HEC-HMS Performs RF-RO Calculations for watersheds. Offers a variety of options for flood routing along streams. Offers estimating parameters for calibration of each basin based on comparison of computed data to observed data.
HEC-HMS Performs RF-RO Calculations for watersheds. Offers a variety of options for flood routing along streams. Offers estimating parameters for calibration of each basin based on comparison of computed data to observed data.
HEC-HMS Performs RF-RO Calculations for watersheds. Offers a variety of options for flood routing along streams. Offers estimating parameters for calibration of each basin based on comparison of computed data to observed data.
HEC-HMS Performs RF-RO Calculations for watersheds. Offers a variety of options for flood routing along streams. Offers estimating parameters for calibration of each basin based on comparison of computed data to observed data.
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The Hydrologic Engineering Centers
Hydrologic Modeling System (HMS) Summary of Topics - HEC-HMS Premier Hydrologic Model Today (HEC) Performs RF-RO Calculations for Watersheds Basic Input and Output Options Precipitation Options Unit Hydrograph Options Flood Routing Option Creating and Viewing Results and Graphs
Execution of HEC-HMS Running actual projects Calibration to gage data Castro Valley case study Keegans example Linkage with GIS/NEXRAD data (HEC Geo-HMS) The Hydrologic Cycle 1 0 0 P r e c i p i t a t i o n o n l a n d Infiltration W a te r t a b le Groundwater flow 1 Groundwater discharge 38 Surface discharge 61 Evaporation from land 39 Moisture over land 385 Precipitation on ocean 424 Evaporation from ocean Surface runoff Impervious strata Groundwater Recharge Precipitation Snow melt Uses of the HEC Program Models the rainfall-runoff process in a watershed based on watershed physiographic data
Offers a variety of modeling options in order to compute UH for basin areas. Offers a variety of options for flood routing along streams. Capable of estimating parameters for calibration of each basin based on comparison of computed data to observed data
HEC-1 Program History HEC-1 - History of Model Development
Separate Programs: 1967 by Leo R. Beard Major Revision and Unification: 1973 Second Major Revision: 1981 (Dam Breach, Kinematic Wave) PC Versions: 1984 (partial), 1988 (full) HEC-1/HMS Program History Current Versions: 1991, 1998 1991 Version Provides Extended Memory Support 1998 Version 4.1 is Final Release HEC NexGen Project Begins 1990 (RAS, HMS, FDA) HEC-HMS - New GUI and Updates First Release April 1998 Version 1.1 Released April 1999 Current Version 2.0.3 HEC-HMS Background Purpose of HEC-HMS Improved User Interface, Graphics, and Reporting Improved Hydrologic Computations Integration of Related Hydrologic Capabilities Importance of HEC-HMS Foundation for Future Hydrologic Software Replacement for HEC-1 Improvements over HEC-1 Ease of Use
projects divided into three components user can run projects with different parameters instead of creating new projects hydrologic data stored as DSS files capable of handling NEXRAD-rainfall data and gridded precipitation
Converts HEC-1 files into HMS files HEC-HMS Availability Available Through HEC Vendors Available at HEC Web Site: http://www.wrc-hec.usace.army.mil Public Domain Program No Copyright on Software No Copyright on HEC Documentation Special Training Available EXAMPLE 5.1 Small Watershed Example (HEC-1) A small undeveloped watershed has the parameters listed in the following tables. A unit hydrograph and Muskingum routing coefficients are known for subbasin 3, shown in Fig. E5.1(a). TC and R values for subbasins 1 and 2 and associated SCS curve numbers (CN) are provided as shown. A 5-hr rainfall hyetograph in in./hr is shown in Fig. E5.1(b) for a storm event that occurred on June 19, 1983. Assume that the rain fell uniformly over the watershed. Use the information given to develop a HEC-1 input data set to model this storm. Run the model to determine the predicted outflow at point B. Note that this same sample will be used later with HEC-HMS as Example 5.2. SUBBASIN NUMBER TC (hr) R (hr) SCS CURVE NUMBER % IMPERVIOUS (%) AREA (mi 2 ) 1 2.5 5.5 66 0 2.5 2 2.8 7.5 58 0 2.7 3 -- -- 58 0 3.3 TIME (hr) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UH FOR SUBBASIN 3: U (cfs) 0 200 400 600 450 300 150 0 Muskingum coefficients: x = 0.15, K = 3 hr, Area = 3.3 sq mi ID **** ID **** ID **** ID **** IT 60 60 19-Jun-83 1200 100 IO 4 KK SUB1 KM PI 0.2 1.5 2 1 0.5 BA 2.5 LS 66 0 UC 2.5 5.5 KK SUB2 KM BA 2.7 LS 58 0 UC 2.8 7.5 KK A KM HC 2 KM RM 1 3 0.15 KK SUB3 KM BA 3.3 LS 58 0 UI 0 200 400 600 450 300 150 0 KK B KM HC 2 ZZ MUSKINGUM ROUTING FROM A TO B RUNOFF FROM SUBBASIN 3 COMBINE FLOW FROM SUB 3 AND ROUTED TO POINT B KKA TO B EXAMPLE 5.1 HEC-1 INPUT DATA SET RUNOFF FROM SUBBASIN 1 RUNOFF FROM SUBBASIN 2 COMBINE RUNOFF FROM SUB 1 WITH RUNOFF FROM SUB 2 AT A Solution The input data set is as follows: Program Organization Main project screen Connects to all data and information through menus Using HEC-HMS Three components Basin model - contains the elements of the basin, their connectivity, and runoff parameters Meteorologic Model - contains the rainfall and evapotranspiration data Control Specifications - contains the start/stop timing and calculation intervals for the run Project Definition May contain several basin models, meteorologic models, and control specifications User can select a variety of combinations of the three models in order to see the effects of changing parameters on one subbasin Basin Model Basin Model Based on Graphical User Interface (GUI) Click on elements from left and drag into basin area Can import map files from GIS programs to use as background Actual locations of elements do not matter, just connectivity and runoff parameters
Basin Model Elements
subbasins- contains data for subbasins (losses, UH transform, and baseflow)
reaches- connects elements together and contains flood routing data
junctions- connection point between elements
reservoirs- stores runoff and releases runoff at a specified rate (storage-discharge relation)
Basin Model Elements
sinks- has an inflow but no outflow
sources- has an outflow but no inflow
diversions- diverts a specified amount of runoff to an element based on a rating curve - used for detention storage elements or overflows
Basin Model Parameters Loss rate, UH transform, and baseflow methods Abstractions (Losses) Interception Storage Depression Storage Surface Storage Evaporation Infiltration Interflow Groundwater and Base Flow Loss Rate methods
Green & Ampt Initial & constant SCS curve no. Gridded SCS curve no. Deficit/Constant No loss rate Initial and Uniform Loss Computation Initial Loss Applied at Beginning of Storm Estimated from Previous or SCS data Sand: 0.80-1.50 inches; Clay: 0.40-1.00 inches Uniform Loss Applied Throughout Storm Also Estimated From Previous Studies or SCS Data Sand: 0.10-0.0 in/hr; Clay 0.05-0.15 in/hr HEC-HMS Loss Entry Window Rainfall/Runoff Transformation Unit Hydrograph Distributed Runoff Grid-Based Transformation Methods: Clark Snyder SCS Input Ordinates ModClark Kinematic Wave Unit Hydrograph Definition: Sub-Basin Surface Outflow Due to Unit (1-in) Rainfall Excess Applied Uniformly Over a Sub- Basin in a Specified Time Duration Duration of UH: HEC-HMS Sets Duration Equal to Computation Interval Synthetic Unit Hydrographs Computed from Basin Characteristics HEC- HMS Synthetic Unit Hydrographs SCS Dimensionless Unit graph Clark Unit Hydrograph (TC & R) Snyder Unit Hydrograph User-Defined Input Unit Hydrograph ModClark Unit Hydrograph Clark Unit Hydrograph Computation Estimating Time of Concentration for Clark Unit Hydrograph Hydraulic Analysis Method Compute Travel Time in Open Channels and Storm Sewers based on Flow Velocities Compute Reservoir Travel Time from Wave Velocity
recession constant monthly linear reservoir no baseflow Stream Flow Routing Simulates Movement of Flood Wave Through Stream Reach Accounts for Storage and Flow Resistance Allows modeling of a watershed with sub- basins Reach Routing
HEC-HMS Methods for Stream Flow Routing Hydraulic Methods - Uses partial form of St Venant Equations Kinematic Wave Method Muskingum-Cunge Method Hydrologic Methods Muskingum Method Storage Method (Modified Puls) Lag Method Effects of Stream Flow Routing Storage S Dt Outflow Inflow Avg Inflow - Avg Outflow = dS/dt Modified Puls (Storage) Stream Flow Routing Method Storage-Indication Relationship: I 1 + I 2 + (2S 1 /Dt - Q 1 )= (2S 2 /Dt + Q 2 ) I - Q = (dS/dt) Averaging at two points in time: 1 and 2 HEC-HMS Stream Flow Routing Data Window Storage-Discharge Relationships Stream Flow Diversions Diversion Identification Maximum Volume of Diversion (Optional) Maximum Rate of Diversion (Optional) Diversion Rating Table Stream Flow Rates Upstream of Diversion Corresponding Diversion Rates Stream Flow Diversions Flow is allowed to move from one channel to another via a side weir or flow across a low divide Weir Flow increases until a fixed level and then a flow diversion table determines rate through the weir or across the divide Diverted Q Reservoir Routing Developed Outside HEC-HMS
Storage Specification Alternatives: Storage versus Discharge Storage versus Elevation Surface Area versus Elevation
Discharge Specification Alternatives: Spillways, Low-Level Outlets, Pumps Dam Safety: Embankment Overflow, Dam Breach Reservoirs Q
( c f s )
I=Q time Q
( c f s ) Inflow Outflow I - Q = dS dt Level Pool Reservoir Q (weir flow) Q (orifice flow) I S H S = f(Q) Q = f(H) Orifice flow: Q = C * 2gH Q I I Weir Flow: Q = CLH 3/2 Q Pond storage with outflow pipe
Orifice flow
Weir flows
Inflow and Outflow Reservoir Data Input Initial Conditions to Be Considered Inflow = Outflow Initial Storage Values Initial Outflow Initial Elevation Elevation Data Relates to Both Storage/Area and Discharge HEC-1 Routing Routines with Initial Conditions and Elevation Data can be Imported as Reservoir Elements Reservoir Data Input Window Meteorologic Model Meteorologic Model Precipitation user hyetograph user gage weighting inverse-distance gage weighting gridded precipitation frequency storm standard project storm - Eastern U.S.
Evapotranspiration-ET monthly average, no evapotranspiration Precipitation Historical Rainfall Data Recording Gages Non-Recording Rainfall Gages
Design Storms Hypothetical Frequency Storms Corps Standard Project Storm Probable Maximum Precipitation Gage Data Gage Data (from project definition screen) Precipitation gages- precipitation data for use with meteorologic models
Stream gages- observed level data to compare computed and actual results Precipitation: Gridded Weather Radar Data Data from National Weather Service NexRAD program, Doppler Radar Data must be manipulated and stored in DSS file format Grids are HRAP (NWS) or SHG (HEC) HRAP uses spherical projections and generalized earth radius values SHG uses Albers Equal Area projections Grids cover about 1 square kilometer Historical raw data may not be archived Sources of Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) East of 105th Meridian (Denver) NWS HYDRO-5 (5 minutes to 60 minutes) NWS TP-40 (2 hours to 24 hours) - 1961 NWS TP-49 (2 days to 10 days) West of 105th Meridian NOAA Atlas 2 (Separate Volumes for Each State) Input and Output Files project-name.HMS: List of models, descriptions and project default method options basin-model-name.BASIN: Basin model data, including connectivity information precipitation-model-name.PRECIP: Precipitation model data control-specifications- name.CONTROL: Control specifications run-name.LOG: Messages generated during execution of run project-name.RUN: List of runs, including most recent execution time Input and Output Files project-name.DSS: DSS file containing basin model data such as computed hydrographs and storage discharge relationships project-name.DSC: List of files contained in DSS file project-name.OUT: Log of operations for the DSS file project-name.MAP: Coordinate point file for subbasin boundaries and channel location project-name.GAGE: Listing of gages available for use in the project HMStemp.TMP: Echo listing of imported HEC-1 model Data Storage System (DSS) Multiple time series or relational data sets Each data set or record has a unique pathname/Castro Valley/Fire Dept/PRECIP-INC/16Jan197/10min/Obs/ Pathnames Consist of Parts A through F Part A: General name, project name Part B: Specific name, or control point Part C: Data type (PRECIP-INC, PRECIP-CUM, FLOW, STORAGE, etc.) Part D: Start Date Part E: Time interval Part F: User specified The HEC-HMS Options Precipitation Option (6 available) Loss Computation (5 available) Runoff Transform Computation (6 available) Routing Computation (7 available) Over 6 x 5 x 6 x 7 = 1,260 Combinations
Subbasin routing reach Control Specifications Control Specifications - Start/Stop/Time Interval
Running a project User selects the 1. Basin model 2. Meteorologic model 3. Control ID for the HMS run Viewing Results To view the results: right-click on any basin element, results will be for that point
Display of results: hydrograph- graphs outflow vs. time summary table- gives the peak flow and time of peak time-series table- tabular form of outflow vs. time
Comparing computed and actual results: plot observed data on the same hydrograph to by selecting a discharge gage for an element Viewing Results hydrograph HEC-HMS Output 1. Tables Summary Detailed (Time Series) 2. Hyetograph Plots 3. Sub-Basin Hydrograph Plots 4. Routed Hydrograph Plots 5. Combined Hydrograph Plots 6. Recorded Hydrographs - comparison Viewing Results Summary table Time series table HEC-HMS Output Sub-Basin Plots Runoff Hydrograph Hyetograph Abstractions Base Flow
HEC-HMS Output
Junction Plots
Tributary Hydrographs Combined Hydrograph Recorded Hydrograph Purpose of Calibration Can Compute Sub-Basin Parameters Loss Function Parameters Unit Hydrograph Parameters Can Compute Stream Flow Routing Parameters Requires Gage Records FINALLY - information on HEC-HMS www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/software_ distrib/hec-hms/hechmsprogram.html (the users manual can be downloaded from this site) www.dodson-hydro.com/download.htm# Electronic_Documents Available on the laboratory computers
A Practical Analysis of Sea Breeze Effects on Coastal Areas: (with Implications Associated with Renewable Energy Applications and Environmental Assessments)