Bjork Seven Study Techniques
Bjork Seven Study Techniques
Bjork Seven Study Techniques
One area of research in the field of
Cognitive Psychology is human
learning and memory. The
following information comes from
decades of research by Cognitive
Psychologists on how to best
acquire new information.
Bjorks Seven
The decades of research was synthesized into 7 Effective
Study Techniques by
Dr. Robert Bjork, Professor of Psychology, University of Calif
ornia, Los Angeles.
I first heard Dr. Bjork lecture on the topic of effective
teaching, in 1989, to a group of professors and graduate
students at UCLA.
Also, I was fortunate to have both Dr. Bjorks (Bob and his
wife Elizabeth) as my dissertation advisors while I was
earning my Ph.D. at UCLA. During this time, I repeatedly
experienced first hand the effectiveness of these
study/teaching techniques.
The following presentation is based on Dr. Bjorks lecture.
Outline of the 7
1. Allocating Attention.
Pay Attention!!
So you might be thinking, ok Im
going to stop now if all she is going
to tell me is to pay attention!!
Who doesnt know that, right?
Attention (cont.)
Yeah right, but I bet theres not one of you (me too)
who hasnt had the experience of reading several
pages of text only to discover that in this case reading
meant running your eyes over the words without any
comprehension of the meaning of those words.
And, perhaps youve had the experience of sitting in a
lecture only to discover that the professor is on a
completely different topic from the one that she or he
was on when you tuned-out.
Or have you ever practiced some skill while being
completely on auto-pilot allowing your mind to
Attention (cont.)
I know you have, we all have! Yet we continue to
study, teach, try to learn, practice and so on long
after weve caught ourselves (or in the case of
teaching, caught our students) slipping into semiconsciousness.
If you feel yourself slipping right now. Stop! Standup, stretch, move your head from side to side, do like
Winnie-the-Pooh: tap your head three times while
muttering think, think, think. Ok now refocus.
Feel better?
Well its not that simple, but I got a kick out of
imagining you doing all those things, so read on.
Attention (cont.)
The decades of attention research
have told us at least two things.
1. When you try to divide your
attention between two tasks, one or
both tasks WILL suffer.
2. There is a limit to the amount of
time that one can sustain attention
Attention (cont.)
So, lets take each one in turn to see how we can
be more effective.
1. Divided attention is costly! Dont try to study
and _______ (you fill in the blank). You really must
stay focused on the primary task of learning,
practicing, studying. If you find yourself being
distracted, remove yourself from the distracting
situation. Turn off the stereo, leave the coffee
shop, tell yourself that if you study/practice for 20
min then youll spend 5 minutes thinking about
those distracting thoughts.
Attention (cont.)
For lectures, give yourself a pep talk beforehand.
Even the most boring lecture will end eventually. You
must try to stay focused on what is being said. When
you find yourself beginning to lose attention, refocus.
Try to think of a question to ask the instructor.
If youre teaching, you MUST first get your students
attention. (Hint: Droning on in monotones probably
isnt the best way). Try to think of an interesting
question to ask your students. Insert an active
learning demonstration into your lecture. Tell a joke,
an anecdote, or give a relevant real-world example.
Attention (cont.)
2. This brings us to the second point, a
person can concentrate for a limited
amount of time.
The amount of time a person can sustain
attention differs from person to person
and from task to task.
You will know when youve reached your
limit because you will start to violate point
1, that is, your mind will start to wander.
Attention (cont.)
Ill work through an example but of
course you may need to vary the
specifics depending on your own
abilities and the type of task to
which you are attending. (In
general, the more difficult or more
boring the task, the more breaks
you will need.
Attention (cont.)
Example: Lets say you have 50
minutes to study, practice, or to lecture.
You will actually learn more, acquire
more, or teach more by studying,
practicing or teaching for 45 of those 50
minutes and taking a short break for 5
OK! I know. You DONT have time for a
Attention (cont.)
But, if YOU dont take a break, your
brain will go on one without you
anyway. And your brain might decide
to go on break just when youre trying
to learn/teach the most important part
of the lesson.
So for every 50 minutes, study,
practice, or teach for 25, take a break
for 5, and then start again for 20.
Attention (cont.)
For the next 50 min. time period, you will
probably begin to notice diminishing
returns from that 5 min. break. You might
find that you need a 10 min. break.
At the point when your breaks begin to be
longer than your study sessions, take a
siesta, hiatus, run around the block, swim,
trip to the laundry,... get the idea?
Attention (cont.)
So my 5 year old is running around
trying to see if he can get the dog to
bite him, my 10 year old is watching
Rockos Modern Life at an ear piercing
volume, and Ive been at this now for
over an hour. I guess that Ive missed
out on both points one and two. Time
for a bread, thats break. You take one
too, ok.
Interpretation and
Ok, Im back and you must be back too,
now on to the second study technique:
Interpretation and Elaboration
Read the following:
1. The exposure was insufficient because
of the weather conditions.
2. The crash was due to the keys sticking.
3. The numbers slid down because of the
crisis abroad.
Interpretation and
Elaboration (cont..)
Interpretation can be thought of deep
processing, whereas elaboration can
be thought of as broad processing.
What do I mean by this? Ill tell you
later, but now try to recall the three
sentences that you just read on the
previous slide. DONT GO BACK TO
PEAK! Can you do it?
Interpretation and
Elaboration (cont..)
Remembering the sentences was
most likely difficult for you.
The sentences didnt make any
Because the sentences didnt
make sense, you were unlikely to
have been able to interpret them.
Interpretation and
Elaboration (cont..)
Read the sentences again:
1. The exposure was insufficient
because of the weather conditions.
(Taking a picture)
2. The crash was due to the keys
sticking. (Computer break-down)
3. The numbers slid down because of
the crisis abroad. (Stock-market)
Interpretation and
Elaboration (cont.)
Again, interpretation can be
thought of as deep processing,
whereas elaboration can be
thought of as broad processing.
What do I mean by this? Ill tell
you later, REALLY, but now try to
recall the three sentences again.
Its easier this time, right?
Interpretation and
Elaboration (cont.)
Ok, so youre thinking well of course its easier I saw them
before (repetition).
Also, I tried to recall them once already (retrieval practice)
Yes, thats true, repetition and retrieval practice are both
important for learning, memory, and skill acquisition, but
well get to that later, too.
Research has shown that the sentences with the clues
would have been easier to remember than the sentences
without the clues even after having seen them only once,
because you were able to interpret the sentences with the
Interpretation and
Elaboration (cont.)
Interpretation means really
understanding what youre trying
to learn, thinking deeply about the
process that youre practicing,
thoroughly comprehending the
information being presented, and if
youre teaching, using examples
that make sense to your students.
Interpretation and
Elaboration (cont.)
If you dont understand, you wont learn,
remember, or improve your performance.
And, if you only kinda understand, youll
only kinda learn, remember, or improve.
So how do you know if you thoroughly
understand, or you only kinda understand?
When you thoroughly understand you
should be able to (part 2) elaborate.
Interpretation and
Elaboration provides breadth of processing.
You should be able to come up with how the
book information is related to what you
learned in lecture (same as and different
from), or how what you learned in lecture
relates to something that you have
observed directly.
Perhaps the content from two different
courses can be compared or contrasted.
Interpretation and
When you practice, you should be able to
relate parts of the movements or musical
piece to one another.
When you teach, you should use several
examples. You should illustrate how the
current lecture material fits with the previous
lectures and with the information that will be
coming in future lectures.
And the great thing about elaboration is
that it provides variability!!
I just illustrated how elaboration relates to
the next study technique: variability. Also,
taking a study break provides variability.
Thus, Im trying to illustrate how what
came before relates to the current point.
Can you find any other study techniques
incorporated in this presentation? Now
Im asking you to generate (the 7th study
technique). See, I practice what I preach!
Have you ever been told to pick a single
quiet place and then to always study in
that same place?? That way you will
become accustomed to studying there
and will be more effective, right?
Actually, the opposite is true. Youre
better off studying in many different
I bet I got your attention with that one.
Are you thinking, all right! Shes finally
telling me something that I can use. No
problem, Ill be happy to study all over
campus, Ill practice everywhere, Ill teach
my class outside occasionally.
The rest of the stuff shes been talking
about sounded like it would take forever!!
Ill just study in different locations.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the size of the
increase in performance that you will
see as a result of changing your study
locations (without any other changes in
your study behavior) is MINISCULE!
A much better way to increase your
performance is to incorporate variation
in the way that you think about the
Play the musical piece at a number
of different tempos.
Make the shot from several different
locations on the court.
Present the most critical information
across several different lectures.
Think about the material in a number
of different ways.
Doesnt this sound like elaboration?
I told you that elaboration produces
variation. Guess what! Variation produces...
You got it, elaboration!
One way to increase variation in the way
that you think about the information, is to
space your study.
Which brings us to the 4th study technique:
Organization and
Organization and
So with that little demo under your belt, can you
think what Im going to tell you about the
importance of organization and structure?
If you spend sometime trying to figure out what
Im about to say, youll learn them better that
way. Its called generation. I know I said that
before (thats called repetition). Its been a
while though, thats called spacing and we all
know: Spacing your study is an easy way to
increase variability (again, increasing
Organization and
When I was an undergrad I really could have
Organization and
Do you put outlines up on a view graph before you
Organization and
Organization and
After reading the chapter, hearing the lecture,
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
Its well known that people will tend to
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
Ok for those of you who know me really well,
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
what, even if retrieve!
you generate the
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
Now that youre done previewing the
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
I recently looked back to some of my textbooks
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
You are much much much better off reading a
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
All the time, trying to make sense out of what
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
Instructors can give their students opportunities to
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
You must generate, produce from
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
You might discover that you know the
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
Generate, generate,
generate, Retrieve,
retrieve, retrieve!
Ive attempted to illustrate how these techniques could
be applied to the acquisition of skills as well as
information. At times, I focused more on the information
(its what I know best) than on the skills. Please dont
interpret this as meaning that the particular point
doesnt apply to skill acquisition, it does.
Also, all the points can be effectively incorporated into
teaching. Even retrieval practice. So, practice retrieving
Bjorks 7 Study Techniques.
Good luck!! All feedback is appreciated.
Email me at