Manufacturing With Metallic Materials (MEL202) : Harpreet Singh
Manufacturing With Metallic Materials (MEL202) : Harpreet Singh
Manufacturing With Metallic Materials (MEL202) : Harpreet Singh
Harpreet Singh
Associate Professor
School of Mechanical, Materials & Energy Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Ropar
Room Number: 208
Phone: +91-1881-242177
Cell: +91-98557-09052
What is Manufacturing?
Manufacture is derived from two Latin words
manus (hand) and factus (make); the
combination means made by hand
Made by hand accurately described the
manual methods used when the word
manufacture was first coined
Most modern manufacturing is accomplished
by automated and computercontrolled
machinery that is manually supervised
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Manufacturing Industries
Industry consists of enterprises and
organizations that produce or supply goods
and services
Industries can be classified as:
1. Primary industries - cultivate and exploit natural
resources, e.g., agriculture, mining , etc.
2. Secondary industries - take the outputs of
primary industries and convert them into
consumer and capital goods - manufacturing is
the principal activity
3. Tertiary industries -service sector of the economy
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Materials in Manufacturing
Most engineering materials can be
classified into one of three basic categories:
1. Metals
2. Ceramics
3. Polymers
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Figure 1.3
Venn diagram
of three basic
Material types
plus composites
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Usually alloys, which are composed of two or
more elements, at least one of which is
Two basic groups:
1. Ferrous metals - based on iron, comprise
75% of metal tonnage in the world:
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A compound containing metallic (or semimetallic) and nonmetallic elements.
Typical nonmetallic elements are oxygen,
nitrogen, and carbon
For processing purposes, ceramics divide
1. Crystalline ceramics includes:
A compound formed of repeating structural
units called mers, that link to form very
large molecules
Three categories:
1. Thermoplastic polymers - can be subjected to
multiple heating and cooling cycles without
altering their molecular structure
2. Thermosetting polymers - molecules chemically
transform (cure) into a rigid structure upon
cooling from a heated plastic condition
3. Elastomers - exhibit significant elastic behavior
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A material consisting of two or more phases that
are processed separately and then bonded
together to achieve properties superior to its
A phase = a homogeneous mass of material, such
as grains of identical unit cell structure in a solid
Usual structure consists of particles or fibers of
one phase mixed in a second phase
Properties depend on components, physical
shapes of components, and the way they are
combined to form the final material
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Manufacturing Processes
Two basic types:
1. Processing operations - transform a work
material from one state of completion to
a more advanced state
Operations that change the geometry,
properties, or appearance of the starting
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Processing Operations
Alter a workpart's shape, physical properties,
or appearance in order to add value to the
Three categories of processing operations:
1. Shaping operations - alter the geometry of the
starting work material
2. Propertyenhancing operations - improve
physical properties of the material without
changing its shape
3. Surface processing operations - performed to
clean, treat, coat, or deposit material onto the
exterior surface of the work
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Solidification Processes
Starting material is heated sufficiently to
transform it into a liquid or highly plastic state
Examples: Casting for metals, molding for plastics
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Particulate Processing
Starting materials are powders of metals or ceramics
Usually involves pressing and sintering, in which powders are first squeezed in a die cavity
and then heated to bond the individual particles
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Deformation Processes
Starting workpart is shaped by application of
forces that exceed the yield strength of the
Examples: (a) forging, (b) extrusion
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Waste in Shaping
It is desirable to minimize waste and scrap in part
Material removal processes tend to be wasteful
in the unit operation, simply by the way they
Casting and molding usually waste little material
Net shape processes - when most of the starting
material is used and no subsequent machining is
required to achieve final part geometry
Near net shape processes - when minimum amount
of machining is required
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Performed to improve mechanical or
physical properties of the work
Part shape is not altered, except
Heat treatment of metals and glasses
Sintering of powdered metals and
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Surface Processing
Assembly Operations
Two or more separate parts are joined to
form a new entity
Types of assembly operations:
1. Joining processes create a permanent joint.
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Production Systems
The people, equipment, and procedures
designed for the combination of materials
and processes that constitute a firm's
manufacturing operations
A manufacturing firm must have systems to
efficiently accomplish its type of production
Two categories of production systems:
1. Production facilities
2. Manufacturing support systems
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Production Facilities
The factory, production equipment, and
material handling equipment
The facilities "touch" the product
Also includes the way the equipment is
arranged in the factory the plant layout
Equipment usually organized into logical
groupings, called manufacturing systems
Examples: automated production line,
machine cell consisting of an industrial robot
and two machine tools
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
High Production
High quantity range = 10,000 to
millions of units per year
Referred to as mass production
High demand for product
Manufacturing system dedicated to the
production of that product
Quantity Production
Mass production of single parts on
single machine or small numbers of
Typically involves standard machines
equipped with special tooling
Equipment is dedicated full-time to
the production of one part type
Typical layouts used in quantity
production = process layout and
cellular layout
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Manufacturing Support
A company must organize itself to design the
processes and equipment, plan and control the
production orders, and satisfy product quality
These functions are accomplished by manufacturing
support systems people and procedures by which a
company manages its production operations
Typical departments:
1. Manufacturing engineering
2. Production planning and control
3. Quality control
Adapted from Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, M. P. Groover, 2nd Ed., 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.