Indigenous People Education: Ana Marie M. Somoray
Indigenous People Education: Ana Marie M. Somoray
Indigenous People Education: Ana Marie M. Somoray
While varying in
ways of life and
cultural heritage,
they share similar
experiences of
discrimination and
School as a venue of
- prejudice
- Financial inadequacy
- Comprehension
Adjustment difficulties
Alienation of indigenous
youth from their own
communities, heritage,
culture and history.
Misuse and abuse of
cultural practices, and
dying indigenous
knowledge systems and
practices (IKSPs)
Graduates or schooled
youth leaving the
community or abusing
the ancestral domain.
marginalization of
Dying spirit of tribe
1. Indigenized formal
. Use of the local language when
(as against the use of Filipino or
English languages as the sole
mediums of instruction)
. Discussion of concepts with
local situations or examples
(e.g., fermentation and wine- Addition of underlying values like identity
making, counting and simple and self-determination
weaving, etc.) Addition of local topics to particular
. Inclusion of local knowledge in subjects (e.g., indigenous musical instruments
in music class aside from the usual
the topics (e.g., local
instruments taught)
identification system of
Inclusion of elders or experts from the
animals and plants, or land
community as resource persons for some
and water
topics (e.g., for indigenous musical instruments
forms) or weaving).
Indigenized Alternative
Learning Systems
Revealed knowledge
(dreams, etc.),
ancestral domain, and
elders as teachers
Tribal language
Community teaching-
learning processes
complemented by
mainstream ones.
The Indigenous
Indigenous communities have a system of education
Peoples Education Each tribe in the country has a system
System that started since time immemorial of transmitting
knowledge and forming the youth to become
Among tribes,
there are some
common teaching-
learning strategies
such as
actual activity,
apprenticeship (for
specialized roles
like healers and
shamans), and
The key concerns
on Indigenous There is a need to
Peoples consciously affirm
indigenous peoples sense of
personhood and reflection.
Learning indigenous
competencies does not
necessarily translate
into a deep sense of
indigenous peoples
The indigenous communities
recognize the need to
document IKSPs that are
almost forgotten.
Culture is at the core
We hope to continue journeying
of being human, an
with our indigenous brothers and
expression of how we
have encountered sisters as they articulate and
God through life define an education system that
questions. It contains will once again nurture their tribe,
the blessings or communities and culture, before
graces of God to a it is too late.
people which, if
nurtured well, make
us able to share
these blessings and
graces with
each other. In the
case of our
indigenous brothers
and sisters, they have
shared their blessings
with us but were
abused, neglected
and ridiculed in
Mayong aga (Bantoanon)
la ma t M ARANAO
Madakel a sa )
a yne n
( Ag ut
al d aw
a ng k
Masampat e abi-abi (AGTA)
Marhay na (BICOLANO)
Maayong adlaw (Bantayano
Mahampat umabiyak (Ayta)