Error Correcting Codes: Oon Boey Lay Rujukan: Emm400 Studyguidefa Emm400Tasks&Solns1
Error Correcting Codes: Oon Boey Lay Rujukan: Emm400 Studyguidefa Emm400Tasks&Solns1
Error Correcting Codes: Oon Boey Lay Rujukan: Emm400 Studyguidefa Emm400Tasks&Solns1
The need for powerful (and public) encryption has grown out of our ever increasing reliance on digital information you will no doubt have seen yourselves how when you sometimes go to or leave a web page you are told that the page is (or is not) encrypted for security purposes. Security issues arise not only in the public domain but also in the secrecy that surrounds military operations.
There is a conflict between governments trying to restrict the use of encryption which they regard as a tool for terrorists, and civil libertarians who argue that encryption is necessary to protect privacy
Another product of the digital age is errorcorrecting codes. This area of mathematics began just 60 years ago in 1948.
Have you ever wondered how satellites send photographs back to earth? Or why you cant just invent a credit card number when you try to buy something on the internet? Or how you can be sure when you deposit money into an ATM that the correct amount will go to your account?
We will begin by looking at: what are error-correcting codes and why we need them; the Mariner 6 space mission; and some examples of error-correcting codes.
In order to transmit pictures, a fine grid was placed on the picture and each square or what we would now refer to as a pixel, was given a degree of blackness ranging from 0 to 63
Each of these numbers was written as a sequence of six 0s and 1s, for example by writing it in the binary system (that is, in base 2), as shown below. 0 000000 1 000001 2 000010 3 000011 4 000100 5 000101 6 000110 7 000111 8 001000 9 001001 43 101011 63 111111
So we have degree of blackness = 43 101011. In the case of Mariner 6, each picture was broken up into 700 x 832 squares, so if each square was coded using 6 binary digits, each picture would consist of a sequence of 6 x 700 x 832 = 3 494 400 binary digits.
However, while the degree of blackness of each square consisted of a six binary digits, the message that was sent actually used many more digits for each degree of blackness in fact 32 binary digits were sent for each square, so each picture consisted of a sequence of 32 x 700 x 832 = 18 636 800 binary digits.
Message to be transmitted
If we have many errors like this they will affect the quality of the picture that is received and we cannot really ask for the message to be repeated. This is the reason we need error-correcting codes. Error-correcting codes combat error by introducing redundancy by including more symbols than is necessary for the message.
Digital alphabet
The process of encoding a message usually begins with the conversion of ordinary text into a string of numbers by means of a digital alphabet like the one shown below. In the code shown in Figure 2.6, each letter (and a few punctuation marks) are represented by a sequence of 0s and 1s of length 5 we can think of these sequences as being the numbers between 0 and 32 written in the binary (base 2) system.
Y = 110001
: = 11110 ; = 11111
So, for example, if I were to write my name in this code I would get: SUSIE 10011 10101 10011 01001 00101 ACTIVITY 2.1 Write your name using the binary code above.
2 3
= =
010 011
001 10110
010 10101 011 00011
5 6 7
= = =
101 110 111
100 10011
101 00101 110 00110 111 10000
Check that every codeword differs from every other codeword in exactly four places.
Imagine that we receive the following message: 00111110 we see that the codeword closest to 00111110 is 00110110. It differs in just one place the fifth place (underlined here). hence the name single-error-correcting code.
In this example, we have: 8 digit codewords with 3 information digits and 5 redundant digits. So we can say this code has information rate = 3/8
Repetition codes
One simple way of introducing redundancy is to repeat everything. So if we have a message we could decide to code it by repeating each digit n times. For example, if n = 5, we get a repetition code of length 5.
For example what should we do if we receive the following message: 11011 00110 11000 10000 10111 ?
The following is an example of a decoding algorithm for any one 5-digit block: Count the number of 1s. If number of 1s 3 , write 11111. If number of 1s 2 , write 00000.
You receive the following message, which was sent using the alphabet from Activity 2.1 and a repetition code of length 5. 00000 10010 11011 11000 01111
Convert the message to the 5 digit binary code. Use the alphabet from Activity 2.1 to convert it to ordinary letters.
ACTIVITY 2.4 Using the same code as in Activity 2.3, you receive the following message:
00000 01000 11101 11111 10111 01100 11011 11111 00100 10000 00010 10001 01111 00100 00000 01000 10000 01010 00100 00001 11110 00000 00111 00011 11111 11101 01111 00100 01100 11001
01010 11111
10111 00010
01111 11011
11111 01000
00000 00000
Convert the message to the 5 digit binary code. Use the alphabet from Figure 2.6 to convert it to ordinary letters. What message do you think was really intended?
000010 1 000011 0
000100 1
ACTIVITY 2.8 Find the codewords representing each of the following letters in the single-parity-check code above: J , L , Q , S , G , X.
Write the message NO ERRORS in the single-parity-check code above. ACTIVITY 2.10 The following message is received in the single-parity-check code: 000011 000000 001111 011110 010110 001001 000000 100100 001010 100111 101001 011000 101000 Detect the places where the errors occur. Decode the remaining letter. Use guesswork to complete the message.
n 1 n