the degrees for the two tests (x-ray and CT scan):
degree(prior) = 10 log
(0.002) = - 27 (get from 2:998)
degree(x-ray) = 10 log
(14.17) = 11.5 (get from 0.85/0.06)
degree(CT scan) = 10 log
(850) = 29.3 (get from 0.85/0.001)
Third, we get the overall degree by adding all above degree values:
degree(answer) = 13.8
Fourth, we extract the answer in terms of probability by using Formula 7:
strength(answer) = 10
degree(answer) / 10

= 10
13.8 / 10

= 23.99
Convert to probability, it equals P = 23.99 / (23.99 + 1) = 0.96
Thus the final answer is:
P(cancer | positive x-ray & positive CT scan) = 0.96
(same value as the one got in Example 2)
As you can see, our evidence based reasoning is easier than the original Bayes theorem in
dealing with many evidences. One thing to point out is that our evidence based reasoning
can be used in many areas. For example, in bioinformatics, data mining, category
classification, etc., just to name a few.
7. Knowledge management in bio-information system architecture
We described the fundamentals of computer reasoning and proposed an
EvidenceBasedReasoning algorithm. In this section, we will introduce a framework of
knowledge management in the context of bio-information system architectures. Based on
this framework, we will introduce a prototype implementation of the Bio-information
knowledge management system.
7.1 Knowledge management framework
In a typical knowledge management system, there are many components. Figure 5 shows an
information system architecture upon which we base our reasoning framework and
knowledge management methods.

Intelligent Systems 58

Fig. 5. A bio-information knowledge management framework
In Figure 5, the NLP stands for the natural language processor. NLP is used to translate a
problem written in natural language such as English or Chinese into a well formed problem
statement that is understood by reasoning engine which is enclosed inside the dotted region
in Figure 5. The reasoning engine consists of Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
(KQML), the Evidence based reasoning software, and the Action planner. KQML is used to
manage data stored in the knowledge database. Its role in an expert system is much like the
role that the SQL language played in a database management system. Action planner is the
component that drives the system. One thing to point out is that the reasoning engine works
with the help of the knowledge database.
7.2 The evidence based reasoning software
As you can see from Figure 5, the complete system of a bio-information knowledge
management system has both software and hardware. In this presentation, we will focus on
the software side. In particular, we will focus on one software component: the evidence
based reasoning software (expert Software). We will assume that other components are
already implemented and working.
7.3 The potential areas of using the evidence based reasoning system
One of the application areas of our evidence reasoning system is the terminal patient
consulting bio-information system. When a patient is diagnosed with terminal illness, his
first reaction is disbelieving. Then, he probably will ask questions like: what is the prognosis
such as how long he can live; what is its etiology such as the cause of the disease; and
whether it is hereditary. These questions are usually being answered by doctors or nurses.
Often, answers that a patient got are generic based on average cases. Also, because of tight

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 59
schedules of doctors and nurses, sometimes the patient is not able to get answers in a timely
manner. Here, we will develop a prototype system that will answer most of the questions
that a terminal patient will have. Also, the answers from our system will be tailored to
individual patients. Ideally, our system should be able to relieve a lot of burdens from
doctors and nurses.
7.4 The evidence based reasoning software design ideas
We are going to develop a prototype of the evidence based reasoning software component.
In the following, we will outline our design ideas.
Main design ideas: we strive the following:
1. The component should have a Graphic User Interface (GUI) to facilitate the use of the
system. Figure 6 is a screen capture of the user interface.
2. It should be interactive. Based on the information in the knowledge data base, it may
ask patient questions.
3. The component should be developed in such a way that it can be used to query
different terminal illnesses, in other words, it should be generic.
4. There should be default values for those fields that a user does not input specific
5. The knowledge database should be separated from this component for the benefit of
less coupling.

Fig. 6. A screen capture of the uesr interface for the evidence based reasoning system
With the above design ideas in mind, we will set the boundaries and make assumptions for
the system. The following is the assumptions that we made.

Intelligent Systems 60
Assumption: we assume the following:
1. All other components shown in Figure 5 are developed and working. The only
component that we are focusing on is the evidence based reasoning software.
2. The diagnosis of the illness is already known.
3. The component will answer only predefined set of questions (most important to a
patient) such as the cause of the disease (etiology), once diagnosed, how long a person
can live (prognosis), etc.
To emphasize the main point, our implementation uses a simple design. Without losing
generality, we loaded data from a file instead of asking the user to input them from a
keyboard. We also watered down some features for the sake of simplicity. For example, the
whole knowledge database is substituted by hard-coded logic.
7.5 A case example: Colorectal cancer
To help our presentation, we will use a medical case example to illustrate some features of
our evidence based reasoning system. The medical case used is the colorectal cancer. And
we will use the most common form of the colorectal cancer: the hereditary nonpolyposis
colon cancer (HNPCC). This form of cancer is also called Lynch syndrome. The following is
some facts related to this disease:
Some facts of colorectal cancer: Cancer of the large bowel is second only to lung cancer as
a cause of cancer death in the United States; 146,940 new cases occurred in 2004, and 56,730
deaths were due to colorectal cancer. (Kasper, 2005, p. 527) This disease has hereditary
factors. As many as 25% of patients with colorectal cancer have a family history of the
disease, suggesting a hereditary predisposition. (Kasper, 2005, p. 527) Once diagnosed, the
prognosis is related to the depth of tumor penetration into the bowel wall and the presence
of both regional lymph node involvement and distant metastases. These variables are
incorporated into the staging system introduced by Dukes and applied to a TNM
classification method, in which T represents the depth of tumor penetration, N the presence
of lymph node involvement, and M the presence or absence of distant metastases (Table 1).

Table 1. Staging of and Prognosis for Colorectal Cancer (Kasper, 2005, p. 529-530)
The prevalent belief of the cause of the disease is the interplay between the environment and
the cancer suppressing genes. The reason why we have colorectal cancers (in fact, any type

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 61
of cancers) is because our body lost control to the cell growth. For normal cells, their growth
is controlled by the information in their DNA. These cells know when to stop. On the other
hand, for a cancer cell (either caused by spontaneous mutation or by hereditary
predisposition), this control is lost. Thus, it will grow unchecked and with misshape.
Environment factors such as high animal fat diet, radiation exposure, Streptococcus bacterial
infection (bacteremia), inflammatory bowel disease, etc. make a person susceptible to
colorectal cancers. But these factors do not mean a person has cancer. Cells in our body have
innate ability to fight cancers. This ability is rested on the fact that normal cells have cancer
suppressing genes. For example, the long arm of chromosome 5 (including the APC gene)
is responsible for the suppression of one type of colon cancer (polyposis coli) development.
The loss of this genetic material (i.e., allelic loss) results in the absence of tumor-suppressor
genes whose protein products would normally inhibit neoplastic growth. (Kasper, 2005, p.
528) Thus, when we see a cancer, it is the result of both the presence of the environmental
risk factors and the absence of the cancer fighting genes.
7.6 Sample runs of the evidence based reasoning software
In this section, we will apply our prototype reasoning software to the case example
introduced in the previous section. To show the effect of evidence, we will show two
outputs: one with specific personal information and one without. The case information for
the one that has no specific personal information is the following:
Case 1: we use the following general information (with no specific personal information):
Suppose that the patient (Michael Dodd) is diagnosed with (HNPCC) colon cancer
stage III.
The information stored in the knowledge database is contained in Table 1.
Using the input information in case 1, we will get the default 5-year survival chance. Figure
7 is the output screen capture for case 1.

Fig. 7. A screen capture of the general 5-year survival probability for a person with colon
cancer of stage III

Intelligent Systems 62
The case information for the second run that has specific personal information is the
Case 2: we use the following specific information (with personal information):
Suppose that the patient (Michael Dodd) is diagnosed with (HNPCC) colon cancer
stage III.
Michaels father had colon cancer, the time between the diagnosis and the death was 3
Michaels older sister had colon cancer, the time between the diagnosis and the death
was 4 years.
The information stored in the knowledge database is contained in Table 1.
Using the input information in case 2, we are able to get the revised 5-year survival chance.
Figure 8 is the output screen capture for case 2.

Fig. 8. A screen capture of the individualized 5-year survival probability for a person with
colon cancer of stage III
As you can see from the output in Figure 8, the 5-year survival probability is revised down
words. Since in this case, we have more information (patients fathers cancer history;
patients older sisters cancer history), the evidence based reasoning software takes the new
information into account and produces more accurate output. With regard to the event of 5-
year survival, these evidences reduce the probability. Thus, they are negative evidences
according to our evidence theory. Specifically, the 5-year survival probability is revised from
35-65% down to 15-45%. The following is the rationale and steps to get this new result.
1. We first calculate the degree of prior probability (in this case, take the data from Table 1
(< 65%)) as follows:
degree(prior) = 10 log
(0.65) = - 1.9

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 63
2. We rate the evidence E1 as follows: Michaels father lived 3 years after diagnosis as
negative relative to the event of interesting: Michael is able to live 5 years. Considering
Michaels father is his direct relative, we assign a degree(fathers condition->Michael 5-
year survival) = -1.
3. Similarly, we rate the evidence E2 as follows: Michaels older sister lived 4 years after
diagnosis as negative relative to the event of interesting: Michael is able to live 5 years.
Considering Michaels sister is his direct relative and the year 4 is pretty close to 5, we
assign half degree(older sisters condition->Michael 5-year survival) = -.5.
4. Calculate the overall degree: FinalDegree = -1 + (-.5) + (-1.9) = -3.4.
5. Convert the degree to the final strength:
strength(answer) = 10
degree(answer) / 10

= 10
-3.4 / 10

= 1 / 2.2 = 0.45
6. Thus, the revised range will be: 15-45%.
Note: our assignments of degrees to the two evidences (in step 2, 3) are arbitrary in a sense
that it is not verified. In real situation, we should determine these values by clinical trials.
As a consequence of these reasoning steps, the evidence reasoning software produces the
revised survival probability as shown in Figure 8.
7.7 Java code for the reasoning software
The screen captures in the previous section are produced by Java code. We implemented the
prototype using popular Java language. List 1 shows the code that produces the output
List 1: Java code to produce the output screens

Intelligent Systems 64

Knowledge Management in Bio-Information Systems 65

Intelligent Systems 66
8. Conclusion
In this chapter, we described the relationships among data, knowledge, and intelligence. We
proposed one reasoning theory: evidence based reasoning theory. We gave the Java code for
the implementation of a prototype. The future work includes more detailed mapping
between the evidence strength value and its percentage change; the implementation of
missing components such as the knowledge database, the beef up of the watered down
9. Acknowledgement
I want to give thanks to my family for their support for this book writing project: Enlu Peng,
Yuqing Peng, and Daniel Jian.
10. References
Asyarie, A., & Pribadi, A. (2009). Automatic News Articles Classification in Indonesian
Language by Using Naive Bayes Classifier method, In Proceedings of iiWAS2009,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2009
Bellinger, G. (2004). Knowledge ManagementEmerging Perspectives, (Internet resouce:
http://www.systems-thinking.org/kmgmt/kmgmt.htm. Retrieved on 5/30/2011)
Fujita, H.; and et al. (2010). Virtual Doctor System (VDS): Medical Decision Reasoning Based
On Physical and Mental Ontologies, In Proceedings of IEA/AIE'10 Proceedings of the
23rd international conference on Industrial engineering and other applications of applied
intelligent systems, Volume Part III, 2010
Jin, X.; and et al. (2007). Automatic Web Pages Categorization with ReliefF and Hidden
Naive Bayes, In Proceedings of SAC 2007, pp. 617-621, Seoul, Korea, March, 2007
Kasper, D.; and et al. (2005). Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine (Sixteenth Edition),
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., ISBN 0-07-139140-1, USA
Williams, L. & Hopper, P. (2003). Understaning Medical Surgical Nursing (2nd Edition), F. A.
Davis Company, ISBN 0-8036-1037-8, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Efficiency of Knowledge Transfer by Hearing
a Conversation While Doing Something
Eiko Yamamoto and Hitoshi Isahara
Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University, Toyohashi University of Technology
1. Introduction
One of the most common means of acquiring useful knowledge is reading suitable
documents and websites. However, this is time-consuming and cannot be done in parallel
with other tasks. Is there a way to acquire knowledge when we cannot read written texts,
such as while driving a car, walking around or doing housework? It is not easy to remember
the contents of a document simply by listening to its reading aloud from the top, even if we
concentrate while listening. In contrast, it is sometimes easier to remember words heard on
the radio or television even if we are not concentrating on them.
While we are doing something, listening to conversation is better than listening to a precise
reading out of a draft or summary for memorizing the contents and turning them into
knowledge. We are therefore trying to improve the efficiency of knowledge transfer
hearing a conversation while doing something.
In order to support knowledge acquisition by humans, we aim to develop a system which
provides people with useful knowledge while they are doing something or not
concentrating on listening. We did not try to edit notes to be read out, or to summarize
documents; rather, we aimed to develop a way of transferring knowledge. Specifically, in
order to provide knowledge efficiently with computers, we consider how to turn the content
into a dialogue that is easily remembered, and develop a system to produce dialogue by
which one can easily acquire knowledge.
In the next section of this article, we explain our prototype system named Sophisticated
Eliza (Isahara et al., 2005) Then, we discuss the idea of Efficient knowledge transfer by
hearing a conversation while doing something(Yamamoto & Isahara, 2008).

1 In this paper, "(knowledge) transfer" is a movement of knowledge/information from a knowledge
source, including a human, to a human recipient. That is to say, the term knowledge transfer
means not only transferring knowledge between people but also transferring knowledge from
computers to human. "Acquisition" is a process of understanding/memorizing knowledge by the
human recipient. We focus on the process of synthesizing conversation being uttered for knowledge
transfer, which relates to the "externalization" in SECI model (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995), in order to
realize efficient knowledge acquisition by the recipient, which relates to the "combination" in the

Intelligent Systems

In section 4, we evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge transfer via listening to
conversation, comparing it with listening to monologues. We firstly choose several topics
and select suitable documents on the topic. Then we extract informative sentences from the
document and form conversation by splitting a sentence into conversational fragments. In
order to verify our hypothesis, we conduct evaluation on the usefulness of listening
conversation formed by the fragments with human subjects. We will also get the suggestion
from the experiments how to select suitable domain for our system.
In section 5, we introduce our prototype system and present some examples of the
conversations extracted by the system. As for the information transfer system, although our
final target is to handle topics which are practically useful such as knowledge from
newspapers, encyclopedia and Wikipedia, as a first step we tried to compile rules for small
procedural domains such as cooking recipes.
2. Sophisticated Eliza
Recently, thanks to the improvement of natural language processing (NLP) technology,
development of high-performance computers and the availability of huge amounts of stored
linguistic data, there are now useful NLP-based systems. There are also practical speech
synthesis tools for reading out documents and tools for summarizing documents. These
tools do not necessarily use state-of-the-art technologies to achieve deep and accurate
language understanding, but are based on huge amounts of linguistic resources that used
not to be available. Although current computer systems can collect huge amounts of
knowledge from real examples, it is not obvious how to transfer knowledge more naturally
between such powerful computer systems and humans. We need to develop a novel way to
transfer knowledge from computers to humans.
We believe that, based on large amounts of text data, it is possible to devise a system which
can generate dialogue by a simple mechanism to give people the impression that two
intelligent persons are talking. We verified this approach by implementing a system named
Sophisticated Eliza which can simulate conversation between two persons on a computer.
Sophisticated Eliza is not a Human-Computer Interaction system; instead, it simulates
conversation by two people and users acquire information by listening to the conversation
generated by the system. Concretely, using an encyclopedia in Japanese (Kodansha
International, 1998) as a knowledge base, we develop rules to extract information from the
knowledge base and create fragments of conversation. We extract rules with syntactic
patterns to make a conversation, for example, What is A? Its B. from A is B. The
system extracts candidate fragments of conversation using these simple scripts and two
voices then read the conversation aloud. This system cannot generate long conversations as
humans do on one topic, but it can simulate short conversations from stored linguistic
resources and continue conversations while changing topics.
Figure 1 shows a screenshot of Sophisticated Eliza and Figure 2 shows its system flow.
Figure 3 is examples of conversation generated by the system.
The encyclopedia utilized here contains all about Japan, e.g., history, culture, economy and
politics. All sentences in the encyclopedia are analyzed syntactically using a Japanese parser

Efficiency of Knowledge Transfer by Hearing a Conversation While Doing Something


Fig. 1. Screenshot of Sophisticated Eliza

Fig. 2. System Flow of Sophisticated Eliza
and we use rules to extract the fragments of conversation using information in the
encyclopedia. As for the manual compilation of rules, we carefully analyzed the output of
the Japanese parser and found useful patterns to extract knowledge from the encyclopedia.

Intelligent Systems

The terms extracted during the syntactic analysis are stored in the keyword table and are
used for selection of topics and words during the conversation synthesis.

Fig. 3. Examples of Generated Conversation
Note that in our current system, we use Japanese documents as the input. Because we are
using only syntactic information output by the Japanese parser, our mechanism is also
applicable to other languages such as English. We use a rather simple mechanism to
generate actual conversations in the system, which includes rules to select fragments
containing similar words and rules to change topics. The contents in the encyclopedia are
divided into seven categories, i.e. geography, history, politics, economy, society, culture and
life. When the topic in a conversation moves from one topic to another, the system generates
utterance showing such move. As for the speech synthesis part, we use the synthesizer
Polluxstar developed by Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd., Japan. The two authors of this
paper, one male and one female, recorded 400 sentences each and the two characters in the
system talk to each other by impersonating our voices. The images of the two characters are
also based on the authors.
Because this system uses simple template-like knowledge, it cannot generate semantically
deep conversation on a topic by considering context or by compiling highly precise rules to
extract script-like information from text. Thus, the mechanism used in this system has room
for improvement to create conversations for knowledge transfer.
3. Efficiency of hearing a conversation comparing with hearing a monologue
In the daily transfer of knowledge, such as in a cooking program on TV, there are not only
the reading aloud of recipes by the presenter but also conversation between the cook and
assistant. Through such conversations, information which viewers want to know and which
they should memorize is transferred to them naturally.

Efficiency of Knowledge Transfer by Hearing a Conversation While Doing Something

To verify above mentioned fact, we conducted experiments with human subject.
3.1 Settings
We utilized the speech synthesizer Polluxstar by Oki Electric Co. Ltd., which enables
speech synthesis with ones own voice. We input information of voice of authors of this
paper (one male and one female).
We prepared three materials to be synthesized for the experiments. Two are about recipes and
another is about sports news. For recipes, we chose them from one of recipes sites with movies
in Japan (http://recipe.gnavi.co.jp/movie/sweetkitchen/). One is about cooking rice bowl
with chicken and eggs, and the other is about cooking gratin. This site contains a short movie
with chef and assistant, and contains written recipes for each dish. For dialogue example, we
transcribed all conversation between chef and assistant and made speech synthesizer read it
aloud. For monologue example, we simply made speech synthesizer read it aloud with one of
two voices in the system. As for news article, we chose a news article about womens soccer
games in the newspaper in Japan. For its monologue, we made speech synthesizer read it
aloud with one of two voices in the system. For its dialogue, we added inquiries manually
about some of the point of the news, and made speech synthesizer read it aloud.
We gathered participants of our experience among students of Toyohashi University of
Technology, Japan. We had 33 participants and additional 4 male student participants.
Because the main topic of the experience is recipe, we gathered mainly woman students. The
participants were requested to listen to all six synthesized speeches, i.e. two dialogues for
cooking, two monologues for cooking, one dialogue of news, and one monologue of news,
and fill questionnaire when one finished each speech.
The items which are asked in the questionnaire are as follows;
1. Recipe
1a: whether you can make the dish or not
1b: ingredients
1c: cooking procedure
1d: important points for the procedure
1e: comparison between monologue and dialogue
2. News
2a: impression of monologue
2b: impression of dialogue
2c: comparison between monologue and dialogue
3. Over all comparison
3.2 Results
3.2.1 Recipe
The objective features extracted from the questionnaire are as follows;
For rice ball recipe;
Number of ingredients

Intelligent Systems

Dialogue: 8.1 items (111)
Monologue: 7.3 items (100)
Number of words for cooking procedure
Dialogue: 99 words (96)
Monologue: 103 words (100)
Number of word for the important points for the procedure
Dialogue: 61 words (124)
Monologue: 49 words (100)
It seems that dialogue is slightly better than monologue. However, the experiment about
gratin recipe shows different result, i.e., monologue is better than dialogue. We checked the
result carefully and found the followings;
A group which listened to Gratin dialogue listened to it at the beginning of the experiment.
But another group which listened to Gratin monologue listened to Riceball speech before
they listen to Gratin monologue. Therefore each participant who listened to Gratin
monologue already knows what kind of inquiries they will be asked. They can concentrate
to grasp such points. We did additional experiments with smaller participant where each
participant listened to the Gratin dialogue after listening to the Riceball speech. Then, the
results became closer to the Riceball case. Actually, Gratin dialogue can not be such worse
than its monologue. In the free answer opinion in the questionnaire, more participants wrote
that they prefer dialogue to monologue than the reverse.
This situation also occurred for Riceball case, i.e., Riceball monogolue was heard after Gratin
speech. The difference between Dialogue and Monologue for riceball recipe can be bigger
than the figures above.
3.2.2 News
We asked participant which you prefer between monologue and dialogue. Then more than
two third of participants explicitly wrote that they prefer dialogue to monologue.
3.2.3 Discussion
As for recipe listening, dialogue seems slightly better than monologue. However, there are
several factors in our experiment which affect the result in favor of monologue. We utilized
written text on the web as a text for monologue. The important points of the recipe are listed
at the end of the texts, therefore it will be memorable to listeners. If we make text for
dialogue from written text, the result will be better than the one in our current settings.
As for news listening, the second speaker inserted only several inquiries about topics talked
next. This is not a conversation but something like an interview. Some participants strongly
prefer this situation. We should establish the way to generate dialogues properly from texts.
Our hypothesis is that dialogue is more useful to get information while doing something.
However, in this experiment, participants were asked to listen to monologue and dialogue
and answer questionnaire. This situation is different from our original settings. We should
make more suitable way to verify our hypothesis.

Efficiency of Knowledge Transfer by Hearing a Conversation While Doing Something

4. Efficient knowledge transfer by hearing a conversation while doing
We started to develop a mechanism to achieve natural knowledge acquisition for humans
by turning information that is written in documents into conversational text. Efficient
methods of acquiring knowledge include not only reading documents and listening to
passages read aloud, but also hearing a conversation while doing something, provided
that information is appropriately embedded into the conversation. We believe that we can
verify that this conversation hearing can assist knowledge acquisition by developing a
system for synthesizing conversations by collecting fragments of conversation and
conducting experiments by using the system.
As a means to transfer information, contents conveyed by an interpretive reading with
pronounced intonation are better retained in memory than if read monotonously from a
document or summary. Furthermore, by turning contents into conversation style, even
someone who is not concentrating on listening may become interested in the topic and
acquire the contents naturally. This suggests that several factors in conversations, such as
throwing in words of agreement, pauses and questions, which may appear to decrease the
density of information, are actually effective means of transferring information matching
humans ability to acquire knowledge with limited concentration. Based on this idea, we
propose a novel mechanism of an information transfer system by considering the way of
transferring knowledge from computers to humans.
Various dialogue systems have already been developed as communication tools between
humans and computers (Waizenbaum, 1966; Matsusaka et al., 1999). However, in our novel
approach, the dialogue system regards the user as an outsider, presents conversation by two
speakers in the computer which is of interest to the outside user, and thus provides the user
with useful knowledge.
There are dialogue systems (Nadamoto & Tanaka, 2004; ALICE; UZURA) which can join in
a conversation between a human and a computer, but they simply create fragments of
conversation and so do not sound like an intelligent human speaker. One reason is that they
do not aim to provide knowledge or transfer information to humans, and few theoretical
evaluations have been done in this field. In this research, we consider a way to transfer
knowledge and develop a conversation system which generates dialogue by which humans
can acquire knowledge from dialogue conducted by two speakers in the computer. We
analyze the way to transfer knowledge to humans with this system. This kind of research is
beneficial not only from an engineering viewpoint but also cognitive science and cognitive
linguistics. Furthermore, a speech synthesis system in which two participants conduct
spoken conversation automatically is rare. In this research, we develop an original
information-providing system by assigning conversation to two speakers in the computer in
order to transfer knowledge to humans.
5. System implementation
The principle of Sophisticated Eliza is that because a large amount of text data is available,
even if the recall of information extraction is low, we can obtain sufficient information to
generate short conversations. However, the rules still need to be improved by careful
analysis of input texts.

Intelligent Systems

As for the information transfer system, although our final target is to handle topics which are
practically useful such as knowledge from newspapers, encyclopedia and Wikipedia, as a first
step we are trying to compile rules for small procedural domains such as cooking recipes.
Concretely, we are developing the new system via the following five steps repeatedly.
1. Enlargement of conversational script and template in order to generate sentences in
natural conversation
We have already compiled simple templates for extracting fragments of conversation as
a part of Sophisticated Eliza. We are now enlarging the set of templates to handle wider
contexts, domain-specific knowledge and insertion of words. This enlargement is
basically being done manually. Here, domain-specific knowledge includes domain
documents in a specific format, such as recipes. Insertion of words includes words of
agreement and encouragement for the other speaker, part of which is already
introduced in Sophisticated Eliza. An example of synthesized conversation is shown in
Figure 4.
2. Implementation of system in which two speakers (agents/characters) make
conversation in a computer considering dialogue and document contexts
Using the conversational templates extracted based on the contexts, the system
continues conversation with two speakers. Fundamental functions of this kind have
already been developed for Sophisticated Eliza.
Here, there are two types of context. One is the context in the documents, i.e.
knowledge-base. For the recipe example, cooking heavily depends on the order of each
process and on the result of each process. The other type is the context in the

Fig. 4. Example conversation
If all subevents included in an event are explicitly uttered in conversation, it would be
very dull and makes understanding obstruct. For example, Make hot water in a pan.
Peel potatoes and boil them is enough and it is not necessary to say boil peeled
potatoes in the hot water in a pan. Appropriate use of ellipsis and anaphoric
representation based on the context in the conversation are useful tools for easy
Though speech synthesis itself is out of the scope of our research, pauses in utterances
are also important in natural communication.
A: Lets make boiled scallop with lettuce and cream.
B: It is 244 Kcal for one person.
A: What kinds of materials are needed?
B: Lettuce and scallop.
For four persons, four peaces of tomatoes and

A: How will we cook lettuce?
B: Pour off the hot water after boiling it. Then cool it.
A: How about tomatoes?
B: Remove seeds and dice them.

Efficiency of Knowledge Transfer by Hearing a Conversation While Doing Something

3. Mechanism to extract (fragment of) knowledge from text
Sophisticated Eliza outputs informative short conversations, but the content of the
conversation is not consistent as a whole. In this research, we are developing a system
to provide people with some useful knowledge. We have to recognize the useful part of
the knowledge base and to place great importance on the extracted useful part of the
text. We previously reported how to extract an informative set of words using a
measure of inclusive relations (Yamamoto et al., 2005), and will apply a similar method
to this conversation system.
4. Improvement of conversation script and template considering fragment of
By considering the useful part of information written in the knowledge base, we modify
the templates to extract conversational text. Contextual information such as ellipsis and
anaphora is also treated in this part. As a first step, we will handle anaphora resolution
in a specific domain, such as cooking, considering factors described at 2). We will use
domain knowledge about cooking such as cookware, cookery and ingredient.
5. Evaluation
We will conduct tests with participants to evaluate our methodology and verify the
effectiveness of our method for transferring knowledge. So far, we are reported by some
small number of participants that it is rather easy to listen to the voice of the system,
however, objective evaluation is still our future work.
6. Conclusion
We introduced an approach for developing an information-providing system in order to
support knowledge acquisition. The system can transfer knowledge to humans even while
the person is doing something or is not concentrating on listening to the voice. Our
approach does not create a summary of the key points of what is being read out, but focuses
on the knowledge transferring method. Specifically, to provide knowledge efficiently, we
consider what kinds of conversation are naturally retained in the brain, as such
conversations may enable people to obtain knowledge more easily. We aim to construct an
intelligent system which can create such conversations by applying natural language
processing techniques.
7. Acknowledgment
We would like to thank Mr. Satoshi Watanabe of WANT Co. Ltd. for his support on tuning
speech synthesizer to our voice and generate all speech data for our experiments.
8. References
A.L.I.C.E. The Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity, http://alice.pandorabots.com
Artificial non-Intelligence UZURA, http://www.din.or.jp/~ohzaki/uzura.htm
Isahara, H.; Yamamoto, E.; Ikeno, A. & Hamaguchi, Y. (2005). Elizas daughter. Annual
Meeting of Association for Natural Language Processing of Japan, Japan
Kodansha International (1998). The Kodansha Bilingual Encyclopedia about Japan (in Japanese
and English), Kodansha International Ltd., ISBN 978-477-0021-30-4, Tokyo, Japan

Intelligent Systems

Matsusaka, Y.; Tojo, T.; Kuota, S.; Furukawa, K. Tamiya, D.; Hayata, K.; Nakano, Y. &
Kobayashi, T. (1999). Multi-person Conversation via Multimodal Interface A
Robot who Communicate with Multi-user, Proceedings of 6th European Conference
on Speech Communication Technology (EUROSPEECH-99), Vol.4, pp.1723-1726,
Budapest, Hungary, September, 1999
Nadamoto, A. & Tanaka, K. (2004). Passive viewing of Web contents based on automatic
generation of conversational sentences Japanese Society of Information Processing,
2004-DBS-134(1), pp.183-190, Japan
Nonaka, I. & Takeuchi, H. (1995). The Knowledge-Creating Company, Oxford University Press,
ISBN 978-019-5092-69-1, USA
Waizenbaum, J. (1966). ELIZAA Computer Program For the Study of Natural Language
Communication Between Man And Machine, Communications of the ACM, Vol.9,
No.1, pp.36-45, NY, USA
Yamamoto, E.; Kanzaki, K. & Isahara, H. (2005). Extraction of hierarchies based on inclusion
of co-occurring words with frequency information, Proceedings of the 19th
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.1166-1172, ISBN 0-938075-
94-2, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, August, 2005
Yamamoto, E. & Isahara, H. (2008). Efficient Knowledge Transfer by Hearing a Conversation
While Doing Something, Collection of New Directions in Intelligent Interactive
Multimedia, pp.231-238
Algorithm Selection:
From Meta-Learning
to Hyper-Heuristics
Laura Cruz-Reyes
, Claudia Gmez-Santilln
Joaqun Prez-Ortega
, Vanesa Landero
Marcela Quiroz
and Alberto Ochoa

Instituto Tecnolgico de Cd. Madero
Centro Nacional de Investigacin y Desarrollo Tecnolgico
Universidad Politcnica de Nuevo Len
Universidad de Ciudad Jurez
1. Introduction
In order for a company to be competitive, an indispensable requirement is the efficient
management of its resources. As a result derives a lot of complex optimization problems
that need to be solved with high-performance computing tools. In addition, due to the
complexity of these problems, it is considered that the most promising approach is the
solution with approximate algorithms; highlighting the heuristic optimizers. Within this
category are the basic heuristics that are experience-based techniques and the metaheuristic
algorithms that are inspired by natural or artificial optimization processes.
A variety of approximate algorithms, which had shown satisfactory performance in
optimization problems, had been proposed in the literature. However, there is not an
algorithm that performs better for all possible situations, given the amount of available
strategies, is necessary to select the one who adapts better to the problem. An important
point is to know which strategy is the best for the problem and why it is better.
The chapter begins with the formal definition of the Algorithm Selection Problem (ASP),
since its initial formulation. The following section describes examples of "Intelligent
Systems" that use a strategy of algorithm selection. After that, we present a review of
the literature related to the ASP solution. Section four presents the proposals of our
research group for the ASP solution; they are based on machine learning, neural network
and hyper-heuristics. Besides, the section presents experimental results in order to
conclude about the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Due to a fully
automated solution to ASP is an undecidable problem, Section Five reviews other less
rigid approach which combines intelligently different strategies: The Hybrid Systems of

Intelligent Systems

2. The Algorithm Selection Problem (ASP)
Many optimization problems can be solved by multiple algorithms, with different
performance for different problem characteristics. Although some algorithms are better than
others on average, there is not a best algorithm for all the possible instances of a given
problem. This phenomenon is most pronounced among algorithms for solving NP-Hard
problems, because runtimes for these algorithms are often highly variable from instance to
instance of a problem (Leyton-Brown et al., 2003). In fact, it has long been recognized that
there is no single algorithm or system that will achieve the best performance in all cases
(Wolpert & Macready, 1997). Instead we are likely to attain better results, on average, across
many different classes of a problem, if we tailor the selection of an algorithm to the
characteristics of the problem instance (Smith-Miles et al., 2009). To address this concern, in
the last decades researches has developed technology to automatically choose an
appropriate optimization algorithm to solve a given instance of a problem, in order to obtain
the best performance.
Recent work has focused on creating algorithm portfolios, which contain a selection of state
of the art algorithms. To solve a particular problem with this portfolio, a pre-processing step
is run where the suitability of each algorithm in the portfolio for the problem at hand is
assessed. This step often involves some kind of machine learning, as the actual performance
of each algorithm on the given, unseen problem is unknown (Kotthoff et al., 2011).
The Algorithm Selection Problem (ASP) was first described by John R. Rice in 1976 (Rice,
1976) he defined this problem as: learning a mapping from feature space to algorithm
performance space, and acknowledged the importance of selecting the right features to
characterize the hardness of problem instances (Smith-Miles & Lopes, 2012). This definition
includes tree important characteristics (Rice, 1976):
a. Problem Space: The set of all possible instance of the problem. There are a big number of
independent characteristics that describe the different instances which are important for
the algorithm selection and performance. Some of these characteristics and their
influences on algorithm performance are usually unknown.
b. Algorithm Space: The set of all possible algorithms that can be used to solve the problem.
The dimension of this set could be unimaginable, and the influence of the algorithm
characteristics is uncertain.
c. Performance Measure: The criteria used to measure the performance of a particular
algorithm for a particular problem and see how difficult to solve (hard) is the instance.
There is considerable uncertainly in the use and interpretation of these measures (e. g.
some prefer fast execution, others effectiveness, others simplicity).
Rice proposed a basic model for this problem, which seeks to predict which algorithm from
a subset of the algorithm space is likely to perform best based on measurable features of a
collection of the problem space: Given a problem subset of the problem space P, a subset of
the algorithm space A, a mapping from P to A and the performance space Y. The Algorithm
Selection Problem can be formally defined as: for a particular problem instance p P, find
the selection mapping S(p) into the algorithm space A, such that the selected algorithm a A
maximizes the performance measure ,,y,, for y(a,p) Y. This basic abstract model is
illustrated in Figure 1 (Rice, 1976; Smith-Miles & Lopes, 2012).

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics


Fig. 1. The Algorithm Selection Problem (ASP)
The Figure 2 shows the dimensions of ASP and allows see a higher level of abstraction
scope. There are three dimensions: 1) in the x-axis expresses a set of algorithms of solution
{s, t, w, y, z}, 2) z-axis shows a set of instances of the problem {a, b, c, d}, and a new instance
e to solve, 3) in the y-axis the set of values of the results of applying the algorithms to each of
the instances is represented by vertical lines. As shown in figure, to solve the instance a and
b the algorithms have different performances, it is noteworthy that no algorithm is superior
to others in solving all instances. Moreover, as shown in figure the algorithm s has a
different performance by solving each of the instances. Finally the problem to be solved is to
select for the new instance e the algorithm that will solve better.

Fig. 2. Dimensions of algorithm selection problem
As we can see in the definition of the Algorithm Selection Problem there are three principal
aspects that must be tackled in order to solve the problem:
a. The selection of the set features of the problem that might be indicative of the performance
of the algorithms.
b. The selection of the set of algorithms that together allow to solve the largest number of
instances of the problem with the highest performance.
c. The selection of an efficient mapping mechanism that permits to select the best algorithm to
maximize the performance measure.
Some studies have been focused in construct a suitable set of features that adequately
measure the relative difficulty of the instances of the problem (Smith-Miles et al., 2009;
Messelis et al., 2009; Madani et al., 2009; Quiroz, 2009; Smith-Miles & Lopes, 2012).
Generally there are two main approaches used to characterize the instances: the first is to

Intelligent Systems

identify problem dependent features based on domain knowledge of what makes a
particular instance challenging or easy to solve; the second is a more general set of features
derived from landscape analysis (Schiavinotto & Sttzle, 2007; Czogalla & Fink, 2009). To
define the set of features that describe the characteristics of the instances is a difficult task
that requires expert domain knowledge of the problem. The indices of characterization
should be carefully chosen, so as to permit a correct discrimination of the difficulty of the
instances to explain the algorithms performance. There is little that will be learned via a
knowledge discovery process if the features selected to characterize the instances do not
have any differentiation power (Smith-Miles et al., 2009).
On the other hand, portfolio creation and algorithm selection has received a lot of attention
in areas that deal with solving computationally hard problems (Leyton-Brown et al., 2003;
OMahony et al., 2008). The current state of the art is such that often there are many
algorithms and systems for solving the same kind of problem; each with its own
performance on a particular problem. Machine learning is an established method of
addressing ASP (Lobjois & Lemitre, 1998; Fink, 1998). Given the performance of each
algorithm on a set of training problems, we try to predict the performance on unseen
problems (Kotthoff et al., 2011). There have been many studies in the area of algorithm
performance prediction, which is strongly related to algorithm selection in the sense that
supervised learning or regression models are used to predict the performance ranking of a
set of algorithms, given a set of features of the instances (Smith-Miles & Lopes, 2012).
In the selection of the efficient mapping mechanism a challenging research goal is to design
a run-time system that can repeatedly execute a program, learning over time to make
decisions that maximize the performance measure. Since the right decisions may depend on
the problem size and parameters, the machine characteristics and load, the data distribution,
and other uncertain factors, this can be quite challenging. Some works treats algorithms in a
black-box manner: each time a single algorithm is selected and applied to the given instance
then a regression analysis or machine learning techniques are used to build a predictive
model of the performance of the algorithms given the features of the instances (Lobjois &
Lemitre, 1998; Fink, 1998; Leyton-Brown et al., 2003; Ali & Smith, 2006). Other works focus
on dynamic selection of algorithm components while the instance is being solved. In that
sense, each instance is solved by a mixture of algorithms formed dynamically at run-time
(Lagoudakis & Littman, 2000; Samulowitz & Memisevic, 2007; Streeter et al., 2007). The use
of efficient mapping mechanism in intelligent systems is described in the next section.
3. Applications of algorithm selection to real world and theorists problems
The principles applied to ASP can be used in a wide range of applications in the real world
and theoretical. Generally an application that solves a real problem is an extended version of
parameters and constraints in another application that solves a theoretical problem. The
nature of the algorithm selection problem is dynamic because it must incorporate new
knowledge periodically, in order to preserve the efficacy of selection strategies. This section
describes some applications to real-world complex problems, such as knowledge discovery
and data mining, bioinformatics and Web services. It also describes some applications to
solve complex theoretical problems; some examples are NP-hard problems, also called
combinatorial optimization problems.

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics

3.1 Bioinformatics
In (Nascimento et al., 2009) the authors investigate the performance of clustering algorithms
on gene expression data, by extracting rules that relate the characteristics of the data sets of
gene expression to the performance achieved by the algorithms. This represents a first
attempt to solve the problem of choosing the best cluster algorithm with independence of
gene expression data. In general, the choice of algorithms is basically driven by the
familiarity of biological experts to the algorithm, rather than the characteristics of the
algorithms themselves and of the data. In particular, the bioinformatics community has not
reached consensus on which method should be preferably used. This work is directly
derived from the Meta-Learning framework, originally proposed to support algorithm
selection for classification and regression problems. However, Meta-Learning has been
extended to other domains of application, e.g. to select algorithms for time series
forecasting, to support the design of planning systems, to analyze the performance of meta-
heuristics for optimization problems. Meta-Learning can be defined by considering four
aspects: (a) the problem space, P, (b) the meta-feature space, F, (c) the algorithm space, A
and (d) a performance metric, Y. As final remark, authors demonstrated that the rule-based
ensemble classifier presented the most accuracy rates in predicting the best clustering
algorithms for gene expression data sets. Besides, the set of extracted rules for the selection
of clustering algorithms, using an inductive decision tree algorithm, gave some interesting
guidelines for choosing the right method.
3.2 WEB services
In recent years, many studies have focused on developing feasible mechanisms to select
appropriate services from service systems in order to improve performance and efficiency.
However, these traditional methods do not provide effective guidance to users and, with
regard to ubiquitous computing, the services need to be context-aware. In consequence, the
work achieved by (Cai et al., 2009) proposed a novel service selection algorithm based on
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for ubiquitous computing environment. This method can
exactly choose a most appropriate service from many service providers, due to the earlier
information of the cooperation between the devices. Among the elements that exist in the
definition of a service, Z represents the evaluation value of respective service providers
service quality, and its value is calculated with a function that involves the time and the
conditions of current context environment, e.g. user context, computing context, physical
context, with a division into static and dynamical information.
Among the advantages of using ANN to solve the service selection problem, is that, the
method can easily adapt the evaluation process to the varying context information, and
hence, it can provide effective guidance so that lots of invalid selecting processes can be
avoided. The neural network selected was Back Propagation (BP) because is the most
commonly used; however, this algorithm was improved with a three-term approach:
learning rate, momentum factor and proportional factor. The efficiency of such algorithm
was obtained because adding the proportional factor enhanced the convergence speed and
stability. In conclusion, the authors claim, that this novel service selection outperforms the
traditional service selection scheme.

Intelligent Systems

3.3 Learning systems
In (Bradzil et al., 2003) is described a meta-learning method to support selection of
candidate learning algorithms. Bradzil et al. use the Instance-Based Learning (IBL) approach
because IBL has the advantage that the system is extensible; once a new experimental result
becomes available, it can be easily integrated into the existing results without the need to
reinitiate complex re-learning. In this work a k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) algorithm to
identify the datasets that are most similar to the one is used. The distance between datasets
is assessed using a relatively small set of data characteristics, which was selected to
represent properties that affect algorithm performance; it is used to generate a
recommendation to the user in the form of a ranking. The prediction, is constructed by
aggregating performance information for the given candidate algorithms on the selected
datasets. They use a ranking method based on the relative performance between pairs of
algorithms. This work shown how can be exploited meta-learning to pre-select and
recommend one or more classification algorithms to the user. They claimed that choosing
adequate methods in a multistrategy learning system might significantly improve its overall
performance. Also it was shown that meta-learning with k-NN improves the quality of
rankings methods in general.
3.4 Knowledge discovery and data mining
In (Hilario & Kaousis, 2000) is addressed the model selection problem in knowledge
discovery systems, defined as the problem of selecting the most appropriate learning model
or algorithm for a given application task. In this work they propose framework for
characterizing learning algorithms for classification as well as their underlying models,
using learning algorithm profiles. These profiles consist of metalevel feature-value vectors,
which describe learning algorithms from the point of view of their representation and
functionality, efficiency, resilience, and practicality. Values for these features are assigned
on the basis of author specifications, expert consensus or previous empirical studies.
Authors review past evaluations of the better known learning algorithms and suggest an
experimental strategy for building algorithm profiles on more quantitative grounds. The
scope of this paper is limited to learning algorithms for classification tasks, but it can be
applied to learning models for other tasks such as regression or association.
In (Kalousis & Theoharis, 1999) is presented an Intelligent Assistant called NOEMON,
which by inducing helpful suggestion from background information can reduce the effort
in classifier selection task. For each registered classifier, NOEMON measures its
performance in order to collect datasets for constituting a morphologic space. For suggest
the most appropriate classifier, NOEMON decides on the basis of morphological
similarity between the new dataset and the existing collection. Rules are induced from
those measurements and accommodated in a knowledge database. Finally, the
suggestions on the most appropriate classifier for a dataset are based on those rules. The
purpose of NOEMON is to supply the expert with suggestions based on its knowledge on
the performance of the models and algorithms for related problems. This knowledge is
being accumulated in a knowledge base end is updated as new problems as are being

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics

3.5 Scheduling problem
In (Kadioglu et al., 2011) the main idea is taken from an algorithm selector called Boolean
Satisfiability (SAT) based on nearest neighbor classifier. On one hand, authors presented
two extensions to it; one of them is based on the concept of distance-based weighting, where
they assign larger weights to instances that are closer to the test instance. The second
extension, is based on clustering-based adaptive neighborhood size, where authors adapt
the size of the neighborhood based on the properties of the given test instance. These two
extensions show moderate but consistent performance improvements to the algorithm
selection using Nearest-Neighbor Classification (Malitsky et al., 2011). On the other hand,
authors developed a new hybrid portfolio that combines algorithm selection and algorithm
scheduling, in static and dynamic ways. For static schedules the problem can be formulated
as an integer program, more precisely, as a resource constrained set covering problem,
where the goal is to select a number of solver-runtime pairs that together cover (i.e., solve)
as many training instances as possible. Regarding dynamic schedules, the column
generation approach works fast enough when yielding potentially sub-optimal but usually
high quality solutions. This allows us to embed the idea of dynamic schedules in the
previously developed nearest-neighbor approach, which selects optimal neighborhood sizes
by random sub-sampling validation. With SAT as the testbed, experimentation
demonstrated that authors approach can handle highly diverse benchmarks, in particular a
mix of random, crafted, and industrial SAT instances, even when deliberately removed
entire families of instances from the training set. As a conclusion, authors presented a
heuristic method for computing solver schedules efficiently, which OMahony (OMahony
et al., 2008) identified as an open problem. In addition, they showed that a completely new
way of solver scheduling consisting of a combination of static schedules and solver selection
is able to achieve significantly better results than plain algorithm selection.
3.6 Traveling salesman problem
In (Kanda et al., 2011), the work is focused in the selection of optimization algorithms for
solving TSP instances; this paper proposes a meta-learning approach to recommend
optimization algorithms for new TSP instances. Each instance is described by meta-features
of the TSP that influences the efficiency of the optimization algorithms. When more than one
algorithm reaches the best solution, the multi-label classification problem is addressed
applying three steps: 1) decomposition of multi-label instances into several single-label
instances, 2) elimination of multi-label instances, and 3) binary representation, in order to
transform multi-label instances into several binary classification problems. Features were
represented as a graph. The success of this meta-learning approach depended on the correct
identification of the meta-features that best relate the main aspects of a problem to the
performances of the used algorithms. Finally the authors claimed that it is necessary to
define and expand the set of metafeatures, which are important to characterize datasets in
order to improve the performance of the selection models.
3.7 Satisfiability problem
In (Xu et al., 2009) is described an algorithm for constructing per-instance algorithm
portfolios for SAT. It has been widely observed that there is no single dominant SAT
solver; instead, different solvers perform best on different instances. SATzilla is an

Intelligent Systems

automated approach for constructing per-instance algorithm portfolios for SAT that use so-
called empirical hardness models to choose among their constituent solvers. This approach
takes as input a distribution of problem instances and a set of component solvers, and
constructs a portfolio optimizing a given objective function (such as mean runtime, percent
of instances solved, or score in a competition). The algorithm selection approach is based on
the idea of building an approximate runtime predictor, which can be seen as a heuristic
approximation to a perfect oracle. Specifically, they use machine learning techniques to
build an empirical hardness model, a computationally inexpensive predictor of an
algorithms runtime on a given problem instance based on features of the instance and the
algorithms past performance. By modeling several algorithms and, at runtime, choosing the
algorithm predicted to have the best performance; empirical hardness models can serve as
the basis for an algorithm portfolio that solves the algorithm selection problem
3.8 Vehicle routing problem
In (Ruiz-Vanoye et al., 2008) the main contribution of this paper is to propose statistical
complexity indicators applied to the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
(VRPTW) instances in order that it allows to select appropriately the algorithm that better
solves a VRPTW instance. In order to verify the proposed indicators, they used the
discriminant analysis contained in SPSS software, such as a machine learning method to
find the relation between the characteristics of the problem and the performance of
algorithms (Perez et al., 2004), as well as the execution of 3 variants of the genetic algorithms
and the random search algorithm. The results obtained in this work showed a good
percentage of prediction taking into account that this based on statistical techniques and not
on data-mining techniques. By means of the experimentation, authors conclude that it is
possible to create indicators applied to VRPTW that help appropriately to predict the
algorithm that better solves the instances of the VRPTW.
4. Related work on automatic algorithm selection
In this section some examples of related works of the reviewed literature are classified by
Methods or methodologies utilized for establishing the relation between the problems and
algorithms, and solve the algorithm selection problem. 2.1. Solution Environments, where
the algorithm selection problem is boarded, are described in section 2.2.
4.1 Simple statistical tests
The most common method to compare experimentally algorithms consists in the
complementary use of a set of simple well-known statistical tests: The Sign, Wilcoxon and
Friedman tests, among others. The tests are based on the determination of the differences in
the average performance, which is observed experimentally: if the differences among the
algorithms are significant statistically, the algorithm with the best results is considered as
superior (Lawler 1985). Reeves comments that a heuristic with good averaged performance,
but with high dispersion, has a very high risk to show a poor or low performance in many
instances (Reeves 1993). He suggests as alternative to formulate for each algorithm, a utility
function adjusted to a gamma distribution, whose parameters permit to compare the
heuristics on a range of risk value.

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics

4.2 Regression analysis
Gent and Walsh make an empirical study of the GSAT algorithm, it is an approximation
algorithm for SAT, and they apply regression analysis to model the growth of the cost of
obtaining the solution with the problem size (Gent 1997).
In (Cruz 1999), Prez and Cruz present a statistical method to build algorithm performance
models, using polynomial functions, which relate the performance with the problem size.
This method first generates a representative sample of the algorithms performance, and then
the performance functions are determined by regression analysis, which finally are
incorporated in an algorithm selection mechanism. The polynomial functions are used to
predict the best algorithm that satisfies the user requirements.
The performance of local search algorithms Novelty and SAPS for solving instances of the
SAT problem were analyzed by (Hutter 2006). The authors used linear regression with
linear and quadratic basis functions to build prediction models. Firstly, they built a
prediction model, using problem features and algorithm performance, to predict the
algorithm run time. Secondly, they build another prediction model, using problem features,
algorithm parameter settings and algorithm performance. This model is used to
automatically adjust the algorithms parameters on a per instance basis in order to optimize
its performance.
4.3 Functions of probability distribution
Frost finds that the performance of the algorithms to solve CSP instances can be
approximated by two standard families of functions of continuous probability distribution
(Frost 1997). The resoluble instances can be modeled by the Weibull distribution and the
instances that are not resoluble by the lognormal distribution. He utilizes four parameters to
generate instances: number of constraints, number of prohibited value pairs per constraint,
the probability of a constraint existing between any pair of variables, the probability each
constraint is statistically independent of the others, and the probability that a value in the
domain of one variable in a constraint will be incompatible with a value in the domain of the
other variable in the constraint.
Hoos and Stuzle present a similar work to Frost. They find that the performance of
algorithms that solve the SAT instances can be characterized by an exponential distribution
(Hoos 2000). The execution time distribution is determined by the execution of k times of an
algorithm over a set of instances of the same family, using a high time as stop criteria and
storing for each successful run the execution time required to find the solution. The
empirical distribution of the execution time is the accumulated distribution associated with
these observations, and it allows projecting the execution time t (given by the user) to the
probability of finding a solution in this time. A family is a set of instances with the same
value of the parameters that are considered critical for the performance.
An algorithm portfolio architecture was proposed in (Silverthorn 2010). This architecture
employs three core components: a portfolio of algorithms; a generative model, which is fit to
data on those algorithms past performance, then used to predict their future performance;
and a policy for action selection, which repeatedly chooses algorithms based on those
predictions. Portfolio operation begins with offline training, in which a) training tasks are

Intelligent Systems

drawn from the task distribution, b) each solver is run many times on each training task,
and c) a model is fit to the outcomes observed in training. In the test phase that follows,
repeatedly, (1) a test task is drawn from the same task distribution, (2) the model predicts
the likely outcomes of each solver, (3) the portfolio selects and runs a solver for some
duration, (4) the runs outcome conditions later predictions, and (5) the process continues
from (2) until a time limit expires.
The models of solver behavior are two latent class models: a multinomial mixture that
captures the basic correlations between solvers, runs, and problem instances, and a mixture
of Dirichlet compound multinomial distributions that also captures the tendency of solver
outcomes to recur. Each model was embedded in a portfolio of diverse SAT solvers and
evaluated on competition benchmarks. Both models support effective problem solving, and
the DCM-based portfolio is competitive with the most prominent modern portfolio method
for SAT (Xu 2009).
4.4 Functions of heuristic rules
Rice introduced the poly-algorithm concept (Rice 1968) in the context of parallel numeric
software. He proposes the use of functions that can select, from a set of algorithms, the best
to solve a given situation. After the Rice work, other researchers have formulated different
functions that are presented in (Li 1997, Brewer 1995). The majority of the proposed
functions are simple heuristic rules about structural features of the parameters of the
instance that is being solved, or about the computational environment. The definition of the
rules requires of the human experience.
The objective of the proposed methodology in (Beck 2004) is to find the best solution to a
new instance, when a total limit time T is given. Firstly, the selection strategies for a set of
algorithms A were formulated and denominated as prediction rules, these are: Selection is
based on the cost of the best solution found by each algorithm; Selection is based on the
change in the cost of the best solutions found at 10 second intervals; Selection is based on the
extrapolation of the current cost and slope to a predicted cost at T.
These rules are applied for the training dataset and the optimal sampling time t* (required
time to select the algorithm with the less solution error) is identified for each of them.
After, when a new instance is given, each prediction rule is utilized to find the algorithm
with the best found solution in a time tp = |A| x t*, and it is executed in the remaining
time tr = T - tp. One of the advantages is that the methodology can be applied to different
problems and algorithms. Nevertheless, the new dataset must have similarity with the
training dataset.
4.5 Machine learning
The algorithm selection problem is focused by Lagoudakis and Littam in (Lagoudakis 2000)
as a minimization problem of execution total time, which is solved with a Reinforced
Learning algorithm (RL). Two classical problems were focused: selecting and ordering. A
function that predicts the best algorithm for a new instance using its problem size is
determined by means of training. The learned function permits to combine several recursive
algorithms to improve its performance: the actual problem is divided in subproblems in

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics

each recursive step, and the most adequate algorithm in size is used for each of them. This
work is extended to backtracking algorithms to SAT problem in (Lagoudakis 2001).
A system (PHYTHIA-II) to select the most appropriated software to solve a scientific
problem is proposed in (Houstis 2002). The user introduces the problem features (operators
of the equation, its domain, values of the variables, etc.) and time requirements and allowed
error. The principal components of PHYTHIA-II are the statistical analysis, pattern
extraction module and inference engine. The first consists in ranking the algorithms
performance data by means of Friedman rank sums (Hollander 1973). The second utilizes
different machine learning methods to extract performance patterns and represent them
with decision and logic rules. The third is the process to correspond the features of a new
problem with the produced rules; the objective is to predict the best algorithm and the most
appropriated parameters to solve the problem.
The METAL research group proposed a method to select the most appropriate classification
algorithm for a set of similar instances (Soares 2003). They used a K-nearest neighborhood
algorithm to identify the group of instances from a historical registry that exhibit similar
features to those of a new instance group. The algorithm performance on instances of
historical registry is known and is used to predict the best algorithms for the new instance
group. The similarity among instances groups is obtained considering three types of
problem features: general, statistical and derived from information theory.
A Bayesian approach is proposed in (Guo, 2004) to construct an algorithm selection
system which is applied to the Sorting and Most Probable Explanation (MPE) problems.
From a set of training instances, their features and the run time of the best algorithm that
solves each instance are utilized to build the Bayesian network. Guo proposed four
representative indexes from the Sorting problem features: the size of the input
permutation and three presortedness measures. For the MPE problem he utilizes general
features of the problem and several statistical indexes of the Bayesian network that
represents the problem.
A methodology for instance based selection of solver's policies that solves instances of the
SAT problem was proposed by (Nikolic 2009). The policies are heuristics that guide the
search process. Different configurations of these policies are solution strategies. The problem
structure of all instances was characterized by indices. The problem instances were grouped
by the values of these indices, forming instances families. All problem instances were solved
by all solution strategies. The best solution strategy for each family is selected. The k-nearest
neighbor algorithm selects the solution strategy for a new input instance. The results of the
performance of the algorithm ARGOSmart, that performs the proposed methodology, were
superior to ARGOSAT algorithm.
5. Approaches to building algorithm selectors
In this chapter we solve ASP with two approaches: meta-learning and hyper-heuristics. The
meta-learning approach is oriented to learning about classification using machine learning
methods; three methods are explored to solve an optimization problem: Discriminant
Analysis (Prez, 2004), C4.5 and the Self-Organising Neural Network. The hyper-heuristic
approach is oriented to automatically produce an adequate combination of available low-
level heuristics in order to effectively solve a given instance (Burke et al., 2010); a hyper-

Intelligent Systems

heuristic strategy is incorporated in an ant colony algorithm to select the heuristic that best
adjust one of its control parameter.
5.1 Selection of metaheuristics using meta-learning
In this section a methodology based on Meta-Learning is presented for characterizing
algorithm performance from past experience data. The characterization is used to select the
best algorithm for a new instance of a given problem. The phases of the methodology are
described and exemplified with the well known one-dimensional Bin-Packing problem.
5.1.1 Algorithms for the solution of the Bin Packing Problem
The Bin Packing Problem (BPP) is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, in
which the objective is to determine the smallest number of bins to pack a set of objects. For
obtaining suboptimal solutions of BPP, with less computational effort, we used
deterministic and non-deterministic algorithms. The algorithm performance is evaluated
with the optimal deviation percentage and the processing time (Quiroz, 2009).
The deterministic algorithms always follow the same path to arrive at the same solution. The
First Fit Decreasing (FFD) algorithm places the items in the first bin that can hold them. The
Best Fit Decreasing (BFD) places the items in the best-filled bin that can hold them. The
Match to First Fit (MFF) algorithm is a variation of FFD, wich uses complementary bins for
holding temporarily items. The Match to Best Fit (MBF) algorithm is a variation of BFD and,
like MFF uses complementary bins. The Modified Best Fit Decreasing (MBFD) partially pack
the bins in order to find a good fit item combination.
The Non-Deterministic Algorithms do not obtain the same solution in different executions,
but in many cases they are faster than deterministic algorithms. The Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO) algorithm builds a solution with each ant: it starts with an empty bin;
next, each new bin is filled with selected items until no remaining item fits in it; finally, a
selected item is chosen stochastically using mainly a pheromone trail (Ducatelle, 2001). In
the Threshold Accepting (TA) algorithm, a new feasible solution is accepted if the difference
with the previous solution is within a threshold temperature; the value of the temperature is
decreased each time until a thermal equilibrium is reached (Prez, 2002).
5.1.2 Methodology
The methodology proposed for performance characterization and its application to
algorithm selection consists of three consecutive phases: Initial Training, Prediction and
Training with Feedback. Figure 3 depicts these phases.
In the Initial Training Phase, two internal processes build a past experience database: the
Problem Characterization Process obtains statistical indices to measure the computational
complexity of a problem instance and, the Algorithm characterization Process solves
instances with the available algorithms to obtain performance indices. The Training Process
finally builds a knowledge base using the Problem and Algorithms Database. This
knowledge is represented through a learning model, which relates the algorithms
performance and the problem characteristics. In the Prediction Phase, The relationship
learned is used to predict the best algorithm for a new given instance. In the Training with

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics

Feedback phase, the new solved instances are incorporated into the characterization process
for increasing the selection quality. The relationship learned in the knowledge base is
improved with a new set of solved instances and is used again in the prediction phase.

Fig. 3. Phases of the algorithm selection methodology
Initial training phase
The steps of this phase are shown in Figure 4 In step 1 (Characteristics Modeling) indices are
derived for measuring the influence of problem characteristics on algorithm performance
(see Equations 1 to 5). In step 2 (Statistical Sampling) a set of representative instances are
generated with stratified sampling and a sample size derived from survey sampling. In step
3 (Characteristics Measurement) the parameter values of each instance are transformed into
indices. In step 4 (Instances Solution) instances are solved using a set of heuristic algorithms.
In Step 5 (Clustering) groups are integrated in such a way that they are constituted by
instances with similar characteristics, and for which an algorithm outperformed the others.
Finally, in step 6 (Classification) the identified grouping is learned into formal classifiers.

Fig. 4. Steps of the initial training phase
We propose five indices to characterize the instances of BPP:
Instance size p expresses a relationship between instance size and the maximum size solved,
where, n is the number of items, maxn is the maximum size solved

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= (1)
a. Constrained capacity t expresses a relationship between the average item size and the bin
size. The size of item i is s
and the bin size is c.
(s / c)
t i n
= s s

b. Item dispersion d expresses the dispersion degree of the item size values.
( ) d t = o (3)
c. Number of factors f expresses the proportion of items whose sizes are factors of the bin
factor(c,s )
f i n
= s s

d. Bin usage b expresses the proportion of the total size that can fit in a bin of capacity c.

1 if
c s
b i n c

= s s

Prediction phase
The steps of this phase are shown in Figure 5. For a new instance, step 7 (Characteristics
Measurement) calculates its characteristic values using indices. Step 8 uses the learned
classifiers to determine, from the characteristics of the new instance, which group it
belongs to. The algorithm associated to this group is the expected best algorithm for the

Fig. 5. Steps of the prediction phase

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics

Training and FeedBack phase
The steps of this phase are shown in Figure 6. The objective is to feedback the system in
order to maintain it in a continuous training. For each new solved and characterized
instance, step 9 (Instance Solution) obtains the real best algorithm. Afterwards, step 10
(Patterns Verification) compares the result, if the prediction is wrong and the average
accuracy is beyond an specified threshold, then the classifiers are rebuilt using the old and
new dataset; otherwise the new instance is stored and the process ends.

Fig. 6. Steps of the training with feedback phase
5.1.3 Experimentation
For test purposes 2,430 random instances of the Bin-Packing problem were generated,
characterized and solved using the seven heuristic algorithms described in Section 5.1.1.
Table 1 shows a small instance set, which were selected from the sample.

Problem characteristic indices Real best
algorithms p b t f d
E1i10.txt 0.078 0.427 0.029 0.000 0.003 FFD,TA
E50i10.txt 0.556 0.003 0.679 0.048 0.199 BFD,ACO
E147i10.txt 0.900 0.002 0.530 0.000 0.033 TA
Table 1. Example of random intances with their characteristics and the best algorithms
The K-means clustering method was used to create similar instance groups. Four groups
were obtained; each group was associated with a similar instances set and an algorithm with
the best performance for it. Three algorithms had poor performance and were outperformed
by the other four algorithms. The Discriminant Analysis (DA) and C4.5 classification
methods were used to build the algorithm selector. We use the machine learning methods
available in SPSS version 11.5 and Weka 3.4.2, respectively. Afterwards, for validating the
system, 1,369 standard instances were collected [Ross 2002]. In the selection of the best
algorithm for all standard instances, the experimental results showed an accuracy of 76%
with DA and 81% with C4.5. This accuracy was compared with a random selection from the

Intelligent Systems

seven algorithms: 14.2%. For the instances of the remaining percentage (100-76%), the
selected algorithms generate a solution close to the optimal.
The selection system with feedback was implemented using a neural network, particularly
the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) of Kohonen available in Matlab 7.0. The best results were
obtained with only two problem characteristic indices (p,t) in a multi-network. The accuracy
increased from 78.8% in 100 epochs up to 100% in 20,000 epochs. These percentages
correspond to the network with initial-training and training-with-feedback, respectively.
The SOM was gradually feedback with all the available instances. Using all indices (p,b,t,f,d)
the SOM only reached 76.6% even with feedback.
5.2 Selection of heuristics in a hyper-heuristic framework
A hyper-heuristic is an automated methodology for selecting heuristics to solve hard
computational search problems (Burke et al., 2009; Burke et al., 2010; Duarte et al., 2007). Its
methodology is form by a high-level algorithm that, given a particular problem instance and
a number of low-level heuristics or metaheuristic, can select and apply an appropriate low-
level heuristic or metaheuristic at each decision step. These procedures on their way to work
raise the generality at which search strategy can operate. General scheme for design a hyper-
heuristic is shown in Figure 7.

Set of low level heuristic or

H1 H2 H3 Hn

Problem to be

The problem solution space

Fig. 7. Hyper-heuristic Elements
The first low-level algorithms build a solution incrementally; starting with an empty
solution with the goal is to intelligently select the next construction heuristics or
metaheuristic to gradually build a complete solution (Garrido, & Castro, 2009).
5.2.1 Representative examples
SQRP is the problem of locating information in a network based on a query formed by
keywords. The goal of SQRP is to determine the shortest paths from a node that issues a
query to nodes that can appropriately answer it (by providing the requested information).
Each query traverses the network, moving from the initiating node to a neighboring node
and then to a neighbor of a neighbor and so forth, until it locates the requested resource or

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics

gives up in its absence. Due to its complexity (Michlmayr, 2007) solutions proposed to SQRP
typically limit to special cases.
Hyper-Heuristic_AdaNAS (HH_AdaNAS) is an adaptive metaheuristic algorithm, which
resolves SQRP (Hernandez, 2010). This algorithm was created from AdaNAS (Gmez et al.,
2010). The high-level algorithm is formed by HH_AdaNAS, which use as solution algorithm
AdaNAS, that is inspired by an ant colony and the set of low-level heuristics are included in
the algorithm called HH_TTL. The goal of hyperheuristic HH_TTL is to define by itself in
real time, the most adequate values for time to live (TTL) parameter during the execution of
the algorithm. The main difference between AdaNAS and HH_AdaNAS are:
when applying the modification of the TTL and the calculation of the amount of TTL to be
allocated. In the Figure 8 we show HH_AdaNAS is form by AdaNAS + HH_TTL.
pheromone table
and tables D, N
y H.
H1 H2 H3 H4
H1: To increase TTL in 1 unit.
H2: Maintains TTL constant.
H3 = Falls TTL in 1 unit.
H4 = Falls TTL in 2 units.
Tables Learning:
pheromone table hh and
tables .
pheromone table
and tables D, N
y H.
H1 H2 H3 H4
H1: To increase TTL in 1 unit.
H2: Maintains TTL constant.
H3 = Falls TTL in 1 unit.
H4 = Falls TTL in 2 units.
Tables Learning:
pheromone table hh and
tables .
H1 H2 H3 H4
H1: To increase TTL in 1 unit.
H2: Maintains TTL constant.
H3 = Falls TTL in 1 unit.
H4 = Falls TTL in 2 units.
Tables Learning:
pheromone table hh and
tables .
H1 H2 H3 H4
H1: To increase TTL in 1 unit.
H2: Maintains TTL constant.
H3 = Falls TTL in 1 unit.
H4 = Falls TTL in 2 units.
Tables Learning:
pheromone table hh and
tables .

Fig. 8. HH_AdaNAS is form by AdaNAS + HH_TTL.
Data structures of HH_AdaNAS
HH_AdaNAS inherited some data structures of AdaNAS, as the pheromone table and the
tables H, D and N. Besides the data structures of the high level metaheuristics, are the
structures that help to select the low-level heuristic these are the pheromone table hh and
the table hiperheuristic visibility states . All the tables stored heuristic information or
gained experience in the past. The relationship of these structures is shown in Figure 9.
When HH_AdaNAS searches for the next node, in the routing process of the query, is based
on the pheromone table and tables D, N y H; these tables are intended to give information
on distant D, H is a table that records the successes of past queries and number of
documents N which are the closest nodes that can satisfy the query. In the same way, when
HH_TTL chooses the following low level heuristic, through data structures hh and . The
memory is composed of two data structures that store information of prior consultations.
The first of these memories is the pheromone table hh which has three dimensions, and the
other memory structure is the table hiper-heuristic visibility states , which allows the hiper-

Intelligent Systems

heuristic know in what state is SQRP. Is to say, if is necessary to add more TTL, because the
amount of resources found are few and decreases the lifetime.

Ant Colony Algorithm
HH_TTL. Tables storage long learning,
applied in selecting the next low-level
Tables Storage: Short and Long learning,
applied in selecting the next neighbor.

Ant Colony Algorithm
HH_TTL. Tables storage long learning,
applied in selecting the next low-level
Tables Storage: Short and Long learning,
applied in selecting the next neighbor.

Fig. 9. Storage structures of HH_AdaNAS.
The pheromone table is divided into n two-dimensional tables, one corresponding to each
node i of the network. These tables contain only entries for a node fixed i, therefore, its
dimensions are at most |L|| (i)|, where L is the dictionary, which defines the keywords
allowed for consultation and (i) is the set of neighboring nodes of i. Each in turn contains a
two-dimensional table |m||h|, where m is the states visibility set of the problem and h is
the available heuristics set. The pheromone table is also called learning structure long.
The visibility state table expresses the weight of the relation between SQRP-states and
TTL-heuristics and was inspired by the deterministic survival rule designed by Rivera
(Rivera G. 2009). Table is formed by the combination of |m||h|, where a visibility state
is identified mainly by , which depends on the node selected by AdaNAS to route the
query SQRP. The variable in Equation 6 contributes to ensure that the node selected by
HH_AdaNAS, in the future, not decreases the performance of the algorithm. A TTL-
heuristic is intelligently selected according with the past performance given by its
pheromone value, and its visibility value, given by an expert. The Figure 10 shows the
visibility state table used in this work.


1 0.75 0.5 0.25
0.75 1 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 1 0.75
0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Fig. 10. Visibility state table
i , j ,l i , j ,l x
H / D ) / Z o (6)

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics

Where H
indicates the number of documents consistent with the query l, D
indicates the
length of the route to obtain the documents, i represented the current node and j is the node
chosen, and Z
is a measure of current performance. In this work the visibility states are: m

= ( > 1)&(TTL < D)&( TTL != 1), m
= ( > 1)&(TTL < D)&( TTL = 1), m
= (H = 0) ||(( >
1)&(TTL D))|| (( 1)&(TTL = 1)) and m
= ( 1)&(TTL > 1). All the visibility states are
calculated to identify which heuristic will be applied to TTL.
5.2.2 Experimentation
The experimental environment used during experiments, and the results obtained are
presented in this section. Software: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium; Java programming
language, Java Platform, JDK 1.6; and integrated development, Eclipse 3.4. Hardware:
Computer equipment with processor Intel (R) Core (TM) i5 CPU M430 2.27 GHz and RAM
memory of 4 GB. Instances: It has 90 different SQRP instances; each of them consists of three
files that represent the topology, queries and repositories. The description of the features can
be found in (Cruz et al. 2008).
The average performance was studied by computing three performance measures of each
100 queries: Average hops, defined as the average amount of links traveled by a Forward
Ant until its death that is, reaching either the maximum amount of results required or
running out of TTL. Average hits, defined as the average number of resources found by
each Forward Ant until its death, and Average efficiency, defined as the average of
resources found per traversed edge (hits/hops). The initial Configuration of HH_AdaNAS
is shown in Table 2. The parameter values were based on values suggested of the literature
as (Dorigo & Sttzle, 2004; Michlmayr, 2007; Aguirre, 2008 and Rivera, 2009).
In this section we show experimentally that HH_AdaNAS algorithm outperforms the
AdaNAS algorithm. Also HH_AdaNAS outperforms NAS (Aguirre, 2008), SemAnt
(Michlmayr, 2007) and random walk algorithms (Cruz et al., 2008), this was reported in
(Gmez et al., 2010), so HH_AdaNAS algorithm is positioned as the best of them.

Table 2. Shows the assignment of values for each HH_AdaNAS parameter.
In this experiment, we compare the HH_AdaNAS and AdaNAS algorithms. The
performance achieved is measured by the rate of found documents and the experiments
were conducted under equal conditions, so each algorithm was run 30 times per instance
and used the same configuration parameters for the two algorithms, which is described
in Table 2.

Intelligent Systems

The Figure 11 shows the average efficiency performed during a set of queries with
HH_AdaNAS and AdaNAS algorithms; for the two algorithms the behavior is
approximately the same. The algorithm HH_AdaNAS at the beginning the efficiency is
around 2.38 hits per hop in the first 100 queries and the algorithm AdaNAS start
approximately at 2.37 hits per query also in the top 100 queries. Analyzing at another
example of the experiment, after processing the 11 000 queries at the end the efficiency
increases around 3.31 hits per hop for the algorithm HH_AdaNAS and the algorithm
AdaNAS at 3.21 hits per query. Finally, due to the result we conclude that HH_AdaNAS
achieves a final improvement in performance of 28.09%, while AdaNAS reaches an
improvement of 26.16%.

Fig. 11. The average efficiency performed during 11,000 queries with two algorithms.
6. Hybrid systems of metaheuristics: an approximate solution of ASP
The majority of problems related with ASP have a high level of complexity, according to
application domains. An alternative solution is the use of Hybrid Systems based on
Heuristics and Metaheuristics. Algorithm selection has attracted the attention of some
research in hybrid intelligent systems, for which many algorithms and large datasets are
available. Hybrid Intelligent Systems seek to take advantage of the synergy between various
intelligent techniques in solving real problems (Ludermir et al., 2011).
6.1 Relation of meta-learning and hybridization
Although some algorithms based on Hybrid Systems of Metaheuristics are better than
others on average, there is rarely a best algorithm for a given problem according to the
complexity and application domain related with the proposal solution. Instead, it is often
the case that different algorithms perform well on different problem instances. This
condition is most accentuated among algorithms for solving NP-Hard problems, because
runtimes of these algorithms are often highly variable from instance to instance.
When algorithms present high runtime variability, one is faced with the problem of
deciding which algorithm to use. Rice called this the algorithm selection problem (Rice,
1976). The algorithm selection has not received widespread attention. The most common
approach to algorithm selection has been to measure the performance of different
algorithms on a given instances set with certain distribution, and then select the algorithm
with the lowest average runtime.

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics

This winner-take-all approach has produced recent and important advances in algorithm
design and refinement, but has caused the rejection of many algorithms that has an excellent
performance on an specific cases, but result uncompetitive on average. The following two
questions emerge from the literature (Leyton-Brown, 2003). How to perform an algorithm
selection for a given instance? How to evaluate novel hybrid algorithms?
a. Algorithms with high average running times can be combined to form a hybrid
algorithm more robust and with low average running time when the algorithm inputs
are sufficiently easy and uncorrelated.
b. New hybrid algorithm design should find more robust solution and focus on problems
on which a single algorithm performs poorly.
c. A portfolio of algorithms can also be integrated through the use of hybrid algorithms
because the solutions are considering more innovative.
In previous section we use machine learning algorithms to automatically acquire knowledge
for algorithm selection, leading to a reduced need for experts and a potential improvement
of performance. In general, the algorithm selection problem can be treated via meta-learning
approaches. The results of this approach can cause an important impact on hybridization. In
order to clarify this point, is important to speculate about how the empirical results of meta-
learning can be analyzed from a theoretical perspective with different intentions:
a. Confirm the sense of the selection rules
b. Generate insights into algorithm behavior that can be used to refine the algorithms.
The acquired knowledge is confirmed when the performance of the refined algorithms is
evaluated. The knowledge can be used to integrate complementary strategies in a hybrid
6.2 Use of hybridization to solve ASP in social domains
The principal advanced in the reduction of Complexity is related with the amalgam of
different perspectives established on different techniques which to demonstrate their
efficiency in different application domains with good results.
Hybridization of Algorithms is one of the most adequate ways to try to improve and solve
different ASP related with the optimization of time. Many applied ASPs have an impact on
social domains specially to solve dynamic and complex models related with human
behavior. In (Araiza, 2011) is possible analyze with a Multiagents System the concept of
Social Isolation, featuring this behavior on the time according with interchanges related
with a minority and the associated health effects, when this occurs.
In addition, is possible specify the deep and impact of a viral marketing campaign using a
Social Model related with Online Social Networking. In (Azpeitia, 2011), an adequate ASP
determines the way on the future of this campaign and permits analyze the track of this to
understand their best features.
6.3 Future trends on the resolution of ASP using a hybrid system of metaheuristics
We expected that the future trends for solving ASP with hybridization will be based on
models that tend to perform activities according to a selection framework and a dynamic

Intelligent Systems

contextual area. The decision of the most appropriate actions requires advanced Artificial
Intelligence Technique to satisfy a plethora of application domains in which interaction and
conclusive results are needed. This only is possible with Intelligent Systems equipped with
high processing speed, knowledge bases and an innovative model for designing
experiments, something will happen in this decade.
7. Conclusions
Many real world problems belong to a special class of problems called NP-hard, which
means that there are no known efficient algorithms to solve them exactly in the worst case.
The specialized literature offers a variety of heuristic algorithms, which have shown
satisfactory performance. However, despite the efforts of the scientific community in
developing new strategies, to date, there is no an algorithm that is the best for all possible
situations. The design of appropriate algorithms to specific conditions is often the best
option. In consequence, several approaches have emerged to deal with the algorithm
selection problem. We review hyper-heuristics and meta-learning; both related and
promising approaches.
Meta-learning, through machine learning methods like clustering and classification, is a
well-established approach of selecting algorithms, particularity to solve hard optimization
problems. Despite this, comparisons and evaluations of machine learning methods to build
algorithm selector is not a common practice. We compared three machine learning
techniques for algorithm selection on standard data sets. The experimental results revealed
in general, a high performance with respect to a random algorithm selector, but low perform
with respect to other classification tasks. We identified that the Self-Organising Neural
Network is a promising method for selection; it could reaches 100% of accuracy when
feedback was incorporated and the number of problem characteristics was the minimum.
On the other hand, hyper-heuristics offers a general framework to design algorithms that
ideally can select and generate heuristics adapted to a particular problem instance. We use
this approach to automatically select, among basic-heuristics, the most promising to adjust a
parameter control of an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm for routing messages. The
adaptive parameter tuning with hyper-heuristics is a recent open research.
In order to get a bigger picture of the algorithm performance we need to know them in
depth. However, most of the algorithmic performance studies have focused exclusively on
identifying sets of instances of different degrees of difficulty; in reducing the time needed
to resolve these cases and reduce the solution errors; in many cases following the strategy
"the -winner takes-all". Although these are important goals, most approaches have been
quite particular. In that sense, statistical methods and machine learning will be an
important element to build performance models for understanding the relationship
between the characteristics of optimization problems, the search space that defines the
behavior of algorithms that solve, and the final performance achieved by these
algorithms. We envision that the knowledge gained, in addition to supporting the growth
of the area, will be useful to automate the selection of algorithms and refine algorithms;
hiper-heuristics, hybridization, and meta-learning go in the same direction and can
complement each other.

Algorithm Selection: From Meta-Learning to Hyper-Heuristics

8. Acknowledgment
This research was supported in part by CONACYT and DGEST
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Experiences and Obstacles in Industrial
Applications of Intelligent Systems
Leonardo M. Reyneri
and Valentina Colla

Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Torino,
Scuola Superiore SantAnna, TeCIP Institute, PERCRO, Pisa,
1. Introduction
Neural networks and fuzzy systems are well known soft computing techniques, which date
back several decades since the preliminary work of McCulloch and Pitts, Grossberg,
Zadeh, and dozens of other precursors. At first, the neural network was believed to be
"simple and workable solution" for all the difficult problems can be dealt with, and then
gave rise to a broad interest in research around the world and garnered a lot of funding.
During this preliminary period, many theories have been developed, analyzed and
Later, the domain of neural networks and fuzzy systems has broadened and also many
other algorithms and methods have been collected under the term of Soft Computing and,
more general, Intelligent Systems. These include, among others, neural networks, fuzzy
logic, wavelet networks, genetic algorithms, expert systems, etc... It was then discovered
that several simple problems (the so-called "toy problems") actually found very simple
solutions using intelligent systems. On the other hand, difficult problems (for example,
handwriting recognition and most problems of industrial relevance), still could not be
completely resolved, even if intelligent systems could contribute to simplify their
Today, after several decades of alternating interest of the scientific and industrial
community, after the publication of tens of thousands of theoretical and practical papers,
and after several attempts to apply them in a large number of application domains,
intelligent systems are now reaching a rather mature phase. People have begun to understand
the real capabilities, potentials, limitations and disadvantages, so they are on the right path
towards a widespread adoption, without excessive and inappropriate enthusiasm, but also,
more importantly, with a good rationale for their use.
This chapter attempts to analyze the actual level of maturity and acceptance achieved by
intelligent systems and attempts to assess how, where and why they are (or can be) accepted
in the industry. Note that, although the focus is on industrial applications, this term generally
applies also to several other real-world applications such as agronomy, economics,
mathematics, weather forecasting, etc.

Intelligent Systems

2. Maturity level of intelligent systems
As mentioned in the introduction, all soft computing and intelligent systems techniques
suffered alternating periods of acceptance (due to the novelty and the promising preliminary
results) and rejection (due to the acquired awareness of limits). Hundreds of algorithms,
topologies, training rules have been: i) conceived and developed; ii) tested, evaluated, tuned and
optimized; iii) temporarily or partially abandoned (>>90%); iv) accepted and applied to real
problems (<<10%).
Most of the original theories have been nearly abandoned (like, for instance, Hopfield
networks and Boltzmann machines, glass spin theories, stochastic networks, etc.) either because
they could not offer reasonable performance or because they were too cumbersome to use.
Other theories (like, for instance, perceptrons, radial basis functions and fuzzy systems)
eventually reached widespread acceptance, since they are more viable.
What is then at present the level of maturity of intelligent systems? This can be evaluated
from a series of clues such as:
how many theories and paradigms have been developed altogether. This number should be
as high as possible, to ensure that no option has been forgotten;
how many paradigms have survived after maybe ten years. This should be low, to
minimize the knowledge one needs to learn (see section 2.2);
the level of acquaintance a typical engineer has with these techniques. This should be high
and it should be achieved quickly (see section 2.1);
the count of accepted industrial applications should be significant (see sections 3, 4, 5).
Due to the maturity level they reached in about half a century from the preliminary works,
intelligent systems now deserve to be in the knowledge briefcase of each engineer, economist,
agronomist, scientist, etc. together with, and at the same acceptance level of several other basic
techniques like algebra, statistics, geometry, etc.
A way to reach a widespread industrial acceptance is to avoid using statements like:
I have used/developed a neural network for...
but, instead:
I have just developed a complex system with interacting signal pre-processor, neural network, user
interface, a differential equation solver, a post processor, some sensor and actuator interface, etc.
The major difference between the two approaches is which element(s) of a system receive(s)
more attention by the designer. In the former statement, attention (therefore the design
effort) is stressed on the presence of a neural network, which therefore improperly becomes
the most relevant block. In the latter statement, the neural network takes its proper place,
that is, at the same level as all the other system elements. In many cases, the blocks
surrounding intelligent subsystem are the most complex to design and use.
An example for this is in the field of image processing and handwriting recognition, where a
successful application relies much more on a proper image pre-processing (filtering, contrast
enhancement, segmentation, labelling, skeletonization, etc.) than on the neurofuzzy
processing itself.

Experiences and Obstacles in Industrial Applications of Intelligent Systems

Despite the level of maturity they reached, intelligent systems still experience a lot of
difficulties to be accepted by the industrial community, which still sees them as academic
experiments or bizarre techniques and not as a powerful tool to solve their problems. Thus,
what still misses to a complete industrial maturity? This will be analyzed in the following.
2.1 Availability of expertise and training personnel
Knowledge and expertise on intelligent systems cannot easily be found in the industrial
domain, at least in decision-making people (namely: decision staff, businessmen and engineers),
except perhaps in the newest generation (these are still too few and not yet high enough in
the decision-making stair). Decision-making people are the key actors for having intelligent
systems accepted in the industry. On the other hand, the real experts in intelligent systems
are those who have been trained for long time in the area of soft computing, but these often
have too little knowledge of the specific problem they are faced with, therefore they might not
tackle the problem in the most appropriate or efficient way.
Personnel training is rather time consuming, therefore costly, for industry and it can seldom
be afforded unless there is a reasonable guarantee to get appropriate returns. It must be
remembered that adopting any novel method may offer advantages, but it surely costs
money. The lack of good expertise, together with people laziness often leads to using
oversized networks, oversized training sets, conservative choices for paradigms and
learning coefficients, etc. Altogether, more complex (therefore more costly) networks, longer
design and training time, less advantages; in conclusion, less chance of acceptance.
2.2 The apparent diversity of neurofuzzy paradigms
At the beginning, neural networks, fuzzy systems and other soft computing techniques like
wavelet networks, Bayesian classifiers, clustering methods, etc., were believed to be
independent, although complementary, methods, which had to be analyzed and studied
independently of each other. This caused an excessive effort to study, analyze, get familiar
with a huge variety of methods and therefore to train personnel consequently. It was also
believed that each paradigm had its characteristics and preferred application domains, such
that a lot of experience was required to choose the best architecture for any application.
On the contrary, Reyneri (Reyneri, 1999) proved that most soft computing techniques are
nothing but different languages for a few basic paradigms. For instance, he proved that
Perceptrons, Adaline, Wavelet networks, linear transforms, and adaptive linear filters are
equivalent to each other. Also Fuzzy logic, Radial Basis, Bayesian classifiers, Gaussian
regressors, Kernel methods, Kohonen maps and fuzzy/hard c-means are equivalent
methods, as well as Local-global networks, TKS fuzzy systems and gain scheduling
controllers which are also equivalent.
With a good use of such neurofuzzy unification, the number of independent paradigms
reduces to as few as four. All known topologies for neural, fuzzy, wavelet, Bayesian,
clustering paradigms, etc. and supervised or unsupervised training algorithms are, in
practice, just particular implementations and interconnections of four elementary blocks,
namely: i) computing elements; ii) computing layers; iii) normalization layers and iv) sensitivity
layers. All traditional neurofuzzy paradigms are then nothing else than specific languages,
each one being more appropriate to any given application.

Intelligent Systems

The efficient use of neurofuzzy unification would simplify personnel training, since: i) it helps
the practitioner to quickly learn and get familiar with the very few basic paradigms; ii) it
augments flexibility and performance of intelligent systems; iii) it therefore increases the
economical return and iv) reducing the corresponding risks. Nevertheless, neurofuzzy
unification is still far from being widely applied, for several historical reasons. The
permanence of tens of apparently different paradigms often still creates confusion, noise,
disaffection; it increases personnel training costs and reduces advantages; altogether it
significantly reduces the appeal of neurofuzzy systems.
3. Relevant characteristics for industry
In this section, we try to analyze here some of the reasons why intelligent systems still
experience difficulties in being accepted as an industrial standard.
3.1 Crypticity
Many intelligent systems are often felt to be rather cryptic, in the sense that nobody can
really understand why and how a trained network solves a given problem. Apart from the
many theoretical proofs that an intelligent system is capable of solving a large variety of
problems, the real industrially-relevant question is that all the knowledge of a trained
network is hidden within a chunk of numbers, usually arranged into weight or centre matrices
or genomes. There is usually no clue on how to interpret such magic numbers, thus
engineers are often sceptical in regards to their correctness, reliability or robustness.
In practice, correctness of weights is based on a successful training, although it is often
difficult to either guarantee or feel that training has properly succeeded. Quality of training
is measured on the amount of a residual error measure, but there is often no indication on
which is an appropriate value for this error, especially when sum-of-errors measures are used,
as in several commercial simulation tools. The user cannot reliably argue that a trained
model is really representative of the desired system/function.
Furthermore, most training processes are often based on some amount of randomness, which
is seldom appreciated in the industrial domain. On the other hand, traditional design
methods (namely, those not using intelligent systems) are based on some predictable
analytical or empirical model which is chosen by the designer, together with its parameters.
Designer's knowledge and experience usually provide enough information to properly solve a
problem, even though seldom in an optimal way. Nothing is apparently left to randomness.
In reality, the process of empirical adaptation of a given analytical or empirical model to a
given system resembles the approach of training/adapting a soft computing system (which
is nothing but a highly generic parametric model) based on a set of training data. Yet
everybody considers the former as normal and straightforward, while most designers are
still sceptical when facing the latter. Why is that so?
One of the reasons is that traditional (namely, non-intelligent) parametric models currently
used in practice are much less generic than any soft computing models; therefore they are
always under total control of the engineer, who is capable of properly interpreting
parameters and values.

Experiences and Obstacles in Industrial Applications of Intelligent Systems

For instance, the model of an electric motor can model nothing else than an electric motor, and
its parameters represent, for instance, winding resistance and inductance, rotor inertia,
friction, etc. which are directly measurable and for which the designer can feel if they
assume reasonable values or not. By appropriately varying these parameters, the model will
be adapted to either large or small motors, either fast or slow, but it will never be able to model,
for instance, a chemical process. The designer can easily become aware that, for instance, an
improperly tuned model has a too large or too narrow winding resistance in comparison
with the size of the motor under examination. He can therefore immediately be aware of
improper tuning or of some motor fault or damage and behave accordingly.
On the other hand, intelligent systems are so generic that they can adapt to virtually any
system, either electrical or chemical or economical or mechanical or agronomic, etc. The
same parameters can therefore mean anything, depending on the actual use of the network
(e.g. pollution of a chemical process, yield of a manufacturing process, winding resistance of
a motor, rate of infection in an agricultural plant, etc.); in addition, parameters are
interchangeable and there is no clue to understand what a given parameter really represents
in practice. Further, nobody will ever be aware that training has not been done correctly and
whether the model really represents a given system or not.
3.2 How to avoid crypticity
The use of modern unification paradigms (Reyneri, 1999) allows to easily convert neural and
wavelet networks into fuzzy systems and viceversa, with several advantages, among which,
for instance:
a given neuro/wavelet network can be converted into fuzzy language, thus interpreted
linguistically by experts, who are then able to validate and consequently accept an
otherwise cryptic neuro/wavelet model;
human experience, usually expressed as a set of fuzzy rules, can be converted into a
neural network and then empirically tuned by means of an appropriate training set.
Fuzzy (or expert systems) rules are usually understandable by an expert, such as
he/she can understand the concept which lays behind them. An appropriate neural
training of the rules therefore allows to fine tune the experts knowledge based on the
available empirical evidence.
It is therefore mandatory to abandon all the older approaches who were more like magic
formulae than real engineering methods and concentrate on modern approaches that
consider neural, wavelet, fuzzy, Bayesian, regressor, clustering techniques, etc. as
interchangeable paradigms. The ever lasting fight among neural- and fuzzy-people is so
detrimental, as it helps to maintain the level of crypticity high, therefore preventing a
widespread acceptance of intelligent systems.
The choice between, for instance, neural networks and fuzzy logic should therefore be
converted into a more appropriate selection between a neural and a fuzzy language, which
should be chosen depending on: i) the available knowledge from human experts; ii) the size
of available training set; iii) the availability of other piece of information on the problem; iv)
the level of crypticity which is accepted; v) if and how the model has to be interpreted by
humans or processed by computers.

Intelligent Systems

3.3 Gathering data for network training
Many intelligent systems (mostly, those based on neural languages) rely on the availability
of empirical data, which is usually gathered into large training sets. Unfortunately, these are
often too expensive to obtain, as each data point is usually an appropriate measurement of
a mechanical or chemical or biological or economical process. Several processes are so
slow that each point may require up to several days to be acquired. In some cases, if an
accurate numerical model is available, computer simulations can substitute direct
Some soft computing techniques (in particular, those based on fuzzy and Bayesian languages)
may require much smaller training sets, as they rely on a predefined model, described in
linguistic terms according to previous human experience. This is the main reason why fuzzy
logic has been accepted more quickly and extensively by industry than neural systems.
An industrial manager has to consider attentively the trade-off between the cost of gathering
a large training set and the reliability of the trained neurofuzzy network. As already said,
this trade-off often pushes towards the use of fuzzy languages whenever possible and bounds
the use of neural languages to applications which have enough (historical) data available.
3.4 Analytical vs. empirical methods
As already said, one of the advantages of intelligent systems is that a given analytical/
empirical model is by definition specific and cannot be tailored to a different problem, while
neural networks are. Furthermore an analytical/empirical model usually comes after years
of improvements, while neural networks are trained in a short time. Yet, a purely analytical
model can be developed without any field measurement, while an empirical model requires
a limited amount of field measurement. Instead most intelligent systems always require a
huge amount of field measurements which, in several cases, can take years to gather.
Last but not least, the amount of field measurements which is required (that is roughly the
development time) is a function of the reliability which is asked to the model. A large
training set is in fact mandatory in industry to offer an adequately high reliability, while
reliability of analytical models is often independent of field measurements but relies on
designer's experience.
3.5 Performance is always optimistic...
Virtually any paper published in literature shows that, for a wide range of applications,
neural networks and fuzzy systems offer tremendously good performance.
Unfortunately, more than 90% of them do not even try to afford a fair performance
comparison with other state-of-the-art techniques and it becomes difficult to feel how good
such performance really is. Just as an example, a paper (not cited) claimed that the proposed
neural model of a biochemical process is 90% accurate and the author was enthusiast of that
incredible result. Since the reviewer had little experience on modelling that specific process,
he could not do anything else than blindly accept author's statement. But, when the paper
was read by an experienced colleague, he pointed out that state of the art had already
achieved about 95% since a few years, making those results useless for industry. It is quite

Experiences and Obstacles in Industrial Applications of Intelligent Systems

sure that the author was really convinced of the optimality of his result, due perhaps to his
limited experience on the specific application domain, which was not enough to judge.
What the author surely did was to try a number of different topologies, paradigms, network
sizes, training algorithms and found that his own network was offering the very best
performance among all those tests. All tests were neural and no test was performed
according to the state-of-the-art using traditional approaches. This method is (partially)
correct to optimize the performance of a novel intelligent system (namely, to find which are the
best choices to get the best out of is, among all possible intelligent systems), but not to
evaluate the appropriateness of an intelligent system for the given application, compared against a
standard one.
What was true for that specific problem, was that the proposed hybrid empirical/analytical
model developed by a team of experienced engineers and biologists offered a much better
performance than the best existing neural network, even for a comparable computation
complexity, not considering the possible performance of the state-of-the-art. The reason for
that (which happens much more frequently than one can even imagine) is that human
experience, knowledge and mental capacities, which are used to develop a given non-
intelligent model, boost so much the overall performance of a given system than even an
optimal intelligent system, trained in the best way but without using the available human
knowledge, cannot compensate ignoring human knowledge during its development.
3.6 How to avoid optimism
An important step towards acceptance is to avoid unnecessary and inapplicable optimism.
Any development, comparison or selection has to be fair and based on real and well proven
data; never on hypotheses. Optimism usually tends to push the designer towards a solution
which then proves less performing than originally expected, therefore convincing even more
the decision-making people that intelligent systems are not yet a viable solution to their
3.7 Tools and support
An important step towards industrial acceptance (as for many other industrially relevant
items) is the availability of an appropriate support to the development, use, integration,
conduction and maintenance of the system.
An excellent intelligent system will never be applied until its use is straightforward and
user-friendly. The only chance to have an intelligent system applied is therefore the
development, around the intelligent system itself together with its surrounding elements
(e.g. pre-processors, postprocessors, data mining, etc.), of an appropriate user interface and
development tool which supports, in the order:
the decision-making process in helping to choose the intelligent systems instead of any
other traditional system
the preparation phase (e.g. data collection, training, tuning and testing)
the conduction phase, namely the nominal operation of the intelligent system, when
applied to the industrial process under interest
maintenance, to overcome any problem might occur during conduction.

Intelligent Systems

4. Case studies
This chapter will present a number of real industrial applications where all the aspects
described and commented in the previous sections have been applied. Most of them come
from our personal experience, as acquiring enough, reliable and trustable details from other
people is usually difficult.
4.1 Prediction of Jominy profiles of steels
The Jominy profile of a steel is a curve obtained in a test, where a small cylindrical specimen
of steel is kept at a very high temperature (usually more than 1500 C) and one end of the
specimen is cooled by quenching it for at least 10 min. in a water stream, while the other
specimen end is cooled in air. This treatment causes a cooling rate gradient to develop over
the length of the specimen, with the highest cooling rate corresponding to the quenched
end. This procedure affects the steel micro-structure along the length of the specimen and,
as a consequence, the steel hardness in the diverse portions of the test bar. The Jominy
profile is built by measuring the specimen hardness values h
on the Rockwell C scale at
increasing distances d
from the quenched end. Several studies investigated the correlation
between the shape of such curve and the steel chemistry (Doane & Kirkaldy, 1978) and some
of them applied neural networks to this purpose, such as (Vermeulen et al., 1996).
In particular Colla et al. (Colla et al., 2000) propose a parametric characterization of the
profile, namely the approximation of the generic profile with a parametric curve, and then
predict the shape of each profile through a neural network which links the steel chemistry to
the curve parameters.
This approach proved to be successful when the shape of the profile is constant (which
happens, for instance, when dealing with the same steel grades produced by one single
manufacturer). On the other hand, when facing the prediction of the Jominy curve of many
different steel grades manufactured by different steel producers, the actual shape of the
curve might considerably vary and the parametric approach is no more successful.

Fig. 1. Conceptual scheme of the sequential predictor of Jominy curves.
In fact, a different approach to the same problem has been proposed by Marin et al. (Marin
et al. 2007), where a neural sequential predictor has been proposed: here, apart from the first
two points of the curve (i.e. the ones corresponding to the lowest distance values from the
quenched end), each single point of the Jominy profile is singularly predicted by a neural

Experiences and Obstacles in Industrial Applications of Intelligent Systems

network having as inputs the contents of some chemical elements and some of the
previously predicted hardenability values, according to the schematic description provided
in Fig. 1.
This application proved to be successful because: i) results were accurate and accuracy could easily be
measured; ii) the intelligent systems (a neural network in both cases) was very simple, with few
weights, and these could easily be interpreted by the technician; iii) the neural predictor has been
coupled with a user-friendly software interface allowing not only to run the model, but also to collect
data and re-train all the neural networks with new data provided by the user, so that each steel
company can progressively specialise the predictor on its own steel grades; iv) training time for
using the software tool which was developed was very short. It is worth noting that, as pointed out at
the beginning, the neural network itself is just a small element of the whole system (software tool, pre-
processing, data collection, result presentation, etc.
4.2 Prediction of malfunctioning during steel casting
In the standard steelmaking practice, during continuous casting, the liquid material
produced in the blast furnace is cast, after some manufacture, into the ladle and,
subsequently, into the tundish (see Fig. 2). On the bottom of the tundish, some nozzles are
located, through which the liquid steel passes into the mould or strip casters. The section of
such nozzles is far smaller with respect to the tundish dimensions. When particular steel
grades are produced, some alumina precipitation on the entry and on the lateral surface of
these nozzles can partially or even totally block the flow of the liquid steel. This
phenomenon is commonly known as clogging and is highly detrimental to casting reliability
and quality of the cast products.
a) b)
Fig. 2. a) Location of the nozzles that can be occluded; b) Schematic description of the
labelled SOM-based classifier.
The clogging phenomenon is still not deeply understood (Heesom 1988), due to the very
high number of chemical and process factors affecting the occurrence of the precipitation of
the materials on the nozzle internal surface as well as to the impossibility of installing
complex systems of probes and sensors in order to closely observe the phenomenon itself.
For this reason, some attempts have been performed to apply intelligent systems for the
prediction of clogging occurrence on the basis of the steel chemical composition and on the
process parameters. In particular, such as it can be frequently found in fault diagnosis
applications, the prediction of clogging has been faced as a binary classification problem

Intelligent Systems

where one of the two classes to be distinguished (i.e. the one corresponding to
malfunctioning) is far less frequent than the other one. Firstly Self Organising Maps (SOM)
have been applied (Colla et al., 2006) in order to predict the clogging occurrence, in parallel
with a physical model that takes into account some basic mechanism of the alumina
precipitation and the geometry of the nozzles, but is not capable to explain all the complex
relationships between process and chemical variables.
The performance of the overall system are acceptable (this is also a key element in industry: the aim is
seldom to optimize but often to achieve any performance better than a given threshold in a limited
time) and the system has been successfully applied in the industrial context, mainly because: i) after a
short testing, the prediction accuracy was proven to be higher; ii) risk was little as the traditional
approach could be used to crosscheck the predictions of the intelligent system; iii) the availability of a
simplified end-user interface reduced personnel training to the minimum, allowing the operator to
input the relevant process parameters and obtain immediate indication of the actual danger of
clogging occurrence and the potential countermeasure to adopt (i.e. Calcium Oxide addition to the
liquid steel) (Fera et al. 2005).
Improvements are also possible, by taking into account the different importance of
misclassification errors. In fact the erroneous classification of a faulty situation as a
normal one (sometimes called missed detection) prevents the operators to develop suitable
countermeasures to avoid the clogging, with potential heavier consequences with respect
to the opposite case, when a potential unnecessary warning message is raised in a
standard condition (the so-called false alarm). Actually standard classifiers are not always
capable of providing excellent results when dealing with imbalanced datasets: therefore in
(Vannucci & Colla 2011) a classified has been applied, which is explicitly designed to cope
with imbalanced datasets and exploits the labelled SOMs, according to the scheme
depicted in Fig. 2.b. Once trained, each neuron of the SOM is labelled as corresponding to
the frequent or infrequent class through a procedure that exploits a Fuzzy Inference
System in order to find a suitable compromise between missed detection and false alarms
4.3 Prediction of the end-point in the converter
In the integrated steelmaking cycle, where steel is produced from primary raw materials, the
Blast Oxygen Furnace (BOF) is the plant where steel is produced from pig iron, scrap and
lime, by blowing oxygen to burn off the carbon. In the BOF, the sublance device that
measures carbon content and temperature rapidly before the late period of blowing is the
most important tool for BOF process control. The use of such sublance has been an
important step for controlling the BOF steel making processes. Sublance is basically used to
take sample at the end of blow usually 3-4 minutes before end of blow for analysis of sample
and also measures temperature of the bath. Since the introduction of sublance, the accuracy
of the end point prediction (hit rate) at most of steel plants has gradually increased from
approximately 60% to 90%. In (Valentini et al. 2004) a neural network has been applied to
predict the final Carbon content [C] for an OBM (from the German Oxygen Bodenblasen
Maxhuette) converter in steel making industry by exploiting the estimates of the Oxygen
content [O]and of the temperature T. These three variables are usually linked by the
following approximate mathematical equation:

Experiences and Obstacles in Industrial Applications of Intelligent Systems


Log B
where P
is a constant pressure value in the range [1, 1.5] atm, A and B are constants whose
nominal values are respectively, A=1895 K and B=1.6 and n is commonly assumed to be
unitary, but some literature results provide n0.5 for [C]<0.08% and n1 otherwise.
Equation (1) can easily be inverted in order to predict [C] from [O] and T, but the prediction
obtained using the nominal values of the constant parameters is not very reliable compared
to the [C] measurements contained in a dataset provided by the steel manufacturer for the
steel grades of interest. A reliable prediction of the final Carbon content at the end of the
refining process is very important, as it allows to evaluate the process parameters (such as
the amount of inflated Oxygen and the duration of the refining process) required to achieve
the desired results optimizing the time and cost of the production process. By adopting a
simple two-layer MLP with 3 neurons in the hidden layer, the prediction error has been
reduced of 64% with respect to the prediction obtained through eq.(1).
This system presents the following advantages: i) the performance is acceptable, ii) the neural network
is very simple; iii) the training time is negligible. However the neural model has been not very well
perceived by the end-users mainly because it is difficult to attribute a precise physical meaning and
interpretation to the network parameters, such as it happens for the parameters of the formula (1).
Therefore the alternative solution of a fine tuning of the physical parameters around the
nominal values has finally been preferred.
4.4 Prediction of the time required by each stage of hot rolling mills
The efficiency and productivity of steel hot rolling mills is heavily affected by the possibility
of precisely estimating when the different manufacturing stages are completed, as this
avoids bottlenecks and provides important time and energy savings. For this reason, several
Mill Pacing Control (MPC) systems have been realised and implemented, which allow
optimising the production flow starting from the reheating furnaces, where slabs are heated
at a temperature between 1100C and 1300C for optimal workability before being rolled.
Hot steel rolling mills are usually composed of two main stages, namely the roughing mill,
where the slab is firstly compressed, and the finishing mill, where the aimed thickness of the
hot rolled coil is reached. A further rolling stage can be afterwards required, named cold
rolling, which is pursued at far lower temperatures in order to produce flat products, such as
plate, sheets or coils of various thicknesses.
MPC systems allow shorten the discharging interval between two subsequent slabs
avoiding collisions. To this aim, schedule systems are developed and simulations are
performed in order to test new strategies without affecting the production cycle.
Colla et al. (Colla et al., 2010) applied neural networks to solve a particular mill pacing
problem, different from the usual one, namely the prediction of the total roughing time and
of the time required for passing the first gauge of the finishing mill. This investigation has
been pursued in order to increase the rolling efficiency and decrease the total rolling time.
The slabs that are subsequently rolled can differ in steel grade and other features, thus the
related rolling processes can require different times and energy amounts. The time required

Intelligent Systems

for the roughing process is in average (but not always) smaller than the finishing time. Thus
a slab can be output by the roughing mill while the rolling of the previous coil is being
completed: this fact may cause a collision or may force the second slab to remain stuck while
its temperature decreases, which makes its successive rolling more difficult. On the other
hand, the time between the input of two successive slabs to the roughing time cannot be
excessive, in order to keep productivity and avoid energy losses. Ideally, a slab should be
input to roughing mill exactly at a time instant that will allow it to arrive at the entrance of
the finishing mill when the rolling of the previous coil is just terminated. (Colla et al. 2010)
applied various neural networks-based approaches to predict the time
(1i6) required by
the slab to pass each one of the 6 stages that form the roughing mill (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Scheme of the first stages of a steel hot rolling mill.
In particular, the most successful solution performs a sequential prediction, namely bases
the prediction of
(for i>1) not only on product and process parameters, but also on the
prediction of the times required to pass the previous stages, i.e.
with 1ki. Moreover,
neural networks have been applied also to predict the time required for passing the
finishing mill.
In this case, the application of neural networks were actually advantageous for the following main
reasons: i) neural networks proved to outperform more traditional approaches; ii) the neural system is
naturally adaptable to the changing operating conditions thanks to its capability of self-learning from
data. However the on-site real-time implementation has not been easy and required considerable
efforts because it has been difficult to interface the system with the control system of the mill.
4.5 Estimate of train position and speed from wheels velocity measurements
Within an Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system, two subsystems are usually included: a
ground subsystem, which provides updated information on the train position and the line
gradient by exploiting fixed balises or another source of absolute information (e.g. GPS), and
an on-board subsystem, which estimates the actual train position and speed, according to
the scheme depicted in Fig.4.
The ground subsystem communicates to the on-board one the distance from the next
reference point on the line, the gradient of the line and the allowed speed at the next
reference point. The on-board subsystem then evaluates the distances from the next
information point and the minimum distance that allow compliance with the speed limit at
the next reference point. If it turns out that the train cannot meet the target speed at the next
reference point (as the residual breaking resources of the train are not sufficient), the on-

Experiences and Obstacles in Industrial Applications of Intelligent Systems

board subsystem actuates suitable countermeasures, such as emergency breaking. The
evaluation of the above-mentioned distance values requires the knowledge of the breaking
parameters and of the actual train speed: a correct estimate of this last variable even in poor
adhesion conditions (i.e. when one or more train wheels are sliding on the rails and, thus,
the axle angular velocity is not proportional to the train speed) is crucial.

Fig. 4. Working principle of an ATP
Allotta et al. (Allotta et al 2001, Allotta et al 2002) developed a series of algorithms for
estimating the actual train speed on the basis of the information collected concerning two
axles of the locomotor. A first set of such algorithms have been developed according to
expert personnel specifications and following the traditional crisp reasoning, which
exploits different simple deterministic formulas for calculating the train speed depending on
the condition of adhesion of the wheels to the rails. In fact, among a huge number of state
variables that are considered in the procedure, there are two binary variables indicating the
adhesion condition of each axle. The technical personnel of the train society formalised the
reasoning that leads the human operators to a correct determination of the adhesion
conditions. Then two identical fuzzy systems have been developed, which take two inputs
each, namely the difference between the velocities of the two controlled axles and the
acceleration of the axle whose adhesion condition is estimated, and return the degree of
adhesion of one axle. The design of two fuzzy systems have been refined by means of a
training procedure exploiting a great quantity of the available data and, finally, they have
been merely substituted to the old crisp algorithm for adhesion condition estimation, by
leaving the rest of the speed estimation procedure unchanged. As an alternative, the
standard rule-based system merely implementing the human operators reasoning has been
implemented and its own parameters (such as thresholds) have been tuned by means of
Genetic Algorithms (GA) exploiting the available experimental data and adopting as fitness
function to minimise the error between the actual and estimated train speed. A second set of
algorithms that have been tested for this application perform a direct estimate of the train
velocity taking as inputs some of the available state variables (in particular axles velocities,
accelerations and acceleration variations). Both neural networks and fuzzy inference
systems have been tested to this purpose.
From a comparison among all the tested approaches it turned out that the algorithms purely based on
AI techniques (and, in particular, the neural network (Colla et al. 2003)) outperform the rule-based
ones and have also a simpler structure. However, these systems also present the following non
negligible disadvantages: i) a difficult physical interpretation of fuzzy rules or of the neural network;

Intelligent Systems

ii) a difficult implementation of the specification requirements; iii) the FIS-based methods are also
computationally less efficient; iv) when testing the more frequent fault conditions, all the developed
algorithms present an acceptable degree of reliability and robustness, but the crisp algorithm, which is
actually adherent to the specifications provided by the expert personnel of the train society, provides
the best guarantee of estimated speed values lying within acceptable limits; v) with respect the merely
crisp algorithm and to its improved version, where some parameters have been optimized through
GA, the soft computing-based algorithms provide less control over the internal parameters of the
estimator, which increase in number but loose in physical meaning (this is especially true for the
neural predictor, which has been applied as a black-box parametric estimator); vi) soft computing-
based procedures, and especially the ones which exploit neural networks, do not guarantee that a
particular input pattern (or series of input patterns) will lead to unacceptable velocity estimates.
Thus finally the rule-based algorithm tuned through GA has been preferred to all the other
approaches for the final implementation.
4.6 Optimisation of the logistic in an automatic warehouse of steel tubes
Optimisation of logistic is one of the fields where intelligent systems have most successfully
been applied. Colla et al. (Colla et al., 2010) tested several AI-based techniques for the
optimisation of products allocation in an automatic warehouse of steel tubes. The
warehouse has been designed to stock a large variety of typologies of steel tubes, differing
in quality of the steel, in the length as well as in the shape and dimensions of the section. As
soon as the tubes are produced, they are grouped in packs and automatically transferred to
a stocking area, where they are located in piles that must be composed by the same typology
of tubes. A non optimal allocation strategy can cause the available space in the warehouse
not to be fully exploited, such as, for instance, the case in which many short (i.e. composed
by a few packs) piles are present in place of a few higher ones. To this aim, firstly some Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been defined in order to derive objective functions to be
optimised by the different allocation strategies. Afterwards, an optimisation problem has
been formulated, for which an analytical model of the problem was really too complex to
define and implement, due to the variability of the workload and to the interaction between
the automatic tube conveyors, as traffic control is only partially centralised (for instance
collision avoidance is managed at local level through suitable sensing and communicating
devices mounted on each conveyor). Traditional derivative-based optimisation models
cannot be applied, while GAs are a very suitable solution for the optimisation problem, as
they allow a decoupling between the problem formulation and the search procedure. The
destination of each tubes pack has been suitably codified in a chromosome and GAs have
been applied in order to minimise a fitness function obtained from a composition of the
above-defined KPIs. Different ways to aggregate the selected KPIs have been tested, from a
simple weighted sum up to a Fuzzy Inference System implementing a complex combination
according to rules derived from the knowledge of the technical personnel working on the
plant. However, this application is intrinsically a Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO)
problem, as the KPIs represent requirements that are often in contrast to each other. Any
kind of aggregation of the KPIs simplifies it to a Single Objective Optimization problem, but
surely the most suitable way to cope with this problem is by exploiting GA-based MOO
algorithms. The Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (Zitzler & Thiele 1999) has been
successfully applied to this problem and outperforms all the other approaches.

Experiences and Obstacles in Industrial Applications of Intelligent Systems

The success of this applications of intelligent systems with respect to the previous system which was
based on heuristics depends on the following reasons: i) a the correct formalisation of the MOO
problem; ii) a suitable simulation system of the automatic warehouse (Colla & Nastasi 2010) that has
been realised in order to reproduce the monitoring system of the warehouse itself and can be fed with
the same data files that are used by the real system; iii) the possibility (as a consequence of point ii) to
easily test the different strategies in a realistic way without affecting the normal operations of the
warehouse; iv) the possibility (as a consequence of point ii) of performing an easy and user-friendly
comparison of the standard and simulated situation of the warehouse obtained through the previous
and improved strategies is possible, which can be of help for the technical personnel in order to
evaluate the advantages of a new strategy; v) the easiness of collecting training data, which are no
more than standard system data; vi) the modularity of the software for simulation and for the
implementation of the allocation strategy, which makes the substitution of the new code within the
control system of the warehouse straightforward.
5. Conclusion
According to authors personal experience, it cannot be stated that intelligent systems are so
advantageous with respect to traditional techniques to be universally accepted for industrial
applications. Or better, advantages exist but they are often too limited when compared with
the additional risks, training costs, design time, and documentation/maintenance effort.
There are surely applications were they provide advantages, especially in tough problems,
but these are rather limited, therefore they do not justify a universal acceptance.
Unfortunately, in most industrial applications that we have encountered so far, very few
intelligent system offered such better performance with respect to other techniques to
really convince the sceptical user. Of course the comparison is made between the best
intelligent system and the correspondingly best non-intelligent technique.
5.1 A global advantage of intelligent system
There is perhaps a major advantage which makes intelligent systems attractive in a wider
range of applications. In practice, intelligent systems are:
generic approximation and modelling techniques which allow accurate system modelling/
forecasting/approximation/classification/etc. without any specific experience of the designer.
In practice anybody without any experience in a specific subject can afford solving a
problem which could otherwise (namely, with traditional techniques) be afforded only by
an expert (or a team of experts) in that field. It is likely that an expert, with appropriate
knowledge of the problem and of a bunch of more specific methods would achieve a better
result, but this would be far more expensive for an industry, both because of the higher cost
of the expert and for the longer development time. This is a rather interesting advantage,
even when intelligent systems are suboptimal, as it significantly reduces training costs of
inexperienced personnel.
5.2 How to help industry accepting intelligent systems
The authors personally believe that industry strongly needs to be helped to accept
intelligent systems and this should be a major role for universities and research institutions.

Intelligent Systems

Yet this has to be done in the most appropriate way, that is, by showing industry
unambiguously if, where and when intelligent systems offer significant advantages or, more
realistically, more advantages than drawbacks and associating the intelligent system with an
appropriate development environment and enough supporting tools, which is often the most
time consuming element to be developed.
This is one of the major reasons for the several Special Sessions on Industrial Applications of
Intelligent Systems which have been held in the last decade. Authors are usually requested
to present their ideas on intelligent systems but, more important, to prove that they are
either comparable or significantly better than other standard techniques. Such a comparison
has to be as fair as possible, as it is not normally the case. In practice, in most papers, intelligent
systems are usually compared among themselves. The expert reader is left with the
Are you sure that other techniques would not be even better or simpler?
Or, when a comparison is attempted with standard techniques, these are usually much
older, that is, the paper demonstrates, for instance, that an up-to-date neurofuzzy network is
much better than an older-than-my-father standard technique, which is rather obvious, as
technology keeps improving, independent of intelligent system.
One of the major reasons for this lack of fair comparisons is that comparing an intelligent
system against an up-to-date standard method requires developing by scratch an appropriate
demonstrator, which often requires either a lot of specific experience or a lot of time, and
usually nobody wants to afford it.
Only those research groups who tightly cooperate with an industrial group can merge industrial and
academic experiences, to develop both techniques appropriately, although these are seldom done
together, due to unaffordable additional costs.
5.3 A critical question
So far very few applications of intelligent systems provided such better performance with
respect to other techniques to really convince even the most sceptical user. In most cases,
they can either offer a slightly better performance (when compared with an alternative well-
designed method) with a shorter design time but, on the other hand, design risks are often
so critical that they definitely impair the advantages. It is therefore time for a critical
In which applications are neural networks have fuzzy logic a higher chance of being accepted?
We think that, at present, the most promising areas are, for instance:
data mining, knowledge based systems, where information, data, knowledge and models
are valuable items, but they are often hidden in a huge amount of noise, ambiguous,
contradicting data. Data is so wide, contradicting, ambiguous, that no method can be
accurate and predictable, therefore neural networks may provide advantages, without
the need to be 100% correct;
prediction/classification of partially random processes, like time-series prediction, forecasting,
complex pattern classification, semantic Web, etc., where the randomness of the

Experiences and Obstacles in Industrial Applications of Intelligent Systems

process/patterns prevents a 100% prediction accuracy, therefore the errors of the
intelligent systems can be accepted at no cost;
modelling of complex systems, where any other modelling technique would be as
incomprehensible as a neurofuzzy model;
consumer applications where the appeal of the fuzzy label increases the market of an
6. References
Allotta, B; Malvezzi, M.; Toni, P.; Colla, V. (2001). Train speed and position evaluation using
wheel velocity measurements, Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE/ASME International
Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics AIM'01, Como, Italy.
Allotta, B; Colla, V.; Malvezzi, M. (2002). Train Position And Speed Estimation Using Wheel
Velocity Measurements Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit Proceedings of the Institution
of Mechanical Engineers Part F, Vol. 216, No. 3, pp. 207-225.
Colla, V.; Reyneri, L.M.; Sgarbi, M. (2000). Parametric Characterization of Jominy Profiles in
Steel Industry, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 217-228.
Colla, V.; Vannucci, M.; Allotta, B.; Malvezzi, M. (2003). Comparison of traditional and
neural system for train speed estimation, Proceedings of the 11
European Symposium
on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN 2003, Brugges, Belgium, 23-25 April.
Colla, V.; Vannucci, M.; Fera, S.; Valentini, R. (2006). Ca-treatment of Al-Killed steels:
inclusion modification and application of Artificial Neural Networks for the
prediction of clogging, Proceedings of the 5
European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference
EOSC06, 26-28 June 2006, Aachen, Germany, pp. 387-394.
Colla, V.; Vannucci, M.; Valentini, R. (2010). Neural network based prediction of roughing
and finishing times in a hot strip mill, Revista de Metalurgia, Vol. 46, No 1, pp. 15-21.
Colla, V.; Nastasi, G. (2010). Modelling and Simulation of an Automated Warehouse for the
Comparison of Storage Strategies, Chap.21 in Modelling, Simulation and
Optimization, INTECH pp. 471-486 (ISBN 978-953-7619-36-7).
Colla, V.; Nastasi, G.; Matarese, N.; Reyneri L.M. (2010). GA-Based Solutions Comparison
for Storage Strategies Optimization for an Automated Warehouse Journal of Hybrid
Intelligent Systems, Vol. 7 pp. 283297.
Doane, D.V.; Kirkaldy, J.S. (1978). Hardenability Concepts with Applications to Steel, TMS-
AIME, Warrendale.
Fera, S.; Harloff, A.; Roedl, S.; Mavrommatis, K.; Colla, V.; Santisteban, V.; Roessler S. (2005).
Development of a model predicting inclusions precipitation in nozzles based on
chemical composition and process parameters such as casting rate, liquid
temperature, nozzle design and slag composition, European Commission Ed.
Technical Report EUR 21442.
Haykin, S. (1994), Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Mc Millan College
Publishing Company, New York, 1994.
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casting, Proceedings of the 1
Int. Calcium Treatment Symposium, London (UK).
Marin, B.; Bell, A.; Idoyaga, Z.; Colla, V.; Fernndez, L.M. (2007). Optimization of the
influence of Boron on the properties of steels, European Commission Ed. Technical
Report EUR 22446.

Intelligent Systems

Reyneri, L.M. (1999) Unification of Neural and Wavelet Networks and Fuzzy Systems, IEEE
Trans. on Neural Networks, Vol. 10(4), pp. 801-814.
Valentini, R.; Colla, V.; Vannucci, M. (2004). Neural predictor of the end point in a
converter, Revista de Metalurgia, Vol 40, No. 6, pp. 416-419.
Vannucci, M.; Colla, V. (2011). Novel classification methods for sensitive problems and
uneven datasets based on neural networks and fuzzy logic, Applied Soft Computing,
Vol. 11, pp. 2383-2390.
Vermeulen, W.G.; Van Der Wolk, P.J.; De Weijer, A.P.; Van Der Zwaag, S. (1996). Prediction
of Jominy Hardness Profiles of Steels Using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of
Materials Engineering and Performances, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 57-63.
Zhang, Q. (1997) Using Wavelet Network in Non-parametric Estimation, IEEE Transactions
on Neural Networks}, Vol. 8(2), pp. 227-236.
Zitzler, E.; Thiele, L. (1999) Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms: A Comparative Case
Study and the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on
Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 3 (4), pp. 257-271.
Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education:
Design Method and Applications
Nhon Van Do
University of Information Technology
1. Introduction
In this chapter we present the method for designing intelligent problem solvers (IPS),
especially those in education. An IPS, which is an intelligent system, can consist of AI-
components such as theorem provers, inference engines, search engines, learning
programs, classification tools, statistical tools, question-answering systems, machine-
translation systems, knowledge acquisition tools, etc (Sowa, John F. 2002). An IPS in
education (IPSE) considered here must have suitable knowledge base used by the
inference engine to solve problems in certain knowledge domain, and the system not only
give human readable solutions but also present solutions as the way teachers and
students usually write them. Knowledge representation methods used to design the
knowledge base should be convenient for studying of users and for using by inference
engine. Besides, problems need to be modeled so that we can design algorithms for
solving problems automatically and propose a simple language for specifying them. The
system can solve problems in general forms. Users only declare hypothesis and goal of
problems base on a simple language but strong enough for specifying problems. The
hypothesis can consist of objects, relations between objects or between attributes. It can
also contain formulas, determination properties of some attributes or their values. The
goal can be to compute an attribute, to determine an object, a relation or a formula. After
specifying a problem, users can request the program to solve it automatically or to give
instructions that help them to solve it themselves. The second function of the system is
"Search for Knowledge". This function helps users to find out necessary knowledge
quickly. They can search for concepts, definitions, properties, related theorems or
formulas, and problem patterns. By the cross-reference systems of menus, users can easily
get knowledge they need.
Knowledge representation has a very important role in designing the knowledge base and
the inference engine of the system. There are many various models and methods for
knowledge representation which have already been suggested and applied in many fields
of science. Many popular methods for knowledge representation such as logic, frames,
classes, semantic networks, conceptual graphs, rules of inference, and ontologies can be
found in George F. Luger (2008), Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig (2010), or in Sowa, John F.
(2000). These methods are very useful in many applications. However, they are not
enough and not easy to use for constructing an IPSE in practice. Knowledge

Intelligent Systems

representation should be convenient for studying of users and for using by inference
engine. Besides, problems need to be modeled so that we can design algorithms for
solving problems automatically and propose a simple language for specifying them.
Practical intelligent systems expect more powerful and useful models for knowledge
representation. The Computational Object Knowledge Base model (COKB) presented in
Nhon Van Do (2010) will be used to design the system. This model can be used to
represent the total knowledge and to design the knowledge base component of systems.
Next, computational networks (Com-Net) and networks of computational objects
(CO-Net) in Nhon Van Do (2009) and Nhon Van Do (2010) can be used for modeling
problems in knowledge domains. These models are tools for designing inference engine of
We used COKB model, CO-Net and Com-Net in constructing some practical IPSE such as
the program for studying and solving problems in plane geometry presented in Nhon Van
Do (2000) and Nhon Do & Hoai P. Truong & Trong T. Tran (2010), the system that supports
studying knowledge and solving of analytic geometry problems, the system for solving
algebraic problems in Nhon Do & Hien Nguyen (2011), the program for solving problems in
electricity, in inorganic chemistry, etc. The applications have been implemented by using
programming tools and computer algebra systems such as C++, C#, JAVA, and MAPLE.
They are very easy to use for students in studying knowledge, to solve automatically
problems and give human readable solutions agree with those written by teachers and
The chapter will be organized as follows: In Section 2, the system architecture and the
design process will be presented. In Section 3, models for knowledge representation are
discussed. Designing the knowledge base and the inference engine of an IPSE will be
presented in Section 4. Some applications will be introduced in section 5. Conclusions and
future works are drawn in Section 6.
2. System architecture and the design process
The structure of an IPSE are considered here consists of the components such as knowledge
base, inference engine, interface, explanation component, working memory and knowledge
manager. In this setion, these components will be studied together with relationships
between them; we will also study and discuss how an IPSE runs, and present a process to
construct the system together with methods and techniques can be used in each phase of the
2.1 Components of the system
An IPSE is also a knowledge base system, which supports searching, querying and solving
problems based on knowledge bases; it has the structure of an expert system. We can design
the system which consists of following components:
- The knowledge base.
- The inference engine.
- The explanation component.
- The working memory.

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

- The knowledge manager.
- The interface.
Knowledge Bases contain the knowledge for solving some problems in a specific knowledge
domain. It must be stored in the computer-readable form so that the inference engine can
use it in the procedure of automated deductive reasoning to solve problems stated in
general forms. They can contain concepts and objects, relations, operators and functions,
facts and rules.
The Inference engine will use the knowledge stored in knowledge bases to solve problems,
to search or to answer for the query. It is the "brain" that systems use to reason about the
information in the knowledge base for the ultimate purpose of formulating new conclusions.
It must identify problems and use suitable deductive strategies to find out right rules and
facts for solving the problem. In an IPSE, the inference engine also have to produce solutions
as human reading, thinking, and writing.
The working memory contains the data that is received from the user during operation of
the system. Consequents from rules in the knowledge base may create new values in
working memory, update old values, or remove existing values. It also stores data, facts and
rules in the process of searching and deduction of the inference engine.
The explanation component supports to explain the phases, concepts in the process of
solving the problem. It presents the method by which the system reaches a conclusion may
not be obvious to a human user, and explains the reasoning process that lead to the final
answer of the system.
The knowledge manager aims to support updating knowledge into knowledge base. It also
supports to search the knowledge and test consistence of knowledge.
The user interface is the means of communication between a user and the system problem-
solving processes. An effective interface has to be able to accept the queries, instructions or
problems in a form that the user enters and translate them into working problems in the
form for the rest of the system. It also has to be able to translate the answers, produced by
the system, into a form that the user can understand. The interface component of the system
is required to have a specification language for communication between the system and
learners, between the system and instructors as well.
The figure 1 below shows the structure of the system.
The main process for problem solving: From the user, a problem in a form that the user
enter is input into the system, and the problem written by specification language is created;
then it is translated so that the system receives the working problem in the form for the
inference engine, and this is placed in the working memory. After analyzing the problem,
the inference engine generates a possible solution for the problem by doing some automated
reasoning strategies such as forward chaining reasoning method, backward chaining
reasoning method, reasoning with heuristics. Next, The first solution is analyzed and from
this the inference engine produces a good solution for the interface component. Based on the
good solution found, the answer solution in human-readable form will be created for output
to the user.

Intelligent Systems


Fig. 1. Structure of a system
2.2 Design process
The process of analysis and design the components of the systems consists of the following
Stage 1: Determine the knowledge domain and scope; then do collecting real knowledge
consisting of data, concepts and objects, relations, operators and functions, facts and rules,
etc. The knowledge can be classified according to some ways such as chapters, topics or
subjects; and this classification help us to collect problems appropriately and easily.
Problems are also classified by some methods such as frame-based problems, general forms
of problems.
Stage 2: Knowledge representation or modeling for knowledge to obtain knowledge base
model of the system. This is an important base for designing the knowledge base. Classes of
problem are also modeled as well to obtain initial problem models.
The above stages can be done by using the COKB model, Com-Nets, CO-Nets, and their
extensions. These models will be presented in section 3.
Stage 3: Establishing knowledge base organization for the system based on COKB model
and its specification language. Knowledge base can be organized by structured text files.
They include the files below.
- Files stores names of concepts, and structures of concepts.
- A file stores information of the Hasse diagram representing the component H of COKB
- Files store the specification of relations (the component R of COKB model).
- Files store the specification of operators (the component Ops of COKB model).
- Files store the specification of functions (the component Funcs of COKB model).
- A file stores the definition of kinds of facts.
- A file stores deductive rules.
- Files store certain objects and facts.

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

Stage 4: Modeling of problems and designing algorithms for automated reasoning. General
problems can be represented by using Com-Nets, CO-Nets, and their extensions. The CO-
Net problem model consists of three parts:
O = {O
, O
, . . ., O
}, F = {f
, f
, . . ., f
Goal = [ g
, g
, . . ., g
In the above model the set O consists of n Com-objects, F is the set of facts given on the
objects, and Goal is a list, which consists of goals.
The design of deductive reasoning algorithms for solving problems and the design of
interface of the system can be developed by three steps for modeling:
Step 1. Classify problems such as problems as frames, problems of a determination or a
proof of a fact, problems of finding objects or facts, etc
Step 2. Classify facts and representing them based on the kinds of facts of COKB model.
Step 3. Modeling kinds of problems from classifying in step 1 and 2. From models of each
kind, we can construct a general model for problems, which are given to the system
for solving them.
The basic technique for designing deductive algorithms is the unification of facts. Based on
the kinds of facts and their structures, there will be criteria for unification proposed. Then it
produces algorithms to check the unification of two facts.
The next important work is doing research on strategies for deduction to solve problems on
computer. The most difficult thing is modeling for experience, sensible reaction and
intuitional human to find heuristic rules, which were able to imitate the human thinking for
solving problems.
Stage 5: Creating a query language for the models. The language helps to design the
communication between the system and users by words.
Stage 6: Designing the interface of the system and coding to produce the application.
Intelligent applications for solving problems in education of mathematic, physic, chemistry
have been implemented by using programming tools and computer algebra systems such as
Visual Basic.NET or C#, SQL Server, Maple. They are very easy to use for students, to
search, query and solve problems.
Stage 7: Testing, maintaining and developing the application. This stage is similar as in
other computer systems.
The main models for knowledge representation used in the above process will be presented
in the next section.
3. Knowledge representation models
In artificial intelligence science, models and methods for knowledge representation play an
important role in designing knowledge base systems and expert systems, especially
intelligent problem solvers. Nowadays there are many various knowledge models which
have already been suggested and applied. In the books of Sowa (2002), George F. Luger

Intelligent Systems

(2008), Michel Chein & Marie-Laure Mugnier (2009) and Frank van Harmelem & Vladimir &
Bruce (2008) we have found popular methods for knowledge representation. They include
predicate logic, semantic nets, frames, deductive rules, conceptual graphs. The above
methods are very useful for designing intelligent systems, especially intelligent problem
solvers. However, they are not suitable to represent knowledge in the domains of reality
applications in many cases, especially the systems that can solve problems in practice based
on knowledge bases. There have been new models proposed such as computational
networks, networks of computational objects in Nhon Van Do (2009) and model for
knowledge bases of computational objects (COKB) in Nhon Van Do (2010).
The COKB model can be used to represent the total knowledge and to design the knowledge
base component of practical intelligent systems. Networks of computational objects can be
used for modeling problems in knowledge domains. These models are tools for designing
inference engine of systems. The models have been used in designing some intelligent
problem solvers in education (IPSE) such as the program for studying and solving problems
in Plane Geometry in Nhon (2000), the program for solving problems about alternating
current in physics. These applications are very easy to use for students in studying
knowledge, to solve automatically problems and give human readable solutions agree with
those written by teachers and students. In this section, the COKB model and computational
networks, that are used for designing IPSE will be presented in details.
3.1 COKB model
The model for knowledge bases of computational objects (COKB) has been established from
Object-Oriented approach to represent knowledge together with programming techniques
for symbolic computation. There have been many results and tools for Object-Oriented
methods, and some principles as well as techniques were presented in Mike (2005). This
way also gives us a method to model problems and to design algorithms. The models are
very useful for constructing components and the whole knowledge base of intelligent
system in practice of knowledge domains.
3.1.1 Computational objects
In many problems we usually meet many different kinds of objects. Each object has
attributes and internal relations between them. They also have basic behaviors for solving
problems on its attributes.
Definition 3.1: A computational object (or Com-object) has the following characteristics:
1. It has valued attributes. The set consists of all attributes of the object O will be denoted
by M(O).
2. There are internal computational relations between attributes of a Com-object O. These
are manifested in the following features of the object:
- Given a subset A of M(O). The object O can show us the attributes that can be
determined from A.
- The object O will give the value of an attribute.
- It can also show the internal process of determining the attributes.
The structure computational objects can be modeled by (Attrs, F, Facts, Rules). Attrs is a set
of attributes, F is a set of equations called computation relations, Facts is a set of

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

properties or events of objects, and Rules is a set of deductive rules on facts. For example,
knowledge about a triangle consists of elements (angles, edges, etc) together with
formulas and some properties on them can be modeled as a class of C-objects whose sets
are as follows:
Attrs = {A, B, C, a, b, c, R, S, p, ...} is the set of all attributes of a triangle,
F = {A+B+C = t; a/sin(A) = 2R; b/sin(B) = 2R; c/sin(C) = 2R; a/sin(A) = b/sin(B); ... },
Facts = {a+b>c; a+c>b; b+c>a ; },
Rules = { {a>b} {A>B}; {b>c} {B>C}; {c>a} {C>A}; {a=b} {A=B};
{a^2= b^2+c^2} {A=pi/2}; {A=pi/2} {a^2 = b^2+c^2, b c}; ...}.
An object also has basic behaviors for solving problems on its attributes. Objects are
equipped abilities to solve problems such as:
1. Determines the closure of a set of attributes.
2. Executes deduction and gives answers for questions about problems of the form:
determine some attributes from some other attributes.
3. Executes computations
4. Suggests completing the hypothesis if needed.
For example, when a triangle object is requested to give a solution for problem {a, B, C} S,
it will give a solution consists of three following steps:
Step 1: determine A, by A = t -B-C;
Step 2: determine b, by b = a.sin(B)/sin(A);
Step 3: determine S, by S = a.b.sin(C)/2;
3.1.2 Components of COKB model
Definition 3.2: The model for knowledge bases of computational objects (COKB model)
consists of six components:
(C, H, R, Ops, Funcs, Rules)
The meanings of the components are as follows:
- C is a set of concepts of computational objects. Each concept in C is a class of Com-
- H is a set of hierarchy relation on the concepts.
- R is a set of relations on the concepts.
- Ops is a set of operators.
- Funcs is a set of functions.
- Rules is a set of rules.
There are relations represent specializations between concepts in the set C; H represents
these special relations on C. This relation is an ordered relation on the set C, and H can be
considered as the Hasse diagram for that relation.

Intelligent Systems

R is a set of other relations on C, and in case a relation r is a binary relation it may have
properties such as reflexivity, symmetry, etc. In plane geometry and analytic geometry,
there are many such relations: relation belongs to of a point and a line, relation central
point of a point and a line segment, relation parallel between two line segments, relation
perpendicular between two line segments, the equality relation between triangles, etc.
The set Ops consists of operators on C. This component represents a part of knowledge
about operations on the objects. Almost knowledge domains have a component consisting
of operators. In analytic geometry there are vector operators such as addition, multiplication
of a vector by a scalar, cross product, vector product; in linear algebra there are operations
on matrices. The COKB model helps to organize this kind of knowledge in knowledge
domains as a component in the knowledge base of intelligent systems.
The set Funcs consists of functions on Com-objects. Knowledge about functions is also a
popular kind of knowledge in almost knowledge domains in practice, especially fields of
natural sciences such as fields of mathematics, fields of physics. In analytic geometry we
have the functions: distance between two points, distance from a point to a line or a plane,
projection of a point or a line onto a plane, etc. The determinant of a square matrix is also a
function on square matrices in linear algebra.
The set Rules represents for deductive rules. The set of rules is certain part of knowledge
bases. The rules represent for statements, theorems, principles, formulas, and so forth.
Almost rules can be written as the form if <facts> then <facts>. In the structure of a
deductive rule, <facts> is a set of facts with certain classification. Therefore, we use
deductive rules in the COKB model. Facts must be classified so that the component Rules
can be specified and processed in the inference engine of knowledge base system or
intelligent systems.
3.1.3 Facts in COKB model
In the COKB model there are 11 kinds of facts accepted. These kinds of facts have been
proposed from the researching on real requirements and problems in different domains of
knowledge. The kinds of facts are as follows:
- Fact of kind 1: information about object kind. Some examples are ABC is a right
triangle, ABCD is a parallelogram, matrix A is a square matrix.
- Fact of kind 2: a determination of an object or an attribute of an object. The following
problem in analytic geometry gives some examples for facts of kind 2.
Problem: Given the points E and F, and the line (d). Suppose E, F, and (d) are determined.
(P) is the plane satisfying the relations: E e (P), F e (P), and (d) // (P). Find the general
equation of (P).
In this problem we have three facts of kind 3: (1) point E is determined or we have already
known the coordinates of E, (2) point F is determined, (3) line (d) is determined or we have
already known the equation of (d).
- Fact of kind 3: a determination of an object or an attribute of an object by a value or a
constant expression. These are some examples in plane geometry and in analytic

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

geometry: in the triangle ABC, suppose that the length of edge BC = 5; the plane (P) has
the equation 2x + 3y z + 6 = 0, and the point M has the coordinate (1, 2, 3).
- Fact of kind 4: equality on objects or attributes of objects. This kind of facts is also
popular, and there are many problems related to it on the knowledge base. The
following problem in plane geometry gives some examples for facts of kind 4.
Problem: Given the parallelogram ABCD. Suppose M and N are two points of segment AC
such that AM = CN. Prove that two triangles ABM and CDN are equal.
In the problem we have to determine equality between two C-objects, a fact of kind 4.
- Fact of kind 5: a dependence of an object on other objects by a general equation. An
example in geometry for this kind of fact is that w = 2*u + 3*v; here u, v and w are
- Fact of kind 6: a relation on objects or attributes of the objects. In almost problems there
are facts of kind 6 such as the parallel of two lines, a line is perpendicular to a plane, a
point belongs to a line segment.
- Fact of kind 7: a determination of a function.
- Fact of kind 8: a determination of a function by a value or a constant expression.
- Fact of kind 9: equality between an object and a function.
- Fact of kind 10: equality between a function and another function.
- Fact of kind 11: a dependence of a function on other functions or other objects by an
The last five kinds of facts are related to knowledge about functions, the component Funcs
in the COKB model. The problem below gives some examples for facts related to functions.
Problem: Let d be the line with the equation 3x + 4y - 12 = 0. P and Q are intersection points
of d and the axes Ox, Oy.
a. Find the central point of PQ
b. Find the projection of O onto the line d.
For each line segment, there exists one and only one point which is the central point of that
segment. Therefore, there is a function MIDPOINT(A, B) that outputs the central point M of
the line segment AB. Part (a) of the above problem can be represented as to find the point I
such that I = MIDPOINT(P,Q), a fact of kind 9. The projection can also be represented by the
function PROJECTION(M, d) that outputs the projection point N of point M onto line d.
Part (b) of the above problem can be represented as to find the point A such that A =
PROJECTION(O,d), which is also a fact of kind 9.
Unification algorithms of facts were designed and used in different applications such as the
system that supports studying knowledge and solving analytic geometry problems, the
program for studying and solving problems in Plane Geometry, the knowledge system in
linear algebra.
3.1.4 Specification language for COKB model
The language for the COKB model is constructed to specify knowledge bases with
knowledge of the form COKB model. This language includes the following:

Intelligent Systems

- A set of characters: letter, number, special letter.
- Vocabulary: keywords, names.
- Data types: basic types and structured types.
- Expressions and sentences.
- Statements.
- Syntax for specifying the components of COKB model.
The followings are some structures of definitions for expressions, Com-Objects, relations,
facts, and functions.
Definitions of expressions:
expr ::= expr | rel-expr | logic-expr
expr ::= expr add-operator term | term
term ::= term mul-operator factor | factor
factor ::= factor | element ^ factor | element
element ::= ( expr ) | name | number | function-call
rel-expr ::= expr rel-operator expr
logic-expr ::= logic-expr OR logic-term | logic-expr IMPLIES logic-term |
NOT logic-term |logic-term
logic-term ::= logic-term AND logic-primary |logic-primary
logic-primary ::= expr | rel-expr |function-call | quantify-expr |TRUE | FALSE
quantify-expr ::= FORALL(name <, name>*), logic-expr | EXISTS(name), logic-
Definitions of Com-object type:
cobject-type ::= COBJECT name;
Definitions of computational relations:
crelations ::= CRELATION:
crelation-def ::= CR name;
MF: name <, name>*;
MFEXP: equation;
equation ::= expr = expr

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

Definitions of special relations:
isa ::= ISA: name <, name>*;
hasa ::= HASA: [fact-def]
Definitions of facts:
facts ::= FACT: fact-def+
fact-def ::= object-type | attribute | name | equation | relation | expression
object-type ::= cobject-type (name) | cobject-type (name <, name>* )
relation ::= relation ( name <, name>+ )
Definitions of relations based on facts:
relation-def ::= RELATION name;
ARGUMENT: argument-def+
argument-def ::= name <, name>*: type;
Definitions of functions form 1:
function-def ::= FUNCTION name;
ARGUMENT: argument-def+
RETURN: return-def;
return-def ::= name: type;
Definitions of functions form 2:
function-def ::= FUNCTION name;
ARGUMENT: argument-def+
RETURN: return-def;
statements ::= statement-def+
statement-def ::= assign-stmt | if-stmt | for-stmt
asign-stmt ::= name := expr;
if-stmt ::= IF logic-expr THEN statements+ ENDIF; |
IF logic-expr THEN statements+ ELSE statements+ ENDIF;
for-stmt ::= FOR name IN [range] DO statements+ ENDFOR;
3.2 Computational networks
In this section, we present the models computational networks with simple valued variables
and networks of computational objects. They have been used to represent knowledge in
many domains of knowledge. The methods and techniques for solving the problems on the
networks will be useful tool for design intelligent systems, especially IPSE.

Intelligent Systems

3.2.1 Computational networks with simple valued variables
In this part a simple model of computational networks will be presented together related
problems and techniques for solving them. Although this model is not very complicated, but
it is a very useful tool for designing many knowledge base systems in practice.
Definition 3.3: A computational network (Com-Net) with simple valued variables is a pair (M, F),
in which M = {x
, x
, ..., x
} is a set of variables with simple values (or unstructured values),
and F = {f
, f
, ..., f
} is a set of computational relations over the variables in the set M. Each
computational relation f e F has the following form:
i. An equation over some variables in M, or
ii. Deductive rule f : u(f) v(f), with u(f) _ M, v(f) _ M, and there are corresponding
formulas to determine (or to compute) variables in v(f) from variables in u(f).We also
define the set M(f) = u(f) v(f).
Remark: In many applications equations can be represented as deduction rules.
Problems: Given a computational net (M, F). The popular problem arising from reality
applications is that to find a solution to determine a set H _ M from a set G _ M. This
problem is denoted by the symbol HG, H is the hypothesis and G is the goal of the
problem. To solve the problem we have to answer two questions below:
Q1: Is the problem solvable based on the knowledge K = (M, F)?
Q2: How to obtain the goal G from the hypothesis H based on the knowledge K = (M, F) in
case the problem is solvable?
Definition 3.4: Given a computational net K = (M, F).
i. For each A _ M and f e F, denote f(A) = A M(f) be the set obtained from A by
applying f. Let S = [f
, f
, ..., f
] be a list consisting relations in F, the notation S(A) =
( f
(A)) )) is used to denote the set of variables obtained from A by applying
relations in S.
ii. The list S = [f
, f
, ..., f
] is called a solution of the problem HG if S(H) _ G. Solution S
is called a good solution if there is not a proper sublist S of S such that S is also a
solution of the problem. The problem is solvable if there is a solution to solve it.
Definition 3.5: Given a computational net K = (M, F). Let A be a subset of M. It is easy to
verify that there exists a unique set A _ M such that the problem AA is solvable; the set
A is called the closure of A.
The following are some algorithms and results that show methods and techniques for
solving the above problems on computational nets.
Theorem 3.1: Given a computational net K = (M, F). The following statements are
i. Problem HG is solvable.
ii. H_ G.
iii. There exists a list of relations S such that S(H) _ G.

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

Algorithm 3.1: Find a solution of the problem HG.
Step 1: Solution empty;
Step 2: if G _ H then begin Solution_found true; goto step 4; end
else Solution_found false;
Step 3: Repeat
Hold H;
Select f e F;
while not Solution_found and (f found) do begin
if (applying f from H produces new facts)
then begin
H H M(f); Add f to Solution;
if G _ H then
Solution_found true;
Select new f e F;
end; { while }
Until Solution_found or (H = Hold);
Step 4: if not Solution_found then
There is no solution found;
Solution is a solution of the problem;
Algorithm 3.2: Find a good solution from a solution S = [f
, f
, ..., f
] of the problem HG on
computational net (M, F).
Step 1: NewS []; V G;
Step 2: for i := k downto 1 do
If v(f
) V = C the Begin
Insert f
at the beginning of NewS;
V (V v(f
)) (u(f
) H);
Step 3: NewS is a good solution.
On a computational net (M, F), in many cases the problem HG has a solution S in which
there are relations producing some redundancy variables. At those situations, we must
determine necessary variables of each step in the problem solving process. The following
theorem shows the way to analyze the solution to determine necessary variables to compute
at each step.
Theorem 3.2: Given a computational net K = (M, F). Let [f
, f
, ..., f
] be a good solution of
the problem HG. denote A
= H, A
= [f
, f
, ..., f
](H), with i=1, ..., m. Then there exists a
list [B
, B
, ..., B
, B
] satisfying the following conditions:
1. B
= G,
2. B
_ A
, with i=0, 1, ..., m.
3. For i=1,...,m, [f
] is a solution of the problem B
but not to be a solution of the
problem B B
, with B is any proper subset B of B

Intelligent Systems

3.2.2 Networks of computational objects
In many problems we usually meet many different kinds of objects. Each object has
attributes and internal relations between them. Therefore, it is necessary to consider an
extension of computational nets in which each variable is a computational object.
Definition 3.6: A computational object (or Com-object) has the following characteristics:
1. It has valued attributes. The set consists of all attributes of the object O will be denoted
by M(O).
2. There are internal computational relations between attributes of a Com-object O. These
are manifested in the following features of the object:
- Given a subset A of M(O). The object O can show us the attributes that can be
determined from A.
- The object O will give the value of an attribute.
- It can also show the internal process of determining the attributes.
Example 3.1: A triangle with some knowledge (formulas, theorems, etc ...) is an object. The
attributes of a triangle object are 3 edges, 3 angles, etc. A triangle object can also answer
some questions such as Is there a solution for the problem that to compute the surface from
one edge and two angles?.
Definition 3.7: A computational relation f between attributes or objects is called a relation
between the objects. A network of Com-objects will consists of a set of Com-objects O = {O
, ..., O
} and a set of computational relations F = {f
, f
, ... , f
}. This network of Com-
objects is denoted by (O, F).
On the network of Com-objects (O, F), we consider the problem that to determine (or
compute) attributes in set G from given attributes in set H. The problem will be denoted by
Example 3.2: In figure 2 below, suppose that AB = AC, the values of the angle A and the
edge BC are given (hypothesis). ABDE and ACFG are squares. Compute EG.

Fig. 2. A problem in geometry

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

The problem can be considered on the network of Com-objects (O, F) as follows:
O = {O
: triangle ABC with AB = AC, O
: triangle AEG, O
: square ABDE, O
: square
ACFG }, and F = {f
, f
, f
, f
, f
} consists of the following relations
: O
.c = O
.a {the edge c of triangle ABC = the edge of the square ABDE}
: O
.b = O
.a {the edge b of triangle ABC = the edge of the square ACFG}
: O
.b = O
.a {the edge b of triangle AEG = the edge of the square ACFG}
: O
.c = O
.a {the edge c of triangle AEG = the edge of the square ABDE}
: O
.A + O
.A = t.
Definition 3.8: Let (O, F) be a network of Com-objects, and M be a set of concerned
attributes. Suppose A is a subset of M.
a. For each f e F, denote f(A) is the union of the set A and the set consists of all attributes
in M deduced from A by f. Similarly, for each Com-object O
e O, O
(A) is the union of
the set A and the set consists of all attributes (in M) that the object O
can determine
from attributes in A.
b. Suppose D = [t
, t
, ..., t
] is a list of elements in F O. Denote A
= A, A
= t
), . . .,
= t
), and D(A) = A
We have A
_ A
_ . . . _ A
= D(A) _ M. Problem HG is called solvable if there is a list
D _ F O such that D(A) _ B. In this case, we say that D is a solution of the problem.
Technically the above theorems and algorithms can be developed to obtain the new ones for
solving the problem HG on network of Com-objects (O,F). They will be omitted here
except the algorithm to find a solution of the problem. The worthy of note is that the objects
may participate in solutions as computational relations.
Algorithm 3.3: Find a solution of the problem HG on a network of Com-objects.
Step 1: Solution empty;
Step 2: if G _ H then begin Solution_found true; goto step 5; end
Else Solution_found false;
Step 3: Repeat
Hold H;
Select f e F;
while not Solution_found and (f found) do begin
if (applying f from H produces new facts) then begin
H H M(f); Add f to Solution;
if G _ H then Solution_found true;
Select new f e F;
end; { while }
Until Solution_found or (H = Hold);
Step 4: if not Solution_found then begin
Select O
e O such that O
(H) = H;
if (the selection is successful) then begin
(H); Add O
to Solution;
if (G _ H) then begin

Intelligent Systems

Solution_found true; goto step 5;
goto step 3;
Step 5: if not Solution_found then There is no solution found;
else Solution is a solution of the problem;
Example 3.3: Consider the network (O, F) in example 3.2, and the problem HG, where
H = {O
.a, O
.A}, and G = {O
Here we have: M(f
) = { O
.c , O
.a }, M(f
) = { O
.b , O
.a }, M(f
) = { O
.b , O
.a },
) = { O
.c , O
.a }, M(f
) = { O
.o , O
.o },
M = { O
.a, O
.b, O
.c, O
.A, O
.b, O
.c, O
.A , O
.a, O
.a, O
.a }.
The above algorithms will produce the solution D = { f
, O
, f
, f
, f
, f
, O
}, and the process
of extending the set of attributes as follows:

5 f

1 O
1 f


2 f

3 f

4 f

2 O

with A
= A = {O
.a , O
= {O
.a , O
.A, O
= { O
.a , O
.A, O
.A, O
.b, O
.c },
= {O
.a , O
.A, O
.A, O
.b, O
.c, O
= {O
.a , O
.A, O
.A, O
.b, O
.c, O
.a, O
= {O
.a , O
.A, O
.A, O
.b, O
.c, O
.a, O
.a, O
= {O
.a , O
.A, O
.A, O
.b, O
.c, O
.a, O
.a, O
.b, O
= {O
.a , O
.A, O
.A, O
.b, O
.c, O
.a, O
.a, O
.b, O
.c, O
3.2.3 Extensions of computational networks
Computational Networks with simple valued variables and networks of computational
objects can be used to represent knowledge in many domains of knowledge. The basic
components of knowledge consist of a set of simple valued variables and a set of
computational relations over the variables. However, there are domains of knowledge based
on a set of elements, in which each element can be a simple valued variables or a function.
For example, in the knowledge of alternating current the alternating current intensity i(t)
and the alternating potential u(t) are functions. It requires considering some extensions of
computational networks such as extensive computational networks and extensive computational
objects networks that are defined below.
Definition 3.9: An extensive computational network is a structure (M,R) consisting of two
following sets:

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

- M = M
is a set of attributes or elements, with simple valued or functional
= {x
, x
, , x
} is the set of simple valued variables. M
= {x
, x
, x
} is
the set of functional valued elements.
- R = R
is the set of deduction rules, and R is the union of four subsets
of rules R
, R
, R
, R
. Each rule r has the form r: u(r)v(r), with u(r) is the
hypotheses of r and v(r) is the conclusion of r. A rule is also one of the four cases below.
Case 1: r e R
. For this case, u(r) _ M
and v(r) _ M
Case 2: r e R
. For this case, u(r) _ M
and v(r) _ M
Case 3: r e R
. For this case, u(r) _ M
and v(r) _ M
Case 4: r e R
. For this case, u(r) _ M, u(r) M
= C, u(r) M
= C, and v(r) _ M
Each rule in R has the corresponding computational relation in F = F
Definition 3.10: An extensive computational Object (ECom-Object) is an object O has structure
- A set of attributes Attr(O) = M
, with M
is a set of simple valued variables; M
is a
set of functional variables. Between the variables (or attributes) there are internal
relations, that are deduction rules or the computational relations.
- The object O has behaviors of reasoning and computing on attributes of objects or facts
such as: find the closure of a set A c Attr(O); find a solution of problems which has the
form AB, with A _ Attr(O) and B _ Attr(O); perform computations; consider
determination of objects or facts.
Definition 3.11: An extensive computational objects network is a model (O, M, F, T) that has the
components below.
- O = {O
, O
, , O
} is the set of extensive computational objects.
- M is a set of object attributes. We will use the following notations: M
) is the set of
simple valued attributes of the object O
, M
) is the set of functional attributes of O
) = M
) M
), M(O) = M(O
) M(O
) M(O
), and M _ M(O).
- F = F(O) is the set of the computational relations on attributes in M and on objects in O.
- T={t
, t
, , t
} is set of operators on objects.
On the structure (O,T), there are expressions of objects. Each expression of objects has its
attributes as if it is an object.
4. Design of main components
The main components of an IPSE are considered here consists of the knowledge base, the
inference engine. Design of these components will be discussed and presented in this
4.1 Design of knowledge base
The design process of the system presented in section 2 consists of seven stages. After stage
1 for collecting real knowledge, the knowledge base design includes stage 2 and stage 3. It
includes the following tasks.

Intelligent Systems

- The knowledge domain collected, which is denoted by K, will be represented or
modeled base on the knowledge model COKB, Com-Net, CO-Net and their
extensions or restrictions known. Some restrictions of COKB model were used to
design knowledge bases are the model COKB lacking operator component (C, H, R,
Funcs, Rules), the model COKB without function component (C, H, R, Ops, Rules),
and the simple COKB sub-model (C, H, R, Rules). From Studying and analyzing the
whole of knowledge in the domain, It is not difficult to determine known forms of
knowledge presenting, together with relationships between them. In case that
knowledge K has the known form such as COKB model, we can use this model for
representing knowledge K directly. Otherwise, the knowledge K can be partitioned
into knowledge sub-domains K
(i = 1, 2, , n) with lower complexity and certain
relationships, and each K
has the form known. The relationships between knowledge
sub-domains must be clear so that we can integrate knowledge models of the
knowledge sub-domains later.
- Each knowledge sub-domain K
will be modeled by using the above knowledge
models, so a knowledge model M(K
) of knowledge K
will be established. The
relationships on {K
} are also specified or represented. The models {M(K
)} together
with their relationships are integrated to produce a model M(K) of the knowledge K.
Then we obtain a knowledge model M(K) for the whole knowledge K of the
- Next, it is needed to construct a specification language for the knowledge base of the
system. The COKB model and CO-Nets have their specification language used to
specify knowledge bases of these form. A restriction or extension model of those
models also have suitable specification language. Therefore, we can easily construct a
specification language L(K) for the knowledge K. This language gives us to specify
components of knowledge K in the organization of the knowledge base.
- From the model M(K) and the specification language L(K), the knowledge base
organization of the system will be established. It consists of structured text files that
stores the components concepts, hierarchical relation, relations, operators, functions,
rules, facts and objects; and their specification. The knowledge base is stored by the
system of files listed below,
- File CONCEPTS.txt stores names of concepts, and it has the following structure:
<concept name 1>
< concept name 2>
For each concept, we have the corresponding file with the file name <concept
name>.txt, which contains the specification of this concept. This file has the following
begin_concept: <concept name>[based objects]
specification of based objects
<attribute name> : <attribute type>;

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

specification of constraints
specification of internal facts
specification of a relation
kind_rule = "<kind of rule>";
{ facts}
{ facts}
- File HIERARCHY.txt stores information of the Hasse diagram representing the
component H of COKB model. It has the following structure:
[<concept name 1>, <concept name 2>]
- Files RELATIONS.txt and RELATIONS_DEF.txt are structured text files that store the
specification of relations. The structure of file RELATIONS.txt is as follows
[<relation name>, <concept>, <concept>, ... ], {<property>, <property>, ...};
[<relation name>, <concept>, <concept>, ... ], {<property>, <property>, ...};
- Files OPERATORS.txt and OPERATORS_DEF.txt are structured text files that store the
specification of operators (the component Ops of KBCO model). The structure of file
OPERATORS.txt is as follows
[<operator symbol>, <list of concepts>, <result concept>], {<property>, <property>,
[<operator symbol>, <list of concepts>, <result concept>], {<property>, <property>,

Intelligent Systems

- Files FUNCTIONS.txt and FUNCTIONS_DEF.txt are structured text files that store the
specification of functions (the component Funcs of KBCO model). The structure of file
FUNCTIONS.txt is as follows
<result concept> <function name>(sequence of concepts);
<result concept> <function name>(sequence of concepts);
- File FACT_KINDS.txt is the structured text file that stores the definition of kinds of
facts. Its structure is as follows
1, <fact structure>, <fact structure>, ...;
2, <fact structure>, <fact structure>, ...;
- File RULES.txt is the structured text file that stores deductive rules. Its structure is as
kind_rule = "<rule kind>";
<object> : <concept>;
<set of facts>
<set of facts>

- Files OBJECTS.txt and FACTS.txt are the structured text files that store certain objects
and facts. The structure of file OBJECTS.txt is as follows
<object name> : <concept>;
<object name> : <concept>;
4.2 Design the inference engine
Design the inference engine is stage 4 of the design process. The inference engine design
includes the following tasks:
- From the collection of problems obtained in stage 1 with an initial classification, we can
determine classes of problems base on known models such as Com-Net, CO-Net, and
their extensions. This task helps us to model classes of problems as frame-based
problem models, or as Com-Nets and CO-Nets for general forms of problems.
Techniques for modeling problems are presented in the stage 4 of the design process.

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

Problems modeled by using CO-Net has the form (O, F, Goal), in which O is a set of
Com-objects, F is a set of facts on objects, and Goal is a set consisting of goals.
- The basic technique for designing deductive algorithms is the unification of facts. Based
on the kinds of facts and their structures, there will be criteria for unification proposed.
Then it produces algorithms to check the unification of two facts. For instance, when we
have two facts fact1 and fact2 of kinds 1-6, the unification definition of them is as
follows: fact1 and fact2 are unified they satisfy the following conditions
1. fact1 and fact2 have the same kind k, and
2. fact1 = fact2 if k = 1, 2, 6.
[fact1[1], {fact1[2..nops(fact1)]}] = [fact2[1], {fact2[2..nops(fact2)]}] if k = 6 and the
relation in fact1 is symmetric.
lhs(fact1) = lhs(fact2) and compute(rhs(fact1)) = compute(rhs(fact2)) if k =3.
( lhs(fact1) = lhs(fact2) and rhs(fact1) = rhs(fact2)) or
( lhs(fact1) = rhs(fact2) and rhs(fact1) = lhs(fact2)) if k = 4.
evalb(simplify(expand(lhs(fact1)-rhs(fact1)- lhs(fact2)+rhs(fact2))) = 0) or
evalb(simplify(expand(lhs(fact1)-rhs(fact1)+ lhs(fact2)-rhs(fact2))) = 0) if k = 5.
- To design the algorithms for reasoning methods to solve classes of problems, the
forward chaining strategy can be used with artificial intelligent techniques such as
deductive method with heuristics, deductive method with sample problems, deductive
method based on organization of solving methods for classes of frame-based problems.
To classes of frame-based problems, designing reasoning algorithms for solving them is
not very difficult. To classes of general problems, the most difficult thing is modeling
for experience, sensible reaction and intuitional human to find heuristic rules, which
were able to imitate the human thinking for solving problems. We can use Com-Nets,
CO-Nets, and their extensions to model problems; and use artificial intelligent
techniques to design algorithms for automated reasoning. For instance, a reasoning
algorithm for COKB model with sample problems can be briefly presented below.
Definition 4.1: Given knowledge domain K = (C, H, R, Ops, Funcs, Rules), knowledge sub-
domain of knowledge K is knowledge domain which was represented by COKB model, it
consists of components as follows
= (C
, H
, R
, Ops
, Funcs
, Rules
where, C
p c
C, H
p c
H, R
p c
R, Ops
p c
Ops, Funcs
p c
Funcs, Rules
p c
Knowledge domain K
is a restriction of knowledge K.
Definition 4.2: Given knowledge sub-domain K
, Sample Problem (SP) is a problem which
was represented by networks of Com-Objects on knowledge K
, it consists of three
components (O
, F
, Goal
); O
and F
contain objects and facts were specificated on
knowledge K
Definition 4.3: A model of Computational Object Knowledge Base with Sample Problems
(COKB-SP) consists of 7 components: (C, H, R, Ops, Funcs, Rules, Sample); in which, (C, H,
R, Ops, Funcs, Rules) is knowledge domain which presented by COKB model, the Sample
component is a set of Sample Problems of this knowledge domain.
Algorithm 4.1: To find a solution of problem P modelled by (O,F,Goal) on knowledge K of
the form COKB-SP.

Intelligent Systems

Step 1. Record the elements in hypothesis part and goal part.
Step 2. Find the Sample Problem can be applied.
Step 3. Check goal G. If G is obtained then goto step 8.
Step 4. Using heuristic rules to select a rule for producing new facts or new objects.
Step 5. If selection in step 3 fails then search for any rule which can be used to deduce new
facts or new objects.
Step 6. If there is a rule found in step 3 or in step 4 then record the information about the
rule, new facts in Solution, and new situation (previous objects and facts together
with new facts and new objects), and goto step 2.
Step 7. Else {search for a rule fails} Conclusion: Solution not found, and stop.
Step 8. Reduce the solution found by excluding redundant rules and information in the
Algorithm 4.2: To find sample problems.
Given problem P = (O, F, Goal) on on knowledge K of the form COKB-SP. The Sample
Problem can be applied on P has been found by the following procedure:
Step 1: H O F
Step 2: SP Sample
Sample_found false
Step 3: Repeat
Select S in SP
if facts of H can be applied in (S.Op and S.Fp) then
if kind of S.Goalp = kind of Goal then
Sample_found true
Else if S.Goalp _ H then
Sample_found true
Until SP = {} or Sample_found
Step 3: if Sample_found then
S is a sample problem of the problem;
There is no sample problem found;
This algorithm simulates a part of human mind when to find SP that relate to practical
problem. Thereby, the inference of system has been more quickly and effectively. Moreover,
the solution of problem is natural and precise.
5. Applications
The design method for IPS and IPSE presented in previous sections have been used to
produce many applycations such as program for studying and solving problems in Plane
Geometry, program for studying and solving problems in analytic geometry, program for

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

solving problems about alternating current in physics, program for solving problems in
inorganic chemistry, program for solving algebraic problems, etc. In this section, we
introduce some applications and examples about solutions of problems produced by
computer programs.
- The system that supports studying knowledge and solving analytic geometry problems.
The system consists of three components: the interface, the knowledge base, the
knowledge processing modules or the inference engine. The program has menus for
users searching knowledge they need and they can access knowledge base. Besides,
there are windows for inputting problems. Users are supported a simple language for
specifying problems. There are also windows in which the program shows solutions of
problems and figures.
- The program for studying and solving problems in plane geometry. It can solve
problems in general forms. Users only declare hypothesis and goal of problems base
on a simple language but strong enough for specifying problems. The hypothesis can
consist of objects, relations between objects or between attributes. It can also contain
formulas, determination properties of some attributes or their values. The goal can be
to compute an attribute, to determine an object, a relation or a formula. After
specifying a problem, users can request the program to solve it automatically or to
give instructions that help them to solve it themselves. The program also gives a
human readable solution, which is easy to read and agree with the way of thinking
and writing by students and teachers. The second function of the program is "Search
for Knowledge". This function helps users to find out necessary knowledge quickly.
They can search for concepts, definitions, properties, related theorems or formulas,
and problem patterns.
Examples below illustrate the functions of a system for solving problems of analytic
geometry, a system for solving problems in plane geometry, and a system for solving
algebraic problems. The systems were implemented using C#, JAVA and MAPLE. Each
example presents the problem in natural language, specifies the problem in specification
language to input into the system, and a solution produced from the system.
Example 5.1: Let d be the line with the equation 3x + 4y - 12 = 0. P and Q are intersection
points of d and the axes Ox, Oy.
a. Find the midpoint of PQ
b. Find the projection of O on the line d.
Specification of the problem:
Objects = {[d,line], [P,point], [Q,point]}.
Hypothesis = { d.f = (3*x+4*y-12 = 0), Ox.f = (y = 0), O = [0, 0], P = INTERSECT(Ox, d),
Q = INTERSECT (Oy, d), H = PROJECTION(O, d), Oy . f = (x = 0) }.
Goal = { MIDPOINT(P, Q), H }.
Solution found by the system:
Step 1: {d.f = (3*x+4*y-12 = 0), Ox.f = (y = 0), Oy.f = (x = 0)} {d.f, Ox.f , Oy.f }.

Intelligent Systems

Step 2: {Ox.f, Oy.f, d.f} {Ox, Oy, d}.
Step 3: {P = INTERSECT(Ox,d), d, Ox} {P = [4, 0]}.
Step 4: {d, Oy, Q = INTERSECT(Oy,d)} {Q = [0, 3]}.
Step 5: {P = [4, 0], Q = [0, 3]} {P, Q}.
Step 6: {P, Q} {MIDPOINT(P,Q) = [2, 3/2]}.
Step 7: {d, H = PROJECTION(O,d), O} { H = [36/25, 48/25]}.
Step 8: {H = [36/25, 48/25]} {H}.
Example 5.2: Given two points P(2, 5) and Q(5,1). Suppose d is a line that contains the point
P, and the distance between Q and d is 3. Find the equation of line d.
Specification of the problem:
Objects = {[P, point], [Q, point], [d, line]}.
Hypothesis = {DISTANCE(Q, d) = 3, P = [2, 5], Q = [5, 1], ["BELONG", P, d]}.
Goal = [d.f ].
Solution found by the system:
Step 1: {P = [2, 5]} {P}.
Step 2: {DISTANCE(Q, d) = 3} {DISTANCE(Q, d)}.
Step 3: {d, P} {2d[1]+5d[2]+d[3] = 0}.
Step 4: {DISTANCE(Q, d) = 3}

2 2
d[1] [2] d
Step 5:
2 2
d[1]=1, 2d[1]+5d[2]+d[3]=0, 3
d[1] [2] d


24 134
d.f=(x+ y- =0),d.f=(x-2=0)
7 7


Step 6:
24 134
d.f=(x+ y- =0),d.f=(x-2=0)
7 7


{ d.f }

Example 5.3: Given the parallelogram ABCD. Suppose M and N are two points of segment
AC such that AM = CN. Prove that two triangles ABM and CDN are equal.
Specification of the problem:
Objects = {[A, POINT], [B, POINT], [C, POINT], [D, POINT], [M, POINT], [N, POINT],
[O3, TRIANGLE [C, D, N]]}.
Hypothesis = { [ BELONG , M, SEGMENT[A, C]],

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

Goal = { O2 = O3}.
Solution found by the system:
Step 1: Hypothesis
Step 2: Produce new objects related to O2, O3, and O1
{[O4, TRIANGLE[A, B, C]], [O5, TRIANGLE[C, D, A]]}.
Step 3: {[O1, PARALLELOGRAM[A, B, C, D]}
{O4 = O5, SEGMENT[A, B] = SEGMENT[C, D]}.
Step 4: { O2.SEGMENT[A, B] = O1.SEGMENT[A, B],
Step 5: {[ BELONG , M, SEGMENT[A, C]]}
{O4.angle_A = O2.angle_A}.
Step 6: {[ BELONG , N, SEGMENT[A, C]]}
{ O5.angle_A = O3.angle_A }.
Step 7: {O4 = O5 }
{O4.angle_A = O5.angle_A}.
Step 8: { O4.angle_A = O2.angle_A ,
O5.angle_A = O3.angle_A ,
O4.angle_A = O5.angle_A }
{ O2.angle_A = O3.angle_A}.
Step 9: { O2.SEGMENT[A, M] = O3. SEGMENT[C, N],
O2.angle_A = O3.angle_A }
{O2 = O3}.
Example 5.4: Let the equation, with m is a parameter, and x is a variable:
( )
m 4 x 2 m + =

Solve this equation by m.
Solution found by the system:
Solve the equation:
( )
m 4 x 2 m + =

( )
m 4 x 2 m = +

Intelligent Systems

The coefficient of x has a set of roots:
{ 2 , 2}

+ if parameter m 2 = , then:
This equation has no root
+ if parameter m 2 = , then:
This equation has set of roots is the set of real numbers
+ if parameter { } m 2 , 2 e , then:
2 m 1
m 2
m 4
= =

6. Conclusions and future work
In this chapter, we proposed a method for designing intelligent problem solvers (IPS),
especially those in education (IPSE). These systems have suitable knowledge base used by
the inference engine to solve problems in certain knowledge domain, they not only give
human readable solutions of problems but also present solutions as the way instructors and
learners usually write them. Knowledge bases contain concepts of computational objects
(Com-Objects), relations, operators, functions, facts and rules. The Computational Object
Knowledge Base model (COKB) and its specification language can be used for knowledge
modeling, for designing and implementing knowledge bases. The COKB model has been
established from Object-Oriented approach for knowledge representation together with
programming techniques for symbolic computation. The design of inference engine requires
to model problems and to design reasoning algorithms with heuristics and sample
problems. Computational networks (Com-Net) and networks of computational objects (CO-
Net) can be used effectively for modeling problems and construction of reasoning
algorithms in practical knowledge domains. These models are tools for designing inference
engine of systems.
The proposed design method has been used to produce applycations in many fields such as
mathematics, physics and chemistry. They support studying knowledge and solving
problems automatically based on knowledge bases. Users only declare hypothesis and goal
of problems base on a simple language but strong enough for specifying problems. The
programs produce a human readable solution, which is easy to read and agree with the way
of thinking and writing by students and instructors.
Designing an intelligent problem solver in education is a very challenging task, as domain
knowledge and human thinking are very complicated and abstract. There are domains of
knowledge with functional attributes such as knowledge of alternating current in physics.
This motivates another extensions of COKB model, Com-Net and CO-Net, and develops
design techniques. They will accept simple valued variables and also functional variables.

Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education: Design Method and Applications

On the network of computational objects, operators will be considered. Such future works
our models more powerful for representing knowledge in practice. Besides, To have a user-
interface using natural language we have to develop methods for translating problems in
natural language to specification language, and vice versa.
7. References
Chitta Baral (2003). Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Declarative Problem
Solving. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0 521 81802 8.
Fatos X.; Leonard B. & Petraq J. P. (2010). Complex intellgent systems and their
applications. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. ISBN 978-1-4419-1635-8
Frank van Harmelem, Vladimir & Bruce (2008). Handbook of Knowledge Representation.
Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-444-52211-5.
George F. Luger (2008). Artificial Intelligence: Structures And Strategies For Complex
Problem Solving. Addison Wesley Longman
Johns M. Tim (2008). Artificial Intelligence A System Approach. Infinity Science Press LLC,
ISBN: 978-0-9778582-3-1
Michel Chein & Marie-Laure Mugnier (2009). Graph-based Knowledge representation:
Computational foundations of Conceptual Graphs. Springer-Verlag London Limited.
ISBN: 978-1-84800-285-2.
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Applications. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and
Computer Scientists 2011 (ICAIA'11), pp. 137-141
Nhon Do & Hoai P. Truong & Trong T. Tran (2010). An Approach for Translating
Mathematics Problems in Natural Language to Specification Language COKB of
Intelligent Education Software. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Education, Hangzhou, China. 10-2010
Nhon Van Do (2010). Model for Knowledge Bases of Computational Objects. International
Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 3, No 8, pp. 11-20
Nhon Van Do (2009). Computational Networks for Knowledge Representation.
Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 56,
pp. 266-270
Nhon Do (2008). An ontology for knowledge representation And Applications. Proceedings of
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Volumn 32, pp. 23-31, ISSN
Nhon Van Do (2000). A Program for studying and Solving problems in Plane Geometry.
Proceedings of International on Artificial Intelligence 2000, Las Vegas, USA, 2000, pp.
Sowa, John F. (2002). Architectures for Intelligent Systems. IBM Systems Journal, vol. 41, no.3,
pp. 331-349
Sowa, John F. (2000). Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical and Computational
Foundations. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning, ISBN 0 534-94965-7

Intelligent Systems

Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig (2010). Artificial Intelligence A modern approach (Third
edition). Prentice Hall, by Pearson Education, Inc.
Logic of Integrity, Fuzzy Logic and Knowledge
Modeling for Machine Education
Fatma Khanum Bunyatova
Intellect School, Baku,
1. Introduction
Fast development of ICT clearly shows how training is behind this development. Quick
modification of process devices leaves far behind it hard on the modernization of education.
Though new directions in teaching how to e- learning, m-learning, online learning, machine
learning etc. were formed by ICT technical means, but these means are not yet in a position
to influence the fundamental change in education. The reason is that educational principles
existing more than 300 years of memory oriented traditional teaching didactics were
invested into these technical means. Knowledge was memorized through the transfer of
private, unsystematically, non-logically constructed knowledge. But as we know, besides
human memory there is human cognition, whose reserves are used no more than 2-3%
(Gordon D., Jannette Voz 2000). Learning can be changed qualitatively and made accessible
to all, if we make a shift from memorization and quantitative accumulation of knowledge to
the organization of reasoning activities of students on knowledge for understanding.
Learning in the mainstream of intellectual activity allows increasing the use of these
resources several times and adequately raising the quality of education of all students.
Cognitive activity - the activity of the intellect, is the area of psychology, the subject matter
of its study.
Didactics is the science about learning ways of a student, a science that seeks in more and
more sophisticated ways to teach the students certain knowledge. Psychology of intelligence
states that the knowledge that students receive is a reflection of what they have heard or
read, in the best case, it is a converted form of information. The present knowledge should
be built with the understanding of students on the basis of their previous experiences. New
knowledge must be combined, divided, associated with previous and subsequent
knowledge. Each student on the basis of his/her design of understanding constructs
proposed knowledge in his/her understanding. In practice, it actually looks this way, but it
is apparently only on the condition that a learner designs the structure of knowledge,
structure of mental activity and structure of learning activities. Furthermore, these
structures must be identical to the structures of intelligence. Under these conditions, a
student regardless of learning forms, based on the capabilities of his/her internal
understanding enters an active cognitive activity. Engaging in active learning activities,
students gain active knowledge to expand their understanding. Knowledge, while at work,
in such learning process destroys its traditional vertical structure of construction and it is

Intelligent Systems

logically arranged in a horizontal structure of thinking. That is, according to Piaget, Swiss
psychologist "alogism of learning" is destroyed. Each new structure of knowledge, entering
into logical operation with the old ones or adequate structures of the following knowledge
builds them in the scheme of integrity of structures of knowledge. By taking advantage of
high-tech, relying on psycho-pedagogy it is possible to model the contents of subject
knowledge of isomorphic structures of intelligence. In this model, the following transfer and
alignment occur:
a. The traditional concept of didactic unit of knowledge will be understood as the
structure of knowledge;
b. Knowledge structures will be considered as the logical structures of knowledge of
c. Traditional learning exercises will be completed by logical operations of thinking;
d. The logical structures of knowledge will be considered as the nanostructures of
These conversions origin from the juncture of three sciences: pedagogy, psychology and
high technology, which develop a new direction in the science of nanopsychopedagogy
(F.Bunyatova 2009).
2. Necessary fundamental changes in education
To rotate learning from the position of memorization to the position of cognitive activity
and for organization of learning without a student, it is needed to make the following
fundamental changes in education:
a. Changing the way of learning
it is necessary to shift from the position of the transfer of knowledge to the position of the
construction of the educational process, in which each student builds the knowledge based
on his/her competence (. 2007). This means the transition from private practices
to technology of training. In this case, the technology of constructive teaching by Bunyatova
is applied (. 2009).
b. Modeling of structures of knowledge
The structures of subject knowledge should be modeled. This model should be constructed
similar to models of natural and artificial intelligence brain ( 1976).
c. Model of natural intelligence
The model of natural intelligence was constructed by Piaget and of artificial intelligence was
constructed by Zadeh. Logic integrity of J. Piaget or the work of reasoning at an operational
level that is at the formal-logical level is the work of human brain (. 1999) .
d. Model of artificial Intelligence by Zadeh
Zadeh had created an SC, which provided joint use of such numerical new approaches as
fuzzy logic, neural networks, evolutionary computing, etc. These technologies are important
for data compression and system design with high MIG and the best model of SC is human
brain as noted by Zadeh (. 1999).

Logic of Integrity, Fuzzy Logic and Knowledge Modeling for Machine Education

e. Building of holistic logic and fuzzy logic models of knowledge on the basis of these two
On the basis of these two theories, holistic logic and fuzzy logic models of knowledge are
built F.Bunyatova (2009). This model can be a psychopedagogical and technologically
constructed model for subject knowledge of not only machine learning in all its directions,
but for learning in a whole. This model is constructed from the perspective of pedagogy,
psychology, and high technology.
These three principles as a result, change not only the form and method of learning, but also
the structure of contents of learning. Students here do not gain knowledge. They, relying on
their experience construct them by means of logically constructed structures of knowledge.
These structures of knowledge are built by isomorphic structures of intelligence.
Creative learning technology by Bunyatova CT by Bunyatova
Change of the way of training means shift from private practices to the technology of
training. In this case, technology of constructive teaching by Bunyatova is proposed. This
technology is based on the cognitive theory by Piaget. Constructive teaching technology
aims to develop structures of intelligence of students and organize their reasoning activities
over knowledge.
Constructive teaching is a creative, activity-and operational learning, which provides an
opportunity for each student to build new knowledge, based on his/her experience and
available knowledge. The philosophy of constructive teaching is a synthesis of Eastern and
Western philosophy of learning; this is a shift from private knowledge to the integrity of
knowledge or the vice versa from the integrity of knowledge to the private. The constructive
teaching is aimed to change the form of activities of learning and a student in the learning
process, which in the end leads not only to the change of learning process, but all its
relevant components.
CT by Bunyatova takes its origins from the psychology schools of Piaget and Vigotsky; it
contains the co-operative structure of the educational activities of the American psychologist
Spencer Kagan. While establishment of machine learning classes, the CT principles do not
change principally, they just bear an individual character of learning, enriching the methods
of individual learning.
Principles of constructive teaching by Bunyatova
Principle 1. Searching meaning of the topic
The lesson in a constructive teaching starts with searching the theme of the lesson, that is
determines the real understanding of entity of the study. The teacher poses questions for
discussion. Answers of students generate new questions and new discussions. Students, by
discussing, actively adapt their knowledge and attitudes to these logically designed
questions. In this process, they may make mistakes, go the wrong way, go back and start
again. By scientific definition of meaning, they come from the definition of that meaning
with their personal terms. In the interaction of ideas, in online education, these personal
definitions, by self-correcting, self-regulating and self-enriching transform into a new
structure of knowledge.

Intelligent Systems

Principle 2. Integrity scheme of knowledge structure
Structures of knowledge in constructive teaching are provided for studying in the scheme
of integrity. Knowledge is divided into invariant and variable (example: in language
studies invariants - are parts of speech, in mathematics they are figures; variables - are
the rules of language, and in math they are mathematical operations and etc.). For
example, if we study the numeral, then the scheme of integrity will be constructed as
follows: the numeral in the middle, to the left of previous knowledge - adjective, noun,
and to the right following pronoun, verb and adverb. In the end, it will be as follows: a
noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb and adverb. At the end, the scheme will be the
following: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb and adverb. In this scheme of
integrity, the numeral is studied in depth in a combination of relations, connections and
interdependence with a noun, adjective, pronoun and verb in the system of integrity of
the language.
Principle 3. Logical structures of knowledge by Bunyatova LSK by Bunyatova
Using the tools of integrity logic by J. Piaget in the contents of subject studies have been
identified following logical connections, relationships and dependencies among the
structures of knowledge (..2001)
- Agreed structures
Two structures of knowledge, agreeing with common relationships are connected and form
a new structure of knowledge.
- Reversible structures
United by common relationships, structures of knowledge are reversible and transformed.
- Associated structures
Thinking always retains the ability to rejection and finding other variants of solution. The
result obtained in various ways, in all cases is the same.
- Annulled structures
The structure of knowledge is annulled, disappears, canceled if it is multiplied by zero.
- Identical structures
Two identical structures can be combined into one complex structure.
The logical structure of knowledge (LSk) identified in knowledge, are the load bearing parts
of constructive teaching.
Principle 4. Logical operations of thinking
In the analysis of tasks to the subject in the traditional way of learning it is revealed that
most of the tasks are included in the exercises, that is repeating same actions in order to
assimilate it, which consist of finding, underlining, determination, etc. These tasks are
performed on one or two of the structures of knowledge and are aimed to determine the
level of knowledge and skills.

Logic of Integrity, Fuzzy Logic and Knowledge Modeling for Machine Education

In constructive teaching besides this on the structures of knowledge are performed logical
operations of thinking. These operations allow students to integrate structures of knowledge
into groups to clarify their interrelationship and relationship, classify, enrich, or replace
them with other structures. A student, performing thinking activities of such operations on
the structures of knowledge adequately builds the structure of his/her thinking and logical
structure of his/her knowledge. Logical operations on the structures of knowledge are
performed by commands or setting of a student.
1. The operation of classification
With the assistance of this operation, students acquire intellectual skills of the partition of
the set into subsets according to certain criteria.
2. The operation of seriation
Performing the logical operation of seriation on structures of knowledge, students form
intellectual skills of grouping structures of knowledge according to their combining criteria
or for only one criterion.
3. The operation of substitution
By this operation structures are replaced by others (for example, in mathematics, numbers
replaced by letters (6 +7) = (a + b); replacement of signs 5 x 5 = 5
, etc.). This is very basic
logical operation on the structures of knowledge and intellectually important skill that
qualitatively transforms knowledge. This operation destroys the vertical structure of
knowledge and develops in students the ability to arrange them into thinking in a
horizontal structure [6].
4. The operation of enrichment
In carrying out this operation on the structures of knowledge, students who have
knowledge enriched their knowledge with new structures of knowledge and turn it into
new knowledge. The operation of enrichment, as the operation of substitution, generates
future knowledge from the acquired knowledge.
5. Multiplicative operations
This operation is used simultaneously on multiple structures of knowledge that have
common relations or communications (example: in a linguistic knowledge it is the change of
some parts of speech - on cases, by the numbers.
Principle 5. Mental models of students
According to psychology of intelligence by Piaget, a child from birth to 8 years old goes
through a pre logical operations; from 8 to 12 years, the stage of concrete operations, and
from 12 to the end of youth stage of formal operations. Each stage of development
corresponds to its settings, its commands. Under pre logical operations stage students
typically argue based on their life experiences, and try as much as possible to extend it with
such tasks that are set for them. In the bowels of pre logical operations students in a logical
setting ask teacher questions generated by the makings of concrete operations, which are
expanded, enriched, balanced and smoothly go to transition to the stage of concrete
operations. In the frequent repetition of the same commands, units of the structures of

Intelligent Systems

knowledge, students gain not only stable knowledge, but also reveal their relationship and
communication with other structures of knowledge. The concretization of knowledge and
its consideration in relations and connections, allow the student to generate knowledge
based on previous knowledge, or by identifying stable relationship, connections among the
structures of knowledge, he/she formalizes them and moves to the stage of formal
operations. It can be said that knowledge of every student in a constructive teaching goes
through three stages: intuitive, concrete and formal. Quantity of previous knowledge
through these stages is the result of intelligence, its richness, its diversity.
Principle 6. Lesson structure
The lesson in constructive teaching is designed structurally. The learner designs logical
structures of knowledge, structures of mental activity and structure of the learning activities
of students.
The structure of mental activity
Construction of thinking and cooperative structure activities are designed in isomorphic
stages of intellectual development of students. Over the logical structures of knowledge
students perform mental operations. This intellectual activity of students individually or in
co-operation builds, destroys, strengthens and develops structures of intelligence of each
separately helps a student to build his/her own individual way of thinking, understanding,
which he/she later turns into personal tool of knowledge.
Structure of educational activities
Learning activities of students can be individual or interactive. For organization of an
interactive activity students use cooperative learning structures of American scientist
Spencer Kagan. Interaction of students in these structures leads to reflection, which is one of
the major factors in construction of knowledge. Social skills acquired in the structures of
interactive activities are combined with the intellectual skills that are generated by thinking
Each lesson in constructive teaching is designed by the teacher in advance. For design of the
lesson of constructive teaching 7 elements are used.
Seven elements of constructive teaching
While establishing a lesson, the CT uses the following elements:
2.1 Search
The teacher poses questions to the subject, to determine what students know about the topic
what they will do, what decisions will be taken and what conclusions they will come. Search
is to identify the essence of the meaning of the theme, determine its place in the system of
knowledge; search it is a motivation of cognitive activities of a student and understanding
of given tasks from his/her pyramids of knowledge. Search it is a concept for a teacher,
how well students understand and explain the topic. Search it is definition by the teacher
zone of knowledge of students about the given subject and the prospect of its extension and
application. Search are statements by teachers to bring students on the track, which he has

Logic of Integrity, Fuzzy Logic and Knowledge Modeling for Machine Education

2.2 Structures
In constructive teaching, as mentioned above, the lesson is built structurally:
1. It is a structure of knowledge. Based on the content of the topic, the teacher finds the
goal in subject knowledge of logical structure of knowledge, that is, he/she can
logically combine and separate one structure of knowledge from other structures; each
structure of knowledge beyond that may be associated, coincide with another, or
generally, after the actions on it, eliminated.
2. Having identified the logical structures, the student determines for himself/herself
what mental operations students will perform over the logical structures of knowledge.
3. It is a structure of educational activity. A teacher, making the design of the lesson,
determines which determines in which structures of activity students will work in pairs
or in teams.
2.3 Logical operations of thinking
In a traditional approach to education work on exercises, examples, tasks are usually
expressed as assignments: underline, find, agree, put in the required form, solve, run, etc.
All these tasks are aimed at numerous varying repeat of learned and its application to one or
two structures of knowledge. In contrast to this approach in constructive teaching several
logically built mental activities, that is, operations are performed over the knowledge.
Mental operations, or operations of thinking they are commands, setups, expressed in
verb, for example, isolate and connect the appropriate, replace one another, and convert and
explain the outcome, express in a different form and create a new, etc. Students by regularly
performing tasks over these settings, then in the follow up these settings gradually turn to
their instrument of knowledge.
2.4 Connection
This element serves for connecting a structure of knowledge with others. In constructive
teaching, knowledge is represented in the scheme of integrity. In this scheme of integrity it
is clearly visible not only structural connection inside of the subject of knowledge, but also
interdisciplinary communications. This communication allows for considering the subject
matter under scrutiny from different viewpoints, identify among them the similarities and
differences, determine its compatibility, identify options and make replacement of certain
knowledge with others.
2.5 Questions
In a constructive teaching, the learner by making lesson design should determine with
what question he will start the lesson and with what question he will finalize it. The
questions posed by training, help him determine what students know about the topic,
how they imagine it, how they by arguing explain their vision. Responses of students may
be correct and not correct, complete, or short, and the whole spectrum of responses of
students which were received by the training gives him an opportunity with the help of
same training go to the right answer, that is to the point of knowledge to which he moved

Intelligent Systems

2.6 Adjunction and connections
This element of the lesson serves as communication of knowledge under study with past
and future knowledge. Addition of a student in this communication of knowledge often
changes them qualitatively and that knowledge of high school by moving down becomes
knowledge of junior classes. This means the integration of knowledge horizontally, that is,
integrity of knowledge is built, which creates a large space for the flight of thought.
2.7 Reflection or rejection (Presentation or a reflection of the students accumulated)
Presentation is the last element in the design of the lesson of constructive teaching. Teacher,
in constructive teaching, prepares worksheets in advance for both individually and gives
tasks on the basis of its set goal. Tasks and settings should cover work done in classes; they
must start from easy and smoothly move to a more complex, which includes not only
understanding, but also a deep comprehension and the transition of this meaning to a
higher level, to the level of generation of new knowledge.
3. Modeling knowledge structure
In a traditional training, the structures of knowledge are established vertically and students
get a comprehensive knowledge through the educational years. In the example of Russian,
we can say that, at the primary school, students do not get holistic knowledge of a language.
A student accomplishes this holistic knowledge in only 6
year of education. Such a set of
knowledge leads to fragmentary and non-systematic knowledge. This knowledge as a whole
can only be kept by memorizing. Therefore, it becomes difficult to students to find ties,
relations, adequacy, and etc between knowledge. Logic modeling of the structures of
knowledge allows building a structure of subjective knowledge in the scheme of integrity.
Study of the structures in this scheme allows the students to build his knowledge
adequately and hold them in a manner of the logic operation of thinking.
4. Building a formal logic model of a language on the basis of the logic of
integrity by Piaget
The model of natural intelligence was established by Piaget. The logic integrity of J. Piaget
or the work of sense, at an operational level, that is the level of formal logic, is the work of
human brain.
Piaget developed this model in a natural language. Hence, we can say that if the cognitive
logic is established in a natural language, then this natural language itself can be adequately
and logically structured. Building of a fuzzy-logic language model will be constructed on
the basis of Russian by the logic of integrity.
1. By terms of groups and grouping, Piaget define a certain equilibrium form of
intellectual operations, that is, actions interiorized and organized in the structure of
integrity (. 2001).
The structure of integrity of Russian comprises of 10 parts of speech.
Note: In Russian, 6 of the parts of speech are independent and 4 of them are supportive.
Independent parts of speech are the noun, the adjective, the numeral, the pronoun, the verb

Logic of Integrity, Fuzzy Logic and Knowledge Modeling for Machine Education

and the adverb, and the support parts of speech are the proposition, the conjunction, the
interjection and the determiners.
The act of intelligence organized in the holistic structure is transferred by holistic structures
of Russian. In this case, these actions are transferred by the holistic structure of Russian.
2. Piaget established 4 stipulations for the groups of mathematical order and 5
stipulations for groupings of quality orders.
According to a psychological theory of Piaget, groups and groupings definitions
compare the following definitions of the Grammar of Russian:
Groups and groupings fall in the framework of integrity. Within the framework of
integrity, there are 10 parts of speech in the language. Piaget consecutively compares the
psychological definition of groups with the parts of speech in Russian (at the same time,
in any language).
Hence, the operational groups of the natural language will be 10. Encoding these groups
or the parts of speech, that is, altering the logical operation, we get the following holistic
structure of the language:
1 -Noun; 2 Adjective; 3 Numeral; 4 Pronoun; 5 Verb; 6 Adverb; 7 Proposition;
8 Conjunction; 9 Interjection; and 10 Determiner
1 ----2----3----4----5----6----7----8----9----10
We will consider the groupings in this holistic structure of the language as word groups
bearing common features. For example: 2 ----3 ----4----5---, 6 are grouped as words
approached to an object;
Groupings 7----8----9----10 are supportive words, which are not used independently. At the
same time, in these groupings, the parts of speech can be combined with each other in
terms of relations and features, that is, within the framework of the holistic system in a new
arrangement, related to quality.
For example: 1 ----2; 3 ----4; 1 ----5; 5 ----6; 3 ----4; 4 ----5, etc.
Note: 1 ----2; 3 ----4; 4 ----5 coincide with each other in terms of gender, quantity and the
cases of noun).
3. The way of grouping
How are these psychological rules of Piaget interpreted and compared with the language
Two of the elements of Grouping may coincide with each other and as a result, may
form a new element or a new unit of knowledge.
From the point of a language, it is understood like this:
For example: new - 2; home 1. Combination of 1 noun (home) and 2 adjective (new)
forms a new element of knowledge phrase of new home;
Two relations A >B> C may be A >C, where they exist.

Intelligent Systems

For example, 1 egg 5 - broils 6 light: can also be expressed like this: 1 light 6 egg light egg.
Note: Although the verb defines the action of an object and the adjective defines the character of the
action, the adverb defines the character of the noun.
All forms of transformation are available. For example, new home; if we separate these
phrases, we can get the followings: 2 new; 1 home;
The composition of the operations is associated. A physical definition of composition
is commented as consideration of the roles of groupings, that is, the parts of speech
from the points of morphology and syntax.
For example: A strong wind started to blow in the morning. In this sentence, from the point
of point morphology, strong is a supportive pat of the speech and wind is a key part. From the
point of syntax, the phrase of strong wind is a sequence, that is? These words coincide in terms
of gender, quantity and case of noun.
An operation united with its repeated operation, it is cancelled, for example:
Home (noun in singular) + home (noun in singular) = homes (noun in plural) repeated
operation - homes = home (noun in singular).
Identical operation In the knowledge of language, it reconciles the combination of two
simple sentences or words in a complex sentence or phrase.
For example: The sky suddenly got darkened. It started raining strongly. Suddenly the
sky got darkened and it started raining strongly
5. Forming of groupings or the parts of speech
The system of groupings is formed through, so-called, logical operations. The logical
operations of thinking are understood in the context of language meanings as logical units
for conversion or consecutive exercises.
Such operations are implemented as follows:
A present cluster of words are classified and are subjected to seriation:
, , , , , , ,, , , , ,
, , . , .
book, table, house, girl, copybook, school-child, youth, flag, dormouse, horse, field, window,
time, sun, day, foal.
1. the first operation is the operation of classification, that is, classification of words in
terms of gender.
Note: In Russian, the nouns are divided into three genders or three categories in terms of
their endings:
The feminine gender includes the words with endings of , -, - and . The masculine
gender includes the words with no ending, with ending of , and in some words, with
endings of and . The neuter gender includes the nouns with endings of - - , -, and
in 10 words, with .

Logic of Integrity, Fuzzy Logic and Knowledge Modeling for Machine Education

Class 1: the words of feminine gender:
, , ,
book, land, girl, dormouse
Class 2: the words of masculine gender:
, ,
table, student, youth
Class 3: the words of neuter gender:
, , , ,
flag, field, window, time, sun
Class 4: the words having two ways
, ,
foal, horse, mouse
Note: Identification of the gender of the words subject to Class 4 is performed through
transformation, that is, by changing of these words in terms of cases of the noun.
(masculine gender) feminine gender
There is no foal. There is no horse.
Class 5: It includes the words with ending of ; these words are declined as nouns of neuter
At the present case, the operation of classification coincides with division of nouns into
2. The second grouping is formed though the operation of seriation of appropriate
endings. The operation of seriation coincides with declination.
Note: There are three forms of declination in the grammar of Russian:
Form 1 includes the words with endings of - , - and ;
Form 2 includes the words with no endings and endings of -;
Form 3 includes the words with endings of -, - and .
Serial 1:
words with endings of -,- ( (book) -feminine; (land) feminine, (girl)
-feminine, (youth) - masculine, (dormouse) feminine and masculine)
The words of this serial includes the nouns of feminine gender and some words of
masculine gender, with endings of and
Serial 2:
The words with no endings of the masculine gender and the words of the neuter gender
with endings of , -, and -.
,, , , .
table, student, field, window, sun

Intelligent Systems

These words are transformed, that is, declined in a same manner
Serial 3:
This serial includes the words of the feminine gender with ending of - ( - horse,
- mouse, - daughter)
Serial 4:
Words with ending of . There are only 10 words with such an ending in this language
and they are exceptions.
The operation of seriation in Russian is subject to declination of nouns. So, Serial 1 is subject
to the first declination; Serial 2 to the second declination; and Serial 3 to the second
declination. Serial 4 is an exception.
The operations of classification and seriation form groups and groupings. And with the
remaining operations are used to form sub-groups and sub-groupings.
3. The third major operation is the operation of alteration. It replaces a definition or a
word with another one. In the Russian grammar, it is equal to definitions of
synonyms, antonyms and homonyms.
4. The fourth operation is the operation of enrichment. It has relationship uniting
elements of one or another class, that is, equivalence.
For example: 1 (school), 2- (new); 1-- school), 3- (alone); 1
(school), 4 (my) 1 - (school); 1- (school) 5 (to be built); 5
(to be built) 6--- (rapidly).
5. Multiple operations are those that are included to more than one system at a given
Note: For example: A category of declination, the number covers 1 --- 2 --- 3 ---4; and the
category of number covers 1---2---34---5.
As said above, the structures of knowledge are divided into invariant and variable ones.
Invariant structures of knowledge are the parts of speech or the groups.
Variable structures are categorical structures of knowledge.
Note: There are 10 categories of language in Russian.
While modeling subject knowledge, the invariant structures are placed in horizontals of
coordinate planes, but the variable ones are placed vertically. In this coordinate plate, the
parts of speech of 1,2,.....9,10 will be placed horizontally and1.2,3,.......10 language categories
will be placed vertically.
While the study process, the structures of the knowledge of formal logic model of a
language are subjected to logical operations of thinking.
Exactly these two important points logical construction of knowledge and logical
operations transform these separate structures of knowledge into a logical model, which is
adequate to the way of building of thinking.

Logic of Integrity, Fuzzy Logic and Knowledge Modeling for Machine Education


6. Definition of Zadehs fuzzy logic theory
Mathematical theory of fuzzy sets by Zadeh has allowed since more than a quarter of a
century ago up to now to describe fuzzy definitions and knowledge and operate with this
knowledge as well as make fuzzy outputs. ( , )
The universal set is indicated by E
Elements of a set are indicated by -- X
R - Indicates several properties, and x indicates element E.
Ordinary (certain) Sub-set A of Universal Set E, whose elements
content the Property R, is indicated as the set of Ordered Pairs A = {m
()/}, where m
is a characteristic function, accepting
Value 1, if x contents Property R, and vice versa 0.
Difference of a fuzzy sub-set from a certain one is that there is not a single valued answer
yes-no for the elements of x of E, regarding Property R.
In this respect, Fuzzy set A of Universal set E is indicated as the set of Ordered Pairs A =
( of Sub-set A of Universal Set E.
7. Comparison of psychological theories by Piaget with mathematical
theories of Zadeh
Let us understand the term a universal set by Zadeh as groups and groupings or the
vocabulary of a language and sign it though E. Then, the elements of a set by Zadeh and
groups by Piaget will be considered as the parts of speech. Let us sign these elements by x.

Intelligent Systems

As we mentioned above, there are 10 parts of speech in Russian. Let us sign each part of
speech by x. Then x1 will be a noun, x2 a adjective, x3 a numeral, x4 a pronoun, x5 a
verb, x6 an adverb, x7 conjunction, x8 proposition, x9 determiner, and x10
interjection. Hence, Universal Set E has 10 elements x1, x2, x10. If we note the element of
Universal Set E by 0, 1, as marks of a set, then 0,1 the word indicates an object; 0,2 a
property of the object; 0,3 the quantity of the object; and 0,4 points out the object; 0,5
indicates action of the object; and 0,6 indicates a sign of the action. 0,7 is a conjunction; 0,8 is
a proposition; 0,9 is a determiner; and 1 is an interjection.
The parts of speech of Russian, according to the psychological concepts by Piaget, are
groups", and according to mathematical concepts by Zadeh are elements of a set.
Parts of speech groups elements of a set
X an element of Set E
Let us sign the properties of this element by - R
Note. Each part of speech has its own properties internal rules, which have relationship
with rules of other particles of the speech, that is, elements of a set.
The fuzzy set may be presented in a form of a language vocabulary.
Then, under functions of properties of the fuzzy set, the words will be interpreted in a
direct lexical meaning. For example: (house), (table), (coast), (ocean), and
Proceeding from concepts of linguistic variable by Zadeh , the membership function
corresponds to two rules:
1. syntactical, which is set in the form of a grammar that generates the title variable in the
form of language categories.
2. semantic, which determines the procedure to compute the meaning of algorithmic each
Then, will indicate the grammatical rules of the language, and X- the parts of speech,
which also have their own rules.
Rule X will comply with Rule , as Rule complies with Rule X.
Then, in this property function:
1 is a noun;
2 is an adjective;
3 is a numeral;
4 is a pronoun;
5 is a verb;
6 is an adverb;
7- is a conjunction;
8 is a proposition;
9 is a determiner; and
10 - is an interjection.
are categories of a language:
1 is the category of quantity singular and plural

Logic of Integrity, Fuzzy Logic and Knowledge Modeling for Machine Education

2 are the categories of gender feminine gender (1), masculine gender (2), and neuter
gender (3);
3 - is the category of case (1-6) ;
4 are the categories of person;
5 is the category of person;
6 is the category of tense;
7 - is the category of type;
8 is the category of declination;
8. Replacing the formal logic model of the language with the concepts of
linguistic logic by Zadeh the model of formal-fuzzy logic at the example of
Russian lanqiaqe
Replacing the concepts of formal logic by Piaget with the linguistic logic by Zadeh, we get
the following fuzzy model of the language: (F.Bunyatova 2009]
(a) If we replace the definition of groups with the definition of elements of a set, then
under set we will consider groups and groupings within the framework of holistic.
1, 2,;3....10 will be elements of Set E
Under the groups will turn the whole vocabulary of the language, and Universal Set
E will consist of the vocabulary of Russian.
The variable and invariant concepts will be replaced with the concepts of linguistic variable.
The variable concepts are grammatical categories of the language and they will be indicated by .
We can indicate the invariant concepts with X.
The Scheme of Fuzzy Model of Language

Intelligent Systems

This fuzzy model of a natural language, treating the conversion of the definition tool of the
logic by Zadeh, gets the following form:
1. Fuzzy set may have an end or may be endless; as a part of speech it has an end, but as a
vocabulary of a language it is endless. = (1, 2... 10)
2. Fuzzy set A may be characterized by a set of pairs (composition according to the logic
by Piaget): =
For example: 3- 1 -- (one boy) , 2- 1 -- (a tall boy) ; 1-
4 (my firend), etc.
3. Fuzzy set A may be presented in the following form:
(We present the noun in the form of =0,1 (game): 0,1 + 0,2- (a strong
game); 0,1+ 0,3;-
(a game); 0,1+ 0,4;- (my game); etc.
4. The operation of unification
Unification of two fuzzy sets A and B will be specified as the following: if 1-is a noun, and
2 is an adjective, then the function of property 1 and 2 belongs to and .
Based on the abovementioned conversion, the sentence: (There
was heavy snow on the street) will be indicated as signs like the followings:
7- 12 3/6 - 525-2123 1123.
If we present this sentence in a coordinate plane, this sentence graphically may be indicated as spots
in that coordinate plane:
7- 12 3/6 - 525-2123 1123.

Logic of Integrity, Fuzzy Logic and Knowledge Modeling for Machine Education

9. How is a model of subject knowledge built for machine learning?
In order to build a model of subject knowledge for machine learning without a teacher, the
following needs to be done:
1. Divide structures of knowledge into variables that is into linguistic variables and
invariant variables namely, into a universal set.
2. Invariant knowledge or universal set of knowledge is denoted by X.
3. This knowledge is classified divided into classes or elements of the set and is build on
the horizontal. The resulting classes of invariant knowledge or elements of the set are
denoted by x 0.1 ... x0, 9. Invariant knowledge or the set of knowledge can be finite or
infinite according to the classification of the classes themselves.
4. Variable, categorical knowledge or linguistic variable are located vertically and denoted
by U. They are also classified and denoted by 0.1; 0.2 and etc [3]. In work [Nordhausen
and Langley, 1990] it was noted that formation of categories - is the basis of a unified
theory of scientific research. Denoting classes and groups of the set, as well as
categorical knowledge of a linguistic variable in number, we can present this
knowledge with their properties. Each property takes a serial number. So the sentence
"The day was sunny" can be defined on a coordinate plane as points: xa, 1,1 y a, 1, x a, 5,
y, a 4 / 1 xa, 2 ya1 / 5. Each element of the set, for example, x0,1 is characterized by its
own linguistic variable - y0,. Numerical parameters x0,1,1 by the rules of Russian
grammar mean masculine noun, y0, 1 mean a single number, etc. Analogous to these
characters, a set of proposals on the basis of available knowledge can be constructed.
This property can be one of the justifications for machine learning without a teacher as
it was derived from an example of the natural language. Each class of knowledge or
element of the set is at the same time, a cluster of the structure of knowledge. They have
their own rules and laws. Structures of knowledge clusters can be combined, divided,
associated and canceled according to logical settings of rules of a linguistic variable.
Belonging of the linguistic variable into elements of the set or the logical structures of
clusters is determined by logical operations such as operation of substitution,
enrichment, identical and multiplicative operations. That is, in this case as the rules of
linguistic variable and the rules of elements of the set are in mobile motion all the time,
by combining according to the given settings around the logical structure of knowledge
or elements of the set become nanostructures of knowledge.
10. What innovations can bring this knowledge model in education?
1. Knowledge is considered in the scheme of integrity. Since language is a means of
communication and expression of ideas, then, certainly, the conditions of integrity
scheme and logic of Zadeh can be in any scientific knowledge and the rules of logic of
Piaget and fuzzy logic can be applied to them.
2. Structures of knowledge will be divided into invariant and variable or into syntactic
and semantic. Numeric designation of categorical and invariant properties of
knowledge makes it possible to build coordinates of knowledge on the basis of which
the process of knowledge construction will go.
3. Operationality of thinking enables to collect structures of knowledge into clusters,
figure out their interrelationship and attitudes, classify them, enrich, or replace with the
other structures. These logical operations gather as a magnet around the structures of

Intelligent Systems

knowledge relating to them relevant knowledge and turn them into a nanostructure of
4. The logic of integrity by Piaget and fuzzy logic by Zadeh break down the traditional
vertical construction of structures of knowledge and arrange them into a horizontal
structure (. 1990) Such construction of knowledge based on psychology,
pedagogy, and high technology, in its turn makes nanopsychopedagogical approach to
training (F.Bunyatova 2009)].
11. References
Gordon Dryden&DR.Jannette Voz (2000) The learning revolution. The learning web.
F.Bunyatova IETC(2009) Ankara, Turkey Constructive teaching technology and perspectives
of nanopsychopedagogy. Ankara, Turkey
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Nordhausen and Langley, 1990 URL.www.filosof.historic.ru/books
Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets
for Knowledge Management
Daniela Lpez De Luise
Universidad de Palermo
1. Introduction
Morphosyntactics studies grammatical categories and linguistic units that have both
morphological and syntactic properties. In its proscriptive form, morphosyntactics describes
the set of rules that govern linguistic units whose properties are definable by both
morphological and syntactic paradigms.
Thus, morphosyntactics establishes a commons framework for oral and written language
that guides the process of externally encoding ideas produced in the mind. Speech is an
important vehicle for exchanging thoughts, and phonetics also has a significant influence on
oral communication. Hearing deficiency causes a leveling and distortion of phonetic
processes and hinders morphosyntactic development, particularly when present during the
second and third years of life (Kampen, 2005).
Fundamental semantic and ontologic elements of speech become apparent though word
usage. For example, the distance between successive occurrences of a word has a distinctive
Poisson distribution that is well characterized by a stretched exponential scaling (Altmann,
2004). The variance in this analysis depends strongly on semantic type, a measure of the
abstractness of each word, and only weakly on frequency.
Distribution characteristics are related to the semantics and functions of words. The use of
words provides a uniquely precise and powerful lens into human thought and activity
(Altmann, 2004). As a consequence, word usage is likely to affect other manifestations of
collective human dynamics.
1.1 Words may follow Zipf's empirical law
Zipf's empirical law was formulated using mathematical statistics. It refers to the fact that
many types of data studied in the physical and social sciences can be approximated with a
Zipfian distribution, one of a family of related discrete power law probability distributions
(Figure 1)
(Wolfram, 2011).

In the English language, the probability of encountering the r
most common word is given roughly
by P(r)=0.1/r (r>1000).

Intelligent Systems

There is no theoretical proof that Zipf's law applies to most languages (Brillouin, 2004), but
Wentian Li (Li, 1992) demonstrated empirical evidence supporting the validity of Zipfs law
in the domain of language. Li generated a document by choosing each character at random
from a uniform distribution including letters and the space character. Its words follow the
general trend of Zipf's law. Some experts explain this linguistic phenomenon as a natural
conservation of effort in which speakers and hearers minimize the work needed to reach
understanding, resulting in an approximately equal distribution of effort consistent with the
observed Zipf distribution (Ferrer, 2003).

Fig. 1. Zipf's law for English
Whatever the underlying cause of this behavior, word distribution has established
correspondences between social activities and natural and biological phenomena. As
language is a natural instrument for representation and communication (Altmann, 2004), it
becomes a particularly interesting and promising domain for exploration and indirect
analysis of social activity, and it offers a way to understand how humans perform
conceptualization. Word meaning is directly related to its distribution and location in
context. A words position is also related to its thematic importance and its usefulness as a
keyword (Lpez De Luise, 2008b, 2008c). This kind of information (recurrence, distribution
and position) is strongly correlated with morphosyntactic analysis and strongly supports
"views of human conceptual structure in which all concepts, no matter how abstract,
directly or indirectly engage contextually specific experience tracing language in the ever
larger digital databases of human communications can be a most promising tool for tracing
human and social dynamics". Thus, morphosyntactic analysis offers a new and promising
tool for the study of dynamic social interaction. (Altmann, 2004).
1.2 Why morphosyntactic wavelets?
The evidence that wavelets offer the best description of such morphosyntactic
decomposition is revealed by comparing the details of both traditional and
morphosyntactical analyses.

Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets for Knowledge Management

ID Topic Traditional wavelet MLW
1 application just for signals
any text
2 type of
mathematical heuristic/statistical
3 goal highlight, reinforce and obtain
further information that is not
readily available in the raw signal
extraction of information that
highlights and reinforce
knowledge that is not readily
available in the raw text
4 time-domain
measured as a function of time.
They have not undergone any
they are analogous to the
knowledge structure model
(Hisgen, 2010). The sequence of
the sentences is essential for
contextualizing spoken/written
5 frequency-
domain signals
processed to transform then into a
useful representation
are the E
, that represent sentence
content and retain its main
6 unit Frequency: the number of the
oscillations per seconds in a signal,
measured in Hertz (Hz, cycles per
symbolizes morphosyntactic
representations of sentences
7 domain any type of data, even with sharp
any text
8 type of
can represent signal in both the
frequency and time domains
also represents the time and
frequency dimensions
9 scaling role important. Can process at different
scales and resolutions
represents knowledge at different
levels of abstraction and detail
10 data
decompose data x(t) into a two-
dimensional function of time and
decompose data into E

(representation of
concrete/specific knowledge) and
(abstract knowledge)
11 data
decompose x(t) using a mother
wavelet W(x)
decompose using morphosyntactic
rules and mother sequence of
I. Detectable physical quantity or impulse by which information may be sent
II. Although this theory is explained in general, it has only been proved in Spanish
III. This is an advantage over the FFT alternative
IV. This is true within the MLW context, given the statements in rows 4 and 5
V. The knowledge derived from the filtering processing is called Ece in the MLW context
Table 1. Traditional wavelets versus MLW
Figure 2 shows a graphical comparison between a signal and its FFT. Figure 3 is a linguistic
version: E
and ER. The graphics in Figure 2 represent the original signal (time-domain) and
the resulting FFT decomposition (Lahm, 2002). The images in Figure 3 represent a translated
original Spanish text (content from wikipedia.org, topic Topacio) transformed into an E

(Lpez De Luise, 2007) that models dialog knowledge. (Hisgen, 2010) Statistical modeling of

Intelligent Systems

knowledge is beyond the scope of this chapter, but additional information is available in
(Lpez De Luise, 2005, 2008, 2008b, 2008c, 2007b, 2007c).

Fig. 2. Signal and frequency decomposition

Fig. 3. Original text and knowledge structure model
Figure 4 shows a sample wavelet decomposition. It is a signature decomposition using a
Daubechies wavelet, a wavelet specially suited for this type of image. Figure 5 shows a
MLW decomposition of a generic text. There, C
, and C
stand for abstract knowledge and
represents filters. This Figure will be described further in the final section.

Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets for Knowledge Management


Fig. 4. Traditional wavelet decomposition
2. Technical overview
2.1 Wavelets
Wavelets are mathematical tools that are used to decompose/transform data into different
components (coefficients) that describe different levels of detail (Lahm, 2002). Thus, they can
extract the main features of a signal while simultaneously and independently analyzing
These tools have been applied to several problems, including the challenges of linguistic
information retrieval. For example, wavelets have been used to build a Fuzzy Wavelet
Neural Network (FWNN) for decision making over multiple criteria (Chen, 2008). In that
analysis, custom built linguistic labels were used to represent information about events and
situations and were processed with the FWNN.
Wavelets are sometimes used to replace linguistic analysis. For example, Tolba (Tolba, 2005)
used consonant and vowel segmentation to develop automatic speech recognition for Arabic
speech without linguistic information. Segmentation was performed with a combination of
wavelet transformation and spectral analysis.
Hui and Wanglu combined the Linguistic Cloud Model (LCM) with wavelets to produce
Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) image target detection (Hui, 2008). This
approach first solves image segmentation, avoids noise and recovers errors. Then, it uses
LCM to solve the uncertainty of pixels. Representation using LCM bridges the gap between
qualitative knowledge and quantitative knowledge, and it is thus used to map linguistic
terms with contextually specific meaning to numeric processing.
2.2 Comparison between MLW and traditional wavelets
To demonstrate the concept of MLW and its relationship to its traditional counterpart, this
table summarizes the main characteristics that unite or distinguish them:

Intelligent Systems

characteristic morphosyntactic traditional wavelet
goal content description and
classification with granularities
scaled decomposition
scaling concept abstraction and
ontology classification
reduced and representative signal
Uses Extract the main concept of a
extract the main features of a
summarization compression
manage spelling and some
grammatical errors
Complement knowledge Reconstruct portions of
a corrupted signal
Types of wavelets Depends on the specific
sequence of filters
depends on the functions
used as mother function
auto-fitting Must be manually detected
according to results
Table 2. Characteristics of traditional wavelets and MLW
2.3 Linguistic cloud model and MLW
LCM models linguistic knowledge (Li, 2000) using a set of predefined, customized fuzzy
linguistic variables. These variables are generated in accordance with two rules:
1. The atom generation rule specifies the manner in which a linguistic atom may be
generated. An atom is a variable that cannot be sliced into smaller parts.
2. The semantic rule specifies the procedure by which composite linguistic terms are
computed from linguistic atoms. In addition, there are connecting operators (and
or, etc.), modifiers (very quite, etc.) and negatives that are treated as soft
operators that modify an operands (atoms) meaning to produce linguistic terms.
The MSW and the LCM share a common goal. However, the MSW replaces the manual
procedure used to obtain linguistic atoms with automated processing that determines an
atoms linguistic category (e.g., noun or verb) (Lpez De Luise, 2007d, 2008c). The result is
not an atom or a term but is a structure named E
(an acronym from the Spanish, Estructura
de Composicin Interna). The E
is used to model the morphosyntactic configuration within
sentences (Lpez De Luise, 2007; Hisgen, 2010). Thus, the core processing is based on E

structures instead of linguistic variables. An E
is a plastic representation that can evolve to
reflect more detailed information regarding the represented portion of text. While atoms
cannot be sliced, any E
can be partitioned as required during the learning process. Further
differences between the LCM and the MSW are shown in Table 3.
2.4 Morphosyntactics as a goal
Most morphological and syntactical processing is intended for information retrieval, while
alignment supports automatic translation. Those approaches are mainly descriptive and are
defined by cross-classifying different varieties of features (Harley, 1994) such as number and
person. When morphological operations are an autonomous subpart of the derivation, they
acquire a status beyond descriptive convenience. They become linguistic primitives,
manipulated by the rules of word formation.

Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets for Knowledge Management

Basis Atom E
Characteristics of the
unit of processing
Cannot be sliced Can be sliced
Represents the meaning
of a word
Represents morphosyntactic
characteristics of a sentence
Fixed Can evolve
Hand made Automatically extracted
Rules Atom generation rule Morphosyntactic rules
Semantic rules Clustering filters
Semantic Directly manipulated by
term definitions
Indirectly manipulated by
clustering filtering and
morphosyntactic context
Table 3. Comparison Between the LCM and the MSW
In many approaches, they are manipulated as an undifferentiated bundle divided only into
nominal and verbal atoms. The following section describes elements of the morphosyntactic
2.4.1 Detecting language tendencies
Language tendencies denote cultural characteristics, which are represented as dialects and
regional practices. Noyer (Noyer, 1992) described a hierarchical tree organization defined by
applying manually predefined morphological feature filters to manage morphological
contrasts. They used this organization as an indicator of linguistic tendencies in language
usage. Extensions of this approach attempt to derive the geometry of morphological
(Harley, 1994, 1998), with the goal of classifying features into subgroups based on
an universal geometry while accounting for universals in feature distribution and
realization. In MLW, the structure of the information is organized in a general oriented
graph (E
structure) for only the smallest unit of processing (a sentence), and a hierarchy is
defined by a chained sequence of clustering filters (Hisgen, 2010). Language tendencies are
therefore visible in the configuration of a current graph.
2.4.2 Sentence generation
Morphosyntax has also been used to implement a language sentence generator. In an earlier
study (Martnez Lpez, 2007), Spanish adverbial phrases were analyzed to extract the
reusable structures and discard the remainder, with the goal of using the reusable subset to
generate new phrases. Interestingly, the shortest, simplest structures presented the most
productive patterns and represented 45% of the corpus.
Another study (Lpez De Luise, 2007) suggested translating Spanish text, represented by
sets of E
, into a graphic representing the main structure of the content. This structure was

This is a well-known method that is used to model phonological features (Clements, 1985) (Sagey,

Intelligent Systems

tested with 44 subjects (Lpez De Luise, 2005). The results showed that this treatment, even
without directly managing semantics, could communicate the original content. Volunteers
were able to reconstruct the original text content successfully in 100% of the cases. As MLW
is based on E
structure, it follows that it:
- represents keywording well.
- performs well independent of an individuals knowledge on a specific subject.
- performs well independent of an individuals knowledge of informatics.
2.4.3 Language comprehension detection
As language is an expression of mind and its processes, it becomes also the expression of
meaning (or lack of meaning) in general. This fact is also true when the subject is the
language itself. A recent study focused on the most frequently recurrent morphosyntactic
uses in a group of students who study Spanish as a foreign language (Gonzlez Negrn,
2011) revealed a peculiar distribution of nouns and personal pronouns. These parts of
speech were present at a higher frequency than in the speech of native speakers, probably to
guarantee the reader comprehension of the text. Other findings included preposition
repetition and a significant number of misplaced prepositions. Thus, morphosyntactic
statistics detect deficient language understanding. A similar study was performed in
(Konopka, 2008) with Mexican subjects living in Chicago (USA). In the case of MLW, the E

and E
structures will shape irregular language usage and make detection of incorrect
language practices easy.
2.4.4 Semantics detection
Morphosyntactics can be used to detect certain types of semantics in a text. An analysis of
vowel formant structure and vowel space dispersion revealed overall spectral reduction for
certain talkers. These findings suggest an interaction between semantic and indexing factors
in vowel reduction processes (Cloppera, 2008).
Two morphosyntactic experimental studies of numeral quantifiers in English (more than k, at
least k, at most k, and fewer than k) (Koster-Moeller, 2008) showed that Generalized
Quantifier Theory (GQT)
must be extant to manage morphosyntactic differences between
denotationally equivalent quantifiers. The formal semantic is focused on the correct set of
entailment patterns of expressions but is not concerned with deep comprehension or real-
time verification. However, certain systematic distinctions occur during real-time
comprehension. The degree of compromise implicit in a semantic theory depends on the
types of semantic primitives it assumes, and this also influences its ability to treat these
phenomena. In (Lpez De Luise, 2008b), sentences were processed to automatically obtain
specific semantic interpretations. The shape of the statistics performed over the E
s internal
weighting value (named p
) is strongly biased by the semantics behind sentence content.

Generalized Quantifier Theory is a logical semantic theory that studies the interpretation of noun
phrases and determinants. The formal theory of generalized quantifiers already existed as a part of
mathematical logic (Mostowski, 1957), and it was implicit in Montague Grammar (Montague, 1974). It
has been fully developed by Barwise & Cooper (1981) and Keenan & Stavi (Barwise, 1981) as a
framework for investigating universal constraints on quantification and inferential patterns concerning

Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets for Knowledge Management

2.4.5 Improvement of translation quality/performance
Automatic translation has an important evolution. Translation quality depends on proper
pairing or alignment of sources and on appropriate targeting of languages. This sensible
processing be improved using morphosyntactic tools.
Hwang used morphosyntactics intensively for three kinds of language (Hwang, 2005). The
pairs were matched on the basis of morphosyntactical similarities or differences. They
investigated the effects of morphosyntactical information such as base form, part-of-speech,
and the relative positional information of a word in a statistical machine translation
framework. They built word and class-based language models by manipulating
morphological and relative positional information.
They used the language pairs Japanese-Korean (languages with same word order and high
), English-Korean (a highly inflecting and agglutinating language
with partial free word order and an inflecting language with rigid word order), and
Chinese-Korean, (a highly inflecting and agglutinating language with partially free word
order and a non-inflectional language with rigid word order).
According to the language pairing and the direction of translation, different combinations of
morphosyntactic information most strongly improve translation quality. In all cases,
however, using morphosyntactic information in the target language optimized translation
efficacy. Language models based on morphosyntactic information effectively improved
performance. E
is an important part of the MLW, and it has inbuilt morphophonemic
descriptors that contribute significantly to this task.
2.4.6 Speech recognition
Speech recognition requires real-time speech detection. This is problematic when
modeling languages that are highly inflectional but can be achieved by decomposing
words into stems and endings and storing these word subunits (morphemes) separately in
the vocabulary. An enhanced morpheme-based language model has been designed for the
inflectional Dravidian language Tamil (Saraswathi, 2007). This enhanced, morpheme-
based language model was trained on the decomposed corpus. The results were
compared with word-based bi-gram and trigram language models, a distance-based
language model, a dependency-based language model and a class-based language model.
The proposed model improves the performance of the Tamil speech recognition system
relative to the word-based language models. The MLW approach is based on a similar
decomposition into stems and endings, but it includes additional morphosyntactical
features that are processed with the same importance as full words (for more information,
see the last sections). Thus, we expect that this approach will be suitable for processing
highly inflectional languages.

This term was introduced by Wilhelm von Humboldt in 1836 to classify languages from a
morphological point of view. An agglutinative language is a language that uses agglutination
extensively: most words are formed by joining morphemes together. A morpheme is the smallest
component of a word or other linguistic unit that has semantic meaning.

Intelligent Systems

3. Morphosyntactic linguistic wavelet approach
3.1 A sequential approach to wavelets
Because language is complex, soft decomposition into a set of base functions (as in
traditional wavelets) is a multi-step process with several components.
Developing numeric wavelets usually includes the following steps:
1. Take the original signal sample
2. Apply filtering (decomposition using the mother wavelet)
3. Analyze coefficients defined by the basis function
4. If the granularity and details are inadequate for the current problem, repeat from step 2
5. Take the resulting coefficients as a current representation of the signal
Language requires additional steps, which are described in more detail in the following
section. In brief, these steps are:
1. Take the original text sample
2. Compress and translate text into an oriented graph (E
) preserving most
morphosyntactic properties
3. Apply filtering using the most suitable approach
4. If abstraction granularity and details are insufficient for the current problem
4.1 Insert a new filter, E
, in the knowledge organization
4.2 Repeat from step 3
5. Take the resulting sequence of filtering as a current representation of the knowledge
about and ontology of the text
6. Take the resulting E
as the internal representation of the new text event
A short description of the MLW steps is presented below, with an example in the Use case.
3.2 Details of the MLW process
Further details of the MLW process are provided in this section, with the considerations
relevant to each step included.
3.2.1 Take the original text sample
Text can be extracted from Spanish dialogs, Web pages, documents, speech transcriptions,
and other documents. The case study in the section 4 uses dialogs, transcriptions, and other
documents. Several references mentioned in this chapter were based on Web pages.
3.2.2 Compress and translate text into an oriented graph (Called E
) preserving most
morphosyntactic properties
Original text is processed using predefined and static tables. The main components of this
step are as follows:
- Filter useless morphemes
using reference tables.

Syntagm (linguistics) is any sequenced combination of morphologic elements that is considered a unit,
has stability and is commonly accepted by native speakers.

Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets for Knowledge Management

- Extract morphosyntactic descriptors (numeric values automatically extracted, such as
the number of vowels) for each word processed. Words were previously represented by
Porter's Stemming, but this tool does not have enough classification power for use as a
sole instrument. Morphosyntactic descriptors are required to process text with
sufficient confidence levels (Lpez De Luise, 2007d).
- Collapse syntagmas into a condensed internal representation (usually, selected
). The resulting representation is called EBH (Estructura Bsica
Homognea, uniform basic structure). EBHs are linked with specific connectors.
- Calculate and set the morphosyntactic weighting p
for E
More details of each of these steps are outside of the scope of this chapter (but see (Lpez De
Luise, 2008c) and (Lpez De Luise, 2008)).
3.2.3 Apply filtering using the most suitable approach
Since knowledge management depends on previous language experiences, filtering is
dynamic process that adapts itself to current cognitive capabilities. Furthermore, as shown
in the Case Study section, filtering is a very sensitive step in the MLW transformation.
Filtering is a process composed of several filters. The current paper includes the following
three clustering algorithms: Simple K-means, Farthest First and Expectation Maximization
(Witten, 2005). They are applied sequentially for each new E
. When an E
is mature, the
filter no longer changes.
The distance used to evaluate clustering is based on the similarity between the descriptor
values and the internal morphosyntactic metric, p
, that weights EBH (representing
morphemes). It has been shown that clusters generated with p
represent consistent word
agglomerations (Lpez De Luise, 2008, 2008b). Although this chapter does not use fuzzy
clustering algorithms, it is important to note that such filters require a specific adaptation for
distance using the categorical metrics defined in (Lpez De Luise, 2007e).
3.2.4 If Abstraction granularity and details are inadequate for the current problem
Granularity is determined by the ability to discriminate the topic and by the degree of detail
required to represent the E
. In the MLW context it is the logic distance between the current
and the E
(see Figure 5). This distance depends on the desired learning
approach. In the example included herein (Section 4), it is the number of elements in the E

that fall within each E
partition. The distribution of EBHs determines whether a new E
a necessary. When the EBHs are too irregular, a new E
is built per step Otherwise
the new E
is added to the partition that is the best match. Insert a new filter, E
, in the knowledge organization
The current E
is cleaned so that it keeps all the E
s that best match its partitions, and a new
that includes all the E
s that are not well represented is created and linked.

A meaningful linguistic unit that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts.
Partition in this context is a cluster obtained after the filtering process.

Intelligent Systems

178 Repeat from step 3.2.3
3.2.5 Take the resulting sequence of filtering as a current representation of the
knowledge about and ontology of the text
The learned E
's ontology is distributed along the chain of E
3.2.6 Take the resulting E
as the internal representation of the new text event
The specific acquired, concrete knowledge is now condensed in the E
. This provides a good
representation of the original text and its keywording (Lpez De Luise, 2005).
Real texts include contradictions and ambiguities. As previously shown (Lpez De Luise,
2007b), they are processed and handled despite potentially inadequate contextual
information. The algorithm does not include detailed clause analysis of or encode linguistic
knowledge about the context because these components complicate the process and make it
less automatic.
Furthermore, using the p
metric can distinguish the following Writing Profiles: general
document, Web forum, Web index and blogs. This metric is therefore independent of
document size and mentioned text styles (Lpez De Luise, 2007c). Consequently, it is useful
to define the quality of the text that is being learned and to decide whether to accept it as a
source of knowledge.
3.3 Gelernters perspective on reasoning
Section 3.2.3. defines that the clustering algorithms must be used first hard clusterings and
afterwards fuzzy. It is not a trivial restriction. Its goal is to organize learning across a range
from specific concrete data to abstract and fuzzy information. The filters are therefore
organized as a sequence from simple k-means clustering to fuzzy clustering. This approach
is compatible with Gelernters belief that thinking is not a static algorithm that applies to
every situation. Thinking requires a set of diverse algorithms that are not limited to
reasoning. Some of these algorithms are sharp and deep, allowing clear manipulation of
concrete objects, but there are other algorithms with different properties.
David Gelernter Theory (Gelernter, 2010) states that thinking is not the same as reasoning.
When your mind wanders, you are still thinking. Your mind is still at work. This free
association is an important part of human thought. No computer will be able to think like a
man unless it can perform free association.
People have three common misconceptions:
3.3.1 The belief that thinking is the same as reasoning
There are several activities in the mind that are not reasoning. The brain keeps working even
when the mind is wandering.
3.3.2 The belief that reality and thoughts are different and separated things
Reality is conceptualized as external while the mental landscape created by thoughts is seen
as internal and mental. According to Gelernter, both are essentially the same although the
attentional focus varies.

Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets for Knowledge Management

3.3.3 The separation of the thinker and the thought
Thinking is not a PowerPoint presentation in which the thinker watches the stream of his
thoughts. When a person is dreaming or hallucinating, the thinker and his thought-stream
are not separate. They are blended together. The thinker inhabits his thoughts.
Gelernter describes thinking as a spectrum of many methods that alternate depending
on the current attentional focus. When the focus is high, the method is analytic and
sharp. When the brain is not sharply focused, emotions are more involved and objects
become fuzzy. That description is analogous to the filtering restriction: define sharp
clustering first and leave fuzzy clustering approaches for the final steps. As Gelernter
writes, No computer will be creative unless it can simulate all the nuances of human
4. Case study
This section presents a sample case to illustrate the MLW procedure. The database is a set of
ten Web pages with the topic Orchids. From more than 4200 original symbols and
morphemes in the original pages, 3292 words were extracted; 67 of them were automatically
selected for the example. This section shows the sequential MLW decomposition. Table 4
shows the filtering results for the first six E
4.1 Build E
Because the algorithm has no initial information about the text, we start with a transition
state and set the d parameter to 20%. This parameter assesses the difference in the number
of elements between the most and least populated partitions.
4.2 Apply filters to E
The K-means clustering, in the following KM, is used as the first filter with settings N= 5
clusters, seed 10. Diff=16%<d. Keep KM as the filter.
4.3 Apply filters to E
Filter using KM with the same settings, and the current Diff=11%<d. Keep KM as the
4.4 Apply filters to E
Filter using KM with the same settings, and the current Diff=10%<d. Keep KM as the filter
and exit the transition state.
4.5 Apply filters to E
Filter using KM with d=10% for steady state. This process will indicate whether to change
the filter or build a new E
. Clustering settings are the same, and the current Diff=20%>d.
Change to Farthest First (FF) as the filter.

Intelligent Systems

4.6 Apply filters to E
Filter using FF with clustering settings N=5 clusters, seed 1. The current Diff=45%>d.
Change to Expectation Maximization (EM) as the next filter.
4.7 Apply filters to E
Filter using EM. The clustering settings are min stdDev :1.0E-6, num clusters: -1 (automatic),
seed: 100. The current Diff=13%>d, Log likelihood: -18.04546. Split E
and filter the more
subset of E
s using EM. Log likelihood: -17.99898, diff=8.

Cluster E
1 E
2 E
3 E
4 E
5 E
6 E
0 1 ( 17%) 3 ( 33%) 3 ( 20%) 3 ( 20%) 2 ( 6%) 13 ( 29%) 8 ( 18%)
1 1 ( 17%) 1 ( 11%) 5 ( 33%) 5 ( 33%) 4 ( 11%) 7 ( 16%) 8 ( 18%)
2 1 ( 17%) 2 ( 22%) 2 ( 13%) 2 ( 13%) 9 ( 26%) 11 ( 24%) 12 ( 26%)
3 2 ( 33%) 2 ( 22%) 3 ( 20%) 3 ( 20%) 18 ( 51%) 14 ( 31%) 8 ( 18%)
4 1 ( 17%) 1 ( 11%) 2 ( 13%) 2 ( 13%) 2 ( 6%) 9 ( 20%)
diff 16,00% 11,00% 10,00% 20,00% 45,00% 13,00% 8,00%
*This is the result of EM to define the splitting of Ece1.
Table 4. Filtering results for each E
4.8 Build E
2 to E
Keep all the individuals as E
1, and put in E
2 the individuals in cluster 1 (one of the three
less cohesive, with lower p
). This procedure is shown in Figure 6.

Fig. 6. E
1 after cleaning up the less cohesive E

Cohesiveness is defined according to MLW as distance and sequence of filters. In this case it is
implemented using EM forcing 5 clusters, and selecting the four clusters with more elements.

Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets for Knowledge Management

4.9 Apply filters to E
Detect the E
1 partition that best suits E
7 using cohesiveness criteria. The result shows that
the partition that holds E
6 is the best. E
7 now hangs from this partition as indicated in
Figure 7.

Fig. 7. E
1,1 hanging from E
4.10 Apply filters to E
Detect the E
1 partition that best suits E
8 using the same cohesiveness criteria. The
partition that holds E
5 is the best. E
1,1 now contains E
4, E
5 and E
6. Filter E
1,1 using
KM with clustering settings of N= 5 clusters, seed 10. The value of Diff=20%>d. Change to
Farthest First (FF) as the next filter.
Now the E
sequence is as indicated in Figure 8.

Fig. 8. E
1 and E
1,1 after learning E

Intelligent Systems

4.11 The representation in MLW
We do not expect E
content to be understood from the human point of view, but it should
be considered a tool to condense and potentially regenerate knowledge from textual
sources. This is a first step in the study of this type of tool that uses mathematical and
statistical extraction of knowledge to automatically decompose text and represent it in a self-
organizational approach.
For instance, the following sentence from the dataset,
Dactylorhiza incarnata es orqudea de especies Europeas
(Dactylorhiza incarnata is an European orchid species)
corresponds to the EBH number 04, and can be found (after MLW) as the sequence E
If there is an interest in understanding the topic, the main entry of the set of E
s in the
cluster can be used as a brief description. To regenerate the concepts saved in the structure
for human understanding, it is only necessary to use the symbolic representation of the E

(Lpez De Luise, 2007).
5. Conclusion
MLW is a new approach that attempts to model natural language automatically, without the
use of dictionaries, special languages, tagging, external information, adaptation for new
changes in the languages, or other supports. It differs from traditional wavelets in that it
depends on previous usage, but it does not require human activities to produce definitions
or provide specific adaptations to regional settings. In addition, it compresses the original
text into the final E
. However, the long-term results require further testing, both to further
evaluate MLW and to evaluate the correspondence between human ontology and
conceptualization and the E
s sequence .
This approach can be completed with the use of a p
weighting to filter the results of any
query or browsing activity according to quality and to detect additional source types
It will also be important to test the use of categorical metrics for fuzzy filters and to evaluate
MLW with alternate distances, filter sequences and cohesiveness parameters.
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Intelligent Systems

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Intelligent Distributed
eLearning Architecture
S. Stoyanov
, H. Zedan
, E. Doychev
, V. Valkanov
I. Popchev
, G. Cholakov
and M. Sandalski

University of Plovdiv,
de Montfort University - Leicester Country
1. Introduction
One of the main characteristics of the eLearning systems today is the 'anytime-anywhere-
anyhow' delivery of electronic content, personalized and customized for each individual user.
To satisfy this requirement new types of context-aware and adaptive software architectures are
needed, which are enabled to sense aspects of the environment and use this information to
adapt their behavior in response to changing situation. In conformity with [Dey,2000], a
context is any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity. An entity
may be a person, a place, or an object that is considered relevant to the interaction between a
user and an application, including the user and the application themselves.
Development of context-aware and adaptive architectures can be benefited from some ideas
and approaches of pervasive computing. Pervasive computing is a new paradigm for next-
generation distributed systems where computers disappear in the background of the users'
everyday activities. In such a paradigm computation is performed on a multitude of small
devices interconnected through a wireless network. Fundamental to pervasive computing is
that any component (including user, hardware and software) can be mobile and that
computations are context-aware. As a result, mobility and context-awareness are important
features of any design framework for pervasive computing applications. Context-awareness
requires applications to be able to sense aspects of the environment and use this information
to adapt their behaviours in response to changing situations.
One of the main goals of the Distributed eLearning Centre (DeLC) project [Ganchev, 2005] is
the development of such an architecture and corresponding software that could be used
efficiently for on-line eLearning distance education. The approach adopted for the design
and development of the system architecture is focused on the development of a service-
oriented and agent-based intelligent system architecture providing wireless and fixed access
to electronic services and electronic content. This chapter provides a general description of
the architecture for two types of access - mobile and fixed.
Furthermore, we present the Calculus of Context-aware Ambients (CCA in short) for the
modelling and verification of mobile systems that are context-aware. This process calculus is

Intelligent Systems 186
built upon the calculus of mobile ambient and introduces new constructs to enable ambients
and processes to be aware of the environment in which they are being executed. This results
in a powerful calculus where both mobility and context-awareness are first-class citizens.
We present the syntax and a formal semantics of the calculus. We also present a new theory
of equivalence of processes which allows the identification of systems that have the same
context aware behaviours. We prove that CCA encodes the Pi-calculus which is known to be
a universal model of computation.
We have used our CCA to specify DeLC in its entirety, hence achieving its correctness. Such
a dynamic system must enforce complex policies to cope with security, mobility and
context-awareness. We show how these policies can be formalised and verified using CCA.
In particular an important liveness property of the mLearning system is proved using the
reduction semantics of CCA.
2. DeLC overview
Distributed eLearning Center (DeLC) is a reference architecture, supporting a reactive,
proactive and personalized provision of education services and electronic content. The
DeLC architecture is modeled as a network (Fig.1.), which consists of separate nodes, called
eLearning Nodes (eLNs). Nodes model real units (laboratories, departments, faculties,
colleges, and universities), which offer a complete or partial educational cycle. Each
eLearning Node is an autonomous host of a set of electronic services. The configuration of
the network edges is such as to enable the access, incorporation, use and integration of
electronic services located on the different eLNs.

Fig. 1. DeLC Network Model
The eLearning Nodes can be isolated (eLN
) or integrated in more complex virtual
structures, called clusters. Remote eService activation and integration is possible only within
a cluster. In the network model we can easily create new clusters, reorganize or remove

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 187
existing clusters (the reorganization is done on a virtual level, it does not affect the real
organization). For example, the reorganization of an existing cluster can be made not by
removing a node but by denying the access to the offered by it services. The reorganization
does not disturb the function of other nodes (as nodes are autonomous self-sufficient
educational units providing one or more integral educational services).
An important feature of the eLearning Nodes is the access to supported services and
electronic content. In relation to the access there are two kinds of nodes:
Mobile eLearning Node and
Fixed eLearning Node.
For both nodes individual reference architectures are proposed within DeLC.
The current version of DeLC (Fig.2), two standardized architecture supporting fixed and
mobile access to the eLearning services and teaching contend have been implemented. The
fixed access architecture is adapted for the following domains implemented as particular
Education portal supporting blended learning in the secondary school;
Specialized node for electronic testing (DeLC Test Center);
Specialized node for education in software engineering (eLSE);
Specialized nod for examination of creative thinking and handling of students (CA).
The node adapts the Creativity Assistant environment [Zedan,2008];
Intelligent agents that support the eLearning services provided by the DeLC portal (AV).
The Agent Village will be presented in this chapter in more detail.
3. Mobile eLearning node
A distinguishable feature of contemporary mobile eLearning (mLearning) systems is the
anywhere-anytime-anyhow aspect of delivery of electronic content, which is personalised
and customised to suit a particular mobile user [Barker,2000], [Maurer,2001]. In addition,
mobile service content is expected to be delivered to users always in the best possible way
through the most appropriate connection type according to the always best connected and
best served communication paradigm [ODroma,2007], [Passas,2006]. In the light of these
trends, the goal is to develop an intelligent mobile eLearning node which uses an
InfoStation-based communication environment with distributed control [Frenkiel,1996],
[Ganchev,2007]. The InfoStation paradigm is an extension of the wireless Internet, where
mobile clients interact directly with Web service providers (i.e. InfoStations). By their mobile
devices the users request services from the nearest InfoStation utilizing Bluetooth or WiFi
wireless communication.
3.1 InfoStation-based network architecture
The continuing evolution in the capabilities and resources available within modern mobile
devices has precipitated an evolution in the realm of eLearning. The architecture presented
here attempts to harness the communicative potential of these devices in order to present
learners with a more pervasive learning experience, which can be dynamically altered and

Intelligent Systems 188
Creativity Assistant
Agent Village (AV)
eLearning in Software
Engineering (eLSE)
DeLC Test Center
Education Portal
for Secondary
DeLC Portal
Info Stations (IS)
3rd Tier: InfoStations Centre
(with Profile Managers and Global Services Content
2nd Tier: InfoStations
(with cached copies of recently used user/service
profiles, and Local Services Content Repository)
1st Tier: Mobile Devices
(with Intelligent Agents acting as Personal
Assistants for mobile users)

Fig. 2. Distributed eLearning Center
tailored to suit them. The following network architecture enables mobile users to access
various mLearning services, via a set of intelligent wireless access points, or InfoStations,
deployed in key points across the University Campus. The InfoStation-based network
consists of three tiers as shown in Figure 3.
The first tier encompass the user mobile devices (cell phones, laptops, PDAs), equipped
with intelligent agents acting as Personal Assistants to users. The Personal Assistant gathers
information about the operating environment onboard the mobile device, as well as
soliciting information about the user. Supplied with this information, the InfoStation can
make better decisions on applicable services and content to deliver to the Personal Assistant.

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 189
3rd Tier: InfoStations Centre
(with Profile Managers and Global Services Content

2nd Tier: InfoStations
(with cached copies of recently used user/service
profiles, and Local Services Content Repository)
1st Tier: Mobile Devices
(with Intelligent Agents acting as Personal
Assistants for mobile users)

Fig. 3. The 3-tier InfoStation-based network architecture
The second tier consists of InfoStations, satisfying the users' requests for services through
Bluetooth and/or WiFi wireless mobile connections. The InfoStations maintain
connections with mobile devices, create and manage user sessions, provide interface to
global services offered by the InfoStation Centre, and host local services. The
implementation of these local services is an important aspect of this system. By
implementing particular services within specific localised regions throughout the
University campus, we can enrich the service users experience within these localities. A
prime example of how this type of local service can enrich a learners experience, is the
deployment of library-based services [Ganchev,2008a]. Within the library domain, library
users experience can be greatly enhanced through the facilitation of services offering
resource location capabilities or indeed account notifications. The division of global and
local services allows for a reduction of the workload placed on the InfoStation Centre. In
the original InfoStation architecture, the InfoStations operated only as mediators between
the user mobile devices and a centre, on which a variety of electronic services are
deployed and executed. The InfoStations within this architecture do not only occupy the
role of mediators, they also act as the primary service providing nodes.
The third tier is the InfoStation Centre concerned with controlling the InfoStations, and
overall updating and synchronisation of information across the system. The InfoStation
Centre also acts as the host for global services.
3.2 Context-aware service provision
In order to ensure a context-aware service provision we propose that an application is built
as an integration of two components [Stoyanov,2008]:
A standardized middleware, which is able to detect the dynamic changes in the
environment during the processing of user requests for services (contex-awareness) and
correspondingly to ensure their efficient and non-problematic execution (adaptability);
A set of electronic services realizing the functionality of the application area
(education), which could be activated and controlled by the middleware.

Intelligent Systems 190
As the middleware is concerned with the context-awareness and adaptability aspects, it is
important to clarify these concepts. Within our development approach, Dey's definition
[Dey,2000] was adopted, according to which "context is any information that can be used to
characterize the situation at an entity". An entity could be a person, place, or object that is
considered relevant to the interaction between a user and an application, including the user
and applications themselves. Context could be of different type, e.g. location, identity,
activity, time.
Dey's definition is utilized here as a basis for further discussions. In order to elaborate on
this definition a working one for the creation of the desired middleware architecture, we
first solidify the definition as presented further in the chapter. We want clearly to
differentiate context-awareness from the adaptability. Context-awareness is the
middleware's ability to identify the changes in the environment/context as regards:
Mobile device's location (device mobility) - in some cases this mobility leads to changing
the serving InfoStation. This is especially important due to the inherent mobility within
the system, as users move throughout the University campus. This information has a
bearing on the local services deployed within a particular area i.e. within the University
User device (user mobility) - this mobility offers different options for the delivery of the
service request's results back to the user. What is important here is to know the
capabilities of the new device activated by the user, so as to adapt the service content
Communication type - depending on the current prevailing wireless network
conditions/constraints, the user may avail of different communications possibilities
(e.g. Bluetooth or WiFi);
User preferences - service personalisation may be needed as to reflect the changes made
by users in their preferences, e.g., the way the service content is visualised to them, etc.;
Goal-driven sequencing of tasks engaged in by the user;
Environmental context issues such as classmates and/or learner/educator interactions.
The goal of adaptability is to ensure trouble-free, transparent and adequate fulfilment of
user requests for services by taking into account the various aspects of the context
mentioned above. In other words, after identifying a particular change in the service
environment, the middleware must be able to take compensating actions (counter-measures)
such as handover of user service sessions from one InfoStation to another, re-
formatting/transcoding of service content due to a change of mobile device (varying device
capabilities), service personalisation, etc.
To ensure adequate support for user mobility and device mobility (the first two aspects of
the context change), the following four main communications scenarios are identified for
support in our middleware architecture [Ganchev,2008b]:
'No change' - a mLearning service is provided within the range of the same InfoStation
and without changing the user mobile device;
'Change of user mobile device' - due to the inherent mobility, it is entirely possible that
during an mLearning service session, the user may shift to another mobile device, e.g.
with greater capabilities, in order to experience a much richer service environment and
utilize a wider range of resources;

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 191
'Change of InfoStation' - within the InfoStation paradigm, the connection between the
InfoStations themselves and the user mobile devices is by definition geographically
intermittent. With a number of InfoStations positioned around a University campus, the
users may pass through a number of InfoStation serving areas during the service
session. This transition between InfoStation areas must be completely transparent to the
user, ensuring the user has continuous access to the service;
'Change of InfoStation and user mobile device' - most complicated scenario whereby the
user may change the device simultaneously with the change of the InfoStation.
To support the third aspect of the context change (different communication type), the
development of an intelligent component (agent) working within the communication layer
(c.f. Figure 4) is envisaged. This component operates with the capability to define and
choose the optimal mode of communication, depending on the current prevailing access
network conditions (e.g. congestion level, number of active users, average data rate
available to each active user, etc.). The user identification and corresponding service
personalisation is subject to a middleware adaptation for use in the particular application
area. In the case of eLearning, the architecture is extended to support the three fundamental
eLearning models - the educational domain model, the user/learner model, and the
pedagogical model [Stoyanov,2005],[ Ganchev,2008c].
3.3 Layered system architecture
The layered system architecture (Figure 4) is a distributed architecture, meaning that its
functional entities are deployed across the different tiers/nodes, i.e. on mobile devices,
InfoStations, and InfoStation Centre. In this architecture the role of the InfoStations is
expanded, enabling them to act (besides the mediation role) as hosts for the local
mLearning services (LmS) and for preparation, adaptation, and conclusive delivery of
global mLearning services (GmS). This way the service provision is efficiently distributed
across the whole architecture. Each of the system network nodes have a different structure
depending on their functioning within the system. However, each node is built upon a
Communication Layer whose main task is to initialize, control and maintain
communications between different nodes. This layer is also concerned with choosing the
most appropriate mode of communication between a mobile device and an InfoStation -
whether that be Bluetooth or WiFi, or indeed as the platform evolves perhaps WiMAX in
the future. The software architecture of the InfoStations and InfoStation Centre includes a
Service Layer on the top. The main task of this layer is to prepare the execution of the
users' service requests, to activate and receive the results of the execution of different
services (local and global).
The InfoStations' middle layer is responsible for the execution of scenarios and control of
user sessions. It is at this layer where the user service requests are mainly processed by
taking into account all contex-aware aspects and applying corresponding adaptive actions.
The middle layer of the InfoStation Centre ensures the needed synchronisation during
particular scenarios (c.f. Section 8). In addition, different business supporting components,
e.g. for user accounting, charging and billing, may operate here.
The software architecture of the user mobile devices contains two other layers:

Intelligent Systems 192
Personal Assistant - its task is to help the user in specifying the service requests sent to
the system, accomplish the communication with the InfoStations' software, receive and
visualise the service requests' results to the user, etc. Moreover the assistant can provide
information needed for the personalisation of services (based on information stored in
the user profile) and/or for the synchronisation of scenario execution;
Graphical User Interface (GUI) - its task is to prepare and present the forms for setting
up the service requests, and visualise the corresponding results received back from the

Fig. 4. The layered system architecture
3.4 Agent-oriented middleware architecture
The main implementation challenges within this system are related to the support of
distributed control, as the system should be capable of detecting all relevant changes in the
environment (context-awareness) and according to these changes, facilitate the service
offerings in the most flexible and efficient manner (adaptability). The system architecture
presented in the previous section is implemented as a set of cooperating intelligent agents.
An agent oriented approach has been adopted in the development of this architecture in
order to:
Model adequately the real distributed infrastructure;
Allow for realisation of distributed models of control;
Ensure pro-active middleware behaviour which is quite beneficial in many situations;
Use more efficiently the information resources spread over different InfoStations.
Moreover, the agent-oriented architecture can easily be extended with new agents (where
required) that cooperate with the existing ones and communicate by means of a
standardized protocol (in this case the FIPA -Agent Communication Language (ACL)
[FIPA,2002]). Indeed the InfoStations and InfoStation Centre exist as networks of
interoperating agents and services, with the agents fulfilling various essential roles
necessary for system management. Within each of these platforms, agents take
responsibility for selecting and establishing a client-server cross-platform connection,

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 193
conveyance of context information and the delivery of adapted and personalised service
content. This multi-agent approach differs from the classic multi-tier architectures in which
the relationships between the components at a particular tier are much stronger.
Conceptually we define different layers in the system architecture in order to present the
functionality of the middleware that is being developed in a more systematic fashion.
Implementation-wise, the middleware architecture is considered as a set of interacting
intelligent agents. Communication between the user mobile devices and the serving
InfoStations could be realized in two ways:
An agent operating within the InfoStation discovers all new devices entering the range
and subsequently initiates communication with them; or
Personal Assistant agents on the user mobile devices are the active part in
communication, and initiate the connection with the InfoStation.
In the current implementation of the prototype architecture, the former approach is used for
Bluetooth communication, whereas the latter applies for WiFi communication.
Figure 4 highlights the main components necessary to ensure continuity to the service
provision, i.e. support for the continuous provision of services and user sessions in the case
of scenario change or resource deficiency. The agents which handle the connection and
session establishment perform different actions, such as:
Searching for and finding mobile devices within the range of an InfoStation;
Creating a list of services required by mobile devices;
Initiation of a wireless connection with mobile devices;
Data transfer to- and from mobile devices.
Also illustrated within Figure 5 are the components which serve to facilitate a level of
context sensitivity and personalisation to the presented services. A short description of the
various agents (for Bluetooth communication) within the architecture is presented below.
The first step in the delivery of the services involves the Scanner agent, which continuously
searches for mobile devices/Personal Assistant agents within the service area of the
InfoStation. In addition, this agent retrieves a list of services required by users (registered on
their mobile devices upon installation of the client part of the application), as well as the
profile information, detailing the context (i.e. device capability and user preference
information. The Scanner agent receives this information in the form of an XML file, which
itself is extracted from the content of an ACL message. The contents of this XML file are then
passed on via the Connection Advisor agent, to the Profile Processor agent, which parses the
received profile and extracts meaningful information. This information can in turn be
utilized to perform the requisite alterations to services and service content.
The information is also very important in relation to the tasks undertaken by the Scenario
Manager agent. The role of this agent is to monitor and respond to changes in the operating
environment, within which the services are operating (i.e. change of mobile device). In the
event of a significant change of service environment, this agent gathers the new capability
and preference information (CPI) via the Scanner agent. Then, in conjunction with the Query
Manager agent and the Content Adaptation agent, facilitates the dynamic adaptation of the
service content to meet the new service context.

Intelligent Systems 194
The main duty of the Connection Adviser agent is to filter the list (received from the
Scanner agent) of mobile devices as well as requested services. The filtration is carried out
with respect to a given (usually heuristic) criterion. Information needed for the filtration is
stored in a local database. The Connection Adviser agent sends the filtered list to the
Connection Initiator agent, who takes on the task of initiating a connection with the
Personal Assistant onboard the mobile device. This agent generates the so-called
Connection Object, through which a communication with the mobile device is established
via Bluetooth connection. Once this connection has been established, the Connection
Initiator generates an agent to which it hands over the control of the connection, called a
Connection agent.
From this point on, all communications between the InfoStation and the Personal Assistant
are directed by the Connection agent. The internal architecture of the Connection agent
contains three threads: an agent thread used for communication with the Query Manager
agent, and a Send thread and Receive thread, which look after each direction of the wireless
communication with the mobile device.
The Query Manager performs one of the most crucial tasks within the InfoStation
architecture. It determines where information received from the mobile device is to be
directed, e.g. directly to simple services, or via Interface agents to sophisticated services. It
also transforms messages coming from the Connection agent into messages of the correct
protocols to be understood by the relevant services, i.e. for simple services - UDDI or
SOAP, or for increasingly sophisticated services by using more complicated, semantic-
oriented protocols (e.g. OWL-S [OWL-S,2010]). The Query Manager agent also interacts
with the Content Adaptation agent in order to facilitate the Personal Assistant with
increasingly contextualised service content. This Content Adaptation agent, operating
under the remit of the Query Manager agent, essentially performs the role of an
adaptation engine, which takes in the profile information provided by the Profile
Processor agent, and executes the requisite adaptation operations on the service content
(e.g. file compression, image resizing etc.)

Fig. 5. The Agent-Oriented Middleware Architecture

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 195
The Query Manager agent receives user service requests via the Connection agent, and may
communicate with various services. Once it has passed the request on to the services, all
service content is passed back to the Query Manager via the Content Adaptation agent. The
Profile Processor agent parses and validates received profiles (XML files) and creates a
Document Object Model (DOM) tree [W3C,2010]. Using this DOM tree the XML information
may be operated on, to discern the information most pertinent to the adaptation of service
content. The Content Adaptation agent receives requests-responses from the services,
queries the Profile Processor agent regarding the required context, and then either selects a
pre-packaged service content package which closely meets the requirements of the mobile
device, or applies a full transformation to the service content to meet the constraints of the
operating environment of the device.
The tasks undertaken by the Content Adaptation agent, the Scenario Manager agent and the
Profile Processor agent, enable the system to dynamically adapt to changing service
environments, even during a particular service session. Once the connection to a particular
service has been initialized and the service content adapted to the requisite format, the
Connection agent facilitates the transfer of the information to the user mobile device.
4. Fixed eLearning node
The fixed nodes of the DeLC are implemented as education portals, which provides
personalized educational services and teaching material. A standardized portal architecture
is described in this section, which is used as generic framework for implementation of
particular education portals for university and secondary school. The architecture has been
extended by intelligent components (agents, called assistants) in order to enhance the
flexibility, reactivity and pro-activeness of the portals.
4.1 Education portal architecture
The architecture of the educational portal is service-oriented and multi-layered, consisting of
three logical layers (Figure 6): user interface, e-services and digital libraries.
The user interface supports the connection between the users and the portal. Through it the
users can register in the system and create their own personalized educational environment.
The user interface visualizes and provides access for the user to services, depending on their
role, assigned during the registration.
Two kinds of e-services are located in the middle layer - system services and eLearning
services. The system services, called 'engines', are transparent for the users and their basic
purpose is to assist in the processing of the eLearning services. Using the information,
contained in the meta-objects, they can effectively support the activation, execution and
finalization of the eLearning services. In the current portal architecture the next engines are
SCORM Engine;
Exams Engine;
Events and Remainders Engine;
Integration Engine;
User Profiling.

Intelligent Systems 196
SCORM Engine is implemented in the portal architecture for delivering an interpreter of
the electronic content, developed in accordance with the SCORM 2004 standard. The Test
Engine assists in performing electronic testing using the portal. It processes basically the
meta objects, which describe the questions and the patterns of the tests. The Event Engine
supports a model for event management, enabling the users to see and create events and
also be notified for them in advance. The events in the system reflect important moments
for the users, such as a lecture, examination, test, national holiday, birthday, etc. One
event is characterized by attributes, such as a name, start and end date and time, details,
and information if it is a recurring one, as well as rules for its recurrence. The Event
Engine supports yearly, monthly and weekly recurring. The User Profiling implements
the user model of the portal. The profiles could be classified by roles, user groups,
communities, and organizations. The standard user profile consists of three main groups
of attributes:
Standard attributes - necessary for user identification through username, password, e-
mail, and others;
Extended attributes - addresses, phone numbers, Internet pages, IM, social networks
contacts, and others;
DeLC custom attributes - other user identifications. Thus, for example, for users with
role "student" these can be faculty number, subject, faculty, and course.
The portal gives an opportunity for extending the user profile with some additional
attributes. The users' profiles contain the whole information needed for personalization of
the provided by DeLC portal services, educational content and user interface. The profile is
created automatically during the first user's log in, through a call to the university's
database, filling in the standard and custom attributes. The integration with the university
database and with ?nother external components is supported by the Integration Engine.
Extended attributes are filled by the user. During each next user's log in in the portal the
information in their profile is synchronized, as eventual updates in the university's database
are automatically migrated in the user's profile, for example passage in the upper course or
changing the subject.
Educational services serve all stages in one educational process. Supported by the portal,
services are grouped in three categories:
Services for training, organizing and planning of the educational process;
Services for conduction and management of the education process - examples of these
services are electronic lectures, electronic testing, online and offline consultations;
Services for recording and documenting the educational process - these services
support automated generation of the documents recording the educational process
(examination protocols, student books, teachers' personal notebooks and archives).
The third layer contains electronic content in the form of repositories, known as digital
libraries. In the current version are supported lecture courses digital library, questionary
library, test templates library, course projects library and diploma theses library. The
supported portal services work directly with the digital libraries. The digital libraries
content can be navigated by help of a generalized catalog.

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 197

Fig. 6. Standarised Architecture of the portal
4.2 Education cluster
In order to provide more effective and personalized user support, we need to enhance the
flexibility, reactivity and pro-activeness of the portal including intelligent components into
the architecture. The pro-activity improves the usability and friendliness of the system to the
users. Pro-activity means that the software can operate "on behalf'' of the user'' and "activate
itself'' when it "estimates'' that its intervention is necessary. Two approaches are available:
Direct integration of intelligent components in the currently existing architecture - in
this way we extend the existing portal architecture;
Building an education cluster.
The litter approach is preferable because it match with DeLC philosophy for building of
more complex structures. Moreover, the former approach involves difficulties in the
integration of two environments with different characteristics - portal frame and agent-
oriented environment.
The education cluster consists of two nodes - the existing portal and a new node, called
Agent Village (AV), where the "assistants'' will "live in'' (Figure 7). Three basic problems
have to be solve in order to create the cluster:
Architecture of the AV node;
Interaction between the portal and AV;
What kind of intelligent assistance for the portal services.
AV node is implemented as an agent-oriented server, by help of JADE environment

SCORM Engine
Engine Test Engine
eLearning Service
User Interface
Digital Libraries
& User

Intelligent Systems 198
The connection of the educational portal and the AV node is made through the middle layer
of the portal architecture, where the electronic services are located. Depending on the
direction of the asked assistance we distinguish reactive and proactive behavior of the
architecture. In the reactive behavior the interaction between the two nodes is initiated by
the portal. This is necessary in the cases when a user request is processed and a service
needs an "expert'' assistance. The service addresses the corresponding agent, located in the
AV. The problem is that, in their nature, the services are passive and static software
modules, intended mainly for the convenient realization and integration of some business
functionality. Therefore they must "transfer'' the responsibility for the activation and
support of the connection to an active component of the architecture, as agents do. To do
this, the service sends a concrete message to the agent's environment, which, on its behalf,
identifies the change of the environment and reacts by interpreting the message. Depending
on the identified need of assistance the agent activates the necessary actions. The reactive
behavior of the architecture could be implemented using a:
Synchronous model - this model is analogous to calling subroutines in programming
languages. In this model the service sends a message to AV and waits for the result
from the corresponding agent before continuing its execution.
Asynchronous model - in the asynchronous model the interaction is accomplished
through some kind of a mechanism for sending and receiving messages.

Fig. 7. Cluster architecture
In the proactive behavior (agents work "on behalf of the user''), an agent from the AV can
determine that in its environment "something is happening'', that would be interesting for
the user, who is assisted by that agent. The agent activates and it can perform certain actions

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 199
to satisfy the preferences (wishes) of the user. The agent can inform the user of its actions
through the educational portal.
The difficulties, associated with the management of the pro-activity of our architecture,
result from the fact that the portal is designed for reaction of the user's requests. Therefore
the pro-activity can be managed only asynchronously and for this purpose we provide
development of a specialized service, which is to check a "mailbox'' periodically for
incoming messages from AV.
According our architecture, the reactivity and the pro-activity are possible if the
environment of the agents (Agent Village) remains not more passive. In order to be
identified, the agents need a wrapper (the environment), which "masks'' it as a web service
for the portal. In such a way the portal send the request to this service (masked
environment), which in its turn transform the request into an ACL message, understandable
for the agents. In a similar manner the active environment transform ACL messages into
SOAP responses, which can be process from the portal services.
The next assistants are developing in the first version of the AV node:
Evaluator Assistant (EA);
The Evaluator Assistant (EA) provides expert assistance to the teacher in assessment of the
electronic tests. In the Exam Engine a service is built for automated assessment of "choice
like'' questions. In the standard version of the architecture questions of the "free text'' type
are assessed by the teacher and the ratings are entered manually in the service to prepare
the final assessment of the test. In the cluster the Exam Engine calls the assistant (an
intelligent agent), which makes an "external'' assessment of the "free text'' type questions. In
the surrounding environment of the EA, the received SOAP Request messages are
transformed into ACL messages, understandable for the agent. Some of the basic parameters
of the messages are:
Text, which is an answer of a "free text'' type question.
Parameters for the used estimation method.
Maximum number of points for this answer.
The EA plans the processing of the request. In the current version of the assistant two
methods are available for estimation:
Word Matching (WM) method - counts "exact hits'' of the keywords in the answer. The
minimum threshold of percentage match (i.e. a keyword to be considered as "guessed''),
which is laid in the experiments, is between 70% and 80%. Intentionally, the method
does not look for 100% match, in order to give a chance to words with some minor
typos also to be recognized. To calculate the points, offered by this method, a coefficient
is formed in the following way: the number of hits is divided by the number of
keywords. The actual number of points for the answer is calculated as the maximum
number of points is multiplied by this coefficient;

Intelligent Systems 200
Optimistic Percentage (OP) method - makes an optimistic estimation of the points for
the answer. Its essence is to iterate over the keywords list and summarize their
percentage matches. Thus, the calculated amount of rates for each keyword, divided by
the maximum possible match (in %), gives the reduction coefficient. The actual number
of points for the answer is calculated by multiplying the maximum number of points by
the coefficient of the reduction. This method is more "tolerant'' to allowing spelling
mistakes in the answers, because low percentage matches are not ignored (unlike the
first method) and are included in the formation of the final amount of points.
When the calculations finish, the EA generates an answer as an ACL message, which then is
transformed by the environment into a SOAP Response message (a result from a web
service call). In the answer there is a parameter, representing the calculated amount of
points, extracted afterwards by the Exam Engine. A comparison of the scores, given by the
two methods and by the teacher, are presented in Figure 8.

Fig. 8. Comparison of WM, OP and the teacher for 18 tests
The FraudDetector will try to recognize any attempts to cheat in the answer given by the
student. Such attempts would be to guess the keywords or copy/paste results from Internet
search engines. This assistant cooperates with the Evaluator agent and if its receptors detect
a probability of a cheating attempt, it informs the Evaluator agent, which for its part informs
the assessing teacher that this answer requires a special attention, because it is a suspicious
one. The Statistician stores information about all processed answers with a full history of the
details from all calculating methods used by the Evaluator agent. This assistant needs a
feedback how many points are finally given by the teacher for each answer. Thus it
accumulates a knowledge base for each teacher and is able to decide which of the methods
best suits the assessment style of the current assessing teacher. Upon returning the results of
the Evaluator assistant, information by this agent determines which results from each

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 201
method will be presented to the teacher as main result, and the results of the other methods
will be presented as an alternative. Another feature of this agent will be also to provide
actual statistics on the performance of each of the calculating methods, as the "weakest'' of
them goes out of service until new and better performing methods are added to the
Evaluator agent. This monitoring of the methods' behavior becomes really significant when
the so-called genetic algorithms are added, which we are still working on - as it is known,
they can be "trained'' and thus their effectiveness can change. In this process a knowledge
base is developing for each specific subject, which supports the methods in their work.
5. Calculus of context aware systems - CCA
Context-awareness requires applications to be able to adapt themselves to the environment
in which they are being used such as user, location, nearby people and devices, and user's
social situations. In this section we use small examples to illustrate the ability of CCA to
model applications that are contextaware.
5.1 Syntax of processes and capabilities
This section introduces the syntax of the language of CCA. Like in the -calculus
[Milner,1999], [Sangiorgi,2001], the simplest entities of the calculus are names. These areused
to name for example ambients, locations, resources and sensors data. We assume a
countably-infnite set of names, elements of which are written in lower-case letters, e.g. n, x
and y. We let denote a list of names and |y| the arity of such a list. We sometimes use y as a
set of names where it is appropriate. We distinguish three main syntactic categories:
processes P, capabilities M and context expressions .
The syntax of processes and capabilities is given in Table 1 where P, Q and R stand for
processes, and M for capabilities. The first five process primitives (inactivity, parallel
composition, name restriction, ambient and replication) are inherited from MA
[Cardelli,2000]. The process 0 does nothing and terminates immediately. The process P | Q
denotes the process P and the process Q running in parallel. The process (n) P states that
the scope of the name n is limited to the process P. The replication !P denotes a process
which can always create a new copy of P. Replication was first introduced by Milner in the
-calculus [Milner,1999]. The process n[P] denotes an ambient named n whose behaviours
are described by the process P. The pair of square brackets `[' and `]' outlines the boundary
of that ambient. This is the textual representation of an ambient. The graphical
representation of that ambient is:

The graphical representation highlights the nested structure of ambients.
CCA departs from MA and other processes calculi such as [Zimmer,2005], [Bucur,2008],
[Bugliesi,2004] with the notion of context-guarded capabilities, whereby a capability is guarded
by a context-expression which specifes the condition that must be met by the environment
of the executing process. A process prefxed with a context-guarded capability is called a

Intelligent Systems 202
context-guarded prefix and it has the form . H. P. Such a process waits until the environment
satisfies the context expression , then performs the capability M and continues like the
process P. The process learns about its context (i.e. its environment) by evaluating the guard.
The use of context-guarded capabilities is one of the two main mechanisms for context
acquisition in CCA (the second mechanism for context acquisition is the call to a process
abstraction as discussed below). The syntax and the semantics of context expressions are
given below. We let M.P denote the process True?M.P, where True is a context expression
satisfied by all context.

P, Q, R = Process
0 inactivity
P | Q parallel composition
(n) P name restriction
n|P] ambient
! P repliaction
! N. P context-guarder action
x (y). P process abstraction

u = Locations
any parent
n parent n
any child
n child n
any sibling
n sibling n

M = Capabilities
del n delete n
in n move in n
out move out
xz process call
(y) input
y output

Table 1. Syntax of CCA processes and capabilities
A process abstraction x (y). P denotes the linking of the name x to the process P where y is
a list of formal parameters. This linking is local to the ambient where the process abstraction is
defined. So a name x can be linked to a process P in one ambient and to a diferent process Q
in another ambient. A call to a process abstraction named x is done by a capability of the
form o xz where o specifies the location where the process abstraction is defined and z is
the list of actual parameters. There must be as many actual parameters as there are formal
parameters to the process abstraction being called. The location o can be for any parent,
n for a specifc parent n, for any child, n for a specific child n, for any sibling,
for a specific sibling n, or e (empty string) for the calling ambient itself. A process call

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 203
o xz behaves like the process linked to x at location o, in which each actual parameter in z
is substituted for each occurrence of the corresponding formal parameter. A process call can
only take place if the corresponding process abstraction is available at the specified location.
In CCA, an ambient provides context by (re)defining process abstractions to account for its
specific functionality. Ambients can interact with each other by making process calls.
Because ambients are mobile, the same process call, e.g. xz , may lead to different
behaviours depending on the location of the calling ambient. So process abstraction is used
as a mechanism for context provision while process call is a mechanism for context
Ambients exchange messages using the capability o z to send a list of names z to a location
o, and the capability o (y) to receive a list of names from a location o. Similarly to a process
call, an ambient can send message to any parent, i.e. z ; a specific parent n, i.e. n z ; any
child, i.e. z ; a specific child n, i.e. n z ; any sibling, i.e. z ; a specific sibling n, i.e.
n z ; or itself, i.e. z .
An input prefix is a process of the form o(y). P , where y is a list of variable symbols and P is
a continuation process. It receives a list of names z from the location o and continues like the
process P{y z ], where P{y z ] is the process P in which each name in the list z is
substituted for each occurrence of the corresponding variable symbol in the list y.
The mobility capabilities in and out are defined as in MA [Cardelli,2000] with the exception
that the capability out has no explicit parameter in CCA, the implicit parameter being the
current parent (if any) of the ambient performing the action. An ambient that performs the
capability in n moves into the sibling ambient n. The capability out moves the ambient that
performs it out of that ambient parent. Obviously, a root ambient, i.e. an ambient with no
parents, cannot perform the capability out. The capability del n deletes an ambient of the
form n|u] situated at the same level as that capability, i.e. the process del n. P|n|u] reduces to
P. The capability del acts as a garbage collector that deletes ambients which have completed
their computations. It is a constrained version of the capability open used in MA to unleash
the content of an ambient. As mentioned in [Bugliesi,2004], the open capability brings about
serious security concerns in distributed applications, e.g. it might open an ambient that
contains a malicious code. Unlike the capability open, the capability del is secure because it
only opens ambients that are empty, so no risk of opening a virus or a malicious ambient.
5.2 Context model
In CCA the notion of ambient, inherited from MA, is the basic structure used to model
entities of a context-aware system such as: a user, a location, a computing device, a software
agent or a sensor. As described in Table 1, an ambient has a name, a boundary, a collection
of local processes and can contain other ambients. Meanwhile, an ambient can move from
one location to another by performing the mobility capabilities in and out. So the structure
of a CCA process, at any time, is a hierarchy of nested ambients. This hierarchical structure
changes as the process executes. In such a structure, the context of a sub-process is obtained
by replacing in the structure that sub-process by a placeholder . For example, suppose a
system is modelled by the process P|n||m|R|S]]. So, the context of the process R in that
system is P|n||m||S]], and that of ambient m is P|n||]. Following are examples of

Intelligent Systems 204
contexts in the smart phone system described in Sect. 5.3. The following context is the
context of the smart phone carried by Bob when Bob is inside the conference room with
con|P | bob|] | olicc|]],
where P models the remaining part of the internal context of the conference room and the
internal context of the ambient alice. We assume that there is only one ambient named alice
in the conference room.
If Bob is inside the conference room while Alice is outside that room, the context of the
smart phone carried by Bob can be described as follows:
olicc|] | con |P| bob|]].
Bob might carry with him another device, a PDA say, while inside the conference room. In
this case the context of the smart phone can be modelled as:
con|P | bob|] | pJo|R]],
where P models the remaining part of the internal context of the conference room, pJo is
the name of the ambient modelling the PDA device and R specifies the functionality of the
Our context model is depicted by the grammar in Table 2, where the symbol E stands for
context (environment), n ranges over names and P ranges over processes (as defined in
Table 1). The context u is the empty context, also called the nil context. It contains no context
information. The position of a process in that process' context is denoted by the symbol .
This is a special context called the hole context. The context (vn) E means that the scope of the
name n is limited to the contextE. The context n|E] means that the internal environment of
the ambient n is described by the context E. The context E|P says that the process P runs in
parallel with the context E, and so E is part of process P's context.
Ground context. A ground context is a context containing no holes.
Note that a context contains zero or one hole; and that a ground context is a process. We do
not allow multi-hole contexts because they are not suitable to our purpose.

F = Context
0 nil
n|E] location
(vn) E restriction

Table 2. Syntax contexts
Context evaluation. Let E
and E
be contexts. The evaluation of the context E
at the
context E
, denoted byE
), is the context obtained by replacing the hole in E
(if any) by
, viz

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 205
where E
{ E
] is the substitution of E
for in E
The hole plays an important role in our context model. In fact a context E containing a
single hole represents the environment of a process P in the process E(P). A process
modelling Bob using a smart phone in the conference room with Alice can be specified as:
(ponc|S]) con jP | bob|ponc|S]] | olicc|][,
where c
is the context specified in Example 5.2 and S is the specification of the smart phone.
A process modelling Bob using a PDA in the conference room can be specified as:
(u) con jP
| bob|pJo|R]][,
where c
is the context specified in Example 5.2. The syntax of CEs is given in Table 3 where
ranges over CEs, n ranges over names and x is a variable symbol which also ranges over

x = Context Expressions
True true
n = m name match
- negation
| k
parallel composition
n|] location
new(n, k) relevation
spatial next modality
somewhere modality
x. existential quantification

Table 3. Syntax context expressions
5.3 A simple example
This example illustrates the use of process abstraction and process call as a mechanism for
context provision and context acquisition, respectively. A process abstraction can be thought
of as the declaration of a procedure in procedural programming languages and a process
call as the invocation of a procedure.
A process abstraction links a name x to a process P using the following syntax:
x (y). P

Intelligent Systems 206
where y is the list of formal parameters. A process call to this process abstraction has the
following syntax:
where z is the list of the actual parameters. This process call behaves exactly like the process
P where each actual parameter in z is substituted for each occurrence of the corresponding
formal parameter in y. In the smart phone example presented above, switchto is a process
Suppose a software agent ogt (here modelled as an ambient) is willing to edit a text file foo.
This is done by calling a process abstraction named edit say, as follows:

where the symbol indicates that the edit process called here is the one that is defined in the
parent ambient of the calling ambient agt. Now suppose agent agt has migrated to a
computing device win running Microsoft Windows operating system:

On this machine, the process abstraction edit is defined to launch the text editor notepad as
edit (y).notepady. u.
So the request of the agent agt to edit the fille foo on this machine will open that file in
notepad according to the following reduction:

Note that the command notepad has replaced the command edit in the calling ambient
Now assume the agent agt first moved to a computer lin running linux operating system:

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 207

On this computer, the command edit is configured to launch emacs. So in this context, the
file foo will be opened in emacs as illustrated by the following reduction:

Our agent agt might have even moved to a site where the command edit is not available
because no process abstraction of that name is defined. In this case the agent agt will not
be able to edit the file foo at this site and might consider moving to a nearby computer to
do so.
6. InfoStation-based mLearning system
As we have mentioned earlier that eLearning is becoming an authentic possible alternative
educational approach as the technologies regarding that area are developing so fast, and
there is a recognisable growth of a great variety of wide-band telecommunication delivery
technologies. The infostation paradigm first proposed by Frenkiel et al. [Frenkiel,1996] and
used in [Ganchev,2007] to devise an infostation-based mlearning system which allows
mobile devices such as cellular phones, laptops and personal digital assistants (PDAs) to
communicate to each other and to a number of services within a university campus. This
mLearning system provides a number of services among which are: mLecture, mTutorial,
mTest and communication services (private chat, intelligent message notification and phone
calls). This section presents the architecture of the infostation-based mLearning system and
describes the policies of the mLecture service.
6.1 mServices
This section introduces at glance each of the mServices provided by the infostation-based
mLearning system.
AAA: in order for any user to use any mService in the system, the user device should be
registered. The AAA service (Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting) allows the
users to register their devices with the system to gain the ability of using the mLearning
services offered by the system.

Intelligent Systems 208
mLecture: this service allows the users to gain access to the lecture material through their
mobile devices. The users can request a specific lecture, which is adapted according to
the capabilities of the user devices and then delivered to their mobile devices.
mTest: this service is crucial to the learning process. The mTest service allows the users
to gain access to test materials that provide means of an evaluating process. A user can
request, like the mLecture service, a specific test, which is also adapted to the
capabilities of the user device then delivered to the user mobile device. The mTest
service may only runs individually on a user device and unaccompanied with any other
service whatsoever.
mTutorial : this service allows the users to gain access to a self-assessment test. It is a
combination between the mLecture and the mTest services. A user can request a self-
assessment test in a similar way as requesting a mLecture. After the user submits their
answers, he receives a feedback on his performance and the correct answers to the
questions he got wrong.
Intelligent Message Notification (IMN in short): this service allows the users to
communicate with each other by exchanging messages via their mobile devices.
VoIP: this service allows the users to communicate with each other via phone calls
throughout the infostation-based mLearning system.
6.2 Policies
The InforStationCentre (ISC) provides the User Authentication, Authorisation and
Accounting (AAA) service which identifies each mobile user and provides him with a list
of services the user is authorised to access. This service is regulated by the following
When a user is within the range of an IS, the intelligent agent (PA) of the user's device
and the IS mutually discover each other. The PA sends a request to the IS for user
Authorisation, Authentication and Accounting (AAA). This request also includes a
description of the mobile device currently being used and any updates of user pro_le
and user service profile.
The IS forwards this AAA request to the ISC along with the profile updates. If the user
is successfully authenticated and authorised to utilise the services by the AAA module
within the ISC, a new account record is created for the user and a positive
acknowledgement is sent back to the IS. Then the IS compiles a list of applicable
services and sends this to the PA along with the acknowledgement. The PA displays the
information regarding these services to the user who then makes a request for the
service he wishes to use.
If the user chooses the mLecture service, then the following policies of the mLecture service
The PA forwards the mLecture service request to the InfoStation, which instantiates the
service. If the IS is unable to satisfy fully the user service request it is forwarded to the
ISC, which is better equipped to deal with it. In either case, the lecture is adapted and
customised to suit the capabilities of the user devices and the user own preferences, and
then delivered to their mobile devices.

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 209
During the execution of the service, the user is free to move into a different infostation,
to switch between devices or to do both.
A user cannot use the mLecture and mTest services simultaneously. The mTest service
should operate unaccompanied at all occasions.
This section presents the formalisation of the policies of the infostation-based context-aware
mLearning system using . We first introduce some naming conventions (sect. 6.2.1) which
are used in the specification of the system. Then we give the specification of two mServices
which are AAA and the mLecture services (sect. 6.3).
6.2.1 Notations
The following naming conventions are used to differentiate between variables' names and
constants. A variable name begins with a lowercase letter while a constant begins with a
number or a uppercase letter. The list of the constant names that are used in the
formalisation process is given in Table 4. And the list of variable names is given in
Table 5.

Table 4. Constants
6.3 A Model of the InfoStation-based mLearning system
The system consists mainly of one central ISC, multiple ISs and multiple user devices. Each
component of the system is modelled as an ambient. That is, the ISC, each IS and each user
device is modelled as an ambient. In particular, a device, PC say, being used by a user, 303
say, is modelled by an ambient named PC303. The ISC ambient runs in parallel with the IS
ambients, and all the user devices within the range of an IS are child ambients of that IS

Intelligent Systems 210

Table 5. Variabbles
This is textually represented by the following process:


where each P
is a process modelling the behaviour of the corresponding ambient x.
Now we give the formal specification of the ISC and the ISs below.
InfoStation An abstract model of an infostation IS

(for some integer i) has the following

main components are the AAA request ambient AAArcq

, the lecture ambient Icctrcq

the cache ambient Cocc

The InfoStation is a parent to the inside ambients which are siblings to each other. The
specification of each of these ambients is as follows:
This ambient is responsible for handling AAA requests sent by user devices
willing to register with the InfoStation IS

. The AAArcq

ambient receives a request from a

device and, immediately, forwards it to the InfoStation, then receives a reply from the
InfoStation and again, forwards it to the user's device. This behaviour is modelled by the
following process:

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 211
! (uiJ, Jtypc, onomc). IS

uiJ, Jtypc, onomc. IS

(ock, onomc, slist). onomc

onomc, slist. u
where uid is the user ID, dtype is the device type and aname is the name of the ambient
sending the request.
The InfoStation accordingly receives a request from the AAArcq

ambient, forwards it to the

InfoStation Centre, and after receiving the reply from the InfoStation Centre it forwards it to
the AAArcq

ambient. This behaviour is modelled as:


This ambient handles all the mLecture service requests sent by the user devices. It
receives a lecture request from a user device and forwards it to the infostation IS

, i.e.
! (lcctiJ, uiJ, Jtypc, onomc). IS

lcctiJ, uiJ, Jtypc, onomc. u (3)

Then it gets the reply from that infostation and forwards it to the user device which initiated
the request, i.e.
! (lcctiJ, rcply, onomc). onomc lcctiJ, rcply. u (4)
So the whole behaviour of the Icctrcq

ambient is
Eq. (S)| Eq. (4) (5)
We show how the InfoStation handles a request from the Icctrcq

ambient after we have

specified the Cocc

This is the ambient where the InfoStation stores copies of requested lectures for
future rapid access. It models a cache memory. A lecture is stored as an ambient (named
after that lecture's id) which contains three persistent memory, each containing a version
of the lecture suitable to a specific type of device (phone, PDA or PC). When an
InfoStation receives a mLecture service request from a device, it checks for the requested
material in its cache first rather than getting it from the InfoStation Centre directly. The
process of checking the availability of a lecture inside the cache is done by sending a
request to the Cocc

ambient which then checks whether it has the ambient of the
requested lecture or not. If the requested lecture is available the cache ambient retrieves it
and sends it back to the InfoStation, otherwise, it replies immediately to the InfoStation
that this lecture does not exist. The behaviour of the Cocc

ambient is modelled by the
following process:

Intelligent Systems 212


The behaviour of each lecture ambient (named after the lecture's id lectid) in the cache is
modelled by the following process:

The InfoStation will act as follows. First, it receives a request from Icctrcq

, then it checks
the availability of the lecture in its cache by sending a request to the Cocc

ambient, i.e.
! Icctrcq

(lcctiJ, uiJ, Jtypc, onomc). Cocc

lcctiJ, uiJ, Jtypc, onomc. u (8)

If the cache replies with the content of the lecture, it will send a request to the InfoStation
Centre with a flag set to 1 (meaning that the requested lecture exists in its cache) asking
whether the user is currently taking a mTest. If the user is taking a mTest, then the mLecture
service request must be denied. If the cache did reply with NULL as lecture's content, then
the infostation will send a request to the InfoStation Centre with the flag set to 0 (meaning
that the lecture does not exist in its cache) asking for both the requested lecture and to check
whether the user is taking a mTest. This behaviour of the IS is modelled as:


where C and N are de_ned as follows:

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 213

Thus, the whole behaviour of an infostation IS

is modelled as
Eq. (2) | Eq. (8) | Eq. (9) (10)
6.3.1 InfoStation centre
A model of the ISC encompasses ambients modelling users' accounts and named after the
users' IDs; an ambient named Lectures that contains all the lecture ambients, each named
after the corresponding lecture ID Each lecture ambient contains three persistent memory
cells named Phone, PDA and PC; each storing the lecture's version suitable for the
corresponding type of device. The mTest service is not represented as we are only dealing
with the mLecture service in this paper. These components of the ISC are formalised
Users' accounts An ambient modelling a user's account contains two ambients named Loc
and Utest. Each of these two ambients models a persistent memory cell which stores, at any
time, the current location of that user (for the former) or a Boolean indicating whether that
user is taking a mTest or not (for the latter). We understand by location of a user the IS the
user is registered with. The behaviour of the Loc ambient and the Utest ambient are specified
exactly with appropriate initial values. The ISC requests the value of any of these cells by
sending the name Loc or Utest to the user's account ambient (see Eq. (14)) which then can get
(i.e. read) the value of the corresponding child ambient as follows, where the parameter x is
the corresponding child ambient name:
! ISC (x). x . x (y). ISC y. u (11)
The user's account ambient can also put (i.e. write) a value in any of its child ambients as
follows, where the parameter x is the corresponding child ambient name and the parameter
n is that value:
! ISC (x, n). x n. x ( ). ISC x, ACK. u (12)
So the whole behaviour of a user's account ambient named uid is specified as:
Eq. (11) | Eq. (12)
Lectures As mentioned above, this ambient contains all the lectures that are available in the
mLecture service. Each lecture has a unique ID and the corresponding ambient is named

Intelligent Systems 214
after that ID. The behaviour of a lecture ambient is specified in Eq. (7). The Lectures ambient
behaves exactly as the cache ambient specified in Eq. (6).
Infostation centre We now formalise the behaviour of the ISC when it receives a request
from an IS. We are interested in two types of request in this paper: an AAA request and a
lecture request.
When the ISC receives an AAA request from an IS, it updates the user's account with its new
location and then replies to that IS with an acknowledge along with a list of available
services. For the sake of simplicity, the service list is represented by the name SLIST. This is
modelled by the following process:
! IS

(ooorcq, uiJ, Jtypc, onomc). uiJ IS

. uiJ (ock). (13)


ock, onomc, SIISI. u

After receiving a lecture request, the ISC checks whether the user requesting the service is
currently taking a mTest. This is done by it sending a message to the corresponding user's
account ambient. That user's account ambient reply with 0 for No and 1 for Yes. If the
reply is Yes then the ISC fetches the current location of the user and forward a DENIED
message to that location. If the reply is No and the flag is set to 1, a OK message is
forwarded to the current user location; otherwise (i.e. reply is No and the flag is set to 0),
the ISC fetches the appropriate lecture version for the user device and sends it to the current
user location. This behaviour is represented by the following process:
! IS

(lcctiJ, uiJ, Jtypc, onomc, log). uiJ utcst. uiJ (y). (P

| P
) (14)
(y = 1). uiJ Ioc. uiJ (z). z lcctiJ, ENIE, onomc. u

So the whole behaviour of the ISC is modelled by the following process:
Eq. (1S) | Eq. (14)
7. Validation
Now that a formal model of the infostation-based mLearning system has been presented, we
show how this model can be used to validate the properties of the mLearning system.
Lamport proposed two main classes of system's properties: safety properties, which state that

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 215
nothing bad will happen; and liveness properties, which assert that something good will
happen, eventually. In the light of this classification, we wish to establish the liveness
property that every lecture request from a user is eventually replied to by the system,
provided that the user does not become infinitely unavailable after that request has been
Theorem 7.1 Every user's lecture request will eventually get a reply, provided that the user stays
long enough in the system.
The proof of this theorem is based on the reduction semantics of given by a congruence
relation defined in Table 9 and a reduction relation defined in Table 10.
In this proof we will assume, without loss of generality, that the user is using a laptop (PC)
to access the system from an infostation IS

. Given that the user is mobile, the following

cases must be considered:
1. the user sends the request and waits for the reply in the same infostation IS

(i.e. the
user may move around within the range of the infostation)
2. the user sends the request and move into a different infostation IS
, ] i.
In Case 1, the user behaviours can be modelled by the following ambient:

Icctuu1, SuS, PC, PCSuS. Icctrcq

(lcctiJ, rcply). u] (15)

This ambient sends a lecture request to the Icctrcq

ambient and waits for a reply from that

ambient, and then terminates. The lecture request contains the following information: (i) the
lecture ID, Lect001 ; (ii) the user ID, 303; (iii) the device type, PC; and (iv) the name of the
ambient to reply to, PC303.
The behaviours of the Icctrcq

ambient is modelled by the process P

in Eq. (5), which
basically receives a lecture request from a sibling ambient (e.g. a user device), forward the
request to the infostationIS

, get the reply from that infostation and forwards it to the very
ambient which initiated the request. How the infostation IS

interacts with the Icctrcq

ambient is specified in Eq. (8). These interactions between a user device, the Icctrcq

ambient and the infostation IS

can be expressed as a sequence of derivations using the

reduction relation . Because of the space limit, we cannot give the full sequence of
derivations in this paper. For illustration, the following sequence of derivations describes
how a lecture request sent by the user gets to the infostation to be processed:

Intelligent Systems 216

At this stage, the infostation IS

has received a lecture request from the Icctrcq

ambient and is
willing to check with the Cocc

ambient whether it has the requested lecture for the specified

type of device. The behaviour of the Cocc

ambient is specified by the process P

in Eq. (6). If
the requested lecture Lect001 exists in the cache for the specified type of device, then the

ambient gets a copy of the lecture for the specified type of device by interacting with
the child ambient named Lect001 whose behaviour is specified by the process P
as in Eq.
(7). It can also be seen from Eq. (6) and Eq. (7) that if the requested lecture Lect001 does not
exist in the cache for the specified type of device, then a reply message NULL is forwarded to
the infostation IS

. So in either situation, the infostation IS

receives a reply from the cache.

Once a reply is received from the Cocc

ambient, the infostation IS

contacts the infostation

centre ISC as specified by the process in Eq. (9). How the ISC reacts is modelled by Eq. (14); it
replies with a DENIED message if the user requesting the lecture is currently using a mTest
service, otherwise it replies with a OK message and possibly a copy of the requested lecture if
it is not available locally in IS

's cache. How each of these types of reply is handled by the IS

modelled by the component C and N in Eq. (9). One can see that for every case where the user
is still in the range of the infostation IS

(i.e. the context expression has(aname) holds), the

infostation IS

sends a reply to the Icctrcq

ambient which subsequently forwards the reply to

the user device as specified in Eq. (4). This completes the proof of Case 1.
The proof of Case 2 can be done in a similar manner as in Case 1, with the user behaviours
specified as in Eq. (16), where i ], i.e. the request is sent from one infostation and the reply
to that request is received after the user has moved to a different infostation.


This ambient sends a lecture request from the infostation IS

, moves to a different infostation

, registers with this infostation by sending an AAA request then waits for the
acknowledgement of its registration. Once its registration has been confirmed, it then
prompts to receive the reply to the lecture request and then terminates.
8. Acknowledgment
The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the National Science Fund (Research
Project Ref. No. DO02-149/2008) and the Science Fund of the University of Plovdiv "Paisij
Hilendarski" (Research Project Ref. No. NI11-FMI-004).

Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture 217
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1. Introduction
One of the most important results of mathematics in the 20th century is the Kolmogorov model
of probability and statistics. It gave many impulses for research and develop so in theoretical
area as well as in applications in a large scale of subjects.
It is reasonable to ask why the Kolmogorov approach played so important role in the
probability theory and in mathematical statistics. In disciplines which have been very
successfull for many centuries.
Of course, Kolmogorov stated probability and statistics on a new and very effective
foundation - set theory. For the rst time in the history basic notions of probability theory
have been dened precisely but simply. So a random event has been dened as a subset of a
space, a random variable as a measurable function and its mean value as an integral. More
precisely, abstract Lebesgue integral. It is hopeful to wait some new stimuls from the fuzzy
generalization of the classical set theory. The aim of the chapter is a presentation of some
results of the type.
2. Fuzzy systems and their algebraizations
Any subset A of a given space can be identied with its characteristic function

: 0, 1

() = 1,
if A,

() = 0,
if / A. Fromthe mathematical point of viewa fuzzy set is a natural generalization of
[73]). It is a function

: [0, 1].
Evidently any set (i.e. two-valued function on ,
0, 1) is a special case of a fuzzy set
(multi-valued function),
: [0, 1].

Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
Beloslav Riean
M. Bel University, Bansk Bystrica,
Matematick stav SAV, Bratislava
2 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
There are many possibilities for characterizations of operations with sets (union A B and
intersection A B). We shall use so called Lukasiewicz characterization:

= (
) 1,

= (
1) 0.
(Here ( f g)() = max( f (), g()), ( f g)() = min( f (), g()).) Hence if
[0, 1] are fuzzy sets, then the union (disjunction
of corresponding assertions) can be
dened by the formula


= (
1) 1,
the intersection (conjunction
of corresponding assertions) can be dened by the


= (
1) 0.
In the chapter we shall work with a natural generalization of the notion of fuzzy set so-called
IF-set (see [1], [2]), what is a pair
A = (
) : [0, 1] [0, 1]
of fuzzy sets
: [0, 1], where

Evidently a fuzzy set
: [0, 1] can be considered as an IF-set, where

: [0, 1],
= 1
: [0, 1].
Here we have

= 1,
while generally it can be
() +
() < 1 for some . Geometrically an IF-set can be
regarded as a function A : to the triangle
= (u, v) R
: 0 u, 0 v, u + v 1.
Fuzzy set can be considered as a mapping
: D to the segment
D = (u, v) R
; u + v = 1, 0 u 1
and the classical set as a mapping : D
from to two-point set
= (0, 1), (1, 0).
In the next denition we again use the Lukasiewicz operations.
Denition 1.1. By an IF subset of a set a pair A = (
) of functions

: [0, 1],
; [0, 1]
is considered such that

220 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 3
We call
the membership function,
the non membership function and


If A = (
), B = (
) are two IF-sets, then we dene
A B = ((
) 1, (
1) 0),
A B = ((
1) 0, (
) 1),
A = (1
, 1
Denote by T a family of IF sets such that
A, B T = A B T, A B T, A T.
Example 1.1. Let T be the set of all fuzzy subsets of a set . If f : [0, 1] then we dene
A = ( f , 1 f ),
= 1
Example 1.2. Let (, o) be a measurable space, o a -algebra, T the family of all pairs such
: [0, 1],
: [0, 1] are measurable. Then T is closed under the operations
, , .
Example 1.3. Let (, T ) be a topological space, T the family of all pairs such that
[0, 1],
: [0, 1] are continuous. Then T is closed under the operations, , .
Remark. Of course, in any case A B, A B, A are IF-sets, if A, B are IF-sets. E.g.
A B = ((
) 1, (
1) 0),
) 1 + (
1) 0 =
= ((
) 1 + (
1)) ((
) 1) =
= ((
1) (1 +
1)) ((
) 1)
((1 +1 1) (
)) ((
) 1) =
= (1 (
)) ((
) 1)
1 1 = 1.
Probably the most important algebraic model of multi-valued logic is an MV-algebra
([48],[49]). MV-algebras play in multi-valued logic a role analogous to the role of Boolean
algebras in two-valued logic. Therefore we shall present a short information about MV-alegras
and after it we shall prove the main result of the section: a possibility to embed the family of
IF-sets to a suitable MV-algebra.
Let us start with a simple example.
221 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
4 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Example 1.4. Consider the unit interval [0, 1] in the set R of all real numbers. It will stay an
MV-algebra, if we shall dene two binary operations , on [0, 1], one unary operation
and the usual ordering by the following way:
a b = min(a + b, 1),
a b = max(a + b 1, 0),
a = 1 a.
It is easy to imagine that a b corresponds to the disjunction of the assertions a, b, a b to the
conjunction of a, b and a to the negation of a.
By the Mundici theorem([48])any MV-algebra can be dened similarly as in Example 1.4, only
the group R must be substitute by an arbitrary l-group.
Denition 1.2. By an l-group we consider an algebraic system (G, +, ) such that
(i) (G, +) is an Abelian group,
(ii) (G, ) is a lattice,
(iii) a b = a + c b + c.
Denition 1.3. By an MV-algebra we consider an algebraic system (M, 0, u, , ) such that
M = [0, u] G, where (G, +, ) is an l-group, 0 its neutral element, u a positive element, and
a b = (a + b) u,
a b = (a + b u) 0,
a = u a.
Example 1.5. Let (, o) be a measurable space, o a -algebra,
G = A = (
: R,
A + B = (
1) = (
, 1 (1


Then (G, +, ) is an l-group with the neutral element 0 = (0, 1), A B = (


+1), and the lattice operations
A B = (

, v

A B = (


Put u = (1, 0) and dene the MV-algebra
M = A G; (0, 1) = 0 A u = (1, 0),
A B = (A + B) u =
= (
1) (1, 0) =
= ((
) 1, (
1) 0,
A B = (A + B u) (0, 1) =
222 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 5
= ((
1) (1, 0)) (0, 1)=
= (
1 0 +1) (0, 1) =
= ((
1) 0, (
) 1),
A = (1, 0) (
) =
= (1
, 0
+1) =
= (1
, 1
Connections with the family of IF-sets (Denition 1.1) is evident. Hence we can formulate the
main result of the section.
Theorem 1.1. Let (, o) be a measurable space, T the family of all IF-sets A = (
) be
such that
are o-measurable. Then there exists an MV-algebra /such that T /, the
operations , are extensions of operations on T and the ordering is an extension of the
ordering in T.
Proof. Consider MV-algebra / constructed in Example 1.5. If A, B T, then the operations
on /coincide with the operations on T. The ordering is the same.
Theorem 1.1 enables us in the space of IF-sets to use some results of the well developed
probability theory on MV-algebras ([66 - 68]). Of course, some methods of the theory can be
generalized in so-called D-posets ([28]). The system (D , , 0, 1) is called D-poset, if (D, )
is partially ordered set with the smallest element 0 and the largest element 1, is a partially
binary operation satisfying the following statements:
1. b a is dened if and only if a b.
2. a b implies b a b and b (b a) = a.
3. a b c implies c b c a and (c a) (c b) = b a.
3. Probability on IF-events
In IF-events theory an original terminology is used. The main notion is the notion of a state
([21], [22],[57], [58], [61][, [62]). It is an analogue of the notion of probability in the Kolmogorov
classical theory. As before T is the family of all IF-sets A = (
) such that
(, o) [0, 1] are o-measurable.
Denition 2.1. A mapping m : T [0, 1] is called a state if the following properties are
(i) m(1

, 0

) = 1, m(0

, 1

) = 0,
(ii) A B = (0

, 1

) = m((A B)) = m(A) + m(B),

(iii) A
A = m(A
) m(A).
Of course, also the notion with the name probability has been introduced in IF-events theory.
Denition 2.2. Let be the family of all compact intervals in the real line, = [a, b]; a, b
R, a b. Probability is a mapping P : T satisfying the following conditions:
223 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
6 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
(i) P(1

, 0

) = [1, 1], P(0

, 1

) = [0, 0],
(ii) A B = (0

, 1

) = P((A B)) = P(A) + P(B),

(iii) A
A = P(A
) P(A).
It is easy to see that the following property holds.
Proposition 2.1. Let P : T , P(A) = [P

(A), P

(A)]. Then P is a probability if and only if


, P

: T [0, 1] are states.

Hence it is sufcient to characterize only the states ([4], [5], [54]).
Theorem 2.1. For any state m : T [0, 1] there exist probability measures P, Q : o [0, 1]
and [0, 1] such that
)) =

dP +(1

Proof. The main instrument in our investigation is the following implication, a corollary of
f , g T, f + g 1 = m( f , g) = m( f , 1 f ) + m(0, f + g). (1)
We shall dene the mapping P : o [0, 1] by the formula P(A) = m(
, 1
). Let
A, B o, AB = . Then
1, hence (
, 1
) (
, 1
) = (0, 1). Therefore
P(A) + P(B) = m(
, 1
) + m(
, 1
) =
= m((
, 1
) (
, 1
)) =
= m(
, 1

) = m(
, 1
= P(A B).
Let A
o(n = 1, 2, ...), A
A. Then


, 1
hence by (iii)
) = m(
, 1
) m(
, 1
) = P(A).
Evidently P() = m(

, 1

) = m((1, 0)) = 1, hence P : o [0, 1] is a probability

Now we prove two identities. First the implication:
, ..., A
, ...,
[0, 1], A
= (i ,= j) =


, 1


) =


, 1

). (2)
It can be proved by induction. The second identity is the following
0 , 1 = m(
, 1
) = m(
, 1
). (3)
224 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 7
First it can be proved by induction the equality

, 1

) = m(
, 1
holding for every q N. Therefore

, 1

) =
, 1

, 1

) =
, 1
hence (3) holds for every rational . Let R, [0, 1]. Take
. Then


, 1

, 1
) = lim

, 1

) =
= lim

, 1
) = m(
, 1
hence, (3) is proved, too. Particularly, if we give = 1, then
, 1
) = m(
, 1
Let f : [0, 1] be simple, o-measurable, i.e.
f =


, A
o(i = 1, ., , , n), A
= (i ,= j).
Combining (2), (3), and the denition of P we obtain
m( f , 1 f ) =


, 1

) =


, 1
) =


) =

f dP,
m( f , 1 f ) =

f dP,
for any f : [0, 1]simple. If f : [0, 1] is an arbitrary o-measurable function, then
there exists a sequence ( f
) of simple measurable functions such that f
f . Evidently,
1 f
1 f . Therefore
m( f , 1 f ) = lim
m( f
, 1 f
) = lim

dP =

f dP,
225 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
8 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
m( f , 1 f ) =

dP, (4)
for any measurable f : [0, 1].
Nowtake our attention to the second term m(0, f + g) in the right side of the equality (1). First
dene M : o [0, 1] by the formula
M(A) = m(0, 1
As before it is possible to prove that M is a measure. Of course,
M() = m(0, 0) = [0, 1].
Dene Q : o [0, 1] by the formula
m(0, 1
) = Q(A).
As before, it is possible to prove
m(0, 1 f ) =

f dQ,
for any f : [0, 1] measurable, or
m(0, h) =

(1 h)dQ, (5)
for any h : [0, 1], o-measurable. Combining (1), (4), and (5) we obtain
m(A) = m((
) = m((
, 1
)) + m((0,

dP +(1

A simple consequence of the representation theorem is the following property of the mapping
P Q : o R.
Proposition 2.2. Let P, Q : o [0, 1] be the probabilities mentioned in Theorem 2.1, is the
corresponding constant. Then
P(A) Q(A) 0
for any A o.
Proof. Put B = (0, 0), C = (
, 0). Then B C, hence m(0, 0) m(
, 0). Therefore
= m(0, 0) m(
, 0) = P(A) +(1 Q(A)).
Theorem1.1 is an embedding theoremstating that every IF-events algebra T can be embedded
to and MV-algebra /. Now we shall prove that any state m : T [0, 1] can be extended to a
state m : / [0, 1] ([63]).
Theorem 2.2. Let / T be the MV-algebra constructed in Theorem 1.1. Then every state
m : T [0, 1] can be extended to a state m : / [0, 1].
226 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 9
Proof. It is easy to see that any element (
) /can be presented in the form
) (0, 1
) = (0, 1),
, 0) = (
) (0, 1
If (
) T, then
, 0)) = m((

)) + m((0, 1
Generally, we can dene m : / [0, 1] by the formula
)) = m((
, 0)) m((0, 1
so that m is an extension of m. Of course, we must prove that m is a state. First we prove that
m is additive.
Let A = (
) /, B = (
) /, A B = (0, 1), hence
1) 0, (
) 1) = (0, 1),

1, 1
m(A) + m(B) = m(
) + m(
= m(
, 0) m(0, 1
) + m(
, 0) m(0, 1
) =
= m(
, 0) m(0, 1

) =
= m(
) = m(A B).
Before the continuity of m we shall prove its monotonicity. Let A B, i.e.


Then by Theorem 2.1
m(A) = m(
, 0) m(0, 1
) =

dP +(1


0dP (1

(0 +1
)dQ) =

dP +(1

m(B) m(A) =

dP +



dP +


dQ) =




)dQ +


Of course, as an easy consequence o Proposition 2.1 we obtain the inequality

f dP

f dQ 0
227 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
10 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
for any non-negative measurable f : R. Therefore
m(B) m(A) =

f dP

f dQ +


)dQ 0.
Finally let A
= (
) /, A = (
) /, A
A, i.e.


. We
) =


dQ +



dQ +

dQ = m(A).
4. Observables
In the classical probability there are three main notions:
probability = measure
random variable = measurable function
mean value = integral.
The rst notion has been studied in the previous section. Now we shall dene the second two
Classically a random variable is such function : (, o) R that
(A) o for any Borel
set A B(R) (here B(R) = ( ) is the -algebra generated by the family of all intervals).
Now instead of a -algebra o we have the family T of all IF-events, hence we must give to
any Borel set A an element of T. Of course, instead of random variable we shall use the term
observable ([15], [16], [18], [32], [35]).
Denition 3.1. An observable is a mapping
x : ( ) T
satisfying the following conditions:
x(R) = (1, 0), x() = (0, 1),
A B = = x(A) x(B) = (0, 1), x(A B) = x(A) x(B),
A = x(A
) x(A).
Proposition 3.1. If x : ( ) T is an observable, and m : T [0, 1] is a state, then
= m x : ( ) [0, 1]
dened by
(A) = m(x(A))
is a probability measure.
228 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 11
Proof. First
(R) = m(x(R)) = m((1, 0)) = 1.
If A B = , then x(A) x(B) = (0, 1), hence
(A B) = m(x(A B)) = m((x(A) x(B)) =
= m(x(A)) + m(x(B)) = m
(A) + m
Finally, A
A implies x(A
) x(A), hence
) = m(x(A
)) m(x(A)) = m
Proposition 3.2. Let x : ( ) T be an observable, m : T [0, 1] be a state. Dene
F : R [0, 1] by the formula
F(u) = m(x((, u))).
Then F is non-decreasing, left continuous in any point u R,
F(u) = 1, lim
F(u) = 0.
Proof. If u < v, then
x((, v)) = x((, u)) x((u, v)) x((, u)),
F(v) = m((, v)) m(x((, u))) = F(u),
F is non decreasing. If u
u, then
x((, u
)) x((, u)),
) = m(x((, u
))) m(x((, u))) = F(u),
F is left continuous in any u R. Similarly u
x((, u
)) x((, )) = (1, 0).
) = m(x((, u
))) m((1, 0))) = 1
for every u
, hence lim
F(u) = 1. Similarly we obtain
= u
, u
))) m(x(R)) = 1.
1 = lim
) = lim
, u
))) + lim
) =
= 1 + lim
229 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
12 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
hence lim
) = 0 for any u
Of course, we must describe also the random vector T = (, ) : R
. We have
(C D) =
In the IF case we shall use product of functions instead of intersection of sets ([47], [56], [68]).
Denition 3.2. The product A.B of two IF-events A = (
), B = (
) is the IF set
A.B = (
, 1 (1
)) = (

Denition 3.3. Let x
, ..., x
: ( ) T be observables. By the joint observable of x
, ..., x
we consider a mapping h : (
) T(
being the set of all intervals of R
) satisfying the
following conditions:
(i) h(R
) = (1, 0)
(ii) A B = = h(A) h(B) = (0, 1), and h(A B) = h(A) h(B),
(iii) A
A = h(A
(iv) h(C
... C
) = x
), for any C
, C
, ..., C
Theorem 3.1. ([63]) For any observables x
, ..., x
: ( ) T there exists their joint
observable h : (
) T.
Proof. We shall prove it for n = 2. Consider two observables x, y : ( ) T. Since
x(A) T, we shall write
x(A) = (x

(A), 1 x

and similarly
y(B) = (y

(B), 1 y

By the denition of product we obtain
x(C).y(D) = (x


(D), 1 x


Therefore, we shall construct similarly
h(K) = (h

(K), 1 h

Fix and dene , : ( ) [0, 1] by
(A) = x

(A)(), (B) = y

Let be the product of the probability measures , . Put

(K)() = (K).

(C D)() = (C).(D) = x


230 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 13

(C D) = x



(C D) = x


If we dene
h(A) = (h

(A), 1 h

(A)), A (
h(C D) = (x


(D), 1 x


(D)) = x(C).y(D).
Now we shall present two applications of the notion of the joint observable. The rst is the
denition of function of a nite sequence of observables, e.g. their sum. In the classical case
+ = g T : R
where g(u, v) = u + v, T() = ((), ()). Hence + can be dened by the help of
( +)
= T
: B(R) o.
Denition 3.4. Let x
, ..., x
: B(R) T be observables, g : R
R be a measurable function.
Then we dene
, ..., x
) : B(R) T
by the formula
, ..., x
)(C) = h(g
(C)), C B(R),
where h : B(R
) T is the joint observable of the observables x
, ..., x
Example 3.1. x
+ ... + x
: B(R) T is the observable dened by the formula (x
+ ... +
)(C) = h(g
(C)), where h : B(R
) T is the joint observable of x
, ..., x
, and g : R
is dened by the equality g(u
, ..., u
) = u
+... + u
The second application of the joint observable is in the formulation of the independency.
Denition 3.5. Let m : T [0, 1] be a state, (x

be a sequence of observables,
: (
) T be the joint observable of x
, ..., x
(n = 1, 2, ...). Then (x

is called
independent, if
... C
)) = m(x
for any n N and any C
, ..., C
( ).
Now let us return to the notion of mean value of an observable. In the classical case
E(g ) =

g dP =

where F is the distribution function of .
Denition 3.6. Let x : B(R) T be an observable, m : T [0, 1] be a state, g : R R be
a measurable function, F be the distribution function of x (F(t) = m(x((, t)))). Then we
231 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
14 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
dene the mean value E(g x) by the formula
E(g x) =

if the integral exists.
Example 3.2. Let x be discrete, i.e. there exist x
R, p
(0, 1], i = 1, ..., k such that
F(t) =

E(x) =

tdF(t) =

The second classical case is the continuous distribution, where
F(t) =

E(x) =

tdF(t) =

Example 3.3. Let us compute the dispersion

(x) = E(g x),
g(u) = (u a)
, a = E(x).
Here we have two possibilities. The rst


(t a)

(x) =

in the discrete case, and

(x) =

(t a)
in the continuous case. The second possibility is the equality

(x) = E((x a)
) = E(x
) 2aE(x) + E(a
) =
= E(x
) a
, a = E(x).
Since a = E(x) is known, it is sufcient to compute E(x
). In the case we have g(t) = t
, hence
) =

g(t)dF(t) =

232 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 15
In the discrete case we have
) =

in the continuous case we obtain
) =

5. Sequences
In the section we want to present a method for studying of limit properties of some
sequences (x
, x
: B(R) T of observables ([7], [25], [31], [32], [49]). The main idea
is a representation of the given sequence by a sequence of random variables (
(, o, P) R. Of course, the space (, o) depends on a concrete sequence (x
, for different
sequences various spaces (, o, P) can be obtained.
The main instrument is the Kolmogorov consistency theorem ([67]). It starts with a sequence
of probability measures (
: (
) [0, 1] such that

) R =
i. e.
(A R) =
(A) for any A (
) (consistency condition). Let ( be the family of
all cylinders in the space R
, i. e. such sets A R
A = (t
; (t
, ..., t
) B,
where k N, B B(R
) = (
). Then by the Kolmogorov consistency theorem there exists
exactly one probability measure
P : (() [0, 1]
such that
P(A) =
(B). (6)
If we denote by
the projection
: R


) = (t
, t
, ..., t
then we can formulate the assertion (6) by the equality
(B)) =
(B), (7)
for any B (.
Theorem 4.1. Let m be a state on a space T of all IF-events. Let (x
be a sequence of
observables, x
: B(R) T, and let h
: B(R
) T be the joint observable of x
, ..., x
, n =
1, 2, .... If we dene
: B(R
) [0, 1] by the equality

= m h
then (
satises the consistency condition

) R) =
233 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
16 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Proof. Let C
, C
, ..., C
B(R). Then by Denition 3.3. and Denition 3.1

... C
R) = m(x
(R)) =
= m(x
).(1, 0)) =
= m(x
)) =
... C
R) =
. Of course, if two measures coincide on
then they coincide
on (
), too.
Now we shall formulate a translation formula between sequences of observables in (T, m)
and corresponding random variables in (R
, ((), P) ([67]).
Theorem 4.2. Let the assumptions of Theorem 4.1 be satised. Let g
: R
R be Borel
measurable functions n = 1, 2, .... Let ( be the family of all cylinders in R
: R
R be
dened by the formula
) = t

: R
= g
., ...,
: B(R
) T, y
= h
(B)) = m(y
for any B B(R).
Proof. Put A = g
(B). By Theorem 4.1.
(B)) = m(h
(B))) = P(
(B))) =
= P((g

(B)) = P(
As an easy corollary of Theorem 4.2 we obtain a variant of central limit theorem. In the
classical case


() a

< t) =

Of course, we must dene for observables the element

a)(, t)
It is sufcient to put
, ..., u
) =

Theorem 4.3. Let (x
be a sequence of square integrable, equally distributed, independent
observables, E(x
) = a,
) =
(n = 1, 2, ...). Then


(, t) =

234 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 17
Proof. We shall use the notation from the last two theorems. Then for C ( )
(C)) = m(h
(R ... R C) = P(
(R ... R C)) = P(
) =


(t) =

(t) = E(x
) = a,

) =
) =
) ...
)) = P(
... C
)) =
= m(h
... C
) = m(x
)) = P(
, ...,
are independent for every n. Put g
, ..., u
) =

a. By Theorem
4.2. we have


a)((, t)) = m(h
(, t))) = m(y
((, t)) =
= P(
((, t))) = P(();


() a < t).
Therefore by the classical central limit theorem


(, t)) =

Let us have a look to the previous theorem from another point of view, say, categorial. We had
((, t)) = (t)
We can say that (
converges to in distribution. Of course, there are important
possibilities of convergencies, at least in measure and almost everywhere.
A sequence (
of random variables (= measurable functions) converges to 0 in measure
: o [0, 1], if
(, )) = 0
for every > 0. And the sequence converges to 0 almost everywhere, if




)) = 1
Certainly, if
() 0,then
> 0kn > k : < () <
235 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
18 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
If we instead of use
, p N, then
() 0 if and only if
pkn > k :
0 almost everywhere, if the set ; () 0 has measure 1.
Denition 4.1. A sequence (y
of observables
(i) converges in distribution to a function F : R R, if
((, t)) = F(t)
for every t R;
(ii) it converges to 0 in state m : T [0, 1], if
((, ))) = 0
for every > 0;
(iii) it converges to 0 m-almost everywhere, if
)) = 0.
Theorem 4.4. Let (y
be a sequence of observables, (
be the sequence of corresponding
random variables. Then
(i) (y
converges to F : R R in distribution if and only if (
converges to F;
(ii) y
converges to 0 in state m : T [0, 1] if and only if (
converges to 0 in measure
P : o [0, 1]
(iii) if (
converges P-almost everywhere to 0, then (y
m-almost everywhere converges
to 0.
The details can be found in [66]. Many applications of the method has been described in [25],
[31], [35], [37], [39] , [52].
6. Conditional probability
Conditional entropy (of A with respect to B) is the real number P(A[B) such that
P(A B) = P(B)P(A[B).
When A, B are independent, then P(A[B) = P(A), the event Adoes not depend on the ocuring
of event B. Another point of view:
P(A B) =

236 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 19
The number P(A[B) can be regarded as a constant function, Constant functions are
measurable with respect to the -algebra o
= , .
Generally P(A[o
) can be dened for any -algebra o
o, as an o
-measurable function
such that
P(A C) =

)dP, C o
If o
= o, then we can put P(A[o
) =
, since
is o
-measurable, and

dP = P(A C).
An important example of o
is the family of all pre-images of a random variable : R
(B); B ( ).
In this case we shall write P(A[o
) = P(A[), hence

(P(A[)dP = P(A C), C =
(B), B ( ).
By the transformation formula
(B)) =

g dP =


, B ( )
And exactly this formulation will be used in our IF-case,
m(A.x(B)) =


Of course, we must rst prove the existence of such a mapping p(A[x) : R R ([34], [70],
[72]). Recall that the product of IF-events is dened by the formula
K.L = (

Theorem 5.1. Let x : ( ) T be an observable, m : T [0, 1] be a state, and let A T.
Dene : ( ) [0, 1] by the equality
(B) = m(A.x(B)).
Then is a measure.
Proof. Let B C = , B, C B(R) = ( ). Then x(B).x(C) = (0, 1), hence
A.(x(B) x(C)) = (A.x(B)) (A.x(C)),
and therefore
(B C) = m(A.x(B C)) = m(A.(x(B) x(C)) = m((A.x(B)) (A.x(C))) =
= m(A.x(B)) + m(A.x(C)) = (B) +(C).
237 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
20 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Let B
B. Then x(B
) x(B), hence A.x(B
) A.x(B). Therefore
) = m(A.x(B
)) m(A.x(B)) = (B).
Theorem 5.2. Let x : ( ) T be an observable, m : T [0, .1] be a state, and let A T.
Then there exists a Borel measurable function f : R R (i. e. B ( ) = f
(B) ( ))
such that
m(A.x(B)) =

f dm
for any B ( ). If g is another such a function, then
(u R; f (x) ,= g(x)) = 0.
Proof. Dene , : ( ) [0, 1] by the formulas
(B) = m
(B) = m(x(B)), (B) = m(A.x(B)).
Then , : ( ) [0, 1] are measures, and .
By the Radon - Nikodym theorem there exists exactly one function f : R R (with respect to
the equality - almost everywhere) such that
m(A.x(B)) = (B) =

f d =

f dm
, B ( ).
Denition 5.1. Let x : ( ) T be an observable A T. Then the conditional probability
p(A[x) = f is a Borel measurable function (i. e. B = f
(B) ( )) such that

= m(A.x(B))
for any B ( ).
7. Algebraic world
At the end of our communication we shall present two ideas. The rst one is in some
algebraizations of the product
A.B = (

The second idea is a presentation of a dual notion to the notion of IF-event.
In MV-algebras the product was introduced independently in [56] and [47]. Let us return to
Denition 1.3 and Example 1.5.
Denition 6.1. An MV-algebra with product is a pair (M, .), where M is an MV-algebra, and .
is a commutative and associative binary operation on M satisfying the following conditions:
(i) 1.a = a
(ii) a.(b c) = (a.b) (a.c).
238 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 21
Example 6.1. Let / T be the MV-algebra dened in Theorem 1.1 (Example1.5). Then /
with the product A.B = (


) is an MV-algebra with product. Indeed,
(1, 0).(
) = (1.
, 0 +
) = (
) (1
, 1
)) =
= (

) 0),
+ (

+1) 1
) 1)).
On the other hand
)) ((
)) =

)) 0, (
+ (

)) 1).

+1 = k.
If 1 k, then

+ k 1
(k 1) =
= 1,
+ k
k) 1 = (
+ k(1
)) 1 = 1.
If k < 1, then

+ k 1
k 1 =
+ k
+ k
k) 1 =
+ k
hence actually
A.(B C) = (A.B) ((A.C)).
Similarly as in Section 1 we can dene a product in D-posets, we shall name such D-posets
Kpka D-posets.
Denition 6.2. AKpka D-poset is a pair (D, ), where Dis a D-poset, and is a commutative
and associative operation on D satisfying the following conditions:
1. a D : a 1 = a;
2. a, b D, a b, c D : a c b c;
3. a, b D : a (a b) 1 b;
4. (a
D, a
a, b D : a
b a b.
Evidently every IF-family T can be embedded to an MV-algebra with product and it is a
special case of a Kpka D-poset, hence any result from the Kpka D-poset theory can be
applied to our IF-events theory ([26], [64]).
Now let us consider a theory dual to the IF-events theory, theory of IV-events. A prerequisity
of IV-theory is in the fact that it considers natural ordering and operations of vectors. On the
other hand the IV-theory is isomorphic to the IF-theory ([65],[43]).
Denition 6.3. Let (, o) be a measurable space, o be a -algebra. By an IV-event a pair
A = (
) : [0, 1]
is considered such that


239 Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models
22 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
AB = ((
) 1, (
) 1);
AB = ((
1) 0, (
1) 0).
Denote by 1 the family of all IV-events. By an IV-state a map m : 1 [0, 1] is considered such
that the following properties are satised:
(i) m((0, 0)) = 0, m((1, 1)) = 1;
(ii) AB = (0, 0) = m(AB) = m(A) + m(B);
A = m(A
) m(A).
Theorem 6.1. Let 1 be the family of all IV-events (with respect to , o)), m : [0, 1] be an
IV-state. Dene
T = (
, 1
); (
) 1,
m : T [0, 1], m((
)) = 1 m(
, 1
: 1 T, ((
)) = (
, 1
Then T is the family of all IF-events (with respect to (, o), m is an IF-state and is an
isomorphism such that
((0, 0)) = (0, 1), ((1, 0)) = (1, 1),
(AB) = (A) (B),
(AB) = (A) (B),
(A) = (A),
m(A)) = m((A)), A 1.
Proof. It is almost straightforward. Of course, the using of the family 1 is more natural and
the results can be applied immediately to probability theory on T.
8. Conclusion
The structures studied in this chapter have two aspects: the rst one is practical, the second
theoretical one. Fuzzy sets and their generalization - Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets - in
both directions new possibilities give.
From the practical point of view we can recommend e. g. [1], [9], [69]. Of course, the whole IF
- theory can be motivated by practical problems and applications (see[10],[44 - 46], [53]).
The main contribution of the presented theory is a new point of view on human thinking
and creation. We consider algebraic models for multi valued logic: IF-events, and more
generally MV-algebras, D-posets, and effect algebras. They are important for many valued
logic as Boolean algebras for two valued logic. Of course, we presented also some results
about entropy ([11], [12], [40 - 42], [59]), or inclusion - exclusion principle ([6], [26], [30])for an
illustration. But the more important idea is in building the probability theory on IF-events.
The theoretical description of uncertainty has two parts in the present time : objective -
probability and statistics, and subjective - fuzzy sets. We show that both parts can be
considered together.
240 Intelligent Systems
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models 23
9. Acknowledgement
This work was partially supported by the Agency of Slovak Ministry of Education for the
structural Funds of the EU, uder project ITMS 26220120007 and the Agency VEGA 1/0621/11
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244 Intelligent Systems
Recognition and Resolution of
Comprehension Uncertainty in AI
Sukanto Bhattacharya
and Kuldeep Kumar

Deakin Graduate School of Business, Deakin University,
School of Business, Bond University,
1. Introduction
1.1 Uncertainty resolution as an integral characteristic of intelligent systems
Handling uncertainty is an important component of most intelligent behaviour so
uncertainty resolution is a key step in the design of an artificially intelligent decision system
(Clark, 1990). Like other aspects of intelligent systems design, the aspect of uncertainty
resolution is also typically sought to be handled by emulating natural intelligence (Halpern,
2003; Ball and Christensen, 2009). In this regard, a number of computational uncertainty
resolution approaches have been proposed and tested by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
researchers over the past several decades since birth of AI as a scientific discipline in early
1950s post- publication of Alan Turings landmark paper (Turing, 1950).
The following chart categorizes various forms of uncertainty whose resolution ought to be a
pertinent consideration in the design an artificial decision system that emulates natural

Fig. 1. Broad classifications of uncertainty that intelligent systems are expected to resolve

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Intelligent Systems

Temporal uncertainty, as the name suggests, arises out of imperfect foresight i.e. it concerns
the general problem of determining the future decision state of a dynamic system the
current and past decision states of which are known. As a sub-category of temporal
uncertainty, parametric uncertainty is that form of uncertainty the resolution of which
wholly depends on estimating a set of underlying parameters that determine a future
decision state of a system given its current and/or past decision states. The fundamental
premise is that there exist parameters, which if estimated accurately, would fully explain the
temporal transition from current to a future decision state. In most practical AI applications
it is handled by embedding an efficient parameter estimation kernel e.g. an asset price
prediction kernel that is embedded within an intelligent financial trading system (Huang,
Pasquier and Quek, 2009). On the other hand non-parametric uncertainty is that form of
temporal uncertainty the resolution of which is either wholly or substantially independent
of any parameters that can be statistically estimated from the current or past decision states
of the system. That is, in resolving non-parametric uncertainty one cannot assume that there
is a set of parameters whose accurate estimation can fully explain the dynamic systems
time-path (Kosut, Lau and Boyd, 1992). To resolve non-parametric uncertainty, AI models
are usually equipped with some feedback/learning mechanism coupled with a performance
measure index that indicates when optimal learning has occurred so that predictive utility
isnt lost on account of overtraining when predicting a future state using the current/past
states as the inputs (Yang et al, 2010).
Knowledge uncertainty, again as the name suggests, arises out of imperfect understanding
i.e. it concerns the general problem of determining the future decision state of a dynamic
system the knowledge about whose current and/or past states are either incomplete, ill-
defined or inconsistent. If there is incomplete information available about the current decision
state of the system then the sub-category of knowledge uncertainty it would be categorized
under is informational uncertainty. A common way of dealing with informational
uncertainty is to try and enhance the current level of information by applying an appropriate
information theoretic tool e.g. Ding et al (2008) applied rough sets theory coupled with a
self-adaptive algorithm to separately mine consistent and inconsistent decision rules;
along with experimental validation for large incomplete information systems. If the
information available about the current decision state of the system is ill-defined i.e. it is
subject to interpretational ambiguity then it would come under the sub-category of linguistic
uncertainty. A large part of interpretational ambiguity arises as a direct result of statements
made in natural language (Walley and Cooman, 2001). Lotfi Zadeh, the proponent of fuzzy
logic, contended that possibility measures are best used to resolve linguistic uncertainty in
decision systems (Zadeh, 1965). If the information available about the current decision state
of the system is inconsistent i.e. it is fundamentally dependent on the origin, then the
resulting uncertainty would come under the sub-category of paradigmatic uncertainty. If
available information is dependent on its origin then it can be expected to materially change
if one chooses a different source for the same information. For example, software agents
have to reason and act on a domain in which the universe of possible scenarios is
fundamentally prescribed by the available metadata records. But these metadata records can
sometimes be found to be mutually inconsistent when compared. The paradigmatic
uncertainty resulting from the inconsistency and imprecision is best addressed by building
in enough flexibility in the system so that the cogency of information related to the current

Recognition and Resolution of Comprehension Uncertainty in AI

(and past) decision states gleaned from different sources is a set-valued rather than point-
valued feature (Sicilia, 2006).
A three-valued extension of classical (i.e. binary) fuzzy logic was proposed by Smarandache
(2002) when he coined the term neutrosophic logic as a generalization of fuzzy logic to
such situations where it is impossible to de-fuzzify the original fuzzyvalued variables via
some tractable membership function into either of set T or its complement T
where both T
and T
are considered crisp sets. In these cases one has to allow for the possibility of a third
unresolved state intermediate between T and T
. As an example one may cite the well
known thought experiment in quantum metaphysics of Schrdingers cat (Schrdinger,
1935) the cat in a closed box is in limbo between two states dead and alive and it is
impossible to tell which unless one opens the box at which point the effect of observer
participation is said to intervene and cause that indeterminate state to collapse into a
classical state of either a dead or an alive cat to be observed in the box. But as long as
observer participation is completely absent one cannot in any way disentangle these two
crisp sets!
This brings us to the final form of uncertainty that an artificially intelligent decision system
ought to be able to resolve something which we christened here as comprehension
uncertainty. While some elements of comprehension uncertainty is sought to be handled
(often unknowingly) by the designers of intelligent systems by using one or more tools
targeted to resolve either temporal or knowledge uncertainty, the concept of
comprehension uncertainty has not yet been adequately described and addressed in
contemporary AI literature. That is the reason we decided to depict this form of uncertainty
using a dashed rather than continuous connector in the above chart. Also the question mark in
the chart denotes the fact that there is no known repository of theoretical knowledge (not
necessarily limited to the discipline of AI) that addresses such a form of uncertainty. The
purpose of this chapter is to therefore posit a scientific theory of comprehension
2. The meaning of comprehension uncertainty
While all the other forms of uncertainty as discussed above necessarily originates from and
deals with the contents/specification of an elementary set of interest, which is a subset of the
universal set, by the term comprehension uncertainty we mean and include any form of
uncertainty that originates from and deals with the contents/specification of the universal set itself.
If the stock of our entire knowledge about a problem is universal (i.e. there is absolutely
nothing else that is fundamentally unknown about that problem) only then we can claim to
fully comprehend the problem so that no comprehension uncertainty would then exist.
There is a need here to distinguish between complete knowledge and universal
knowledge. The knowledge about a problem can be said to be complete if it consists of the
entire stock of current knowledge that is pertinent to that particular problem. However the
current stock of knowledge, even in its entirety, may not be the universal knowledge simply
because ways of adding to that current stock of knowledge could be beyond the current
limits of comprehension i.e. the universal set could itself be ill-defined. If intelligent systems are
primarily intended to emulate natural intelligence and treat functional comparability with
natural intelligence as the most desirable outcome, then the limits to comprehension for
natural intelligence should translate to similar limits for such systems as well.

Intelligent Systems

2.1 How does natural intelligence resolve comprehension uncertainty in
As highly evolved, intelligent beings, humans have become adept at continually taking
decisions based on information that is subject to various forms of uncertainty. We can
negotiate a busy sidewalk more often than not without colliding with other pedestrians and
can cross a road safely (again most of the times) without being flattened by a car although
we have at best a very imprecise idea of the speed of an oncoming car. Human brain, as the
highest seat of natural intelligence, has evolved unique ways of working with various
uncertainties including comprehension uncertainty. Humans are also dealing with
comprehension uncertainty, for example when designing an unmanned, deep-space
probe. We design the space probe using our current stock of knowledge in astrophysics;
thermodynamics etc., identifying, assessing and resolving the pertinent temporal and
knowledge uncertainties. At the same time we are also cognisant of a gap in our knowledge.
This is not because we havent been able to fully utilize our current stock of knowledge;
rather it is the gap that exists between our current knowledge of deep space etc. and the
universal knowledge which is outside of our limits of comprehension i.e. primarily
originating from an ill-defined universal set.
Artificially intelligent decision systems are typically programmed to inexorably seek a
global optimum while in reality, the presence of comprehension uncertainty will always
negate that prospect. What an intelligent system returns as a global optimum is thus at best
only such within its current domain knowledge and not a universal optimum. But an
artificially intelligent system will always terminate its search once it attains what it perceives
as the global optimum; based on the underlying premise that its current stock of domain-
specific knowledge is in fact the universal one! On the other hand, naturally intelligent
beings recognize the fundamental gap between current and universal knowledge and so
will endeavour to keep expanding their limits of comprehension.
An artificially intelligent decision system ought to be designed to realize that its current
stock of knowledge may not be the universal knowledge pertinent to a decision problem it is
invoked to work out. Emulating natural intelligence, AI models should aim to be auto-
cognisant of any fundamental knowledge gaps and therefore be able to reconcile any
deviations of the global from the universal optimum. A first step towards that is effective
operationalization of the comprehension uncertainty concept. In the following section we
posit and develop a formal conceptualization of the comprehension uncertainty concept.
This basically involves an extension of classical probability theory to a realm of higher-order
probabilities in a manner that is computationally tractable and fully reconcilable with the
classical theory. Finally we posit and defend a logical framework justifying the due
consideration of comprehension uncertainty in the context of designing artificially
intelligent systems for practical applications in business, industry and society.
3. Developing some necessary theoretical groundwork
The primary objective of our work here is to simply posit the logically conceivable
underpinnings of a probability theory extended to formalize comprehension uncertainty
we believe that our main purpose here is to merely open the proverbial Pandoras Box and
thereby spawn a healthy stream of new research along both philosophical as well as

Recognition and Resolution of Comprehension Uncertainty in AI

mathematical lines. In that desired direction, we firstly posit and prove a fundamental
theorem necessary for such an extension to the theory of probability. Subsequently we show
some computational tests to illustrate the posited framework.
3.1 A foray into higher order probabilities
It is well known that much of modern theory of probability rests upon the three
fundamental Kolmogorov axioms (Kolmogorov, 1956) which are conventionally stated as
axiom: The probability of any event is a non-negative real number i.e. P(E) 0 E U
axiom: The probability of any one of the elementary events in the whole event space
occurring is 1 i.e. P(U)=1
axiom: Any countable sequence of pair-wise non-overlapping events E
, E
, ... E
the following relation: P(E
... E
) =
); i = 1, 2, ..., n.
It is basically Kolmogorovs second and third axioms as noted above that render any
extensions of the probability concept to higher orders (i.e. probability of probability)
superfluous as the information content of any such higher order probability can be
satisfactorily transmuted via existing set-theoretic constructs. So, extending to a higher order
would arguably yield trivial information. However the Kolmogorov axioms by themselves are
also open to extensions for instance there is previous research that has revisited the proofs
of the well-known Bell inequality based on underlying assumptions of separability and non-
contextuality and constructed a model of generalized non-contextual contrapositive
conditional probabilities consistent with the results of the famous Aspect experiment
showing in general such probabilities are not necessarily all positive (Atkinson, 2000). By
themselves the Kolmogorov axioms do not unequivocally rule out an extension of the
definition of the universal set U itself so as to make U possess a time-dynamic rather than a time-
static nature. So; in effect this means that if we were to consider a time-dynamic version of the
universal set; then one would suddenly find that the information content of higher order
probability no longer remains trivial i.e. an extension of the probability concept to higher
orders (i.e. probability of probability) is no longer superfluous in fact it is logical! The good
thing is that no new probability calculus needs to be formulated to describe such a theory of
higher-order probabilities and this extended theory could still rest on the Kolmogorov axioms
and could still draw fundamentally from the standard set-theoretic approach (as we will be
demonstrating shortly); by merely using an extended definition of the universal set U which
would now denote not merely an event space but a broader concept, which we christen as
event-spacetime, i.e. an event space that can evolve over a time dimension.
Perhaps the only academic work preceding ours to have alluded that a higher-order
probability theory is justifiable by an event space evolving over time was that by Haddawy
and others (Haddawy, 1996; Lehner, Laskey and Dubois, 1996), where they provided a
logic that incorporates and integrates the concepts of subjective probability, objective
probability, time and causality (Lehner, Laskey and Dubois, 1996). We take a similar
philosophical stance but go on to explicitly develop a logically tenable higher-order
probability concept in discrete time. We have no doubt that an extension in continuous time
is also attainable but its left for later.

Intelligent Systems

Lemma 1
The probability that any one of the elementary events contained within the event space-time will
occur between two successive time points t
and t
given that the contents/contours of the event space
remains unchanged from t
to t
is unity i.e. P (U
| U
= U
) = 1. By extension, P(U
| U
= U
) =
1 for all t = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
Lemma 1 results from a natural extension of Kolmogorovs second axiom if we allow the
event space to be of a time-dynamic nature i.e. if U is allowed to evolve through time in
discrete intervals.
Lemma 2
If the classical probability of occurrence of a specific elementary event E contained within the event
space-time is defined as P(E), then the first-order probability of occurrence of such event E becomes
P{P(E)} = P
(E) = P{E

| (U
= U
)} = P(E).[P{(U
= U
= U
Applying the fundamental law of conditional probability we can write as follows:

| (U
= U
)} = P{E(U
= U
)}/ P(U
= U
= U
)} = P{(U
= U
)E} = P(E).P{(U
= U
)|E}; and thus the result follows.
Lemma 3
Given the first-order probability of occurrence of elementary event E and assuming that (U
= U
and (U
= U
) are independent for all t = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., the second-order probability of occurrence
of E becomes P
(E) = P(E) . P
(E). [P{(U
= U
= U
By definition, P
(E) = P{P
(E)} = P[{E | (U
= U
)} {E|(U
= U
Since (U
= U
) and (U
= U
) are assumed independent for t = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., we can write:
P[{E | (U
= U
)} {E|(U
= U
)}] = P{E | (U
= U
)} . P{E|(U
= U
Substituting P{E | (U
= U
)} with P
(E) and then applying the fundamental law of
conditional probability; the result follows.
Thus, given the first-order probability of occurrence of an elementary event E, the second-
order probability is obtained as a probability of the first-order probability and is
necessarily either equal to or less than the first-order probability, as is suggested by common
intuition. This logic could then be extended to each of the subsequent higher order
probability terms. Based on lemmas 1 3, we next propose and prove a fundamental
theorem of higher order (hereafter H-O) probabilities.

Recognition and Resolution of Comprehension Uncertainty in AI

A fundamental theorem of higher order probabilities (in discrete time)
If we set P
(E) P(E), then P
(E) = P(E). P
= U
= U
)] for t = 1, 2,3, ..., n
(E) = P{P
(E)} = P(E). [P{(U
= U
= U
)] from lemma 2
(E) = P{P
(E)} = P(E) . P
(E) . [P{(U
= U
= U
)] .. from lemma 3
(E) = P[{E | (U
= U
)} {E|(U
= U
)} {E|(U
= U
= P[[{E | (U
= U
)} {E|(U
= U
)}] {E|(U
= U
= P
(E) . P{E|(U
= U
= P(E). P
= U
= U
(E) = P[{E | (U
= U
)} {E|(U
= U
)} {E|(U
= U
)} {E|(U
= U
= P[[{E | (U
= U
)} {E|(U
= U
)} {E|(U
= U
)}] {E|(U
= U
= P
(E) . P{E|(U
= U
= P(E). P
= U
= U
Extending to the (t-1)-th term, we can therefore write:
(E) = P(E). P
= U
= U
) (1)
The expression for the t-th term is derived from (1) as follows:
(E) = P(E). P
= U
= P(E).P
) (2)
However we may also write:
(E)=P[{E | (U
= U
= U
= U
= U
= U
= U
= P
(E) . P{E|(U
= U
= P
(E). P(E). [P{(U
)] (3)
As (2) is identical to (3); by principle of mathematical induction the general case is proved for t= n.
Obviously then, if P(U
) = P{(U
)|E}, for all t = 1, 2, 3, ..., n; we will end up with
(E) =[P(E)]
which makes this approach to H-O probability fully consistent with classical
probability theory and in fact a very natural extension thereof if one sees the fundamentally
time-dynamic characteristic of U.

Intelligent Systems

3.2 Simple computational tests to better illustrate the above-posited concept of
H-O probability
To provide a simple illustration of how the H-O probabilities would pan out in discrete
event-spacetime we have done a series of computations the results of which are graphically
represented below. The graphs show the temporal evolution of the event-spacetime in
discrete time steps and the resulting P
(E) values for t = 1, 2, ..., 5. We assume three
temporal evolution forms expanding event-spacetime, contracting event-spacetime and
oscillating event-spacetime and plot the P
(E) values for each of these three forms starting
with a pervading assumption that P(U
= U
) = 1. This assumption simplifies a lot of the
computations as P
(E) then depends totally on P{(U
= U
)/E}. When P{(U
= U
)/E} = 1,
we see that P
(E) converges to P(E)
for all values of t. On the other hand, when P{(U
)/E} = 0, P
(E) converges to zero for all values of t. So, holding P(E) = 0.10, in an
expanding event-spacetime, P
(E) = P(E) = 0.10, p
(E) = 0.10
= 0.01 and so on for P{(U
)/E} = 1. For P{(U
)/E} = 0, P
(E) = p
(E) = P
(E) = p
(E) = P
(E) = 0, while P
values are seen to oscillate for P{(U
)/E} values randomly oscillating about 0.50 the
degree of oscillation decreasing with increasing order of probability i.e. P
(E) oscillates more
than P
(E), P
(E) more than P
(E) and so on.

Fig. 2. Expanding Event-Spacetime, [P(E) = 0.10]
Plot of P
(E); t = 1, 2, ..., 5 for P{(U
t -1
= U
)/E} increasing from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.05
The expanding event-spacetime represents the situation where, with passage of time and
evolution of the current stock of domain knowledge, there is a steadily increasing
probability of probability of the occurrence of the elementary event of interest. The
contracting event-spacetime represents the situation where, with passage of time and
evolution of the current stock of domain knowledge, there is a steadily decreasing
probability of probability of the occurrence of the elementary event of interest. The
oscillating event-spacetime represents the situation where, with passage of time and

Recognition and Resolution of Comprehension Uncertainty in AI

evolution of the current stock of domain knowledge, there is an erratic pattern in the
probability of probability of the occurrence of the elementary event of interest because of
the fact that some old knowledge that were replaced by new knowledge make comebacks
following newer discoveries.

Fig. 3. Contracting Event-Spacetime, [P(E) = 0.10]
Plot of P
(E); t = 1, 2, ..., 5 for P{(U
t -1
= U
)/E} decreasing from 1 to 0 in steps of 0.05

Fig. 4. Oscillating Event-Spacetime, [P(E) = 0.10]
Plot of P
(E); t = 1, 2, ..., 5 for P{(U
t -1
= U
)/E} allowed to randomly oscillate about 0.50

Intelligent Systems

3.3 H-O probability implications for intelligent resolution of comprehension
Although we do not mathematically compute H-O probabilities while taking decisions (or
for that matter even ordinary probabilities), human intelligence does enough background
processing of fringe information (mostly even without knowing) to see a bigger picture of
the likely scenarios. Going back to the example of crossing a busy road, we are continuously
processing information (often unknowingly) from the environment in terms of the rapidly
changing pertinent event space. As long as the pertinent event space is pre-populated with
likely forms of road hazards, an artificially intelligent system can be trained to emulate
human decision-making and cross the road. It is when the contents of the pertinent event
space dynamically changes that would throw off even the most advanced of AI-based
systems given the current state of design of such systems. This is pretty much what
Bhattacharya, Wang and Xu (2010) identified as a gap in the current state of design of
intelligent systems. The current design paradigm is overwhelmingly concerned with the
how rather than the why and resolution of comprehension uncertainty involves more
of the why. Rather than trying to answer how to avoid being hit by a vehicle or some
other hazard while crossing AI designers ought to be focusing on why are we vulnerable
while crossing a busy road.
As soon as the focus of the design shifts to the why, the link with comprehension
uncertainty becomes a very natural extension thereof. Then we are simply asking why a
particular event space is a pertinent one for the problem at hand? The natural answer is that
in a specified time window, it contains all the elementary events out of which one or a few
are conducive for the desired outcome. Then the question naturally progresses to what
would happen outside that specified time window? If we are pre-populating the pertinent
event space and then assuming that it would hold good for all times, it would be at the cost
of ignoring comprehension uncertainty which can defeat the AI design. At this point it is
perhaps useful to again remind readers that it is not the vagueness or imprecision associated
with some contents of an event space that is of importance here (existing uncertainty
resolution methods like rough sets, fuzzy logic etc. are adequate for dealing with those) it
is a temporal instability of the event space itself that is crux of the comprehension
uncertainty concept.
The mathematics of H-O probabilities then offers a plausible route towards formal
incorporation of comprehension uncertainty within artificially intelligent systems designed
to replicate naturally intelligent decision-making. As naturally intelligent beings, humans
are capable of somehow grasping the limits to comprehension that result from a gap
between current knowledge and universal knowledge. If this was not the case then
research as an intellectual endeavour would have ceased! In the current design paradigm
the focus is on training AI models to search for global optimality while, ideally, the focus
ought to be on training such models to do research rather than search! Recognition and
incorporation of comprehension uncertainty in their learning framework would at least
allow future AI models to grasp the limits to comprehension so as not to invariably
terminate as soon as a globally optimal decision point has been reached using the current
domain knowledge.

Recognition and Resolution of Comprehension Uncertainty in AI

4. Conclusion: comprehending the incomprehensible the future of
AI systems design
In its current state, the design of artificially intelligent systems is pre-occupied with solving
the how problems and as such do not quite recognize the need for resolving
comprehension uncertainty. In fact, the concept of comprehension uncertainty was not even
formally posited prior to this work by us although there have been a few takes on the
mathematics of H-O probabilities. Earlier researchers mainly found the concept of H-O
probabilities superfluous because they failed to view it in the context of formalizing
comprehension uncertainty like we have done in this article.
However, given that the exact emulation of human intelligence continues to remain the
Holy Grail for AI researchers, they have to grapple with comprehension uncertainty at some
point or the other. The reason for this is simple a hallmark of human intelligence is that it
recognizes the limitations of the current stock of knowledge from which it draws. Thus any
artificial system that ultimately seeks to emulate that intelligence must also necessarily see
the limitations in current domain knowledge and allow for the fact that the current domain
knowledge can evolve over time so that the global optimum attained with the current stock
of knowledge may not remain the same at a future time. Once an artificially intelligent
system is hardwired to recognize the time-dynamic aspect of the relevant event space within
which it has to calculate the probabilities of certain outcomes and take a decision so as to
maximize the expected value of the most desirable outcome, it will not terminate its search
as soon as global optimality is reached in terms of the contents/contours of the current
event space. It would rather go into a dormant mode and continue to monitor the
evolution of the event space and re-engage in its search as soon as P{(U
)/E} > 0 at any
subsequent time point.
With the formal hardwiring of comprehension uncertainty within the core design of an
artificially intelligent system it can be trained to transcend from simply answering the
how to ultimately formulating the why firstly; why is the current body of knowledge
an exhaustive source to draw from for finding the optimal solution to a particular problem
and secondly; why that current body of knowledge may not be continue to remain an
exhaustive source to draw from for all time in future. When it has been trained to formulate
these why questions, only then can we expect an artificially intelligent system to take that
significant leap towards finally gaining parity with natural intelligence.
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Intelligent Systems in Cartography
Zdena Dobesova and Jan Brus
Palack University in Olomouc
Czech Republic
1. Introduction
According to the recent progress and technical development in Geographic Information
Science (GIScience) [Kraak, MacEachren, 1999], and in information technology we can trace
the progressive significance of the role of maps, images, and computer graphics as
mediators of collaboration - in a range of contexts including environmental and urban
planning, resource management, scientific inquiry, and education [Brewer et al., 2000].
Maps became a tool for sharing knowledge around people. They are comprehended as a
unique expression tool used for a variety of purposes that can be broadly grouped around
two main roles: maps as tools for analysis, problem solving and decision making "visual
thinking", [MacEachren, Kraak, 1997], and maps as tools for communication of ideas
between people. Although the communicative role of maps seems to fully comply with the
cartographic tradition, it should be borne in mind that the concept of cartographic
communication has recently extended [Andrienko, Andrienko, Voss, 2002]. Maps are unique
means for communication of adequate amount of spatial information. Visualizing allows us
to grasp and retain larger amount of information compared to the usage of words. Without
the visual image, recalling the same information would require memorizing a long list of
area descriptions [O'Looney, 2000].
If the maps are processed correctly, they transmit spatial information accurately and
quickly. If some of the rules of cartography are violated, communication of spatial
information is inaccurate. The communication of spatial information is sometimes
completely wrong. Subsequently, the map-reader can be significantly affected by the result
of representation of information. From the other point of view, badly understood map may
have fatal consequences in crisis management when transferring of the right information
between collaborating people is necessary. In this context, map plays the role of symbolic
operator able to act in such a decision making, characterized by urgency and criticality.
Thus, the good knowledge of all the rules for maps making is expected from the map maker.
Knowledge of design principles can help the user create a highly specialized view on the
data. Customized and right visualized data can help viewers identify patterns, which can be
lost when using the un-adequate method [O'Looney, 2000].
Map making process can be done in two main ways. Firstly, the users make map from some
datasets using adequate software. The opposite situation requires map server as end tool for
visualizing of datasets. In both cases is necessary build-in acquired cartographical

Intelligent Systems

knowledge into these systems. There is a need for implementation of cartographic rules
directly into the programs for the map making especially into GIS software.
The usage of intelligent systems has been enabled by the development in the field of
artificial intelligence. Therefore, these systems find application in many sectors of
cartography. Real cartographer can be partly substituted by the utilization of knowledge
system (intelligent system).
2. Cartography and intelligent systems
Computer-assisted thematic cartography has been highlighted in the forefront of interest by
the following development in the field of GIS and map making but also thanks to the
expansion of improper map-making. Usage of different methods in thematic cartography is
very dependent on the specific type of map, user and the resulting information.
Cartographer accesses very often at this stage and determines what is appropriate and what
is not. The possibility of intelligent system usage can be found in that stage.
Quantity of used thematic cartography methods, different types and quality of input data
and other factors, however, can cause problems. The creating of a high-quality and
comprehensive system for thematic cartography is extremely complex task. The main idea
of designing the decision-making support system in thematic mapping is using all kinds of
technologies and methods. The aim is to solve the decision-making problems in thematic
mapping in order to make a perfect map through operating intelligent system by users
[Quo, 1993]. Key decision-making issues referred to the thematic map design should be
analyzed clearly at the beginning of designing a good intelligent system. Nevertheless,
corresponding decision-making models and reasoning methods should be proposed
according to different problems.
In order to transfer map information effectively, it must reduce the noise hidden behind the
map information and prevent over much map information. In thematic cartography, there
are more than 10 commonly known thematic map types, namely point diagram maps, linear
diagram maps, chorochromatic mosaic maps, isoline maps, stereoscopic perspective
methods, nominal point symbol maps, proportional symbol maps, dot methods (dot
mapping), classification ratio method (choropleth maps), statistical maps (areal diagram
methods), cartographic arrowhead methods, triangle charts law [Quo, Ren, 2003].
Various geographic data have a different structure of data. Every method should be
corresponding to geographic data characteristics. Moreover, only some specific types of map
graphics express specific geographic phenomena (Population Pyramid). This is the very
important part of thematic cartography. Different methods will emphasize differently on
different map data characteristics. Furthermore, some data characteristics can be only
expressed by particular methods. When we can distinguish type of data and their structure,
we will be able to know which method to choose [Andrienko, Andrienko, Voss, 2002]. We
can select a different map representation according to the spatial distribution of quality,
quantity, grade combined, compared, direction and temporal options.
Producers of GIS software try to incorporate sub-expert cartographic knowledge as part of
the program functionality. For example, we can consider the offer of color scale as a specific
program codified cartographic knowledge in ArcGIS software. A program shows

Intelligent Systems in Cartography

appropriate scales according to visualization qualitative or quantitative data. When a
quantity type of data is selected than the predefined color scales of tones based on one color
with different saturation will be automatically offered in ArcGIS. This offer is
cartographically correct. However, the user can make mistakes here because bad choice
scales are also offered. This mistake of choosing wrong color ramp for expression quality or
quantity is represented on Fig 1. This map visualizes the different six weeks of the student
vacation in the Czech Republic. This qualitative phenomenon is correctly expressed with
different tone of the color (yellow, orange, light blue, green, dark blue and violet) for every
week on the upper map. Wrong usage of color for expression of six weeks by graduated
color ramp (colours from yellow to brown) is in the map on top in Fig. 1. This graduated
color ramp can be used only for quantitative data. Light color (yellow) expresses small
value, dark color (brown) expresses big value. The week of vacation is not small or big

Fig. 1. Example of bad use of color ramp for qualitative data - wrong map (up) and correct
map (bottom)
In developing an intelligent system, there are two related sets of problems. Transformation
of existing cartographic practice into rule-based knowledge stands the first and the second is
to guide the system through the map-making task. The knowledge in the domain is encoded

Intelligent Systems

in the form of rules, which constitute the building blocks of the knowledge base. The
application logic and the procedural information of the system are described by rules and
operated on objects, classes and slots [Stefanakis, Tsoulos 2005]. The structure and
organization of the knowledge base is critical for efficiency and the overall performance of
the system. Only features referred to the usage of a map can be presented and, on the other
hand, only important elements can be shown when there are too many features [Hua, 1991].
That is why it is necessary to include all the potential factors to the database when designing
such a system, or it is necessary to focus only on some issues in a map-making process.
In disrespect of the basic rules, there may be restrictions of expressing the ability of the map
or the cartographic expression becomes unreadable. Intelligent system can assist to the
correct selection of colour in accordance with the rules of cartography. E.g. conservation
principle of conventionality (blue colour for waters, brown colour for contour lines),
conservation principle of associativity (green forests for topographic maps), the right choice
of colours for the qualitative data or the correct shade of colour for expressing the intensity
of the phenomenon. They can take into consideration the type of imaging methods and the
people suffering from daltonism etc. There is also an art to displaying information visually,
and sometimes principles contradict each other [Andrienko, Andrienko, Voss, 2002].
The basic principle of the intelligent system is to divide the whole process into subsections,
which affect the result. The resulting proposed system must be coherent and
comprehensive. Good comprehensive intelligent system for thematic cartography should be
able to propose appropriate solutions of the problem. Excellent intelligent system should be
even able to offer not only one possible solution but also give the explanation and
justification to the user.
3. Cartographic intelligent systems with a specific knowledge
With the development of digital cartography and transfer maps to digital form there is an
increasing need to vectorize and generalize properly. Both processes are widely used in the
last decade. This process, however, requires the presence of expert and correction of the
process. Software that directly vectorize scanned image maps can be divided into automatic
and semi-automatic, depending on the modes of information processing [Hori, Tanigawa,
1993], [Eikvil, Aas, Koren, 1995]. Most of current automatic vectorial systems apply the same
method for all maps and do not take into consideration their different nature. It is expected
from the user as the most accurate manual setting as possible, which presupposes good
knowledge of the problems and knowledge of the system used [Hori, Tanigawa, 1993]. One
option is to use the knowledge base and thus reduce the overall demand of cartographic
literacy of the users and facilitate the whole process of vectorization. In conjunction with the
knowledge base we get a system that is able to give results very similar to the of outputs
highly sophisticated manual digitization. In addition, it provides more agreeable user
interface which allows the selection of appropriate parameters in accordance with the visual
information contained in the original map.
Even generalizing algorithms of existing systems often ignore the role of maps or fuzzy
logic to optimize the process. There are thus not able to extract hidden information. The
specific knowledge, which is not taken into account in so far known algorithms, is required

Intelligent Systems in Cartography

[Meng, 2003]. Generalization entails a number of different rules that must be correctly
applied in a certain sequence. Different roles have different rules and different knowledge
base. This compilation of a dynamic system is a possible solution to the automatic
generalization. In the context of digital cartography and expert systems is therefore very
necessary to examine and interpret the processes at manual generalization. The overwriting
the procedure of the cartographer into a sequence of a procedure of very well defined
processes is a key objective in creating a successful expert system [Lee, 1994].
Implementation of the knowledge of experts to the programs for work with a map can
greatly specify and simplify the whole process. Automatic generalization is interesting
example. These intelligent guides can be found in different software such as ArcGIS,
DynaGen and LaserScan. The development of intelligent systems is a major commercial
application of artificial intelligence (AI) which is proposed to increase the quality and
availability of knowledge for automated decision-making [Boss, 1991].
For common users it is much more preferable to use freely available software resources.
These resources can help with the creation of maps. In the following text, there are some of
these applications. The "MapBrewer" system is named after the researcher and cartographer
Cynthia Brewer. It is a new type of a system developed to encourage the creation of maps. It
helps the user always with only one particular aspect in the production of maps.

Fig. 2. ColorBrewer 2.0 Color advice for cartography
Three versions, namely ColourBrewer [Harrower, Brewer, 2003] instrument for the correct
choice of colour composition, SymbolBrewer [Schnabel, 2005] for the selection of
appropriate map symbols, and TypeBrewer [Sheesley, 2006] to the appropriate font, are now
available. These described systems can be rather referred as "digital teaching assistants".

Intelligent Systems

They offer important theoretical background, but also user-specialist can find out solutions
in them. They differ from other forms of online assistance such as wizards, tutorials, guides,
forums, and others. They do not effort the user only one solution and they do not work for
him without an explanation. They rather propose a user the range of possible correct
solutions and seek to encourage users to think of the problem as an expert does. This
activity is similar to that offered by the expert consultation. Another system belonging to a
group of research applications is the expert system developed in China for decision support
in thematic cartography [Zhang, Guo, Jiao, 2008]. It is the kind of a geographic information
system, which helps users with the process of creating thematic maps. The system has a
single interface. Through this system, you can choose the thematic elements and then it is
possible to create automatically thematic maps according to the type and characteristics of
their elements. User can modify the design parameters of various charts and through the
interface obtain satisfactory results. This system is the unique solution of a complex expert
system in thematic cartography. Special distributed solution was developed in Switzerland
[Iosifescu-Enescu, Hugentobler, Hurni, 2010]. QGIS mapserver is an open source WMS
(Web Map Service) (1.3.0 and 1.1.1) implementation. In addition, it implements advanced
cartographic features as specified in the Map and Diagram Service specifications. With QGIS
mapserver the content of vector and raster data sources (e.g. shapefiles, gml, postgis, wfs,
geotiff) can be visualized according to cartographic rules (specified as request parameters).
The generated map is sent back to the client over the internet. The cartographic rules handle
advanced filtering and symbolisation of features. For improved cartographic representation,
the data should be enriched with attributes to control rotation, scale, size or even
As a cartographical guide we can consider also a knowledge-based software component,
called task support guide, that proposes the users appropriate interactive techniques for
accomplishing specific data analysis tasks and explains how to apply these techniques. The
guide is integrated in mapping system CommonGIS [Andrienko, Andrienko, Voss, 2002].
In addition, there is a large number of systems as an outcome of research work. These systems
come from number of the world's research places but they are mostly aimed at the individual
field cartography. These systems also often end just as the output of research or as a
springboard for further research. From most important we can choose, MAPAID [Robinson,
Jackson, 1985], MAPKEY [Su, 1992], ACES [Pfefferkorn et al., 1985] and many others.
3.1 Cartographical knowledge and their acquiring
The first part of construction of cartographic intelligent system is transfer of expert
knowledge from various sources to computer form. The sources in the area of cartography
are cartographers - experts, cartographic books, maps and atlases.
Knowledge acquisition and building knowledge base is a complex and time-consuming
stage of intelligent system development which is indispensable without collaborating
between experts (cartographers) and knowledge engineers. An effectively deployed system
must do more than embody expertise. Its rule base must be complete, non-contradictory,
and reasonable. Knowledge engineers employ a variety of techniques for eliciting
information from the expert in order to construct a complete and consistent rule base [Balch,
Schrader, Ruan, 2007].

Intelligent Systems in Cartography

The cooperation with cartographers is considerable in some ways [Nvrat et al., 2002]:
oriented interview - obtaining of facts,
structural interview - obtaining of terms and models,
free association - obtaining of relation between knowledge,
monitoring - obtaining of global strategy,
comment of steps - obtaining of derived strategy,
dialogue of expert with users results are interaction between knowledge and way
of communication of user.
The knowledge engineer should be aware that expert knowledge is more than one kind and
not all this knowledge can be acquired from one person. An interview with only one expert-
cartographer can avoid some fail in expert system. Interview with group of cartographers is
better. The suitable way of interview is brainstorming. There is necessary more punctually
prepare interview and carefully lead interview with group of experts. There is also danger
of conflicts between experts.
Process of building expert system in cartography can involve certain steps. Knowledge
acquisition step which involve individual expert interviews, the knowledge representation
step which involve the creation of the knowledge base, knowledge validation occurred
during the testing and fine-tuning of the final knowledge base.
Possible and appropriate method how to collect data can be usage of a modified Delphi
method. The Delphi method [Okoli, Pawlowski, 2004] is a structured and iterative approach
to collecting expert knowledge involving a series of interviews or questionnaires. As
basement for building can be used ontologies. The plan for acquiring the knowledge and
building the knowledge base had the following steps:
have initial free-form interviews with experts;
based on the results of the free-form interviews, develop a questionnaire to collect
knowledge from a larger group of experts;
use the data collected from the questionnaires to create a preliminary knowledge base
to store and represent knowledge;
distribute the preliminary knowledge base through the experts to fine-tune it, repeating
this process if necessary;
use available data and statistical tools to further refine the knowledge base.
The first step in developing the cartographical knowledge base should be to contact experts
with experience in cartography (mostly cartographers). Since this kind of work often
involves a time commitment, it is important to develop a means of motivating experts to
participate in this work [Booker, Meyer, 2001]. Motivation for the experts' participation in
this work is necessary to use the results in the beta testing phase.
Once their expertise is collected, it should be implemented into a draft of knowledge base
rules and stored in an if-then format. This draft should be after fine-tuned by being passed
back to the cartographers for further review. From collected results should be build final
knowledge base and it is necessary to test whole knowledge base for errors after

Intelligent Systems

There are also other methods which can be used. The best way is using cartographical
literature and combined these results with interview methods. Methods strictly depend on
the size of knowledge base and type of acquired cartographical knowledge. One intelligent
system is not possible due to amount of rules and facts, which should be involved into
expertise knowledge
education experience intuition data
decision making

Fig. 3. The bases of expertise knowledge and expert decision making
3.2 Evaluation of cartographic functionality in GIS software
Starting point for design intelligent system was previous research at Palack University in
2009 (Brus et al., 2010). This research compared possibilities of creation thematic map in
various GIS software. Research was carried out to search the conditions and the
possibilities of map making process in GIS software. The special evaluation method
named CartoEvaluation has been proposed for finding out the GIS software
cartography potential. New evaluation method is based on Goal-Question-Metric method.
More than 13 GIS software of commercial production and Open Source Software (Czech
and world-wide) were evaluated under this method. The evaluation results are
summarized into complex tables and accessible at web pages of the scientific project
(Dobesova, 2009).

Fig. 4. The part of evaluation table for evaluation of color scheme in GIS software

Intelligent Systems in Cartography

The results of the evaluation confirm that most of the programs achieved satisfactory basic
cartographic functions. Nine programs achieved more than 50 from the maximum possible
score (100%). Tested programs were ArcGIS, MapInfo, Geomedia, GRASS, TopoL,
AutoCAD Map, Kristna GIS, MISYS and OCAD. Commercial programs are among the best
because they are being developed for a long time, and thus have the chance to meet the
requirements of expert cartographic outputs. The ArcGIS program was the bets in
Evaluation of programs also revealed some weak or missing cartographic functions. They
are missing of some compound line (motivated line) and point symbol in symbol libraries.
Programs also have insufficiencies in creating point and area diagram map (chart diagrams).
Multi-parameters totalizing diagrams, comparative diagrams and dynamic diagrams are
missing. Cartograms methods (anamorphosis) are very seldom implemented.
Functionality of setting colours is acceptable. It is possible to select the color from a palette
in different color models (RGB, HSV). Some color schemes (ramps) are, however, missing, in
particular bipolar, gradation or hypsometric color schemes. Possibility to create, save and re-
use custom color schemes is very rare.
GIS software is not only aimed for creation of cartographic outputs. Cartographic outputs
are in the end of GIS analyses. The overlay analyses of spatial data (spatial clip, symmetrical
difference, spatial union etc.) bring new results and new spatial data e.g. for urban planning
(Dobesova, Krivka, 2011). Another example of spatial analysis is the field of the spreading of
diseases (Absalon, Slesak, 2011). The results of analyses are necessary correctly express in
the map. The process of analyzing and cartographic outputs can be automated by data flow
diagrams or by programming language (Dobesova, 2011 a, b).
4. Cartographical ontology
In fact, there is significant convergence of artificial intelligence and geographic information
systems recently (Vozenilek, 2009). Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes many forms such as
expert systems (ES), fuzzy logic, and neural networks (Ham, 1996). Two artificial
intelligence methods are widely used in GIS - artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic. The
position of cartographic expert system in computer science is on Fig. 5.
The development of intelligent (expert) system needs formalization of cartographical
knowledge for computers to understand the map making process. Humans understand
intuitively. On the contrary, computers need explicit coding. A design of ontology is way for
coding the formal cartographic knowledge. Ontology is a formal specification of a shared
understanding of a knowledge domain that facilitates accurate and effective communication
meaning (Gruber 1993).
Ontologies are defined for purposes of sharing and re-use of knowledge across information
systems. Specialized ontologies are aimed to design a common conceptual system -
thesaurus. Similarly, the cartographic ontology defines the basic conceptual system
(conceptualization) for the cartography. Cartographic concepts (classes) are formed as a
hierarchy of classes with simple constraints. The cartographic ontology had to capture also
the context and constraints of classes using description logic. The final target was not only
the creating of cartographical thesaurus but the usefulness of cartographic knowledge in the

Intelligent Systems

process of machine inference. Protg program is often used for building of ontology.
Protg allows the definition in the language OWL-DL. This language is currently the most
commonly used ontological language. The cartography is a very extensiveness discipline.
From that fact, two methods were chosen from thematic cartography choropleth method
(area quantitative method) and diagram maps (cartodiagram) for the pilot stage of scientific
research. Built ontology was created the necessary basis for an intelligent system that
supported the users in the creation of the cartography correct maps.
Computer Science
Expert Systems
Expert System
in Cartography
Diagnose of
Planning of Steps in
Map Design
Remake Wrong
and Speach
in Medicine
in Banking

Fig. 5. The position of cartographic expert system in computer science
4.1 Current state of the cartographical ontologies
Well-known ontology can be found in literature and on websites for various fields of study,
e.g. Protg Ontologies Library. As a starting point, we tried to find some related works for
cartography, geography, GIS and related sciences. Main concepts found in related works in
the field of ontology for GIS data operability (Stanimirovic, 2010). GeoSpatial semantic web
and geo-ontology should be also taken into consideration when designing a cartographical
After examination of accessible ontologies on the web and other ontological repository,
we came to this conclusion: Only a few particular examples of domain ontology exist in
the related field. There is no complex ontology which takes into consideration all aspects

Intelligent Systems in Cartography

of cartographical knowledge. There exist some attempts to design a comprehensive
ontology. This effort nevertheless collides with different cartographical schools and
E. Pantaleo (2003) presented a simple proposal of cartographic ontology in her dissertation
work. This ontology concerns only basic class as map symbols, variables of symbols, shape
of features and category of attribute data (nominal, ordinal and numeric). There are no
classes about cartographic methods (graduated point method, choropleth method) and
about main components (elements) of maps (map title, map area, legend, north arrow, scale,
and imprint).
Interesting results in cartographical ontology development can be found in the Institute of
Cartography, EHT Zurich (Enescu & Hurni, 2007). Their cartographic ontology is centered
on map concepts, graphic elements, visual variables and symbols. Furthermore, their
cartographic domain ontology also focuses on the complexity of map semiotics because of
the fact that different types of thematic maps (choropleth maps, graduated symbol maps,
multi-variable graduated symbol maps, dot density maps, etc.) can be defined. Some
details of the domain ontology such as thematic point symbols like diagrams (bar charts,
pie charts, ring charts ) as well as some of their properties (divergent, divided, polar,
proportional ) and some additional concepts - are arranged in the logical hierarchy. All
these aspects were included in their proposed ontology. The latest research at the field of
cartographical ontology can be traced at University of Georgia (Smith, 2010). The basic
concept is similar to our CartoExpert ontology; however, there are several aspects which

Fig. 6. Detail of domain ontology from the Institute of Cartography, Zurich

Intelligent Systems

4.2 Ontology CartoExpert
Our research team decided to create new cartographic ontology CartoExpert in 2010. Basic
terms of the conceptualization of cartographic knowledge can be found in cartographical
books. There are several important books that deal with cartography like Thematic
Cartography and Geographic Visualization by Slocum et al. (2004), Cartography,
Visualization of Geospatial Data by Kraak and Ormeling (2003) and Elements of
Cartography by Robinson et al. (1995). Other resources are e.g. How maps work?
Representation, Visualization and Design by MacEachren (2004) and Mapping It Out:
Expository Cartography for the Humanities and Social Sciences by Monmonier (1993).
Some different cartographical concepts and methods exist in Central Europe. Other authors
and their books like Methods of map expression by Pravda (2006), Application of
Cartography and Thematic Maps by Vozenilek (2004) and Quantitative method in
cartography by Kanok (1992) were also considered. All terms, rules and recommendations
were collected from these books. Subsequently, they were used in the phase of ontology
building and knowledge base design.

Fig. 7. The result of search for word map at the WordNet ontology
Maps are divided according to cartography to two main groups. There are thematic maps
and topographic maps. Every thematic map contains a simple topographic base map.
Thematic maps represent the distribution of one or more particular phenomena (Kraak,
Ormeling, 2003). Census and statistical data are very often depicted on thematic maps. Data
are divided into two types: qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data have
absolute or relative value. Absolute and relative values are expressed by different
cartographic methods in maps. Absolute values, which have a non-area related ratio, are
expressed by diagrams in maps. All methods use cartographic symbols (point, line, area).

Intelligent Systems in Cartography

The creation of a thematic map, use of symbols and the use of cartographic methods are
under theoretical principals. Additionally, creation of thematic maps also respects practical
experience (Vozenilkek, 2004).
The basic terms were also compared with terminological world lexical ontology WordNet.
The term as cartography, map, symbol, sign, choropleth map are included there.

Fig. 8. The classes in CartoExpert ontology in Protg

Intelligent Systems

The base for the cartographical ontology was thesaurus lexicon of cartographical terms.
The lexicon also contained a list of synonyms. In the dictionary pruning stage, a pair wise
comparison between the cartographic terms and their descriptions result to lexicon set.
Synonyms of terms were grouped together. As a result, one description was chosen to
represent all the synonym terms. The differences between the Central Europe and the
English cartographic school were solved by the decision to design two ontologies the
Czech ontology and the English ontology. This chapter and figures describes only the
English ontology for the better readability. The main classes are Data, MapColor,
MapComposition, MapDescription, MapSymbol, Method, Phenomenon, Projection,
SymbolVariables and Scale. These cartographic terms are expressed by classes in ontology
in OWL language.

Fig. 9. List of object properties in Protg (properties hasVariable)
Very carefully was designed the hierarchy of classes. The relation of two classes is expressed
by subsumption, equivalence or disjunction. The example of subsumption is upper class
AttributeData and two sub class QualitativeData and QuantitativeData. The disjunction is also
defined for these two classes. When data have qualitative value they can not have
quantitative value. The terms isoline, isopleth and isochor are the example of equivalence
(synonyms) (Penaz, 2010).
The important part of ontology is also the definition of properties. The property
constructs relation between classes or individuals. The name of the property contains verb

Intelligent Systems in Cartography

is or has. The relation is set as Domain D(f) and Range H(f). The fig. 9 shows the relation
between class MapSymbol and class SymbolVariable. The name of property is
The main cartographic terms were necessary for the pilot project that concern only to two
cartographic methods for thematic maps based on Quantitative data. The Choroplets map
methods and Chart map methods are aimed. The system of the class hierarchy was
designed more detailed for them than other part of the ontology. The names and division
of these methods differ in the Czech and English version of the ontology. The last
important class for method based on quantitative data is class Scale. This class expresses
the scale of values (not scale of the map). This call contents two subclasses
FunctionalScale and IntervalScale.
The definition of hierarchy of classes and definition of properties represent the collection of
stored knowledge for the domain of cartography. Ontology gathers mainly declarative
knowledge. Declarative knowledge is the set of definitions of terms from the specific
domain cartography. The set is not only list of terms (thesaurus) but important is grouping
terms to joint classes and creation of taxonomy. Procedural knowledge is the second type of
knowledge. Procedural knowledge describes activities and processes in map creation. This
type procedural knowledge can not be introduced to ontology. They can be record as rules
and such some mathematical equations.
5. Conclusion
Intelligent systems have already covered a range of usages, the growing trend can be traced
in their development especially in recent years. The possibility of their usage is increasing
with the increasing power of computer technology. It is commendable that some attempts of
creation of intelligent system to force GIS have occurred recently.
Within the development, it is necessary to require the presence of thematic cartographer in
the role of the knowledge expert and equally important expert - the knowledge engineer
who is able to incorporate this information into the intelligent system. Knowledge
acquisition and building knowledge base is a complex and time-consuming stage of
intelligent system development which is indispensable without collaborating between
experts (cartographers) and knowledge engineers. An effectively deployed intelligent
system must do more than embody expertise. Its rule base must be complete, non-
contradictory, and reasonable. Knowledge engineers employ a variety of techniques for
eliciting information from the expert in order to construct a complete and consistent rule
The situation in the field of professional software is still insufficient. Even the world's largest
producers of GIS software do not implement tools that should increasingly guide the
process of map-making in the accordance with the cartographical rules in their products. It
is still necessary to have at least basic cartographic knowledge to visualize maps properly.
So far, there has been no comprehensive tool, which can easily deal with the problem of
thematic cartography completely. The main reason is the complexity and
comprehensiveness of a map-making process. To build a hierarchy of rules, affect all types

Intelligent Systems

of maps and the appropriate methods of thematic cartography in a single system, requires
more than a comprehensive approach. Higher demands are put on the user's knowledge
because he must be able to select correctly from the proposed system of options.
Despite the complexity of a map-making process the knowledge base of expert system is a
solution how to help primarily non-cartographers in the production of maps according with
the rules of thematic cartography towards to better decisions based on map output.
A great problem for those who tries to develop up-to-date knowledge-based software for
computer mapping is the absence of systematized knowledge concerning building and use
of interactive, dynamic maps. Replacing the human expert by a comprehensive intelligent
system is a highly efficient objective for cartography as a whole. Not only reaching correct
map, but also helping people to make right decisions is a main aim of whole cartography.
Main objective will be to create a user-friendly expert system, simple and so comprehensive
that will allow you to create the correct cartographic map without the need of combining
more software. This software will become a popular tool for the broadest range of users. The
educational potential of intelligent systems allows the extension of expertise among a large
group of non-cartographers. Another advantage of intelligent system is the gradual
insertion of further new expert knowledge of cartography into the knowledge base of expert
system. This will quickly transfer expert knowledge between non-cartographers in the
future. The elimination of the future inexpert and inaccurate maps will be achieved.
6. Acknowledgment
The research was supported by the project of the Czech Grant Science Foundation No.
205/09/1159 Intelligent system for interactive support of thematic map creation.
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Intelligent Expert System for Protection
Optimization Purposes in Electric
Power Distribution Systems
Ivan N. da Silva et al.

University of So Paulo (USP), So Carlos, SP
1. Introduction
The objective of this chapter consists of presenting an expert system that assists the
procedures involved with the protection specification of transformers and equipments
against atmospheric discharges, allowing also to analyze in a detailed and systematic way
the behavior of the respective voltage transients that are generated at the supplying area.
For such purpose, the expert system developed makes efficient integration of approaches
and techniques that take into account the characteristic aspects of the atmospheric
discharges, the experimental analyses that represent the phenomenon and the mathematical
models that allow to map the process involved with the formation of the lightning.
The results obtained from the experimental application of the expert system have
contributed in a substantial way to optimize the processes involved with the efficient
specification of protection devices associated with the transformers and equipments of the
distribution system.
The decision process taken into account by the expert system is based on information
provided by the software SimSurto, which was especially developed to simulate the
voltage transients caused by atmospheric discharges in distribution lines, and its objective is
the computation of several parameters related to the respective transients, considering the
equipments already installed, the geographical location of the distribution line and the
respective incidence of atmospheric discharges in the distribution system.
The use of the developed tool has allowed the optimized specification for protection devices
of equipments and transformers belonging to distribution system, enabling that
differentiated protection strategies can be applied according to the particularities of each

Nerivaldo R. Santos
, Lucca Zamboni
, Leandro N. Soares
, Jos A. C. Ulson
, Rogrio A. Flauzino
Danilo H. Spatti
, Ricardo A. S. Fernandes
, Marcos M. Otsuji
and Edison A. Goes
University of So Paulo (USP), So Carlos, SP, Brazil
EDP Bandeirante, So Paulo, SP, Brazil
EDP ESCELSA, Vitria, ES, Brazil
So Paulo State University, Bauru, SP, Brazil

Intelligent Systems

region, contributing then for value aggregation to services provided by the distribution
company, since the available tools proportionate more optimized analyses in relation to the
procedures involved with the protection specification.
Therefore, in this chapter, the particularities for estimation of induced voltages in real
distribution networks, such as the network discontinuity, the phase conductor arrangement,
the intrinsic characteristics of the incident atmospheric discharges in each region of the
considered distribution system, are taken into account by the expert system. Performance
evaluations indicate that the expert system provides coherent results and its practical
application contributes to optimize the processes involved with parameters specification
related to the protection of equipments and transformers.
For such purpose, this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a brief summary about
induced voltage estimation techniques are presented. In Section 3, the achieved
modifications in relation to the conventional techniques are introduced in order to produce
a greater accuracy when compared to the results obtained from real situations. The expert
system for protection specification against atmospheric discharges, named by Protection
Plus, is briefly described in Section 4. The expert system for optimized design of grounding
systems is presented in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6, the key issues raised in the paper are
summarized and conclusions are drawn.
2. Ruscks conventional model for induced voltage estimation in overhead
distribution lines
In this section the main aspects concerning to Ruscks methodology for induced voltage
estimation in distribution lines caused by atmospheric discharges are presented.
Therefore, it is achieved a general study regarding induced voltage estimation in
distribution lines through use of conventional methods discussed in the technical
Although the methodology originally developed in Rusck (1957) has some limitations to
areas with soil resistivity less than 100 Om, it is still widely used for induced voltage
estimation in overhead distribution and transmission lines generated from indirect
atmospheric discharges occurred near to the respective line.
The induced voltage estimation methodology presented in Rusck (1957) has as start point
the modeling of the return current imposed by the atmospheric discharge in the distribution
line. Ruscks method calculates the electric field generated by this return current in the
ground surface and, from this electric field and from the line multi-wire arrangement, the
theory provides the resultant values of induced voltages along the distribution line.
In Rubinstein & Uman (1989) is mathematically demonstrated that the studies presented in
Rusck (1957) for resultant electric field computation of return current is correct. This fact has
contributed to increase the reliability in relation to method developed by Rusck. Other
additional procedures involved with models for induced voltage are also found in Cooray
An existent question related to this theory is that it estimates induced voltage values for
conductors of a multi-wire line taking just into account the conductor geometric
Intelligent Expert System
for Protection Optimization Purposes in Electric Power Distribution Systems

localization in relation to incidence point of the atmospheric discharge, that is, the
induced voltage values produced in a line composed by several conductors of same height
and with a small horizontal spacing, such as in distribution lines, would be equal in each
Measurements achieved with the reduced model technique (Paula et al., 2001; Salari &
Portela, 2007), as well as measurements in fields made in South Africa, demonstrate that the
results provided by Ruscks theory is coherent with those obtained by experimental results
(Eriksson et al., 1982). Originally, Rusck proposed a current wave to the atmospheric
discharge represented by a step function with amplitude I. The induced voltage produced
by this discharge in relation to an infinite line can be computed by:
( ) ( ) ( ) V x, t U x, t U x, t = + (1)

( )
2 2
2 2 2 2
(c t x) x (c t x)
U(x, t) 30 I h . 1
[y c t x ]
( c t) (1 )(x y )
( )
+ |
= | +
+ |
| + | +

v 1
| = ~
In this case, V(x,t) is the induced voltage (V) at a point x of the line; t is the time in seconds; c
is the velocity of light in free space (m/s); I is the return-peak current value (A); h is the
average height of the distribution line; y is the closest distance between the discharge
incidence point and the distribution line (m) and x is a point along the line (m).
Equations (1), (2) and (3) express Ruscks theory basis. In (4) the expression for the
maximum induced voltage at the point x=0m is given by:

38.8 I h

~ (4)
From the previous expressions is possible to identify that they provide an analytic form for
the computation of induced voltage in a distribution line, whereas other existent theories
provide just iterative expressions that have high computational effort to perform the same
In Fig. 1 is presented the induced voltage at the point x=0m for an atmospheric discharge
represented by a step function with amplitude I=10 kA in relation to an infinite line with 10
meters of height, where the distance between the atmospheric discharge from the
distribution line is 100 meters.
In order to illustrate how the proposed formulation in this section is efficient for induced
voltage estimation in overhead distribution lines, the induced voltage profile for different
positions along the distribution line is presented in Fig. 2.

Intelligent Systems


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
x 10
x 10
time (s)


Fig. 1. Induced voltage in relation to the maximum voltage point in infinite line with 10m of
height and atmospheric discharge of 10kA in perpendicular distance of 100m from the line.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
x 10
x 10
time (s)



Fig. 2. Induced voltages in infinite distribution line with 10m of height and atmospheric
discharge of 10kA in perpendicular distance of 100m from the line in relation to several
points along the line.
Intelligent Expert System
for Protection Optimization Purposes in Electric Power Distribution Systems

It is observed from Fig. 2 that the induced voltage waveform modifies in relation to the
distance between the maximum voltage point and the measurement point. The alterations in
the induced voltage waveforms along the distribution line can be better verified through
their parameters, such as maximum induced voltage, rising time, peak time and half-wave
For comparative effects, it is assumed as rising time that necessary time for the voltage
wavefront to reach 90% of its maximum value, considering half-wave time as that
necessary time for the voltage wavefront to reach 50% of peak value after the occurrence
of its maximum value. Therefore, Fig. 3 to 6 presents how these parameters are altered in
relation to the distance between the maximum voltage point and a point along this

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
x 10
distance (m)


Fig. 3. Maximum induced voltage variation along the line.
From Fig. 3, it is observed that the voltage along the line length reduces at a rate practically
linear in relation to the distance from the atmospheric discharge occurrence point. This
observation indicates that the voltage wave along the distribution line suffers an attenuation
generated from high frequencies involved with the propagation process as well as from
energy dissipation in relation to the metallic conductors.
Figs. 4 to 6 illustrate how rising time, peak time and half-wave time alter along the
distribution line. We can certify that these three parameters tend to increase at a rate
practically constant along the distribution line.
This fact indicates that the voltage waveform loses energy in relation to the distance along
the line since that rising time, peak time and half-wave time higher cause voltage gradients
more smooth along the line.

Intelligent Systems


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
x 10
distance (m)



Fig. 4. Rising time variation along the distribution line.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
x 10
distance (m)



Fig. 5. Peak time variation along the distribution line.
Intelligent Expert System
for Protection Optimization Purposes in Electric Power Distribution Systems


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
x 10
distance (m)



Fig. 6. Half-wave time variation along the distribution line.
From simulations accomplished and presented in this section and taking also into account
the formulation proposed in Rusck (1957), it is verified that the obtained results by Ruscks
method are coherent with those obtained through field experiments (Eriksson et al., 1982) or
even with those results produced using reduced model techniques (Paula et al., 2001; Salari
& Portela, 2007).
However, some modifications in this method are necessary in order to transpose this
methodology to practical situations involved with real distribution systems. Basically, it is
necessary the consideration of current waveforms for the atmospheric discharge similar to
those found in the nature. It is needed due to the atmospheric discharge characteristics
considered in Ruscks method.
As presented at the beginning of this section, the waveform for the atmospheric discharge
current used in Ruscks methodology has been a step function. In the next section, the
necessary modifications in the approach proposed in Rusck (1957) are conducted in order to
complement the existent theory, becoming it appropriate for practical applications.
Other works involving practical extension of Ruscks formula for maximum lightning-
induced voltages that accounts for ground resistivity and improved procedures for the
assessment of overhead line indirect lightning performance can also be found in Darveniza
(2007) and Borghetti et al. (2007).

Intelligent Systems

3. Modification of the conventional theory for induced voltage estimation in
practical applications
3.1 Generalization of ruscks methodology for generic discharge current waveform
Ruscks formulation presupposes that the atmospheric discharge can be represented by a
waveform represented by a step function. However, measurements achieved in field have
evidenced that the current waveform characteristics influence in the induced voltage in
distribution lines located nearby the discharge occurrence point.
More specifically, parameters such as rising time and current waveform peak time have
high correlation with the voltage induction process in distribution lines. Therefore, it is
suggested that the induced voltage estimation in distribution lines to be achieved
considering a waveform for discharge current near to that found in nature.
An approach often adopted for the atmospheric discharge current modeling can be
provided as in (5), that is:

h1 h2 de
i(t) i (t) i (t) i (t) = + + (5)
( )
m1 0m
m m2
I t
i t exp
| |
t | |
\ .
q t
\ . | |
\ .
( )
i t [(1 exp( )) (1 exp( ))] = o | (7)

m1 m2
m2 m1
exp nm
| | | | t t (
q =
| |
t t
\ . \ .

Equation (6) is an example of Heidlers functions. An alternative frequently employed in
atmospheric discharge modeling is double exponential.
Nevertheless, the modeling through two Heidlers function, as presented in (5), provides a
more appropriate approximation for representation of the real phenomenon since the
derivative of current at the instant t=0s is null. This fact is proved by innumerous practical
In Fig. 7 is illustrated the current waveform results from modeling presented in this section,
where the current has a peak value near to 12kA with a time of 0,81x10
Supposing that the system to be linear, it is possible the use of Duhamels integral
(Greenwood, 1992) in order to represent the current waveform through a successive series of
Intelligent Expert System
for Protection Optimization Purposes in Electric Power Distribution Systems

steps. Thus, the value of each one of them, which represent the current waveform presented
in Fig. 7, can be provided as shown in Fig. 8.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
x 10
time (s)


Fig. 7. Current waveform for atmospheric discharge modeling.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
x 10
time (s)




Fig. 8. Discrete current waveform composed by steps.

Intelligent Systems

From this modification, the induced voltage at any point x in the distribution line can be
given by the sum of individual contribution in relation to each discrete current component.
Supposing an atmospheric discharge characterized as in Fig. 7, occurring in a distance of
100m from infinite distribution line with 10m of height, the voltage waveform at the point
x=0m (point of maximum voltage value) can be represented as in Fig. 9.

0 1 2
x 10
x 10
time (s)


Fig. 9. Induced voltage at the point of maximum voltage value for a current waveform
expressed in terms of Heidlers function.
3.2 Considerations for induced voltage estimation in finite lines
Ruscks expression for induced voltage calculation in distribution lines is composed of two
parcels, which can be observed through the following equation:

0 0 0
V(x , t) U(x , t) U( x , t) = + (9)
where V(x
,t) is the induced voltage at the point x of the line; U(x
,t) is the induced voltage
component due to the load contribution located at the right part of this point and U(-x
,t) is
the induced voltage component due to the load contribution located at the left part of x
In Fig. 10 is presented the interpretation of induced voltage proposed in the formulation
suggested by Rusck.
In case of a finite line, some modifications in Ruscks theory must be incorporated in order
to enable that the induced voltage estimation in any point of the distribution line to be
modeled adequately according to real situations.
Hence, we assume a line with termination in x
with impedance of termination R
indicated in Fig. 11.
Intelligent Expert System
for Protection Optimization Purposes in Electric Power Distribution Systems


t) U(x

Fig. 10. Induced voltage composition at the point x
of the line.


Fig. 11. Induced voltage in a finite line.
If the line was infinite, the voltage at the point x
would be given by:

1 1 1
V(x , t) U(x , t) U( x , t) = + (10)
As there is no line located at the right part of the point x
, there is no contribution of loads
coming from the right of x
, that is, the voltage contribution U(x
,t) is null. As the line has
termination impedance, the voltage at the point x
can be computed as follows:

1 1 1
V(x , t) U( x , t) U( x , t) = + I (11)
where I is the reflection coefficient. The expression to obtain I is given by:

f L
f L

I =
where Z
is the characteristic impedance of the distribution line. The numeric value for Z
provided by:

Z 138 log 2
| |
\ .
where h is the height of the distribution line and r is the conductor diameter.
Supposing that the discontinuity at the point x
to be substituted by a compensation source,
the value of this source can be computed according to the following development:

1 1 1
V(x , t) V U( x , t) U( x , t) + A = + I (14)

Intelligent Systems


1 1 1 1
U(x , t) U( x , t) V U( x , t) U( x , t) + + A = + I

1 1
V U( x , t) U(x , t) A = I
The compensation source of value AV is applied in the point x
, but its effect must be
propagated throughout the line, since the non existence of line in the right of x
alters the
induced voltage values along whole line.
In order to compute the voltage at any point x, we can sum the induced voltage computed
for the point x, assuming an infinite line, to the value of the compensation source applied in
However, the compensation source located at x
suffers a time delay during the trajectory
between x and x
, that is:

1 1 f
V(x, t) U(x, t) U( x, t) [ U( x , t) U(x , t)]u(t t ) = + + I (17)
The function u(t t
) is a unit step function and t
is the travel time between the point x and
, i.e.:

x x

where v
is the propagation velocity, which for the simulations in question will be assumed
as being equal to the velocity of light.
The same procedure can be achieved supposing a discontinuity at the left of x. Then,
assuming a finite line, with the origin at the point x
and termination in x

the induced
voltage at a point x along the distribution line can be estimated according to the following

f f f f
0 0 0 0
V(x, t) U(x, t) U( x, t) [ U( x , t) U(x , t)] u(t t )
[ U(x , t) U( x , t)] u(t t )
= + + I +
+ I

The replacement of the line discontinuity effect by a voltage compensation source is an
effective procedure, mainly when is desired to produce computational algorithms.
4. Expert system for specification of transformers and equipments protection
against atmospheric discharges
The expert system proposed in this work, which was developed in order to help in the
arresters specification for equipments and distribution transformer protection, has its
implementation aspects based on the studies about induced voltages presented in previous
sections. Besides using those suggested modifications, the expert system incorporates in a
integrated way the databases referent to equipments installed on the distribution lines of
Bandeirante Energy, as well as the databases involved with arresters and atmospheric
discharge characteristics incident in its concession region.
Intelligent Expert System
for Protection Optimization Purposes in Electric Power Distribution Systems

Therefore, the transformers and equipments protection designs, through this expert system,
consider the induced voltage in distribution line where the transformer is installed, the
distribution network topology, as well as the atmospheric discharge characteristics of the
As the system operates through these databases, before the specification of a determined
design, it is necessary that each one of the system elements to be adequately registered.
Then, it is presented in Fig. 12, the transformer registration window adequately filled for a
distribution transformer of 75kVA.

Fig. 12. Transformer registration window.
After registration of each component of the electric system, inclusively of the arresters, the
protection design can be registered. Fig. 13 illustrates the project registration window, as
well as it emphasizes the preliminary results of simulations.

Intelligent Systems


Fig. 13. Project registration window presenting preliminary results.
Fig. 14 presents the window where indicates how each selected arrester can be also
employed for protection of distribution network nearby the transformer.

Fig. 14. Window indicating installation distance between arresters aiming the distribution
line protection against atmospheric discharges.
Intelligent Expert System
for Protection Optimization Purposes in Electric Power Distribution Systems

5. Expert system for optimized design of grounding systems
Other expert system treated in this chapter involves the creation of a computational
platform that helps in the specification and decision making regarding the optimized design
of grounding systems, which must take into account the particularities of the distribution
system under consideration, such as extension of the network, installed equipment and even
the performance requirements expected for such system.
However, the effects of lightning should still be considered, since the voltages induced on
the line are higher than those where the surge arresters operate, which imply in current
flowing to ground.
Thus, analyzing in terms of optimizing the grounding system, the best arrangement must be
defined according to the desired type of grounding, which is characterized as a problem of
structural optimization. Furthermore, it is of fundamental importance to determine the
parameters of the chosen arrangement, such as distance, depth, number of stems etc. The
search of these variables characterizes a parametric adjustment problem, whose objective is
to determine a grounding system where impedance, and not resistance, is minimal.
A representation of the operation of the expert system for optimization of grounding design
can be seen in Fig. 15.
Induced Voltage Estimation
Resistivity Tests Structural Paramters
Frequency Response Grounding Efficiency
Expert System
GA Optimization
Optimized Ground

Fig. 15. Diagram representing the expert system for optimized design of grounding systems.
The efficiency of the grounding system must be checked every iteration of the optimization
process with the purpose of verifying how the parametric and structural adjustments are
improving it.

Intelligent Systems

Thus, at the end of the process, the result should be an optimized grounding system. To
evaluate this, the electrical parameters of the grounding system will be initially estimated,
taking into account its own structural parameters, such as number of stems, distance
between them and their depths.
Once the electrical parameters of the grounding system are known, the characteristic
impedance of the grounding can then be calculated. This characteristic impedance is a value
that allows relating the propagation of voltage induced by the distribution system to the
propagation by the grounding system. To relate both modes of propagation, it is necessary
to consider the electrical data of the feeder.
Once the parameters to model the distribution system at high frequencies are known, as
well as the characteristic impedance of the grounding system, it is then possible to conduct
simulations to verify impulsive voltage in the system.
To illustrate this evaluation procedure, a feeder in which the grounding system is not
optimally implemented will be considered. This feeder belongs to the substation BIR of EDP
Bandeirante. The induced voltage in the distribution system was calculated by assuming
standard data for the lightning. The temporal behavior of the induced voltages is presented
in Figure 16.

Fig. 16. Behavior of induced voltages for a non-optimized grounding system.
Fig. 16 shows that the peak value of induced voltage to a non-optimized grounding system
was above 140 kV (in module). These magnitudes can be compared with those obtained
when considering an optimized grounding system.



time (s)
Intelligent Expert System
for Protection Optimization Purposes in Electric Power Distribution Systems

The graph, in Fig. 17, highlights the behavior of the induced voltage in a distribution
system, considering an optimized grounding system and using those same lightning data
used for obtaining the results illustrated in Fig. 16. Depending on the optimization of the
grounding system, there is a reduction of the peak value of induced voltage, which is now
approximately 35 kV.
Besides reduction of four times to the peak value, it is possible to verify that the duration of
this electromagnetic event was less than that situation characterized by non-optimized
grounding system.

Fig. 17. Behavior of induced voltages for an optimized grounding system.
The expert system for optimizing new designs of grounding systems, called B-TERRA, uses,
to start its calculations, the feeders database, which contains structural information, as well
as information on lightning that occurred in the analyzed region.
While the database, with information about the feeders, are loaded, the operator can
contemplate the evolution of the analysis of lightning, as illustrated in Fig. 18.
The procedures performed by the B-TERRA software allow the identification of the area of
influence of lightning on the devices registered in the database of EDP Bandeirante circuits,
as indicated by a rectangle highlighted in Fig. 19.
In this figure, it is possible to see an example where the device 2047568 is selected and,
consequently, the area of influence of lightning has been highlighted on the screen at the
right side of the B-TERRA software.



time (s)

Intelligent Systems


Atmospheric discharges data input in the B-Terra database
Atmospheric discharges file
Cancel Import
Atmospheric discharges intensity distribution histogram

Fig. 18. Results of evolution analysis of lightning intensity.






Fig. 19. Area identification where the devices are influenced by the lightning.
After accomplishment of all optimization procedures, through genetic algorithms, B-TERRA
software provides as one of its answers the configuration of the best grounding design for
the selected device, as shown in Figure 20.
Intelligent Expert System
for Protection Optimization Purposes in Electric Power Distribution Systems


Fig. 20. Output of the B-TERRA software related to the best grounding design for the
selected device.
6. Conclusion
In this chapter, it has been presented the theoretical development employed to estimate
induced voltages in overhead distribution lines supposing a generic discharge current
waveform, as well as assuming a finite distribution line.
Taking into account the results provided by the developed technique, an expert system to
help in the equipments and distribution transformers protection specification was
implemented in order to provide indicatives about the best protection to be adopted to
transformers, as well as the best installation distance between arresters, aiming the full
protection of the distribution line where these equipments are inserted.
Performance evaluations indicate that the expert system provides coherent results and its
practical application contributes to optimize the processes involved with parameters
specification related to the equipments and transformers protection.
Additionally, an expert system to assist in the specification of parameters for grounding
designs was also implemented. Regarding the grounding system optimized with this tool,
we can state that energy to be dissipated on the distribution system is lower than that
observed in a non-optimized system, as shown in the charts in Section 5.
The difference in energy between the two cases implies in the energy that flows through the
grounding system, i.e., for being better designed the optimized grounding system allows
more energy to flow by itself compared to that case of non-optimized system. Experimental
evaluations indicate that they provide very consistent results and their practical applications
help for optimizing the processes involved with the protection of distribution systems.
7. References
Borghetti, A.; Nucci, C. A. & Paolone, M. (2007). An improved procedure for the assessment
of overhead line indirect lightning performance and its comparison with the IEEE
Std. 1410 method. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 22, No.1, pp. 684-692.
Cooray, G. V. (2003). The Lightning Flash. IEE Power & Energy Series, London, UK.

Intelligent Systems

Darveniza, M. (2007). A practical extension of Ruscks formula for maximum lightning-
induced voltages that accounts for ground resistivity. IEEE Transactions on Power
Delivery, Vol. 22, No.1, pp. 605-612.
Eriksson, A. J.; Stringfellow, M. F. & Meal, M. F. (1982). Lightning induced overvoltages on
overhead transmission lines. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.
101, No. 4, pp. 960-968.
Greenwood, A. (1992). Electrical Transients in Power Systems. John Wiley & Sons, New York,
Paula, S. C. M.; Mendona, R. G.; Neto, L. M.; Medeiros, C. A. G. & Silva, R. V. R. (2001).
Evaluation of performance of groundings electrics in conditions of lightning
current. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toronto,
Canada, pp. 737-742.
Rubinstein, M. & Uman, M. A. (1989). Methods for calculating the electromagnetic fields
from a known source distribution: Application to lightning. IEEE Transactions on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 183-189.
Rusck, S. (1957). Induced Lightning Over-voltage on Power Transmission Lines with Special
Reference to Over-voltage Protection of Low Voltage Networks. Ph.D. Thesis, Stockholm
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Salari, J. C. & Portela, C. (2007). A methodology for electromagnetic transients calculation
an application for the calculation of lightning propagation in transmission lines.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 527-536.
Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special
Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations
Majid Tolouei-Rad
School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University, Perth,
1. Introduction
Drilling and drilling-related operations constitute more than 60% of all machining processes
in manufacturing industries. Consequently, it is important to know how to perform these
operations properly. With availability of many machining processes capable of performing
drilling operations sometimes it is difficult to decide which process would result in a higher
profit or a lower unit cost for a given task. Due to increasing global competition,
manufacturing industries are now more concerned with their productivity and are more
sensitive than ever to their investments with respect to flexibility and efficiency of
production equipment (Boothroyd and Knight, 2005, Wecka and Staimer, 2002). Researchers
(Ko et al., 2005) believe that increasing the quality of production and reducing cost and time
of production are very important factors in achieving higher productivity. Achieving this
goal requires reconsidering current production methods that could lead to introduction of
new production techniques and more advanced technologies.
In traditional drilling processes a sharp cutting tool with multiple cutting edges is used to
cut a round hole in the workpiece material. In non-traditional drilling processes various
forms of energy other than sharp cutting tools or abrasive particles are used to remove the
material. The energy forms include mechanical, electrochemical, thermal and chemical
(Groover, 2010). Generally non-traditional processes incorporate high capital and operating
costs. Therefore, when machining economy is of concern manufacturing companies focus on
traditional processes. Even within this category, a machining specialist has the choice of
using conventional drilling machines, CNC machines, and special purpose machines
(SPMs). According to the literature (Groover 2008) when production quantity and variety
are low, universal machine tools give the best result. When various components should be
produced, CNC is the best option. For the condition of high production quantity with low
variety, SPM gives the highest productivity and is considered as the most economic
production method. Accordingly, Tolouei-Rad and Zolfaghari (2009) believe that SPMs are
superior to computer numerical control (CNC) machines for producing large quantities of
similar parts; however, most manufacturers still rely on well-known CNCs for large volume
production tasks. This is mainly attributable to the fact that both SPMs and CNCs
incorporate high capital costs; SPMs are more productive and CNCs are more flexible. When
the part in production is no longer in demand due to frequent market changes, SPMs

Intelligent Systems

become idle while CNCs can be easily reprogrammed for producing other parts. Yet the
concluding statement could be different when modular SPMs are utilized.
The field of machine tools for generating singular products is well documented; however,
the area of specialist machines for dedicated tasks has received less attention (Allen et al.,
2010). This is particularly true for modular SPMs that are a new addition to the family of
SPMs (Tolouei-Rad and Tabatabaei, 2005). Proper design and utilization of these machines
depend upon knowledge, experience, and creativity of SPM designers and machining
specialists. Because of modularity in structure, these machines can be applied to the
production of a range of parts upon modification. The specific advantages of utilization of
this technology have placed them in a superior position in comparison with other machine
tools. These advantages include mass production of parts in shorter time, high accuracy of
products, uniformity and repeatability of production, elimination of some quality control
steps, simultaneous machining of a number of parts, and reduced labour and overhead
The modular principle is very popular in the design of many products such as automobile,
home appliances, information devices, industrial equipment, etc. This trend can be
considered as one of the great contributions of modular design of machine tools to those
working in other industries (Yoshimi, 2008). This article focuses on modular SPMs and for
simplicity in the rest of this article modular SPM is referred to as SPM. SPMs do not have a
rigid bulky configuration and the machine can be rapidly set up by putting together a
number of machining and sliding units, chassis, and other equipment. This is achieved by
making use of various types of mechanical fasteners. Once the part in production is no
longer in demand, SPMs can be dis-assembled and re-assembled in a different configuration
to be used for producing other parts. Properly utilization of SPMs could have a significant
impact on the productivity of manufacturing industries; and production improvements of
up to 25:1 have been reported (Suhner, 2001). However, the extent of the application of SPM
technology in industry is not proportional to its potential impact on productivity
improvement. This is mainly attributed to the fact that machining specialists find it difficult
to decide when to use SPMs. Making the right decision is a time-consuming task and
requires a techno-economical analysis to be performed by expert people. This article
addresses a methodology developed to tackle this vital problem. It investigates the
possibility and effectiveness of employing artificial intelligent techniques to assist
manufacturing firms in feasibility analysis of utilizing SPMs in order to improve
productivity. It is important to note that in spite of many publications on production
technologies and machine tool design; publications on design and utilization of SPMs are
very limited.
Intelligent systems have been extensively used to effectively tackle some real engineering
problems in the last three decades. Yet researchers explore new application areas for
utilization of various artificial intelligence techniques. Knowledge-based expert systems
(KBESs) have proven to be effective for decision making when dealing with qualitative
information, hard to capture in a computer program. Accordingly, in the current work a
KBES has been developed and used for utilization feasibility analysis of SPMs in different
manufacturing settings.

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations

2. Fundamentals of SPM technology
Groover (2008) has defined the term production automation as the application of
electrical, electronic, mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems for rapid and quality
productions in large volumes. Automated production techniques are widely used in
manufacturing industries for dealing with issues such as high cost of labour, shortage of
skilled people, low interest of labour to work in production firms, safety, high cost of raw
materials, improved quality, uniformity in the quality of products, low inventory, customers
satisfaction, and performing difficult operations. Figure 1 shows a SPM as an example of
utilization of automated production techniques in manufacturing. This machine has two
work stations, one for drilling and one for tapping. The machine is used for machining the
parts shown in the Figure.

Fig. 1. A two station SPM for drilling and tapping operations with parts being produced
(Photo: Suhner, 2001)
Generally SPMs lack the high rigidity found in conventional and CNC machines.
Consequently, majority of these machines are used for performing drilling and drilling-
related operations such as tapping, reaming, counterboring and countersinking on
machinable materials where the magnitude of machining forces is relatively low. This
eliminates excessive vibrations of the machine tool due to high cutting forces. However, it
should be noted that SPMs are also capable of performing milling and some other
machining operations that would result in high cutting forces. In such cases there is a need
for stronger chassis, stronger machining and sliding units, and use of special accessories in
order to eliminate vibrations when possible.
2.1 Machining and sliding units
The units used in SPMs can be divided into two main groups: machining and sliding. A
machining unit is equipped with an electro-motor that revolves the spindle by means of pulley
and belt systems in order to rotate the cutting tool. Like other machine tools, the connection of
cutting tools to the machining unit is accomplished by standard tool holders. Machining units

Intelligent Systems

are of three types: quill, power, and CNC. Quill units are used for light drilling and drilling-
related operations as they also provide the spindle with a linear feed motion necessary for
penetration of the cutting tool into the workpiece. Both the linear and the rotational motions
necessary for performing operation are provided simultaneously. Power units are used for
drilling, drilling related, and milling operations where large cutting forces exist. Unlike quill
units, power units lack the linear feed motion due to presence of significantly larger cutting
forces that may cause deflection in the rotating spindle. Consequently, these units are mounted
on the sliding units providing them with necessary linear feed motion. Figure 2 shows quill
and power units together with tool holders and cutting tools.

Fig. 2. A pneumatic sliding unit with mechanical course adjustment
(Photo: Tolouei-Rad and Zolfaghari, 2009)
Sliding units may carry machining units and provide necessary feed motion of the tool by
means of hydraulic/pneumatic actuators, or servomotors. Adjusting the course of motion is
provided by use of micro-switches or mechanical limits. Figure 3 shows a pneumatic sliding
unit with a mechanical course adjustment device. The sliding plate that carries the
machining unit is fastened to the connecting rod of the piston, and therefore, is capable of
moving back and forth on the base. Depending on the nature of machining operation and
cutting tool motion requirements, machining units can be mounted on the sliding unit such
that spindle axis is either along or perpendicular to the sliding direction.

Fig. 3. A pneumatic sliding unit with mechanical course adjustment

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations

CNC machining units are also used for drilling, taping and milling operations precisely as
they are equipped with servomotors. CNC units can be programmed for very accurate
machining operations when used in conjunction with a controller. Figure 4 shows a two-axis
CNC tapping unit. The tapping unit is mounted on the sliding unit where both the units are
equipped with servomotors. The servomotor of the tapping unit provides the rotational
motion of the cutting tool whereas the servomotor of the sliding unit provides feed motion.
When integrated with a control unit, this assembly can be programmed similar to CNC

Fig. 4. Two-axis CNC tapping unit (Photo: Suhner)
2.2 Accessories
There exist special stands, adjustable bases, and supports used for positioning and
supporting basic machine components. These are also used for preventing or reducing
vibrations at the time of machining. Figure 5 shows some of the assembly equipment used to
accurately position and support machining units in any position and at any angle.

Fig. 5. Special stands, adjustable bases, and supports (Photo: Suhner)
Indexing table is one of the important accessories used in SPMs. Figure 6 shows an indexing
table used for positioning the workpiece in different machining stations where the
workpiece is machined in a number of rotary stations. After determination of machining

Intelligent Systems

steps and the number of working stations, fixtures could be placed on the indexing table.
Number of stations could be anything between two and twelve, and is determined on the
basis of production volume and technical considerations.

Fig. 6. An indexing table (Photo: Suhner, 2001)
Multi-drill heads provide the possibility of drilling many holes on the same plane
simultaneously; thus, reducing machining time significantly. Multi-drill heads are divided
into fixed and adjustable types. In fixed multi-drill heads the position of tools are fixed, but
in adjustable ones the position of the tools could be adjusted as needed. Angle heads are
spindle attachments used to alter the orientation of cutting tool axis relative to the spindle
axis. These attachments are used in milling operations. Figure 7 shows different types of
multi-drill heads and angle heads used in SPMs.

Fig. 7. Various types of multi-drill heads and angle heads (Photo: Suhner)

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations

2.3 Machine table, chip removal and coolant system
The table and chassis of the machine are very important considerations in SPMs. Based on
technical considerations and machining properties of the workpiece material, the table
and chassis are properly designed or selected from the standardized SPM chassis. Due
to high machining forces resulting from machining operations the machine table and
chassis should be sufficiently rigid to avoid vibrations. It is also very important to
consider appropriate coolant and chip removal mechanisms in design of machine table
and chassis.
3. Design and manufacturing
Because production process is systematic, planning for design and manufacturing has an
effective influence on the success of any project (Lutters et al., 2004). The flowchart shown in
Figure 8 represents all necessary steps for proper analysis, design and manufacture of SPMs.
These steps should be followed in order to achieve feasible results in SPM design and
3.1 Technical and economic analysis
As the cost of SPM design and manufacturing is relatively high, critical technical and
economic justification of utilization of these machines should be made before any attempt
to design and manufacture them. This includes an analysis of machinability of the
workpiece, and a comparison of the production costs with other production alternatives
considering production volume and machine amortisation period. For technical feasibility
analysis a number of questions will be asked and the user needs to answer these questions
interactively. These questions investigate quality of workpiece material and its physical
and geometrical characteristics to determine whether or not it can be machined with
SPMs. The flowchart shown in Figure 9 describes the type of questions asked for technical
feasibility analysis. If the answer to any of the questions is No then the workpiece is
considered to be Not Suitable for machining with SPM and its processing will be
Upon completion of technical feasibility analysis, an economical feasibility
analysis is performed. To do so a detailed computation is needed in order to determine
the cost of machining a unit of product using SPM. Then the same computation is
repeated for traditional and CNC machines in order to achieve a unit cost comparison for
different methods, and to find the one that results in a lower cost. For determination of
unit cost so many factors are taken into consideration including machining time,
production volume, machine cost, cutting tool cost, labour cost, overhead
costs, depreciation cost, interest rate, etc. A case study is presented in Section 5 that
provides a detailed economic analysis for a sample part. It is noteworthy that sometimes
it is necessary to repeat the economic analysis before the final approval of SPM
design. This happens when more accurate information on the cost of SPM and
required accessories become available. This is represented by a dashed line in the
flowchart of Figure 8.

Intelligent Systems


Fig. 8. Flowchart for SPM design and manufacture

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations


Fig. 9. Flowchart for technical feasibility analysis
3.2 Machining sequence planning
Properly determination of machining sequence is a key point in successful SPM
utilization. A poor machining sequence plan leads to lower quality of production and/or
increased machining times and consequently higher production costs. Often it is possible
to combine and perform a number of operations in a single setup lowering machining
times and costs while also improving production quality. Indeed machining sequence
planning determines the overall configuration of the machine and required machining
units and accessories.
Machineable materials include no
heat treated low carbon steels, and
alloys of Al, Brass, Bronze, Copper,
Nickel and non-metallic materials
excluding ceramics.
Size and weight limits to be defined
by user.
Limits could be revised by user.
Limit could be revised by user.
Limit could be revised by user.
Machineable material?
Material thickness 3 mm?
Size & weight within limits?
All drilling related
machining features?
All hole dia between 3 to 40 mm?
Accuracy > 0.02 mm?
Surface roughness 0.08 m?
Not suitable
for SPM
Suitable for
Limit could be revised by user.

Intelligent Systems

3.3 Cutting conditions
Properly selection of cutting tools and cutting conditions such as cutting speed, feed, and
depth of cut is of great importance in the success of any machining operation. When SPM is
in use, due to the stability requirements of the production process in order to produce high
quantities of the product, appropriate cutting tools and cutting conditions should be
employed. As frequent tool changes influence the productivity of the machine tool, it is
suggested to employ long lasting hard material cutting tools made from tungsten carbides
and ceramics for high production rates. These tool materials provide longer tool lives and
higher production rates. Other important considerations in the selection of cutting tools are
the shape and geometry of the tool. Cutting tools are generally divided into standard and
special groups. By use of specially designed cutting tools sometimes it is possible to
combine different machining operations in a single operation.
3.4 Setup and clamping
Machining jigs and fixtures are frequently used to increase the speed and quality of
production and to reduce production times and required skill level of machinists.
Uniformity of production due to use of jigs and fixtures has an important effect on
production quality. Accordingly, properly design and application of jigs and fixtures is very
important in SPM utilization. Fixtures used in SPMs are complex as normally a number of
machining operations are performed in a single part setup. Fixtures should be designed
such that (a) there is adequate tool access to the workpiece in all work stations; (b) the part is
easily, quickly, and accurately positioned inside the fixture, and removed from it, and (c) the
fixture is rigid enough to withstand large cutting forces applied by multiple cutting tools
working on the part simultaneously. In locating the part in the fixture, the most difficult and
accurate operation should be considered first in order to achieve the best result. Because
there are different machining operations, locating surfaces need to be machined accurately
before the workpiece is placed in the fixture. Appropriate measures should be taken for free
flow of coolant and chip removal from the fixture.
3.5 Machining and sliding units
As described in the previous sections, machining and sliding units are the most important
components of SPMs that make the cutting tool capable of rotational and linear motions
necessary for cutting. Consequently, the selection of machining units, sliding units and
accessories should be accomplished such that following three conditions are met.
1. Previously determined cutting tools are capable of performing all rotational and linear
motions necessary for performing corresponding machining operations.
2. Proper cutting conditions such as spindle speed, feed, and depth of cut are provided.
3. Required machining power is provided.
In is important to note that selection of machining and sliding units should always be
accomplished after selection of cutting tools and cutting conditions. This is due to the fact
that cutting tools geometry and cutting conditions dictate required powers, velocities, and
motions of machining and sliding units.

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations

3.6 SPM layout
Generally there are two layouts for SPMs; single-station and multi-station. In the former
method the workpiece is held in a fixed position where machining and sliding units are
positioned around it such that they can process the part from different directions. The part is
machined by a single machining unit or by multiple machining units. In the case of multiple
machining units they may process the part simultaneously or in sequence depending on the
geometry of the workpiece and machining features. This layout is shown in Figure 10(a). In
latter method the workpiece is transferred from one station to another until it is processed in
all stations. The number of machining stations varies from two to twelve. Transferring
workpiece between stations is performed by rotational or linear motions. The rotational
motion is provided by indexing tables and the linear motion can be performed by use of
sliding units or other methods. Figures 10 (b) to 10(e) illustrate different multi-station
layouts. The layout of the machine and positioning all the machining and sliding units, the
number of stations in case of multi-station processing, and workpiece transferring method
between stations are decided by machine designers considering technical and productive
measures. In general a higher production rate is achieved in the multi-station method
because of simultaneous machining of several workpieces in multiple machining stations.






Fig. 10. Different layouts for SPMs; (a) single-station, (b) special application, (c) transfer
machine, (d) rotary machine, and (e) in-line drilling machine (Photos: Suhner)
3.7 Control system
Before designing the control system, the unit motion diagrams representing reciprocating
motions of all units should be prepared. These diagrams explicitly represent speed and
magnitude of motion of each unit, exact start/stop times, and its position at any time. As
described earlier, the motion of units is often provided by hydraulic and pneumatic
cylinders, or servo-motors. Start and stop signals of motion are usually issued by a
programmable logic controller (PLC) that is programmed based on the unit motion

Intelligent Systems

3.8 Approval
Upon completion of preceding steps, it is necessary that all design steps be controlled and
inspected by experienced SPM specialists to correct possible errors before sending the
machine design to the workshop for manufacturing. These points deserve special
consideration at this stage: a) control system and PLC programming, b) types and
specifications of machining and sliding units, c) motion diagrams, d) hydraulic and
pneumatic systems and servo-systems, e) performance of the machine, and g) possible
collision of the moving parts with other moving or fixed parts. As mentioned before,
sometimes it becomes necessary to repeat economic considerations of the feasibility of SPM
utilization before the machine is built. This is attributable to the fact that initial economic
analysis has been made based on the initial estimation. However, when detailed machine
design is available a more precise machine cost becomes available that could be different.
3.9 Manufacturing and testing
Chassis and table of the machine should be made and assembled considering technical
issues. These parts should be sufficiently rigid and equipped with special dampers in order
to minimize vibrations resulting from the operation of cutting tools. Generally, thick steel
plates and cast iron are used for machine table. Cast irons have good damping character,
and therefore, are used for making the machine table to reduce vibrations. Chip removal
could be a huge problem in SPMs that cannot be appreciated before the machine is made.
The volume of chips produced in SPMs is high and this could reduce effective machining
time by half or even less when a proper chip removal mechanism is not considered. In
addition, a properly designed coolant system should be used to enhance the lives of cutting
tools as frequent tool changes increase machining costs. Then, based on detailed engineering
drawings, installation of stands, supports, machining units, sliding units, indexing table and
coolant system are performed. Installation of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, wiring,
electric power supply to electro-motors, and finally, the control systems are all performed at
this stage.
Upon completion of previous steps, machine performance is measured considering required
product quality and production volume. Possible issues at this stage are detected and
resolved to bring the machine to a more productive state. Producing a reasonable number of
quality products is necessary before actual production begins.
4. Knowledge-Based Expert System (KBES)
KBESs use rules as the knowledge representation for knowledge coded into the system. The
definitions of KBES depend almost entirely on expert systems, which are system that mimic
the reasoning of human expert in solving a knowledge intensive problem. Instead of
representing knowledge in a declarative, static way as a set of things which are true, KBESs
represent knowledge in terms of a set of rules that tells what to do or what to conclude in
different situations (Grosan and Abraham, 2011). In this work a KBES has been developed
to perform the analysis of SPM utilization and determination of machine layout and its basic
components. Its development has been described in this Section.

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations

4.1 Knowledge acquisition
The most common obstacle in utilization of SPMs in manufacturing industries is
inadequate knowledge of manufacturing engineers and machining specialists with this
technology, and the lack of a solid foundation for technical and economic feasibility
analysis. This is not an easy task and requires engagement of qualified personnel with
reasonable expertise and experience in this field. One needs to do a lot of computations
and use various handbooks and assumptions in order to accomplish this task. In recent
years artificial intelligence techniques have proven to be capable of restoring humans
logic and expertise and efficiently applying this expertise to tackle complicated
engineering problems. For example, KBESs have been used to restore humans logic and
expertise and efficiently applying this expertise to tackle complicated engineering
problems including product design (Myung and Han, 2001), design for assembly (Sanders
et al., 2009), and process planning (Patil and Pande, 2002). Accordingly, a KBES has been
developed in order to capture the knowledge of SPM specialists in a computer program,
and integrate it with a large amount of machining and tooling data restored in the
database. This allows less experienced people to use the system developed in order to
perform a detailed and accurate analysis of SPM utilization for production tasks. A rule-
base has been developed that restores knowledge in the rule-base in the form of if-then
rules. An example rule is presented here:
Rule 121:
if there are multiple holes of the same diameter and on the same plane,
and the minimum centre-to-centre distance is 30 mm,
then a multi-drill head can be used in a combined operation,
else the holes are to be machined in multiple operations.
A number of expertise rules have been developed in order to restore qualitative
information in the rule-base as shown in Figure 11. One group of rules is specific to
determination of workpiece setup such that there is tool access to all machining features
in a single setup if possible. Another group of rules determine proper clamping method
such that workpiece is securely held in place during machining. A group of rules
determine the number of machining stations such that the total number of stations is kept
minimal. Determination of required cutting tools and cutting conditions, and required
machine power are performed by other groups of rules. Some rules are developed for
selection of machining units, sliding units, chassis, and accessories such as multi-drill
heads, angle heads, etc.
As can be seen in Figure 11, the KBES developed in this work is also equipped with a
database. It contains quantitative information of available cutting tools and corresponding
cutting conditions extracted from handbooks, together with characteristics of standard SPM
components. Machining and sliding units restored in the database include CNC units
(CNCmasters), quill units (MONOmasters), small drilling units with flexible power
transmission mechanism (MULTImasters), power units (POWERmasters), and tapping units
(TAPmasters). Table 1 represents characteristics of eight MONOmasters restored in the
database which include designation, maximum drill diameter when used for drilling low
carbon steels, working stroke that determines maximum hole depth, available power and
thrust, spindle speeds, and weight for each unit. Other information restored in the database

Intelligent Systems

includes characteristics of assembly components for accurately positioning and orienting the
units; multi-drill heads (POLYdrills) and angle heads, tool holders, and machine
components or standardized chassis. It is noteworthy that the database contains full
characteristics of SPM components and three-dimensional (3D) solid models of these
components are restored in a feature library of a computer-aided design (CAD) system
integrated with the KBES.

Fig. 11. KBES architecture
Machining and sliding units
Poly drill heads
Rules to determine SPM layout

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations

Spindle Speed
at 85 psi
t (kg)
BEM03 3 25 40 940 to 10,270 380 9

BEM06 6 50 80 550 to 7,730 0.37 700 16

BEM06D 6 50 80 1450 to 11,600 0.37 700 12

BEM12 12 50 80 35 to 7,730 0.75 1,470 26

BEM12D 12 50 80 90 to 2,900 0.75 1,470 20
BEM20 20 125 125 360 to 10,000 1.5 73

BEM25H 25 125 125 360 to 10,000 1.5 108

BEM28 28 200 200 400 to 2,580 2.2 8,200 150

Table 1. Database of MONOmasters restored in the database (Photos: Suhner)

Intelligent Systems

The KBES developed is capable of integrating qualitative information of the rule-base with
quantitative data of the database and the feature library. It uses forward chaining approach
for firing the rules in the rule-base and to achieve the goal. Forward chaining starts with the
data available (for example the plane of holes, size of holes, and centre-to centre distance
between holes) and uses the inference rules to extract more data until a desired goal (for
example the possibility of using multi-drill head) is reached. An inference engine searches
the inference rules until it finds one in which the if clause is known to be true. It then
concludes the then clause and adds this information to its data. It continues to do this
until a goal is reached. The system stores input and output information of the processed
workpieces in the database for future use. Therefore, it adds to the extent of its knowledge.
To determine the feasibility of utilization of SPM for a new workpiece, the inference engine
first searches the database to find out whether it has been processed before. If so, it uses
previously restored information. If not processed before then the inference engine searches
for similar workpieces. When a similar workpiece is found then the system provides user
with possibility of interactive modification if necessary. When a similar workpiece is not
found then it is processed by the system.

Fig. 12. Developed feature library containing 3D solid models of standardized SPM components

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations

The user consults with the KBES for determination of appropriate machining units and then
s/he uses the CAD system for designing the required SPM. The CAD system used in this
work is SolidWorks which provides user with a 3D modelling environment. It is customized
for SPM design by developing a feature library containing 3D models of standardized SPM
components. As shown in Figure 12 the feature library contains a number of folders, each
containing a group of SPM components. When the user wishes to insert a component, s/he
simply opens the corresponding folder and double clicks on the desired component.
Components model is extracted from the library and can be easily placed in the desired
position and orientation within modelling environment. Figure 13 shows different 3D solid
models of quill units (MONOmasters) restored in the feature library, and Figure 14
represents the major steps of processing a typical drilling operation and the way that
various components of the system are used in different activities.



Fig. 13. 3D solid models of eight quill units (MONOmasters) restored in the feature library

Intelligent Systems


Fig. 14. Different steps in processing a drilling operation
Figure 15 illustrates a BEM12 quill unit extracted from the feature library. SolidWorks
provides the user with full freedom in placing the selected models in the desired position

Fig. 15. 3D solid model of a BEM12 quill unit extracted from the feature library while it is
being positioned in the modelling environment of SolidWorks

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations

and orientation in a 3D modelling environment. All the models are placed in a similar
method that leads to the completion of machine design with many components where any
possible part collisions will be detected early at design stage.
5. Case study
Figure 16 shows a rotational part 50 mm in diameter and 75 mm in length. As shown in the
Figure this part has three machining features: counterboring, drilling, and tapping. The
workpiece material is low carbon steel and it has not been subjected to heat treatment
processes before. The annual production quantity is 1,500,000 and production will be
running for five years. Manufacturer of this part faces three options for production:
traditional machines, CNC Chiron machining centre, and SPM. As the part size is small, on
the CNC machining centre it is possible to use a pallet carrying 50 parts. Once the pallet is
loaded the machine begins processing 50 parts in one setup. Once processing of all 50 parts
is completed the pallet will be exchanged with another one that is already loaded with 50
new parts ready for processing. This would significantly reduce machine idle time for
loading and unloading.

(a) (b)
Fig. 16. (a) The part with three machining features, (b) machining operations of the part
from left to right: counterboring, drilling, and tapping
Table 2 compares the times required for performing machining operations on the traditional
lathe, CNC Chiron machining centre, and SPM. Total time of machining on traditional lathe
and CNC machine are equal to the sum of cutting times plus non-cutting times that include
tool changing between processes, loading/unloading, and free movements of cutting tool.
As schematically shown in Figure 17, the multi-station SPM for this part has an indexing
table with four stations, one for loading/unloading and three for processing. This makes it
possible to perform all machining operations simultaneously, one process at each station.
Machining units are arranged such that all of the operations can be performed at a single
part setup. Accordingly, the total machining time for each part is equal to the longest time
needed for a single operation, plus one indexing time. As represented in Table 2, the total
time per part on traditional lathe is 50 seconds, on the CNC machine 15.12 seconds, and it is
only 6.8 seconds for SPM. Therefore, SPM produces 529.41 parts/hour, a figure remarkably
higher than 238.10 for the CNC machine, and significantly higher than 72 for the lathe. Yet it
is possible to multiply the output of the SPM when all machining stations are equipped with
multi-drill heads.

Intelligent Systems


Time (sec)
Time (sec)
Counterboring time 5.0 3.0 3.0
Drilling time 8.0 4.0 4.0
Tapping time 10.0 5.0 5.0
Cutting time 23.0 12.0 5.6

Tool changing per part 6.0 0.12

Free tool traveling per part 6.0 0.6

Indexing time per part 1.2
Loading/unloading 15.0 2.40

Non-cutting time 27.0 3.12 1.2
Total time per part 50.0 15.12 6.8
Parts per hour 72 238.10 529.41
1: On the SPM the longest operation time determines the time required for each operation
2: Tool changing time for the CNC machine is 3 times of 2 seconds each for 50 pieces (0.12 sec/part)
3: Free tool traveling for the CNC machine is 30 seconds for 50 pieces (0.6 sec/ part)
4: Loading/unloading time of one pallet carrying 50 pieces is 2 minutes (2.4 sec/part)
5: Loading/unloading on the SPM will be performed by an automated system and at the same time
machining is in progress in other stations
Table 2. Comparison of machining times for traditional lathe, CNC, and SPM

Fig. 17. Part exchange time on traditional lathe, CNC, and SPM.
Table 3 represents machining unit cost for all of the three methods and provides all cost
components. When traditional lathe is used there is a need to use seven machines in order to
achieve required annual output. This significantly increases labour and overhead costs that
would result in a unit cost of $4.7423. In the case of CNC machine there is a need to use two
machines in order to achieve the required output. This would reduce the unit cost to $0.5211
that is significantly lower. Yet SPM would further decrease this figure. Due to high
productivity of SPMs only one machine with a single operator is needed to achieve the
required output. This decreases most cost components including labour and overhead costs.
Consequently the cost per part is reduced to only $0.2138. In other words, the use of SPM
results in a significant 59% reduction of unit cost in comparison with CNC, and an amazing
95.5% cost reduction is achieved when compared to traditional lathe.

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations


Production data

Parts required per year (D) 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000
Production cycle (t) 5 years 5 years 5 years
Interest rate (r) 6% 6% 6%

Max. working hours
per year (H)
3,600 3,600 3,600

Machine tool data

Parts per hour (p) 72 238.10 529.41
Machine availability (a) 90% 95% 90%
Effective parts per hour (E) E = pa 64.8 226.2 476.47
Working hours per year (h) h = D/E 23148.15 6,637.17 3,148.15
Machines required (M) M = h/H 6.43 => 7 1.84 => 2 0.87 => 1

Wage costs

Wage rate (w) $45/h $45/h $45/h
Machinists required (R) 7 2 1
Wage per hour (W) W = wR $315 $90 $45
Wage cost per part (C
) C
= W/E $4.4811 $0.3979 $0.0944

Cutting tool consumption

Tool cost per process (T) $0.0168 $0.0168 $0.0168

Number of processes
per part (n)
3 3 3
Cutting tool cost per part (C
) C
= nT $0.0504 $0.0504 $0.0504

Electricity consumption costs

Electricity cost per kWh (k) $0.15 $0.15 $0.15

Machine electricity
consumption (e)
9 kW 11 kW 36 kW
Total consumption (d) d = eR 63 kW 22 kW 36 kW
Electricity cost per h (c) c = kd $9.45 $3.30 $5.40
Electricity cost per part (C
) C
= c / E $0.1456 $0.0146 $0.0113

Machine depreciation costs

Machine investment cost
per unit (u)
$35,900 $124,800 $264,678

Total machine investment
cost (U)
U = Mu $251,300 $249,600 $264,678

Machine depreciation cost
per year (f)
f = U/t $50,260 $49,920 $52,935.60
Depreciation cost/part (C
) C
= f/D $0.0335 $0.0333 $0.0353

Intelligent Systems


Interest costs

Annual amount subject
to interest (A)
A = U $251,300 $249,600 $264,678

Interest per year
i = Ar $17,591 $17,472 $18,527.46

Interest per part
I = i/D $0.0117 $0.0116 $0.0124

Overhead costs

Annual overhead costs
(trans., rent, etc.) (v)
$30,000 $20,000 $15,000
Overhead cost per part (O) O = v/D $0.02 $0.0133 $0.01

Total production cost
per part
(excluding the cost
of material)
$4.7423 $0.5211 $0.2138
Table 3. Machining costs for traditional lathe, CNC, and SPM
6. Conclusions
Production quality and low production cost are essential for the success of manufacturers in
todays competitive market. SPMs are very useful for producing large quantities of high
quality products at low costs. These machines can also be altered to produce similar
components when necessary. High accuracy, uniform quality, and large production
quantities are important characteristics of SPMs. However, the inadequate knowledge of
machining specialists with this technology has resulted in its low utilization in
manufacturing firms. In this article a detailed discussion of SPMs, their capabilities and
accessories have been described. It also explained the development of a KBES to assist SPM
users in deciding whether or not to make use of SPMs for a given production task. An
analysis was made on the basis of technical and economical considerations. The case study
presented clarified the method of analysis between three methods for producing a typical
part. After a detailed discussion and extensive computations it has been concluded that for
the given production task SPM would result in a significant 59% reduction of costs when
compared to CNC, and an unbelievable 95.5% cost reduction was achieved when compared
to traditional lathe. The system described in this work significantly reduces the time and
effort needed for decision making on utilization of SPMs and determination of machine
layout. In addition, the system developed minimizes the level of expertise required to
perform the analysis and eliminates possible human errors.
The current system focuses on drilling and drilling-related operations. More work is
needed to cover other machining operations including milling. Also the KBES developed
currently works on a standalone basis. Work is in progress to integrate it with the 3D
CAD modelling system such that the information could be directly extracted from the
CAD system, eliminating the need for manual data input by user. A database of standard

Intelligent Analysis of Utilization of Special Purpose Machines for Drilling Operations

3D components of SPM including machining and sliding units and other accessories has
been constructed on Solidworks software platform. This assists SPM designers in the
design task, and helps standardization of SPM designs that is of great importance to
7. References
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Groover, M.P. (2010) Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, John Wiley and Sons Inc, 4th
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Intelligent Systems

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Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the
Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means
Pavel N. Prudkov
Ecomon Ltd., Moscow,
1. Introduction
Immediately after the appearance of first computers more than sixty years ago, the idea of
the creation of artificial intelligence similar to that of humans has inspired activity of
thousands of outstanding individuals. Interesting results have been achieved in this
endeavor but the situation still seems unsatisfactory. With exception of very narrow
domains such as chess playing, intelligent systems cannot compete with humans or even
animals. Several factors may be the reason of this situation. In this chapter, I consider one of
the most important reasons: there are serious problems in the theory of intelligent systems
and, accordingly, in theoretical approaches to the building of artificial intelligence.
Therefore, the consideration of fundamental principles of intelligence may be an appropriate
method for constructing effective systems of AI.
Although there is no clear definition for the term intelligence, it is intuitively
understandable that intelligence is an attribute of goal-directed systems. A goal-directed
system has various goals, which the system attempts to achieve through interactions with
the environment based on diverse methods or means. Intelligence characterizes the efficacy
of such systems in the achievement of its goals (Russell & Norvig, 2003). Humans and
animals undoubtedly are goal-directed systems and observations of their activities reveal
two obvious classes of such systems.
One class that may underlie the activity of nonhuman animals contains goal-directed
systems in which basic goals and means are determined jointly in the moment of the
creation of a system. A system belonging to this class functions as follows: one or several
basic goals are activated along with a broad diversity of means innately associated with
those goals. In accordance with the requirements of the situation, one or several of such
means are performed and then associations between those goals and means are changed
through feedback loops using hard-wired relations between goals and the result of
performance or/and those relations generate new means, which are consequences of some
changes in ongoing means. It seems that various systems in neural nets, evolutionary
computing, reinforcement learning, etc correspond to this class of goal-directed systems
(Haykin, 1998; Bck, 1996; Holland, 1975; Leslie et al, 1996; Sutton & Barto, 1998).
The observation of human actions and introspection allow us to define the other class in
which goals and means can be constructed arbitrarily and independently from each other. If

Intelligent Systems

a goal is constructed arbitrarily, then searching through all of possible means is the only
method for selecting one or several means appropriate to achieve the goal. The efficacy of
those means may increase the probability of their usage in similar situations; however, this
class does not suggest unequivocal methods based on feedback loops to construct novel
means. Various, largely symbolic, systems can be related to this class (Bertino, Piero &
Zarria, 2001; Jackson, 1998; Newell, 1990).
Because these classes are so obvious, it is very reasonable to assume that any AI project can
be attributed to one of the classes (though some projects may combine characteristics of
both). Like other technical systems, AI projects are not intended to imitate their natural
counterparts but rather attempt to achieve natural functionality. The fact that the objective
of Artificial Intelligence as a scientific and engineering activity is the full-scale functionality
of human intelligence means AI researchers implicitly suggest that humans can be
attributed to one or both of these classes. However, in my opinion this supposition is
Undoubtedly, like other animals humans have a complex structure of innate goals
associated with survival and reproduction. As a result, some scholars attribute humans to
the first class of goal-directed systems. For example, behaviorism suggested an innate
motivation mechanism in order to establish connections between goals and means through
reward and punishment (Heckhausen, 1980). Currently, evolutionary psychology is very
explicit in supposing that humans have an innate repertoire of goals and domain-specific
modules (Tooby &Cosmides 1992; Tooby, Cosmides & Barrett, 2005). However, the
attribution of humans to the first class system is unable to explain the diversity and rapid
alterations of actions either at the level of a single individual, or at that of a whole society
(Buller, 1998).
This inability hints that humans belong to the second-class systems. The main problem,
which faces such systems, is a combinatorial explosion owing to the need to search through
the potentially infinite number of possible means. However, people regularly make effective
and flexible decisions without being overwhelmed by their decision-making processes.
Some ideas to explain how the mind avoids a combinatorial explosion have been suggested
(Newell, 1990), but they do not seem satisfactory (Cooper & Shallice, 1995). Moreover,
although people are able to apply the strategy of deliberately searching among several
conscious alternatives, some problems demonstrate that the thinking system is reluctant to
use searching.
Consider, for example the following simplest chess riddle: White: Ke1, Rf2, Rh1; Black: Ka1.
White to play and mate in one. When the author (P.P.) was acquainted with the problem he
found that many poor chess players (and P.P. himself), who were, of course, familiar with
the chess rules, could not solve the riddle or solved it after many attempts. However, any
chess program immediately finds the solution: castling O-O. Indeed, since White should
mate in one, in order to solve this problem it is necessary to generate each formally possible
move for White in the given position, and to test whether this move is the solution. Such a
searching procedure is available for the computer program but often not available for a
Everyday experience seems to demonstrate that people seldom use searching among
possible alternatives. Instead, they prefer (often unconsciously) a routine action. In

Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means

accordance with this opinion, the dual-processes models (Stanovich & West, 2000; Evans,
2003) have supposed that the mind includes two components. One component uses
searching procedures and accordingly is responsible for deliberate actions. The other
component, which complies with the systems of the first class, underlies routine, automatic
actions. It is suggested that in routine everyday situations, in which, according to such
theories, the vast majority of actions is performed, the routine component effectively selects
an appropriate action. Searching and planning are involved only in unusual situations.
Some unspecified mechanisms constrain searching in those rare cases when the latter is
In my opinion, however, nonroutine and routine situations are intertwined more strongly
than it may be consciously acknowledged. The mind cannot be separated into the two
components. For example, if an individual is hungry, she may open her home refrigerator
without the clear awareness of this process. However, people usually do not open
somebodys refrigerators automatically even if they are hungry. No special intention to
inhibit the wish to open somebodys refrigerator is necessary in such situations.
Obviously, there is no universal routine not to open somebodys refrigerator, simply
because it is very difficult to define unequivocally and finally what refrigerators are
permitted to open. Therefore, it is necessary to suggest that ongoing goals somehow control
activity when an individual attends to the refrigerator, allowing or forbidding the opening
of the latter. In the same manner, ongoing goals unconsciously involve in most of routine
situations even when the individual believes that some component of her activity is
automatic. With the involvement of ongoing goals in most of everyday situations, the
problem of combinatorial explosion becomes unresolved for the dual-processes models.
Whereas, AI research is not intended directly to imitate human intelligence but it seems
obvious that a certain view on human intelligence is a very important tacit heuristic to AI
researchers and strongly influences AI studies. In my opinion, the analysis of the two
conventional classes of goal-directed systems demonstrates that human activity hardly can
be derived from these classes and this may be a very serious factor constraining AI research.
I suggest that the standard view on possible classes of goal-directed systems is incomplete
and consider a more complex categorization below. I present, based on this classification, a
new view on human goal-directed activity as a characteristic of a particular class of goal-
directed systems. Some ideas on how this class can be represented in the brain are
considered. These ideas form the basis for the simulation of simple models of goal-directed
activity. Some proposals on how this novel understanding of humans as goal-directed
systems can be used to create intelligent systems are also considered in the article.
2. Two-dimensional classification of goal-directed systems and the idea of
joint synthesis
The two classes of goal-directed systems are usually considered as two poles of one axis and
as a result, it seems that there are no other classes. However, a more profound view on the
classes demonstrates that the situation may be more complex. Indeed, the first class contains
goal-directed systems in which basic goals and means are constructed innately and together.
In the systems of the second-class goals and means can be constructed arbitrarily and
separately from each other. It is easy to discern that the words innately and separately

Intelligent Systems

are not antonyms neither are the words together and arbitrarily. This may mean that
the two classes are only an apparent projection of a two-dimensional structure, in which one
dimension can be characterized as innate versus arbitrary or learned and another
dimension as constructed together versus constructed separately. With this assumption,
a representation of this structure can be given as the following table.

Together Separately
Innately Goals and means are
constructed innately and
Goals and means are
constructed innately and
Arbitrarily Goals and means are
constructed arbitrarily and
Goals and means are
constructed arbitrarily and
Table 1. Classification of goal-directed systems
This results in a more complicated structure with four classes. Prior to the consideration of
this structure, it seems useful to raise an issue of whether this classification is fundamental
enough. Undoubtedly, there may be many various sources of classification: for example, the
diversity of goals or the number of levels in the system can be used to classify. However,
obviously, the most important classification should be based on key characteristics of goal-
directed systems. In my view, the table reflects such fundamental characteristics because
one axis is the capability of a goal-directed system to change and adjust and the second
dimension is the relationship between the main components of any goal-directed system, i.e.
its goals and means.
It is easy to discern that two cells in the table correspond to the conventional classes but two
new classes emerge from the other cells. One new class is goal-directed systems, in which
goals and means are constructed innately and separately. Such architecture is, however,
logically impossible. Indeed, if basic goals and means of a certain goal-directed system are
defined at the moment of the creation of the system, then a common configuration
undoubtedly underlies them and they cannot be constructed separately.
The other new class is goal-directed systems, in which goals and means can be constructed
arbitrarily and jointly. If one suggests that the construction of a goal and means in such a
system is a self-organizing process, which is based on an extremal principle, e.g. that the
costs on the synthesis should be minimal, then particular advantages of this class can be
easily revealed. Indeed, because the goal and means in a system of this class are constructed
jointly, there is no need to search among a potentially infinite set of means to satisfy the
given goal; this is a simple solution to the problem of combinatorial explosion. On the other
hand, the possibility to synthesize goals and means arbitrarily indicates the actions of the
systems belonging to this class may be very flexible and adaptive. With such characteristics
of this class, my main idea is that human beings are goal-directed systems in which arbitrary
goals and means are synthesized jointly.
One may propose some objections to this hypothesis. First, if a goal and means are
constructed together then the means ought to be appropriate for achieving the goal.
However, people often understand what goal must be achieved but they cannot suggest
appropriate means to achieve the goal. However, it is necessary to note that the joint

Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means

synthesis is not a method to create the best action (this is impossible due to combinatorial
explosion) but a method to create any action (because the number of possible actions is
infinite, in principle). To a certain degree, an alternative to the action constructed by the
ongoing joint synthesis is not another action but rather its absence. Therefore, the idea of
joint synthesis is not hurt by the fact that people are able to imagine, plan, or pursue
completely arbitrary even unachievable goals. Because even when the individual thinks that
there is no method to achieve the goal, nevertheless an inappropriate method is chosen
because the selection of a certain aspect of reality among the infinite number of other
possible aspects occurred.
Second, experience teaches us that one goal can be achieved by various methods, ways (this
is the principle of equifinality (Bertalanffy, 1968)) and that one method can be applied to
achieve various goals. These obvious facts, which underlie one of the two conventional
classes, seem inconsistent with the joint synthesis hypothesis (referred to as the JSH
hereinafter). In my opinion, the idea that goals and means can be constructed separately is
correct at the level of social practice but a psychological illusion at the level of psychological
mechanisms of a particular action.
In order to clear this idea, imagine that one needs to achieve the 35
floor of a skyscraper.
Firstly, this can be made by means of an elevator. If no elevator can be used (e.g. there is no
voltage), it is possible to go upstairs. Finally, if the staircase is destroyed then one can climb
on the wall using necessary tools. It seems one invariable goal can be combined with various
methods to achieve it. However, the first method is available for everyone because it
requires no concentration of mental recourses. The second one can be accepted when there is
a serious need to reach the goal. In addition, the last one can be used only under extreme
circumstances requiring the strongest concentration of will and energy. In other words, from
the position of internal processes each way requires a certain psychological arrangement
with special goals and this arrangement is acknowledged by any individual as distinctive
from the others. Therefore, a change in the situation results in the alteration of goals at a
particular level of the hierarchy of goals. It is reasonable to assume that the interaction
between goals and means in the process of the construction of a goal-directed activity is a
characteristic of any such activity.
In my opinion, like other psychological illusions, such as, for example, the illusion of the
instantaneous reaction to an external stimulus (the understanding that the reaction is not
instant, occurred in 1823 only (Corsini & Auerbach, 1998)), the illusion of the separate
construction of goals and means results from the fact that it is very difficult to combine the
involvement in a particular activity with the simultaneous introspective monitoring of this
activity. Indeed, when an individual pursues a particular everyday goal (e.g., shopping at
the supermarket) she usually does not pay attention to all variations in the intermediate
goals and means necessary for this multi-stage pursuit. As a result, the complex interplay of
these intermediate processes is reflected by consciousness and memory only partially, while
the success or failure in the achievement of the main goal is usually in the focus of
consciousness. In addition, the detailed awareness of each stage in a multi-staged activity is
merely impossible because this is able to destroy the activity itself. The result of these
circumstances is, in my opinion, a false feeling of the separate formation and change of goals
and means.

Intelligent Systems

It is necessary to note that the hypothesis that the mind constructs the goal and means
together does not imply that an individual deliberately cannot search through possible
options as a method to determine an appropriate means. Indeed, the conscious idea to apply
searching along with the awareness of several possible options may be the result of the
ongoing synthesis.
The validation of the JSH is easy. Indeed, because the hypothesis suggests that the mind
constructs the goal and means of an action jointly following the criterion of minimal
construction costs. This means that if there are no explicit preferences to choose among
several possible actions then an action requiring minimal mental costs to be constructed is
preferable. This action should be selected without intensive searching among probable
alternatives. On the other hand, this choice should not be a result of the activation of a
routine procedure and can be changed deliberately. A real experimentation to test these
suppositions is possible but beyond the scope of this article (Prudkov &Rodina, 1999,
Rodina &Prudkov, 2005). Instead, I consider a thought experiment, which, in my opinion, is
sufficient to demonstrate the relevance of the JSH.
Imagine that two individuals participate in this experiment, one of them is Experimenter,
the other is Subject, accordingly, and the experiment takes place in London. The participants
are discussing some problem and at a certain moment, Experimenter asks Subject to give
him a pen without specifying the location of the pen. Many people have a pen in their
pockets, and it is very probable that Subject is among them. Subject takes the pen out of the
pocket and gives it to Experimenter. It is very reasonable to suggest that the construction of
this action needs minimal mental costs. In response, however, Experimenter asks, why did
Subject take the pen out of the pocket instead of calling New York? Subject is astonished by
this question and then Experimenter says that there are many pens in New York and Subject
could find a pen there. The astonishment of Subject means that his mind did not find among
possible alternatives of the pens location but one may argue that this reflects the fact that
Experimenters request is performed by the activation of a corresponding routine. It is
obvious, however, that if Experimenter would merely ask Subject to find a pen in New York
then Subject could easily convert this idea to a sequence of actions. Such a rapid adjustment
to the situation cannot be provided by a routine. This is the result of a special goal-directed
process. In my opinion, this simple situation, which can be easily repeated in reality,
demonstrates the appropriateness of the idea of joint synthesis.
Although the joint synthesis is a basic attribute of humans as goal-directed systems, the
consideration of this characteristic alone may be insufficient to understand the whole
diversity of human actions. Humans, of course, have innate mechanisms necessary for
survival and reproduction and those, although are under control from more modern
systems, influence actions and therefore, to a certain degree, humans can be considered as
the goal-directed systems of the first class. On the other hand, using language and complex
social skills, an individual can "emulate" the separation between goals and means. Indeed,
by discussing some ideas with other people or by writing the ideas down and afterwards
thinking about them, an individual can concentrate either on the goals or on the means of a
goal-directed activity. The fact implies, to some extent, humans can be considered as
systems with the separate and arbitrary construction of goals and means. However, it is the
joint synthesis that determines the involvement of the other classes of goal-directed systems
in human actions.

Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means

It is usually suggested that a goal-directed activity pursues a clear and unequivocal goal and
when the individual acknowledges that the outcome of the process meets its goal then the
activity completes. However, in my opinion, the idea of a clear and unequivocal goal seems
doubtful. Consider, for example, the situation with Experimenter and Subject above.
Obviously, that Subject unconsciously converted the goal to find a pen into the goal to
find a pen in the pockets and as a result, he is astonished by the proposal to search a pen
in New York, though this proposal is consistent with the initial request. Obviously, the
supposition to search for a pen in another room could astonish Subject to a lesser degree.
Similarly, Experimenter would be stunned, if Subject could pull a giant pen (for example, 50
centimeters in length) out of his bag though such a pen meets his request. On the other
hand, a pen of a very unusual design but a standard size could wonder Experimenter less.
Therefore, it can be assumed that Experimenter and Subject have some distributions of
anticipations regarding the result of their goal-directed activities rather than unambiguous
goals, but they acknowledge those anticipations only partially.
I suggest that any goal-directed activity is a distribution of anticipations regarding the goal
and means of the activity. The activation of some components of this distribution is
determined by particular aspects of the situation and the changes in the situation results in
the activation of slightly other components of the distribution. The construction and changes
in the distribution are based on the criterion of minimal construction costs.
A suggestion that the goal and means of a goal-directed process are some distributions leads
to two fundamental conclusions. First, this means that there is no simple procedure to define
when the goal is achieved because it may be difficult to find an unequivocal compliance
between the distributed representation of the goal and the output of the activity. Therefore,
the completion of an ongoing process is the result of the interaction between this process,
the situation, and the hierarchy of other processes. In other words, there is no special
comparator always able to compare the goal and the output of the activity and as a result,
people sometimes do not acknowledge that the result of an ongoing activity does not
respond to its initial goal. In my opinion, everyday experience is consistent with this
suggestion. Consider, for example, an individual who plans to buy necessary goods at the
supermarket. Sometimes the result of such activity is that an individual misses several
objects planned. Instead, she purchases other goods but thinks that the goal of the action is
Second, the vague representation of the goal and method implies that the sustainability of
a goal-directed activity can be considered as its relatively autonomous attribute. Indeed,
sustainability seems a one-dimensional parameter and hence less variable than
multivariate distributions of goals and means that ought to meet the very complex
structure of the situation. A proposal of the autonomy of sustainability seems unusual
enough but perseveration, i.e., the involuntary and uncontrollable repetitions of a
particular action, which is a very frequent attribute of disturbances in goal-directed
behavior (Luria, 1966, 1972,1983; Joseph, 1999), clearly favors this proposal. Indeed,
perseveration can be considered as the activation of a sustainable component, which, if
the goal-directed system is damaged, persists regardless the influence of the situation or
other processes.

Intelligent Systems

3. Neural basis for the joint synthesis
If the goal and means of a goal-directed activity are constructed together then it is of great
importance to understand how this can be implemented in the brain because similar
mechanisms can be used to create artificial goal-directed systems. Undoubtedly, human
goal-directed activity is very complex and a detailed understanding of it is the beyond scope
of this article. Instead, I consider the neural basis of a certain ideal goal-directed process
suggesting it includes three obvious stages, i.e. initiation, execution, and termination. My
approach meets most of the contemporary hypotheses, which consider that the prefrontal
cortex (PFC) plays a key role in goal-directed processes (E.K. Miller& Cohen, 2001; Wood&
Grafman, 2003). In accordance with this position, I propose that the prefrontal cortex is
heavily involved in the construction and maintenance of neural patterns representing goals
and means.
It is suggested that the capacity of the PFC to construct and maintain sustainable neural
patterns is based on possible reverberatory characteristics of neurons in this structure
(Fuster 1997). It can be supposed that owing to such reverberatory properties the emergence
of sustainable characteristics of a neural pattern is, to a certain extent, autonomous from the
emergence of its other characteristics. In other words, relatively weak changes in neurons of
the PFC may be sufficient to make a pattern sustainable but more serious alterations are
necessary to form its other characteristics. This underlines a relative autonomy of the
sustainability of goal-directed processes at the cognitive level.
It is suggested that the prefrontal cortex can be considered as blackboard architecture.
Blackboard architecture consists of a set of specialized or stable processors that interact with
each other using a blackboard, consisting of less stable, flexible elements. Some authors (van
der Velde& de Kamps 2003, 2006) have suggested the idea that the prefrontal cortex uses
this sort of architecture. This idea is consistent with the neural data. For example, this means
that most of prefrontal neurons must flexibly adapt its activity to the ongoing task. And 30-
80 percents of prefrontal neurons of the monkey show selective responses to some aspect of
that tasks events (Asaad et al 2000). However, it is necessary to emphasize a distinction
between conventional views on blackboard architecture used in AI (Corkill 1991; Craig
1995) and that used in this text. Unlike conventional models, the given model does not
suggest an absolute difference between stable processors and flexible elements, i.e. stable
processors can be converted to flexible elements and vice versa because both groups
comprise of similar neurons and only the level of stability distinguishes them.
It is reasonable to assume that a new goal-directed process emerges from the integration of
various sources of information associated with the ongoing situation. So, it is hypothesized
that prior to the construction of a new goal-directed process the prefrontal cortex can be
considered as a blackboard system in which incoming sensory information and/or ongoing
internal processes (emotions, innate drives, other goal-directed processes, especially those at
higher levels, etc.) presented as spatiotemporal patterns of neural activity in the PFC and
other brain structures are stable processors. Moreover, other ensembles of the PFC comprise
a bulletin board with flexible elements. The construction of a new process started from
interactions between stable processors and flexible elements and owing to such interactions,
the characteristics of flexible elements become similar to some characteristics of stable
processors. At the neural level, this means similar frequency or distribution of firing, etc.

Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means

and at the cognitive level this means some similar functions. After this, flexible elements
with new functions start interacting with each other also exchanging its characteristics. It is
reasonable to suggest that the more similar characteristics shared by some elements, the
more probability of its interactions. For example, if neuron A has a synapse with neuron B
then a probability that the discharge of neuron A results in the discharge of neuron B seems
more than the same probability for two neurons that do not share a common synapse. The
relationship between the similarity of elements and the probability of its interaction is the
substantiation of the criterion of minimal construction costs.
It is reasonable to expect that owing to interactions between elements, the resemblance of
elements can be increased. As a result, a pattern joining many elements with similar
characteristics gradually emerges and this pattern becomes sustainable. This indicates that
the construction of a new process is completed. Although, elements in the pattern have
something in common but there are some distinctions among them and this is a prerequisite
for the distributed representation for the goal and means.
It is suggested each pattern can be considered as a construction with two interconnected
components: one component is responsible for the goal and the other for the means. Such a
separation is based on the idea that some neurons in the pattern have mainly local
connections within the prefrontal cortex (they comprise the goal component). Other neurons
in the pattern are linked to other brain structures (those are the means component). Because
the activity of neurons within the PFC is likely more reverberatory and self-sustained than
that of neurons linked to other structures, the goal component can be more stable and
persistent than the means component.
Once a goal-directed process is constructed, some activation from the means component
propagates to other brain structures, which are able to carry out the process, and its
performance is initiated (B.T. Miller& DEsposito 2005). Simultaneously, the components
interact with each other; this stabilizes the means component while it receives feedback
because of performing the process. Therefore, the fact that the process pursues the goal is a
result of the stability in the goal component produced by self-sustainable characteristics of
the PFC. It is possible to say that goal-directed processes are self-sustained gates, which
amplify appropriate information and diminish inappropriate one. The components are
constructed together but their architecture is slightly different. The functioning of
components gradually increases these differences and this change may be a basis for an
autonomous representation of goals and means in consciousness.
As is emphasized above I do not suggest that the brain includes a special comparator,
which monitors when the outcome of the process meets the goal, and then turns the
process off. Simply, with the achievement of the goal, the current situation undergoes
changes, thus not being able to support the ongoing process with appropriate
information. To meet novel requirements of the situation, the construction of another
process begins. Probably, more stable processes at a higher level of the goal-directed
hierarchy supervising short-term ones also participate in the completion of the ongoing
process. Free neural ensembles again become flexible components of the blackboard. It
can be hypothesized that a real goal-directed process is a hierarchical multilevel structure
joining many of such ideal processes.

Intelligent Systems

4. Simulation of a goal-directed activity based on joint synthesis
The hypothesis of joint synthesis and its possible neural implementation can be considered a
basis for computer models of goal-directed activity. It is necessary to point out that these
models are neither models of a certain aspect of human or animal activity nor
implementations of goal-directed activity in the brain. They are simply intended to
demonstrate how a goal-directed process can be constructed. The models share a common
basis but have certain distinctive characteristics.
4.1 A simple model of goal-directed activity (model 1)
The architecture of the model is presented in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Architecture of model 1
The model consists of two fractions; one is the system in which a goal-directed activity
should be constructed and the other is the environment influencing the state of the system.
At the beginning, a new goal-directed process emerges within the system under a certain
state of the environment and after changing the environment, the process pursues its goal
associated with the initial state of the environment using the means constructed.
The system includes one layer consisting of z autonomous modules and the output of the
system is a summation of the outputs of its modules. Each module contains several n-
dimension vectors with real numbers as its components. These vectors are an input vector
(IV), which is filled by information from the environment (its k
component is IV
accordingly), a vector of coefficients (CV), and an output vector (OV). The functioning of the
vectors is described below. Also, each module has an activation level (AL), a real number

Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means

from 0 to 1. With the idea of a relative autonomy of sustainability above, this parameter
reflects the stability and activity of the module, i.e., as AL increases the functioning of the
module becomes more stable.
A fundamental characteristic of modules is that they interact with each other. The functional
proximity between two elements is calculated as follows. First, the following characteristic
for module i (and j, accordingly) at iteration m is computed


| |
, , 1
k n
k k
i m i m
i m
afterward another parameter is calculated


(| |

, , 1 ,
k n
k k
i m i m i m
i m
IV CV me
and then the functional proximity between i and j, fp(i,j) is

, 1 . , 1 ,
( , ) | |
* *
j m
i m
i m i m j m j m
fp i j
AL me AL me

= (3)
The interaction between module i and module j

at iteration m occurs if fp(i,m) is less than a
threshold (p1) plus a small noise. The fact that modules interacts only if its functional
proximity is less than a threshold is an implementation of the idea of minimal construction
costs. The result of the interaction between module i and module j

is as follows:

= +
, 1 , 1 , , 1
, , 1
( ( ) * (1 )) * 2
k k k
i m j m j m i m
k k
i m i m

= +
, 1 , 1 , , 1
, , 1
( ( ) * (1 )) * 2
k k k
j m i m i m j m
k k
j m j m
It is suggested that modules interact in parallel and the formulae reflect this. Owing to
interactions, the activation level of each module (for example, module i at iteration m) is also
changed :

= +
, , 1
, , 1
* 4 * (1 )
3 *
i m i m
i m i m
t p AL
where both p3 and p4 <1 and t
is the number of interactions between module i

and the
other modules of the system at iteration m.
It is easy to see that as the AL of a module increases, the components of the module become
less prone to change. In addition, if a module did not interact with other modules at the last

Intelligent Systems

iteration, its AL should be decreased. Module i is able to influence the environment only if
its AL exceeds a threshold (p5) at iteration m, then

, ,
( )
k k
i m i m k
i m
otherwise =
i m
OV (7)
The environment is also a n-dimension vector (E) and its k
component at iteration m is
changed by the following formula:


= + +
, 1
i z
i m
k k i
m m
E cons t noise
It is not difficult to see that, unlike the analysis of neural mechanisms above, this model
does not include special layers to form output. The objective of such a design is to avoid
unnecessary difficulties conditioned by complex relations between such layers. These
difficulties are able to complicate the understanding of the models functioning without
clearing its main ideas. However, because each module has a complex structure with
internal vectors such as CV and OV the model can be useful to understand the functioning
of various goal-directed systems.
In all simulations, the number of modules in the system (z) was 300 and the vectors in each
module were three-dimensional. Real numbers were used as the stuff of all vectors in the
system. A goal-directed activity was constructed as follows. First, 40 modules were
considered as stable processors. Its coefficient vectors were filled by a constant plus small
noise and its active levels was more than p5 (0.3). The other modules of the system were
flexible elements. Its coefficient vectors were randomly filled by numbers from 0 to 100 and
its ALs were randomly established at 0,06 plus small noise. Following this initialization,
interactions between stable processors and flexible elements started. Five iterations of this
process took place and p1 was 0,3. At this stage (stage 1), no outputs from the system
influenced the environment. This corresponded to the construction of a goal-directed
activity. After this, novel constants were established and the interaction between the system
and the environment became possible. This stage (stage 2) meant the functioning of a goal-
directed activity.
It is necessary to emphasize that the architecture of the model means stable processors are
not a necessary condition for the interaction between the system and the environment. In
principle, flexible elements are sufficient to provide the functioning of the system but in this
case, the activity of the system must be less stable and persistent. To test this suggestion a
special simulation was carried out. In this simulation no stable processors were formed but
five iterations similar to those in simulation 1 were performed (stage 1, accordingly). After
this, certain constants were selected and the interaction between the system and the
environment became possible (stage 2).
In both simulations all constants were 80, in other words, the goal of the activity in
simulation 1 entirely met the initial state of its stable processors. After three iterations with
such constants at stage 2, in both simulations the constants were forcefully established at 50
during one iteration to estimate the stability of the models to random fluctuations.

Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means

Afterwards, the constants were 80 again. Because at any moment all constants were
identical, the components of input and coefficients vectors in modules could be averaged
within each vector and across all modules. As a result, one number was sufficient to
describe the state of coefficients vectors at any iteration. In addition, Al averaged across all
modules also was used as a characteristic of the process.
It was suggested that owing to stable processors filled by 80 the coefficient vectors of the
model with stable processors (CV-sp) should exceed those of the model without stable
processors (CV-wsp) at stage 2. Moreover, CV-sp should be more stable after a sudden
fluctuation in the constants of the environment. Also, AL-sp should be more than AL-wsp.
The results of both simulations are in figure 2, where for convenience, ALs were multiplied
by 100.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Stage 1 Stage 2

Fig. 2. The comparison of the results of two simulations.
4.2 A model with perceptive spot (model 2)
Though model 1 is able to demonstrate some characteristics of goal-directed activity, it
seems too primitive for serious actions. Model 2 is more complex, its system has a
perceptive spot, which includes the modules whose input vectors are filled by a useful
signal from the environment while the input vectors of the other modules are filled by noise.
Both a useful signal and noise are real numbers but the amplitude of noise is considerably
less. The system is able to move the center of the spot but cannot change its size. The

Intelligent Systems

behavior of the system in model 1 is similar to the activity of an inset, which moves in the
environment filled by a nutrient with variable concentration. Model 2 is, to some extent,
similar to the action of an eye of an animal.

Fig. 3. Architecture of model 2
The modules in this model are similar to those in model 1 but also include a vector of
differences (DV), its functioning is described below. In order to avoid the spurious activity
of modules filled by noise, a threshold of perception is used, i.e. module i is able to
participate in the activity of the system at iteration m only if

, 1 ,
k n
i m i m


The interaction between module i and module j

at iteration m occurs if the distance between
the modules, i.e. |(i-j)/z| is less than a certain parameter (p2) and the functional proximity


|| || ||
, , 1 , , 1
k n
k k k k
i m i m j m j m
is less than a threshold (p3) plus a small noise. The result of the interaction between module
i and module j

is as follows:
Perceptive spot

Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means


= +
, 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
, , 1
( ( ) * (1 )) * 4
k k k
i m j m j m i m
k k
i m i m

= +
, 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
, , 1
( ( ) * (1 )) * 4
k k k
j m i m i m j m
k k
j m j m
Owing to interactions, the characteristics of the vector of differences (DV) of module i at
iteration m are also changed as follows :

= + -
, , , , 1
5 * ( ) (1 5) ,
k k k k
i m i m i m i m
DV p CV IV p DV p5<1 (13)
it is possible to say that CV is the long-term memory of a module and DV is its short-term
The modules with AL exceeding a threshold ( p8 in this model or p5 in the previous one) ,
also, influence the position of the center of perceptive spot. This position (center position or
CP) is determined at iteration m as follows:

= +
1 , 1
10 * ( )
i z
m m i m m
and =
i m
T i z if )
i m
AL p , otherwise

, 1 i m m
T CP . (14)
It is suggested the position of the left boundary of the system is 0 and that of the right
boundary is 1.
As is emphasized above, only the modules, which are within perceptive spot, are filled by
information from the environment, i.e. if |CP
i/z| p11, then for module i at iteration
= +
, 1
k k
i m m
IV E noise
and for modules which do not meet this inequality (15)

, 1
i m
IV noise .
The formulae for computing activation level (AL), output vector OV, and the environment
are identical those in model 1.
An idea underlying the usage of model is that under certain circumstances the input vectors
of modules i.e. the state of the environment and the vectors of coefficients in the system
ought to converge to each other. The results of a simulation intended to test this assumption
are presented in table 2. In this simulation as well as in the simulations below, the number of
modules in the system (z) was 300 and the vectors in each module were three-dimensional.
The constants of environment vector in this simulation were 10, 50, and 90, accordingly.
Perceptive spot covered all modules, and each module was able to interact with all of the
rest i.e. p2 and p11 were 0,95. The threshold for interactions (p3) was 4,2. The other
parameters are in Appendix, they were kept invariable through the other simulations. The
values averaged across the components of input vectors were used as the description of the

Intelligent Systems

influence of the environment and the averaged components of the vectors of coefficients
were considered as the characteristic of change in coefficients. The AL averaged across all
modules reflected activity in the whole system.

Iteration AL IV

1 0,3 15,03 -3,5 55,04 -3,78 94,87 -3,59
2 0,44 23,96 1,43 80,62 11,16 137,56 21,05
3 0,52 31,49 4,64 104,35 20,66 177,83 36,8
4 0,63 35,97 8,55 119,68 32,02 204,08 55,69
5 0,68 36,76 10,23 124,31 37,03 212,5 64,1
6 0,73 36,18 11,76 124,02 41,71 212,28 71,98
7 0,78 34,34 12,75 120,1 44,83 205,74 77,26
8 0,81 32,18 13,44 114,51 47,06 196,08 81,01
9 0,84 30,03 13,89 108,31 48,58 186,22 83,57
10 0,86 27,87 14,19 102,51 49,68 176,43 85,41
11 0,89 25,8 14,36 96,86 50,36 167,03 86,55
12 0,9 24,24 14,36 91,99 50,58 158,47 86,93
13 0,92 23,05 14,31 87,67 50,6 151,7 86,97
14 0,94 22,23 14,27 84,33 50,55 146,17 86,91
15 0,94 21,12 14,25 81,75 50,55 141,95 86,91
16 0,95 20,48 14,25 79,46 50,57 138,81 86,94
17 0,95 19,87 14,25 78,13 50,59 135,9 86,97
18 0,95 19,75 14,26 76,47 50,61 133,62 87,01
, IV
, IV
are the first, second, and third averaged components of input vectors; CV
, CV
, CV
are the
same components of the vectors of coefficients.
Table 2. Simulation of the convergence between input vectors and vectors of coefficients.
It is easy to see that input vectors and the vectors of coefficients indeed converged, though
this process was incomplete probably because, as the mean AL approached to 1, changes in
the system became practically impossible.
A goal-directed process was constructed as follows. First, one region of modules (or several
regions consecutively) was considered as perceptive spot and the state of modules within
this region was changed under a certain state of the environment. The position of the spot
could not be changed during this stage. This corresponds to the formation of stable
processors. And the modules beyond the spot were considered as flexible elements. At the
second stage, perceptive spot covered all modules of the system, which obtained
information from a neutral state of the environment. This stage, which corresponds to the
interaction between stable processors and flexible elements and the formation of a goal-
directed activity, is suggested to be rapid without interacting with the situation. Therefore,
at the second stage there was no feedback loop between the system and the environment. A
certain distribution of goals and means encoded by coefficient vectors and activation levels
resulted from this stage. At the last stage, a new, local perceptive spot was established and
the goal-directed process pursued its goal through interactions with the environment. The
position of spot was able to change within the third stage.

Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means

First, consider the simulation of a goal-directed process with a simple goal. At stage 1, the
constants of the environment were 80, 50, and 20. The center of perceptive spot was
established at 0,85, the size of perceptive spot (p11) was 0,2. In addition, at this stage, p2 was
0,2 and p3 was 4,2. This stage lasted until the mean AL exceeded 0,2. At stage 2 all constants
were 50 and the center of the spot was at 0,5 while p2 and p11 were 0,95 and p3 became 3 at
this and last stages. At the start of the last stage all constants were 30, and the center was
established at 0,25 while p2 and p11 were 0,2 again.
It was suggested that at stage 3 the process was to move perceptive spot to the right where
there were stable processors, thus increasing CP. The state of the vectors of coefficients in
the modules within the spot should meet the relationship between the components of
coefficient vectors of stable processors caused by the different constants of the environment
at stage 1. The components of input and coefficients vectors averaged across the modules
within perceptive spot were used to describe the state of the process along with AL
averaged across all modules. The results are in table 2
The table shows that at stage 3, the process was increasing CP and the relationship between
the components of the vectors of coefficients gradually became similar to that between
constants at stage 1. The opposite relationship between the components of input vectors
results from formula 7, after inserting a constant as an input vector in it and taking the
relationship between the components of CVs into account. Because the constants of the
environment were equal at stage 3, the coefficient vectors of the system were influenced by
these constants and, as a result, the relationship formed at stage 1 tended to disappear. This
corresponds to the completion of the process owing to the influence of the situation. It is
important to note that the action of the system cannot be explained by combination of the
perseveratory activity of trained modules and the inactivity of untrained ones. The fact that
at stage 3 the relationship between the components of the vectors of coefficients was already
weakly present at 0,48, considerably beyond the area of modules changed at stage 1 means
that a process including most modules indeed was formed at stage 2, while increasing the
mean AL at stage 3 implies activity in modules untrained at stage 1.
In another simulation, a process with a complex goal, including two constituents, was
formed. In this simulation, stage 1 was divided in two phases. At the first phase, all
constants were 20, the center of perceptive spot was at 0, 85, p3 was 4,2 while p2 and p11
were 0,2. After eight iterations this phase was completed, all constants became 80 and the
center of perceptive spot was moved to 0,65 without changing p2, p3, and p11. This was the
second phase of stage 1 and four iterations were performed. Stage 2 in this simulation was
the same as in the previous one. At the beginning of the last stage all constants were 10, and
the center was established at 0, 25 while p2 and p11 were 0, 2 again.
It was suggested that the process was to move the center of spot to the right and because
there could be two groups of stable processors. The components of the vectors of coefficients
within the spot could firstly increase and later decrease but the components of input vectors
might change in the opposite direction following formula 7. To some extent, this can be
considered as a very primitive form of multilevel activity.
Because at any moment all constants were identical, the components of input and
coefficients vectors in modules could be averaged within each vector and across all modules
in the spot. As a result, one number was sufficient to describe the state of input or

Intelligent Systems

coefficients vectors within the spot at any iteration. In addition, AL averaged across all
modules also was used as a characteristic of the process. The results of the simulation are in
figure 2, where for convenience, CP and AL were multiplied by 100.

Iteration CP AL Constant

Stage 1
1 0,85 0,11 80 50 20 85,19 54,83 24,83 3,64 3,64 3,92
2 0,85 0,13 80 50 20 84,91 55,2 25,02 11,95 8,27 4,56
3 0,85 0,14 80 50 20 84,37 55,07 24,86 22,51 14,76 6,63
4 0,85 0,16 80 50 20 88,36 57,55 25,88 29,22 19,01 8,32
5 0,85 0,17 80 50 20 91,84 59,46 27,14 33,77 22,06 9,67
6 0,85 0,18 80 50 20 94,44 61,1 28,59 37,65 24,72 10,98
7 0,85 0,18 80 50 20 95,65 62,54 28,69 40,13 26,32 11,8
8 0,85 0,19 80 50 20 95,82 61,48 28,09 42,11 27,62 12,48
9 0,85 0,19 80 50 20 95,86 61,5 27,57 43,29 28,36 12,92
10 0,85 0,21 80 50 20 95,51 61,68 28,58 44,13 28,86 13,19
Stage 2
11 0,5 0,27 50 50 50 55,13 55,24 55,43 15,9 10,55 5,24
12 0,5 0,31 50 50 50 55,02 55,03 55,36 18,53 13,46 8,5
13 0,5 0,35 50 50 50 54,98 55,26 55,23 22,69 18,16 13,69
14 0,5 0,39 50 50 50 55,16 55,16 55,37 25,41 21,35 17,43
Stage 3
15 0,25 0,4 30 30 30 35,15 35,25 35,34 19,74 19,79 19,89
16 0,33 0,4 30 30 30 32,36 33,76 35,65 19,42 19,55 19,73
17 0,39 0,41 30 30 30 32,49 33,77 35,07 18,99 19,19 19,23
18 0,43 0,41 30 30 30 33,1 34,59 35,79 17,86 17,96 18,18
19 0,48 0,42 30 30 30 33,38 34,52 35,28 17,75 17,44 17,12
20 0,51 0,42 30 30 30 34,03 34,19 36,29 17,85 17,1 16,35
21 0,55 0,42 30 30 30 34,42 35,37 36,28 18,04 16,88 15,55
22 0,57 0,43 30 30 30 35,72 36,51 38,02 17,82 16,49 14,83
23 0,6 0,43 30 30 30 36,07 37,1 38,73 18,05 16,49 14,58
24 0,61 0,43 30 30 30 35,94 37,92 38,61 18,34 16,68 14,82
25 0,62 0,43 30 30 30 37,52 38,04 39,53 18,4 16,77 14,98
26 0,63 0,44 30 30 30 37,32 38,14 39,41 18,66 16,96 15,26
27 0,64 0,44 30 30 30 38,42 39,43 40,34 18,65 17,11 15,68
28 0,64 0,44 30 30 30 38,17 39,83 40,62 18,8 17,32 16,08
29 0,65 0,44 30 30 30 38,59 39,65 40,52 19 17,66 16,55
30 0,65 0,45 30 30 30 39,41 40,04 40,87 19,28 17,99 16,95
, IV
, IV
are the first, second, and third averaged components of input vectors; CV
, CV
, CV
are the
same components of the vectors of coefficients.
Table 3. The simulation of a goal-directed process with a simple goal
In my opinion, all of these simulations demonstrate that the processes constructed can be
considered as goal-directed in the sense that there was a state (or states), which each
process attempted to achieve using certain means. It is important to note that no innate

Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means

criterion of functioning was used to construct and perform the processes and that the
goals of the processes treated as a source of sustainability and its means were constructed
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
Stage 1
Phase 1 Phase 2
Stage 2
Stage 3

Fig. 4. The simulation of a goal-directed process with a two-constituent goal
Of course, it is easy to see certain shortcomings of the models. For example, the second
process in model 2 was able to shift the center of the spot from one constituent to the other
only because they were nearby. If the constituents would be established at opposite
positions, such a shift would be impossible without changing the criterion of proximity.
However, as is pointed out above the models simply are intended to demonstrate how the
idea of joint synthesis can be applied to simulate goal-directed activity.
5. Future prospects
With the relevance of the idea of joint synthesis to simulate goal-directed activity as shown
by the models above, it seems useful to consider some theoretical perspectives of this
approach to the construction of intelligent systems. First, it is of importance to note that the
consideration of the joint synthesis as the basic class of human activity and intelligence does
not mean the abandonment of other classes and approaches. Indeed, successful attempts to
achieve natural functionality often are not based on the imitation of a natural architecture
for example, cars can be considered as analogous to horses but cars have no legs, etc.

Intelligent Systems

Similarly, it is not necessary that the joint synthesis is the only way to create full-scale
artificial intelligence.
Though the joint synthesis seems appropriate to construct local projects like the models
above, I will concentrate on the construction of general artificial intelligence. In my position,
the construction of general AI should be a consequence of gradual changes within a system
associated with its temporal functioning and complication, i.e. a result of a shift from short
term processes with simple goals and means to long-term processes with multilevel goals
and complex methods. It is suggested that, although such a system may have complex
innate architecture, the main source of its development is interactions with the systems
environment via feedback loops.
The mechanism of joint synthesis is suggested to be a basis for such development. Indeed,
because no innate criterion for the construction of goals is used, there are no constraints for
the complication of goals. An appropriate means can be constructed for any goal because
goals and means are constructed together,. As a result, the system is, in principle, able to
adapt to any condition of training. It is suggested that the system can use blackboard
architecture with flexible elements, then the formation and/or changes in elements can be
considered as learning. The key component of the models above is the functional proximity
that determines the possibility of the interaction between modules. It can be supposed that,
in the hypothetical system, functional proximity can be dynamically changed in regard with
the complexity and diversity of the systems components. The increase in the duration of
goal-directed process may result from alterations in something similar to AL in the models
It can be suggested that the system should be able to create and use something similar to
symbols. The generation of symbols may be performed as follows: because means in the
system are constructed along with goals the system should be able to describe input and/or
output information caused by these means in the terms consistent with goals and to
prescribe a label associated with a goal to a sequence of such descriptions, thus creating
symbols. The advantage of this method is that such symbols are grounded in the ongoing
activity and therefore they can be used to construct novel goals and means through the
involvement of symbols in the systems blackboard. Of course, this mechanism of
symbolization can be gradual like changes in the duration of goal-directed processes. That
is, at the beginning, the system will prescribe labels for the short sequences of ongoing states
and gradually to for the longer and more complex ones.
It seems that the gradual increase in complexity and duration of goal-directed activities is a
mechanism underlying human maturation. Indeed, in babyhood, the goal-directed activities
of infants can be described as very short-term with primitive means but the activities of
adults are long-lasting often life-ranging processes with very complex, hierarchical means
and developed language. Therefore, the imitation of gradual human growth may be an
effective way to achieve the human complexity of goal-directed activity and intelligence.
Of course, emphasis on the joint synthesis does not imply that other methods cannot be
used within the given approach. For example, the criterion of minimal construction costs
permits the system to synthesize a goal and means in any situation but if the minimum of
costs found by the system is too local then the goal and means synthesized may be
inappropriate to the situation. This mechanism seems to be an explanation for the fact that

Intelligent Biosystems and the Idea of the Joint Synthesis of Goals and Means

people sometimes are unable to solve simple problems, though their knowledge and skills
are sufficient to find the right solution. To avoid similar difficulties an AI system may use
the goals and means constructed jointly as a seed point in some cases and afterwards
searches for goals and methods that are more suitable.
6. Conclusion
Since the advent of first computers, the idea of construction of artificial intelligence similar to
that of human beings has driven the work of thousands of brilliant scientists and engineers.
However, the result of their activity seems unsatisfactory as compared to, for example,
advances in computer hardware. One of the most fundamental reasons for this situation may
be that the mechanisms of human intelligence are unclear. Though the imitation of human
intelligence is not a necessary characteristic of artificial intelligence, obviously a particular
view on human intelligence is a very important heuristic. Therefore, an incorrect
understanding of human intelligence can be a serious obstacle to construct intelligent systems.
Intelligence is a characteristic of goal-directed systems and two classes of such systems can be
easily derived from observations of animals and human beings. In my opinion, the classes that
underlie most approaches to the construction of artificial intelligence are not sufficient to
explain human activity. A broader classification of goal-directed activities suggests such
processes can be described as a two-dimensional structure rather than a one-dimension one. In
such structure there is a cell where in my opinion, humans can be located i.e., humans are
goal-directed systems that synthesize arbitrary goals and means together. Though the idea of
joint synthesis seems contradictory to some aspects of everyday experience, it is consistent
with psychological evidence. In addition, there is neural evidence favoring this supposition.
Simple computer models demonstrate that the idea of joint synthesis can be applied to
simulate goal-directed activity. I suggest that the idea of joint synthesis can be a useful method
to advance research in the construction of intelligent systems.
7. Appendix
Model 1
; p3=0,99; p4=0,001
Model 2
p1=1; p4=2; p5=0, 3; p6=0,98; p7=0,5; p8=0,3; p9=0,8; p10=0,8
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Wood J.N. & Grafman J. (2003). Human prefrontal cortex: processing and representational
perspectives. Nature Review Neuroscience, 4, 139147.
Innovative Intelligent Services for
Supporting Cognitively Impaired
Older Adults and Their Caregivers
Anelia Mitseva
, Sofoklis Kyriazakos
, Antonis Litke
, Paolo Barone
Alessandro Mamelli
, Nikolaos Papadakis
and Neeli R. Prasad

North Denmark EU-Office/Aalborg Municipality,
Center for TeleInFrastructure/Aalborg University,
Converge ICT Solutions,
Hewlett Packard Italy,
1. Introduction
1.1 European pilot project ISISEMD
ISISEMD project started in March 2009 is a European pilot project with the main aim to
design, implement and test in real-life conditions innovative intelligent services for older
adults with mild cognitive impairments and their formal and family care-givers (ISISEMD,
2009). Their ultimate goal is to improve the Quality of Life of the elderly and to help them to
live more independently. The technology service platform is integration of systems from
Hewlett Packard (Italy), Alcatel-Lucent (Italy), Converge ICT Solutions (Greece), Eltronic
A/S (Denmark) and Socrate Medical (Italy). The service platform has been tested, validated
and evaluated in four different European pilot sites (Frederikshavn in Denmark,
Lappeenranta in Finland, Trikala in Greece and Belfast in UK) for a duration of more than
one year and based on the outcome from the real-life operations and user feedback, it has
been optimised, improved and adapted for diverse regional conditions. This has been a very
challenging process because the user and functional requirements are very high w.r.t.
intuitive user interface with minimum user interaction, diverse needs of the main user
groups, personalisation needs, requirements for stable operation despite of the fact that it is
a pilot system, but working in real-life conditions and exposed to interruptions in
connectivity, hardware failures, human errors, etc.
1.2 Understanding the unmet needs of the end-user groups of ISISEMD services
According to the 2009 World Alzheimer Report, the number of people with dementia in
Europe is conservatively anticipated to increase by 40% over the next 20 years mainly due to
the increase in the ageing population (ALZ, 2009). This means that, due to limited resources,

Intelligent Systems

there will be a significant challenge for the social care providers to meet their needs when
the illness progresses. Currently, this group of citizens lives in the community and is being
taken care of by their families which exposes them to care stress, social isolation, reduced
employment and in many cases also leading to health deterioration. There are many types of
dementia and for each person the disease develops individually. In general this group of
older adults lacks structure of the day, their abstract thinking is drastically reduced, there
are risks for home incidents from fire or a food forgotten on the cooker or they can get lost
outside their home. All these risks prevent them to live independently and their family care-
givers suffer a lot of stress and reduced quality of life. Their Quality of Life (QOL) can be
maintained or increased and care stress can be reduced if intelligent technology services
give the family care-givers a helping hand to notify about risks in the home or provide
support information to the elderly person (EP) about the current day and time, upcoming
appointments, etc. ISISEMD services have been initially designed for three main end-user
groups the older adults with mild dementia or mild cognitive impairments, their informal
care-givers (partners, closest family, neighbours) and the formal carers.
The holistic approach of the ISISEMD services has a big potential for a positive impact but
this requires a smart system with very high level of autonomous operation and
intelligence of the services so they provide the exact type of home support needed for the
specific dyad elderly-family care-giver, with minimum interaction from the elderly and
care-givers part. At the same time, the technology and the services must be invisible for
the users and require very little or no user interaction at all.
The major contribution of ISISEMD project is that it aims at improving quality of life of
fragile user groups by offering home support technology services in a holistic way, fulfilling
most of their un-met needs. It involves all relevant end-user groups in the whole process of
design, validation and assessment of the intelligent services in real-life conditions and in
diverse regional settings. In this way it advances the developments one step closer in
understanding the challenges that accompany the process of introducing Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) services to older adults with mild cognitive impairments
living in the community and their care-givers. Last but not least, it shares hands-on
experiences and best practices.
1.3 Chapter outline
The challenges listed above were addressed by introducing intelligence in almost all of the
services, in data and profile management, in the networking and in the integration and
optimisation process. In this chapter we describe the final outcome of 30-month efforts,
presented as follows: Section 2 presents a short overview of ISISEMD services. Section 3
focuses on highlighting the intelligent features in the service functionalities. Section 4
describes how ISISEMD project advances State-of-the-Art for intelligent systems and the
advantages of ISISEMD system in comparison with other systems. Section 5 gives details
how the services were piloted in real-life. Qualitative technical evaluation, service validation
and user evaluation for satisfaction and acceptance were carried out and outcome from
them is presented in Sections 6, 7 and 8 respectively. The positive impact from the use of the
services is depicted with examples of success stories and users statements in Section 9.
The chapter is concluded in Section 10.
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers

2. ISISEMD service platform a short overview
The overall architecture of ISISEMD is composed in such a way that on one hand it fulfils
the service requirements, and on the other hand it addresses the reality to make the different
systems (also identified as x-Servers) to be integrated into a whole with a web-portal
functioning as a common entry point for the ISISEMD system. The portal is the actual single
point of entrance into the ISISEMD system and is the component responsible for the
management of the users as well as the association of users with services and other users. It
contains various functional sub-components such as a User Management module, an
Authentication and Authorisation module, a Logging module, and a Reporting module. At
the user side, the central unit is a computer with a touch screen, which is called Carebox.
High level architecture of ISISEMD platform is presented on the figure below.

Fig. 1. High level architecture of the ISISEMD service platform
ISISEMD services for cognitively impaired adults include (Table 1): home and personal
safety observations; reminders and prompts for basic daily activities pre-defined
reminders exist but there is also the possibility to set up and show personalised free text
reminders; services for cognitive stimulation (Memory Lane shows a picture slide show on
the Carebox and Brain Games that can be played on the Carebox); video communication
service with care-givers; location service when the person is out of the home with the help of
a simple GPS device called Lommy; emergency contact button in the home (Help button on
the Carebox touch screen) and outside the home (panic button on the GPS device).
ISISEMD services for the formal (FCG) and informal care-givers (ICG) include: alerts,
notifications, and alarm services which are distributed by mobile phone or email; an overview
of daily activities shown on the portal; video-call service for communication with the elderly;

Intelligent Systems

lifestyle pattern information over a period of time and remote doctor service. The added value
for the informal care-givers relies on the fact of reducing the care stress towards an elder
person and of being able to have the ability to receive information about potentially dangerous
situations for their relative. This gives the feeling of safety for the beloved people and to be
able to use the services without having any extensive knowledge on ICT - for instance a
relative who takes care for the partner can be also a senior citizen. More details for the
characteristics of the end-user groups and the added value for them from using the ICT
services are provided in (Mitseva et al., 2009).
Service type Service name Validation status
Home safety
Cooking monitor
Validated during the
real-life pilot operation
Smoke/ Fire detection alarm
Kitchen/Bathroom flood
Fridge door alarm
Leaving bed during night for
long time
Wake up sensor
Intelligent front door
Structure of the day and
contact to informal care-
givers in case of emergency
To Do List,
Calendar, Time/Date Validated during the
real-life pilot operation Help/Contact request on the
touch screen
Cognitive stimulation
Brain Games Validated during the
real-life pilot operation Memory Lane
Communication with care-
Partially validated
during the real-life
pilot operation
Communication with health
and care professionals
Remote Doctor Demo evaluation
Medication Manager
Not validated during
the real-life pilot
Outdoor safety
Outdoor positioning
Validated during the
real-life pilot operation
Panic button with outdoor
Fall alarm outdoor
Professional care-givers
Lifestyle Pattern
Partially validated
during the real-life
pilot operation
Table 1. List of ISISEMD services
Similarly, the ISISEMD platform adds value to the social care providers. They can
unobtrusively monitor some activities that take place in homes and outdoors through general
purpose, off-the-shelf devices. They have the ability to save travel time for performing
unnecessary homes visits to the clients and to communicate remotely with the elderly clients
using video-call service, and in this way, there is more time for care for more clients.
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers

The table above gives an overview of the ISISEMD services. In the following sections we
focus on the intelligent features of the service platform.
3. Intelligence in the service platform
One of the advantages of the ISISEMD system is the hidden intelligence in the provided
services. The basic idea is to abstract the services and make them transparent so the end
users cannot actually realise the system complexity as they may not have much knowledge
on ICT and this is not expected either. Drawing on this, the services act and pro-act in such a
way that they are to define any critical circumstances that might occur before these actually
happen and thus, they try to anticipate any consequences (e.g. the relatives of a person will
receive a notification if the person is cooking for longer time than expected, anticipating
thus a possible danger of having a fire in the home). This intelligence is possible to
implement through a high-end home automation system identified as the Ecosystem.
3.1 Home safety services
Home safety services consist of sensors for monitoring the safety in the home environment.
They function through sending email/sms to care-givers, posting alarms or notification
messages on the web portal in cases of alarm events from the intelligent front door sensor,
cooking monitor, fridge door sensor, fire/smoke sensor, flood detection sensor, bed sensors
and/or motion detectors.
The Ecosystem part of the Carebox technically consists of a virtual machine that runs a local
instance of an Ecosystem Domotics server, which is a reduced set of services and processes
tailored for the specific requirements. This server is responsible for monitoring and
responding to events from the various input sensors in the patients home. A special
ISISEMD-specific service installed on each Domotics module is responsible for relaying
those events up to the central X-Server hub process on the portal-side of the server to be
evaluated and acted upon if required. Through this fact, a delegation of intelligence is
possible to the first level of reaction so as to increase the efficiency of the whole system.
An example of domotic service operation is explained by the control of the home cooker -
the event is triggered by the fact that the person turns on the cooker. This activates an event
of setting the appropriate timers that will monitor the duration of the cooker being on. Alert
messages will be issued accordingly and the measures will be taken in such a way that will
prohibit an accident and preventing fires, etc. Respective workflows are triggered by events
captured by other sensors.
Elderly person is staying at home alone and the home is equipped with the aforementioned
home automation services for preventing the events that have been mentioned. The services
are pre-configured and running in the background without disturbing his daily life.
Whenever the events that trigger the services are activated, the workflows will start-up to
deliver the services.
3.1.1 Cooking monitor service
The purpose of having installed a cooking monitor in the elderly peoples homes is
significant for the safety of receiving an alarm in case of having forgotten to turn off the

Intelligent Systems

cooker. If an elderly has forgotten to turn off the cooker, a care-giver will be able to view the
current status displayed on the portal when logging in. For instance, on the service page on
the portal, it will be displayed if an elderly has started cooking, cooking on or not
cooking and the last time when this event took place will also be illustrated. If for instance
the cooker has been on for a while or for too long, the system will send the information
containing an alert message (email/sms) to the care-giver. At the same time, at elderlys
home, a voice message will be played to the elderly person from the Carebox, and a blinking
message will turn up on the top part of the Carebox screen to warn him/her about the
forgotten activity. The duration for cooking before receiving an alert is to be adjusted
depending on the life style pattern of the specific elderly person. For example, the time for
the duration of a cooker being turned on for a while can be adjusted before it is to trigger an
alarm to care-givers. The voice and text message for cooking for a while is a prompt for the
elderly to react, defined as first level reaction. Then if the system detects that there is no
response from the elderly, an alarm could be sent to care-giver for example that the cooker
has not been turned off for more than a pre-defined period of time this is characterised as
the second level reaction. All these events, communicated as cooker on, cooker off, message
for cooking for a while or for too long, are posted on the message board on the web portal
for overview purpose of the daily activities. The workflow for this service is depicted on
Figure 2 below.
Depending on the preferences of the regional care provider and the family care-givers, the
cooking monitoring service can work with either one of the three installations - one
temperature sensor, with two temperature sensors or with a power relay. In case of two
temperature sensors, a threshold for temperature difference can be adjusted from the web
3.1.2 Smoke/fire detection service
The purpose of the smoke/fire alarm is to send information for smoke or fire alarm to the
web portal. Furthermore, the system notifies the elderly person on the Carebox about the
dangerous situation. At the same time it notifies the caregivers by SMS or email. If care-
giver accesses this service, a care-giver can see if a fire alarm is in progress, the last time
when a fire alarm may have occurred, and if so, the care-giver can view the time when it
ended (i.e. it was reset). All these events are posted on the web portal in the list with recent
events so the care-giver can see them. If there is event smoke/fire alarm ON, at the same
time the system shows a blinking message on the top line of the Carebox and is telling to
the elderly person that there is smoke/fire detected in the home and he/she needs to react.
This notification is repeated periodically on the Carebox until the event smoke/fire alarm
OFF is detected by the system. Improvement suggested during the real-life pilot operation
for the smoke/fire alarm service was to send one additional SMS - initially the service was
designed to send one SMS in case of alarm on event but there was a need for similar
notification SMS for alarm off event and this was implemented. This was needed because
of some cases with false alarms during the test period and also due to the fact that very often
more than one relative receives SMS alarms but depending on their agreement, one is to
react in case of incident. The second SMS was to inform all of them that there is no more
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers


Fig. 2. Workflow for service cooking monitor
3.1.3 Fridge door service
This service monitors the door of the refrigerator. Once the elderly person opens the
refrigerator door, the system will wait for it to be closed after a certain predefined time
period. If it is not closed in the specified amount of time, an alert will be issued:
Letting a caregiver know if the door has been forgotten open for too long by email or
The open, close or alarm events will be posted on the portal
The following parameter can be adjusted: Time duration, since the fridge door was
opened, after which to send an alert to a caregiver that the fridge door has probably
been forgotten open (specified in minutes).
If there is an alarm situation, the system shows a blinking message on the top line of the
Carebox and is telling to the elderly that the fridge door has been opened for too long and
he/she needs to react. This notification is repeated periodically on the Carebox until the
event fridge door closed is detected by the system.
3.1.4 Bed service
Alarm is triggered if an elderly has left the bed for a long time during the night.
Furthermore, this service allows a caregiver to be notified about disturbances or significant
alterations in the patients sleep pattern. From the service page, a caregiver can view
whether the elderly person is in the bed or not, the last time the patient sat or slept on it, and
the last time the elderly person got up from the bed.

Intelligent Systems

The service can send the following alerts:
If an elderly person has been on the bed too long time (a case in which the care-giver
assumes that the elderly might be experiencing difficulty or health issues).
If an elderly person has left the bed too long time during a certain period of time (such
as night time) and which might mean that elderly person has fallen down.
The following three parameters can be adjusted:
Time duration after which an alarm is issued, if an elderly is still in bed (specified in
Time duration, during night time (see next parameter) after which a care-giver
should be alerted if the elderly is out of bed.
The start and end times of the night time period. These two times tell the service what
time is considered to be night time, i.e. the period during which the care-giver wants
to receive alerts if the elderly leaves the bed for a certain time (see previous parameter).
Example of these parameters is when the system raises an alarm if the patient is in bed for
longer than 10 hours, and also in case the patient left the bed between 10pm and 6am for
longer than one hour (specified as 60 minutes). Since very often the elderly person takes a
nap in the afternoon, it was suggested by the regional partners that additional time period
of afternoon sleep is defined, similar to the night-time sleep period. However, this could not
be implemented in the time frame of the project.
3.1.5 Intelligent front door service
This service monitors the status of the elderlys front door and monitors the presence of the
elderly in the home with the help of motion detection (and bed sensor information if such a
sensor is installed). On the main service page a care-giver can see the status of the front
door, as well as the last times it was opened or closed and the last time a movement was
recorded in the home.
Line for current status also shows whether the system has assumed that the elderly is
present in the home or not at this moment. The system makes this conclusion by monitoring
the various sensors, such as cooking sensor, door activity sensor, fridge door activity sensor,
motion detection activity sensor. Each time when an activity is detected by one of these
sensors it assumes that the elderly is active and in the home. The service also monitors the
bed status (if bed sensor is installed), so that if there is no activity but the elderly is sleeping
then this too will indicate an elderlys presence in the home. If there is no activity on any of
these sensors for a certain amount of time (customisable from the service screen in the web
portal) then the system will report to care-givers that the elderly is absent from the home
and will make notification accordingly. Alerts are sent if the front door has been opened for
more than a certain amount of minutes, when an elderly is absent from the house for certain
hours and if an elderly is assumed to be absent from home for too long time.
The front door alarm is a service that can be customised depending on the elderly life
pattern. For this purpose, four parameters can be adjusted according to:
Time duration after which the front door will issue an alert if it stays opened, specified
in minutes.
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers

Time duration of inactivity that determines when the system decides that the patient is
out of the home (see above description).
Time duration after which the system will issue an alert if the elderly is considered
inactive (see above description), specified in minutes.
The start and end times of the night time period. These two times tell the service what
time is considered to be night time, i.e. the period during which the care-giver wants
to receive alerts if the patient leaves the home.
During the pilot operation, there were some cases when bed sensors could not be used for
example the elderly sleeps on a folding sofa and a bed sensor cannot be installed or if the
elderly does not want to have a bed sensor installed due to some health problems. In this
case, the current settings of this service cannot allow for optimal operation during the night
period. Therefore, one of the suggestions for improvement was for the intelligent front door
service to work without considering information from the bed sensor during the night.
However, the final solution could not be implemented by the end of the project; instead a
temporary solution was found for the special cases.
3.2 Carebox for the end-user
The only visible interface toward the ISISEMD platform for the elderly persons is the touch
screen-enabled device installed in their homes. The motivations behind the selection of such
kind of device are multiple:
1. First of all, it is very difficult for people with cognitive impairments to learn how to
interact with new technologies: since they tend to forget what they already know, it
would not be effective at all introducing in their life new elements that are not familiar
to them
2. In addition, for the same reason described above, the need for direct interaction
between them and the system must be reduced to the minimum, if not eliminated
3. Finally, in the cases where such interactions cannot be eliminated, they must be
performed in the simplest and more intuitive modality possible
The touch screen-enabled device selected for providing the ISISEMD services for the end
user can fulfil the above-mentioned requirements in the way that:
1. The shape, dimensions and aspect of the device are indeed identical to the ones of a
television set, an appliance whose diffusion, in the last fifty years, has reached almost
every home (at least in the developed countries). This means that it can be introduced in
the elderly persons homes in a natural manner
2. The device can provide different interaction levels; the level for each end-user can be
configured (at any time and remotely) by a care-giver based on the level of impairment.
In the simplest configuration, no interaction possibilities at all are provided
3. The touch screen modality is currently the simplest and more intuitive technology
available to interact with a computing system, which requires a very low level of
training and cognitive capabilities
From a functional perspective, the device plays several roles:
Acts as the collector for all the messages that must be shown to the end-user. Running
an intelligent software module, it makes decisions on when a message must be

Intelligent Systems

delivered and, based on several static and dynamic parameters - such as the user
profile, the configuration made by the care-givers, the importance of the event to be
notified, the surrounding context - what the proper formats for the delivery are (e.g.
only text, text and audio message, text and sound, etc.)
Allows the user to proactively use the platform by pressing a single soft button on the
graphical user interface (GUI) to ask assistance from the care-givers. This can be
accomplished by pressing with a finger on a help button which triggers the sending of
notification messages in the form of SMS or email, or a button for receiving a video-
conference session
Stimulates the cognitive capabilities of mild-dementia affected people by displaying
information that helps them in maintaining the structure of the day (e.g. date and time)
and the memories (e.g. slide show of personal pictures meaningful to them). Provides
possibility to the elderly to confirm an activity by pressing a single soft button on
GUI if elderly is able to interact with the system
The intelligent software module running on the device is constantly in communication with
a central server module and is capable to enable/disable in real-time every single service
provisioned, based on the configuration decided by a care-giver. Accordingly, it repaints the
GUI elements displayed on the screen adding or removing them dynamically, for example
by adding a new upcoming event in the list of Next events. In addition to this, the module
constantly considers the user context, leveraging the device equipment (e.g. the embedded
web camera) or data coming from other devices (e.g. domotic sensors) and takes decisions
based on the current situation.
Here follow some examples:
During the night time the system enters an energy saving mode by turning off the
screen. Such modality is interrupted (the screen is displayed again) if movement is
detected in the surrounding by the context monitoring module
Multimedia alarm messages related to dangerous conditions in the home (e.g. a fire
alarm or a cooker left on for a long time) are played on the device speakers and shown
on the device screen on behalf of the domotic module. In this way, the elderly person
can react to the situation (e.g. switching off the cooker) or, in case he/she does not
within a pre-configured timeframe, alarm messages are sent to the care-givers and
relatives in form of SMS and email
In case of external conditions that temporarily prevent the module to provide some of
the functionalities (e.g. instable network connection), it changes the display layout
showing proper notification messages which inform of the unavailability of one or more
services. At the same time, a server side module is capable of detecting the error
conditions and of alerting the proper actors (for example the service support team) to
take action. As soon as the error conditions disappear, the module automatically
returns in full-operation mode. Notifications are sent also to the care-givers.
The layout of the GUI displayed on the Carebox and the related contents are strongly
dependent on the settings made by the care-givers for each end-user. As already mentioned,
the system is quite flexible, so that the care-givers can enable/disable at runtime a different
set of services for each user depending on the level of cognitive impairments. Such
configuration is made by accessing the web portal. Anyway, there is a core set of essential
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers

services that are provisioned to all the end users (since they are strictly related to their
safety) that require the delivery of notifications to them by means of the Carebox. Such
notifications can be divided into two main categories:
1. Messages coming from the domotic sensors, which are strictly related to the end-user
2. Messages configured by the care-givers on the web portal which should help the end
user in maintaining the structure of the day
The configuration for messages of type 1 is made by the care-giver by accessing the
Domotic services section of the web portal, and by filling the proper settings as described
in the previous section on domotic-related services.
The configuration for messages of type 2 is made by accessing the To Do List and
Calendar section of the web portal. This section provides the caregivers with a huge set of
possibilities for configuring and scheduling the prompt messages that must be shown on the
screen of an end user:
It is possible either to choose among a pre-defined set of commonly used messages or to
create custom ones, so called free text reminders
It can be selected the format for the notification: text, audio or both
It is possible to associate a sound to the message, to catch the end-users attention
It can be defined how many times the message must be played and shown before
disappearing from the screen and the interval among repetitions
The system allows to configure every desired scheduling pattern for the message:
One-time only at a specified date and time
Recurring message (every day, once a week, once a month, once a year at the same
Recurring only in specified date ranges
It is possible for care-givers to specify, for each configured reminder, if a corresponding
confirmation button must appear on the Carebox screen together with the message. If
the message is not confirmed (e.g. the end user does not press the confirmation button),
notifications are sent to the caregiver by SMS and email
In case the reminder requires confirmation, the care-givers can define on the service
page some rules for how and when they want to receive SMS or email messages in case
of missing confirmation
Every Carebox is constantly in communication with the server-side module handling the
configuration of the reminders and updates in almost real time for every modification,
which affects the set of messages to display.
3.3 Knowledge and data management
In general knowledge management comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an
organisation to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and
experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in
individuals or embedded in organisational processes or practice.
In ISISEMD platform knowledge is being used in order to assist the care-givers to take the
appropriate decisions. Knowledge comprises the aggregated information gathered from

Intelligent Systems

various sources (sensors, log data, events, etc) and is being considered in the service
A dedicated service directly related with this is a Lifestyle pattern service. This service is not
based on one workflow. It is a rather complex service that has to do with monitoring and
logging the various events that happen in the domotics and Carebox environment of the
elderly and in the sequel applying Business Intelligence in order to derive the patterns and
the life style of the elderly. Based on this, important conclusions can be made for further
optimisation of the home automations and care-giver strategies can be better adapted.
3.4 System optimisation for real-life operation
During the pilot operation, diverse interruptions of the normal system operation were
observed due to some real-life factors, e.g. internet disconnection problems, high sensitivity
of the touch screen, etc., all of them leading to generating false alarms or service
unavailability. Therefore, additional layer of intelligence was introduced by fall back
solutions and allowing for a higher tolerance to interruptions without jeopardising the
safety of the end user. Also in case of planned technical maintenance operations, messages
are sent to all care-givers and in case of portal or x- servers unavailability, a notification is
sent to the technical support team.
4. Advancing state-of-the-art for intelligent systems
4.1 Service oriented architecture
One of the major challenges for ISISEMD platform is the sustainability in the long-run,
which can only be guaranteed if the technology can support a long term evolution,
considering the user needs and the competition. Therefore, ISISEMD platform deploys a
pure Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that ensures the service integrity and the
extensibility of the platform.
Service level agreement (SLA)-based web service infrastructures are the key for driving
automation and system dynamics for ISISEMD platform. Web Services Distributed
Management (WSDM) specifications and Web Services (WS)-Management only support a
crude description of consumer-centric Quality of Service (QoS) properties not suitable to
fully describe ISISEMD application requirements. However, the main challenge for
ISISEMD is the specification of a QoS at the various levels in the value chain, including the
ability to translate of high-level business objectives to low-level resource provisioning
policies. Furthermore, well-defined metrics need to exist at all levels to allow monitoring
and reporting of service usage against SLAs.
ISISEMD applications necessarily involve a network of services for their implementation.
The application workflows involved, including both data and control flows, can be complex
and require explicit support for e-care aspects and constraints.
The use of workflows for "programming in the large" to compose web services has led to
significant interest in a standard workflow language within the web services stack. WS-
BPEL (BPEL) has major industry support and was created through the agreed merge of their
earlier web service composition languages WSFL and XLANG respectively. WS-BPEL and is
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers

being promoted as a standard through OASIS (BPEL). The work of the workflow
management coalition WfMC (WFMC) with the resulting XPDL standard (XPDL) provides a
higher level of abstraction of workflow and aims to provide a format for process design. The
focus of BPEL, and most business-oriented workflow languages, is control flow. Extensive
research on workflow control patterns has shown that all languages have limitations in
terms of what can be easily expressed (AALST, 2003). This insufficient expressivity and lack
of rigorous semantics to allow automated checks on correctness and completeness mean that
BPEL and related languages are unlikely to be a suitable foundation for ISISEMD.
The scientific community has also conducted considerable research into information and
data processing applications that have similarities to some of the ISISEMD applications.
However, these languages and tools do not support the constructs needed in ISISEMD and
are not designed for Business to Business (B2B) applications that require distributed
management, and trust and security based on the emerging industry Web Service standards.
Beyond this, comes research into intelligent, autonomous, goal-oriented and knowledge-
based service infrastructures. These infrastructures include facilities for: dynamic
negotiation, adaptation and configuration; intelligent scheduling, resource and service
selection; and optimised job execution and management. The infrastructure itself is able to
decide on how to react in case of unexpected situations using self-organisation, self-
management, etc. Of particular relevance to ISISEMD is the use of semantic service
descriptions to facilitate autonomic discovery, composition and use of services, for example
within an organisation as an approach to resource management.
ISISEMD makes heavy use of emerging web service standards, including the areas of
semantic service descriptions, SLAs and agreements, workflow and orchestration,
management, trust and security, and transport and messaging. A significant research
element of the work includes determining exactly how to apply and extend these standards
in order to support ISISEMD applications. A particular challenge is balancing the use of
industry standards, which are the key to meeting business to business needs and hence
exploitation of the ISISEMD results. The standards that ISISEMD consider and engage with
are manifold. Competing proposals from industry vendors may eventually converge
through consolidation, but whilst this has the potential to improve interoperability, it often
does so at the expense of compromising the specification.
In particular, ISISEMD adopts WS-Convergence where possible and evaluate/build
upon/adapt the standards used for management, in particular to enable distributed
management of networks of services that deliver real time applications in inter-organisation
value-chains. Moreover, it uses Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS) and Web
Ontology Language (OWL), for formally describing SLA terms and their relationships,
including QoS attributes of e-care applications. In particular, we address the problem of
mapping high-level business objectives to low-level resource provisioning policies in a more
automated, robust and verifiable way.
4.2 Potentials of ISISEMD services and limitations
Summarising the key features and comparing them with the existing solutions available in
the market, ISISEMD service platform has the following advantages:

Intelligent Systems

Different levels of interaction and easy interactive features, allowing the elderly to ask
for contact&help, confirm actions, play cognitive stimulation games, receive video calls
Highly customized and targeting all user groups involved in care provision for a person
with mild dementia or cognitive impairments and the person himself
Integrated system with open architecture that can be easily extended with new features
in the future
Focuses on mild dementia persons in a holistic way, looking at all their needs (home
and person safety, promote independence, prevent social isolation, increase quality of
life, etc)
Maintain or increase quality of life not only to persons with mild dementia, but also for
the relatives who suffer care stress and are also socially isolated because of caring for
the dementia relative
Able to offer additional services with disease progression
On the other hand studying the competition, following points have to be considered:
An end-to-end service approach should be addressed, so that this solution can be easily
deployed. That includes: helpdesk, formal and informal care-givers, technicians, all
accessible through a single entity
The breakeven requires a large number of installations in order to have affordable
service cost
5. Pilot operation and user evaluations
The pilot operation activities started with final testing of the integrated platform and the
beginning of the real-life pilot operation. During 15 months (May 2010-August 2011) the
pilots were used by the test users under realistic conditions older adults in their homes;
the professional care-givers in their work tasks, performing their daily work to care for the
elderly; the informal care-givers/family, also in their everyday activities to care for the
seniors. The services were first tested in a smaller scale, with a few end-users at three of the
pilot sites for a period of 3-4 months, in order to identify if any major problems exist before
the large scale testing with all users during the rest of the testing period. Small scale pilots
were carried out in all of the regions, except in the region of Trikala, with 2-3 home
installations in each of the regions.
Since the launch of the services, in three of the regions demo-rooms have been installed and
in the fourth region the system was installed in the home of one of the formal care-givers.
The demo-rooms existed in addition to the home installations and had the following goals:
Demonstration of the services to potential test participants and their relatives they
were able to see, and experience the system before deciding to join the controlled study
and were convinced that it is very user friendly and also aesthetically acceptable
In these demo rooms, the formal care-givers were able to try in reality the system and
provide final feedback to technical partners for usability and functionality and
suggestions for improvement
Potential end-users were introduced to the services and training was provided to them
Personnel from care-giver organisations gained hands-on experience with the services
and became more confident in usage of the system and learnt how to report technical
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers

Last but not least, the demo rooms were used as living labs because the improvements
of the services were carried out in parallel with the pilot operation and in all cases the
improvements were first applied and proofed in the demo machines, and then
transferred to the home installations of the test users
In August 2010 the partners had a meeting to discuss experiences from the small scale pilot
operation and how to make the transition to the full scale pilot operation more efficiently. In
this way, the full pilot operation started in September 2010 and continued until the end of
the project (August 2011).
To evaluate the effects of using the services in real-life, we followed overall assessment
framework and carried out 15-month controlled study in the four European regions
involving 71 elderly, 71 informal care-givers and around 15 formal care-givers, assessing
baseline and final status of cognitive impairments, daily functioning and quality of life of
the older adults. For the informal care-givers, quality of life and care stress were assessed. In
the end of the controlled study, all groups were asked to evaluate their satisfaction and
acceptability of the ICT services and their importance for care; the potential to promote
independence and to increase feeling of safety. In three of regions, except in the region of
Frederikshavn, the trial participants were split in intervention and control groups.
Significant results from the pilot operation were achieved even though the roll out of the
pilots was more complicated than initially anticipated. There were a number of challenges to
be addressed during the real-life pilot operation; some of those were not dependent on the
consortium. The partners worked together and in many cases they were resolving technical
issues in non-working hours/days based on good will and because of the eagerness to
achieve a high impact. The whole process has been a positive learning experience for all of
The fact that most of the test users and their relatives are satisfied, feel safer and confident
with ISISEMD services, is a significant result that is not measurable. Even somehow
sceptical in the beginning, after giving them time to get used to the services, the elderly and
their relatives accept the technology and can see the opportunities for positive impact. The
relatives can better feel the difference by using the services in comparison with the elderly,
because due to the disease, it is difficult for the elderly to think abstractly and understand it.
6. Outcome from technical evaluations - non-functional aspects
Technical evaluation was carried out to determine whether the system requirements were
fulfilled by testing the services after the components of the system have been integrated into
one system. The system evaluation had two aspects: Functional evaluation and Non-functional
evaluation. The purpose of the functional tests were to evaluate all the functions that were
enabled with the ISISEMD system. The non-functional evaluation included aspects such as
e.g. scalability, reliability, flexibility. Non-functional requirements were validated based on
qualitative and quantitative appropriate measures. More details about the overall
assessment framework are presented in (Mitseva, 2010). In the next paragraphs we focus on
the non-service specific evaluations which assess the readiness of the system for wider

Intelligent Systems

6.1 Personalisation/customisation
Overall, personalisation/customisation features of the services were highly appreciated by
the regional care providers and the end-users because they give possibility for them to map
precisely the services to the exact needs of the dyad elderly-informal care-giver and fitting
the support services in the care-giving and coping strategies.
6.2 Robustness of the equipments and connectivity
Carebox: we experienced some issues with the Touch-screen computer due to high touch
sensitivity and they have been resolved by context-aware solution. Some few cases related
to hardware failures that required replacement of the computer were mainly due to the fact
that such device has been designed in consumer electronic segment that is not intended to
run 24x7 in highly reliable environment. Unstable internet connections were reasons for
false alarms and freezing of Carebox screen but they were alleviated by applying more
sophisticated filters on bypassing false alarm triggering conditions.
GPS device: we used a simple GPS device called Lommy that is in general very robust and
has been already in use in different contexts. The only few issues were the connector for
charging the Lommy as it was difficult for use by elderly people; LED indicators, blinking
with different colours, were confusing for the elderly and their care-givers; in two of the
regions, that had hilly and mountain landscape, problems with the coverage were
Sensors and RAck MOnitoring System (RAMOS): The type used was Ramos Mini C. It is a
very robust device. It is meant to be used both in home and industrial environments. The
only one issue was Ramos and Ethernet failures during the installation and then fixed in the
installation process. Overall, the problems with RAMOS and sensor devices were related to
setup, configuration, placement, and installation, which is more about practical issue than
the robustness.
Overall, the equipments to be used when offering ICT services for home support to elderly
must be robust and invisible i.e. placed in those areas of the home where they are difficult
to reach. This will prevent un-wanted disconnections or damages due to some every day
activities such as cleaning, dusting, etc. It is best if the wires, RAMOS, routers are hidden in
or behind cupboards or in a box. On the contrary, it is best if the Carebox (the Touch screen
for the end users) is placed in a kitchen or living room or close to a TV, to make it easer for
the elderly to see it and refer to it. It is even more important the equipments and the
integrated services to be extensively tested in conditions as close to the real-life operation as
possible before installing it in the homes. In this way, specific local issues can be discovered
and eliminated. For example we experienced some hardware problems in only one region
that were not common to the other three regions.
6.3 Scalability
During the ISISEMD pilot operation, it has been shown that the current architecture of
ISISEMD portal and X-Server have been able to handle between 30 and 40 end users
concurrently. In the future, it would be good to study and make some prediction on
ISISEMDs users growth and traffic volume, such that network dimensioning and
simulation can be done, and finally to decide the best network architecture.
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers

6.4 Response time
During the pilot operation, response time metric is highly related to the services that
activate alarms, especially alarms through SMS which is very much dependent on the
network operator and SMS service provider. In the beginning of the pilot operation, the SMS
service was assigned to normal level but since we observed delays in the delivery, the SMS
service level was changed. The problem related to SMS service has been solved by
subscribing to highest (and more expensive) service level of the SMS service provider.
6.5 Integration/openness
Integration of new hardware (especially sensors), requires some testing period in order to
get the correct information reading as expected, e.g. by configuration and correct
Integration of new software modules both on server and client side have been easily done in
ISISEMD system since the platform has been designed in such a way that the services
provided to end-user can evolve by providing API (Application Programming Interface) to
service/software developer.
6.6 Manageability/flexibility
The assessment of ISISEMD system for these two parameters show that the platform is very
easy and flexible to manage, i.e. in terms of adding/deleting new users, new services, new
home installations, and new regions/sub-regions, etc., since it has been designed to support
all these requirements. Furthermore, a user manual book written in four different languages
(English, Finnish, Danish and Greek) has been provided as a guideline to regions and end
users in general.
7. Outcome from service validation of the common functionalities
of ISISEMD platform
We would like to argue for having carried out a good piece of work, overcoming a number
of challenges, and that the final services meet the user expectations and acceptances at a
high level supported by the outcome of the user evaluations. Overall, the care-givers were
satisfied with the services and consider them important for providing care. Most of the users
now state their wish for continuing to use the services after the project end. As suggested by
the user feedback, there is even stronger need for service personalisation so they can
function in a more intelligent and autonomous way.
Based on the continuous user feedback during the pilot operation, the services were
improved where possible. But due to the limited project lifetime and resources, not all
additional features suggested by the end-users as improvements could be implemented.
However, they can be used for further development of the service platform as a commercial
product. Subsequently, we emphasize on some of the suggestions that can be considered as
wish list for the commercial system by the regional partners and by the test persons. We
are of the interpretation that the following suggestions could improve the intelligence of the
service platform in the next version of the system.

Intelligent Systems

7.1 Wish list for enhancements for the commercial system
They were related mainly to higher intelligence&personalisation, improved usability and
additional services.
7.1.1 Services enhancement for higher intelligence&personalisation
For the purpose of better personalisation, the free text reminders on the Carebox are
suggested to be enhanced so they can contain longer text and, with advantage, to make it
possible for the elderly him/her self to create their own text reminders, if the elderly is able
to do it. It would also be an advantage for the users if the system is able to atomically create
voice files for these free text reminders through speech synthesis. The reminders
functionality can also be enhanced with more pre-defined reminders and advanced by
having additional services such as shopping list reminders for the elderly people.
Other suggestions for enhancing the services and their usability concern implementing even
more intelligence into the platform for automatic synchronisation of the calendar service
events with the service for home presence. And for the cooker service, it would be an
advantage to make separate time settings for the cooker plates and for the oven seeing that
users have individual patterns and the oven shows to be used for a longer time than the
cooker plates are. Users also suggest for the functionality of the intelligent front door service
to be able to work without the bed sensor because there are cases when bed sensor cannot be
Further enhancement of the services is to create the possibility of having a small message
board on the Carebox that can show to the elderly a SMS message sent by their care-givers
mobile devices. In this way, the relatives will be able to send a SMS to the Carebox so the
SMS text can be shown on the screen to the elderly person.
7.1.2 Usability enhancement
Some of the first suggestions focused on enhancing usability of the services, the portal and
the Carebox - for instance, improving the visual aspect of the portal and the Carebox for
enhancing the user interface to be usable by visual, hearing or cognitive impaired users. This
will also create the possibility for other people with disabilities (blind/ deaf) to interact with
the system.
7.1.3 Entertainment features
For the purpose of enhancing satisfaction of the elderly people and their family caregivers, it
was suggested to include entertainment features - plug-ins for facilitating distribution of
relevant information such as local news, the weather forecast, favourite music, etc. These
entertainment features are to be accessible and shown on the Carebox screen by assigning
for such a service.
7.1.4 Reflections
The automation degree of the services, together with their availability, was seen as a key
feature for the family care-givers. Informal caregivers are willing to have very few degree of
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers

interaction of the user with the system. This is mainly due to the fact that they understand,
on the one hand, that elderly is not able to be familiar with the new technology and on the
other hand, they are willing to increase the level of independence of the elderly but without
the cost of adding more stress to their daily responsibilities. In addition, elderly cannot
handle a lot of interactions with the system, since they are not familiar with the new
technology and have somewhat of an aversion to learning. We have also seen that this may
discourage use of the system, as the elderly may worry that they will break the technology,
so they would rather not use it at all than be the cause of expensive repairs. The users want
the system to be as automatic as possible; however, they also want inexpensive
technological solutions.
7.2 Future work
Future work on the service platform can go in several directions. With respect to the
technical side, it comprises mainly on implementing some of the suggested by the end users
enhancements of the user interface of the Carebox and the portal. With respect to
functionality, it can involve adding new services and enhancing the functionality of the
Lifestyle Pattern service to automatically generate (graphical) reports for deviation from
normal user behaviour. This service has also potential for improving quality of care for the
formal care-providers and saving them time.
With respect to the services support, efforts can be dedicated to offering the services as one
complete home-support service including acquiring the equipments, making the home
installations, ensuring help-desk support, training the end-users, maintaining the services,
etc. For user support, uploading short tutorial video-clips on the web portal for re-enforcing
the training process for service setting was a suggestion by the regional partners.
For optimising the installation process, a direction to go is preparing installation software
package with all needed settings and defining a standard service package in each region
with the most desired services that will be initially offered to all elderly who subscribe to the
home-support services and further re-assessed and updated if needed.
Taken as a whole, wide scale testing with higher number of test participants, more
European regions and for a duration of a couple of years would show delay in
institutionalisation and provide more real-life assessments of the services.
8. Results from the controlled study
8.1 Important aspects of the piloting process
Developing and piloting ICT services for older adults with cognitive impairments or mild
dementia and their family care-givers has been a challenging process. A system like the
ISISEMD platform is complementary to the daily support provided by the family care-giver
and the relative itself is considered a user of the system. In addition, spouses/partners and
closest family played a key role in the level of independence of old people with cognitive
impairments or mild dementia and also in ISISEMD pilot. In the process of piloting the ICT
services, diverse aspects played an important role such as trust towards technology,
complexity of installations and the platform due to the fact that it included high number of
services. It is natural for this elderly user group to feel scepticism towards the technology

Intelligent Systems

and we took this into consideration in the process. There was a thin line and a trade off
between testing the platform with real users while the services were still under
improvement and adaptation for the real-life conditions. Finding many volunteers who fit
the inclusion criteria and are willing to evaluate the services was another challenge for us. It
also took us time to build understandable communication in cross-disciplinary teams
because of the different paradigms for the regional and technical partners. By far, the most
crucial factors were proved to be the maturity of the services; the thorough testing before
installing them in the homes; matching the services to those clients who have the most
benefit from them and openness for new technology.
During the trial period, all ethical rights of the citizens were respected and the trials were
carried out according to high ethical standards and the national regulations and the privacy
of the trial participants and all data related to this were ensured. All applicable national and
international laws and acts were respected too. The trial participants were recruited only
after approvals from Ethical Committees were granted for each region where it was
required and consent forms were signed by all trial participants.
At baseline, for the cohorts combined (intervention and control groups), the female
participants were 67.4%, the average age was 78.69 years, having mild to moderate decline
in cognition. The assessment on basic daily functioning showed full or high dependency,
while instrumental activities of daily living mean score indicated mid-range of dependency.
The test group of informal care-givers showed severe effect on their quality of life, but the
mean value for cohorts combined was on the border line of severe effect on their quality of
life. The care burden indicated that the care-givers were in the mid-range of caregiver-
burden effects. Highest percentage of family care-givers was children.
8.2 Findings from the final assessments
The controlled study assessed in the end of the 15-month trial period cognitive decline and
daily functioning for the elderly persons. For the informal care-givers care stress. For both
groups the impact of the services on the quality of life was investigated. We looked further
into domains of which we expected the technology services to make a positive impact.
Elderly persons and relatives were also asked for their willingness to use the services after
the end of the project and their willingness to pay for the services in general.
User acceptance and satisfaction with the services were evaluated upon with the three main
end-user groups and for instance, care-givers were asked about the importance for care and
ability for independent living and, overall satisfaction. We observed a difference among the
views from the four regions for the services showing a minimum/maximum satisfaction
and acceptance among the elderly test users and a difference in the lowest/highest rating
among informal care-givers of the services that are important for care giving. This also
reflected cultural and care-model differences among the four European regions.
Regarding the feeling of safety, 70% of the elderly felt safer when using the ISISEMD
system. Another 20% reported feeling significantly safer. 40% of the informal care-givers
report feeling safer, with another 50% of them reporting feeling significantly safer. More
than half of the test users reported independent living increases - 51.61% of elderly and
67.74% of informal care-givers. Also 3.23% of the informal care-givers reported it increases
more than they thought.
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers

According to the test groups final evaluation, there was a significant decrease of the level of
care burden among the informal care-givers after using the ISISEMD services whereas in the
control group the informal care-givers burden indicated an increase after the evaluation
period. Overall for the test group, 80% of the elderly maintained their basic Activities of
Daily Living (ADL) and 40% of the elderly improved their Instrumental Activities of Daily
Living (IADL). For the Quality of Life, 70% of the elderly had an improvement in their
Quality of Life and 80% of the informal care-givers similarly had an improvement in their
Quality of Life. 80% of the informal care-givers had a reduction of care-related stress (care-
giver burden) and 0% had an increase in care-related stress.
8.3 The view of the formal care-givers
From formal care-givers point of view, at least two thirds of formal care-givers rated the
services to be easy to use. In extension, the majority of formal care-givers rated the services
to be very important for care. They felt that services were easy to integrate into their existing
care routines and were easy to personalise. Three quarters of formal care-givers also
provided high ratings for services, in terms of their importance for care-giving.
From the qualitative evaluations, we can draw the conclusions that parameters that were
important along the way for piloting the services were service maturity, flexibility and
personalisation. Furthermore, the training of the end-users and the intelligence of the
services played an important role for the overall satisfaction too, platform stability and
service availability and offering the services at earliest stage of the disease.
8.4 Acknowledgements for the test users in the pilot
We would like to thank to our test users whom we accept as an equal partner of the
consortium. They played a very important role in the process of bringing the services to a
mature level and improving them in all aspects in order to meet their needs as best as
possible. We can confirm that it is of high importance that the primary user and care-givers
are to be motivated towards the usage of aiding technologies in their homes. For the
acceptance of the services by the elderly, a key role was played by the family care-giver and
the process was much more rapid and easier if the care-givers had previous experience with
9. Success stories from the pilot
The positive impacts from the use of the services are described below with the words of the
real users as success stories and the overall interpretation of these, points towards an
improvement in feeling of independence and safety and in communication and social
relation between the elderly people and the relatives. Thus, an improved Quality of Life is
being observed in reality.
ISISEMD services form a basis for good communication between the elderly and their
relatives. Hence, the services help the elderly people with mild dementia in the North
Region of Denmark to create quick and easy communication with relatives. The Carebox
equipped with a help button, is helpful for the elderly in the sense that it is easier to get in
touch with relatives whenever it is needed, emergency or not. One case showing the

Intelligent Systems

advantages of the ISISEMD Carebox comes into play due to the fact that one elderly with
dementia has difficulties to make phone calls to relatives. Instead, by pressing the Carebox
help button, the elderly person can easily get into contact with relatives. Contact is simply
generated automatically by the system with the help of an SMS that is sent to relatives when
the elderly presses the help button.
The outdoor safety service helps the elderly people with mild dementia to stay healthy by
giving them the possibility to be active outdoors in their everyday lives. One case with an
older man from North Region of Denmark reveals the advantage brought by the GPS
device. The older man with diabetes who needs to keep his blood pressure down used to be
afraid to go outside, as he could get lost. Today, with the GPS device the older man is no
longer afraid to go for a walk. He explains, I feel more safe because I know that the Lommy will
help me to get in contact with my family and then, they can find me if I get lost. Neighbours and
relatives reveal that they have even observed that the older man is going regularly for walks
and that they can see his position on a map if he needs help or gets lost.
Intelligent door alarms prevent the elderly people from leaving their homes unnoticeably
in the winter time - In Finland, a relative explains the significance of ISISEMD Intelligent
door alarm and the impact it has done on both her mother and her self. The relative explains
that now she can prevent her mother from going out of the house and getting lost in the cold
winter in Finland. The Intelligent front door service sends an alarm message to a relative
informing that the door opens and thus, the older person might be leaving the house.
According to this, a relative has stated: In Finland, this service is very important so that we can
be informed if our relatives get lost. It is so cold in the winter and this can be dangerous if the elderly
goes outside for a longer period of time.
Bed sensor helps the elderly to alert their families automatically when help is needed
during the night - In Finland, a relative expresses the importance of having a bed sensor
installed. The relative explains that her mother has had several incidents of falling down
from her bed during the night. The bed sensor sends a signal when an elderly is out of bed
for too long, thus a relative or a caregiver will receive an SMS with the alert. In this
particular case, the relative explained When I received this message, I went to my mothers
house and found her on the floor. I am very happy to have received this SMS so that I could help my
mother, even if it was in the middle of the night.
ISISEMD Calendar and To Do List, shown on the ISISEMD Carebox, helps the elderly
with mild dementia to live more independently - With the ISISEMD Carebox the elderly
can keep track of the day and time. For instance, in North Ireland, a relative living with her
mother states: Even if we only have had the Carebox for 10 days, both my mother and I already feel
a difference. Normally my mother always calls me several times at work every day being anxious
about not knowing the day and time. Now, with the Carebox, my mother is always informed about the
day and time and this has helped her to become more confident.
ISISEMD services are beneficial for enhancing the quality of life of the elderly and their
relatives - In Greece relatives taking care of the elderly explain that the services help them to
feel safer knowing that their parents have the ISISEMD services installed in their homes.
Hence, relatives are aware if the elderly leaves their houses or if they are out of bed for a
long time. One relative explains Before having the ISISEMD services we had to travel 30
minutes outside of town every day to check on our relative. Now we feel safer knowing that our
Innovative Intelligent Services
for Supporting Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Caregivers

relative have the ISISEMD services installed and our relative can keep on doing everyday activities
and plan their days, independently.
10. Conclusion
ISISEMD platform with innovative intelligent services is scalable, open-system, validated
in real-live environment. The competitive advantage of ISISEMD systems is that it is
based on a modular scalable open platform that advances the State-Of-the-Art in the areas
of systems for Ambient Assisted Living and can be integrated with other Health or Care
Systems. Additional services can be included anytime, resulting in a very powerful
platform system.
Last but not least, ISISEMD services have been extensively tested and validated in a pilot
operation with 142 end-users (71 elderly and 71 relatives) for 15 months in four regions - in
Denmark, Finland, Greece and UK. The final user evaluations, carried out in June 2011,
showed high level of user acceptance and satisfaction with the services and willingness to
use them after the project ends.
We knew that sceptical users are stoppers against introduction of new technologies. But our
experience shows that the elderly and their relatives accept the technology and can see the
opportunities for positive impact and added value from the use of the services in their
everyday life even when the older adults with mild dementia and their family care-givers
were sceptical in the beginning, after giving them time to get used to the technology. It can
be expected, that after about one month, the elderly and their family caregivers can get used
to the services. The most successful adoption of the services can happen when they are
offered as early as possible in the disease. In this way, the technology services can be
integrated in the coping and care strategies in the family and elderly has highest chances to
learn to refer to the services.
The benefits from using ISISEMD services were depicted in the user acceptance surveys,
contributing to the Quality of Life of the end-users. The services improved the elderly ability
for self-care by support for their basic daily activities in way that prevents health risks in
their homes and promotes independence. They strengthened the daily interaction with their
social sphere - partners and relatives, giving them the feeling of safety and improving their
relationships. For the family care-givers, the services increased their quality of life and the
feeling of safety; reduced their care burden and gave them a piece of mind while saving
them time and money.
Potential for direct savings from the usage of the ICT services is foreseen for both the care-
provider organisations and informal care-givers. Costs can be saved from time and travel
expenses for delivery of warm meals to elderly, performing on-line sessions with use of
video-call service instead of physical home-safety visits, visits for administering
medications, automatically registering information for such services, etc. The informal care-
givers can save time and money for making telephone calls to elderly to check about status
or to drive to elderly place or to cook meals for them. The highest potential for savings is at
a society level - with delaying the admittance in nursing or dementia care institutions where
savings at European level can range from approx. 1300-4000 euro for one person for 12

Intelligent Systems

11. Acknowledgment
The work presented in this paper is partially funded by the ICT PSP EU project ISISEMD -
Intelligent system for independent living and self-care of seniors with cognitive problems or
mild dementia. Contract Number: ICT-PSP-2-238914, www.isisemd.eu. The authors would
like to acknowledge also the contributions of the whole consortium.
12. Disclaimer
This paper reflects only the views of the authors and the European Commission is not liable
for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
13. References
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WFMC http://www.wfmc.org/
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