Quality Awards and Quality
Quality Awards and Quality
Quality Awards and Quality
• Loss of business
• Liability
• Low productivity
Costs of Quality
• Failure Costs
– Internal
– External
• Appraisal Cost
• Prevention Costs
Costs of Quality
• Failure Costs - costs incurred by defective
parts/products or faulty services.
• Prevention Costs
Cost of preventing defects from occurring
Example; Total Quality Management costs
Key Contributors to Quality Management
His message was; System is the cause for inefficiency and poor
quality not employees. It is management’s responsibility to
improve the system.
He made his first trip to Japan after publication of his Quality Control
Handbook in 1951.
His method is close to that of Deming, but with two main differences.
1) Management of quality is not very difficult.
2) He places less emphasize on SPC.
His initiatives;
Quality begins by knowing what customer wants. Quality is fitness-for
Almost 80% of quality defects can be controlled by commitment of
management to continuos improvement.
Quality management is 1) quality planning, 2) quality control, and 3)
quality improvement.
He showed high cost of low quality, and potentials of cost reduction
through quality improvement.
Quality Awards
Baldrige Award
Deming Prize
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award