Introduction To Discrete Control System
Introduction To Discrete Control System
Introduction To Discrete Control System
The use of a digital computer as a compensator (controller) device has grown during the past three decades as the price and reliability of digital
The cost of microcontrollers and digital signal processors has reduced and you can buy an 8-bit micro controller for a few RM.
control a process.
The measurement data are converter from analog form to digital form by means of the analog-to-digital converter shown in Figure 1.1.
Usually trying to control a continuous time system, but using a digital controller to control it.
Need to be able to convert from continuous time signal to discrete time signal (A/D converter) this is just sampling
Both algorithmic and decision-making control in one package It's easy for parameters to be passed around in a program, far easier than
hardware signals.
More complex control can be realised It allows algorithms such as vector control of machines involving
Computation is performed serially, Instructions take a finite time, albeit in the region of nanoseconds, but if sever hundred instructions are required to carry out a task then this time can add up. This can limit the complexity, but each year faster processors are launched and this
problem becomes less significant for all but the cheapest micros.
The basic difference between these controllers is that the digital system operates on discrete signals (or samples of the sensed signal) rather than on continuous signals.
Figure 1.2
The digital computer performs the compensation function within the system.
The A/D converter converts the error signal, which is a continuous signal, into digital form so that it can be processed by the computer.
At the computer output the D/A converter converts the digital output of the computer into a form which can be used to drive the plant.
A sampler is basically a switch that closes every T seconds, as shown in Figure 1.3.
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4
Figure 1.5.
Figure 1.5: sampler and zero-order hold This circuit remembers the last information until a new sample is obtained, i.e. the
zero-order hold takes the value r(nT) and holds it constant for and the value r(nT) is used during the sampling period.
Where H(t) is the step function, and taking the Laplace transform yields
A sampler and zero-order hold can accurately follow the input signal if the sampling time T is small compared to the transient changes in the signal.
Example 1.1 Figure 1.7 shows an ideal sampler followed by a zero-order hold. Assuming the input signal r(t) is as shown in the figure. Show the waveforms after the sampler and also after the zero-order hold.
The z-transform can be defined through the following equation: Its used in sampled data systems just as the Laplace transformation is used in continuous-time systems.
The response of a sampled data system can be determined easily by finding the z-transform of the output and then calculating the inverse
so that
From e jx e jx 2 cos x e jx e jx 2 sin x
e jx e jx 2 cos x e jx e jx 2sin x
Example 1.2 Determine G(z) for the system with transfer function:
Properties of z-Transforms
1. Linearity property
Suppose that the z-transform of f (nT ) is F(z) and the z-transform of g(nT ) is
G(z). Then and for any scalar a
Left-shifting property
Suppose that the z-transform of f (nT ) is F(z) and let y(nT ) = f (nT+mT ).
If the initial conditions are all zero, i.e. f (iT ) =0, i = 0,1,2,..., m1, then,
3. Right-shifting property
Suppose that the z-transform of f (nT ) is F(z) and let y(nT ) = f (nTmT). Then
4. Attenuation property
Suppose that the z-transform of f (nT ) is F(z). Then,
This result states that if a function is multiplied by the exponential eanT then in the z-transform of this function z is replaced by zeaT .
Example 1.3
Example 1.4
The z-transform of trigonometric function r(nT ) =sinnwT is
Example 1.5