CT Scan of Chest
CT Scan of Chest
CT Scan of Chest
CT Scan of Chest
Pulmonary Abscess
Chest Trauma
The role of CT
The advantages of CT
1) A negative CT scan excludes a significant number of patients who
might otherwise undergo an unnecessary and invasive procedure
(mortality and morbidity risks for aortography are estimated at 1.7%(1);
2) In the course of evaluating the patient for possible aortic dissection
with CT, many other unsuspected findings not identified by plain
films are discovered including: pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum,
pneumopericardium, thoracic spine fractures, sternal and manubrial
fractures and other skeletal and lung trauma;
3) Using CT as a screening tool rather than the plain film to determine
who needs aortography has potential health care cost savings. cost