Planning Lessons and Outstanding Teaching: DR Jonathan Glazzard
Planning Lessons and Outstanding Teaching: DR Jonathan Glazzard
Planning Lessons and Outstanding Teaching: DR Jonathan Glazzard
Outstanding Teaching
Dr Jonathan Glazzard
Draw a house
TASK 5 minutes
Have you been
Mark your work
What does a fab lesson look like?
No model of teaching
Time on task
Reduce teacher talk
Progress during the lesson
Good attitudes to learning
Triangulation - no show ponies!
Progress in books over time
Progress data over time
Children being good learners
Learning Objectives
LO visible throughout the lesson, well
explained and put into a meaningful context-
tell them what they are learning and
Identify the focus for learning (not activity)
Teacher refers back to the LO throughout the
Use mini-plenary to reiterate the LO Do we
think Kiran has met the learning objective?
Pupils able to say what they are learning
Good learning
1. Choose and use appropriate standard units to
estimate and measure length/height in any
direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (C);
capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate
unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and
measuring vessels
2.To learn to learn the 2, 3, 4 and 5 times tables
(KS1 Maths)
3.To draw a self-portrait using charcoal. (KS1 Art)
4.To plan a fair test to find out which material is
the strongest. (KS2 Science)
Good learning
5. Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position,
direction and movement, including movement in a
straight line and distinguishing between rotation as a
turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and
three-quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise).
6. To make a vehicle using wood.
7. Measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes
8. Identify right angles, recognise that two right
angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of
a turn and four a complete turn; identify whether
angles are greater than or less than a right angle
Stripping back learning objectives?
To list what a pet needs to remain healthy
Make it better
To be able to write instructions to make jelly
Make it better
To write a character description of the giant
Make it better
Success Criteria
Steps which enable pupils to achieve the LO
Children involved in the process of agreeing
the SC.
SC are used by the learners to self-evaluate
and improve learning during the lesson.
Refer to them in the plenary
Example - Literacy
LO: We are learning to write instructions
Remember to:
-Include a title
-Include a list of things that you need
-Include bossy verbs
-Make sure your instructions are in the right
Example - Literacy
LO: We are learning to write a recount
Remember to:
Write an opening to say where you went and
Use time connectives (first, next, then,
after, finally)
Include some detail about each event
Put the events in order
Write how you felt about the experience
Example- Literacy
LO: We are learning to write a character
Remember to
Describe the characters face
Describe the characters hair
Describe the characters clothes
Describe the characters personality
Use adjectives
Example- Literacy
LO: We are learning to describe a setting in a
Remember to
Describe what you can see
Describe what you can hear
Describe what you can smell
Describe what you can feel
Use adjectives
Use similes
Example- Mathematics
LO: We are learning to partition and
Steps to Success
Example 24 + 43 = 67
1. Add the tens: 20 + 40 = 60
2. Add the units : 4 + 3 = 7
3. Add the tens and units together: 60 + 7 = 67
Example- Mathematics
LO: We are learning to solve word problems
Example: There are 3 children. They share 9
sweets. How many sweets do they each get?
Steps to Success
1. Underline the important parts of the problem
2. Decide whether you need to + - X or
3. Record the calculation
4. Write the answer
LO: To be able to identify odd and even
NOTE: If more able pupils are not being challenged at this stage then
outstanding has already disappeared.
NOTE: If TAs are not appropriately deployed and more able not
appropriately challenged then probably good has also disappeared.
Lesson structure 1
Class come in
Session ends
Lesson structure 2
Class come in
Session ends
Lesson structure 3
Class come in
Session ends
Things to consider
What structures do you use presently?