Presentation Apostasy
Presentation Apostasy
Presentation Apostasy
come back
-The person who commits riddah is called murtad
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- According to the Quran, apostasy nullifies entire good deeds of an
apostate and he deserve punishment in the hereafter but the Sunnah
of the Prophet (saw), provides its worldly punishments.
- The law for the apostasy as well as belief of Muslim ummah all over
the world for the last 1400 years.
- Disagreement among the contemporary Muslim intellectuals, authors
and writers are the recent phenomenon only.
- They hold the view of Quran only condemns apostasy with the
punishment in the hereafter without sanctioning any worldly
- The Quranic law, to them is the final and decisive
- Sunnah, being a lower status than the Quran, cannot abrogate on
invalidate the Quranic laws.
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- There are some Quranic verses and Sunnah of the prophet
Muhammad (saw), on apostasy.
- The term riddah is commonly used to mean apostasy but in practice
there are several other terms in the Quran and Sunnah of the prophet
(saw), to mean the same thing in addition to riddah.
- The relevant terms are a to return from Islam and from religion. As
the Quran says, irtadda an dinihi ila adbarikum .
- The prophetic word is irtadda bada Islamihi (who apostatised after
his submission) and disbelief after accepting Islam.
- The Quranic words are kafara bada Islamihi (those who believe then
disbelieve). Then, the Quranic terms is nakatu aimanahum min badi
adihim (disregard the judgement of the prophet Muhammad (saw)
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- The Quranic words are, fala wa Rabbika la yu minuna hatta
yuhakkimuka (they can never become believers until they accept
you as judge), change of religion (baddala dinahu), quitting or
relegion (mufariq al din) and leaving of the religion (tark al din).
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-refer to the elements which are essential to declare someone apostate.
-without it someone cannot be declared as murtad.
-Maturity (Baligh)
Prophet Muhammad said : the pen is withheld from 3 persons, such as; a boy
till he becomes reaches at the age of majority, an insane till he becomes sound
and the one who sleeps till he gets up.
Can not be punish.
-Sound of mind
Similarly , if U drunkard or U are not insane (crazy) apostasy can not be
Thats why, Islam forbid alcohol to prevent all this circumstances.
-Free will
Can not be forced the fix punishment can not be imposed on him.
Because through compulsion some one does the action beyond his will.
Types of Compulsion:
-Out from Islam
-will be punish
-All the property will be take into legal custody
-Can not be buried at Muslim`s graveyard
-Relationship between husband and wife automatically will be invalid
-Lost one of their family member
-the relationship will the end ~husband & wife
-The properties can not be used as a inheritance property ( harta pusaka)
-The dignity of the family will reduce ~family`s name will destroy
-Create problem to the family ~ where they should buried the body if the
apostate murtad quitely.
-Conflict between others religions and races ~big problem: multiracial
country eg; Malaysia.
-Other religions will not respect to Islam anymore
~they think got problem inside Islam that make the Muslim
take step to apostate.
-The dignity of Islam will reduce
~Easy for people to enter and exit Islam, just like that.
~Thats why, big punishment for the apostasy.
-Islamic Country ~ destroy the name of Islamic country
~Other country will look down to the particular Islamic
-Must conduct the punishment of apostasy
a) Islamic country Hudud
b) Secular country- Shariah Court
-Problem in identified the identity of apostate ~ eg: Lina joy`s case- IC.
Consequences Of Apostasy
based on Quran and scholars
But, if anyone of you turn back from our religion
(become apostate) and die as disbelievers, their
work will be spoiled in this life and life after death.
They will be the companions of the fire and will
abide therein
Imam Abu Yousuf, as quoted by al Qurtubi
that, Apostate is to be killed instantly unless
he requests for the delay.
Qurtubi justified his opinion in favour of
killing of apostate by saying that,
A capital punishment must be given against
apostasy based on the hadith of the Messenger of
Allah that, Whoever changes his religion kill him.
Al Nasafi in his Tafsir al Nasafi wrote that,
whoever leaves his religion of Islam he shall
be deprived of the fruits and benefits of Islam
is this world and the reward of the next life.
According to al Jazairi,
Non believers never tolerated Islam and Muslims
They had prevented Muslims from visiting
Killed many Muslims
They wanted to apostatize other people
Nisaburi said,
An apostate must be killed instantly, immediately
after his arrest and before handing him over to
As regards the Quranic who commits
disbelief after accepting Islam Allah (swt),
As far those who believe and then disbelieved and
persisted on their disbelief, even their repentance
shall not be accepted because they are obdurate
The other Quranic verses on apostasy is
By your Lord, they can never become
believers until they accept you as judge for the
decision of disputes between them.
Abu Hanifah and his Associates
a) He turns out from Islam through explicit words or actions with decisive
b) He denies any obligation of religion
c) He uses derogatory or contemptuous statement or words against
Allah,prophets,angles or Al-Quran, the Day of Resurrection and the Day of
Reward and punishment of the hereafter.
d) He denies the existence of Allah, any of His established attributes and
holds the view that Allah has a son or wife and to believe that this universe
was in existence before Allah and it will remain after Him or to have any
doubt about it
e) He considers something permissible (halal) which is made
impermissible (haram) based on definitive revealed texts and ijma of
the Muslim ummah, such as drinking of wine.
f) He insults or makes abusive language or ridicule the Prophet
Muhammad (SAW), or any other prophets of Allah
g) He insults the Religion, defames or challenges genuineness or
authority and authenticity of the Quran and Sunnah and refuses or
rejects the law ordained by them and prefers man-made legislation over
the revealed law
h) He believes in any person that he receives revelation from Allah and
considers him as a prophet
i) He belittles any names of Allah, or His command, any of His
prohibitions and any of His promises as given either for reward or
punishment here and hereafter.
Apostasy in Actions (Riddah al Af `al)