Renal Physiology
Renal Physiology
Renal Physiology
Dr Raghuveer Choudhary
The Nephron
the basic functional unit of kidney 1 million nephrons in each kidney The kidney cannot regenerate new nephrons.
renal corpuscle
Bowman capsule proximal tubule thick segment of descending limb Loop of Henle thin segment of descending limb thin segment of ascending limb thick segment of ascending limb
renal tubule
distal tubule
A. Renal Corpuscle: (Site of filtration of blood)
1. The Glomerulus: - It is present in the cortex. - Each glomerulus is formed of a tuft of capillaries that are invaginated into the Bowmans capsule. - Blood enters the capillaries through the afferent arteriole and leaves through the slightly narrower efferent arteriole. - Glomerular capillaries are unique in that they are interposed between 2 arterioles. This arrangement serves to maintain a high hydrostatic pressure in the 12 capillaries, which is necessary for filtration.
A. Renal Corpuscle:
2. The Bowmans Capsule:
It is the proximal expanded portion of the renal tubule forming a double-walled cup
B. Renal Tubule:
1. Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) 2. Loop of Henle: It is further subdivided into: Thin descending limb Thin ascending limb Thick ascending limb 3. Distal convoluted tubule (DCT) - Many DCTs open into a collecting duct (CD). CDs pass from the cortex (cortical CD) to the medulla (medullary CD) and finally drain urine into the renal pelvis. - PCT & DCT are present in the cortex, while the descending limb of loop of Henle dips into the medulla, forming a hairpin turn & then returns back to the cortex.
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus:
Each DCT passes between the afferent & efferent arterioles of its own nephron. At this point there is a patch of cells with crowded nuclei in the wall of the DCT called the macula densa. They sense the concentration of NaCl in this portion of the tubule. The wall of the afferent arteriole opposite the macula densa contains specialized cells known as the juxtaglomerular cells (JG cells). They secrete renin. Together, the macula densa & JG cells are called the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA).
1. Renin-Angiotensin System:
Most important mechanism for Na+ retention in order to maintain the blood volume. Any drop of renal blood flow &/or Na+, will stimulate volume receptors found in juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys to secrete Renin which will act on the Angiotensin System leading to production of Angiotensin II.
Renin-Angiotensin System:
renal blood flow &/or Na+ ++ Juxtaglomerular apparatus of kidneys (considered volume receptors) Renin Angiotensinogen Angiotensin I
(Lungs) Converting enzymes
Angiotensin III
(powerful vasoconstrictor)
Angiotensin II
Functions of Angiotensin-II
Vasoconstriction BP Na+ & Water retention by Kidney BP
Stimulate thirst BV BP
There are 2 types of nephrons in the kidney:
1. Cortical Nephrons: (80% of nephrons) Their glomeruli lie in the outer layers of the cortex. Their tubular system is relatively short. Their loops of Henle penetrate only for a short distance into the outer portion of renal medulla. 2. Juxtamedullary Nephrons: (20% of nephrons) Their glomeruli lie at the boundary between cortex & medulla. They have long loops of Henle, which dip deeply down into the medulla toward the tips of the pyramids. They play a major role in the process of urine concentration.
Types of nephrons
Cortical nephrons
Juxtamedullary nephrons
85 % Out part of cortex Short i.e. dips to the junction between inner and outer medulla. Peritubular capillaries No Vasa Recta Na reabsorption Present Present
15% Inner part of cortex . Long i.e. dips deeply into the medullary pyramids to the inner medulla Vasa recta and peritubular capillaries Urine concentration Absent Absent
Blood supply
Juxtamedullary Nephron
Cortical Nephron
The efferent vessels of juxtamedullary glomeruli form long looped vessels, called vasa recta which is important for urine concentration.
Glomerular membrane
Capillary endothelium; It has small holes (70-90 nm). It does not act as a barrier against plasma protein filtration. Basement membrane; (BM) filamentous layer attached to glomerular endothelium & podocytes, carry strong-ve charges which prevent the filtration of plasma proteins, but filters large amount of H2O and solutes. Podocytes; Epithelial cells that line the outer surface of the glomeruli. They have numerous foot processes that attach to the BM, forming filtration slits (25 nm wide).
fenestrae (fenestratio
capillary endothelium
Renal artery
-It is a portal circulation i.e. blood flows through 2 sets of capillaries (the glomerular and peritubular capillaries) before it drained by veins. - The renal circulation is the only circulation where there are capillaries which are drained by arterioles (glomerular capillaries drain in efferent arterioles).
RBF determines GFR RBF also modifies solute and water reabsorption and delivers nutrients to nephron cells.
Renal blood flow is autoregulated between 80 and 180 mm Hg by varying renal vascular resistance (RVR).
i.e. the resistances of the interlobular artery, afferent arteriole and efferent arteriole
In every nephron, the macula densa senses changes in GFR by measuring the tubular fluid flow rate. If the tubular fluid flow rate increases, the macula densa signals to the afferent arteriole to contract, thereby reducing GFR and normalizing flow .
Arterial pressure
glomerular hydrostatic
Afferent arteriolar
RBF or GRF (% of normal) RBF 100
Urine Output
Impact of autoregulation
Autoregulation: GFR=180L/day and tubular reabsorption=178.5L/day Results in 1.5L/day in urine Without autoregulation: Small in BP 100 to 125mm Hg, GFR by 25% (180 to 225L/day) If tubular reabsorption constant, urine flow of 46.5 L/day What would happen to plasma volume?
Urine Formation
Glomerular Filtration substances move from blood to glomerular capsule Tubular Reabsorption substances move from renal tubules into blood of peritubular capillaries glucose, water, urea, proteins, creatine amino, lactic, citric, and uric acids phosphate, sulfate, calcium, potassium, and sodium ions Tubular Secretion substances move from blood of peritubular capillaries into renal tubules drugs and ions
Glomerular filtration
The first step in urine formation when blood flows into the glomerular capillaries, the water bulk flow of proteinfree plasma filtrate into Bowmans capsule through the glomerular membrane
Most substances in the plasma(except protein)are freely filtrated,so that their concentrations in Bowmans capsule are almost the same as in the plasma.
Glomerular filtration
Fluid and small solutes dissolved in the plasma such as glucose, amino acids, Na, K, Cl, HCO3- , other salts, and urea pass through the membrane and become part of the filtrate. The glomerular membrane hold back blood cells, platelets and most plasma proteins. The filtrate is about 20% of the plasma. The volume of fluid filtered per unite time is called the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The GFR is about 180 L/day (=125 ml/min.).
Glomerular membrane
Capillary endothelium;
It has small holes (70-90 nm). It does not act as a barrier against plasma protein filtration.
Epithelial cells that line the outer surface of the glomeruli. They have numerous foot processes that attach to the BM, forming filtration slits (25 nm wide).
Normal value:125ml/min,180L/day Filtration fraction = GFR / Renal plasma flow Normal value:about 20% (125/660=19%) (about 20% of the plasma flowing through the kidney is filtered by the glomerular capillaries)
Define Filtration fraction It is the fraction of the renal plasma flow (RPF) that becomes glomerular filtrate. the average filtration fraction about 16-20%. It is calculated as (GFR/RPF X100).
Glomerular filtration rate =Net filtration pressure X Filtration coefficient GFR = EFP (l0) X Kf (12.5) = 125ml/min.
- Kf is determined by 2 factors: 1- The permeability of the capillary bed. 2- The surface area of the capillary bed.
Opposing Filtration
Glomerular capillary colloid osmotic pressure 25 mm Hg Bowmans capsule hydrostatic pressure 10 mm Hg
Net = +10 mm Hg
Regulation of Filtration
(1) Changes in glomerular hydrostatic pressure.
(1) Diameter of the afferent arterioles. VD of afferent arterioles ++ Hydrostatic pr. in glomerular capillary ++ GFR. VC of afferent arterioles e.g ++ sympathetic activity - Hydrostatic pr. in glomerular capillary (HPGC) -GFR.
(2) Diameter of the efferent arterioles. Moderate VC ++ Hydrostatic pr. in glomerular capillary slight ++ of GFR. (3) Arterial Blood Pressure: Between 70 & 170 mmHg: GFR and RBF are kept relatively constant by autoregulatory mechanisms.
Constriction of the afferent arteriole reduces both the RBF and theGFR, leaving the filtration fraction unchanged. Efferent arteriole constriction reduces RBF but conserves GFR, causing an increase in the filtration fraction.
Regulation of Filtration
(2) Changes in Bowmans Capsule hydrostatic pressure ++ Hydrostatic pr in Bowmans capsule e.g. stone in ureter -- GFR . (3) Change in glomerular colloidal osmotic pressure Increased Colloidal osmotic pressure in glomerular capillary e.g in dehydration decreased GFR. Decreased Colloidal osmotic pressure in glomerular capillary e.g in hypoproteinemia increased GFR. (4) Functioning kidney mass When the number of functioning nephrons decreases e.g. in renal disease (failure), there is reduction of filtration coefficient (kf) & decrease in GFR (decreasing the filtering surface area).
Determinants of GFR
3. glomerular capillary filtration coefficient(Kf)
Kf is the product of the permeability and filtering surface area of the capillaries.
diabetes mellitus thickness of glomerular membrane Kf GFR
Changes in filtering surface area: This is changed by contraction or relaxation of mesangial cells. They are contracted by vasopressin (ADH), adrenaline, angiotensin II, prostaglandin F2 and sympathetic stimulation.
They are relaxed by prostaglandin E2, dopamine, cAMP and ANP. Contraction of mesangial cells decrease surface area available for filtration decrease in Kf & decrease in GFR and vice versa.
Changes in the permeability of glomerular membrane: GFR is directly proportional to the permeability of glomerular membrane e.g. hypoxia, fevers, some renal diseases increases this permeability.
Renal Clearance
Clearance is the virtual volume of plasma from which a substance is completely removed and excreted in to the urine in one minute Or Clearance is a ratio of the amount of substance excreted in urine to the plasma concentration of the substance i.e. Urinary excretion rate/plasma concentration
PX=1mg /ml
Venous Plasma
In One Minute
Renal clearance
Definition: The renal clearance of a substance is the volume of plasma that is completely cleared of the substance by the kidneys per unit time. the ability of the kidneys to "clear" or remove a specific substance from the blood. Clearance equation: C = U V / P ml/min
Renal Clearance
Clearance and urinary excretion rate (U x V) of a substance are not identical because increasing the plasma concentration of a substance leads to an increased rate of excretion; clearance remains unchaned. Clearance equation: C = U V / P ml/min
Suppose there were a magic substance freely filtered ,neither reabsorbed nor secreted then the amount of the substance excreted per minute would be equal to the amount of substance filtered i.e. P x GFR = U x V GFR= U x V/P =clearance
Not metabolized.
Not stored in the kidney.
Does not affect filtration rate & its conc. is easily measured.
Substances that are freely filtered but neither reabsorbed nor secreted have renal clearance rate equal to GFR and hence are called glomerular markers.
Ficks Principle
The amount of substance removed (excreted) by an organ(kidney) per unit time(U x V) is equal to the renal plasma flow multiplied by the arteriovenous difference in plasma concentration.
Ficks Priciple
But suppose we had a magic substance that was so completely cleared by the kidney that the venous conc were zero .
Para-amino-Hippuric acid is continuously (freely) filtered by the glomeruli & also secreted by the proximal convoluted tubules to such an extent that it is completely removed during its renal circulation. RPF = UPAH x V/PPAH = Clearance PAH
At low plasma conc. CPAH = 650ml/min = ERPF (10% lower then actual RPF) RBF=RPF x I/I-Hct
Substances that are filtered and also secreted by the tubules, but not reabsorbed have the highest renal clearance rate.Such substances are thus entirely exreted by a single passage of blood through kidneys. Clearance of such substances represent the range of blood flow
PAH=650ml/min Diodras
Substances that are freely filtered ,but are partially reabsorbed in the tubules have renal clearance rate less than GFR Urea (partially reabsorbed)
Urea Clearace < 125ml/min
Substances that are freely filtered ,but are completely reabsorbed have lowest clearance rate
Creatinine clearance:
Actually GFR is rarely measured clinically by inulin clearance. Rather ,Creatinine,a normal product of muscle metabolism is used Creatinine is not an ideal substance for this purpose since it is not only is filtered but also secreted to a small extent in the human. The error introduced by this secretory component is about 10%
Creatinine clearance:
Fortunately the laboratory methods of measuring plasma creatinine overestimate the true value by about 10%. Consequently the two error cancel & in most clinical studies Ccr provide a reasonable estimate of GFR.
Creatinine clearance:
Finally in most cases the muscle mass does not changes day to day,so the amount of creatinine presented to the kidney for excretion is relatively constant. Pcr x GFR = Rate of production(constant) Given this constancy there are 2 varibles. GFR & Plama creatinine
Creatinine clearance:
So as one variable decrease, the another increases. Pcr x GFR = Rate of
production(constant) Imagine a normal person with the following renal values GFR=100ml/min, Pcr=1mg/dl Now if the kidney fails & GFR decreases to 50ml/min ,Pcr would increase to 2mg/dl. As physician you should note that when plasma creatinine value doubles this means GFR must have fallen to of its normal Value
Estimates of GFR
Creatinine clearance:
Two groups in which this method should not be used (1) New Born (2) Individuals with wasting diseases (cancer) In both cases one cannot assume a constancy of muscle mass
Creatinine clearance:
-Mode of handling: complete filtration, partial secretion, no reabsorption. So, creatinine clearance is more than GFR = 140 ml/min. -It is an endogenous substance coming from creatine metabolism in skeletal muscles. It is released into blood at relatively constant rate. - It can be used clinically for measuring GFR, it is easier but it is slightly inaccurate.