The Sanskrit Tradition: P Ānini - The First "Modern" Grammarian
The Sanskrit Tradition: P Ānini - The First "Modern" Grammarian
The Sanskrit Tradition: P Ānini - The First "Modern" Grammarian
town near the Indus river, in what is now Pakistan It is unclear when he lived, perhaps around 500 or 400 BC Not the founder of grammar in India (P. mentions names of other grammarians) Main work: Adhyy, a grammar consisting of almost 4000 sutras
the least possible number of letters, without any ambiguity or doubtful assertion, containing the very essence, embracing all meanings, without any stop or obstruction and absolutely faultless in nature. (Excerpt from All About Hinduism by Sri Swami Sivananda)
purified language of religion, philosophy and learning, as it was in use around 500 BC. Sanskrit is a variety of the Indo-Aryan language spoken in the north of the Indian subcontinent from 1500 BC onward. The oldest forms of this language are known as Vedic Sanskrit, the language of the Rigveda, and the other Vedas.
language of everyday life, but Pkrit and Pli. Pkrit is the language of the oldest inscriptions, Pli the language of many Buddhist texts Sanskrit was closely associated with Brahmin priests and the Hindu religion
headings operational rules
A B / C __ D (replace A by B when preceded by C and followed by D) Panini version: A: genitive, B nominative, C ablative and D locative.
A AA (reduplication)
is done by context sensitive rules of the first
kind, but because nothing is replaced, there is no genitive modern version could be: aff / C __ D (note that P. already used zero elements, e.g. by defining deletion as replacement by zero) distinction made between roots, stems and words for affixation
A: nominative, B: locative
A is compounded with B
distinction between object language and
Rule ordering: feeding principle (tacitly
assumed by P. ): assume that rules are ordered in a feeding relation Elsewhere principle (special rules supersede general rules)
2. A C
Rule 1 bleeds rule 2 iff rule 1 removes some of the environments where rule 2 may apply
Thematic Roles
Krakas expressed generalizations about
thematic roles such as Agent, Goal, Recipient, Location, etc. E.g. Agent is expressed either by active endings on the verb or by instrumental case on the noun. Only one mode of expression is allowed, so if the verb is active, use the endings, if the verb is passive, use instrumental case.
an apple / a pear, the answer/the question) dvandva (coordinative compound: poetpainter) bahuvrihi (possessive compound: longlegged, narrow-minded) svarabhakti (epenthesis)
Background reading
George Cardona, Panini His work and its
traditions, 2nd ed., Delhi, 1997 J.F. Staal, Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians. South Asia Books, 1986