Kuliah Aromatis 1
Kuliah Aromatis 1
Kuliah Aromatis 1
Benzene is a colorless compound, m.p. 6o C and b.p. 80o C, discovered in 1825 by Michael Faraday.
It is a six membered ring, with the formula C6H6 indicating three double bonds and a ring. The structure of benzene was a puzzle for chemists in the 19th century as its formula indicated a high degree of saturation, like alkenes. However, it did not give addition reactions as did alkenes.
The first structure of benzene was proposed by August Kekul in 1865. He proposed that benzene was composed of three double bonds in a six-membered ring. These double bonds, he hypothesized, shift back and forth rapidly such that the two possible forms cannot be separated.
Benzene is particularly stable because it has two equivalent and important resonance structures Each carbon-carbon bond is 1.39 , which is between the length of a carbon-carbon single bond (1.47) and a carbon-carbon double bond (1.33 ) Often the hybrid is represented by a circle in a hexagon (III)
Benzene is much more stable than would be expected based on calculations for cyclohexatriene
A reasonable prediction for the heat of hydrogenation of hypothetical cyclohexatriene is -360 kJ mol-1 (3 times that of cyclohexene, -120 kJ mol-1 )
The experimentally determined heat of hydrogenation for benzene is -280 mol-1, 152 kJ mol-1 more stable than hypothetical cyclohexatriene This difference is called the resonance energy
Tidak seperti senyawa-senyawa yang mengandung ikatan rangkap lainnya, bensena lebih mudah mengalami reaksi substitusi daripada adisi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari data berikut.
Reagen KMnO4 encer Sikloheksena Terjadi Oksidasi, cepat Bensena Tidak bereaksi
Tidak bereaksi
In molecules containing other functional groups, the phenyl group and others are named as substituents.
CH3 benzene phenyl group, Phtoluene H2 C benzyl group, Bn-
Benzene does not undergo addition reactions like other unsaturated hydrocarbons, because addition would yield a product that is not aromatic. Substitution of a hydrogen keeps the aromatic ring intact.
All electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions occur by the same two-step mechanism :
1. addition of the electrophile E+ to form a resonance-stabilized carbocation 2. followed by deprotonation with base, as shown below:
H Y+ + H Y Y H Y
B: fast
In halogenation, benzene reacts with Cl2 or Br2 in the presence of a Lewis acid catalyst, such as FeCl3 or FeBr3, to give the aryl halides chlorobenzene or bromobenzene respectively. Analogous reactions with I2 and F2 are not synthetically useful because I2 is too unreactive and F2 reacts too violently.
Generation of the electrophile in both nitration and sulfonation requires strong acid.
In Friedel-Crafts acylation, a benzene ring is treated with an acid chloride (RCOCl) and AlCl3 to form a ketone. Because the new group bonded to the benzene ring is called an acyl group, the transfer of an acyl group from one atom to another is an acylation.
In Friedel-Crafts acylation, the Lewis acid AlCl3 ionizes the carbon-halogen bond of the acid chloride, thus forming a positively charged carbon electrophile called an acylium ion, which is resonance stabilized.
The positively charged carbon atom of the acylium ion then goes on to react with benzene in the two step mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution.
Other functional groups that form carbocations can be used as starting materials : ALKENES & ALCOHOLS
[3] Other functional groups that form carbocations can also be used as starting materials.
Starting materials that contain both a benzene ring and an electrophile are capable of intramolecular Friedel-Crafts reactions.