Limfoma (Kuliah 3a Ipd III)
Limfoma (Kuliah 3a Ipd III)
Limfoma (Kuliah 3a Ipd III)
DEFINISI Sekelompok keganasan primer limfosit yang dapat berasal dari limfosit B, limfosit T dan kadang ( amat jarang ) berasal dari sel NK ( natural killer ) yang berada dalam sistim limfe, sangat heterogen baik tipe histologis, gejala, perjalanan klinis, respon terapi maupun prognosis
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
Non-Hodgkins lymphomas (NHL) are a heterogeneous group of malignant lymphomas. There are many different subtypes, every few years the classification is updated. Today, morphology, immunophenotype, molecular, cytogenetics, and other techniques are used for diagnosis. Treatment generally depends on the aggressiveness of the disease (indolent, aggressive, or very aggressive) Current ICD-9-CM diagnosis code range 200.0_ 200.8_ and 202.0_ 202.9_
Etiology of NHL
Immune suppression
congenital (Wiskott-Aldrich) organ transplant (cyclosporine) AIDS increasing age
Etiology of NHL
Chronic inflammation and antigenic stimulation
Helicobacter pylori inflammation, stomach Chlamydia psittaci inflammation, ocular adnexal tissues Sjgrens syndrome
Viral causes
EBV and Burkitts lymphoma HTLV-I and T cell leukemia-lymphoma HTLV-V and cutaneous T cell lymphoma Hepatitis C
* Penggolongan histologi LNH merupakan masalah yang rumit dan sukar Perkembangan terakhir klasifikasi yang banyak dipakai adalah formulasi praktis ( working formulation = WF 1982 ) dan Revised Europe American Classification of Lymphoid Neoplasms / World Health Organization ( REAL / WHO 1997)
Mature (peripheral) T neoplasms T-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia / small lymphocytic lymphoma T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia T-cell granular lymphocytic leukemiaII Aggressive NK leukemia Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (HTLV-1+) Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type# Enteropathy-like T-cell lymphoma** Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma* Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma* Mycosis fungoides/Szary syndrome Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, T/null cell, primary cutaneous type Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise characterized Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, T/null cell, primary systemic type Hodgkins Lymphoma (Hodgkins Disease) Nodular lymphocyte predominance Hodgkins lymphoma Classic Hodgkins lymphoma Nodular sclerosis Hodgkins lymphoma (grades 1 and 2) Lymphocyte-rich classic Hodgkins lymphoma Mixed cellularity Hodgkins lymphoma Lymphocyte depletion Hodgkins lymphoma
Not described in REAL classification Includes the so-called Burkitt-like lymphomas ** Formerly known as intestinal T-cell lymphoma # Formerly know as angiocentric lymphoma
Klasifikasi WF ( 1982 )
Low grade malignancy Small lymphocytic / plasmacytoid Follicular, predominantly small cleaved cell Follicular, mixed small cleaved and large cell Intermediete grade malignancy Follicular, predominantly large cell Difuse, small cleaved cell Diffuse, mixed small and large cell
High grade malignancy Large cell, immunoblastic Lymphoblastic Small, non cleaved cell
1. Anamnesis
Pembesaran KGB atau organ BB menurun 10 % dalam waktu 3 bulan Demam tinggi 38 C 1 minggu tanpa sebab Keringat malam Keluhan anemia Keluhan organ ( seperti lambung, nasofaring ) Penggunaan obat ( Diphantoine )
Penyakit autoimun ( SLE, syogren, reuma ) Kelainan darah Infeksi ( Toxoplasmosis, mononucleosis, tuberculosis, lues, cakar kucing
2. Pemeriksaan fisik
* Pembesaran KGB Kelainan / pembesaran organ
3. Pemeriksaan penunjang
Laboratorium * Rutin Darah perifer lengkap ( DPL ), Gambaran darah tepi ( GDT ) Urine lengkap * Kimia Klinik * Imunophenotyping parafin panel CD 20, CD 3
Radiologi * Foto torak CT Scan torak * USG Abdomen CT Scan abdomen * Limfografi
Biopsi KGB BMP & biopsi SST
Diagnosis of NHL
Excisional biopsy is preferred to show nodal architecture (follicular vs diffuse). Immunohistochemistry to confirm cells are lymphoid
LCA (leukocyte common antigen) Monoclonal staining with Igk or Igl
Flow cytometry:
CD 19, CD20 for B cell lymphomas CD 3, CD 4, CD8 for T cell lymphomas
Diagnosis of NHL
Chromosome changes
14;18 translocation in follicular lymphoma
bcl-2 oncogene
1. Radioterapi 2. Radioterapi + Kemoterapi 3. Kemoterapi Generasi Pertama Cyclophosphamide 750 mg IV hari 1 Oncovin 1,4 mg IV hari 1 Adriamisin 50 mg IV hari 1 Prednison oral 4X20mg hari 1 5, 3 X 20 mg hr ke 6, 2 X 20 mg hr ke 7, 1 X 20 mg hr ke 8 siklus diulangi setiap 21 hari selama 6 siklus Generasi dua * M-Bacod, MOPP, COPBLAM, CAP-BOP Generasi tiga * MACOP B, COPBLAM III, COPBLAM IV, CHOP-Bleo/CMED relaps : salvage terapi
Treatment Options:
Indolent lymphomas FOLLICULAR LYMPHOMA 10-15% in Stage I or II
potentially curable local radiotherapy
Antibody against CD20: Rituxan, Bexxar, Zevalin. Stem cell or bone marrow transplant.
CHOP Chemotherapy
Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) Hydroxydaunorubicin (Adriamycin) Oncovin (vincristine) Prednisone
Intrathecal chemotherapy
AIDS patients and CNS involvement
Spinal cord compression, bulky disease