Os Evolution
Os Evolution
Os Evolution
1.Provide interface to the user.
2.Booting the computer.
3.Performs basic tasks like managing the
peripheral devices and hardware.
4.Memory management.
5.OS uses the built in tools to protect against
security threats.
6.File system management in which user
create delete and move files.
7.Processor management in which assigning
different tasks to the processor.
8.Establishment and enforcement of priority
Batch processing systems
The main function of a batch processing system is to
automatically keep executing the jobs in a batch.
This is the important task of a batch processing system
i.e. performed by the 'Batch Monitor' resided in the low
end of main memory.
This technique was possible due to the invention of
hard-disk drives and card readers.
Jobs could be stored on the disk to create the pool of
jobs for its execution as a batch
First the pooled jobs are read and executed by the batch
monitor, and then these jobs are grouped; placing the
identical jobs in the same batch.
The batched jobs were executed automatically one after
another saving its time by performing the activities only
Multiprogrammed system
In a multiprogramming system
there are one or more programs
loaded in main memory which
are ready to execute.
Only one program at a time is
able to get the CPU for executing
its instructions while all the
others are waiting their turn.
The main idea of
multiprogramming is to maximize
the use of CPU time.
Indeed, suppose the currently
running process is performing an
I/O task . Then, the OS may
interrupt that process and give
In 1970s
The development in OS was due to certain
1.1967-The mouse-Created byDouglas
2.1964-Multics- An ambitious operating
system developed by MIT, General Electric,
and Bell Labs. Operating system for GEs
GE645 mainframe.
3.1971-Intel announced the microprocessor
4004 contained 2,000 transistors and
performed 60,000 operations per second.
During starting of 1980s personal
computers are a strong force, but the
operating systems are primitive: not
much more than a command interpreter,
program loader, and device drivers.
1.1981: IBM introduces the IBM PC.
2.1984 Apple Macintosh was
introduced to the market.
3.1990 Microsoft Windows 3.0 comes
4.1992 The first Windows virus.
5.1991 GNU/Linux -A free Unix-like
operating system becomes available.
6.1993: Mosaic-The web browser is
Multiprocessor systems
Multiprocessingis the use of two
or morecentral processing
unit(CPUs) within a singlecomputer
Amultiprocessoris a computer
system having two or
moreprocessing units (multiple
processors) each sharingmain
memoryand peripherals, in order to
simultaneously process programs.
Microsoft Windowsis a meta family ofgraphical
operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by
Androidis amobile operating systemdeveloped byGoogle,
based on theLinux kerneland designed primarily for
touchscreenmobile devices such assmartphonesandtablets.
Android'suser interface is mainly based ondirect
manipulation, using touch gestures that loosely correspond to
real-world actions, such as swiping, tapping and pinching, to
manipulate on-screen objects, along with avirtual keyboardfor
text input.
In addition to touchscreen devices, Google has further
developedAndroid TVfor televisions,Android Autofor cars,
andAndroid Wearfor wrist watches, each with a specialized
user interface. Variants of Android are also used
onnotebooks,game consoles,digital cameras, and other
Linux is aUnix-likeand mostlyPOSIX-compliant
computeroperating system(OS) assembled under
the model offree and open-source
softwaredevelopment and distribution.
The defining component of Linux is theLinux
kernel, anoperating system kernelfirst released on
October 5, 1991 byLinus Torvalds,TheFree
Software Foundationuses the nameGNU Linuxto
describe the operating system, which has led to
some controversy.
Linux was originally developed as afree operating
systemforpersonal computersbased on theIntel
x86 architecture, but has since beenportedto