Presentation (India)
Presentation (India)
Presentation (India)
Emily McIntyre, Leah Jorgensen, Karina Scherloski, Merel vanHaastert, Paul Liao
Outline Plan
Introduction Background Environment Social/Culture Economy of S even Sister States Group-led Activity Discussion Questions Recommendations for the Future Conclusion
Map of India
By 2010, Mountain tourism will account for 20 per cent of total tourism expenditures (WTTC, 1999) 1960s Current, many tourists trek the Himalayan mountain associated with a pilgrimage Economic opportunities were underscored, but large scale change ..,..
DMOs Involved:
Wonderland Treks Government of India Government of Seven Sister States
Endangered Tigers
India claims that there are 5000 tigers Experts say this figure is actually closer to 3000 Tiger hunting was banned by the Indian government in 1981 Demand for tiger related goods (Thinkquest Team, 1997) Aranachal Pradesh has a tiger project (expand)
Environmental Recomendations
Start more movements against ecological destruction Open more local movements against deforestation (Karan, 1994) Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respect Segregate waste into two categories: biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste (Kuniyal, 2005)
Social Issues
Mountain regions obtain a global concern, which turns into a disregard to local perceptions and practices (Singh and Jodha, 2000). The local culture should have a high level of commitment on formalised planning activities such as regional planning and environmental impact assessment (Bramwell and Lane, 2000). Micro and Macro Environment need to work together
Stakeholder Involvement
Government of India and State governments Research Institutions Regional Universities Indigenous groups Ministry of Water Resources Ministry of Natural Resources Peoples Republic of China Natural Resource Organizations Tourism Operators Transportation Operators Local Culture Tourists
A voluntary pooling of resources (labor, money, information etc.) between two or more parties to accomplish collaborative goals (Chavez and Selin, 1995).
Current Partnerships: North Eastern Council (NEC)
Cultural Issues
Loss or change of culture through: Commodification Standardization Loss of authenticity and staged authenticity Adaptation to tourists demands (UNEP, 2001)
Ethnic and political fragmentation, indigenous groups and sub-cultures resource equity
Host Community
Activity limitation
Hosts established preferred tourist activities
Temporal limitation
Hosts indicate appropriate times for tourist access and use
Cultural limitation
Hosts limits on access to cultural knowledge and rituals
(Zeppler, Year)
Internet Explorer.lnk
Although modern images of India often show poverty and lack of development, India was the richest country on earth until the time of British invasion in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus was attracted by India's wealth
Discussion Questions
1) Do you have any further suggestions as to how stakeholders may share their resources? 2) How may North Eastern Council help to make a difference for tourism development? 3) Do you think working with neighbouring countries is beyond the scope of Northeast India? 4) Based on this presentation do you have any other future ideas for the Seven Sisters?
Best Practice
Benchmark Audit Environmental Management System Continuous Monitoring and Improvement (Issaverdis, 2001)
Small group sessions (usually with a maximum of 35 participants) held for a period of intense study or training. The emphasis is on exchanging ideas and demonstrating skills and techniques (Howell, Ellison, Ellison & Wright, 2003). Important for information sharing A place where stakeholders can discuss important topics
Cooperative alliances between government, public and private sector Compromise, Negotiate and Collaborate are essential when reaching a Consensus Way to find a common ground Community building Resolve stakeholder representation issues Interest-based
Co-management is when the rights and responsibilities pertaining to a particular resource are shared between government and local users (Yandle, 2003, p. 180). Opportunities for Negotiation and external support Common shared vision Leadership The notion of relationships among people (Plummer and Fitzgibbon, 2004). Cross-border Partnerships
Adaptive Management
Continuous modifications and adjustments based on learning experiences Learning by doing, shared learning Response to rapid change Flexibility Monitoring, evaluation and corrective action Innovate ways to improve management
Knowledge Gaps
Lack of Awareness Lack of Education Lack of Basic Amenities and Sanitation Lack of Facilities Poor Transportation Poor planning and instruments of natural disasters
The Government of India has recognized the need to develop sustainably Awareness and Education must be raised Implementation of amenities, facilities and certain Westernized comforts Working together to continuously improving will help to achieve Sustainable Development
Bramwell, B. & Lane, B. (2000). Tourism Collaboration and Partnerships: Politics, Practice and Sustainability. Great Britain: Biddles Ltd. Conservation International (2007, November 6th). Biodiversity hotspots. Retrieved November 6th, 2007, from Jodha, N. S. (2000). Globalization and fragile mountain environments: Policy challenges and choices. Mountain Research and Development, 20(4), 296-299. Karan, P. P. (1994). Environmental movements in India. The Geographical Review, 84, 32-42. Kuniyal, J. C. (2005). Solid waste management techniques for the waste generated and brought down from campsites in the hill spots, trails and expedition tops. Waste Management & Research, 23(3), 182-198. Regmi, P. (n.d.). Himalayas labelled the highest junkyard in the world. Retrieved October 25, 2007, from Singh, S. & Jodha, N. (2000). Globalization and Fragile Mountain Environments: Policy Challenges and Choices. Mountain Research and Development, 20(4), 296-299. Wikipedia (2007, May 17). Seven sister states. Retrieved October 31, 2007, from Wonderland Treks and Tours (2007). Retrieved November 11th, 2007, from
Yandle, T. 2003. The challenge of building successful stakeholder organizations: New Zealands experience in developing a fisheries co-management regime. Marine Policy 27, 179192
References Contd
Dev, B.J., & Lahiri, D.K. (1987). Manipur: Culture and Politics. India: Mittal Publications. Singh, T. (1972). Manipur A Study. Rajesh Printing Press. Agarwal, A.K. (1988). North-Eastern Economy: Problems and Prospects. India: Mittal Publications. India Tourism Statistics. (2003). Market research division ministry of tourism government of India (PDF). Retrieved November 13, 2007, Gopalakrishnan, R. (1991). The North-East India Land, Economy and People. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. Maps of India. (2004). Travel, hotels and profile of Meghalaya. Retrieved November 13, 2007, from Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. (2007). Retrieved November 12, 2007, from Government of Assam, Economic Survey of Assam. (2006). Retrieved November 13, 2007, from Infrastructure. (2003). Assam (PDF). Retrieved November 13, 2007, from NER Databank. (2002). North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. Retrieved November 12, 2007, from
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