Hans Lippershey
Middleburg, Holland
the first to use a telescope in astronomy. Galileo's
designs used a combination of convex and concave
improved the design to have two convex lenses,
which made the image upside-down. Kepler's design
is still the major design of refractors today, with a few
later improvements in the lenses and the glass to
make them.
The lens in your eyes works like a glass lens. The light
bends as it goes through a different medium.
Light rays are bent when they intersect glass; a curved
surface can produce an image.
In your eye, the image is then focused at the retina.
Diagram of a simple telescope. Parallel light rays enter from the left, pass
through the objective lens, come to a focus at the focal plane, and exit
through the eyepiece lens. The focal length of the objective is F, and the focal
length of the eyepiece is f.
The Aperture
A telescope's ability to collect light is
directly related to the diameter of the lens
or mirror -- the aperture -- that is used to
gather light. Generally, the larger the
aperture, the more light the telescope
collects and brings to focus, and the
brighter the final image.
The telescope's magnification, its ability
to enlarge an image, depends on the
combination of lenses used. The eyepiece
performs the magnification. Since any
magnification can be achieved by almost
any telescope by using different
eyepieces, aperture is a more important
feature than magnification
The purposes of the eyepiece are to:
produce and allow you to change the telescope's
produce a sharp image
provide comfortable eye relief (the distance between
your eye and the eyepiece when the image is in focus)
determine the telescope's field of view:
apparent - how much of the sky, in degrees, is seen edge-toedge through the eyepiece alone (specified on the eyepiece)
true or real - how much of the sky can be seen when that
eyepiece is placed in the telescope (true field = apparent
Filters are pieces of glass or plastic that you can place in the
barrel of an eyepiece to restrict the wavelengths of light that
come through in the image.
Set of filters for viewing, including a light pollution filter (left) and
colored filters for enhancing contrast in planetary images.
Filters can be used to:
enhance the viewing of faint sky objects in light-polluted skies
enhance the contrast of fine features and details on the moon and planets
safely view the sun
Refractor Telescopes
Refractors are the type of telescope that
most of us are familiar with. They have the
following parts:
a long tube, made of metal, plastic, or wood
a glass combination lens at the front end
(objective lens)
a second glass combination lens (eyepiece)
This is the simplest telescope design you could have. A big lens
gathers the light and directs it to a focal point and a small lens
brings the image to your eye.
Reflecting Telescopes
Isaac Newton developed the reflector about 1680, in
response to the chromatic aberration (rainbow halo)
problem that plagued refractors during his time. Instead of
using a lens to gather light, Newton used a curved, metal
mirror (primary mirror) to collect the light and reflect it to
a focus. Because the mirror reflected light back into the
tube, he had to use a small, flat mirror (secondary mirror)
in the focal path of the primary mirror to deflect the image
out through the side of the tube, to the eyepiece; otherwise,
his head would get in the way of incoming light.
In 1722, John Hadley developed a design that used
parabolic mirrors, and there were various improvements in
mirror-making. The Newtonian reflector was a highly
successful design, and remains one of the most popular
telescope designs in use today.
Famous Telescopes
Keck Telescope