Thesis Topic
Thesis Topic
Thesis Topic
Flood disasters on the rainy season is a common and routine problem in many cities in Indonesia. It may be caused by several reasons such as decreasing canal capacity, increasing the discharge or combination of both factors. According to the design criteria, the drainage capacity is designed to accommodate the discharge from a drainage area, so that the area along the canal is not flooded by rain water. The main factor of flood on the housing area is due to the reduction of drainage capacity, canal sedimentation, damaged on drainage system and some informal infrastructures along the canal systems. Meanwhile, the increasing of the discharge is caused by abnormal precipitation, changing the land use and reducing the quality of water shed (Adi Yusuf Muttaqin, 2006).
Flood disaster in Jakarta caused by several factors: 1. Jakarta topography Jakarta City which located in low-land areas, about 40% of areas influenced by sea tide. 2. Rapid changes in land use in watershed. 3. River narrowing due to settlement in river banks area because there are some housing near that. 4. River sedimentation caused by erosion and mound of trash. 5. Thirteen big or small rivers passing through Jakarta City. 6. High intensity of rainfall (between 2000 -3500 mm/year). Dinas PU DKI Jakarta, 2013
Housing in Kelurahan Cempaka Putih Barat, Kecamatan Cempaka Putih which common puddle in every rainy season. One of the reasons caused by overflow in Kali Utan Kayu which passing through that area. Performance of drainage network system will be known by performing evaluation of drainage network condition from 3 aspects: Aspects from existing conditions; Results of imposition from flood discharge on channel capacity and Public participation aspects. This review should be conducted in each sub system
Picture 2. 78 Puddle Zone in Jakarta ISIWRM 6 Cis Explanation in PKMI, Oct 12 2010
Research Objectives
Know level of understanding from society about sustainable
drainage system functions. Evaluate performance of drainage network system on each sub system.
Picture 3. Floods in Suprapto Street, Cempaka Putih Sumber: Tribunnews, January 8, 2014
descriptive (study on evaluating method of objective condition or state of being into an object of study), while the data analysis uses qualitative descriptive method (research aims to describe precisely properties of an individual, state or a specific symptom in research location) and quantitative approach. To formulate the rehabilitation priority scale uses Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique for organizing and analyzing complex decisions, based on mathematics and psychology.
Analysis and modeling flooding in urban drainage
systems. Theo, Martin, Norman. Germany. 2004 Kinerja Sistem Drainase Yang Berkelanjutan Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat. Adi Yusuf Muttaqin. 2006