Simone Beauvoir English
Simone Beauvoir English
Simone Beauvoir English
Traditional understanding of
duality of the sexes
Mind, soul
The role of men is to
be pater familias and
govern society
The role of women is
to bear and rear
Essentialism about sexual difference is therefore a
very much criticized doctrine
Impossible doctrine: Essence means that all
women have to be in a certain way
If there is one exception to this it is impossible to
talk about essence of all women
Is it nevertheless possble to talk about sexual
Sexual difference
Men and women are different, biologically
Are they different psychologically, cognitively?
Perhaps not much more than men are different
from one another, just as women are different from
one another
But are there tendencies or styles that are
common to women and common to men that could
allow us to define sexual difference?
Has there been an essentialism about men?
According to Beauvoir not to the same degree as
about women
Men have been associated with being human. The
human is man. Woman has thus been considered less
than human in the history of our culture
Men have been the measure according to which
women have been defined.
The woman is defined according to which she lacks
being a man (Aristotle)
Sexual difference
The other
Why did women become the second sex and land in
the position of the other?
Beauvoirs explanation
The division of consciousness in self and other
Self defines itself by demarcating itself against an
Self has more power and can other the other one, put
him/her in the position of the other
Individuals and society do this (I and other, We and
I and other
Hegelian dilaectic of master and slave: the
struggle for power and recognition between
two individuals
The stronger one becomes master, the one
who looses the fight becomes the other
Not only women are in the position of the
Other minorities (Blacks in US, Jews etc.)
System of opposites
Women are not a minority in the same manner as
for example Blacks in the US
Women have always been with men
Women do not have a common history like Blacks
and like Jews
Women have not formed themselves (acc. to
Beauvoir) as a group, like other minorities
It is now beginning, she claims
Women are beginning to refuse being the other
Ethics of existencialism
Beauvoir is an existencialist
Main creed of existencialism: Man is
freedom, man always has a choice
Man has to decide about his/her life, take
responsibility for it
Ethics of existencialism
Women have acc. to Beauvoir not been able to
exercise this freedom
Freedom = Transcendence, go beyond oneself
Immanence: To be stuck in a condition, not be able
to go beyond it
Women should get out of immanence, and use
their transcendence
Beauvoirs conclusion
Men and women should work together
Men and women should respect each other
as equal, although there are differences