Karl Popper Debate Format
Karl Popper Debate Format
Karl Popper Debate Format
Bakhti Mizhgon
The Karl Popper Debate format focuses on relevant
and often deeply divisive propositions, emphasizing
the development of critical thinking skills, and
tolerance for differing viewpoints.
To facilitate these goals, debaters work together in
teams of three, and must research both sides of
each issue.
Each team is given the opportunity to offer
arguments and direct questions to the opposing
team. Judges then offer constructive feedback,
commenting on logical flaws, insufficient evidence,
or arguments that debaters may have overlooked.
Karl Popper
number of people in the debate: 6
number of people in a team: 3
number of teams in the debate: 2
Types of team: affirmative(A),
1. No research is permitted.
Topic research must be completed prior to
the beginning of a debate.
2. No outside assistance is permitted.
No outside person(s) may conduct research
during the debate and provide information.
Debaters, however, are allowed to consult
whatever research materials they have
brought with them to the debate.
3. Debaters should be able to provide sources
for direct citations.
When debaters refer to any public
information, they should be prepared to
provide, upon request, complete source
documentation to the opposing team and to
the judge. Ordinarily, such documentation
would include the name of an author (if 3
any), the name and date of a publication (and
a page number, if available), or the URL of a
Web site.
4. Debaters should practice intellectual honesty.
Students should cite arguments and statistics truthfully,
and never fabricate sources or data.
5. Debate should be approached as a team activity.
Each debate team is composed of three individuals who
will speak in the roles they announce at the start of the
debate. Debaters may change their role in the debate
from round to round.
6. The affirmative and the negative teams will have
equal time to present their arguments.
Debate Format
The debate is composed of ten parts.
Six of these consist of speeches
that is, uninterrupted presentations
by a designated speaker.
The remaining four consist of cross
examination that is, a series of
questions and answers involving one
speaker from each side.
6 minutes
3 minutes
1 A answers/3
6 minutes
3 minutes
1 N answers/3A
5 minutes
3 minutes
2 A answers/1 N
5 minutes
3 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes
2 N answers/1 A
1. Affirmative Constructive
In this speech, the affirmative team is
expected to offer its complete argument
in favor of the resolution.
Although later affirmative speakers may
repeat points and expand on them later in
the debate, the first affirmative speaker
must present the entirety of his or her
teams case, including whatever criteria or
definitions the team views as
3. Negative Constructive
Like the affirmative team in its constructive, the
negative team is expected to offer a complete
argument against the affirmatives position.
The affirmatives definition, if not challenged at
this point, should stand. Similarly, if the
negative does not offer competing criteria, it is
assumed that the criteria articulated by the
affirmative team will govern the round.
Finally, the negative team must challenge the
affirmative's arguments; otherwise, it will be
assumed that these arguments are acceptable.
9.Second Affirmative
Rebuttal (3A)
The task of the affirmative speaker in this speech
is reactive. He or she should renew refutations that
have not been addressed adequately. Usually, this
means pointing out flaws in the negative rebuttal.
At this point, most good debaters will deliberately
let some points drop and will focus the judge's
attention on the key issues in the round.
The speaker may or may not instruct the judge;
that is, the speaker may or may not articulate a
standard of judgment for the round. New evidence
for existing arguments may be presented.
Judge Role
A Judge should carefully listen to
arguments of debaters
Take notes all arguments and
Count points; if negative team
brought a good argument that
weakens the argument of affirmative
than a point goes to negative team.
Same rule applies to affirmative