Manufacturing Cost
Manufacturing Cost
Manufacturing Cost
Predict the expense of producing
desired product.
Determine process attractiveness
and profitability when employed with
sales realization and capital ratio.
Need exact data on
Taxes -- Insurance
Utility -- Local wage scale,
5 Groups
Manufacturing Cost:
Operating Labor
Manufacturing Cost:
Must treated individually
Rate should be considerably calculated
Will be Learned on next chapter (see
you soon.)
Manufacturing Cost:
Labor Related Cost
Payroll Overhead
Budget for labor welfare, employers share, social
security, disability insurance, workmans
compensation, health insurance, pension fund,
vacation, and so on.
Supervisory and Other Labor
Support labor to assist the operation
Commonly determined by listing the specific staff
Smaller operation usually give higher percentage
than larger plants.
Laboratory Charges
Laboratory charges include lab supplies, as well as
labor itself to perform all plants quality.
Manufacturing Cost:
Capital Related Cost
Varies considerably with the operating environment,
age of installation, managements commitment, etc.
Operating supply
Operating supply are somewhat related to the plant
cost that include all the supplies to run the plant
Every plant must have environmental, safety,
hazardous waste engineers to handle this problems.
They will need endless meeting, training programs,
inspections, report and paperwork required by the
government, good public relations, clean and
nonpolluting activity.
Manufacturing Cost:
Capital Related Cost
Fund that subtracted from the actual gross
profit to allow replacement of the plant or
equivalent acknowledging when the plant
has been less competitive or obsolete with
the passing time.
Land is not allowed to be depreciate
Salvage Value is the rest of plant or
equipment value (harga sisa atau loak) if
unknown then take zero.
Process equipment mostly have 5 to 15
years lifetime
Buildings has 25 to 45 years lifetime
Manufacturing Cost:
Capital Related Cost
Method to calculate depreciation
1. Straight Line
originalplant cos t salvage value ,$
plant or component life, years
n th year
3. Sum
Depreciati Digits original plant cos t salvage value
total sum of years
Manufacturing Cost:
Capital Related Cost
Local Taxes, Fees, and Insurance
Every Locality charges taxes (or business
license fees), governmental permits, yearly
charges, assessment, miscellaneous license,
and so on.
Liability insurance and other insurance is
Indonesian Taxes Regulation
Rp. 0 s.d. Rp 50 juta, tarifnya 10%
Rp. 50 juta s.d. Rp 100 juta, tarifnya 15%
Rp. 100 juta ke atas, tarifnya 30%
Manufacturing Cost:
Capital Related Cost
Plant Overhead Cost
Direct cost to the plant support and labor
Safety and protection
General plant overhead
Plant superintendent
Storage facilities
Manufacturing Cost:
Sales Related Cost
Patents and Royalties
Royalties are often charged on a yearly or tonnage
production basis.
Packaging and Storage
All product require some expense for storage,
handling for shipment, bagging or filling, and so on.
Administrative Cost
Executive salaries, clerical wages, engineering and
legal cost, office maintenance, communication, and
so on.
Distribution and Sales
Sales officer, salesman expense, shipping,
advertising, technical sales service, etc
Research and Development
Budget for conducting new product development or
founding something new which could make the plant
still competitive.
Manufacturing Cost:
Cash Flow Calculation
Biaya Pr oduksi
Keuntungan Kotor
Keuntungan Setelah Depresiasi
Keuntungan Bersih
Cash Flow
Manufacturing Cost:
1. Sebuah plant didirikan dengan biaya (total plant cost) Rp.
175.000.000,- termasuk tanah. Biaya untuk pembelian
tanah plant tersebut adalah Rp.25.000.000,-. Apabila umur
pabrik tersebut adalah 10 tahun dan di akhir umurnya akan
didapatkan nilai sisa (salvage value) sebesar Rp.
10.000.000,- hitung depresiasi plant tersebut dengan
menggunakan metode.
a. Straight line
b. Double declining balance
c. Sum of years digit
d. Plotkan data umur pabrik vs depresiasi untuk soal a,
b dan c
e. Plotkan data umur pabrik vs kumulatif depresiasi
untuk soal a, b dan c
2. Penghasilan kena pajak wajib pajak sebuah badan usaha
sebesar Rp 300.000.000,- berapa pajak yang harus
Manufacturing Cost:
Home Task
3. Data sebuah plant acetaldehyde adalah sebagai
Kapasitas rancangan 75.000 ton/tahun
Harga jual produk Rp. 10.000.000,- per ton
Total purchased equipment Rp.,-
Pembelian tanah Rp.,-
Investasi 40% didapatkan dari pemegang
saham dan 60% didapatkan dari pinjaman
bank. Cicilan ke bank setiap tahunnya sama
dan dilakukan selama umur pabrik yaitu 10
tahun dengan bunga 30% dari sisa pinjaman.
On stream efficiency sebesar 90%
Manufacturing Cost:
Home Task
Raw Material per ton of product
Ethylene 610 kg Rp. 1.500.000,- per
Oxygen 99,5% 9460 scf Rp. 200,- per scf
HCl 20% 30 lb Rp. 20.000/liter HCl
= 1042,67 gr/lt
Katalis Rp. 100.000/ton
Listrik 45 KWH Rp. 2000 per KWH
Kukus (150 psig) 2,4 Mlb Rp. 11.000 per
mmbtu (1kg kukus = 1800 btu)
Air proses 1,7 Mgal Rp. 3000 per m3
Air demineralisasi 120 Mgal Rp. 1500 per m3
Air cooling water 48 Mgal Rp. 2500 per m3
Manufacturing Cost:
Home Task
4 orang/shift
5 kelompok shift
Gaji per orang Rp. 1.500.000,- per bulan
Double Declining Balance method
Nilai sisa Rp.,-
Other Cost
Start up 20%
Working capital 10%
Offsite facilities 5%
a. Tentukan biaya prduksi pabrik tersebut
b. Susun cash flow pabrik tersebut selama umur pabrik berlangsung.