RBC Disorders
RBC Disorders
RBC Disorders
RBC disorders
Symptoms Signs
Easy fatiguibility Pallor
Dyspnoea on Rapid bounding pulse
exertion Systolic murmurs
Faintness vertigo Dependent edema
Erythroid hyperplasia seen in the bone marrow in anemia
Classification of anemia
Reduced production Increased destruction
Deficiency of hematinics Hemolytic anemia
Iron deficiency Intrinsic causes
Folate & B12 deficiency Membrane defects
Dyserythropoiesis Enzyme deficiencies
Anemia of chronic disorders Hemoglobinopathy
Myelodysplasia Extrinsic causes
Sideroblastic anemia Immune reactions
Marrow infiltration Microangiopathic
Failure of production Parasitic
Aplastic anemia Hypersplenism
Pure red cell aplasia Bleeding
Anemia due to deficiency of hematinics-
Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia & is due to chronic
blood loss, deficient intake, and increased demand (pregnancy &
Chronic blood loss is the most common cause of iron deficiency in
adults (peptic ulcers, cancers of the stomach & colon, menorrhagia,
urinary tract lesions)
Microcytic hypochromic anemia with a low serum total iron, increased
iron binding capacity, and decreased serum ferritin indicating reduced
iron stores
Clinical features: Angular cheilits, atrophic glossitis, esophageal webs,
koilonychia and brittle nails, fatigue, dyspnoea on exertion, tachycardia
Microcytes- small
Hypochromic- RBCs
with a large central
Myelodysplastic syndromes:
Production of abnormal clones of marrow stem cells which form
It progress to leukemia
Intrinsic causes
Extrinsic causes
Microangiopathic- DIC
2) Extravascular hemolysis
Jaundice: excessive breakdown of RBCs results in the
release of Hb, which is converted in the liver to bilirubin
& this, gives the yellowish discoloration to the tissues.
Pigment gall stone formation
Hepatosplenomegaly is seen due to extramedullary
Inherited defect in the synthesis of globin chains of the hemoglobin.
Common in the Mediterranean, Middle and Far East and South East Asia.
Mutations in the genes coding for the synthesis of α & β globin chains
(normal adult Hb- 2α & 2β chains).
Two types: depending on the chain affected (reduced or absent)
α Thalassemia
β Thalassemia
β Thalassemia is of 2 types
major (microcytic hypochromic anemia with severe hemolysis,
hepatosplenomegaly, skeletal deformities and iron overload) and
minor (mild disease with microcytic hypochromic anemia).
Clinical features of Thalassemia
Microcytic hypochromic anemia
Hemosiderosis: the deposition of iron in the tissues like
The endocrine glands results in the development of diabetes mellitus, failure of
sexual development.
Deposition in the heart and liver results in their failure.
It is treated by iron chelation using desferroxamine.
Facial deformities: like
frontal bossing and prominent maxillae resulting from the extramedullary
hemopoieis in the flat bones (like the skull bones, the ribs, etc) due to the
hemolysis & severe anemia.
Expansion of the bone marrow results in the cortical thinning and new bone is
formed which is deposited in the outer aspect of the bone. Cortical thinning
predisposes to fractures.
Hepatosplenomegaly is seen due to extramedullary hemopoiesis
Hydrops fetalis: In extreme cases were all 4 chains are absent and in utero death
The Hb concentration & the packed cell volume/ hematocrit are raised.
The blood is viscous (thick) and does not flow easily, predisposing to
thrombosis and thereafter infarction of organs like the brain, heart and
Classification of polycythemias
Primary: It is due to increased proliferation of the precursors of the RBCs,
WBCs and the platelets in the bone marrow (myeloproliferative disease). This
is known as Polycythemia rubra vera.
Secondary to increased erythropoietin levels: erythropoietin is a hormone
secreted by the kidney and it acts on the bone marrow simulating the RBC
production (erythropoiesis). It may be raised in
Hypoxic conditions like smoking, high altitude, lung diseases (like severe
chronic bronchitis, emphysema), congenital heart diseases
Tumors of the kidney, liver or brain resulting in increased production of
the erythropoietin.
Relative: it is seen when the plasma volume is depleted as in dehydration &
At the end of the lesson on RBC Disorders,
the student should be able to:
1. Define anemias and classify them based on the mechanisms of their