Practicing The A, B, C'S: Albert Ellis and REBT
Practicing The A, B, C'S: Albert Ellis and REBT
Practicing The A, B, C'S: Albert Ellis and REBT
Dating experiment
As teenager Ellis was
Basics of REBT
Humanistic approach: individuals have the
ABC Model
behavioral Consequences
Another example
A. Your best friend hasnt returned your
A. You and your partner have a fight.
B. You think I never do anything right.
C. You feel (or do) ______________.
Alternative belief
A. You and your partner have a fight.
B. You think she (he) was in an awful mood.
C. You feel (or do) ______________.
REBT theory holds that, if you think more
rationally in the face of negative events, you
will have less emotional distress.
Rationality is the key to achieving happiness.
Ways of Thinking
Empirically consistent
with reality, testable
Preferential: expresses
a desire not a demand
Inconsistent with reality,
lacks empirical validity
Dogmatic, nonflexible
Demanding: states
demand rather than a
desire. Ellis calls this
Depression (Im no
I cared about)
Remorse (Im sorry)
Concern (I need to take
care of this)
good, worthless)
Guilt (Ive sinned)
Anxiety (Ill never
be able to handle
REBT Techniques
Homework: Clients are asked to complete
Homework assignment
Until next class, work the A, B, Cs.
Adversity: describe situation being as
objective as possible.
Belief: how did you interpret the adversity.
Separate thoughts and feelings.
Beliefs can be evaluated.
Emotions must be accepted.
Next step
A. Smell cigarette smoke
B. I could start again and control it.
C. Bum a cigarette
D. Stop (Distraction or Disputation)
Doing the D
Distraction: think about something else.
Active disputation
Therapist engaging client by asking questions.
Why is ______ so terrible or awful?
Is there another way you can think about this?
What is preventing you from doing so?
Why must you have it this way?
What is the worst that could happen if you give
up this belief?
What is the best that could happen?
Where the cost of failure is high.
Be careful is using optimism in cases of
counseling others when the future is dim.
Important to focus on the changeable and