Sap PP
Sap PP
Sap PP
Production Planning - Bill Of Material Production Planning - Work Centers Production Planning Routings Production Planning - Sales and Operation Planning Production Planning - Demand Management
Agenda (contd)
Production Planning - Materials Requirements Planning Production Planning - Production Control
Target Group
Audience: Production planning, design department
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to: Use the R/3 system to create ,change,display Bill of Material . Locate Bill of Material and its related information in SAP. Understand the functionality of BOMs.
Concept of Bill of Material (BOM) in SAP R/3 system Functions of BOM in production planning and control Use of BOMs in other areas Getting Started with BOMs in the R/3 System BOM Technical Types In R/3
A variant BOM groups together BOMs of several similar products that describe different objects (for example, products) with a lot of common parts.
Multiple BOMs:
A multiple BOM groups together several BOMs that describe one object (for example, a product) with different combinations of materials for different processing methods. One product can be manufactured from alternative combinations of materials depending on the quantity to be produced (lot size). Usually the only difference is in the quantity of individual components.
BOM Usage
It allows you to maintain individual BOMs for any area (design, production) of your company.
A BOM is recursive if the product contains a component with the same object number as the superior assembly.
Group items in a BOM in which any of the materials in the entire item group could be included in the assembly. These items are known as alternative items in the BOM and group is called as Alternative Item Group
Mass change: You can use the mass change function to change items in several BOMs at once. BOM Explosion: The system determines all the components which are contained in an assembly.
Multi-level BOM
Where-Used List :To determine which BOMs an object is used in. BOM Comparison: Two BOMs can be compared for single or multilevel . Displaying Change Documents
Target Group
Audience: Production planning department.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:
Work centers Concept of work centers in SAP R/3 Work center data in R/3
Work centers
A work center is a place where production operations are performed.
To each work center a work center category is assigned, that determines which data can be maintained in the work center.
Basic Data
Assignments (to cost centers, Human Resource Management System (HR)) Capacities Scheduling Default values Hierarchy
Basic data
In the Basic data screen the following data is maintained.
Various administrative data, such as the person responsible and the location of the work center
Usage type: This specifies which type of task lists the work center can be used in.
Standard value key:Standard values are planned values for the execution of an operation and are maintained in the operation.
E.g.:set-up and processing The execution time, costs and capacities are calculated in operations using formulae from the work centers and standard values from the operations.
Performance Efficiency Rate Key :The performance efficiency rate key is the ratio between an individual's actual output and the planned average output .This refer to standard values
Default values
You can enter default values for operation and suboperations in work centers.
The default values are then copied when you assign the work center to the operation or sub-operation.
By entering default values you reduce the effort necessary in editing operations. Some of default values entered are
A control key determine how an operation or a sub-operation is to be processed in a task list. Standard text. Units of measure of standard values.
Capacity Data
Capacity is the ability to perform a specific task. Capacities in work centers are distinguished by capacity categories. Capacity categories are for example:
For every capacity category you can maintain several available capacities .
Scheduling Data
Scheduling basis
The scheduling basis is a capacity whose operating time is to be used for scheduling orders.
Formulas are used to calculate the execution times of operations in production orders using standard values
Interoperation times:
The interoperation time is the time between leaving one work center and beginning the operation at the next work center. It consists of the move time and the queue time before processing starts.
Target Group
Audience:Production planning department.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to: Use the R/3 system to create Routing. Locate Routing and its related information in SAP. Understand the role of routings in Production planning
Routing in SAP R/3 system. Structure of routing. Identification of routings. Header data Sequences Standard sequence Parallel sequence
Alternative sequence
About the required production resources and tools (includes jigs and fixtures).
Standard values for the execution of individual operations to produce the material (product).
Structure of Routing
A routing is composed of a header and one or more sequences.
The header contains data that are valid for the whole routing.
A sequence is a series of operations.
Operations describe individual process steps, which are carried out during production.
Identification of Routings
Every routing is identified by material number and plant . In SAP routings can also be identified by its group and its group counter . A group combines task lists (routings) that
Header data
This is the data that is valid for the whole routing.
Whether the inspection scope is to be adjusted dynamically and if so, at which level.
Enter a long text with explanations and notes for the header. Routings can be classified .
A linear List of operations (production steps), which are carried out after another, according to their operation numbers. A sequence contains a number of consecutive operations. A sequence is subordinate to the routing header.
In the simplest case a routing only has one sequence, the standard sequence.
Every other sequence is either an alternative or a parallel sequence, depending on whether its operations are performed as an alternative to the standard sequence or in parallel (at the same time) with the standard sequence.
Sequences (cont..)
Enter a lot size, if you want the system to automatically select an alternative sequence based on the lot size.
If in production process ,several operations are to be processed simultaneously, create one or more parallel sequences.
Specify where floats exist due to operations with differing duration being executed at the same time.
Standard Sequence
The system automatically creates the standard sequence, when a routing is created.
The standard sequence serves as a reference sequence for parallel and alternative sequences.
Parallel Sequence
A linear sequence of operations that is parallel to a sequence of operations in the standard sequence.
Alternative Sequence
A linear sequence of operations that is an alternative to a sequence of operations in the standard sequence.
e.g. Use of NC machines or conventional lathe may depend on the lot size.
For instance, if you have a capacity problem, you have some production steps performed externally by a vendor
Component Allocation
Material components in a BOM that are not allocated to an operation in the routing are automatically allocated to the first operation when a production order is created. If a phantom assembly is allocated to an operation in a routing, the system automatically allocates all of the material components in the phantom assembly to the same operation as the phantom assembly when a production order is created.
Production Resources/Tools
Production Resource/Tool(PRT) is a moveable operating resource used in production or plant maintenance.
Production resources/tools can be assigned to operation, activities or phases in task lists (including standard networks and recipes), production orders and maintenance orders as well as networks.
Production resources/tools that are used for testing during production, can be assigned to the corresponding inspection characteristic in the inspection plan.
Scheduling in Routings
Scheduling can be used to calculate the in-house production time of a material and compare it to the lot sizeindependent in-house production time from the material master record. The lot size-independent in-house production time from the material master record can then be automatically or manually adjusted.
Target Group
Audience: Planning departments
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:
Concept of SOP Product Group The Forecast in SOP Rough-Cut Planning Profiles Version Management: Concepts Aggregation and Disaggregation Methods for Creation of Production Plans
Working on SOP
Transfer to Demand Management
Concepts of SOP
Sales & Operations Planning (SOP) is a flexible forecasting and planning tool
Sales, production targets can be set on the basis of historical, existing, and estimated future data.
Rough-cut planning can be carried out to determine the amounts of the capacities and other resources required to meet these targets. SOP is used to perform companys sales and production operations.
Product Group
Product group data is planned in standard SOP. A product group combination of other product groups and materials according to whatever criteria best meet the needs of an enterprise. Product groups are classified according to whether they are multi-level or single-level. A product group is multi-level if it contains other product groups. However, the lowest level in a product group hierarchy always consists of materials. A product group is single-level if its members are materials only.
Forecast in SOP
To estimate the future progression of values in a time series on the basis of past history using With the forecast,. either online or in the background
These are the resources required to meet a sales target, production target, purchasing target, that has been set for a material, product group.
If several versions exist, the active version is the first one created .
Target Group
Audience: Production Planning department .
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:
Demand Management Strategies for Make-to-Order Production Strategies for Make-to-Stock Production Consumption Strategies Consumption period
Demand Management
The function of Demand Management is to determine requirement quantities and delivery dates for finished products and important assemblies.
The result of Demand Management is the demand program. The demand program is created in the form of planned independent requirements.
Demand Management uses planned independent requirements and customer requirements. Customer requirements are created in sales order management. To create the demand program, planning strategy must be defined for a product. Planning strategies represent the methods of production for planning and manufacturing or procuring a product.
This is due to the close relationship between the sales order and production that exists in a make-to-order environment and that is required in assemble-to-order and variant configuration.
Goods are provided to customers immediately with goods from that stock.
Make-to-stock strategies can support a very close customer-vendor relationship, because goods are provided to customers from stock as quickly as possible. For a finished product planning with final assembly is most commonly used under this strategy.
Consumption Strategies
The consumption mode determines how customer requirements consumes planned independent requirements In backward consumption, the system looks for the planned independent requirement quantity that lies directly before the sales order. In forward consumption, the system looks for the planned independent requirement quantity that lies directly after the sales order.
Consumption period
The consumption period is maintained in the material master record (MRP screen)
The consumption period (either forward or backward) is specified in workdays and is valid from the current date.
Sales orders, material reservations, dependent requirements then consume the planned independent requirement quantities that lie within the consumption period and after (for forward consumption) or before (for backward consumption) the requirements date.
Target Group
Audience: Production planning department.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:
Material Requirements Planning in R/3 Master data for MRP Concepts of MRP Role of MRP controller Planning Configurable Product Control Parameters for the Planning Run Evaluating the Planning Result
It is used to procure or produce the requirement quantities on time both for internal purposes and for sales and distribution.
Monitoring of stocks, creation of order proposals for purchasing and production. Determines any shortages and create the appropriate procurement elements. Create messages that inform the MRP controller of critical parts and exceptional situations so that the MRP controller can quickly reprocess the results of the automatic planning run in the specific area with problems.
Work Centers
Routings Demand Management Sales and Distribution, if necessary
Concepts of MRP
Single-Item or Total Planning. For an individual material, plannig is referred to as single-item planning. For a certain plant, where all materials to be planned are included in the corresponding plant, it is referred to as total planning. Scope of the Planning Run
Regenerative Planning: All materials are planned for a plant. Usually, the regenerative planning run is only carried out in the implementation stages. Net Change Planning: Only materials which are included in the planning run are those which have undergone a change relevant to MRP since the last planning run
Net Change Planning in the Planning Horizon: only those materials are planned which have undergone a change relevant to MRP within the planning horizon.
Assembly processing: The system automatically creates either a planned order (run schedule quantity) or a production order when you create a sales order for a material with assembly orders. Lot-Sizing Procedures
Static lot-sizing procedures:Using quantity specifications entered in the material master record.
Lot for lot order quantity Fixed lot size Replenish up to maximum stock level
Specify both the reorder level and the safety stock level manually in the material master record.
Both the reorder level and the safety stock level are determined by the integrated forecasting program , using past past consumption data (historical data) to forecast future requirements.
Represents a logical grouping of materials from the construction point of view and are not from the production point of view, the dependent requirements of the higher-level assembly are directly passed on to the components of the phantom assembly and planned orders or purchase requisitions are created for these components.
Availability Check
The function of the material availability check is to make sure that requirements are covered by existing stock or by planned inward movements.
The option of processing missing parts from list of receipts and issues for a particular material that are relevant for the availability check.
Backorder Processing:
During scheduling, production and procurement dates are determined for materials that are produced in-house and for materials that are procured externally. Scheduling: In-House Production
Scheduling for in-house production is carried out in two phases: Calculating the basic dates for planned orders
Basic dates are determined for the planned orders created by MRP, that is, the order finish date and the order start date. The order finish date determines the latest possible date by which production has to be finished and the order start date determines the earliest possible start of production. Basic dates are calculated automatically during every planning run.
Scheduling (contd)
Lead time scheduling determines the production dates, that is, the target start date and the target finish date. Additionally, capacity load records are created. The basic dates determine the outermost time limits for production. MRP determines the order start date, order finish date and planned opening date of the planned order.
The following times are taken into account when calculating the basic dates:
Scheduling (contd)
Scheduling for External Procurement Only the basic dates for procurement elements are determined for external procurement. The following times are taken into account for scheduling materials that are procured externally:
Delivery date (which corresponds to the finish date) Release date (which corresponds to the start date)
With this version, MRP is only carried out within a defined planning horizon. Changes outside the planning horizon are not taken into account. This means that only those materials are planned which have undergone a change relevant to MRP within the planning horizon. To plan the changes outside the planning horizon, you must carry out a net change planning run in larger time intervals.
You specify the planning run type to be used in the initial screen of planning, in the Processing key field.
Planned orders only Purchase requisitions only Purchase requisitions within the opening period and planned orders outside the opening period
Indicator to define whether lead time scheduling is to be carried out for the calculation of the basic dates (planned dates) for materials produced in-house. Lead time scheduling calculates the precise start and finish dates for production. The system only creates capacity requirements if lead time scheduling has been carried out.
Displaying the Planning Result If this indicator is selected , the system displays a screen with the planning results where you can change existing order proposals or create new ones
In single-item planning, the result can be checked before it is saved. You can change, reschedule, or even create new order proposals before the system saves the result in the database. This function is valid for singlelevel and multi-level planning. In multi-level planning, you can check every component in the BOM or you can select certain components for reprocessing.
The contents of the stock/requirements overview corresponds to the contents of the MRP list. However, current changes to the stock/requirements situation (goods receipt, opening of a purchase order, and so on) since the last planning run are reread each time you access the list which means that they are immediately visible. Thus, the MRP controller has a means of accessing an overview of the current material availability situation at all times.
Target Group
Audience: Production planning department.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:
Production orders Methods of creating production orders Production order Data. Scheduling Checking the Availability of Material Release of production order Confirmations
Order Settlement
Production Order Information System
Production Orders
Production orders are used to control production within a company.
A routing is selected, its operations and sequences are Transferred to the order.
The bill of materials is exploded and the items in the bill of material are transferred to the order.
Purchase requisitions are generated for non-stock items and externallyprocessed operations.
The operation number (this number specifies the sequence in which operations are processed). The suboperation number of existing suboperations The work center where the operation is to be executed The control key that determines how the operation is to be used (for example, whether it must be confirmed, whether it can be scheduled, whether it can be printed, and so on)
The current status of the operation (for example, whether it has already been created or released) The start and finish date of the operation A short description of the operation
If the column COMP has an indicator that means that components are allocated to the operation. If the column PRT has an indicator that means that production resources/tools are allocated to the operation.
Item category: The item category determines how the component is dealt with in the order:
Costing relevancy: This indicator specifies that the component is fully relevant to costing.
The following key is taken over from the material master record of the component:
Indicator: "Phantom assembly": If a component is marked in its material master record as a phantom assembly (special procurement key on the 1st MRP screen), this indicator is taken over into the order for the component. In the production order components must always be allocated to an operation. All components that were not already assigned to a specific operation in the routing are allocated by the system to the first operation when the order is created. However, you have the option of adding components from one operation to another
Production resources/tools (PRTs) are, in contrast to machines and fixed assets, moveable resources that are not tied to a particular location and can be used several times. In the production order production resources/tools must always be allocated to a specific operation. However, the allocation can already take place in the routing.
Scheduling Types You can schedule a production order using the following scheduling types:
Forward scheduling: If you use this scheduling type, the system schedules forward starting from the order start date. Backward scheduling: If you use this scheduling type, the system schedules backwards starting from the order finish date. Scheduling to current date: If you use this scheduling type, the system takes the current date as the order start date and schedules forward.
A confirmation documents the state processing of orders, operations, sub-operations and individual capacities. It is an instrument for controlling orders. With confirmation you specify
The quantity in an operation that was produced as yield, scrap and the quantity to be reworked
How much work was actually done Which work center was used for the operation Reason for variance Long text
Confirmation (contd)
Usually confirmations are made for
An order
An operation
It is sometimes necessary during or at end of a production process to execute additional operations in order to improve components or products with insufficient quality. These additional processing steps are referred to as rework.
A production order is created for 20 shafts. After a turning operation you carry out an inspection operation to check the tolerances. 5 shafts are found to be outside the tolerances. By reworking you can enter these 5 pieces as yield. You therefore insert a rework operation where the 5 pieces are turned a second time
Order Settlement
When a production order is settled, the actual costs incurred for the order are settled to one or more receiver cost-objects (for example, to the account for the material produced or to a sales order). Offsetting entries are generated automatically to credit the production order:
If the costs for the production order are settled to a material account, the order is credited each time material is delivered to stock. The material stock account is debited accordingly.
Mass processing
All orders that exist in the system can be included in the evaluations (including those with deletion flags / indicators. Archived orders are, however, not taken into account. The Production Order Information System offers various list types in reporting. Their layout can be adapted to suit your requirements.
Order type Material MRP controller Production scheduler Work center Component Sales order
You can enter a selection profile, which selects orders by their statuses (system status or user status at header level)
Deletion flags
You can specify whether orders in which a deletion flag is active should be taken into account during selection.
This makes it easy to see the relationship between the individual objects (for example component allocated to an operation or confirmation allocated to an order header).
You want to display all PRTs that were used during a particular period..