Objectives of Business
Objectives of Business
Objectives of Business
A management which does not define its objectives would not know where it
wants to go, and become a victim of confusion and indecisiveness in
determining what functions, activities and tasks should be performed by
its employees.
The concept and Nature of objectives
Objectives are broad statements of the values
which an organization aims at attaining in the
future. In the case of business enterprises,
objectives generally relates to profit, market
standing, employee development,
technological leadership, and so forth.
Objectives must be SMART.
Purpose, Mission, objectives and Goals
Purpose: Refers to the basic intention in the establishment of an
E.g. The purpose of establishing a hospital may be to provide medical
care to patients, to safeguard the health of the community, or to
provide practical training to medical students, or a combination of
all these purposes.
Mission: A broadly stated definition of the organizations basic
business scope and operations that distinguishes it from similar
types of organizations.
Objectives: They are more specific than purpose and have a time
dimension. objectives refer to the values that a organization seeks
to attain in the future.
Goals: These constitute elements of objectives, and are more specific.
Objectives are broken down into goals for the attainment by its
various components divisions, departments, sections and
Purposes of goals and plans
Legitimacy. An organization mission describes what
the organization stands for and its reason for
existence. It symbolizes legitimacy to external
audiences such as investors, suppliers, and
Source of motivation and commitment. Goals and
plans facilitate employees identification with the
organization and help motivate them by reducing
uncertainty and clarifying what they should
Our Mission
Senior Management Internal Message
(organization as a legitimacy,
whole) motivation,
Tactical Goals/Plans standards
Middle Management
(major divisions, functions)
Operational Goals/Plans
Lower Management
(departments, individuals)
Goals and plans
Strategic goals. Broad statements of where
the organization wants to be in the future;
pertain to the organization as a whole rather
than to specific divisions or departments.
Manufacture both standard and custom metal products for various applications in the
machine tool industry
12% return on investment; 5% growth
No employee layoff; Excellent service to customer
1. Set goals
2. Develop action plans
3. Review progress
4. Appraise overall performance
Step 1: Set Goals Step 2: Develop Action Plans
Review Progress
Appraise Performance