Social Process
Social Process
Social Process
Society is a system of social relationships that exist among people. We see such relationships between father & son, employer & employee, teacher & student, leader & follower, friends & enemies etc. Social relationships involve two or more actors with reciprocal obligations, reciprocal statuses, reciprocal ends and means. Social relationships are triggered by social process.
Social process is the manner in which the relations of the members of a group, once brought together, acquire a distinctive character. Social process is merely the characteristic way in which interactions occur. Social process is the fundamental way in which men interact and establish relationships.
Cooperation = Working together
Cooperation is done when there is likemindedness, similarity of purpose, mutual awareness &understanding and selfish attitude.
Cooperation is a continuous and common endeavors of two or more persons to perform a task or to reach a commonly cherished goal.
Sympathy and identification are 2 important factors that motivate a person to Cooperate.
Identification is to symbolize the situation that can be faced by the other person Sympathy is to feel the situation of other person after identification of it.
Man cannot associate without cooperating, working together, in pursue of common interests. Cooperation helps society to progress.
Types of Cooperation
Direct cooperation Indirect cooperation Primary cooperation Secondary cooperation Tertiary cooperation
Direct Cooperation
Indirect Cooperation In this case, individuals work individually for the attainment of a common end. People do unlike tasks towards a similar goal. It is based on the principle of division of labor. For example farmer, spinner, weaver, dyer, tailor are different people, involved in different activities but the end is producing clothes.
Primary Cooperation
It is found in primary groups, such as families, neighborhoods, friends, groups etc. Here, every member works for betterment for all. Rewards are shared or are meant to be shared with every member of the group.
Secondary Cooperation
It is highly formalized and specialized cooperation. Everyone coordinates for his or her own benefits like wages, promotions, profits, prestige, power etc.
Political & religious groups are examples.
Tertiary Cooperation
Competition is the most fundamental form of social struggle. All people cannot fulfill their desires since there are unlimited desires but insufficient supplies. It is a natural result of efforts for existence.
Definitions of Competition
Competition is striving of 2 or more people for the same goal which is limited; so that all cannot share it. The process of seeking to monopolize a reward by surpassing all rivals.
Forms of Competition
Social competition is between individuals for status, power. Economic competition is one in which individuals compete in production, distribution, salaries, profits, promotion, clients, etc. Political competition is between political parties to govern the country or part of it. Cultural and Racial competition is also present in the society.
Competition assigns individuals their respective place in the society. It motivates and increases individual efficiency. It contributes to socio-economic progress.
Conflict is one of the form of struggle between individuals (which is more aggressive than competition). Conflict can be a deliberate attempt to oppose, resist or coerce the will of others.
Definitions of Conflict
A process of seeking to monopolize rewards by weakening or eliminating the competitors. A process in which individuals or groups seek their ends by directly challenging the rival by threat or violance.
Forms of Conflicts
Personal & Corporate conflicts Latent & Overt conflicts Class conflicts Racial/Caste/Sect conflicts International conflicts
A little amount of internal conflict is good for a group, as it keeps the leader alert and policies up-to-date. External conflicts bring social unity and order among the members. Personal conflicts provide growth to individuals. However, conflicts can create chaos, disorder and confusion too.
Park and Burgess said Humans social organization is fundamentally a result of accommodation of conflicting elements.
Life is a series of interruptions and recoveries So the conflicts are bound to be there
Still the conflicting individuals and groups sooner or later are forced to find out a way to reconcile their differences.
Definitions of Accommodation
Acquired changes in in the behavior of individuals which help them to adjust to their environment. Process of attaining sense of harmony with individuals environment. Adjustment of hostile individuals or groups.
Forms of Accommodation
Coercion: forcing weaker party to agree Toleration: avoiding the conflicts Conversion: accepting others beliefs Sublimation: using non-aggressive attitude to agree Rationalization: includes reasonable excuses and explanation for ones behavior.
..Forms of Accommodation
Compromise: accepting some demands of both of the parties so that both can get some advantages.
Arbitration Mediation Conciliation
It is another form of social adjustment. It is concerned with the absorption and incorporation of one party into another. Assimilation is a slow and gradual process.
Definitions of Assimilation
It is fusion of two or more previously groups into one. Social process in which attitude of individuals are change and united to form a group.