History of India Today
History of India Today
History of India Today
Publication Profile
Launched in 1975
Started with a circulation of 5000 copies
Success of India Today lies in the fact that
the founder and editor-in-chief of the
magazine, Aroon Purie is still with the
Plays a leading role in shaping public
opinion about issues
India Today
Belongs to The India Today Group that has 13
magazines, 2 TV channels, 3 radio stations and
1 newspaper under it, the group became
synonymous with the magazine
The group also has a license to publish brands
of reputed global media like Cosmopolitan,
Readers Digest, Good Housekeeping among
Published in 5 regional languages Hindi,
Tamil, Telugu, Bengali and Malayalam
Target Audience
Ad Analysis
Targeted at an educated class
People who believe in making
an informed decision
Product ads are designed in a
manner to address an
audience which is aware
Primary target audience would
include corporate executives,
Secondary target audience
would include people who
would want to further analyze
the events of the week and
those who want to form an
educated opinion
Target Audience
Catering to a class of people who are well
read and aware of their surroundings
For the aware reader who is looking for a
deeper understanding and in depth
analysis of recent events
Even if the magazine does not have an
elitist appeal to it, it has managed to
develop itself as a credible and trusted
source of information
Content Analysis
Following are regular features in the magazine-:
Mail of the Week- a feedback from the readers on the previous issue
Off track- a feature that carries a lesser known, interesting aspect of India
Indiascope- snippets of all the important political events that happened in the week all
across the country
Nation- this feature deals with a matter of national importance that would have a
nation wide impact
States- this feature deals with issues of 2 or 3 states every week which would affect
the people of that state particularly and the nation as a whole
Business & Economy- in depth analysis of the main business stories
Sportswatch- analysis of the main sporting events of the week
Society & the Arts- deals with matters of social interest and also looks at providing
answers to issues that affect society
Your week- reviews of movies, books and performances for the reader to plan the
week ahead
Eyecatchers- the last page of the magazine which has snippets from the
entertainment industry and provides for light reading
Content Analysis
Pitched as a general magazine
Has content that is essentially political in
Proportion of political news ascompared to
any other area-entertainment, sports and
business is higher
Greater stress on analysis rather than the
actual event
Style of Writing
Simple, lucid, easily comprehensible
Writing is supplemented by graphs which
make the analysis easy to understand
Pull quotes and blurbs are effectively used
to convey the essence of the article
Vocabulary is easy and there is no use of
jargon, thus making it easy for readers to
read across sections
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