Super Node Selection For Efficient Patch Distribution in P2P Networks
Super Node Selection For Efficient Patch Distribution in P2P Networks
Super Node Selection For Efficient Patch Distribution in P2P Networks
Computer worms
A computer worm is a malicious program that selfpropagates across a network by exploiting security
flaws in widely used services [15].
P2P worms
Worms, which use P2P topological information or,
vulnerabilities of P2P software for propagation are known
as P2P worms.
P2P worms spread faster than normal worms since;
They do not need to scan for IP address, because next targets are
readily available as P2P neighbor information.
Rich node connectivity of P2P network makes any node can be
reached from any other node within few hops (i.e. average
distance any two hosts in P2P network is short[13]).
Other Approaches
How to retain the privacy when distributing the security patches
through P2P networks [5].
Using benign worms to clean malicious worms [13], [17].
Benign worms are not malicious they propagate as ordinary worms
but they are designed to clean malicious worms.
Not ethical since benign worms access hosts without proper
Benign worm introduce significant network traffic when propagation.
The Problem
Select a set of super-peers from the unstructured P2P overlay
network, in distributed manner, to implement an efficient and
scalable patch distribution mechanism.
These selected super-peers must be;
Super-peer selection
Super-peer selection involves selecting subset of nodes
from the P2P network to serve a special role .
Lo et al. [6] specified factors which needs to be fulfilled by
super-peers in P2P networks.
Distribution factors.
Load Balance
P2P factors.
Adaptability to churn
Protocol initiation
Any peer who is not satisfied with current super-peers can initiate
the protocol if it is capable of performing as a super-peer.
It can flood a advertisement message through the network, to
notify other peers about its capability to perform as a super-peer
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Trust Calculation
Any peer in the network calculates the trust or the reputation of
other peers, it has dealt with.
Upon completion of a transition, peers can rate each other, and
this rating value will be either -1 or +1; where -1 is being an
unsatisfied transition and +1 being a successful satisfied transition.