Overview Remedy Tool
Overview Remedy Tool
Overview Remedy Tool
Module 1 Introduction
Module 2 Remedy tool overview
Module 3 Navigating the Remedy tool
Module 4 Working in Remedy
Module 5 Conclusion
Slide 1
Slide 2
Course objectives
After completing this course, you should be
able to do the following:
Navigate the Remedy tool to access
information you need to perform your job
Access tool and personal preferences
Identify the primary functions available
within Remedy
Use different methods to create and search
for records
Create Reminders
Slide 3
Module 1 Introduction
Module 2 Remedy tool overview
Module 3 Navigating the Remedy tool
Module 4 Working in Remedy
Module 5 Conclusion
Slide 4
Module objectives
After completing this module, you should be
able to do the following:
Explain some day-to-day changes
Describe components of Remedy, including
- System Console
- Request forms
- Process Flow Status bar
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Remedy Tool replaces previous tools
(HelpNow, ManageNow Problem and
Change, HP OpenView, and so on).
GSMRT allows reporting and monitoring of
service level attainment and trends as well
as ad hoc reporting.
White Board is now called Broadcast in
Work Info in Remedy is like Add Note in
ManageNow and Information Updates in
HPOV, and Work Info in Remedy is like
Attach a Ticket in TSE/Tivoli Service Desk .
Impact: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4Minor/Localized
Urgency: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4Low
Priority: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low
A common interface
The Remedy tool provides a single, common interface for locating, creating, and
changing records related to problems, incidents, changes, releases, knowledge, and
Slide 7
Navigation options
The applications within the Remedy tool have easy navigation and access options.
This ease is achieved through the use of the IT Home page and a navigation pane on
the left side of the Support Consoles and the main application forms.
IT Home Page
Slide 8
Navigation Pane
2008 IBM Corporation
Support Consoles
Incident Management
Slide 9
Slide 10
Remedy forms
Incident Request form
Slide 11
Relevant Tabs
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Slide 13
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Slide 16
Slide 17
Module 1 Introduction
Module 2 Remedy Tool Overview
Module 3 Navigating the Remedy Tool
Module 4 Working in Remedy
Module 5 Conclusion
Slide 18
Module objectives
After completing this module, you should be
able to do the following:
Navigate the Remedy tool
to access information you need to
perform your job functions
Access the tool and personal preferences
Identify the primary functions available within
Slide 19
Accessing Remedy
To access Remedy applications, you
log in to the Remedy tool. A user can
access Remedy via the following two
From a workstation
Through a Web browser
The method you will use to access
Remedy will depend on the group (or
groups) that you belong to, and the role
that you play within those groups.
Only the Service Desk uses the
workstation. All other users will access
Remedy through the Web browser.
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2. In the browsers
Address bar, type the
Remedy Web address
provided by the AZOA
Remedy team.
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Remedy Consoles
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Additional preferences
Slide 30
Slide 31
The Application
Preferences window
opens with four tabs for
Incident Management,
Change Management,
Problem Management,
and Asset Management.
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Slide 33
Slide 34
Title Bar
My Console
Work table
Details and
Tasks tabs
Work Info
Quick Actions
Slide 35
1. Left mouse
click and drag
2. ...and drop.
Slide 36
Module 1 Introduction
Module 2 Remedy Tool Overview
Module 3 Navigating the Remedy Tool
Module 4 Working in Remedy
Module 5 Conclusion
Slide 37
Module objectives
After completing this module, you should be
able to do the following:
Create new records
Search for information
Print a record
Create a Reminder
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Slide 43
Search functionality
Remedy allows you to search for
information in a variety of ways:
Support Console
Using groups
Navigation pane links
Search criteria
Free-form search criteria
Overview Console
Slide 44
Select My Groups
Show All
Show Unassigned
All My Groups
Show All
Show Unassigned
Slide 45
Use the
Search links
in the left
Slide 46
Slide 47
Use the
criteria fields.
Each console
has specific
search criteria
Slide 48
Use the
criteria fields.
Each console
has specific
search criteria
Slide 49
Use Advanced
Search to create
free-form search
Overview Console
Printing a record
1. Click the record that
you want to print.
3. Click the
Slide 51
Reminders enable users to create notes
for themselves and others. When
creating a Reminder, you can specify its
distribution to individuals or groups.
Reminders will be sent by e-mail.
1. Click the
You can create generic Reminders, or
option under
you can create Reminders that are
associated with a specific request.
Reminders are accessed from the
navigation pane of the Support Console.
When you open the Reminders window
from the Support Console Reminder
quick link, you can view all Reminders
that you have created.
Slide 52
Creating a Reminder
Notify (Required)
Individual or Group
Recipient (Required)
Subject (Required)
The topic for the
Network Login
System Generated
Time (Required) By
default, the current
date and time
Slide 53
Module 1 Introduction
Module 2 Remedy Tool Overview
Module 3 Navigating the Remedy Tool
Module 4 Working in Remedy
Module 5 Conclusion
Slide 54
During this course, we described several features and functions of the Remedy
tool that allow you to accomplish daily activities.
The applications within Remedy have easy navigation and access options.
Application-specific consoles optimize the workspace and allow you to view
key request data without opening the request.
A variety of forms available within the Remedy tool enable the capture and
visibility of key data elements.
The Process Flow Status bar is available in the Incident Management and
Problem Management Consoles and is also used by the IMAC Coordinator
to help move Incidents and Problems through the life cycle.
Remedy enables you to perform such activities as creating records,
locating existing records, working with or updating records, assigning work,
and communicating through Reminders.
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Slide 56
This concludes the AZOA Overview of the Remedy Tool
You should now be able to do the following:
Navigate the Remedy tool to access information you
need to perform your job functions
Access tool and personal preferences
Identify the primary functions available within Remedy
Use different methods to create and search for records
Create Reminders
Slide 57
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