Socio-Emotional Development in Early Childhood
Socio-Emotional Development in Early Childhood
Socio-Emotional Development in Early Childhood
In early childhood years, young children develop in many ways that enable them to enhance their self understanding.
self understanding
Is the representation of self, the substance and content of self conceptions. -Children often provide self descriptions that involve body attributes, material possessions and physical activities. - Young childrens theory of mind includes understanding that other people have emotions and desires.
Allows them to try to make sense of other peoples emotional reactions and to begin to control their own emotions. Children must be able to be aware of themselves as distinct from others. > Self conscious emotions
Children increasingly understand that certain situations are likely to evoke particular emotions, facial expressions indicate specific emotions and emotions affect behavior, and emotions can be used to influence others emotions.
Parents can play an important role in helping young children regulate their emotions.
Emotion-coaching parents
- Monitor their childrens emotions
Emotion-diminishing parents
- View their role as to deny, ignore,
Moral Development -Involves the development of thoughts, feelings, behaviors regarding rules and conventions about what people should do in their interactions with other people.
Moral feelings
Feelings of anxiety and guilt are central to the account of moral development provided by Freuds psychoanalytic theory. Other emotions also contribute to the childs moral development, including positive feelings.
Moral Reasoning
Heteronomous morality 4 to 7 years of age Children think that justice and rules as unchangeable properties of the world, removed from the control of people. > Immanent justice -The concept that if the rule Is broken punishment will be meted out immediately.
Autonomous morality 10 years and above Children become aware that rules and laws are created by people, and in judging an action they consider the actors intentions as well as the consequences.
Moral behavior
It holds the processes of reinforcement, punishment, and imitation The situation also influence behavior The ability to resist temptation is closely tied to the development of self-control
> Conscience - Refers to an internal regulation of standards of right and wrong that involves an integration of all 3 components of moral development- moral thought, feeling and behavior. Parenting and young childrens moral development Parent-child relationships introduce children to the mutual obligations of close relationships. An important parenting strategy is to proactively avert potential misbehavior of children before it takes place.
Gender Refers to the characteristics of people as males and females. Gender identity Involves the sense of ones own gender, including knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of being male or female. Gender roles A set of expectations that prescribe how females or males should think, act, and feel.
Biological influences
Chromosomes, hormones and evolution
Social influences
Social theories of gender > Social role theory - Gender differences result from contrasting roles of women and men.
>Psychoanalytic theory of gender - Stems from Freuds view that the preschool child develops a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent > Social cognitive theory of gender - Childrens gender development occurs through observing and imitating what other people say and do, and through being rewarded and punished for genderappropriate and gender- inappropriate behavior.
Parental influence
Parents by action and by example, influence their childrens gender development mothers socialization strategies fathers socialization strategies
Peer influence
Peers extensively reward or punish gender behavior. gender molds important aspect s of peer relations (best 2010) Gender composition of childrens groups group size Interaction in same sex groups
Cognitive development
Gender schema theory - States that gender typing emerges as children gradually develop gender schemas of what is gender-appropriate and gender-inappropriate on their culture
schema - A network of associations that guide an individuals perceptions. gender schema - Organizes the world in terms of female and male.
-Parenting -Child Maltreatment -Sibling Relationships and Birth Order -The Changing Family in the Changing Society
- is a restrictive, punitive style in which parents exhort the child to follow their directions and respect their work and effort. -children of authoritarian parents are often unhappy, fearful, and anxious about comparing themselves with others, fail to initiative activity, and have weak communication skills.
Authoritative Parenting
-encourages children to be independent but still places limits and
controls on their actions. -parents are warmth and nurturant toward the child. -children whose parents are authoritative cheerful, selfcontrolled, and self-reliant and achievement oriented; they tend to maintain friendly relationships with peers, cooperate with adults, and cope well with stress.
Neglectful Parenting
is a style in which the parent is much uninvolved in the childs life. -children whose parents are neglectful develop the sense that other aspects of the parents lives are more important than they are. -children tend to be socially incompetent
Indulgent Parenting
-is a style in which parents are highly involved with their children but place few demands or controls on them. -parents let them do what they want.
- any ill suffered in consequences of wrongdoing.
Reasons why parents or adults should avoid spanking or other physical punishments on children:
When adults punish a child by yelling, screaming, or spanking, they are representing children with out-of-control models for handling stressful situations. Children may imitate this aggressive, outof-control behaviour.
Punishment can instil fear, rage, or avoidance. For example, spanking the child may cause the child to avoid being around the parent and to fear the parent.
Punishment can be abusive. Parents might unintentionally become so aroused when they are punishing the child that they become abusive. Punishment can be abusive. Parents might unintentionally become so aroused when they are punishing the child that they become abusive. Most child psychologists recommend handling behaviour by reasoning with the child, especially explaining the consequences of the childs action for others. Diana concludes from her research that when parents used punishment in a calm, reasoned manner, childrens development benefitted.
- the relationship between the marital conflict and the use of punishment highlights the importance of co-parenting, which is the support that parents provide one another in jointly raising the child.
-involves grossly inadequate and destructive aspects of parenting.
Birth Order
-whether a child has older or younger siblings has been linked to development of certain personality characteristics. For example, a recent review concluded that firstborns are intelligent, achieving, and conscientious, while later-borns are most rebellious, liberal and agreeable. Also more adult-oriented, helpful conforming, and self-controlled. The popular conception is that the only child is a spoiled brat, with such undesirable characteristics as dependency, lack of self-control, and selfcentred behaviour. Somehow, only children are often achievement oriented and display a desirable personality.
Working Parents
-working can produce positive and negative effects on parenting. Ann Crouter (2006) recently described how parents bring their experiences at work into their homes. She concluded that parents who have poor working conditions, such as long hours, overtime work, stressful work, and lack of autonomy at work are more likely to be irritable at home and engage in less effective parenting than their counterparts who have better work conditions in their jobs.
--marital conflict may have negative consequences for the children in the context of marriage or divorce. And many of the problems that children from divorced homes experience begin during the pre-divorce period, a time when parents are in active conflict with each other. Thus, when children from divorced homes show problems, the problems may not be due only to the divorce, but also the marital conflict that led to it. Children who are socially mature and responsible, who show few behavioural problems, and who have an easy temperament are better able to cope with their parents divorce.
To evaluate what they do in terms of whether it is better than, as good as, or worse than what other children do.
Developmental Changes
About the age of 3, children prefer to spend time with the same sex playmates
Children distinguish between
friends and non friends Preschoolers recognized that boys prefer to play in groups but not that they have more shared friendships than girls Grade 2 children believe that boys have more shared friendships By grade 6, they recognize that friends have access to more information about each other than non friends Older children (9-11 years old) believe that, playing in larger groups is more enjoyable than playing in dyads
Interactions with their children How they manage their childrens lives And the opportunities they provide their children .. Their choices of neighborhood Churches Schools And their own friends
- a pleasurable activity in which children engage for its own sake, and its functions and forms vary.
Erickson, play helps children master anxieties and conflicts It permits children to work off excess physical energy and to release pent up tensions
Play also is an important context for cognitive development Piaget and Vygotsky concluded that play is a childs work
Said that childrens cognitive development constrains the way they play He thought that cognitive structures need to be exercised.
He was especially interested in the symbolic and makebelieve aspects of play.
Types of Play
Sensorimotor behavior engaged in by infants to derive pleasure from exercising their existing sensorimotor schemes
Practice play it involves repetition of behavior when new skills are being learned when physical or mental mastery and coordination of skills are required for games or sports.
Pretense/symbolic play the child transforms the physical environment into a symbol. Social play involves social interactions with peers. Constructive play combines sensorimotor and repetitive activity with symbolic representation of ideas.
- is the most influential mass media that affect childrens behavior.