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FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ANY OTHER COUNTRY LIMITED WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY. Manufacturer warrant t!at "a# t!e SOFTWARE w$%% &erf'r( u)tant$a%%* $n acc'r+ance w$t! t!e acc'(&an*$n, wr$tten (ater$a% f'r a &er$'+ 'f n$net* "-.# +a* fr'( t!e +ate 'f rece$&t/ an+ ")# an* M$cr''ft !ar+ware acc'(&an*$n, t!e SOFTWARE w$%% )e free fr'( +efect $n (ater$a% an+ w'r0(an!$& un+er n'r(a% ue an+ er1$ce f'r a &er$'+ 'f 'ne "2# *ear fr'( t!e +ate 'f rece$&t. An* $(&%$e+ warrant$e 'n t!e SOFTWARE an+ M$cr''ft !ar+ware are %$($te+ t' n$net* "-.# +a* an+ 'ne "2# *ear/ re&ect$1e%*. S'(e tate34ur$+$ct$'n +' n't a%%'w %$($tat$'n 'n +urat$'n 'f an $(&%$e+ warrant*/ ' t!e a)'1e %$($tat$'n (a* n't a&&%* t' *'u. CUSTOMER REMEDIES. Manufacturer5 an+ $t u&&%$er5 ent$re %$a)$%$t* an+ *'ur e6c%u$1e re(e+* !a%% )e/ at Manufacturer5 '&t$'n/ e$t!er "a# return 'f t!e &r$ce &a$+/ 'r ")# re&a$r 'r re&%ace(ent 'f t!e SOFTWARE 'r !ar+ware t!at +'e n't (eet t!$ L$($te+ Warrant* an+ w!$c! $ returne+ t' Manufacturer w$t! a c'&* 'f *'ur rece$&t. T!$ L$($te+ Warrant* $ 1'$+ $f fa$%ure 'f t!e SOFTWARE 'r !ar+ware !a reu%te+ fr'( acc$+ent/ a)ue/ 'r ($a&&%$cat$'n. An* re&%ace(ent SOFTWARE 'r !ar+ware w$%% )e warrante+ f'r t!e re(a$n+er 'f t!e 'r$,$na% warrant* &er$'+ 'r t!$rt* "7.# +a*/ w!$c!e1er $ %'n,er. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, anu!acturer and it" "upplier" di"claim all other warrantie", either expre"" or implied, includin#, but not limited to implied warrantie" o! merchantability and !itne"" !or a particular purpo"e, with re#ard to the SO$TWARE, the accompanyin# written material", and any accompanyin# hardware. Thi" limited warranty #i%e" you "peci!ic le#al ri#ht". &ou may ha%e other" which %ary !rom "tate'(uri"diction to "tate'(uri"diction. NO )IA*I)IT& $OR +ONSE,-ENTIA) .AA/ES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no e%ent "hall anu!acturer or it" "upplier" be liable !or any dama#e" what"oe%er 0includin# without limitation, "pecial, incidental, con"e1uential, or indirect dama#e" !or per"onal in(ury, lo"" o! bu"ine"" pro!it", bu"ine"" interruption, lo"" o! bu"ine"" in!ormation, or any other pecuniary lo""2 ari"in# out o! the u"e o! or inability to u"e thi" product, e%en i! anu!acturer ha" been ad%i"ed o! the po""ibility o! "uch dama#e". In any ca"e, anu!acturer3" and it" "upplier"3 entire liability under any pro%i"ion o! thi" a#reement "hall be limited to the amount actually paid by you !or the SO$TWARE and'or icro"o!t hardware. *ecau"e "ome "tate"'(uri"diction" do not allow the exclu"ion or limitation o! liability !or con"e1uential or incidental dama#e", the abo%e limitation may not apply to you. SPECIAL PROVISIONS -.S. /O4ERNENT )I+ENSE RI/HTS. A%% SOFTWARE &r'1$+e+ t' t!e U.S. 8'1ern(ent &uruant t' '%$c$tat$'n $ue+ 'n 'r after Dece()er 2/ 2--9 $ &r'1$+e+ w$t! t!e c'((erc$a% %$cene r$,!t an+ retr$ct$'n +ecr$)e+ $n t!$ EULA. A%% SOFTWARE &r'1$+e+ t' t!e U.S. 8'1ern(ent &uruant t' '%$c$tat$'n $ue+ &r$'r t' Dece()er 2/ 2--9 $ &r'1$+e+ w$t! :Retr$cte+ R$,!t: a &r'1$+e+ f'r $n FAR/ ;< CFR 9=.==>?2; "@UNE 2-<># 'r DFAR/ ;< CFR =9=.==>?>.27 "OCT 2-<<#/ a a&&%$ca)%e. Manufacturer $ re&'n$)%e f'r enur$n, t!e SOFTWARE $ (ar0e+ w$t! t!e :Retr$cte+ R$,!t N't$ce: 'r :Retr$cte+ R$,!t Le,en+/: a reAu$re+. A%% r$,!t n't e6&re%* ,rante+ are reer1e+. If *'u acAu$re+ t!e SOFTWARE $n t!e Un$te+ State 'f A(er$ca/ t!$ S'ftware L$cene A,ree(ent an+ Warrant* are ,'1erne+ )* t!e %aw 'f t!e State 'f Wa!$n,t'n/ U.S.A. If *'u acAu$re+ t!e SOFTWARE 'ut$+e t!e Un$te+ State 'f A(er$ca/ %'ca% %aw (a* a&&%*. APPENDIX WARRANTY AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR EN8LAND/ SCOTLAND/ WALES AND IRELAND 04/07/94 40970003.DOC 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 LIMITED WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY. Manufacturer warrant t!at "a# t!e SOFTWARE w$%% &erf'r( u)tant$a%%* $n acc'r+ance w$t! t!e acc'(&an*$n, wr$tten (ater$a% f'r a &er$'+ 'f n$net* "-.# +a* fr'( t!e +ate 'f rece$&t/ an+ ")# an* M$cr''ft !ar+ware acc'(&an*$n, t!e SOFTWARE w$%% )e free fr'( +efect $n (ater$a% an+ w'r0(an!$& un+er n'r(a% ue an+ er1$ce f'r a &er$'+ 'f 'ne "2# *ear fr'( t!e +ate 'f rece$&t. An* $(&%$e+ warrant$e 'n t!e SOFTWARE an+ M$cr''ft !ar+ware are %$($te+ t' n$net* "-.# +a* an+ 'ne "2# *ear/ re&ect$1e%*. S'(e tate34ur$+$ct$'n +' n't a%%'w %$($tat$'n 'n +urat$'n 'f an $(&%$e+ warrant*/ ' t!e a)'1e %$($tat$'n (a* n't a&&%* t' *'u. CUSTOMER REMEDIES. Manufacturer5 an+ $t u&&%$er5 ent$re %$a)$%$t* an+ *'ur e6c%u$1e re(e+* !a%% )e/ at Manufacturer5 '&t$'n/ e$t!er "a# return 'f t!e &r$ce &a$+/ 'r ")# re&a$r 'r re&%ace(ent 'f t!e SOFTWARE 'r !ar+ware t!at +'e n't (eet t!$ L$($te+ Warrant* an+ w!$c! $ returne+ t' Manufacturer w$t! a c'&* 'f *'ur rece$&t. T!$ L$($te+ Warrant* $ 1'$+ $f fa$%ure 'f t!e SOFTWARE 'r !ar+ware !a reu%te+ fr'( acc$+ent/ a)ue/ 'r ($a&&%$cat$'n. An* re&%ace(ent SOFTWARE 'r !ar+ware w$%% )e warrante+ f'r t!e re(a$n+er 'f t!e 'r$,$na% warrant* &er$'+ 'r t!$rt* "7.# +a*/ w!$c!e1er $ %'n,er. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, anu!acturer and it" "upplier" di"claim all other repre"entation", warrantie", condition" or other term", either expre"" or implied, includin#, but not limited to implied warrantie" amd'or condition" o! merchantability and !itne"" !or a particular purpo"e, with re#ard to the SO$TWARE, the accompanyin# written material", and any accompanyin# hardware. Thi" limited warranty #i%e" you "peci!ic le#al ri#ht". &ou may ha%e other" which %ary !rom "tate'(uri"diction to "tate'(uri"diction. NO )IA*I)IT& $OR +ONSE,-ENTIA) .AA/ES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no e%ent "hall anu!acturer or it" "upplier" be liable !or any dama#e" what"oe%er 0includin# without limitation, direct or indirect dama#e" !or per"onal in(ury, lo"" o! bu"ine"" pro!it", bu"ine"" interruption, lo"" o! bu"ine"" in!ormation, or any other pecuniary lo""2 ari"in# out o! the u"e o! or inability to u"e thi" product, e%en i! anu!acturer ha" been ad%i"ed o! the po""ibility o! "uch dama#e". In any ca"e, anu!acturer3" and it" "upplier"3 entire liability under any pro%i"ion o! thi" a#reement "hall be limited to the amount actually paid by you !or the SO$TWARE and'or icro"o!t hardware. *ecau"e "ome "tate"'(uri"diction" do not allow the exclu"ion or limitation o! liability !or con"e1uential or incidental dama#e", the abo%e limitation may not apply to you. SPECIAL PROVISIONS Re1ere En,$neer$n,B If *'u acAu$re+ t!e SOFTWARE $n t!e Eur'&ean C'((un$t*/ *'u (a* n't re1ere en,$neer/ +ec'(&$%e/ 'r +$ae()%e t!e SOFTWARE e6ce&t t' t!e e6tent an+ f'r t!e e6&re &ur&'e aut!'r$Ce+ )* a&&%$ca)%e %aw. T!$ S'ftware L$cene A,ree(ent $ ,'1erne+ )* t!e %aw 'f En,%an+. APPENDIX WARRANTY AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CANADA LIMITED WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY. Manufacturer warrant t!at "a# t!e SOFTWARE w$%% &erf'r( u)tant$a%%* $n acc'r+ance w$t! t!e acc'(&an*$n, wr$tten (ater$a% f'r a &er$'+ 'f n$net* "-.# +a* fr'( t!e +ate 'f rece$&t/ an+ ")# an* M$cr''ft !ar+ware acc'(&an*$n, t!e SOFTWARE w$%% )e free fr'( +efect $n (ater$a% an+ w'r0(an!$& un+er n'r(a% ue an+ er1$ce f'r a &er$'+ 'f 'ne "2# *ear fr'( t!e +ate 'f rece$&t. An* $(&%$e+ warrant$e 'r c'n+$t$'n 'n t!e SOFTWARE an+ M$cr''ft !ar+ware are %$($te+ t' n$net* "-.# +a* an+ 'ne "2# *ear/ re&ect$1e%*. S'(e tate34ur$+$ct$'n +' n't a%%'w %$($tat$'n 'n +urat$'n 'f an $(&%$e+ warrant*/ ' t!e a)'1e %$($tat$'n (a* n't a&&%* t' *'u. CUSTOMER REMEDIES. Manufacturer5 an+ $t u&&%$er5 ent$re %$a)$%$t* an+ *'ur e6c%u$1e re(e+* !a%% )e/ at Manufacturer5 '&t$'n/ e$t!er "a# return 'f t!e &r$ce &a$+/ 'r ")# re&a$r 'r re&%ace(ent 'f t!e SOFTWARE 'r !ar+ware t!at +'e n't (eet t!$ L$($te+ Warrant* an+ w!$c! $ returne+ t' Manufacturer w$t! a c'&* 'f *'ur rece$&t. T!$ L$($te+ Warrant* $ 1'$+ $f fa$%ure 'f t!e SOFTWARE 'r !ar+ware !a reu%te+ fr'( acc$+ent/ a)ue/ 'r ($a&&%$cat$'n. An* re&%ace(ent SOFTWARE 'r !ar+ware w$%% )e warrante+ f'r t!e re(a$n+er 'f t!e 'r$,$na% warrant* &er$'+ 'r t!$rt* "7.# +a*/ w!$c!e1er $ %'n,er. Page 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 NO OTHER WARRANTIES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, anu!acturer and it" "upplier" di"claim all other warrantie", either expre"" or implied, includin#, but not limited to implied warrantie" o! merchantability and !itne"" !or a particular purpo"e, with re#ard to the SO$TWARE, the accompanyin# written material", and any accompanyin# hardware. Thi" limited warranty #i%e" you "peci!ic le#al ri#ht". &ou may ha%e other" which %ary !rom "tate'(uri"diction to "tate'(uri"diction. NO )IA*I)IT& $OR +ONSE,-ENTIA) .AA/ES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no e%ent "hall anu!acturer or it" "upplier" be liable !or any dama#e" what"oe%er 0includin# without limitation, direct or indirect dama#e" !or per"onal in(ury, lo"" o! bu"ine"" pro!it", bu"ine"" interruption, lo"" o! bu"ine"" in!ormation, or any other pecuniary lo""2 ari"in# out o! the u"e o! or inability to u"e thi" product, e%en i! anu!acturer ha" been ad%i"ed o! the po""ibility o! "uch dama#e". In any ca"e, anu!acturer3" and it" "upplier"3 entire liability under any pro%i"ion o! thi" a#reement "hall be limited to the amount actually paid by you !or the SO$TWARE and'or icro"o!t hardware. *ecau"e "ome "tate"'(uri"diction" do not allow the exclu"ion or limitation o! liability !or con"e1uential or incidental dama#e", the abo%e limitation may not apply to you. T!$ S'ftware L$cene A,ree(ent $ ,'1erne+ )* t!e %aw 'f t!e Pr'1$nce 'f Ontar$'/ Cana+a. Eac! 'f t!e &art$e !eret' $rre1'ca)%* att'rn t' t!e 4ur$+$ct$'n 'f t!e c'urt 'f t!e Pr'1$nce 'f Ontar$' an+ furt!er a,ree t' c'((ence an* %$t$,at$'n w!$c! (a* ar$e !ereun+er $n t!e c'urt %'cate+ $n t!e @u+$c$a% D$tr$ct 'f Y'r0/ Pr'1$nce 'f Ontar$'. ANNEXE GARANTIE ET DISPOSITIONS PARTICULIRES POUR LE CANADA GARANTIE LIMITE Si vous vous tes procur ce produit Microsoft ou ce matriel Microsoft au CANADA, la garantie suivante s'adresse vous. A!AN"#$ %#M#"&$. %e 'a(ricant garantit )ue *a+ la performance du %,#C#$% sera su(stantiellement en conformit avec les documents crits )ui l'accompagnent pour une priode de )uatre-vingt-di. */0+ 1ours compter de la date de rception, et )ue *(+ tout matriel de Microsoft fourni avec le %,#C#$% sera e.empt de dfaut de mati2re premi2re ou de vice de fa(rication dans des conditions normales d'utilisation et d'entretien pour une priode d'un *3+ an compter de la date de rception. "outes garanties ou conditions implicites concernant le %,#C#$% et le matriel Microsoft sont limites )uatre-vingt-di. */0+ 1ours et un *3+ an, respectivement. !$C,4!S D4 C%#$N". %a seule o(ligation du 'a(ricant et de ses fournisseurs et votre recours e.clusif seront, au c5oi. du 'a(ricant, soit *a+ le rem(oursement du pri. pa6 ou *(+ la rparation ou le remplacement du %,#C#$% ou du matriel )ui n'est pas conforme la arantie limite et )ui est retourn au 'a(ricant avec une copie de votre re7u. Cette arantie limite est nulle si la dfectuosit du %,#C#$% ou du matriel est cause par un accident, un traitement a(usif ou une mauvaise application. "out %,#C#$% ou matriel de remplacement sera garanti pour le reste de la priode de garantie initiale ou pour trente *80+ 1ours, selon la)uelle de ces deu. priodes est la plus longue. $9C%4S#,N D$ ",4"$ A4"!$ A!AN"#$. Selon la porte ma.imale autorise par la loi applica(le, le 'a(ricant et ses fournisseurs renoncent toutes autres garanties ou conditions, e.presses ou implicites, 6 compris mais ne se limitant pas au. garanties implicites de la )ualit marc5ande ou un usage particulier en ce )ui concerne le %,#C#$%, la documentation crite et tout matriel )ui l'accompagnent. Cette garantie limite vous accorde des droits spcifi)ues reconnus par la loi. A:S$NC$ D$ !$S;,NSA:#%#"& ;,4! %$S D,MMA$S #ND#!$C"S. Selon la porte ma.imale autorise par la loi applica(le, le 'a(ricant ou ses fournisseurs ne pourront tre tenus responsa(les en aucune circonstance de tous dommages )uels )u'ils soient *6 compris mais non de fa7on limitative les dommages directs ou indirects causs par des lsions corporelles, la perte de (nfices commerciau., l'interruption des affaires, la perte d'information commerciale ou toute autre perte pcuniaire+ dcoulant de l'utilisation ou de l'impossi(ilit d'utilisation de ce produit, et ce mme si le 'a(ricant a t avis de Page 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 l'ventualit de tels dommages. $n tout tat de cause, la seule responsa(ilit du 'a(ricant et de ses fournisseurs en vertu de toute disposition de cette Convention se limitera au montant )ue vous aure< effectivement pa6 pour l'ac5at du %,#C#$% et=ou du matriel Microsoft. %a prsente Convention de droits d'utilisation de logiciel est rgie par les lois de la province d',ntario, Canada. C5acune des parties au. prsentes reconna>t irrvoca(lement la comptence des tri(unau. de la province d',ntario et consent instituer tout litige )ui pourrait dcouler des prsentes aupr2s des tri(unau. situs dans le district 1udiciaire de ?or@, province d',ntario. APPENDIX WARRANTY AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR AUSTRALIA/ NEW DEALAND OR PAPUA NEW 8UINEA EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY +ONS-ER RI/HTS. +on"umer" may ha%e the bene!it o! certain ri#ht" or remedie" pur"uant to the Trade 5ractice" Act and "imilar "tate and territory law" in Au"tralia or the +on"umer /uarantee" Act in New 6ealand, in re"pect o! which certain liability may not be excluded. LIMITED EXPRESS WARRANTY. Manufacturer warrant t!atB "a# t!e SOFTWARE w$%% &erf'r( u)tant$a%%* $n acc'r+ance w$t! t!e acc'(&an*$n, Pr'+uct Manua%"# f'r a &er$'+ 'f -. +a* fr'( t!e +ate 'f rece$&tE an+ ")# an* M$cr''ft !ar+ware acc'(&an*$n, SOFTWARE w$%% )e free fr'( +efect $n (ater$a% an+ w'r0(an!$& un+er n'r(a% ue an+ er1$ce f'r a &er$'+ 'f 2 *ear fr'( t!e +ate 'f rece$&t. CUSTOMER REMEDIES. T' t!e (a6$(u( e6tent &er($tte+ un+er a&&%$ca)%e %aw/ Manufacturer5 an+ $t u&&%$erF ent$re %$a)$%$t* an+ *'ur e6c%u$1e re(e+* un+er t!e e6&re warrant* $/ at Manufacturer5 '&t$'n/ e$t!er "a# return 'f t!e &r$ce &a$+E 'r ")# re&a$r 'r re&%ace(ent 'f t!e SOFTWARE 'r M$cr''ft !ar+ware w!$c! +'e n't (eet t!e warrant* an+ w!$c! $ returne+ t' Manufacturer w$t! a c'&* 'f *'ur rece$&t. T!e warrant* $ 1'$+ $f fa$%ure 'f t!e SOFTWARE 'r M$cr''ft !ar+ware !a reu%te+ fr'( acc$+ent/ a)ue 'r ($a&&%$cat$'n. An* re&%ace(ent SOFTWARE an+3'r M$cr''ft !ar+ware w$%% )e warrante+ f'r t!e re(a$n+er 'f t!e 'r$,$na% warrant* &er$'+ 'r 7. +a*/ w!$c!e1er $ %'n,er. )IITATION O$ )IA*I)IT&. T' t!e (a6$(u( e6tent &er($tte+ )* a&&%$ca)%e %aw/ an* c'n+$t$'n 'r warrant$e $(&'e+ 'r $(&%$e+ )* %aw are !ere)* e6c%u+e+. C'nu(er (a* ne1ert!e%e !a1e t!e )enef$t 'f certa$n r$,!t 'r re(e+$e &uruant t' t!e Tra+e Pract$ce Act an+ $($%ar tate an+ terr$t'r* %aw $n Autra%$a 'r t!e C'nu(er 8uarantee Act $n New Dea%an+/ $n re&ect 'f w!$c! %$a)$%$t* (a* n't )e e6c%u+e+. In'far a uc! %$a)$%$t* (a* n't )e e6c%u+e+/ t!en t' t!e (a6$(u( e6tent &er($tte+ )* %aw/ uc! %$a)$%$t* $ %$($te+/ at t!e e6c%u$1e '&t$'n 'f Manufacturer/ t' e$t!er "a# re&%ace(ent 'f t!e SOFTWARE "an+ an* acc'(&an*$n, !ar+ware u&&%$e+#E 'r ")# c'rrect$'n 'f +efect $n t!e SOFTWAREE 'r "c# &a*(ent 'f t!e c't 'f !a1$n, +efect $n t!e SOFTWARE "an+ an* acc'(&an*$n, !ar+ware u&&%$e+#. E7+)-SION O$ )IA*I)IT&'.AA/ES. The !ollowin# i" without pre(udice to any ri#ht" you may ha%e at law which cannot le#ally be excluded or re"tricted. &ou ac8nowled#e that no promi"e, repre"entation, warranty or underta8in# ha" been made or #i%en by anu!acturer and'or icro"o!t +orporation 0or related company o! either2 to any per"on or company on it" behal! in relation to the pro!itability o! or any other con"e1uence" or bene!it" to be obtained !rom the deli%ery or u"e o! the SO$TWARE and any accompanyin# icro"o!t hardware, "o!tware, manual" or written material". &ou ha%e relied upon your own "8ill and (ud#ement in decidin# to ac1uire the SO$TWARE and any accompanyin# hardware, manual" and written material" !or u"e by you. Except a" and to the extent pro%ided in thi" a#reement, neither anu!acturer and'or icro"o!t +orporation 0or related company o! either2 will in any circum"tance" be liable !or any other dama#e" what"oe%er 0includin#, without limitation, dama#e" !or lo"" o! bu"ine"", bu"ine"" interruption, lo"" o! bu"ine"" in!ormation or other indirect or con"e1uential lo""2 ari"in# out o! the u"e or inability to u"e or "upply or non9"upply o! the SO$TWARE and any accompanyin# hardware and written material". anu!acturer3" and'or icro"o!t +orporation 0or related company o! either2 total liability under any pro%i"ion o! thi" a#reement i" in any ca"e limited to the amount actually paid by you !or the SO$TWARE and'or icro"o!t hardware. T!$ a,ree(ent $ ,'1erne+ )* t!e %aw 'f New S'ut! Wa%e/ Autra%$a 'r/ w!ere u&&%$e are (a+e $n New Dea%an+/ )* t!e %aw 'f New Dea%an+. Page 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Page 5