Fair Torrent
Fair Torrent
Fair Torrent
P EER-TO-PEER (P2P) file sharing is a popular, cheap, and
effective way to distribute content. However, P2P filesharing applications suffer from a fundamental problem of unfairness.
Free-Riders and Low-Contributing peers Consume much bandwidth in P2P networks Cause much slower downloads for other users High-Contributing peers often receives much less bandwidth
Tit for Tat (TFT) BitTyrant Block-based TFT PropShare Proportional Response algorithm. Above approaches are rate based and suffer from fundamental flaw. Fair Torrent(FT): a new deficit-based distributed P2P algorithm that solves the problem of fair bandwidth exchange in the presence of free-riders and strategic peers. FairTorrent accurately rewards peers in accordance with their contribution. FT runs locally at each peer and maintains a deficit counter for each neighbor.
Bit Torrent
Advantages Of FT
its fairness and performance is compared against 4 other widely used open source implementation. ie
1 0.5 1
Peer i
2.5 2.5 2
FairTorrent Algorithm
a distributed algorithm that provides fair data exchange, without any global allocation or management service beyond what is already provided by BitTorrent.
owes the most data and automatically converges to the individual reciprocation rates of its peers, without measuring or predicting these rates
Leecher Behaviour
Seed Behavior
FairTorrent allocates seed bandwidth to be split evenly
Exchanging Data
Unchoking Peers By default, FairTorrent establishes TCPconnections with 50 neighbors. A FairTorrent leecher unchokes each neighbor interested in its data. Reaching Rate Convergence FairTorrent reachs at much faster rate convergence than PropShare
Data Availability
FairTorrent leverages BitTorrents rarest first policy when
Mega-Capacity Nodes
Node whose capacity exceeds the sum of the upload
FairTorrent Properties
FairTorrent incurs low overhead. The most expensive step
in a FairTorrent implementation is the reinsertion of a peer inside the SortedPeerList, a step that runs in O(log n). Fairness and Service Error Service error is the max difference betweendifference between the number of bytes a peer has contributed and received from other leechers at any time during a download session.
FairTorrent (FT) in both the original BitTorrent Python client,
which implements the documented version of the BitTorrent protocol, and in the popular Azureus Java client.
Evaluated on PlanetLab against: Original BitTorrent client Azureus (most popular) PropShare BitTyrant (uses K-TFT with other BitTyrant clients)
Four sets of experiments: 1) Clients with upload capacities across a uniform distribution, which begin downloading simultaneously and remain as seeds in the system upon download completions. 2) A high-contributing peer participating in a swarm with low contributors and free-riders, all of which begin downloading simultaneously and remain as seeds in the system upon download completions. 3) Clients with upload capacities based on a distribution from live BitTorrent networks, which join the system asynchronously and leave upon download completion. 4) Live BitTorrent swarms.
Test Parameters
32 MB file Default connections
-50 for Azureus -80 for BitTorrent -500 for Propshare and BitTyrant
Uniform Distribution
50 leecher 10 seeds Upload capacity 50kB/s
capacities generated randomly from the respective distribution, resulting in 250 leecher measurements.
Uniform Distribution
FairTorrent BitTorrent
Rate Convergence
Download time
Download Time
Skewed Distribution
S: Download time.
capacities taken from live torrents, which asynchronously join and leave, do not seed upon completion if they are leechers, and participate in a larger, nonmesh network.
A larger network of 100 leechers and 20 seeds is used
and configured the upload capacities of the leechers based on a distribution of the upload capacities in live BitTorrent networks
Live swarms
FairTorrent is a deficit-based algorithm avoids the pitfalls
of previous approaches that suffer from slow peer discovery, inaccurate bandwidth estimates, bandwidth underutilization, and complex tuning of parameters.
FairTorrent achieves much more optimal fairness, rate-
[1] Alex Sherman, Jason Nieh, and Clifford Stein FairTorrent: A Deficit-Based DistriButed Algorithm to Ensure Fairness in Peer-to-Peer ystemsIEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, VOL. 20, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2012 [2] A. Bharambe, C. Herley, and V. Padmanabhan, Analyzing andimproving a BitTorrent networks performance mechanisms, in Proc.25th IEEE INFOCOM, Apr. 2006, pp. 1 12. [3] B. Fan, D. Chiu, and J. Lui, The delicate tradeoffs in BitTorrent-like file sharing protocol design, in Proc. 14th IEEE ICNP, Nov. 2006, pp.239248. [4] Q. Lian, Y. Peng, M. Yang, Z. Zhang, Y. Dai, and X. Li, Robust incentives via multi-level tit-for-tat, presented at the 5th IPTPS, Feb. 2006