2.symptoms and Signs of Psychiatric Disorders
2.symptoms and Signs of Psychiatric Disorders
2.symptoms and Signs of Psychiatric Disorders
Psychiatry Department
Course Coordinator
Dr. Mohamed Mitwally
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Disturbance of behavior
A. Quantitative disturbance:
a. Excess motor activity
i. Agitation: the patient is moving around, moving his limbs and head,
wrinkling his fingers and cannot stay for some time in one place. This
sign is found in many psychiatric disorders e.g. mania, agitated
depression, some cases of schizophrenia ,
ii.Restlessness: the patient feels inner tension with some agitation and
cannot standstill. On sitting he sits on the edge of the chair and moves
his body parts like arms, head and neck. This condition found mainly in
anxiety, and akathisia, also in some psychotic state. The differentiation
between restlessness and agitation may be difficult but in restlessness
the condition usually not desired by the patient i.e. out of his control but
agitation is usually are action to the thoughts of the patient.
Disturbance of behavior
A. Quantitative disturbance:
Disturbance of behavior
A. Quantitative disturbance:
Manic excitement
Catatonic excitement
Occurs mainly in
response to
environmental stimuli
Occurs without
provocation. Mostly in response to
delusion or hallucination
Accompanied with
cheerful or irritable
Disturbance of behavior
A. Quantitative disturbance:
b. Diminished Motor activity
Disturbance of behavior
A. Quantitative disturbance:
Disturbance of behavior
A. Quantitative disturbance:
Disturbance of behavior
A. Quantitative disturbance:
Disturbance of behavior
A. Quantitative disturbance:
Disturbance of behavior
iii. Waxy
flexibility disturbance:
(Flexibilitas cerea) which is the
maintenance of imposed postures however abnormal
they may be (e.g. rising-the head of the patient from the
pillow, or the arm up). The absence of fatigue in such
cases is remarkable.
iv. Catalepsy (posturing) is sometimes used for any form
of sustained immobility.
v. Automatic movements or automatism occur in a
pathological sense, without the subject being aware of
their meaning and even without his being aware of their
happening at all. Automatism may be i) local e.g.
automatic writing or ii) general e.g. in fugue and
Disturbance of behavior
B. Qualitative disturbance:
Disturbance of Affect
A) Quantitative disturbance:
Disturbance of Affect
A) Quantitative disturbance:
Disturbance of Affect
A) Quantitative disturbance:
Disturbance of Affect
A) Quantitative disturbance:
Disturbance of Affect
is a progressive failure
to show the normal emotional responses
(characterized by a childish, easily suggestible,
11. Emotional instability or lability: is inability to
control the emotions and their expression. The
emotional change from one extreme to the
other with no obvious cause (e.g. Laughing and
weeping. it occurs in gross organic lesions of
the brain e.g. the pseudo bulbar syndrome.
Disturbance of Affect
A) Quantitative disturbance:
Disturbance of Affect
B) Qualitative disturbance:
inappropriateness of affect to thought content
(e.g. the patient feels happy while he believes
that he is going to be killed by his enemies).
Disorders of Talk
A. Disorders of Stream
1- Slow stream: Slowing of the stream of talk
occurs in different psychiatric disorders
particularly in psychosis and the disturbance
shows different degrees:
Disorders of Talk
A. Disorders of Stream
2- Blocking is a sudden stoppage of the
stream of talk, for a while and then it is
resumed without the patient being able to
account for such stoppage. This could occur
in some normal individuals when surprised
and in some schizophrenics.
3- Rapid stream occurs mainly in mania and
some schizophrenics
Disorders of Talk
B. Disorders of Expression
a.Irrelevant answers to questions. When the patient is
asked a question he responded by answer not related
to that question.
b.Over inclusions: the patient talk is much abbreviated
and not giving the necessary details.
c. Derailment: the patient deviates in his talks to
subjects away from the main topic.
d.Circumstantiality: there are much unnecessary
details, but the subject in view at the beginning is
ultimately reached.
Disorders of Talk
C. Disorders of Association
i. Vagueness ( the paragraphs of the story
are not harmonious)
ii. Flights of ideas ( the sentences of the
paragraph are not harmonious)
iii. Incoherence ( the words of the sentence
are not harmonious)
iv. Neologism ( the letters of the word in the
word are not harmonious)
Disorders of Thinking
The first and second is the same as those
.discussed under talk
Disorders of Thinking
Content (delusions)
Delusions: false, fixed beliefs which is not
accepted by individuals of the same social,
cultural or educational background and not
corrected by logic reasoning.
If the belief is false but is widely accepted by individuals of
the same culture and education it is called culture bound
belief, if it could be corrected by logic reasoning it is called
idea and not delusion.
Disorders of Thinking
Content (delusions)
Delusions may be
I.Systematized (well knit) when they form a
coherent system and appear to be logical, or
II.Non-Systematized when they are fleeting and
appear to have no logical connection
Disorders of Thinking
Content (delusions)
Types of delusions:
Delusion of grandeur: in which the patient imagines
that he is great individual, very rich, strong,
intelligent, etc.
Delusion of persecution in which the patient thinks
that he is chased (run after) by certain people, or his
food is poisoned by them.
Delusion of reference in which the patient believes
that everything in the environment is referring to him
(e.g. people talking in the street. newspapers, radio, television, etc. are
referring to him).
Disorders of Thinking
Content (delusions)
Delusion of influences (Passivity feeling) in which the
patient says that he is under the influence of electricity,
wireless, hypnotism or telepathy, utilized by some
other person. Such delusions include such diverse
ideas as a) that the patient's thoughts are being read
b) his limbs are moved without his control or consent
by some invisible agency.
Delusion of self reproach (self blame) or sin: in which
the patient feels that he is wicked, full of sins and unfit
to live or mix with other people (feeling of
Disorders of Thinking
Content (delusions)
Delusion of poverty in which the patient believes that he
lost all his money, property and everything in life.
Nihilistic delusion in which the patient declare that he
does not exist (dead) and that there is no world.
Hypochondriacal delusion in, which the patient is
convinced that he has a physical disease (e.g. cancer
stomach) in, the absence of any evidence thereof.
Disorders of Thinking
Content (delusions)
Depersonalization: the patient feels that he is no longer
himself; he can no longer believe in his own existence.
When he looks in the mirror he feels himself changed
throughout in comparison with his former state. He feels
unreal, strange, lifeless, detached and automatic. (2)
Derealization: the patient feels that the outer world has
changed the people, streets and houses look different and
unusual. He wonders whether his friends are the same
people as they were, or whether indeed they exist at all.
Disorders of Thinking
Content (obsessions)
Feeling of compulsion to repeat physical or
mental act, the patient realizing that it is silly
and meaningless, resisting it and the
resistance is accompanied by increasing inner
tension which is relieved by repeating again.
Disorders of Perception
Perception of non existed stimulus
Disorders of Perception
Normal (physiological)
Primary psychiatric disorders
Rarely in depression, mania, paranoid disorder.
Disorders of Perception
False perception of an external stimulus
Disorders of Perception
Intense emotions, change of set, lack of perceptual
Primary mental disorders
Brain tumors
Disorders of Memory
Recall & Recognition
Any failure of one of these functions is
regarded as memory disorders
Disorders of Memory
Types of Amnesia
1. Anterograde amnesia when there is loss of
memory for recent events.
2. Retrograde amnesia when there is loss of
memory for remote events.
3. Total amnesia when there is loss of memory
for all events, recent and Remote.
4. Circumscribed amnesia when there is loss of
memory for a limited time (amnesic gap).
Disorders of Memory
Paramnesia (False Recall)
1. Confabulation: when the patient fills the gaps in his
memory by fabrication i.e. by giving imaginary accounts
of his activities (Thus a bed ridden patient will describe a
walk which he asserts he has just taken). It usually
occurs in organic diseases Korsakovs syndrome which is
typically seen in alcoholism).
2. Falsification (illusion of memory): when the patient adds
false details and meanings to a true memory. It occurs in
organic and psychiatric diseases (e.g. paranoid states).
Disorders of Memory
excessive memory,
the patient mentions even small unnecessary
It is present in
1- some normal people (geniuses)
2- some mental disorders (hypomania
and paranoia).
Short-term recall:
(5-7 digits or home address at 5 min)
what patient did past several days
Recent past:
what patient did past few months, present President, recent
news events
Childhood events, past Presidents, historical events (years)
Disorders of Memory
Clinical significance
Anxious patient may complain of poor
memory because of defective registration
In Korsakoffs syndrome there is failure of
retention so the patient has disturbed
immediate recall
In dementia the recall of recent events is
Realization of:
Types of Attention
Active (voluntary)
Passive (involuntary).
In organic disease: active attention is often
good, while passive attention is poor i.e. object
in the center of consciousness is observed,
while those towards the periphery are not.
In Psychogenic diseases (e.g. schizophrenia)
the patient does not pay attention to what the
doctor says to him and at the same time he pays
attention to what the nurses talk about.
Abstraction: is the patient's ability to
derive a general principle from a specific
Abstract thinking is affected in psychosis
particularly schizophrenia and mental
level of education.
cerebral dysfunction. Abstraction
deficits are particularly common
with frontal lobe disorders.
2- Differences
Differences require the patient to identify the salient distinguishing
feature between two similar items (e.g., child and midget, canal and
river, lie and mistake)
3- Idioms
Idioms are metaphorical statements or aphorisms that require the
patient to generalize to a larger meaning (e.g., "seeing eye to eye,"
"level headed," and "eyes peeled")
4- Proverbs.
Proverbs are usually double metaphors that require the patient to
ignore the immediate meaning and derive a lesson or maxim (e.g.,
"don't cry over spilled milk," "people who live in glass houses
shouldn't throw stones," "the tongue is the enemy of the neck").
The ability to benefit from previous
experiences and to get maximum benefit
from available data
Intelligence is affected in mental retardation
Assessment of Intelligence
Clinical assessment
During interview
Mathematical problem
Proverb test
General information.