The document discusses thyroid disorders including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. It covers:
- The thyroid gland controls metabolism, digestion, and body temperature. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid overproduces hormones, increasing metabolism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid underproduces hormones, slowing metabolism.
- Causes, symptoms, and treatments are described for both conditions. Hyperthyroidism may be caused by Graves' disease or nodules and treated with anti-thyroid drugs, surgery, or radioactive iodine. Hypothyroidism can be caused by thyroiditis or radiation and treated with thyroid hormone replacement pills.
- Diagnosis involves blood tests to measure thyroid stimulating hormone
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The document discusses thyroid disorders including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. It covers:
- The thyroid gland controls metabolism, digestion, and body temperature. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid overproduces hormones, increasing metabolism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid underproduces hormones, slowing metabolism.
- Causes, symptoms, and treatments are described for both conditions. Hyperthyroidism may be caused by Graves' disease or nodules and treated with anti-thyroid drugs, surgery, or radioactive iodine. Hypothyroidism can be caused by thyroiditis or radiation and treated with thyroid hormone replacement pills.
- Diagnosis involves blood tests to measure thyroid stimulating hormone
The document discusses thyroid disorders including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. It covers:
- The thyroid gland controls metabolism, digestion, and body temperature. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid overproduces hormones, increasing metabolism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid underproduces hormones, slowing metabolism.
- Causes, symptoms, and treatments are described for both conditions. Hyperthyroidism may be caused by Graves' disease or nodules and treated with anti-thyroid drugs, surgery, or radioactive iodine. Hypothyroidism can be caused by thyroiditis or radiation and treated with thyroid hormone replacement pills.
- Diagnosis involves blood tests to measure thyroid stimulating hormone
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The document discusses thyroid disorders including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. It covers:
- The thyroid gland controls metabolism, digestion, and body temperature. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid overproduces hormones, increasing metabolism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid underproduces hormones, slowing metabolism.
- Causes, symptoms, and treatments are described for both conditions. Hyperthyroidism may be caused by Graves' disease or nodules and treated with anti-thyroid drugs, surgery, or radioactive iodine. Hypothyroidism can be caused by thyroiditis or radiation and treated with thyroid hormone replacement pills.
- Diagnosis involves blood tests to measure thyroid stimulating hormone
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Disorders of the Thyroid
Actions of the thyroid
Controls body temperature How body burns calories Controls how fast food moves through digestive tract Muscle strength Thyroid hormones: T3-thyroxine T4-triiodothyronine Calcitonin Normal Thyroid Gland Synthesis of thyroid hormone depends upon sufficient quantities of iodine from dietary source. The rate of extraction of iodine from the blood stream and the rate at which T 3 and T 4 and synthesized and released from storage (as thyroglobulin) and secreted into the bloodstream are regulated by pituitary TSH. TSH is regulated by Thyrotropin-Releasing hormone from hypothalamus. Serum T 3 and T 4 are bound to albumin and thyroid-binding globulin (TBG). Hyperthyroidism is present when the thyroid gland is over secreting hormones. Thus, increasing the metabolic rate of the body and speeding up the body. Hyperthyroidism Graves disease(autoimmune disorder ). A benign nodule on the thyroid. Thyroiditis. Taking too much of the synthetic thyroid hormone.
Causes of Hyperthyroidism Diarrhea and weight loss Eye problems Enlarged thyroid gland Hair and skin changes Heat intolerance Heart palpitations Clubbing Menstrual cycle changes Muscle weakness Easily bruised
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism Nervousness Restlessness Anxiety Irritability Sleeplessness or insomnia Exhaustion
Emotional Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism How do we diagnosis these disorders?? Thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH) test Normal levels of TSH are 0.4-4.5milliunits/L. Thyroid hormone test In adults, a normal total T3 level is 80-230 ng/dL. Total T4 levels should be at 5-14 mcg/dL. Diagnostics Who is more prone to develop Graves disease??
Female are more prone to developing Graves disease along with Hyperthyroidism. Due to a genetic background of both disorders, I have a greater risk. With Graves Disease, the immune system begins to attack the thyroid and produces antibodies that mimic TSH. Women are more likely to develop Graves disease. Hereditary and environmental influences. Graves Disease Goiter: It is a general term for enlargement of thyroid gland.It occurs whenever there is elevation of TSH or TSI. Goiter may occurs in hypothyroidism (as low thyroid hormones in low iodine with increase TSH), and hyperthyroidism (hyper-secretion of TSH caused by hypothalamic or pituitary causes or Graves disease with increase TSI). It is caused by: OPhysiological enlargement: it is seen mostly in puberty and pregnancyOIodine deficiency: it occurs in geographic area where diet is deficient in iodine O Hashimotos thyroiditis O Goitrogens: they are foods or drugs that suppress synthesis of thyroid hormone. Radioactive iodine Typical treatment is 3-12 millicuries. However, this treatment can cause hypothyroidism. It must also be followed by thyroid replacing hormones. Beta-Blockers Antithyroid medication-Propylthiouracil (PTU) or Tapazole Treatments for Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism is present when the thyroid gland is producing little or no thyroid hormones. Thus slowing things down.... Hypothyroidism Thyroiditis Treatment for hyperthyroidism Congenital hypothyroidism Radiation therapy given to the head and/or neck Causes of Hypothyroidism Myxedema: it is more common in women than men. It is manifested in adult. CPuffiness of face, eyelids and handsC Dry skinCHair loss, coarse and brittle hair, scant axillary and pubic hair, thining of the lateral aspect of the eyebrowC increase in relaxation phase of deep tendon reflex. Cases of myxedema: OTherapy for hyperthyroidism with surgery, irradiation, or drugs is the most common cause of myxedema in US.OUnknown cause (primary idio-pathic myxedema) is secondary most common form of myxedema, which may be of auto-immune origin. OHashimotos thyroiditisODrugs (as Lithium carbonate)OIodine deficiency: is the most important causes in some geographic area (Himalayas, Andes and central Africa). Clinical characteristics of myxedema:OGeneral: Tiredness, somnolence, weight gain, and cold intoleranceOCVS: bradycardia, hypertension, angina, cardiac failureOCNS: delay relaxation of tendon, depression,mental and physical slowness, muscle stiffness ODermatology: Dry skin, alopecia, Puffiness of face, eyelid, and handsOReproduction: Menorrhagia, impotanceOGIT: constipation. Cretinism: It is manifested in children. It is characterized by: OSever mental retardationOimpairment of physical growth with retardate bone development and dwarfismOlarge tongueOprotuberant abdomen.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism can be linked to psychiatric depression. Roughly 15% of all patients suffering from depression are found to be hypothyroid.
Some symptoms found are: Paranoia Aural and Visual hallucinations
Emotional Symptoms of Hypothyroidism How do we diagnosis these disorders?? Thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH) test Normal levels of TSH are 0.4-4.5milliunits/L. Thyroid hormone test In adults, a normal total T3 level is 80-230 ng/dL. Total T4 levels should be at 5-14 mcg/dL. Diagnostics Thyroid replacement pills-most common Some medicines can cause hypothyroidism. Stop the medication and symptoms should cease. Treatment of Hypothyroidism