HXA 2 TheGoddess
HXA 2 TheGoddess
HXA 2 TheGoddess
Aegyptiacus (1652-1654)
This small but lovely little document by Athanasius Kirchner is of occult interest because it shows the many names properly and mistakenly given to Isis, the Goddess of the Smaller Mysteries. Isis was the feminine and Lunar counterpart of the male and Solar Serapis, God of the Greater Mysteries. The Greater Mysteries deal with the most primordial ontological directing of Creation, while the Smaller Mysteries encompass every mystery of becoming and creating on the border of involution and evolution. Included are the mysteries of nature, life and death, astrology, magic and divination. Isis is most akin to Diana, Hecate, Proserpina, Luna and Lilith (not mentioned). B.A.
Isis Minerva Venus Iuno Proserpina Ceres Diana Rhea seu Tellus Pessinuncia Rhramnusia Bellona Hecate Luna Polymor phus dmon
During Hellenism Isis became identified with the Queen of Magic and Hekate / Diana. Originally the Egyptian Isis or Aset was the wife of Osiris. She was also related to the sun god Ra. The name Isis means seat or throne or dwelling, indicating the correlative-dialectic chthonic counterpart of the uranian principle, represented by the Solar or trans-Solar deity (See Helios-Hekate in Greek Theurgy and Apollo-Diana). The term dwelling links Isis to the qabbalistic Shechinah or embedding of God in the world and therefore also to the tantric Brahma Shakti. The cow (related to the bull/Taurus/the world), the lotus (Lulu = lotus = ancient name for Lilith) and Mercurial snake (kundalini) were sacred to Isis. In Egypt both Isis-Osiris and Nephthys-Seth were associated with funeral rites. Here we have an archetypal link to Hekate residing on the threshold of the Underworld and astral realm, but also via (Isis sister) Nephthys-Seth (God of evil, chaos, mental disorder) to Lilith-Samael in the qabbalistic tradition. In her left hand Isis holds a bucket of water and with her right foot (second plate) she rests on an overturned amphora, pouring the water out. This water is what the Hawaiian kahunas call the mana , which can be translated with both water and water of life which is the Od of Reichenbach, the jing-qi (sexual/physical energy) of the Taoists and the same substance that in the twentieth century was rediscovered by Wilhelm Reich as orgon. Our etheric double or bio-electric magnetic field is made of this subtle energy annex substance. Quoting Dion Furtune, the etheric double is the only interface between mind and matter. In the etheric double are located all our chakras, secondary and tertiary chakras, all our meridians, reflex zones and acupressure points. These thousandths of energy points and energy channels are our direct contact as a unique microcosmic entity with the macro cosmos and the cycles of natural time (kairos) which are ideomotoractivated by planetary transits to our horoscopes (birth, progressed, solar, etc.). On a secondary scale the etheric double is influenced by psychospheric pressure in our environment, astral entity interaction and our way of life including the food we take in and the way we use our body and mind (See the many Taoist and tantric studies in this field). 5
The bucket in Isis left hand symbolises on a human level our birth or radix horoscope; a semi fixed set of implosion points in the time/space/consciousness continuum which configures apart from evolutionary influences like our genes, by involutionary coordinate settings [1] our character, affinities, fears, ambitions, talents, situations etc.. Between the contained water in the bucket and the eternal flowing waters of life flowing out of the amphora [2] a continuous interaction takes place between our incarnated microcosmic awareness and the cycles of natural time for which the movements of celestial bodies and astrologically defined sensitive point like the Black Moon, the Nodes etc. provide the clockwork. From the awareness of this interaction in combination with the awareness simultaneously arising of an intrinsically static point in the soul (atman), vertical consciousness can arise. Crowley once expressed this very poetically with the phrase awake from sleeping, awake from waking. And from this psychological zero point the phroura or true growth of the soul (or collapse of the soul) under free will, and by a hyperconscious accepting the core challenge of ones current incarnation, may take place. That is after the awaked seeker for liberation, happiness and truth has confronted and defeated his Waiters on the Threshold, the so called egregors or artificial elementals (Bardons larven). These are not psychological complexes but actual entities with a formidable survival instinct and embedded in the same involutionary hypostasis wherein also our etheric double is embedded, the realm of Isis/Hekate: the World Soul, Yetzirah, the Sublunar Realm or morphogenetic field as Rupert Sheldrake has renamed it. Egregors arise out of inner tensions caused by conflict aspects in our horoscopes (usually the radix or progressed) or as a result of evildoing by others (jealousy, hatred, humiliation, repression etc.) or finally by unconscious reactions on deformities in the raw man-testing Zeitgeist (Lucifer) [3]. The latter caused by the total unawareness of the masses and their leaders of natural time and the inability to deal with natural time in an active way instead of an unconscious reactive way which keeps man passively subjected to the ups and downs of the macro-microcosmic fluctuations in the World Soul without learning anything from it. In this state of unawareness of the True Science of Nature, man remains a self imagined victim of cruel gods or inevitable fate or apocalyptic future events while the true knowledge of the divine can free him from this self activated perils forever; changing Lucifer back into a Light Bringer so to speak. One of the most ancient archetypes of Isis was Chthonie in the Orphic religion. Chthonie was the shamanistic World Tree or Winged Oak (Huptopteros Drus) with her roots firmly planted in the Earth and her crown of leaves high in the Sky, thus representing like Isis/Hekate the interface between the spiritual and chthonic realm of the Universe. She was clothed by a predecessor of the Demiurg or creative God (Zeus, Adonay) called Zos who wrapped her in the pharos. Here meaning a divine cloak, which is Assiah, the Manifesting or Earthing or (fully) 6
Conscious Universe symbolized by the visible stars, we already noticed on the dress of Isis. Interesting is the connection Isis with Lilith, an ancient Mesopotamian goddess, in later times demonized by the Israelites while in a paradox one of the deepest qabbalistic secrets teaches of the marriage (Hieros Gamos) of Adonay/ ]4[ and Lilith, representing Shiva and Brahmah Shakti (Kali). This holy marriage symbolises the completed synergy through the heart chakra between the higher (uranian) chakras and the lower (chthonic) chakras. This is the realized kundalini, a process that in average takes about 12 years from the moment of awakening the serpent fire. On an even higher level it also symbolises the emancipation of chaos, the untamed wild and darkness. When chaos, the untamed wild and darkness are not integrated in our consciousness and social system but suppressed, these forces, which are necessary forces in the process of creation and internal growth, are deformed into the qlippoth, the shells or demons that will drain the energy out of every living creature or positive process. [5] This is the reason why we see medieval demons portrayed as semi-anthropomorphised caricatures of the psychospheres belonging to the root chakra, the sex chakra and the solar plexus. Thus representing features of the traditional seven sins. It is crucial however to realize that only in the error state, the forces represented by the dark side of Isis and all the other representatives of the original Great Mother Goddess (Matriarch) become evil and destructive. They actually become forces of death which are the harder to control and overcome the longer we let them grow in a climate of primitive inherited patriarchal absolutism that dwells unconsciously but nevertheless aggressively under our skin. After Aristotle [6] made a fatal mistake concerning the one cause that started all causes, and the Archaic Greek culture lost their eudemonia by splitting themselves up into Stoics and Epicureans, the exoteric religions based on the Abrahemitic tradition have split the divine definitely into a transcendent uranic, male solar principle (which became identical with God in general) and a chthonic, female, lunar principle (which became taboo). Thus the lobotomy of God became institutionalized. A process that first lead to the disrespect for Mother Nature, Earth the feminine and the sexual and in the course of history it catalyses in Descartes further splitting up of body and mind, in the end resulting in a culture that is in an esoteric sense truly Satanic. Ula von Bernus defined Satan as the theonic force of the techne, the technical solution, an offensive ultra-exoteric approach of reality that flourishes most in a climate of denial of the internal realities of the soul. The modern climate that ridicules or denies the psychological, archetypal and psychosferic realities, denies the dialogue between a macro-, and microcosmos (involution), by fusing pragmatism, Darwinism, materialism and fundamental modernism with science and instituting this hybrid product with science in general. It does so despite intelligent science-philosophical criticism and empirical proof for the existence of the subtle realms. (See todays professional 7
astrology, Kirlian photography, the studies of Walter Kilner, Rupert Sheldrake, Masaru Emoto and many others). The irony is that modern science is overruling itself because Heisenberg has more or less debunked its flag ship the double blind test. The tragedy however is something called scientism. Scientism has penetrated even the higher regions of the human soul by obsessing it with a perverted and cancerous techne, philosophically catalysed by Max Stirner, Friedrich Nietzsche and their offspring, practised on a political level by New World Order politics aiming at barbarous Orwellian crowd control systems that can only be realized by a complete fusion of politics with high-tech. On a small human scale scientism is expressed especially by an every facet of work and social life penetrating addiction to and dependency on technical gadgets. Without wanting to create some kind of gothic rhetoric prophecy of doom, it is the naked truth that we live in a world that is more Satanic than ever before in history. In a paradox this is due to the fact that we have lost the art of integrating a particular aspect of the divine intelligence called Lilith. That which does not fit within the official narrow exoteric corporate scope, the chaos, the untamed wild and darkness (and the free individual opinion) the New World Order-policy tries to overcome with technical solutions, thus exteriorising a problem that can only be solved within the inner realms and processes of the soul. The holocaust, a techno-genocide powered by IBM and I.G.Farben, was just one example of a collective consciousness trapped in a self created yang-Universe, yearning for that missing piece of yin as a new born baby crying for his mum. The fact that the last 30 years Mother Nature lost 30% of all animal species and 30% of all plants, that are now extinct forever, the fact that deep reflection (a feminine chthonic faculty) is replaced more and more by automatic life style reflexes, the fact that one out of two marriages ends in a divorce, and the fact that modern youth escapes the suffocation of an overstressed yang-climate with wagonloads of drugs and alcohol are just a very few other examples of the apocalyptic end phase of the half God-world. An end state that replaced the natural matrix containing the souls of our body and the world with an artificial patrix empowered by a virtual mass hysteria in symbiosis with technocorporations, ruled behind the curtains not by Illuminati but by what contemporary philosophers have recognized as the soulless thing itself that has developed the power of an active obsessing entity. So let us abandon this barren plane where we stand with our feet no longer on soft fertile living earth but on sterile thingness, crying under the broken wings of the Shechinah, as the poet Bialik described it. Let us submerge ourselves again, like our ancestors, in the Living Waters of Isis, Queen of the Smaller Mysteries. And when the days of the self proclaimed techno-bermensch of today finally end, perhaps that breathtaking dream of a world less sterile, more colourful and mysterious, more human, sexual and natural and less overstressed can reanimate itself by some hidden process of natural contingency. History will teach us for shore that the most powerful, evil and boring egregor ever created by 8
mans outstanding talent for institutionalized stupidity or history, the clinical over-control of life (that has to remain a wild uncontrollable element to remain life measured to normal human semantics) [7] will simply end in imploding dullness. And that is exactly the wrong way to reintegrate the chthonic or feminine principle of the divine in our social, ecological and psychological make up
1 2 3 Our native horoscope, a blueprint for our individuation process during one incarnation the tantric Spanda made manifest under the right foot of Isis Lucifer is the name a gave in my first book Nulpunt Revolutie to a variable Zeitgeist of 2160 years which is exactly the period the Galactic centre needs to transit one sign of the zodiac. The starting point of a new Luciferian Zeitgeist, that is the moment on which the Galactic Centre moves into a new sign of the zodiac, delivers an exact horoscope of a new eon that maps the way humanity can grow or degenerate by following the right or the wrong way. In our current epoch Lucifer is dominated by Sagittarius and Pisces and has its karmic pattern in Cancer. The wrong way is indicated by centuries power misuse and bureaucracy by the Vatican, the right way ironically by the message of the Virgin and the Child.
Originally the demiurgic aspect of God represented by ( Adonay / Fire / Yod, Air / He, Water / Waw, Earth / final He) was born out of the Three Mothers of Chaos ( Air / Aleph, Water / Mem, Fire / Shin). Causing the ecstatic negativity described by Julius Evola, which is one of the least recognized yet most dangerous and destructive features of the post-modern era. The one primordial cause of causes in the way Aristotle formulated it created the fundament for the mutilation of God that put Its transcendent aspect on the throne and amputated Its chthonic or feminine half out of the collective consciousness. A conceptualization of the divine with a tremendous masse-psychological impact. Summarized as the archetype Lilith.
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