Samayachara Sri Vidya
An Introduction
-Ganesha Gaythri
Sri Baskararaya
Sri Basuranandha
Sri Lalithambika
Higher than both the Kaula Tantra and Mishra Tantra schools is the Samaya
school of Tantra.It is a purely yogic practice, without any external rituals.
Its entire purpose is Self-Realization, ultimately leading to moksha, final
The word Samaya literally means "I am with you," referring to the
bestowing of shakti from within through shaktipat (not that an external
person is with you). Through meditation and this divine inner
companionship, the aspirant is guided in non-attachment to the external
pleasures, channeling the energy of kundalini awakening ever upward to
spiritual union
Samaya Tantra seeks to practice at the Sahasrara chakra, the seventh of
the seven major chakras, at the crown of the head. Along the upward
journey (urdhva retas), each of the other chakras is illumined by the
awakened kundalini.The meditators of the Samaya Tantra school focus on
the Ajna chakra, in the space between the eyebrows, after which the
antaryaga, inner practice, is done in the Sahasrara, crown chakra.
Samaya Tantra and Raja Yoga (Yoga Sutras) are similar, though the Samaya
Tantra practice is subtler, and is a path practiced by very few people. It is
the most advanced of the schools of Yoga and Yoga meditation. Samaya
Tantra practices Sri Vidya, the mother of all the vidyas (ways of
knowing).Because of its subtler nature, and the fact that the higher
teachings are imparted in meditation, rather than on meditation, there is
far less written about Samaya Tantra than Kaula Tantra or Raja Yoga.The
aspirant purifies the samskaras through the fire of guru chakra, as well as
receiving the downward flowing intuitions.
Introduction to Chakras
Introduction to Chakras
Mooladhara Desire
Swathishtana Sexual instincts
Manipuraka- Fear
Agna- Anxiety/depression
Chakras and tastes
Mooladhara Salt
Swathishtana Sweet
Manipuraka- Pungent
Anahatha- Astringent
Vishudhi- Sour
Agna- Bitter
Mooladhara Nervous disorders (Vadha)
Disease and Chakras
Earth Centre:
of self-consciousness,
Om Im Hreem Sreem Om
Pancha Bhuta Meditation
Muladhara Earth Lum
Swathishtana Water Vam
Manipuraka Fire Ram
Anahatha Air Yam
Vidhudhi Ether Ham
Agna- Manas Sum
Guru Peetam- Im
Gayathri Peetam Hreem
Sri Vidya Peetam Sreem
10th Centre Om Im Hreem Sreem Om
Navagraha Meditation
Muladhara Mercury Om Im Om
Swathishtana Venus- Om Sreem Om
Manipuraka Mars- Om Hreem Om
Anahatha Jupiter Om Sreem Om
Vidhudhi Saturn Om Srum Om
Agna- Moon Om Kleem Om
Guru Peetam- Rahu Om Hreem Om
Gayathri Peetam Ketu- Om Dhum Om
Sri Vidya Peetam Sun Om Hreem Om
10th Centre Om Im Hreem Sreem Om
Surya Dhyana