Chapter 3 What Is Matter

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Topic 3 Matter

3.1 What Is Matter?

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 3 Matter
What Is Matter?


Consists of very small, discrete and

moveable particles.

Anything that has mass and occupies


Examples : Air, water, soil, animals,


ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Apakah Jirim?


Terdiri daripada zarah-zarah yang

kecil, terpisah dan sentiasa bergerak.

Apa-apa yang mempunyai jisim dan

memenuhi ruang

Contoh : Udara, air, tanah, haiwan,


ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 3 Matter
What Is Matter?
Experiment To Show That Air Has
Mass And Occupies Space

Two balanced straw
balloons Balloon that The balloon
is leaking filled with air
Tape Pin
X is heavier

1. When the balloon was pricked with a pin, the air comes out of the
2. Balloon X becomes lighter than balloon Y because balloon Y is
filled with air.
Conclusions :
Air has mass and occupies space. Air is a matter.

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Apakah Jirim?
Eksperimen Untuk Menunjukkan Udara
Mempunyai Jisim dan Memenuhi Ruang

Dua belon minuman
seimbang Belon yang Belon yang
bocor dipenuhi
selofan Pin
X udara adalah
X Y lebih berat


1. Udara di dalam belon keluar apabila belon dicucuk dengan pin.

2. Belon X menjadi lebih ringan daripada belon Y kerana belon Y

masih dipenuhi udara.
Kesimpulan :
Udara mempunyai jisim dan memenuhi ruang. Udara ialah jirim.

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Topic 3 Matter
What Is Matter?
Experiment To Show That Soil Has
Mass And Occupies Space




1. The measuring cylinder is filled with 20 cm of soil.

2. The reading on the level balance increases when the soil is poured
into the level balance .
Conclusions :
Soil is matter because it has mass and occupies space.

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Apakah Jirim?
Eksperimen Untuk Menunjukkan Tanah
Mempunyai Jisim dan Memenuhi Ruang




1. Silinder penyukat dipenuhi dengan 20 cm tanah.

2. Bacaan pada neraca tuas meningkat apabila tanah dituang ke

Kesimpulan :
Tanah ialah jirim kerana tanah mempunyai jisim dan memenuhi ruang.

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Topic 3 Matter

3.2 States Of Matter

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Topic 3 Matter
States Of Matter

Solid Liquid Gas

States Of Matter

Table, chair, rock, book, Water, oil Oxygen, nitrogen,

pen, pencil carbon dioxide

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Keadaan Jirim

Pepejal Cecair Gas

Tiga Keadaan Jirim

Meja, kerusi, batu, Air, minyak Oksigen, nitrogen,

buku, pen, pensil karbon dioksida

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Topic 3 Matter
States Of Matter
The Kinetic Theory Of Matter

The theory states that matter is made up of tiny and discrete particles.

A balloon filled with gas is left for a A potassium (VII) manganate crystal is
while. dissolved in water.
(VII) Potassium
manganate (VII)
crystal manganate

It shrinks at the end of the activity. After 20 minutes, the water becomes
Explanation Explanation
Gas is made up of small particles which is The particles of the potassium (VII)
small enough to diffuse through the manganate moved and distributed evenly
balloons wall. among the water particles.

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Keadaan Jirim
Teori Kinetik Jirim
Jirim terdiri daripada zarah-zarah yang sangat kecil, terpisah dan
sentiasa bergerak.

Sebiji belon yang dipenuhi gas Hablur kalium (VII) manganat

dibiarkan untuk seketika. dilarutkan dalam air.
Hablur kalium
(VII) Larutan
manganat kalium (VII)


Belon mengempis di akhir aktiviti Selepas 20 minit, air menjadi

berwarna ungu
Penjelasan Penerangan
Gas terdiri daripada zarah-zarah yang Zarah-zarah kalium (VII) manganat
kecil yang boleh meresap dan keluar bergerak dan tersebar sama rata di antara
melalui dinding belon. zarah-zarah air.

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 3 Matter
States Of Matter
The Arrangement And Movement
Of Solid Particles

Arrangement of
Closely packed in a regular pattern.

Very small
between particles

Movement of particles Vibrate and rotate in a fixed position.

Shape Have definite shape.

Volume Have definite volume.

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Keadaan Jirim
Susunan Dan Pergerakan Zarah-Zarah Pepejal

Susunan zarah Sangat rapat dalam kedudukan tetap.

Ruang antara zarah Sangat kecil

Bergetar dan berputar pada kedudukan

Pergerakan zarah

Bentuk Tetap.

Isipadu Tetap.

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 3 Matter
States Of Matter
The Arrangement And Movement
Of Liquid Particles

Arrangement of Close but are not arranged in fixed

particles position.

between particles

Move freely and slide over each other in

Movement of particles
long chain.

No definite shape follow the shape of the


Volume Have definite volume.

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Keadaan Jirim
Susunan Dan Pergerakan Zarah-Zarah Cecair

Susunan zarah Rapat tetapi tiada kedudukan tetap.

Ruang antara zarah Kecil

Bergerak bebas dan bergelongsor antara

Pergerakan zarah
satu sama lain.

Bentuk Tidak tetap mengikut bentuk bekas.

Isipadu Tetap

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 3 Matter
States Of Matter
The Arrangement And Movement
Of Gas Particles

Arrangement of
Very far apart

Very big
between particles

Movement of particles Move freely and faster at random.

No definite shape follow the shape of the


No definite volume follow the volume of the


ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Keadaan Jirim
Susunan Dan Pergerakan Zarah-Zarah Gas

Susunan zarah Sangat berjauhan dalam keadaan rawak

Ruang antara zarah Sangat besar

Pergerakan zarah Bergerak bebas dan rawak.

Bentuk Tidak tetap mengikut bentuk bekas.

Isipadu Tidak tetap mengikut isipadu bekas.

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 3 Matter
States Of Matter

Summary of Solid, Liquid And Gas Characteristics

Solid Liquid Gas

Definite shape No definite shape No definite shape

Definite volume Definite volume No definite volume
Particles close together Particles further apart Particles far apart
than in solid
Particles vibrate in fixed Particles able to move Particles move freely
positions and slide over each and faster at random

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Keadaan Jirim

Ringkasan Ciri-ciri Pepejal, Cecair Dan Gas

Pepejal Cecair Gas

Bentuk tetap Bentuk tidak tetap Bentuk tidak tetap

Isipadu tetap Isipadu tetap Isipadu tidak tetap
Zarah-zarah rapat pada Zarah-zarah rapat tetapi Zarah-zarah sangat
kedudukan tetap berjauhan daripada berjauhan
Bergetar pada Bergerak dan Bergerak bebas secara
kedudukan tetap bergelongsor antara rawak
satu sama lain

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 3 Matter

3.3 The Concept Of Density

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 3 Matter
The Concept Of Density


The density of a substance is the mass per unit volume of that


Mass ( g )
Density =
Volume ( cm3 )

Unit of density = gcm-3

For example, the density of an object X is 14.2 gcm-3. This means

that the mass of 1 cm of object X is 14.2 g.

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Konsep Ketumpatan


Jisim per unit isi padu bahan

Jisim ( g )
Ketumpatan =
Isi padu ( cm 3 )

Unit = gcm-3

Ketumpatan objek X ialah 14.2 gcm-3. Jisim objek X dengan

ketumpatan 1 cm ialah 14.2 g.

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 3 Matter
The Concept Of Density

Examples Of Some Objects Density

Copper Iron Cork Rubber wood

Volume 1 cm3 1 cm3 1 cm3 1 cm3

Mass 9g 7.9 g 0.25 g 0.53 g

Density 9 gcm-3 7.9 gcm-3 0.25 gcm-3 0.53 gcm-3

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Konsep Ketumpatan

Contoh Ketumpatan Beberapa Objek

Kuprum Besi Gabus Kayu getah

Isi padu 1 cm3 1 cm3 1 cm3 1 cm3

Jisim 9g 7.9 g 0.25 g 0.53 g

Ketumpatan 9 gcm-3 7.9 gcm-3 0.25 gcm-3 0.53 gcm-3

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 3 Matter
The Concept Of Density
Relationship Between Density And The Ability To Float

An object that is
dense will sink in liquids that are less dense
less dense will float in liquids that are denser

The density of an object can be changed by changing its volume.

A lump of plasticine sinks in When a lump of plasticine is moulded

the water because it is into the shape of a boat, it can float on
denser than water. the water.
The volume of the lump of plasticine
increases when its shape is changed.

Thus, it is now less dense than water.

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Konsep Ketumpatan
Hubungan Antara Ketumpatan dan Keupayaan Untuk

Objek yang
tumpat akan tenggelam dalam cecair yang kurang tumpat
kurang tumpat akan terapung dalam cecair yang lebih tumpat

Ketumpatan sesuatu objek boleh diubah dengan mengubah isi padu objek.

Seketul plastisin tenggelam Apabila plastisin itu diubah bentuknya

dalam air kerana plastisin menjadi bentuk sebuah kapal, ia
lebih tumpat daripada air boleh terapung dalam air.
Isi padu plastisin bertambah apabila
bentuknya diubah menjadi bentuk
Maka, ia sekarang kurang tupat
daripada air.

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 3 Matter
The Concept Of Density
Collecting hydrogen in an experiment
Hydrogen is less dense than water. It can be collected
by the water displacement method.
Ship floats on water.
The ship has a big space filled with air, causing its
density less than the density of water. This makes the
ship to float on water.
Solving Simple Meteorological balloon
Problems Related Helium is less dense than air. It will make the balloon
To Density float in the air.
Hot air balloon
Hot air is less dense than cold air. When the air in the
balloon becomes hotter, its density decreases. This
causes the balloon to rise higher.
Lifting sunken objects from sea bed
Helium or air is pumped into a big balloon. The big
balloon is attached to the sunken objects. The balloon
will rise and lift the object to the surface.
Killing mosquito larvae
Oil is less dense than water. So, when a layer of oil is
sprayed on stagnant water, the oil will cut off the
mosquito larvaes air supply and they will die.

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Konsep Ketumpatan
Mengumpul hidrogen dalam eksperimen
Hidrogen kurang tumpat daripada air. Ia boleh
dikumpul dengan kaedah sesaran air.

Kapal terapung di atas air.

Kapal mempunyai ruang yang luas yang dipenuhi
udara. Ini menyebabkan ia kurang tumpat dari air.
Menyelesaikan Belon metereologi
Masalah Berkaitan Helium kurang tumpat daripada udara. Ini
Ketumpatan membuatkan belon terapung di udara.
Belon udara panas
Udara panas kurang tumpat daripada udara sejuk.
Apabila udara dalam belon menjadi semakin panas,
kutumpatannya semakin berkurang, belon naik ke atas
Mengangkat objek karam dari dasar laut
Kelalang Helium atau udara dipam ke dalam belon yang besar.
Udara Belon itu diikat pada objek karam. Belon akan naik ke
udara bersama objek karam.
Air Membunuh larva nyamuk
Minyak kurang tumpat daripada air. Apabila minyak
disembur pada permukaan air, udara tidak dapat
memasuki air lalu membunug larva nyamuk.

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Topic 3 Matter

3.4 The Properties Of Matter And Their Application

In Everyday Life

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 3 Matter
The Properties Of Matter And Their Application In Everyday Life

The Uses Of Different States Of Matter In Everyday Life

Gas can be compressed to form liquids for easy storage.
Storing gases in liquid form allows us to save even more
A large volume of gas can be compressed to form a small
volume of liquid.
Natural gas is stored as liquified natural gas (LNG).
Cooking gas is also stored in cylinder in liquid form.


Liquid takes the shape of the container.

Manufactures of perfume produce different types and
shapes of perfume bottles to attract customers.

Matter in solid state is hard and strong.
Iron is used to construct building, bridges and vehicles.
Wood is suitable for building houses.

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Sifat-sifat Jirim dan Aplikasinya dalam Kehidupan Harian

Kegunaan Keadaan Jirim dalam Kehidupan Harian

Gas boleh dimampatkan untuk membentuk cecair bagi
memudahkan penyimpanan.
Menyimpan gas dalam keadaan cecair boleh
menjimatkan banyak ruang
Isi padu gas yang besar boleh dimampatkan kepada
isipadu cecair yang kecil.
Gas asli disimpan sebagai gas asli cecair (LNG). Gas
memasak juga disimpan dalam silinder dalam bentuk


Cecair mengikut bentuk bekas.

Pengeluar produk kecantikan menghasilkan pelbagai jenis
bentuk pewangi untuk menarik minat pelanggan

Pepejal adalah kuat dan keras.
Besi digunakan untuk membina bangunan, jambatan dan
Kayu digunakan untuk membina rumah.

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 3 Matter
The Properties Of Matter And Their Application In Everyday Life

Transporting timber logs

- Timber logs are less dense than water, loggers use
river to transport the logs from the forest to the saw

Fishing nets
Application Of The
- Plastic balls are tied to fishing nets to make the nets
Concept Of Density
to float in the sea.

Hot air balloon

- The air that fills up the balloon becomes less dense
than the surrounding air when it is heated. The heated
air will make the balloon float in the air.

- To sink, ballast tanks is filled with water. So, the
submarine becomes denser than sea water and it will
sink below the surface.
- By emptying the ballast tanks, the submarine is
less dense than the sea water. So, it will rise to the

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 3 Jirim
Sifat-sifat Jirim dan Aplikasinya dalam Kehidupan Harian

Mengangkut kayu balak

- Kayu balak kurang tumpat daripada air. Sungai
digunakan sebagai medium untuk mengangkut balak.

Jaring ikan
Aplikasi Konsep
- Bola plastik diikat pada jaring ikan supaya jaring
terapung dalam laut.

Belon udara panas

- Udara yang memenuhi belon menjadi kurang tumpat
daripada udara di luar belon apabila udara
dipanaskan. Udara panas menaikkan belon ke udara.

Kapal selam

- Untuk tenggelam, tangki balast dipenuhi air supaya

kapal selam menjadi lebih tumpat daripada air laut.

- Untuk terapung, tangki balast perlu dikosongkan

bagi mengurangkan ketumpatan kapal selam.

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The End

i - Teach

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