VII. Educational Technology and Educational Media
VII. Educational Technology and Educational Media
VII. Educational Technology and Educational Media
Educational media
To fully understand educational technology,
teacher must stop thinking that this simply
means video tape recorders, film
projectors or computers.
Teachers must also learn to distinguish
educational technology from other
concepts such as "education media", audio
visual technology" or audio-visual aids.
To correct misconceptions, the following
definition must be learn and understood.
Instructional Technology
Are those aspects of educational
technology that are concerned
primarily with instruction as
contrasted to design and operation of
educational institution.
Give stress to instruction or to the
teaching-learning process.
A systematic way of designing, carrying out,
and evaluating the total process of
learning and teaching in terms of specific
objectives, based on research in human
learning and communication.
It employs human and non-human resources
so combined to make instruction more
Are the means of communication available
for educational purposes other than the
teacher himself. They consist of
instructional machines and materials
used to promote learning.
By definition, "media" are mediating or
intervening means through which
learning impressions are provoked on the
part of the learner.
These terms emphasizes the use of the
senses. Hearing (audial) and seeing
Audio-visual "media" stress the use of media
as means communication
Audio-visual "aids" stress the assistance of
educational tools in carrying out
Audio-visual "technology" capitalizes the use
of these learning tools in the design,
implementation and evaluation of
instructional activities.
Basic Definition
1. Media- (plural for medium) means of
communicating messages from a source to
a receiver for such purposes as
information, education, entertainment, or
Basic Definition
1. Media- (plural for medium) means of
communicating messages from a source to
a receiver for such purposes as
information, education, entertainment, or
2. Format- the physical form/manner in which
a medium is displayed or shown
Basic Definition
1. Media- (plural for medium) means of
communicating messages from a source to a
receiver for such purposes as information,
education, entertainment, or business.
2. Format- the physical form/manner in which a
medium is displayed or shown.
3. Technology may mean
3. Technology may mean
3.1. A process - the systematic application of
scientific or other organized knowledge to
practical tasks.
3. Technology may mean
3.1. A process - the systematic application of
scientific or other organized knowledge to
practical tasks.
3.2. A product - the physical equipment/facilities
(hardware) and the programs/modular
materials(software) that result form the
application of technological processes.
3. Technology may mean
3.1. A process - the systematic application of
scientific or other organized knowledge to
practical tasks.
3.2. A product - the physical equipment/facilities
(hardware) and the programs/modular
materials(software) that result form the
application of technological processes.
3.3. A process and product mix - the statement
"technology is constantly expanding our
information delivery" refers to technology in
a mix sense.
4. Educational Technology - the scientific and
organized teaching-learning process and/ or